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David Shestokas Does the released FDA and Pfizer Info Open Legal Consequences Clare Lopez Rick Manning Erdogan Oz Turkey Debacle

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
June 8, 2022 5:22 pm

David Shestokas Does the released FDA and Pfizer Info Open Legal Consequences Clare Lopez Rick Manning Erdogan Oz Turkey Debacle

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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June 8, 2022 5:22 pm

David Shestokas discusses the FOIA information that has been released per a court order by Pfizer and the FDA which indicates they knew about the issues that Americans would face and have faced. Prank Caller SCOTUS News

Clare Lopez Rick Manning NATO Turkey Erdogan and Mehmet Oz. Erdogan wants to lead a Caliphate and re establish the Ottoman Empire. He has been identified as a very dangerous person in the world. Oz has refused to distance himself from the Islam practice of Pedophilia and has in fact said calling Islam a pedophile embracing community is Islamophobic even though they do it.

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And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me.

Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio hour number two. Hour number two. If you missed any part of hour number one, I encourage you to pick that up. You'll be able to get it at the website,, and I would encourage you to get over to, Get signed up for the email. We've got a lot, a lot, a lot of great emails that are going out every single day, keeping you up to date on a variety of topics. We've got, let's see here. Drag, oh wait, the thing will jump, there we go, Drag Queen Pride Event for Kids.

Yeah, how about that? Or Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns inflation will remain high. Israeli study links COVID-19 vaccines to heart failure in young adults. See, we talked about that this week with Naomi Wolf just yesterday in the first hour. Glenn Beck, an economic and financial hurricane is coming.

NATO, a very useful tool for the United Nations. Not just elections, deep state rigged census count. Biden administration issues 69 citations to hospitals. Lots and lots of great information, including the audio from yesterday, Naomi Wolf, 1200 people died in the first two months.

According to the FDA and Pfizer's own documents that they didn't want you to have for 75 years. Now, interestingly, you had, I believe it was GMC that withdrew 740,000 SUVs. Let me welcome my guest. David Shostakovich is with us. I mentioned this in the first hour.

I'll mention it again. Dave, the number for Dave for He is running for attorney general in Illinois. You really need to go check this out. Help him out if you can.

But if you're in Illinois, you need to know about David Shostakovich, who is running for attorney general and is truly the only constitutional origin in the race. So encourage you with regards to that. OK, let's see. OK.

There you go. I just need to make my technician aware that I'm hearing there is no stream running. Please activate the stream. OK. There's no stream running. So I'm letting my technician know if he's listening.

There is no stream. OK. So, David, seven hundred and forty thousand SUVs pulled off the road. March 2022 recall made by GMC. Now, I don't know, maybe it's because there was a break problem, right? I mean, a break problem would be a good reason to pull that that number of vehicles off the road.

Do you think? Well, certainly I would think there's a break problem. That's a good reason to pull those vehicles off the road. Grag me in it.

I certainly. But you have the company. But that's not the reason they did it. There was no break problem. Maybe maybe it was an acceleration. But maybe that, you know, you know, they had that one situation with that one vehicle where the accelerator was sticking. Maybe that was it.

Maybe it was the accelerator that was sticking. That's potentially that's potentially the problem. But of course.

But but but you guess what? That wasn't the problem. I know.

And maybe it was because there was an oil leak. Now, that would be a problem because then your engine would blow up. Right. That would you would want it. You would want to do it for that, I would think.

Right. That would be a good reason to do it. There's a lot of good reason. But guess what? That's not the reason they did it, David.

No, no, no. That's not why. Let me tell you why they did it. Because the headlights were too bright.

Now, now the headlights are too bright, so they pull seven hundred and forty thousand vehicles off the road. Twelve hundred humans die. But hey, let's make sure that everybody must has to mandate going to give them a shot.

Because I guess we want to kill the rest of the population. Under any other logical circumstance. If you had twelve hundred people, if you had thousands of people who were having cardiac arrest issues and they did. If you had forty two thousand adverse effects. If you knew in your own research by studying these people that this stuff lodged itself in the liver and in the ovaries of women. If you knew that one hundred micrograms was too high of a dose and on your chest subjects, you reduce the amount. But on but when you released it, when you sent it out, when you gave it to the entire rest of the population, you didn't. Thousands of cardiac arrests, strokes, hemorrhages and neurological issues. In fact, Thomas Rens testified under oath with sworn affidavits before Senator Ron Johnson that the number of of neurological incidences amongst military members went from an eighty two thousand per person per year to eight hundred and sixty three thousand in the first year of mandatory injections.

Including the F thirty five that went into the drink in the South China Sea. I mean, if you were a risk management guy and they came to you and and just presented these as, you know, like like scenarios. You would scrap this project.

You would be like, no, we're not doing that. But then so then what do they do? How do they do?

How do they how do they fix it? Well, they give Pfizer and Moderna and and and and the other one, they give them blanket immunity after the fact. David, have you ever have you ever have you ever given a murderer immunity after they've killed a thousand people?

No, Greg, that's not happened. And I actually had a question about this kind of thing in a in a like a town hall that I was doing for the campaign day. And I just mentioned that regardless of what the government has done regarding civil potential civil immunity, that they are allegedly giving these folks there. They can never give immunity for an intentional criminal act. And as you say, the numbers have developed to the point that it's quite clear that the people that were pushing these things, they knew they were going out and they were doing it for essentially for money. We're committing intentional criminal acts and no amount of immunity can can overcome that. Whether or not we will ultimately have prosecutors that have the have the intestinal fortitude or the internal fortitude to go forward in terms of these clearly criminal actions. I can't I can't express I can't say that, but I do know that certainly that kind of investigation would be on my radar where I'd be elected to be the attorney general, because there are people obviously when you talk about those kinds of numbers, there's people obviously that have died here in Illinois regarding those kinds of regarding those kinds of theoretical medications and and tracking down.

You know, somebody asked me about proving criminal intent in these kinds of circumstances, and tracking down knowledge that this happened, and connecting the fact that people got money for continuing to give continuing to give vaccines that were clearly dangerous can can build the case for intent. Well, and now you've got the FOIA request, right, that has come out. I mean, you've clearly got the FOIA request. And that and that FOIA request clearly shows that, you know, because they again, they wanted to not put these documents out for 75 years. So you've got a FOIA request that now they're having to put it out. And we're in our fourth month, there are clinicians and an RNs and doctors and so on that are going through these documents. Steve Bannon's war room and and another entity are paying these people and they are going through these documents, thousands of documents, 55,000 documents per month are being released. And that's where this data is coming from. This data is actually coming from the FDA and Pfizer.

And this is the stuff, of course, they didn't want anybody to see because they didn't want anybody to know that they knew. So it's, again, the civil liability is something perhaps the federal government can can do something about. And I'm not so certain that that's even true. Because of course, there's limits on their ability to interfere with contracts. And I would suggest that someone taking someone taking a shot is involved in a contractual contractual relationship with with whomever is giving it with whomever is developing it.

whomever is developed it. Right. And these amenities are these are merely cannot cannot stand.

Well, if they if they if they're supposed to give informed consent, but they but they hide material facts in that. That's a problem, is it not? Oh, yeah, no, then then clearly your consensus has not been Hang on one second. I got somebody keeps pushing trying to get on here. Hang on one second.

I'm going to bring them on with us. Okay, hang on one second. Okay. To accept press one to send a voicemail to you are live on the Children's Generation radio show.

You're live on the radio. How can I help you? Oh, hi.

My name is Steve. I'm a law enforcement officer, an LEO. Okay, and what how can I help you? You're on with myself and attorney David just focus live on the element. I understand why I'm live on there.

That's what I was calling in for. Excellent. I'm well, I promise you, I'm well aware of my surroundings at all times.

I'm 12 years law enforcement. Okay, and I'm well aware of all the situations I'm in. So there's no need for you to sort of tell me Oh, this is what's happening right now.

Well, no, I have no control. And I know that I'm not trying to do that. But I have a responsibility to let you know that you're live on the air under FCC regulations.

How can I help you? Okay, so you're gonna tell me about the law and everything? That's great.

Um, so no, I'm not telling you about the law. I have to I have to don't get combative with me. I'll terminate this call if you're if you're going to keep going on.

That's interesting. So I'm here. All right. So we terminated that call. We're gonna take a break. Perhaps he'll call back during the break and we'll try to figure out what his problem is. My guest is David just took us. My my my my suspicion is is that is that he wanted to go after Mr. Mr. Shostakis.

But who knows, maybe he wanted to go after me. All right, we'll be back with more. You're listening to chosen generation radio things could get very interesting on the other side of the break. We'll be back with more generation radio be sure and get to the website by the way, chosen generation chosen generation And you can leave us a message there. You can also sign up for our emails there. We'll be happy to send you the emails out if you get signed up with us.

All right, I'll be back with more right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Where did this robbery occur? The dispatcher asked at pump number seven says the man Can you describe them?

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The products do not treat reduce, cure or prevent disease. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, CEO of my pillow. Retailers shopping channels and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and my pillow. Well, during these times, your support has meant everything to us. So my employees and I want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly on to you.

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With regards to FCC and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, please reintroduce yourself, sir, and ask your question. My name is Officer Steve. I'm the law enforcement officer.

12 years law enforcement officer. I do appreciate you squaring it away with me. Of course, I can understand those rules and regulations we have to follow. I, you know, I have all people. And thank you for your service to your community.

By the way, we appreciate you. Yeah, you do. You know, I don't know that everybody does.

But I guess my question for David, if you do become a attorney general, obviously, a big issue with law enforcement these days, our ability to do our job and defunding and everything I was curious, I think a really good idea hear me out on this is I think the cops need more weapons, more high powered weapons. Yeah. And if you see somebody that kind of gives you a nasty eye one way or the other. Oh, come on, Steve. Come on. All right. Okay, now. Now.

Now. Yeah. All right.

We'll talk to you. Okay. All right. Well, apparently that that that was not officer Steve. And, yeah. And that was that was that was an effort to try to get something out there that that that isn't happening and doesn't happen. And obviously, that's not what law enforcement is about. Go ahead. While we're off, while we're off the air, he was asking a reasonable question. And that's why you put him on the air.

Yes. And the reasonable question was regarding restoring relationships and, and confidence in law enforcement. And I'm not so certain I've been touring State of Illinois for about a year talking about the law enforcement matters and talking about making crime illegal again, because of course, there's prosecutors that do not prosecute cases that law enforcement has actually put their lives on the line to arrest people and conduct investigations. And in our office, as the attorney general, we will, in fact, have a law enforcement liaison to address these matters where the local prosecutors do not prosecute case.

We will. You know, we just saw in response that we just saw the recall of that district attorney in California yesterday. That's a demonstration of how people are set up with prosecutors who do not prosecute. And we there are plenty of tools to do that. You know, I would suggest to you that the recall of the California district attorney was a vote of confidence for law enforcement. Sure. Because they're saying, listen, Mr. prosecutor, the law enforcement people are doing their job.

What's going wrong is you're not doing yours. A woke prosecutor, if you will, or a progressive prosecutor is a, is actually a vote of confidence in a very, very typically blue area is a vote of confidence for law enforcement. And so what to say that with among the general population that law enforcement is being disrespected and that the defund police says any traction within the general community, I think there's a false false statement.

And that the, the demonstration, I can't, I can't. Emphasize my take on the on the recall that California district attorney, as much as it was a statement of confidence that law enforcement does its job, but the elected officials who are supposed to follow up on the work of law enforcement are not doing their jobs. And just just just FYI to our our our caller that called in, was calling from British Columbia, Canada, where they have just determined up in Canada that they're going to stop the sale of, of, you know, these these guns, guns, hand, yeah, of handguns, and other weapons. And there's actually a gentleman up there who was in the news, who had gone up there, he had retired, and he had bought an inventory of weapons. And now under this new law, he is stuck with these weapons, he can't sell them anymore.

And, you know, he can't return them where he bought them, because the people who sold them to him, the manufacturers, and what have you, they they don't have a means to restock their inventory with them. So, you know, Canada is one of the most restrictive now, countries around and and sadly, and I've talked to a lot of Canadians, who who who truly do not believe in in what Trudeau is doing with his socialistic ideologies. Yeah, this is it will become a dangerous time in Canada, Canada is be moving toward being a dictator, because of course, the first thing they do is in fact, take people's guns.

Yeah. And that's the first, first step toward being a dictator. And this is a very, very dangerous thing. So we just hope that we're not a hope, we will be electing and keeping people that will protect the United States citizens and their and their God given rights to defend their life, liberty and property. Well, and and one other piece related to it is, is there's been a story out about a gentleman who was using Uber to smuggle illegals in because Canada has a very open border situation. Many people worry about our southern border, but our northern border is tremendously exposed. All right, David Shostakis,

I'm your host, Pastor Greg back after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and by the prayer and support of the Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking a dirty water, and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more people in this village and more people in this community.

And more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. God bless you and keep us in your prayer. And this pastor is Pastor Jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village.

And really, this village is really in a big need of a church building. Keep us in prayer. God bless you.

And this borewell we have put and the floor and trash water is coming. And we are so thankful for all of you. God bless you. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation Radio Show reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years. You are a part of that vision.

So please join us at and sign up for our emails today. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur the dispatcher asks? At pump number seven says the man.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent. And of course, so yeah, very, very interesting. All right, I want to welcome my next guests to the program. As we do twice a month, we host Claire Lopez is with us, our national security expert. And Rick Manning is my co-host in this section. And I welcome Claire and Rick. Welcome to both of you. Thanks, Pastor Greg.

Good to be with you both. Glad to be on and always glad to be the person who is an expert on nothing and able to chime in, chime in with piffy remarks that could be swatted away by Claire. No. Oh, my gosh. That's great. By the way, folks, you need to know Claire and I are friends, so this is...

Yes, absolutely. I'm the one with the piffy comments. You guys are the friends. I get it.

Okay. Thank you very much for letting me be on the... I'm on the outside of the circle. I feel like I'm on the outside of the circle, but that's okay. I thank you and I appreciate you. I think you should appreciate the fact that nobody is in the circle with Claire and I.

That's not a coveted place. You're the ringmaster. You are the ringmaster of the circus. The three-ring circus that we have here.

There we go. Well, let's get to that three-ring circus. So I sent several different questions to you.

And I think I want to start with the first one because I think that it's a significant one. I've been very vocal about my concerns about Mehmet Oz as a candidate for US Senate because of his dual citizenship with Turkey. Because his party in 2018 was promoting child marriage and dropping the age of the ability. Because Islam is stealing girls and is the number one purveyor of sex slave trafficking of young girls in the world. And Mehmet Oz says that if you say that, you're an Islamophobe. I have a problem with the fact that he will not denounce the activities of Islam.

If this was a Democrat that was doing this, all the Republicans in the world would be saying something. We said something about Ilhan Omar and about what's been going on in Minnesota with the Somalis. But now it's Mehmet Oz and so nobody wants to touch it with a 10-foot pole because President Trump endorsed the wrong guy, in my opinion. At any rate, Turkey's an issue, I believe, and I think Erdogan is an issue. Claire, what do you think?

Well, a few things. You know, if he were to win his election, Mehmet Oz would be taking an oath of office. I don't know what he'd put his hand on, which book, but he'd be taking an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Now, the Constitution of the United States is a Judeo-Christian principle-based constitution that is absolutely antithetical to Islamic law or Sharia, which, as a Muslim, Mehmet Oz pledges allegiance to that law. So there is at least ostensibly, possibly, a conflict of legal interest right there that nobody has asked about, and I think they ought to.

Never mind that he is not even a resident of the state of Pennsylvania, comes from New Jersey, and only moved into his in-law's place in Pennsylvania in order to supposedly establish residency there for the election. As for Turkey, though, a few years ago, I think it was 18, at the Center for Security Policy, we published a book that I edited and helped to co-author called Ally No More, Erdogan's New Turkish Caliphate and the Rising Jihadist Threat to the West. It's the name of the book. Thank you.

On different websites you can find it. So Erdogan has long had what we believe are, to this day still, neo-Ottoman jihadist desperation. Now, whether he can actually achieve that or not is another question, but he wants to be the new caliph. He wants to resurrect the Ottoman Empire, and I'm not just saying that. He says, his top officials say it and have said it repeatedly. So, you know, those things remain a problem, even as Turkey is right now thrust absolutely in the middle of any number of, you know, global important strategic issues, bordering, of course, on the Black Sea, you know, managing, overseeing the passage through the Bosphorus, the strait that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Black Sea, and now what looks like potentially an outreach to patch things up, maybe sort of kind of with Israel, which shouldn't be trusted any further.

Anybody could throw the guy. Claire, can I just ask, most people, you know, when they hear Turkey, they think of Thanksgiving. Can, in terms of a little just last hundred year history, can you just talk a little bit about how Turkey went from the Ottoman Empire to a secular state, and now how Erdogan is bringing it back to an Islamic state? Because I think that transformation is hard for people to, we only really think about things that happened in our lifetime, and Turkey wasn't, we don't really think of Ottoman Empire, we don't even know what that means, that's ancient history. Can you just talk just briefly and explain how that all, you know, not to go through the whole history, but just... Well, going back in history, the Turkish Ottoman Empire arose somewhere around the 1200s, conquered over the next several hundred years, all of the Middle East, the Levant, and up into southeastern Europe, including, as we know, all the way to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the gates of Vienna, the siege in 1683, only saved by the largest cavalry charge.

You were breaking up a little bit, Claire, you were kind of cutting in and out. Okay, so the furthest extent of the Ottoman Empire, 1683, gates of Vienna, only saved by the largest cavalry charge in the history of cavalry charges by the Polish king, Jan Sobieski, 30,000 cossacks, charging the jihadis. And at that point, the Turkish Ottoman Empire begins to be pushed back, little by little by little, up to World War I, when it was decisively defeated, was on the losing side of World War I, and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who took over the country that was sort of left, the rump state that we have today, the nation state of Turkey, vowed that he had to make Turkey modernized, and that's why they lost the war.

So, administratively, civilly, the roads, the rails, railways, everything. But also, it was Ataturk who abolished the last caliphate, the last caliphate of Islam on earth. There has always been a caliphate since the time of Muhammad, sometimes two or three, and they even fought each other, but now there was none.

But this was an administrative step. It wasn't about the people. The people of Turkey remained conservative, devout, faithful, practicing Muslims. That was never changed, and that's why, now more recently, the switch back with Erdogan has found popular support, certainly in the big, vast areas of the villages of Anatolia, because the people retained that conservative devotion to Islam, doctrinal Islam, and that's where Erdogan arose from and gets his support from. By the way, so does Vatula Gulen, the Sunni cleric living in the Poconos in Pennsylvania. Absolutely same ideology as Erdogan, but there can only be one Sultan in Istanbul, and it's Erdogan, but they're the same. By the way, this basketball player that gets lauded and feted everywhere he goes in his cantor, he's a Gulenist. He is a Turkish Muslim who supports Vatula Gulen and his jihadist ideology too. Well, and so I guess that kind of answers the question, you know, which basically is asking, you know, can we trust that situation, and I guess Erdogan isn't in trouble because he is adhering to this caliphate idea, and the majority of Turkish citizenry do in fact embrace Islam. Well, the difficulty for Erdogan is not so much about doctrinal Islam or a resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. It's more about economics right now. And that's a problem, potentially.

That's potentially a problem. Okay. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we're going to talk about China and Xi. Xi also is in an unstable sort of situation, even though China is a problem. And we might throw in a little bit of the Elon Musk tweet that he put out about the reduction in Chinese population and the population implosion, which is a real thing.

What does that mean for China's aspirations as a superpower, which is something we should be concerned about? Obviously, we'll be back with more Children Generation Radio, Claire Lopez and Rick Manning right after this brief break, everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven, says the man.

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Native products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven, says the man, can you describe them? Sure, they had flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

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Get your order in today, drop a GreenFuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and we want to acknowledge the new president of the United States, Matthew McConaughey and recognize the senile old man that has retired who was announcing his retirement on the Jimmy Kimmel show last night. Is that about right, Greg?

I have to tell you Matthew McConaughey started his career in Dazed and Confused and Joe Biden's ending his as Dazed and Confused. So a lot of symmetry. No question. Well, and the reality and then we'll get back into this to the to the meat of it. But the reality is, and I guess this is part of the meat, the reality is, Barack Obama was the first president in United States history that I'm aware of, that did not peacefully transfer power. He literally picked up his power and went what was it about six or eight blocks down the road, Rick, you live out there. Yeah, he went to Colorado, which is just, it is about a mile north of the White House. So he went a mile north of the White House. And, and he took Valerie Jarrett, he left her as his chief of staff. And then he created a cabinet to parallel the cabinet that he had had when he was in the White House, and ran a shadow government and has continued to run a shadow government. Ever since we were in year 14. Right?

No, let me see 812. Yeah, we're in year 14 of the reign of Barack Obama in the United States of America. That is the truth. If you have any doubt, just remember, just Google John Kerry, Iran, and 2018. And how he was meeting with the Iran with Iranians telling them they didn't have to pay any attention with with Trump said, well, yeah, he was acting as Secretary of State or, or Obama, and and and all and all you need to do recently is look at the reception that was held at the White House. And who was everybody running up to and shaking their hand and talking to while the bumbling idiot was running around behind trying to squeeze his way into the conversation and being shut out. Kind of reminiscent, isn't it of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev playing musical chairs? Yeah, I suppose so. Well, it's, it's, it's, it's almost as bad as when as when Billy was bouncing around the White House during the Carter years. Yeah, you can't listen. That's not that's not fair to Billy.

Oh, that's not fair to Billy. Okay, I'll go along with that. I'll go along with that. All right.

We need we need to probably say something serious. Let's, let's get to let's get to Chi. I guess the good news is, is that the least that Bill Clinton gave the Chinese on on the Lincoln room has has, you know, ran out under under the Trump administration. I don't know. I don't think they've moved back in under Biden. Anybody know?

Well, I don't know. Listen, they don't have to move in there. There.

Anytime. Let's just continue with it. Yeah.

100 100 buttons. You're breaking up, Rick, you're breaking up clearly 100 100 Biden's art sells for a premium. There we go. That's all you need to know about. They don't need the Lincoln bedroom. They've got an art gallery. All right, you know, I jump in here with an update of sorts.

Pastor Greg, I sent you Rick, I probably ought to be sending these to you too. But, you know, I have a blog site at Newsmax. And a couple weeks ago, I published the first article there about China's plan to instigate hostilities in the South China Sea. And that referring to a May 14 meeting in Beijing of top Chinese Communist Party People's Liberation Army officials to discuss moving China's status from peacetime to a wartime footing.

It's on audio, the audio is online, the translation and there are several of them which agree pretty much with each other also online. And I published an article about that at Newsmax. And then just yesterday, I published a new article or had published for me by Newsmax, an article that gets to additional information about how China is going to provoke hostilities provoke problems conflict in the area of the South China Sea, East China Sea, Philippine Sea, Sea of Japan. And what the plan is, according to the information that leaked, that China was going to provoke Japan over disputed islands, perhaps the Senkaku Islands. But what actually happened, what actually happened is that just at the end of May, on the 30th of May, that is, Chinese PLA Navy ship attacked a coral reef, basically two great big rock, but administered by Japan in the Sea of Japan attack them in that they had surrounding these rocks, coral reef rocks, these tetrapod concrete fixtures, or barriers really to high tide waters that would have swamped the rocks otherwise. Well, the Chinese bombarded the tetrapod concrete, whatever they are, structures and destroyed them and tried to provoke naval vessels from Japan. into a confrontation, which was avoided at this point in time.

This is this is apparently this is, this is real. This is this is starting at this low level at this initial, you know, and there was a report that I read this morning that happened last three days, where a Chinese jet fighter was flying in restricted space over Philippines, a Australian plane, and the Chinese jet fighter, and in the air combat, they don't get close anymore. But in this particular case, they were very close. And the Chinese jet fighter released chaff. Yeah, with the, which is extremely dangerous because it gets in the engines of the of another airplane, and can cause the airplane to crash.

What did in fact go in the engine of the Australian airplane, fortunately, it was the airplane was damaged, but the pilot was able to land it. But it was an aggressive act by virtue of releasing the chaff because the chaff in that instance, served as a weapon. Yes. And it is a and so we are seeing a, you know, really an upgrade in military testing and probing to see what people what they can get away with. And you have to bet that that's tied with a broader plan of aggression. It absolutely is on the audio tape from the 14th of May Beijing meeting.

It explicitly among the senior officials who are identified on the audio that was leaked out. They specifically talk about clearing the South China Sea out to the first island chain, perhaps beyond of all US and allied naval shipping. That, that, that that means that they intend to provoke armed conflict with with US naval air forces, and our those of our allies like Australia, like Japan, and it looks like it's starting. Well, and I think that we're standing our naval presence. Are we expanding our naval presence in in the Pacific and this threat? Well, I understand that some additional I think it's bomber forces were sent to Guam, which is way out in the Pacific, and National Guard, US National Guard are being sent to Taiwan to enhance, quote, training cooperation. I'm going to pull off topic for just a minute, guys.

I'm going to pull off topic for just a minute. I haven't heard much about this. But this morning, there was an arrest made near Justice Kavanaugh's home, a man who was armed and had taken a taxi ride to Kavanaugh's neighborhood at 1. a.m. and told police that he was there with the intention of killing Justice Kavanaugh. Be in prayer, folks are are are back here on the homefront. Our country is under massive assault by a very evil force. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world.

That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth. God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Hi, I'm Pastor Greg, host of the Children Generation Radio Show, heard on the Truth Broadcasting Network and seen on TECN Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to noon Eastern, where I discuss today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens. TECN appreciates our partnership with NTD and we'd love for you to give our great programming of you. That's TECN Children Generation Radio with Pastor Greg.

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Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-07 19:24:08 / 2023-04-07 19:45:31 / 21

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