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Carolina Journal Radio No. 785: Treasurer targets proposed bond, pension reforms

Carolina Journal Radio / Donna Martinez and Mitch Kokai
The Truth Network Radio
July 17, 2018 12:00 am

Carolina Journal Radio No. 785: Treasurer targets proposed bond, pension reforms

Carolina Journal Radio / Donna Martinez and Mitch Kokai

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July 17, 2018 12:00 am

State Treasurer Dale Folwell has made headlines in recent weeks. He’s proposed that any new statewide bond package should face a voter referendum. He’s working to help reduce State Health Plan costs. He’s advocating pension reforms related to spiking and government workers convicted of crimes. Rick Henderson, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, analyzes Folwell’s high-profile activity. No one knows all of the crimes created in North Carolina. Not even the woman who literally wrote the state’s book on criminal law. Jessica Smith, professor of public law and government at the UNC School of Government, says hundreds of crimes are scattered across more than 140 chapters of the N.C. General Statutes. Plus local governments and licensing boards have authority to create even more crimes. Smith explained during a recent presentation for the John Locke Foundation why she’s interested in a complete rewrite of the state criminal code. Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper has called on the Republican-led General Assembly to raise teacher pay. During a recent news conference, Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore responded that they’ve already planned average 6.2 percent teacher pay raises for the new budget year that starts in July. Berger and Moore also explained their recent efforts to boost overall education spending. The transition from Barack Obama’s presidential administration to one led by Donald Trump has led to major changes in a number of federal government policies. Scott Bullock, president and general counsel at the Institute for Justice, has been monitoring changes in the federal government’s approach to property rights. Bullock sees some good news from the Trump administration, along with some areas in which Obama’s policy was preferable. The lack of easily accessible medical services serves as no roadblock to the thousands of motorcyclists who head to Graham County every year to tackle the Tail of the Dragon mountain pass. Dan Way, Carolina Journal associate editor, recently offered details about the popular motorcycle route and the connection to local health care challenges.


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