Hey, everybody.
It's Hannah, Charlie Kirk Show. Pastor David Engelhardt joins the program, pastor of Kings Church, also TPUSA board member. Was it God's plan to spare Donald Trump's life? Should pastors care about this election? All of this as we head to our Believers' Summit this weekend. President Donald Trump is our special guest and keynote on Friday. A special guest, you can go to believerssummit.com. That is believerssummit.com.
You can check it out right now, believerssummit.com. Email us as always, freedomatcharlykirk.com. Become a member today, members.charlykirk.com. That is members.charlykirk.com. As always, you can email us, freedomatcharlykirk.com and subscribe to our podcast and get involved with Turning Point USA at TPUSA.com.
That is TPUSA.com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA.
We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Pastor David Engelhardt is with us.
TPUSA board member, senior pastor, King's Church. Tons of new projects as well. Is the Beauty and the Beast public yet, David? The Beauty and the Beast documentary is available on Instagram website. It's in post-production. Do you want me to talk about that for a minute, Charlie?
Yeah, please. I think it's fitting because for a lot of different reasons. Talk about that. Yeah, well, I had a dream in January of 2017 on the morning of the Trump inauguration. I didn't know it was the Trump inauguration.
I knew it was sometime that week. But that night I had this dream and in the dream I stood in front of the nation and I sang this very famous song from Beauty and the Beast, Tale as Old as Time, bittersweet and strange, finding they can change, learning you were wrong. And I woke up with this really strong sense knowing this is actually about Trump and America. America the Beautiful versus the Beast, which has been the caricature of Trump, that this rich brash guy that lives in a castle who's rude and mean. And then America the Beautiful and a transformation that happens in relationship. And the incredible thing, this is like so prophetic and profound, is that at the end of the movie when the Beast dies or almost dies is really what happens.
He comes back and he's totally transformed and the kingdom is totally transformed. And I think that's literally what we're seeing right now with the assassination attempt on former President Trump is there's a transformation that's happening in the nation. There certainly seemed to be to me, and I know you were there at the RNC, Charlie, a transformation even in Trump. It seemed like there was an increase of his grace, of his humility, of his statesmanship, and it's all of these things that I had seen in this dream that God had given me in January 2017.
So we have a documentary about that coming out this September, just two months before the election, because we're trying to encourage Christians to help them understand God cares about the affairs of men and presidents and kings and kingdoms. And we're not just going to say, oh, you know, it looks looking good for us. We'll just hope people vote in our direction.
And I don't think people know, Charlie, and I know you do that. Kamala Harris was appointed as the attorney general for the state of California. They passed Proposition 8 that said, hey, you guys constitute like we're passing this law, Proposition 8, that says men and women get married. That's the law we want to pass. We want to run our state like this.
And she refused to do the will of the people for two and a half years, fought against Proposition 8 and refused to defend a state law. So all of this stuff is implicated by biblical morality. All of this stuff is implicated by God's blessing upon our nation when we walk in righteousness or when we choose to say now we don't want to do your way. God, we're going to reject your way and we'll do it our own way. And we're going to you know, we don't need your blessing.
We don't need your hand. And then you see what happens, which is chaos and crime and inflation and joblessness and groceries being out of reach for normal people to be able to purchase. That is all correlated to the blessing of God on a nation. And so, David, let's dive deeper into that. How do you then reconcile where some people say, was God really intervening in the bullet not hitting Donald Trump? Because, you know, someone still died. I mean, how do we explain that theologically? Well, I think you're right, Charlie. It's complex.
I mean, your question is right. It's complex. The world is complex. There's brokenness and sin and disaster and dragons and chaos and pain and frustration in the world.
But in some paradoxical way, there's also beauty and promise and hope and future and the will of God over the top of this whole kind of thing, directing the affairs of men. It's really clear in the scriptures. Daniel chapter two in verse twenty one. It says God raises up kings and he disposes of them. That word disposes means he makes them. That's the Hebrew word Adar, which means he makes them pass away. And so it's like it's more than just he removes them. He'll remove their very memory.
He'll make them like chaff in the wind. So God raises kings and disposes them. We see that both in Daniel and we see it in Isaiah chapter forty five when God says about Cyrus, I'm going to raise this guy up. He calls Cyrus his anointed when he's a secular ruler. To put that in your theological context of God's just nice all the time, it doesn't work that way.
It's a complicated world that we live in and it takes a robust theology to be able to understand it properly. We are not even at halftime of this race. I hope you guys understand that this is this is just we are like about two minutes left in the second quarter to use a football analogy. I know this is feeling this race has been going on for two years.
Everybody it is. We are not even at the halftime break. I'll let you know when it's halftime. The third quarter is when we'll be in September and the fourth quarter is that October month when ballots are out. That is really when things are going to start to move. David, what do you have to say to a pastor that is indifferent to this election?
That they say it does not matter or even worse, some pastors that will say God is done with America. You know, I would usually start Charlie from Genesis chapter one. I think that's a good place to begin at the beginning and in Genesis 20 chapter one, I think it was one of your favorite chapters is God ordered. Yes, mankind to have Dominion over the world to rule that that word Dominion means to take rulership and that means that we influence the dealings.
You know how people function how they interact in Commerce how they interact socially in the world around us. John Ashcroft, former Attorney General under Bush said that the purpose of government is to create an environment where freedom flourishes so that righteous people can live in that environment and function in a righteous way and so you contrast that with a place like North Korea where it's very hard to function in righteousness where it's very hard to proliferate Christianity where it's very hard to love your neighbor as yourself and so there is an imperative before all of these other values that we want to do like loving our neighbor as ourself. There's an imperative to fight for an environment where which we can do that and that goes back to literally Genesis chapter one, which God gives man the authority to take Dominion to have Dominion to take rule over the place. He's called to live and when we don't do that, then we fall into the trap that the Greek philosophers told us that if we don't engage in politics, then what happens is that we are ruled by our lessors and that just doesn't mean like we're ruled by people that are stupider than us. That's that's a crass way of thinking about it. But what if we're ruled by people that are morally inferior? What if we're ruled by people that are morally corrupt?
And that's what happens when people with strong moral center Christians don't engage in politics. And so that would be my first argument from Dominion and then moving onward from there, Charlie. Are you ready to lose weight but not sure where to start? I understand.
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Check it out, myphdweightloss.com. What do you have to say then, David, for some pastors that will say God is exercising his judgment on America. There's no use in getting in the way. Well, I think they misrepresent the nature of God because God relates to man through something called covenants. You can think of it like a contract. That's a way to relate to other people. There's a marriage contract, covenant.
That's how you relate to your wife, that you're always faithful to her. Yeah, the word covenant in Hebrew is bris, believe it or not. But please continue because that literally is how they pass down the covenant.
Yes, exactly. And so we can go into that for a while. But to continue is that God deals with people in relationship to covenant. And he's given us this covenant through Christ that says you can return to me up to the point of finality, up to the last point. And that's most manifest by the man on the cross, by the thief on the cross that he's about to die. He's under the judgment of God, right? He's about to die. And he turns to Christ at the very last moment in crisis.
Today, you will see me in paradise. It's like America is not past the point of death. It's not past the point of the final judgment of God. We still have an opportunity to turn and repent. And the scripture over and over and over reiterates if we will do that, God will bless our nation and give us another generation for our children to be able to walk in the lands of liberty.
And I think, you know, if you're not thinking about your children, then your heart is in the wrong place. In the Book of Malachi, God says, if the hearts of the fathers will turn towards the sons and the sons towards the fathers, I will heal the nation. So I would say to those pastors that are thinking, oh, it's too far gone. Please remember your children, your progeny, the people that God has entrusted you to, that they would have an environment wherein they can pursue God and then see a place that flourishes with righteousness and then blesses the rest of the world. But if we don't see America restored first, we're not going to see the rest of the world restored second.
They're under the spell of globalism and Marxism and all of these other isms that limit the ability to exercise our Christian liberties. Well, first of all, what pride that one has to say is that you confidently know that God has done with a nation. I think that is incredibly fatalistic. It also is quite honestly, it's anti-biblical in many different ways that God wants you to stop fighting because you think you can see things ahead of time. Secondly, when it goes back to the assassination attempt of Donald Trump and him getting shot, Donald Trump might have saved the life of Trump for Trump, but also beyond that, because he knows that this country would have been in bedlam and unrest, the likes of which we've never seen. That maybe God was putting peace and the Shalom of the nation. And I do believe it was divine intervention.
There is no convincing me otherwise. And so David, as pastors and Christians look regarding this election, how should they think about it? How should they go about making their political choice, which right now seems to be Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris? Yeah, I think there's a hierarchy of value that we move through when we make political decisions.
No one will line up perfectly with your ideals or your values or the way you interpret the scripture or any of those kind of things. And we understand that. But I think there's a couple of places to start. And I think the protection of life is one of the fundamental places. And it's a really easy argument in that if we don't have life and we don't protect life, especially vulnerable life, then we don't have really a future. When we start to devalue life itself, we start to devalue our nation and our people. The scripture is really clear that when we shed innocent blood, we see this from Abel throughout the Old Testament.
The shedding of the of innocent blood brings a curse upon the nation. And so I think it's really easy for Christians that are even moderately on the right to say, you know, it's a really great starting point. I'm going to vote for people that protect unborn life.
And I know it's a complicated issue for many. There's a really easy way to move forward and say, hey, look, maybe politics is too complicated for me, but I want to protect life. The other big issues are to protect Christian liberties is to say I want to be able to speak about my faith in public. And when we see the practices of the left as first exemplified in Europe and then in Canada and then making their way here, Christian free speech is being limited and people are going to jail around the world.
And that's on its way here unless we vote for people that believe in constitutional rights and liberties like free speech. So I think protection of life is really important. I think protection of the ability to exercise freedom of religion is very important.
And then there are a couple of issues. But Christians have to have a hierarchy of value and not killing other people has to be really close to the top of that hierarchy of value. I know people believe all kinds of things about immigration or taxation, and I'm OK with people having different opinions, but protecting the innocent, I think, is a really easy place for the vast majority of evangelical Christians to say, you know what? I may not even like this guy. Look, I like Trump.
I think he's awesome. You may not think that, but you can still say I want to defend the most innocent. And so I'm going to engage so that one day when I stand before God and he says, hey, why didn't you take 20 minutes out of your day on November 5th to engage the laws that rule the nation? You know, the exact or just just fill out a mail in ballot. This is not that hard, guys. We're not asking you to get shot like Donald Trump was shot.
We're asking you to fill in a mail in ballot. OK, I want to play this piece of tape here and just get your initial reaction, which we were texting about this, David, which is do you live in the context of which you are in? We were talking about this. We are called to carry a burden.
You say this. We're called to sacrifice. How about we burden ourselves again with what has been?
This is a very important thing as Kamala Harris repeatedly uses this strange wording. What can be unburdened? What by what has been.
Play cut. 80 I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know, what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. I think the first major reaction is that we're supposed to carry burdens the Galatians says carry one another's burden and so fulfill the law of Christ There are things that we actually are called to be burdened by Charlie always points out That honor your mother and father means to treat them way to carry a burden and that's a carry them, right? That's a bird. That's right pass. That's a burden of tradition That's a burden of honor. And so the idea that we're gonna create some kind of sophistry That we're gonna be unburdened from the past to see the future is you know, it's strict Marxist idealism, which our friend James Dr. James Lindsay talks about so well This idea that under this Marxist rubric that we're gonna be free from all the pain in the past All you have to do is hand over all of power to me and I will take create an idealistic Utopia where there's no more racism and there's no more evil and there's no more crime and that's not how the world works And that's not how we change anything.
We change things by changing ourselves And that's why Jesus said if you want the kingdom of heaven to come repent first for the kingdom of heaven his hand He didn't say take the Marxist dogma and overthrow Caesar or the other ruling class But that you have the obligation to repent yourself and change and carry the burden that you're due. Hey Everybody Charlie Kirk here is the bird flu the next pandemic. Why do globalists keep talking about disease X? Everyone knows the next medical crisis is just around the corner. I refuse to lock down again or take another experimental vaccine What can I do?
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Charlie means that they would be in their very soul Shaken or that their loins would be made weak And I think that's going to happen in this next presidency if the people do what they're called to do Which is engage get out and vote Influence their friends and family. I think you're right I don't think this is a slam dunk, but I think God is giving us an Opportunity to engage and he's setting up a roadway for us to walk down right now Yeah, and look the the Biden thing might have been too easy and maybe God's plan is like no I mean, I'm gonna see if you guys want to work for it Yeah, I'm not just gonna hand this thing on a platter for you guys and David Can you talk about that in closing here that God will do his part, but we must do our part you know that has been my Theological prime directive at turning point. Yes. No one works harder than us No one will do it, but we understand that there is a divine eternal Component that we cannot control but it's not gonna happen by just a sitting on the couch eating Fritos Doritos and sipping Mountain Dew David Englehart.
That's right. Yeah, the scripture says this phrase It's a proposition really if my people who are called by name my name It doesn't say when my people or that God's gonna control their minds with his power It says if my people choose to engage if my people who are called by my name Humbles themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I will come and bring blessing heal the nation Well, what is in part our wicked ways part of that is just the apathy that we've walked in as a nation that we've said You know, I don't need to deal with this. I'm already blessed. I don't need to engage in politics I'm just gonna let whoever wants to take power and we see this best Exemplified in the book of Daniel because Daniel is a man that is a man of God that's engaged in Let's call it secular politics And he prays faithfully and he engages faithfully and he influences the king of his time Faithfully for what reason for the protection of the people for the blessing of the people and you can see that he's Fasting and praying and fighting in prayer and he's also influencing by his language by his speech by his excellence The king and that's what we have to do. We have to pray. That's what Christians are called to do. We're not Primarily carnal. We're primarily spiritual But we manifest our desire and God's desire through regular everyday acts There's this phrase like don't be too heavenly minded that you can be of no earthly good That really comes to play here when we talk about politics It's like no if you if you call to love your neighbor Then you're called to care about the laws that rule their actual life You're cared to call about the president that's in charge of their actual country How can you say you love your neighbor if you don't care about who? Rules the country and I mean that in the rulership and the constitutional construct with Democratic Republic, etc, etc but but voting shows that you're caring for your neighbor that you're loving your neighbor and that's why This term this election cycle.
We have to engage We have to be like Daniel who both praise and influences who hopes for angels to show up Which is what we're hoping for us, but also walks into the king's office and say hey Hey King, you got to treat our people x-way or or that they're Speaking on behalf of godly principles and righteous edicts so forth and so on that we would see righteousness in this nation David excellent work. I know we're gonna be hanging out soon. Thank you for everything. And I think we're we're going to the believer summit Yeah, that's gonna be fun. Thank you.
David. God bless Charlie. Appreciate it. Thanks so much for listening Everybody email us as always freedom at Charlie Kirk calm. Thanks so much for listening and God bless For more on many of these stories and news you can trust go to charliekirk.com
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