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Lt Col Sargis Sangari OPEC OPEC Plus Russia Saudi Deal to Remove the Petro Dollar Biden_Obama Turns on India and Japan 091321

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 13, 2021 2:56 pm

Lt Col Sargis Sangari OPEC OPEC Plus Russia Saudi Deal to Remove the Petro Dollar Biden_Obama Turns on India and Japan 091321

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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And I'm very pleased to welcome my next guest. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Army, spent 20 years as a veteran in the United States Army Infantry and Special Operational Forces, multiple combat deployments in Iraq, a diplomatic assignment in Kuwait, several other deployments in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Central America. He's the CEO of the Near East Center for Strategic Engagement. You can find them at

That's We'll get it up here on the screen during this time that we're together in this interview. I had the pleasure of having the Colonel on a number of times almost 10 years ago now at the time that I was working to try to shed the light on what was happening to Assyrian Christians under the Obama administration and the assault of ISIS and that attack on them. And that is when Facebook said that I no longer could carry the moniker of Pastor because I was fighting for Assyrian Christians to get asylum to this country.

And my next guest was fighting to teach Assyrians how to defend themselves so they weren't slaughtered. And I am so grateful to have him back on the program. I want to welcome Lieutenant Colonel Sargis Sangari. Colonel Sangari, thanks for being here today. I really appreciate it, sir.

No, Pastor Young, thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to be here. As much as things change, they all stay the same, it seems, after 10 years. I think this is the thing that for me is so gut-wrenching. We have the five generals that were released in the Bergdahl Exchange, Taliban, one of whom is now the president of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

It's like reliving a nightmare, and I'm sure it's even worse for you because you were on the ground when all of this was taking place. Talk to me about some of the things that are not getting into the news. We talked a little bit about them in the warm-up, the Turkmenistan, but the Istans that are being affected, the withdrawal of missiles in Saudi Arabia, the petrodollar issue.

Go ahead, I'm going to just cut you loose and please talk to us about this and your thoughts on where this is taking us. Well, Pastor Young, I know that 10 years ago we were on the ground. I was advising and we were leading the Assyrian military force structures. These are the Christian Assyrians in Iraq and Syria that were fighting against ISIS at the time. We were not getting any type of support, so we ended up, I created the United of Sin Appeal, 501c3, and we gave money to the multi-families so the loved ones could fight.

So there was an independent force structure that fought on the ground. We just did not get any support on the Obama administration. Fast forward to five years ago, I stood on stage at a synagogue in Canada and I was asked a question and talked about why is it that even the Western churches are not really doing anything significant to be able to press the current administration to do something about the Assyrian Christians and what is happening for Christianity in the Middle East.

And I told them that sometimes if you haven't faced evil as much as you have understood it from the biblical sense, until it faces you, you won't get an understanding of it, so you don't understand how to attack it. Fast forward to where we are today as far as the United States really turning over their equipment, living in Bagram Airbase for the Taliban to get their hands on. And when I found out the night that we abandoned the equipment, within a few days I got the ticket out, went to D.C., spoke to senatorial, congressional staffers, and also physically met and talked to congressional staffer and said we got to get this weapon, hands on it, because otherwise the Taliban will.

And they did. And today that equipment, the American MRAPs are now being found through digital satellite imagery. They're sitting in Iran and that's what they're being seen. The issue is now the region has become a bit more destabilized. In the past couple of weeks since the takeover by the Taliban, even Pakistan itself, as much as the Pakistan intelligence was the reason why Taliban was able to exist and survive within the Pakistan borders and was used in Afghanistan, they've had a number of suicide attacks internal into Pakistan against them. Pakistan major cleric has come up and said that the revolution has taken place. This is a global revolution that the Taliban were able to achieve. And you've even seen the Taliban flag rising over Pakistan itself. As far as the stands are concerned, they're all concerned now because they don't understand if the U.S. is going to recognize the government of Taliban. They believe that the U.S. will be recognized Taliban as a legitimate government for Afghanistan. And because of that, a lot of the refugees that have escaped into Uzbekistan and take just that are now looking at being sent back because those countries want to make sure that they have a good relationship with Taliban so that the Taliban does not destabilize them internally. Unfortunately, most of these refugees are officers or others that were in the Afghan military. There are not Taliban in thinking, and they will be sent back to be killed along with their family members. So this is where we are today. And not to speak of the fact that in northern Iraq today, after Mosul fell, although the Syrian army was fighting, I had them fighting between 2014, 2017, and we took them off the battlefield after the ISIS defeat.

They're still operational in other capacities. And we got the word back that ISIS has started manifesting itself already, as far as Kirkuk is concerned, and other places in northern Iraq. And we're starting to raise money funding again to constitute the military force structure through support of their families, because we believe that by the end of this year, you're looking at a possible genocide against the Syrian Christians, the Ruhd al-Krishna, finally in March of next year. Well, and my understanding from talking with Cynthia Farahat was that the Taliban, there's a record now of the leader of al-Qaeda essentially saying that they have merged with the Taliban. And so there's that danger.

And perhaps you could speak to that. And then I'd love to hear more about the missile withdrawal and the agreement now that has been entered into between the Saudis and Russia. And this is, I mean, in absolute opposition to all the work that President Trump's previous administration attempted to do through the Abrahamic Treaty that would have brought Saudi Arabia, because the Saudis were working with the Israelis and with the United States.

And we were headed in a good direction. Yeah, I mean, look, al-Qaeda, ISIS, all these ISIS-K, as much as you think that they're opposing each other, their work together, all part of the same band of brothers put a better term because they have the similar same philosophy as established on the caliphate on the Sharia law. The only argument is when should it be done and where it should be done period. That's only the issue that they have now, as far as the effects of that is concerned. You know, from a technical standpoint, actually, Afghanistan was not over, were, you know, the longest war. It's still ongoing on the Korean Peninsula because South Korea never signed armistice. Now, people will say, well, that's semantics.

But no, that's technical aspect, right? So the longest war, U.S. has been involved in is called the Korean War. With that said, if you look at it from a technical perspective, the United States, since the Bagram airfield exposure to the Taliban and the money that we have given to the Taliban in process of negotiating with them has now become on a technical spec or one of the major state sponsor of terrorism and terrorist organizations. Unfortunately, on the books, if you want to look at it from a technical perspective, what that has led to is the issue of what had happened under the previous porters. The previous porters put pressures and sanctions on Iran, but he kept one port called Port of Trabajo open in Iran, allowing the Indian government to develop that port for the Iranians to push a railhead into Afghanistan. What that did, India was accounted for us against China because President Trump wanted to counter China even though he was living in the Middle East. With that said, it allowed a squeezing of Iran, giving an opportunity for possible future support if need be for us to work with the Iranians if they're able to change internally with their governmental structures.

Okay. What there is forced the Pakistan government to have to force the Taliban to come to the table to negotiate and we force Pakistan to ensure not to fund Taliban support requirements with others. When Saudi Arabia went to meet with the Pakistan government because they were trying to find another source of support because of the Abraham Accords and we had squeezed Saudi, Saudi Arabia wasn't able to provide that support for them. So it really put Pakistan in a bad position. The issue was fast forward to where we are not under the current porters, all that flipped because Pakistan supported with their IS, uh, with their intelligence services, forced the Taliban move farther into, uh, into the areas of Afghanistan. And if you look at the map, the really Taliban did not start squeezing the current porters until his inauguration.

They tested them at the first place that they really strategically took because for two months, Iran wasn't able to get any oil into Afghanistan instead of taking Cabo, which they could have, they went to a harass, took that to open the oil lanes for Iran. So it completely devastated everything that the previous porters had put on the table for the current leadership to be able to execute for the betterment of the country, not betterment of a political party. Fast forward to where we are on August 30th, uh, you had the last plane from the U S military leave Afghanistan. And on that day, exactly the Saudis, which are a funding members of OPEC and uh, Russia, which is a OPEC plus five, I mean, I should say not plus five, but plus country signed an agreement to get rid of the petrol dollar. That means that is a possibility of looking at a basket of other currencies to include the yen and the rubles or whatever else is out there and the Euro to be put together to counter American's ability with the dollar to be able to be still a viable currency. And if that happens over the next couple of years, you're going from the first economy to your money being worthless because right now, since 2009, we were at 0% interest rates. If today, based on those moves, you, you raised interest rate by 1%, you have to pay $225 billion of just interest on everything that we have suffered. Our economy will collapse because the current economy is a really a, um, not a solid economy.

We build it kind of sand based on our ability of what we thought could be done. When you add in these trillions of dollars of package that the, uh, um, current POTUS has recommended to be passed, there's no recovery. This happened to us also in 2000 and, uh, and the 2014 to 2017 timeframe, because if you go back to 2000, uh, 14 timeframe, uh, the, the bank of Japan and October purchase a lot of American debt. Uh, and that's when the Russians made a phone call to their North Korean, um, buddies who recently just tested one of their other missiles, uh, that is threatening now Japan, uh, in order to put pressure on the Obama administration and say, you come into Syria and contrast in Syria, you're not going to fight a two front war. We'll just have a much more regional conflict between North Korea and the Japanese.

And of course you know that some Japanese lost their lives when their Japanese islands were attacked today. Right now, do these countries, you call the Russia, Iran and Pakistan are part of the Shanghai corporation organization, which China created 20 years ago to counter NATO. And as you have NATO escaping and being defeated in Afghanistan, the Chinese have not moved in and they already have their folks in Bagram airfield. They're helping to advise the Taliban and they're about to sign possibly a defense cooperation agreement with the Taliban government. Uh, we will still keep on funding them from the U S probably through other networks. We will call them USA ID or call them NGOs, but really it's on only money into the hands of the Taliban because we really don't know what to do in the region. The best thing for America is unfortunately, the entire Afghanistan doesn't break into a civil war, but implodes. So they're all killing each other. And that will counter China over the next decade, possibly on the belt and road initiative. Unfortunately, we need to destabilize Pakistan or put India and Pakistan in a very real possible war between these two different nations. And, uh, as all as might see, there was a Christian athlete will be probably wiped out in Northern Iraq.

You can see this effective stop sedan where you have terrorist operators, movement oil fields. My goodness. All right, don't go anywhere.

Lieutenant Colonel Sarge is going to be back with us right after this brief break. You're listening to children. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired. Stop.

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One month, $1. Help the Epoch Times keep truth alive. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. And my guest is Lieutenant Colonel Sargis Sangari USA, retired and CEO of the Near East Center for Strategic Engagement. You can find them at

That's We were talking in the break. I mean, this is really significant news and information to understand that the U.S.'s agreement with Saudi Arabia, we broke it. This administration broke that agreement, subsequently meaning that the U.S. control of the petrodollar and the U.S. control as the reserve currency is in not pretend jeopardy. But as you're explaining to me, Colonel, it is in real jeopardy.

And according to this agreement that's been entered into, pretty much it's done. Look, Pastor, they were talking about China was an issue proposal. They floated it to get rid of the U.S. currency as a reserve currency of the world or the petrodollar. By doing that, you get rid of it. It doesn't have that standing. It's not tied to anything.

It's your pay for that. Iran floated that idea. Russia initially talked about it, but Russia was the only ones who were trying to do something in writing to counter, but they couldn't do it on their own. So what did we do when the current quotas allowed them to push oil into Germany? It gave them the opportunity now for leverage. When we pulled out of Afghanistan and Saudi was in a position realizing that the current administration, just like the Obama administration, is going to support Iran in its endeavors, because once Afghanistan falls on the hands of the Taliban, and I said in the previous segment where the Taliban actually alleviated the pressure of Iran by securing Iraq first, it told the Saudis that they're done. So it forced them to have to now go to the table with the Russians, not only to sign a defense cooperation agreement, which means those functional budget dollars for $50 that we do for multi sales are no longer there.

That's the way we keep our friends close to us. But it now gave the Russians an opportunity to force the Saudis to sign an agreement together to say it's time for OPEC and OPEC plus nations to say that we are not going to allow the dollar to be the dollar tied to oil itself for our functions. So now if a digital currency is introduced that they're working on, China has been working on our basket of currencies, you're literally going to go from US being number one economy in the world to US being none.

It doesn't fall to two or three or 15 or 35. It completely crashes. And that's what they're working on. Because that's the ultimate squeeze of the United States, where you're spending money you don't have, you're in debt. And now you don't have a way to back up your currency. We cannot go back to the gold standard because a lot of the gold that we had here in other countries, other countries have called and requested their gold, because they don't believe that US can honor that requirement. And if China goes into Taiwan, even our allies in Japan will not be able to do anything against stopping and that's where they tried to get rid of their their article nine agreement in World War Two and are trying to take their security in their own hands because they can't back up the US.

Well, and India, who has been a very consistent partner of the United States, will suddenly find themselves out in the cold, and they won't be able to continue to sustain, you know, their defenses against the Taliban in the West and China in the East. Thank you for all that. We appreciate it. Folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

All I can tell you is this. We better stand on our faith right now. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired? Stop.

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