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David Shestokas #NoLegalMandates #StopLawlessness Rick Manning Dede Laugesen Pastor Greg #FedRates #ChinaTaiwanRussiaUkraine #GenocideGames

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
January 19, 2022 4:46 pm

David Shestokas #NoLegalMandates #StopLawlessness Rick Manning Dede Laugesen Pastor Greg #FedRates #ChinaTaiwanRussiaUkraine #GenocideGames

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Greetings, Children's Generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you, my listeners. You are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving, and caring people I know. I need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in India.

While there has become a focus on the Uighurs in China, our ministries in Jammu, Kashmir, and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uighurs, the Taliban, and the mounting CCP army at the border of India. Between these threats and the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families, our orphans, our widows, our Bible students, and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20 funds our sewing school instructor, and $150 a week funds our base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students, even the sewing school, and our senior indigenous pastor, Samuel. So please go to forward slash pastor Greg. That's forward slash pastor Greg, or you can call me at 209-380-8654, 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone.

Please call us, contact me today, and make your best donation. Thank you and God bless you. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you so much for keeping it tuned here to Chodin Generation Radio. Well, welcome aboard to all of you that are listening across the Truth Broadcasting Network, Our good friends out in Utah, fight back, no National Guard. My goodness, seriously, okay?

Utah, there was an article in the Salt Lake City Tribune calling for the National Guard to keep unvaccinated people in their homes. My good friends in Utah, you know what? Don't buy that paper. Let's let those guys go bankrupt, okay? You immediately stop buying the Salt Lake City Tribune. Just don't buy. And if you're an advertiser, come on over here to Chodin Generation Radio. We'll take care of you. But don't put your money into Salt Lake City Tribune. Call me today, 209-380-8654.

209-380-8654. Call me in about an hour if you're an advertiser in the Salt Lake City Tribune, and we'll figure out a really cool rate and how to put you on Chodin Generation Radio and our website and promote you to people in Utah so you can take a stand and let them know that, no, you don't want the National Guard locking them up in their homes, okay? So anyway, I want to welcome those., And very quickly, yesterday, we had Dr. James Thorpe on the program, and I told you I was going to get an article up. So the instructions and the article are up so that you can contact the American Board of Obstetricians and the head of that, Dr. George Wendell, and tell him that this vaccine mandate nonsense and the damage that it's doing to pregnant women and their babies needs to stop now. That's what Dr. Thorpe is talking about. James Thorpe and his article, his letter that he wrote to them, all of that is up at the website right now in the blog section at Look, Faith Without Works is dead. So we're about giving you the information that you need and the actions you can take.

If you love babies and you love baby mamas, then you need to take an action right now to tell the American Board of Obstetricians, the chairman of that board, that forcing these women to get injections is causing significant fetal damage, according to Dr. Thorpe. And so there you go. All right. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Thanks for being here. David Shostakis is with us right now and constitutional sound bites.

You can pick that up. Go to CG contributors,, CG contributors. Click on David Shostakis' name. You'll go straight over to David's website and you can pick up constitutional sound bites as well as find out about his new book on independence, the Declaration of Independence. Not really that new anymore, but it's still new. And I guess we can say this, right?

Because it's happening. He is running for the attorney general for the great state of Illinois. And you can learn more about that as well. David, welcome. So good to have you. Thanks so much, Greg. It's nice of you to mention some friend of mine just sent me an idea for a slogan for my campaign today.

And the slogan was to make crime illegal again. I love it. Well, you might get an argument out of justices, John Robertson, Brett Kavanaugh, though, if you tried to do that, I don't know those guys. What is going on?

What is going on? This is related to before we got to the fact of regarding the twin rulings regarding the orders from Joseph Biden. And I hesitate to use the term mandate. I think the number one that's overused and number two, there is no place in American law for that particular term.

There's only one way I take that back. There's one place for the term mandate, and that's when a higher court orders a lower court to comply with the higher court's ruling. That is the only place in American law where the term mandate has any legal meaning because because mandates come from kings. We don't have any. No, we don't.

You know, no, we don't have any kings. So the whole thing where people say mandate this mandate that that is just such a again, we've we've lost the lost the purity in the use of language and what it means. There is no there is no legal meaning to the term mandate. You know, I suppose I suppose a parent can mandate a kid to stay home.

You know, a parent can say, you know, you're grounded, you know, and I guess that the mandate from a parent to a child. But in terms of legal situations, that's what a king does to its subjects or subjects, a king or a queen. They they can issue they issue mandates under that kind of legal system. We don't have royalty. We don't have the people that have authority to issue mandates.

And I and I think we're on my track. But in any event, regarding OSHA and that mandate, of course, that was a 63 decision by the United States Supreme Court indicating that OSHA did not have such authority and had never been granted such authority by the Congress. What disappointed me about that was they implied that if Congress had given it, they might be able to do it. But the arguments in that the arguments are I read the opinions on both cases and the arguments regarding OSHA related to a number of factors, not the least of which is, of course, there are hazards that people have just by being alive, you know, and so the OSHA authority has to do with regulating hazards that are unique or belong in the workplace. And so the idea that you can under the guise of regulating workplace safety, issue issue orders for people to do things outside the workplace is certainly not that that attainable argument. And so that's the that's the basis by which the 63 majority said Biden and OSHA could not issue orders to people to do things that were not related to hazards that were unique to the workplace.

And that, go ahead. Well, no. So so so a 63 majority blocked the U.S. occupational safety and health administration from enforcing its vax or test emergency temporary standard applicable to large employees. However, well, and then there's a third federal vaccine rule. The federal contractor vaccine mandate remains subject to multiple legal challenges. And at this time, the government is blocked from enforcing the mandate nationwide.

The court has not yet weighed in. So we're still waiting to hear what they're going to do on federal contractors. But the bad news is, is that on the CMS or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services by a five for majority, they're saying that the vaccine mandate nationwide, which impacts specified health care facilities, remains intact. And that's the one that I guess you know, there's some some real concerns. I know a nurse, Nurse Angela, who's associated with Steve Kirsch's organization, who is still struggling. She took the vaccine on the basis of what they told her and immediately had a had a cardiac issue, David. And she's still struggling. And there and she's not the only one. There are many nurses out there that have been vaccine damaged. And and many others that are saying I'm not going to take it because I don't want to I don't want I don't want that to happen to me. Just on a personal note, Greg, we just buried this past weekend.

My wife's very best friend of 30, 35 years. And she had her second second shot in September and immediately began to have lung troubles and inability to expel CO2 the way the body needs to expel CO2. And she suffered for about three or four months and just died January the 10th.

And and there was no reason for there is no reason to point to anything else besides the second booster shot that that she received. I died. These these these were horrendous. Yes. Yeah. Words. Words don't even.

Yeah. Words don't even. There aren't words to express the frustration and grief and and just, you know, utter utter disbelief in the senselessness of it.

Go ahead, sir. I'm sorry, David. I didn't mean to interrupt you, but my gosh, I I'm teared up. I mean, I I have a tear issue with my one with my broken eye and I can't hide my tears when that when my eye tears up, it runs down my face and I can't stop that. A lot of people you can you can not do that in the natural, but I can't because there's no no no no way to stop it. And I just had tears running down the left side of my face.

Yeah, it was it was extraordinarily sad. And there's no there's no way to you know, there's there's nothing else to explain what what happened to the swan beyond the second second vaccine shot, because that was that was what happened. And so and that was one of the that was the kind of thing that they talked about actually in the OSHA opinion that the that the injection situation if somebody is forced to do something like that, it causes a circumstance that cannot be undone. Whatever the danger or the damage or the potential danger is permanent. It's not as it's not, you know, a transitory circumstance.

And so certainly people need to be in a position to decide whether or not they're going to participate in that. And that was that was part of the argument that was done in the first in the first case in the OSHA matter. And why there was the flip flop of both Kavanaugh and Roberts to the other direction in the in the CMS case is is beyond me because that argument is that it causes it has the potential for permanency or permanent damage. But even if it's not, even if it's not proven, like I said, regarding our friend, we have anecdotal evidence to talk about it.

Nobody's nobody's actually ever going to investigate this. But the fact is, is these matters are permanent. That's they they talked about that in the 63 decision on the other side. They deferred to what's called the spending clause essentially. The people that provide medical services and receive Medicare and Medicaid funds have been brought in under the rubric that their employees, because they receive these funds, the government has the ability to regulate the conduct of their employees. And that's actually a long standing, long standing principle that the Supreme Court's put together.

I don't believe in it. But the long standing principle is basically when the government spends money, they can they can attach whatever strings they want to to the spending of the money. And that's it. And that's and there's a long there is a long history of having people who are providers that are receiving reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid.

There's a long history of requirements regarding how they conduct their business because they're getting that money. Right. And so they went to the other direction and completely overlooked the situation of the permanency of the injection. Well, that's that's like the same thing, right, where they were, you know, here it's like, you know, you don't have to wear a mask over here. But then when you pass through this quote unquote, magical, invisible barrier, now all of a sudden you need to be wearing masks. Right. And then the argument being, you know, and of course, now the CDC is coming out and saying, well, no, actually, the cloth mask doesn't really do anything.

And and they've changed their mind and changed their rules. All right. We'll be back with more Children Generation. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Children Generation Radio Show. If you follow my program, you know, I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life, spent six weeks on life support, died four times and broke bones in my head, neck, back, ribs, arms, pelvis and both legs.

That was in twenty seventeen. In 2004, I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down. In both instances, God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently, I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up that and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at PG at Pastor Greg Young Dotcom.

That's PG at Pastor Greg Young Dotcom. And I'll tell you how to get well. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending on crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation and the list goes on? There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe.

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Use the code chosen. Patriot Mobile Dotcom forward slash chosen. Greetings, student generation army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you, my listeners. You are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving and caring people I know. I need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in India.

While there has become a focus on the Uighurs in China, our ministries in Jammu, Kashmir and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uighurs, the Taliban and the mounting CCP army at the border of India. Between these threats and the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families, our orphans, our widows, our Bible students and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20 funds our sewing school instructor and $150 a week funds our base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students, even the sewing school and our senior indigenous pastor Samuel. So please go to forward slash Pastor Greg. That's forward slash Pastor Greg, or you can call me at 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone. Please call us, contact me today and make your best donation.

Thank you and God bless you. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation Radio Show, reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years.

You are a part of that vision. So please join us at, and sign up for our emails today. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits.

Everything filtered through biblical glasses and my special guest David Shostakos, constitutional soundbites. Pick it up at his website and you can find his website at, I'm going to give out that number again, by the way, if you're an advertiser and you're out there and you believe in what we are doing, or if you are someone that would like to support us, you can do that. You can do it online. Now, I know we have some issues with PayPal, but that's where we're at right now until they tell us we can't be or we can find something better. forward slash Pastor Greg, forward slash Pastor Greg. If you'd like to support us, you can do that there. You can support the radio ministry, which we need your help.

You can also support India. And there's a way to add a note to that and let us know where you would like those funds spent. As I mentioned, we've got a pastor's meeting that is coming up this weekend and we really need some help with regards to helping our pastors over there. Fifteen American dollars feeds a pastor and his family for an entire month.

Fifteen bucks. And we've got about 50 pastors that are going to be at this meeting coming up on Saturday. If we could raise $750, that would help us to feed all 50 of those pastors.

$15 per pastor. So you can do that today by credit or debit at forward slash Pastor Greg, forward slash Pastor Greg. And if you'd like to reach out to me and find out about advertising opportunities or sponsorship opportunities here on the program, we would greatly appreciate your support. And our listeners are very loyal to those that sponsor us.

You can do that. Send me an email at Pastor Greg at, Pastor Greg at David Chistokas is our guest. David, so the Department of Justice back in 2020, they said Portland, Seattle and New York City, you're promoting anarchy. Today, it's Portland, Seattle, New York City, Chicago.

I think there's a couple of others that are thrown in there as well. And of course, you know, state's attorneys generals could be stepping in and forcing these very liberal counties to start protecting their citizenry. I mean, David, isn't the main purpose constitutionally of these entities, whether it be a state or a county or a city government or the federal government is to defend law-abiding citizens from those that are in violation of good laws? Greg, the very first and primary principle for the existence of government is, in fact, to secure our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which is the, of course, formulation from the Declaration of Independence. It's borrowed from John Locke in terms of the pursuit of happiness that Jefferson wrote. But John Locke, of course, styled that as property. But property is actually the ultimate definition is the fruits of one's labors. And so the prime purpose, actually, the single basic purpose of government is to protect people's life, allow them to exercise their liberty and see to it that they are able to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Because by enjoying the fruits of your labors, the best way to do that, to have fruit of your labor is to create something that is of value to the community at large.

And then you benefit from that creation. That's what government is supposed to do. That's the only real thing that government is supposed to do. And when these entities do not do that, there are absolute abject failures in what the purpose of government is. When you talk about attorneys general, we have a great model, the brand new attorney general of the great state of Virginia, who, in fact, has directed his office to this problem by telling the local prosecutors, if you do not prosecute these matters, these cases where people's life and liberty and property are in danger, our office will do so. And that will be one of the goals of my office when, should I be fortunate enough to become the attorney general of Illinois.

And that's, but people don't understand that that is, in fact, the only duty, that's the principal duty of government to begin with. It's, you know, there's, you know, there's roads and there's highways, and there's other things that make life nicer. But if we're not, if we're not safe, we can't enjoy the roads, we can't enjoy the highway.

None of that makes any difference. Right. If we're not safe. Right. Absolutely.

Yeah. I want to, I want to jump back to the vaccine thing real quick for a minute in our closing moments, because it really is a major issue. Moderna's CEO, Stefan Banzel, has said basically that, you know, the vaccinators are believing that vaccines are going to become a regular thing. Okay. In other words, they're going to keep coming out with vaccines.

You got one as what happened to, you know, to your friend who got the second vaccine, the quote unquote booster. They're going to keep pushing this. David, how do we stop it? How do we take back our right and say no to these injections when they keep trying to force them on us?

About 30 seconds if you close us out with that thought. Well, I think you're absolutely right. No is the simple answer. The other answer is, actually, the real answer is exercise freedom. If people want to, that's their freedom. But the whole delineation of the people who do not want to is what's the dangerous situation, creating a situation of the other, you know, trying to slice us and dice us. We have to get past that. The right to make the choice is the bottom line, you know, and I think that's the thing that's most critical here to understand is we have a right to make. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired? Stop.

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For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit This is Adam Mundahl with State Air and we are sponsors of Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 830-446-3624. Once again, that's 830-446-3624.

I know your business will be blessed as ours is and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. Hey, this is Pastor Greg. You're listening to Chosen Generation Radio. That's Be sure and get the podcast over there and sign up for our emails today. Greetings, Children Generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you, my listeners. You are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving, and caring people I know. I need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in India.

While there has become a focus on the Uyghurs in China, our ministries in Jammu, Kashmir, and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uyghurs, the Taliban, and the mounting CCP army at the border of India. Between these threats and the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families, our orphans, our widows, our Bible students, and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20 funds our sewing school instructor and $150 a week funds our base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students, even the sewing school, and our senior indigenous pastor Samuel. So please go to forward slash Pastor Greg. That's forward slash Pastor Greg. Or you can call me at 209-380-8654, 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone. Please call us, contact me today, and make your best donation. Thank you and God bless you. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation radio show, reminding you that we have a two-hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years.

You are a part of that vision. So please join us at and sign up for our emails today. Now back to Chosen Generation with your host Pastor Greg.

Pastor Greg. And don't forget you can get more Chosen Generation at And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm your host Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

Well, let's see. I'm working on getting Didi Logison on for us, Save the Persecuted Christians, but I do have my co-host with me. I want to welcome him to the program, Mr. Rick Manning. Rick, welcome. Good to have you, my friend.

I hope. Hello, Rick. You have me, except for when I'm on mute.

Yes. I'm at a public place and coming out of a meeting, and so I'm gonna put it on mute so people don't come up to me and talk and be on the radio. But yeah, it's, no, we've got a lot to talk about. And we can start talking about what we were going to talk about with Didi in terms of a little bit on Beijing Olympics and some things like that.

And if we're able to have her hooking, great. Then we can move on to something else that we might want to talk about. Well, well, no, I've got some things actually for us to visit on.

I appreciate the opportunity to be able to talk with you because I know that you are read in on a lot of this stuff. I was talking with a friend of mine last night who is also very well read, and we were talking about kind of some conditions that are happening here in our country. A couple of things. One, apparently the Fed has announced that there are going to be six, six increases in the interest rate over the course of this next year. Six times they plan to raise the interest rates. The first one, I guess, is supposed to come at the end of February. That's a significant issue.

If you're wanting to buy a house this year, if you're planning to sell a house this year, any large purchase, right, or large loan, if you're planning to start a business this year or expand your business this year and you're going to be looking for loan funds to do that, even investment dollars, that's a pretty major issue, right, six times. Then I think we should talk about China and Taiwan, Russia and the Ukraine, and then there are some reports that we could see China invade Taiwan, Russia invade the Ukraine, and North Korea invade South Korea simultaneously. And of course, China has the subsonic missiles now, potentially with the ability, and they have said if we interfere in any of their conquests, that they intend to strike first, and the Obama administration put into place a rule, and we can talk about that, Rick, as to how that would be handled, but the rule is that we will not do first strike. So in other words, they shoot off their nukes until we get hit, we're not supposed to respond. So there's a smorgasbord for you, my good friend. Yeah, nothing but good news there.

No, nothing but good news. Let's start with, first of all, the interest rate. As we know, the Fed, they meet on a monthly basis, and they can decide what the interest rate should be, and they act. And when they say something like, we plan to do six interest rate increases over the next year, I'll remind people that the common wisdom was they were going to do three in 2022 originally, and that was what was kind of the anticipated thing. And so that was, so by escalating that to six, they always, they can do 12.

They want to, they meet once a month. But they're trying, what they're trying to signal to the market is what to expect, because what markets and business people and most people don't like is uncertainty. And so if there was an increase in the rates or decrease in the rates that wasn't expected, that has been built into the system. So what they're doing is they're trying to build an expectation in the system.

Secondly, that doesn't mean they're actually going to do it. It's a matter of, because presumably they're going to review what's happening with inflation, what's happening with the GDP, the panoply of different things are going on, and make a determination as to what needs to be done on a monthly basis. I will tell you that the failure of the Fed over the last year to actually take inflation seriously, you can call it transitory when it was obviously not, is exactly why they're now having to say, oh, well, we're going to raise interest rates six times.

But there's a bigger problem, Pastor Greg, and that this is where things get screwed up. When their fiscal policy, there's two types of policies, fiscal and monetary policy. And monetary policy is what the Fed does, interest rates and like. Fiscal policy is what Congress does. That's taxes, that's spending.

Taxes, that's spending. And so if Congress and the Biden administration want to continue to have multi-trillion dollar deficits every year, that runs in direct counter contradiction to a Fed policy that's trying to tighten money. The Fed policy of raising interest rates is designed to take money out of the system. They want to take money out of the system because we have a demand driven inflation cycle. Too much demand, too few services because the services, hence the price goes up, basic price, you know, demands of supply and demand price equation. So it's a demand-based.

It's based on all the money that was flowed into the system, not in 2020, although that played a role or 2020, but in late 2020 and early 2021, when the, when Donald Trump wanted to have his last bite of the apple in terms of spending money, then, you know, two different times Biden and the Democrats want to have their bite of the apple spending money. It was a piling onto the money after the economy was recovering dramatically that has caused, exacerbated the inflation cycle. So we have to get, and this is what I've said repeatedly, the best way to stop the inflation cycle is to stop spending because if we're pumping a trillion and a half more dollars into the economy than we're bringing in, that offsets the effect of the interest rate increases. And it becomes a vicious cycle of the politicians having one agenda and the Fed having another. Those two things aren't in alignment, we're in deep trouble.

And right now they aren't. Something else too, that I, that I didn't bring in that I, that is probably some good news, and I'm picking this up a story by Lindsey Pygza, P-I-E-G-Z-A, chief economist and managing director at Stifle. She writes, according to reports, AT&T and Verizon have delayed the implementation of their 5G network around key U.S. airports.

If you were not aware of this, there was great concern. The FAA was coming out along with United, Delta, American, a number of them. And I might add that the Dubai Emirates suspended flights to nine U.S. cities.

Japan's major airlines, Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines are curtailing all Boeing 7-7 flights headed to America. And British Airways, Korean Airlines, Cathaway Pacific, Air India and Singapore Airlines also were canceling flights or switching aircraft models because of the concern of American, of the 5G rollout around airports. AT&T and Verizon are now saying they're delaying that implementation around key U.S. airports, but they don't say for how long. And so that's going to really be something to watch because here we have, right, we have the backup of all these ships and all the supplies. Now we have potentially the backup of air couriers that are bringing things in.

And I noticed that FedEx is once again talking about bumping rates. Yeah, it's, yeah, what we're looking at, first of all, I was unaware of the 5G at the airport problem. But I find it interesting in that there is a, China has a build out of 5G that's far more extensive than the United States.

They've got a major expansion. Their big cities have 5G, the rural areas not so much, but their big cities have 5G, their big cities have airports. And so it makes me wonder, are we in fact looking at a 5G exp, you know, what exactly are they talking about in terms of the electronics being affected? Because we're flying the same planes to Shanghai and elsewhere. And so we're flying the same planes to Shanghai and elsewhere. So to make a, so it's a little bit of a, I don't know enough technologically about it to really talk.

I do know that it has a tremendous supply chain problem. Hang on. Yeah, Dee Dee's calling in. Hang on one second. And there we go.

She should be connected now. Hi Dee Dee. Hey Pastor Greg. Sorry, we've had a bit of ice and everything here this morning and I've been running my kids around.

That's right. You got caught up in the snow storm. Well, Rick Manning is with us. We were talking about the 5G issue and AT&T and Verizon have delayed, but I took the opportunity because, you know, I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to reach you to talk. We talked a little bit about inflation issues that are taking place. We talked about raises in interest rates. We talked about 5G and then I teased about the Chinese invasion of Taiwan, the potential of a North Korean invasion of South Korea and the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsonic missiles that China is threatening to send our way if we interfere with anything that they're doing, this evil empire is doing.

And our policy that says that we're not going to respond until the nuclear missile has actually landed in America. So anyway, lots of good news today, Dee Dee. We'll be back. We're going to take a quick break. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. You're listening to 10 Generation Radio.

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830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's Chosen Generation. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation radio show. If you follow my program, you know I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life, spent six weeks on life support, died four times, and broke bones in my head, neck, back, ribs, arms, pelvis, and both legs.

That was in 2017. In 2004, I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down. In both instances, God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently, I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole other level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up. That's and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at

That's, and I'll tell you how to get well. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I can, you know, we were talking in the break there, you know, we really have leveled some tough news on you, and there's a little more we've got to share. I'm going to let Rick share some good news, but you know, the other piece of news that we do absolutely as believers have to remember to hold on to is this, that God is sovereign over all of this. He has placed you and I here for such a time as this, and the role of America in this, and America as a Christian nation, we have to raise our voices, we have to act with our wallets, we have to act with our voices, we have to act with the pen, and we have to act with our votes. And we have the ability still to do that in this country, and we need to hold on to the liberties that we do have and fight back with them.

Rick, go ahead. Well, first of all, amen to that. That is absolutely right. A bit of good news, and this is a direct result of people on this station, people who are just becoming more aware. The government of West Virginia has said that they're no longer going to have BlackRock investing, which is the largest form of the world, touching their accounts. And the reason they're not going to exclude BlackRock is because of the ties that they have to Communist China. And BlackRock, who runs BlackRock, made it very clear that they're all in on China, and they're betting on China. And West Virginia said, well, if you might want to bet on China, but you're not going to use our money to do it. And that is a great thing. And all 50 states should be doing the same thing. So West Virginia, way to lead the way.

Rhonda Stenson, Florida, is looking at something similar. So this is a time to contact your governor's offices and demand that they divest state funds from China. But that's the good news.

Things are moving in the right direction, while they seem at a glacial pace, in the right direction in that arena. Now back to the bad news. Pastor Greg? Didi, you had some information with regards to lists that are being created of government employees that have asked for religious exemptions relative to the injection. Can you talk about that?

Yeah, sure. So we have news that the Biden administration is creating a list of federal employees requesting religious accommodations and other accommodations regarding the vaccine mandate. And it said that comment must be made by February 10th in order to, you know, save this off.

But it's not likely going to happen. I'm talking to Mike Berry, who's the lead counsel for the Navy U.S. field, on our webinar tomorrow at 4 30 p.m., COVID Mandate Crushing the Faithful. And people can find out about more about that at and register to attend. We have Pastor Kevin Jessup, who's the visionary behind the return, which happened on September 26, 2020, and the Renewal 2022, which just happened January 8 in Plant City, Florida. And Rabbi Jonathan Cahn had a prophetic message for the United States that he gave. You can find it at, that he calls us all to be Elijah in this time. And that's the good news is that the people of God, the remnants who return to God right now, and place all our trust in him, we have the power to speak with God, to return to God, and to be that people who call for mercy in this time, because this is a time of judgment upon this nation. And what is needed is for God's people to return in full force and in full faith to God. Amen. Amen. We absolutely do. And I think it's a very critical time.

I've been sharing this also on the program. 70%, according to PRRI and the Pew Research Center, in one of their most recent polls, showed that 70% of Americans claim Christianity. I think that is a very positive thing. And now it may be, it may not be the biblical form of Christianity, Rick and Didi, that, you know, that we fully embrace. But the idea that there are 70% of Americans out there that at least have a concept or an idea that Christianity is a valuable thing in their lives, and they lay claim to that banner, we can take and move that ship in a positive direction. And that can be the basis upon, you know, people say, well, you know, you're preaching to the choir. Well, if the choir is off tune, we need to get the choir back on tune, right? And so preaching to the choir is a good thing. Yeah, you're right.

You know, it's a good thing. Let's just remember that, you know, the choir, every member of the choir has family, you have friends, have, you know, people, they know, people, they know they have children, they have grandchildren, they have great grandchildren. You know, they all have connections or outside of being in that choir. So the reason you preach to the choir is because just as Jesus taught the apostles, who then and say, go and make disciples, disciples are the choir. Okay, disciples aren't Christians, disciples are the people who create who go off and preach to Christians. That's the 70 you go out and and and go before Christ to talk about when Christ is coming into town with no greed and kind of thing.

So let's just be clear. There's nothing wrong with preaching the choir. The question is, will the choir sing? And that's the job of each and every one of us is not to just be part of the choir inside the church is to be the choir outside the church. Amen. And the thing about prayer from the Christian heart is it's important for Christians to be informed.

And that's why they come to listen to your show. Pastor Greg, I want to let everybody know that the committee on the present danger China at present danger China, present danger China dot org is leading this effort to divest China from the state funds from from the US capital capital markets. And so it's really important to be informed and I encourage everybody to go there as well and to stay on top of what is happening because while we are distracted with COVID a greater threat to the entire world as you have all been discussing this morning is building and American Christians must be informed so they know what to pray about and pray into it in a very direct fashion. Yeah, I think the website is the best China

I at one point I was in charge of that website and haven't been able to keep up and keep up and do that because of other problems that come up. But will have the information on the investment and divestment that's updated and a good source of information. And so yeah, that's a, you know, the thing that groups like present danger China and children generation radio and Americans for limited government. The thing that we can do is we can provide two things. We can provide facts and information and we can provide ways to engage and do something about it.

One without the other is meaningless, but having the facts information and the tools at your disposal to do something about it empowers each listener to take any problem that they that we talk about and do something about it in a way that actually is meaningful. So that's what we try to do. And I know it's what Americans for limited government tries to do.

It's what Gigi tries to do. And you know, it's what Pastor Greg tries to do. So folks, this is, you know, we're kind of having a little Sunday session here, but the fact of the matter is, you go to church to get recharged on Sunday, but you're getting recharged because you're going to be out with people Monday through Saturday.

And that's the, you know, so, you know, this is Monday through Saturday. We have to begin- At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation. And I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good.

And Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up. And in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Next time on Focus on the Family, Dr. Tony Evans explains what it means to have a kingdom marriage under God's authority and for his glory. He shares about maintaining oneness, the importance of having a servant's heart and how to rebuild a marriage relationship that's been fractured. God's wisdom for your marriage on the next focus on the family.

Jammu, Kashmir and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uighurs, the Taliban and the mounting CCP army at the border of India. Between these threats and the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families, our orphans, our widows, our Bible students and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month.

$20 funds our sewing school instructor and $150 a week. Funds are our base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students, even the sewing school and our senior indigenous pastor Samuel. So please go to forward slash Pastor Greg. That's forward slash Pastor Greg or you can call me at 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone. Please call us, contact me today and make your best donation. Thank you and God bless you.
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