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Kenneth Rapoza China Pushing Solar Climate restricting Policies Rare Earth Monopoly 101421

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 16, 2021 8:30 pm

Kenneth Rapoza China Pushing Solar Climate restricting Policies Rare Earth Monopoly 101421

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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855-696-7930. Use the code PastorGreg, get your first year absolutely free. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending gone crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on? There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe.

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They are 100% U.S. based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders, and veterans. Use the code Chosen for free activation. Call 972-Patriot, 972-Patriot. Call today. Use the code Chosen. forward slash chosen. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And again, relative to the things that I was talking about regarding the vaccine mandate, regarding the Department of Labor and their quote unquote orders and things of that nature, before you walk off your job because of vaccine mandates, before you quit, be sure that you make contact with an attorney. There are a lot of attorneys out there that are supporting and fighting on behalf of Americans over this issue. So make sure that you get good legal counsel and damages can be awarded if they force the vaccine mandate on you and then fire you for not complying with this issue, which is directly in violation of a number of other labor acts.

So get a good attorney, get a labor attorney to work for you on that. All right. Very pleased to welcome my next guest to the program as we talk about another threat to our freedoms and liberties here in America.

And that of course is with the CCP and China. And I want to welcome Ken Rapoza to the program. Ken, welcome. Good to have you back. Hey, thanks for having me. Absolutely.

Absolutely. Well, there's a lot to dig into here relative to, and something that you mentioned in the piece that you've written talking about, we'll get into a lot of this tomorrow, even more in depth with Nan Su from the Epoch Times talking about China's 30 year and a hundred year plan to basically make the West irrelevant. Everybody's thinking Ken, oh, we're going to war. There's going to be a nuclear war. China doesn't want a nuclear war. They don't even need a nuclear war for their plans. They've already positioned themselves to manipulate our markets. Talk to me about solar is one of those issues. The supply side, my wife, we were pricing flooring and last week it was $4.50 a square foot.

This week it's 11 bucks. Wow. Yeah. That's the supply chain. You have ships docked out at sea at ports across the country.

Can't get in, can't unload, can't get the truckers, don't have the workers in warehouses and so on. But back on the China side, as far as war goes, like a kinetic war with actual missiles flying off battleships and bombs, you know, China doesn't really need to result in that because actually it has a lot of allies in the Western world. Uh, people who believe that China model is the way to go. A centralized system of control, top down experts, smarty pant guys that will tell you what to do and how to, how to run your life or, you know, basically what it is is more of a political risk control and a business control.

So where I can make sure that pastor Greg and his friends aren't going to do something or the wrong way. So I'm going to have the political risk on the mic, on the under control. I can make sure that, you know, my business interests are there because I can control a market. So China, China has a lot of friends, has a lot of allies in the West, so it doesn't need to fire a shot. Well, and wrong way I might add is relative, right? I mean wrong way compared to how they want things to be done. As long as you fall in line with their mandates, which essentially keep 95% of the population living in poverty and 5% of the population calling the shots, uh, you know, they're, they're perfectly happy. No opportunity for any of the 95% to rise up. No middle class folks, no middle class.

Yeah. China though, actually China has of course seen a rise in the middle class, especially in the cities. But of course China doesn't have freedoms the way we have.

They live, they live in a, they live in a 24 seven, you know, surveillance state economy. Uh, and of course, as I said, they, as my, in my opening rant, right, is that there are many people here in the West and I, you know, Europe and the United States who see that's the way to go. Look at Australia, look at New Zealand.

I mean look what the pandemic has shown, what some Western countries have done to its citizens. China has even gone through these extremes. So there are a lot of people in the West who love the China model.

They want to imitate it. Uh, and that's, that's, that's probably as big of a problem for us as the Chinese communist party is. Yeah, well absolutely. The influence and, and the people who, you know, I, I would, I would make a case that I believe that they've, uh, they've surrendered to it. Although I would say also that, you know, this has been being inundated in our public education systems for quite some time.

But let's talk about, uh, the, in particular, the solar area and, and the technological area. Because if you want to do, uh, if you want to build something technologically and you're looking that you need chips or certain types of chips in order to make that happen, uh, it, it, it's become very difficult for us to manufacture those on our own because the raw materials that we need have to come from somewhere else because we, uh, we abandoned that. Right. We abandoned that. And again, that goes back again. I try to bring this up all the time when I'm on the air because a lot of people don't get, a lot of people don't really make this connection, you know? So you mentioned chips, uh, chips, microchips that are inside of your phone that are in your laptop that are in your refrigerator. Probably even if you have one of those touch screen refrigerators, we want those, but people have them in your car.

Right? So that stuff is designed by Intel or, or, or, you know, a broad broadcom, the Qualcomm, but it's made by about a handful of companies. One of the big ones is Taiwan Semiconductor and Taiwan Semiconductor doesn't really make those chips. Does it manufacture those chips in the U S they manufacture them in Taiwan. They manufacture some of them in mainland China even, but I think most of it is actually done in Taiwan.

So we design it, but we don't really make it here. So that's a problem. So when Taiwan can't get it out or if China one day decided it's going to take over Taiwan and nationalize Taiwan Semiconductor, you're not getting those things.

So that's a risk. And I think Washington knows it, but of course they're very slow. We have this thing called the chips act in, in, uh, in Congress right now. And that is would pass if it wasn't part of this massive reconciliation bills and sucked in like a black hole. So we don't know when that's going to pass. We assume it will pass, uh, you know, by the end of the year, but you need, you need things like that to make you more, you need supply.

You need to have resiliency United States. You need to make things. But again, why don't we make things? Well, because I mean, again, I mean, I mentioned some companies because Intel didn't want to make it here. They want to make it cheaper in China or Taiwan. Well, and, and, and in part also because the raw materials in order to do that, you know, we would have to ship them from somewhere else. At one point, the United States had control, uh, of, of about 80% of the rare earth, uh, of the 31, I believe there's, is it 31 Ken, right down there. Aren't there like 31 flavors or 31? Yeah, I don't know how many there are, but, but to make it simple, cause you know, none of the, probably few of us on this call or, you know, rare earth geologists, right.

From you University of Texas. So w so it's no sense even going into them cause we're not even going to be able to pronounce half of these things, you know, but a lot of these metals, they go into making navigational equipment on, on fighter planes for example. And some of these rare earths, well you get them, you can get them from Australia, you can probably even get them from the United States and get it from Chile and get them from China of course as well. Um, but what had happened with some of these rare earths is that China, uh, mines them in other parts of the world, like Africa for example, and cobalt is a good example of this, even though cobalt is definitely not a rare earth. And they bring that material back to China and then they process it and however it becomes a powder or whatever form they turn it into from rock to like a powder. And then they, then it goes into your Tesla car batteries or your iPhone battery and so on. So, but so China does control a huge part of that supply chain and they're really big on cobalt because they pretty much dominate the Congo cobalt mines. But on rare earths, again, it all depends on what the material is.

And if you're making a B-52 bomber and you need the navigational equipment, it requires this special material, this special metal, and we don't have it here or we do, but it's all processed in China. Well, that's bad. That's bad. Uh, I think, again, I think Congress knows this is bad, but they just move very slowly on getting things done. No, absolutely.

Absolutely. Well, yeah, let me see. So, uh, one place says there's, there's PBS USGS. USGS is saying there are 15.

Another place I found says there are 17. But the reality folks, the bottom line here is, is all of these articles are indicating that most of this rare earth now, uh, that we used to have massive manufacturing of rare earth materials are not. And I think a lot of people, Ken, don't realize how important these rare earth items are, which we were going to talk a little bit about solar, right? Well, you know, if you want to create solar panels, there are rare earth metallic elements that you need to have in order to create the circuitry in order for that solar panel to work.

Right. But the main thing of solar, right, because it is, is what is this thing called polysilicon, right? So polysilicon is made basically from, from sand and I don't really know exactly how they make it, but you could imagine these things, you know, everything that we have, you know, is not made from, uh, you know, pixie dust, right? So polysilicon is the key starting ingredient that you need to make a solar panel. And China has a big choke hold on that, on that part of the market. And they can just, they can, they can, and they have said, you know, we're not going to sell, we're not, we're going to produce less polysilicon because that way you drive up the prices of solar cells that go into making your solar panels. So it sounds like there's a little round or square items that go into the big square solar panel you see on a rooftop. So everywhere, uh, we're not going to make polysilicon. We're going to cut.

What happens? Solar cell prices go up. You can count on the financial wires like Bloomberg in United States and the environmental activists in the United States and say, Oh my goodness, solar cell solar is going through the roof. It's becoming too expensive.

No one's going to buy it. We're not going to save the planet. We're not going to reach Biden's plan to reach 40% solar by 2050 or whatever year it was. Uh, and it all falls in the China's plan. So they can definitely put chokeholds on those things because they corner the market on it.

And it's a big problem for the United States. If you, if you want to be at least partially independent on solar, uh, which we are certainly not trying to control us about 80% of that market. So we'll see. We'll know more about that next year because some tariffs are going to remove on solar.

So that's going to be a fight to watch. Yeah. And, and, and, and polysilicon is an interesting market. I was looking here at the, uh, uh, according to burn hemlock semiconductor of the USA is, is the largest worldwide producer of, of polysilicon. But you know, the, the other piece to this, and you mentioned this in, in your monologue earlier in the program is the influence that the CCP and China have on the mindsets and, and you know, the, uh, how a lot of these Western companies are making the decisions that they're making. They sit on boards, uh, they have, you know, they, they just have a, a, a huge amount of influence. So even a, a, a mass US producer can, can be influenced by China and the CCP relative to investment, relative to who's in control, sitting on the board, things of that nature. Am I making sense, Ken?

Yeah. Well, there's a number of reasons for that. Some of it could be ideological reasons. I mean, sure. There might be somebody who is a Marxist or whatever and believes this is the way we should be a centralized communist top-down managerial society where the experts tell you, you know, how to live. And, you know, you've heard this before, right?

Communism was never tried by the right people. You know, those, those, you know, they're, they're probably people like that sitting on the board at JP Morgan who believed that. I mean, I don't know. I mean, or, or Tesla even.

And I, I don't, probably not you, I must. But, you know, they're, I'm sure, I'm sure there are, but there are also, and probably this is more, more common that the, it's just a business decision, right? You know, we talked about Larry Fink as the CEO of BlackRock.

I mean, he, you know, he takes a lot of heat for his relationship with, with the Chinese Communist Party. But his view is, look, I got an entire country of millionaires and billionaires more there than they're here. They need to put their money somewhere. They need to reform their pension system there.

They need to get coming up with something equivalent to a 401k or an IRB. IRA in China. And I want to be there to do it. I want to be there to sell it to them. China said I could do that now. I don't have to have a partner in China anymore. I'm 100% the owner of this fund.

I love it. So that's why they want to be there. You know, it's as simple as that, really.

It's not like they love the CCP or they love communism or that they're secretly communists. It's just that, that's, that's as simple as it gets, you know? Well, yeah, it breaks down to being about money. I mean, at the end of the day, it's money and money becomes the driving force. And obviously, the CCP understands that. And as we'll, you know, get into tomorrow with Nansu talking about their, you know, 30-year, 100-year plan.

That's part of the plan. They needed to create that upper crust. You know, you refer to it as a middle class, but it's not a middle class like we understand a middle class here in America. Because as you said, they don't have the freedoms. They don't have the liberties. They don't have any control. They are basically mandated on what they're going to think, what they're going to say, and so forth. And the other implications that we have concerns about here in our country are not theirs.

Right. Yeah, it's a totally different animal over there. Of course, Asian cultures are totally different than Western cultures, right?

So they have a very different mindset about how to go about their daily lives. I remember years ago when I was covering Brazil for the Wall Street Journal, you know, back in early 2000s, mid 2000s, a lot of talk was, well, look at China. It's rising. It went from making Happy Meal toys to, you know, owning Lenovo. And, you know, later on, of course, they became the creators of TikTok. And we're going to be like them.

How do we do it? Well, the one way to do it is maybe you import a whole bunch of Chinese because, you know, the Mexicans aren't going to do it, the Brazilians aren't going to do it. It's just a different culture, different mindset there.

Yeah, no, there is somewhat of a different work ethic, you know, but again, you know, America didn't rise to where it did in its first 150 years by being lazy, although that's part of the program. Back after this. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired? Stop.

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One month, one dollar. Help the Epoch Times keep truth alive. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits.

Everything filtered through biblical glasses. Again, a reminder, Nansu joins us from the Epoch Times. We'll talk about the CCP war on the Western world, a 30-year plan and a 100-year plan. George Barna is also with us tomorrow with his latest research update. And of course, Don Jans joins us to kick the program off tomorrow. Don't miss a minute of it. You can listen directly at or find a radio station near you or watch us on TECN TV.

Get signed up for the email today at and be sure to support our sponsors. All right, Ken, you were talking with me in the break about the solar issue. Why don't you explain the Chinese solar push and of course what the impacts of that are for America? Okay, so sure.

It's really simple to understand, right? You don't have to be a China expert or you can care less about solar to understand that, right? So imagine we're going to go from being pretty much fossil fuel independent thanks to fracking to now going wind and solar. Well, we don't make wind and solar in this country. We make some solar, but we don't make it like the Chinese do. So you would go from being independent on pulling stuff out of the ground and heating your home with it and turn the lights on to having to import all this hardware from China to make solar panels and wind turbines from Europe also to keep the lights on.

That's what you would go to. It would be a bad idea, right? In the simplest of terms, everyone would agree. We don't want to go from OPEC to China being the green OPEC.

That's bad. Absolutely. So the other thing is that if you want to do solar, okay, whatever you want to do solar, well, let's make more of it here, okay? Let's do that.

Make more of it here. That's a whole different argument. The other thing is Trump started the battle with China. He put on the armor of protection. That armor is still there, okay? Biden has not taken it off, right? So Biden has not changed Trump's direction on China.

It still exists. In fact, he's even increased some pressure on China through these sanctions on some Chinese companies linked to the military where big American investment firms had to sell shares to the tunes of tens of millions of dollars worth of shares, and they're doing that now as we speak. Biden promoted that. Biden continued with that, didn't shut it down. The only thing that you're going to see in the coming months, probably by the first quarter of 2021, is if Biden caves to the climate lobby and decides we have to remove tariffs on solar panels and solar cells.

Those are the cells that go into the panel that you see on the roof, little squares. We've got to remove tariffs on those because prices are going too high. We're not going to reach our climate goals. We've got to import the stuff. And if that happens, that's a win for China. And that would be the first time you see a chink in the armor on the trade war policy set forth by Trump, and that's when you would see Biden for the first time weakening those policies. But it doesn't stop, sadly, the influence of the CCP relative to the economics, and as you were mentioning about hedge funds and BlackRock and so forth that are investing heavily and taking in a lot of money from very wealthy Chinese. And I want to mention on the polysilicon, the number one polysilicon provider now is Tongwei, which, of course, is a Chinese company. And they dwarf, it just absolutely dwarf the numbers that were being produced by Hemlock Semiconductor just roughly 16 years ago.

So that market has flipped upside down in a very short period of time. Ladies and gentlemen, it has to do with American excellence, and American excellence had a lot to do with doing things as unto the Lord with everything that you did. I'll be back with more tomorrow. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending gone crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation and the list goes on? There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe.

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