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Rick Manning on Semi-Automatic Rifles / Pastor Greg: Bible Translation Matters

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 1, 2022 12:49 pm

Rick Manning on Semi-Automatic Rifles / Pastor Greg: Bible Translation Matters

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 1, 2022 12:49 pm

Rick Manning Biden admin with the help of some GOP are setting their sights on taking semi-automatic rifles, on their way to semi-automatic pistols. Americans need to understand the purpose of being armed is the need our founders understood would transpire with a tyrannical government. NDAA gives DOD control over Public Health and administering injections.

Pastor Greg Bible translation matters and the truth of the accuracy of scripture. Westcott and Hort perverted the bible and Russian disinformation opened the door. America has to have a virtuous foundation.

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We are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the community is so thankful for Pastor Grigg Young and the Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Lastly, we thank Pastor Grigg Young and the Chosen Generation Ministry that helped us and the supporters to put the order. Thank you and God bless you.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Grigg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

I know it's like a button that goes off. I hear the intro and then I know exactly what I'm supposed to say. Anyway, okay, great stuff coming up. Our number three, George Carniel Jr. from Queer to Christ author will be with us. We're going to talk about a number of things, including a story about a woman who, a mother, okay, a mom. And the deal is, is that, hang on, let me give you the exact title. So the deal is, is that a mother loses custody of her daughter for refusing to refer to her daughter by her transgender status.

She's a girl, but she wants to be called a boy and so now I can't be her mom. So that yeah, that's that's kind of that's the deal. And so anyway, we'll talk about that. WHO is suggesting that individuals who are bisexual and sodomites should reduce the number of partners during this time because that might spread a disease. And then we'll also talk.

Let's see, there was one other story that he had sent me that I thought was interesting. So yeah, the monkey pox and we'll talk about that a little bit. And, oh, yeah, and then, and then Dr. Oz and same sex and there's just this huge movement, it seems, within the, well, I mean, the Christian world is all of us, you know, we need to recognize that Paul was a homophobe and we need to accept homosexuality in the church and sodomy and so on. And then we wonder why we have so many issues with our children and with our kids. And we wonder why we have so many issues on so many levels, Rick, on so many levels. With morality, with morals, we have we now we have suicide rates amongst the young that are that should be very concerning to us. And it's, it's blamed on the idea.

Well, I'll get into that more later on in the program. But anyway, let me welcome Rick Manning to the program, Americans for Limited Government. And I know these are topics that you talk about as well, Rick, but I specifically want to talk to you about the gun grab efforts, because that is a major concern. And we now have Republicans that are jumping on to the quote unquote, you know, gun reform movement, which is really just taking away our guns. And then the NDAA, which is still kind of hanging out there, but the realignment of public health under the DOD for the purpose of forced inoculations.

And those are both, both big deals. The server, the guns first and first of all, good morning, and hope you had a great weekend. Normally, we talk a little bit about the weekend, but I really need to talk about this rifle ban, because, you know, I'm old enough to remember when they used to say, Oh, we're not we don't really care about your rifles and shotguns. So we care about, you know, those nasty little pistols. Now, we want to get rid of those, those handguns. They're there.

That's all we really want to do. And, you know, and they define the hink and they want to get down to being not the powerful ones. No, the ones that aren't very powerful, but, you know, some that are small and fit in somebody's pocket really easy.

And as we used, you know, we'll call them a Saturday night special just because it sounds like a good name. And so remember back when small crummy made crummy made handguns that that couldn't do, you know, that really didn't have a lot of firepower, that those were the were public enemies that the left just had to get rid of. And that's all they wanted. Those were the problem.

Yes, yes. Well, folks, well, folks, they now have defined a semi-automatic rifle, all basically all semi-automatic rifles and some, some automatic handguns, or you look at the definition, as being as being the public enemy number one. And so all of you folks who, all of you folks who sat there and said, well, it's just handguns. And this used to be the problem I had with NRA lobbyists was, you know, you had three types of people who own guns. You had people on shotguns and they were either shooting birds or clay pigeons. And then you have people on rifles and they were typically hunters. And you had those two mixed over, but to have somebody who was truly, really was involved, you usually had to have a three, all three ownership, the handgun, the rifle and the shotgun, because then they sort of had a holistic view and understood that attack on one was attack on the rest. Well, folks, all you folks who thought that you'd be able to go hunting forever and never have any, nobody's bothered you because there's so many hunters.

Welcome to the world. And, and the thing to understand here that, that you, that you touched on that I think is so important is, you know, they're going after what they call, you know, these, you know, supposedly, you know, semi-automatic rifles, but they also are mentioning some semi-automatic pistols and, and what their, this is an introduction. So once they get into your home and start looking around to see what kind of semi-automatic rifle you have, now they're going to know, Oh, we're going to write this down and believe me, they'll write it down. What kind of semi-automatic pistols, this is a progressive step towards disarming Americans.

Of course it is. And I remember this is the same Congress that a couple months ago, um, passed red flag laws. So on the, on the word of somebody else, they can say, Oh, we, this person's potentially dangerous and they can come in and they can say, okay, we're going to go, we're going to come in and, uh, and, uh, arrest your guns. And, um, we're going to, and for your own safety, of course. Um, but now, but when they sit there and they're starting to find out semi-automatic, But before you get to that point, before you get to that point, let's back up to the videos that we've seen of what they were, what they did is they rolled into neighborhoods to collect January 6th, uh, what patriots that were redressing their government. Many of whom never even went into the Capitol. It should be noted. Uh, two of whom are, are in the Nick Circe documentary that you should see Capitol punishment, the movie, but they show video of these guys, actual of the, of the FBI in full military gear with a military vehicle that they would use on the streets in Afghanistan and in Iraq to bust doors down.

And there's neighbors, security camera video of these guys, rolling this stuff into the neighborhood and going and targeting a neighbor. Now, now here's the, here's the thing. This goes back to that, to that, uh, I forget who it was, who wrote it, but you know, they came for the machinists and I wasn't a machinist. They can't, you know, okay, folks, I'm just going to tell you to stop and think about this because what they're doing now is that was a test run. And I've been saying this on this program for years about the test runs. Waco was a test run, not because David Koresh was right, wrong, what have you, but Waco was a test run to see would Americans allow the federal government to go in and fire bomb a church, kill its people and let them get away with it. And the answer was yes. Ruby Ridge was a test to see would Americans allow snipers to murder a woman and her infant child in their own home and let them get away with it.

And the answer is yes. These are tests, ladies and gentlemen, to see how far our American citizens, how complacent are we going to be when that kind of a vehicle and that kind of stuff rolls up. The first thing you need to do is go to your gun locker and get out your weaponry and get ready and see, okay, what are they doing and is what they're doing?

Does it appear to be something that they should be doing? Knowing that, you know, that neighbor and if you don't know your neighbor, that's another big problem they've done to us, Rick, is they've isolated us. So we don't know our neighbors. We don't know who our neighbors are in city after city after city. You may know the two people on either side of you, maybe or one person on the block, but you don't know your neighbors anymore. You need to be ready because the government is coming for you. And you need to be ready. And when they roll down your street at three o'clock in the morning like that, and you know your neighbors, so you know, there aren't any terrorists that live on my street.

There isn't even anybody that looks like a terrorist that lives on my street. Honey, grab the key. We're getting the gun locker. Looks like we're going to war. I'm sorry, Rick, but it's got to stop and it's going to have to stop. That is the reason the First Amendment, man, you were with the NRA.

You know this. The only reason that the First Amendment was written was not for hunters. The First Amendment was written for tyrannical behavior like what we've seen with January 6th. That's the only reason it was written. That's why it's not to be infringed. It's the reason we have a Second Amendment, period and a story.

There is no other discussion, period. Well, I think you can remember back to those who, well, people will remember, but when Paul Revere made his midnight ride or whoever made the midnight ride, depending on the retelling, somebody made a midnight ride. And the midnight ride was to warn the people in Lexington, Concord, that the British were coming. And what Henry Weiser von Feller didn't tell people was what the British were coming for. They were coming for the stockpiles of weapons and black powder.

That's what they were coming for, because back in the day, you had to have black powder. We gotta go into the break. We gotta jump into the break. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this. Back right after this.

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Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-17 21:43:07 / 2023-03-17 21:54:06 / 11

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