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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
June 28, 2024 5:56 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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June 28, 2024 5:56 am

Surprise! QB News | Patrick Mahomes films a secret Coors Light commercial | Heartbreak for the USMNT vs Panama in COPA America.


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Your anime destination. Happy Friday to you. If you are into your Friday and maybe you've got big plans for the summer weekend. I would say there are a lot of people who are taking vacation next week. If not the entire week because you get the built-in July 4th.

Is that nuts? July 4th. July 4th Jay.

It's Thursday. Do you know last year on July 4th we were working. I wasn't married yet.

In fact I wasn't even engaged last year on July 4th crazy enough. But we were working and we did a red white and blue edition of Ask Amy Anything. Yes we did. Are we gonna do one more of those or no?

Is it too late? No we could do one. Huh. Anyway so that was what we did last year on July 4th. This year both Jay and I are out because we've got plans or you know just being able to take holiday. I would be working if not for going back to Texas for a family wedding on my hub side. So yeah I was prepared to work. I actually enjoy working July 4th because well let's be fair there's no one around.

It's super easy. We can talk about hot dogs and red white and blue and free agency in the NBA. It's just one of those shows that is more goofy and fun and we're about being your companion or riding shotgun with you while you're on the road than it is about anything serious in sports. So I do enjoy working holidays but yeah got different priorities in 2024 as I found out different priorities. He's worth it. The family's worth it. I'm actually excited to spend some family time. Haven't seen my mom since we left Houston when we moved back to New Jersey following the wedding and then Christmas. So miss my mama. We've been counting down the days ready to talk to her in person as opposed to on the phone or video call and then see the other side of the family as well and don't tell my mom.

We actually have a surprise dinner planned for her to celebrate her retirement after 42 years of teaching. She has no idea. You know what her reaction will be Jay? You ready for this? I don't know if your mom gives you flack.

Probably not. Your mom seems like she's more up and at him and ready to go at the drop of a hat whereas my mom is not so much. So you have to find a balance between preparing her to get out of the house versus not spoiling it and not giving her too much time to think about it because then she'll come up with some reason why she can't do it. So a couple years ago when her husband and I wanted to take her out for a Christmas dinner we told her two days before. I already had the reservation. We were going to Taste of Texas in Houston.

Nobody in the family had been to Taste of Texas. It was on her bucket list of restaurants where she wanted to go but we had to give her enough warning that she could think about it. No she had to get up. My mom's not a morning person. I get it from her. I come by it honestly. The talking and not being a morning person I get from my mother.

Also the sleeping issues I get from my mother. And so we told her a couple days beforehand. I think it was on Christmas actually. We said to her, mom your Christmas present in a couple days you have to be ready to leave the house at this time. Her initial reaction, no! Why? Why do we have to go somewhere? You're not going to do this are you?

You're not going to do this are you? So we managed to get her out of the house. It makes it sound like she's 700 pounds and we have to like put her on a wagon and take her outside. She just doesn't like to get going in the morning.

She'd prefer to hang out in her sweatpants in the house with the dog. But anyway we get her going and the entire time we're driving to the restaurant she's trying to guess where we're going. Oh the funniest guesses ever.

Disney on ice. You know like whatever. She's coming up with all these different events or shows, concerts. This this restaurant, that restaurant, she had no idea until we pulled into the parking lot. So it was all her husband and I could do. Just laugh and not give away any clues. But the big thing was getting her out of the house.

So here we've got a reservation for an extended group of us actually part of Bob's family too. And we're going to take her out and we're going to celebrate her retirement. But I guarantee you when I tell her, whether it's the day before or two days before, no. Why do we, no. I don't want to go anywhere Amy.

So I'm trying to figure out how to balance it because I don't want to, I don't want to ruin it. I just want a surprise there. Yes I want to tell her it's a surprise but I do need her to get ready. Right like mom.

Yeah you want to know that we're doing something at this time on this day. Maybe I can say hey mom can we go shopping? How about that? Because she likes to go to places like Joanne Fabrics or Michaels or Kohl's just to walk around. So what if I tell her we're gonna go shopping and then have lunch and maybe, maybe that would trick her.

You would might need to go shopping after that though because she might get excited to go shopping and be like wait we're not going shopping. Yeah. So I mean that's a fun day though.

It's a whole project. It's good. Anyway she's gonna push back but I can't tell her why. Just tell her she has to be ready we're gonna go and then we told the restaurant it's a special occasion and hopefully she'll feel special. Are you meeting everyone there? So I think we're all going together unless as I just kind of threw out there I promise that we're going shopping. Right.

And instead we well we go shopping and then we throw up there and meet that everyone else there. Right right so maybe that's a key. Is that too like overwhelming though?

For my mom? You know what I mean if you're not expecting to like be in a setting with people and then all of a sudden surprise I guess that's the point of a surprise party. Right it is not for my mom my mom has been in front of uh teenagers for 42 years so she's good. I just meant like in terms of you don't want to do that like if you're not in the mood to go out and all of a sudden oh now you got to put on your face for everything. Yeah no it'll be so great there'd be a good video of it for sure.

That would be. So that's the big thing coming up in addition to the wedding that we're going to for bobscye we've got my mom's surprise retirement meal it's not a party party as in surprise it's more hey mom we feel like you need to be honored and you deserve to be celebrated and this is how we're gonna do it we want we want you to know your special type of a thing. It sounds lovely. Yeah thank you Jay it feels a little more low-key but it is something that she won't have time to prepare for other than hey mom get dressed.

Just go with that. It's after hours with Amy Lawrence that's coming up next week so as I say I will not be here uh Tuesday night Wednesday night Thursday night so I'll be out that's gonna be weird I'll be out for those three days I imagine there'll be a lot of money flowing in the NBA and free agency since it officially begins on Sunday yes free agency officially begins on Sunday June 30th that's the last day of June how is that possible? Jay three weeks away from NFL training camps.

I feel like we were just at the Super Bowl a week two weeks ago. We were just at the Super Bowl three weeks from the first training camps don't the first one start on July 21st didn't we look at that because of the hall of fame game the first NFL training camps I'm pretty sure they start on the 21st uh we'll confirm but yeah that's coming up quickly as in quickly Jay's got his finger in the air not that one stop it I tell you all the time it's not that finger are you ready you looking? I'm looking July oh there you may be some of them earlier actually.

For rooks? yeah right for the rookies for the rookies the earliest I see is July 13th stop it wow that's the Ravens rookies report on the 13th Jay Jay that's the week after July 4th July 17th the Texans full players veterans veterans yeah so veterans for the Ravens on July 20th under a month veterans for the Bears veterans for the Bears on July 19th as you said for the Packers July 21st oh my gosh the Texans all of their peeps report at the same time July 17th. Oh wow yeah look at that. OMG the first full team report is the Houston Texans on July 17th I'll barely have been gone from Houston and they'll already have that's insane. I might run into each other on the tarmac. Are you kidding it's freaking hot in Houston in July want to see something strange though I'm looking at the Indianapolis Colts their rookies report on July 24th which is the latest day and so are their veterans but their whole team reports at the same time they're not bringing on the latest day yeah they're not bringing in rookies early but in the case of the Texans they're bringing everyone in early wouldn't the Colts want to kind of get a jump on things the teams are gonna be there a week earlier than they are there anyone of their roster is gonna be there not worried about it I guess it depends if you don't think you're gonna get the the full participation meaning guys are still in summer mode what's the point of bringing them in early I mean they're really going on the last possible day you can go but still though the earliest veteran reports that's the 17th and then the 19th that's not even three weeks away oh my gosh wow what happened to our summer yeah that's right we hardly had a chance to celebrate for heaven's sakes okay well on that note how about a little football into your Friday morning all right back to throw and it is is it lost oh my goodness it's on DeAndre Hopkins coming back from under center steps back throws the fake Cooper comes got it touchdown L.A. Burrow back to throw looking firing deep for Chase in the end zone he's got it touchdown Joe Burrow and the Bengals the holmes fires for the end zone caught touchdown Kansas City off the echo again no herbert keeps it in so touchdown charges herbert with his second of the day here's the snap Josh gonna keep it himself and run it again inside the five into the end zone touchdown Buffalo Josh Allen nine yard touchdown run the bills respond and then some it's time for QB news on after hours hey Jay did you hear the Austin Eckler highlight there oh yeah that doesn't really work anymore we might have to tweak that before we get into the 2024 season though it is coming and into your football Friday morning is it too soon it's too soon into your Friday morning a little football must fall how about we talk about rookies since we're talking about rookies right the NBA has welcomed its new rookie draft class we just talked about Connor Bedard who wins the rookie of the year the Calder trophy by the way he's still 18 he doesn't even turn 19 until later in July boy don't get me sidetracked let's talk about the quarterbacks the rookies at the top of the most recent NFL draft we start with Caleb Williams and on Sirius XM NFL radio Cole Kemet raving about the young rook he's really just a normal dude a really good really good kid and ultra competitive and you can see why he's uh he's been so successful thus far in his football career and um why he has those type of intangibles to succeed in the NFL so um I'm really excited for him um he's been putting a lot of work and you can see the progress that he was making throughout the OTA period um so I'm really excited about him obviously ultra talented and um I think as the people of Chicago get to know him more and more the more they'll get to like him you know what's really funny when Cole Kemet said he's a really good kid I thought wait a minute am I just remembering Cole's career wrong he's 25 and he just called Caleb Williams a really good kid on Sirius XM NFL radio well you are a kid until you've earned your stripes in the NFL I suppose and ha Jeffrey Simmons of the Tennessee Titans he was actually on the Rich Eisen show you'll like this he is going to be one of those veterans who wants to welcome Caleb to the NFL you Jeffrey Simmons week one of the national football league season will be the first human being on the other side of the line of scrimmage in a game for Caleb Williams well it's kind of neat though so Rich Eisen you can hear his his peanut gallery in the background and they recognize that Jeffrey Simmons will be lining up against Caleb Williams as a d-lineman that's their first battle to start week one in the NFL and Jeffrey plans to say painted nails training news across the line to him painted nails yo painted nails I'm not afraid of you you've got painted nails it's after hours on the infinity sports network all right so that's Caleb Williams number one overall to Chicago number two Jaden Daniels to the Washington almost in capitals to the Washington commanders and that's where Austin Eckler resides now he's also got high praise for his young rookie quarterback we got a stud in Jaden Daniels he's an absolute stud out there slinging it I love his leadership that he's shown early on you know he's texting me about routes he's calling me out in practice hey this is what this is what we need to do on this or what did you see on this choice route and so he's got all of the right stuff that I'd love to see from uh from a quarterback that he's been bringing out in the first couple couple weeks that I've met him and so I'm looking forward to his growth and we have a lot of veterans you know like you mentioned that we've brought in um to help set the culture and so it's been as you mentioned it's been a vibe and so yeah I don't want you to look it's a no it's a new year I don't know what happened here last year I do but that's last year um this is a whole new year I don't know what happened here last year well I do but I wasn't a part of it just want you to know uh speaking to NFL network when he says again or you guys mentioned we just want to remind you what happened last year with the commanders they were four and 13 they finished the season with an eight game losing skid they traded away two of their top draws on defense and they also fired their coach oh and by the way the team got sold so a lot happened with the commanders in the 23 season I had a bad day oh no I miss Ron already at miss riverboat Ron uh by the way Ecklers let it be known even in the early stages of summer that you should draft him in fantasy because he will be back number three pick overall well that went to the New England Patriots and while we don't yet know who their starting quarterback will be we know that the rookie head coach and the rookie QB come in together and Brian Hoyer who is older than both of them I don't actually I don't know if he's older than Jarod Mayo but he is a veteran and he speaks highly of Jarod's ability to connect with all the young guys on the New England roster I played with Jarod I came in a year after he did he was a leader already as a second year player a pro bowl player had a great career you know ended that career went into the corporate world and so he's someone who can relate to this younger generation I know RC was saying it's the Instagram it's the likes you know Jarod coming right after Bill that's you know he learned from Bill but he's also bridging that gap to the youth right and so Jarod had you know learned his lessons from Bill but he's got his own flavor he's got his own personality and I know talking to some of the guys they love the way he's approaching it and you know you just got to carry that over to wins in the season Brian Hoyer speaking highly of his former teammate and it's going to be critical for Jarod Mayo to stand in front of them he gets credibility because he played for Bill Belichick but to create his own style to have his own voice what we heard about Jarod is that he wants the locker room to feel free to come to him open dialogue sort of thing very different than Bill Belichick and the big question from their quarterback room is how quickly can Drake May get ready the QB out of North Carolina they drafted him number three overall we know he loves dodgeball with little kids right and and he is enjoying himself but when do they want to throw him into the fire after a four and 13 season Hoyer and Mayo are the same age by the way 38 are they all right that's interesting it's after hours with Amy Lawrence we know Lebron's older than his head coach coach Reddick I'm just I gotta keep saying it coach Reddick he's a second year guy but we didn't see a whole lot of him Anthony Richardson is trying to recover from the shoulder surgery and be ready to start the season now or even training camp he's had a setback that's been documented but general manager Chris Ballard is not worried he'll be full go he was full go all the way up until the last day of OTAs and you know we had two heavy throwing sessions the two days before and so we backed off a little bit the last day and of course which sends up anytime you talk about a shoulder in this city there's some scars out that that everybody has so but he'll be good to go come training camp according to Ballard they're just being really cautious with Richardson's shoulder and so they kind of pulled him from the end there they don't want him to do much because of some soreness in the shoulder but both Ballard and Shane Steichen are saying that this is all precautionary this is not about him re-injuring his shoulder nothing went wrong with the surgery or the rehab again I can understand in the summertime there is no need for them to rush him for them to get him out there every day that's that would be a bad idea really putting the cart before the horse all right staying in the AFC south just really quickly just really quickly we know Trevor Lawrence just got paid and now is tied with Joe Burrow 55 million dollar annual salary is the top two quarterbacks really the top two players in the NFL and shotgun believes it's worth it the owner says we need Trevor in order to get back on track expectations should be up to that you know for us uh uh you know winning winning now is expectation so uh I think um you know obviously I've talked to Trevor a lot over the last few years and um you know from really that was COVID year even before the draft so I'm really uh you know I think he represents the city he represents the Jaguars couldn't ask for any anyone better a worthy investment according to Shahid Khan though the Jaguars finished up winning just one of their last six games here's the thing though we talk so much about the AFC north being the toughest division in football and I do believe that uh every team in the north was above 500 the Bengals were the worst team and the only one that didn't make the playoffs at nine and eight and that's without Joe Burrow for the second half of the season but the south was the surprise of the last season of 2023 Texans surged past the Jaguars to win the division title with CJ Stroud and D'Amico Ryans in a really young group so they went 10 and seven but remember both the Jaguars know the Jaguars came out at the wrong way but the Jaguars and the Colts were nine and eight and so the only team below 500 was the Titans who changed coaching staffs they've obviously got high hopes for Will Levis they brought in some other pieces so it could end up being low-key competitive again in 2024 no matter what happens that's your response good good uh congratulations to Trevor Lawrence and also a little football Friday into your final Friday of June and just a yeah warning your training camps are three weeks away don't thanks for hanging out with us on Twix A-LOL radio on our Facebook page too it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence you are listening to the After Hours podcast 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Odyssey has you covered with the most entertaining coverage of your team stay locked in and in the know with the local voices you trust as they bring you unfiltered takes recap games react to the latest team news and talk to callers listen to your favorite shows for free on the Odyssey app your smart speaker or in the car with android auto or apple carplay Amy's taking your calls at 855-212-4 CBS. Dwayne's listening in Salt Lake City up next on CBS Sports Radio what do you think? Good morning Amy thank you for taking my call great name I've got a daughter named Amy and I've got a great granddaughter named Amy so we I listen to you and I love it I love it another crazy night in sports which means you need a crazy host and that is me you just made my night But this must be love This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence I would just like to say that oh gosh I think it's been a couple months now right that we made the switch to infinity sports network and I remember saying to Jay hey I think we have a bunch of production that includes CBS in in with the voice god in him reading our number or talking about the name of the show and he says to me nah there's not that many and now no joke almost every single day this week he's gone back to some of our older production and whoopsie there are those three letters again I never used that liner so I don't I use another one so I forgot all about it and it's in there just tucked away on ones I don't use too often try to bring them back have you deleted it well I'll amend it so I don't want to lose the whole production so I can just get rid of that liner and fix it all right we'll see if the next time it comes up all of a sudden I see your face go ashen white I knew it right what whoa what's happening it is After Hours with Amy Lawrence it doesn't really matter the name of the network I suppose as long as you're listening and then you are welcome to find us online here's what I think is the perfect thing for you number one some Patrick Mahomes humor we're talking about the quarterbacks we're going to bring you some some new Pat Mahomes but has there ever been a better morning have you ever needed to watch a pig race from the fair more than you do right now Jay honest question do you think our nation could benefit from watching the pig racing video that I shared earlier in the week this might be the morning for it I think it would brighten moods yes it is an unfall- infallible unfailing infallible way to produce a smile on your face so I'm gonna retweet it repost it on our Facebook page because I feel like there are a lot of people out there including me can I tell you all week when I was stressed I thought I'm gonna go watch the pig race because it makes me makes me laugh every time this might be a morning when we have a mad dash to watch animal videos on social and the pig racing needs to be a part of it I promise you it will change your entire mood in the span of a minute and 41 seconds because that's how long it took the pigs to get around the track 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 2 2 7 and Patrick Mahomes why not Jay found this clip which does include video except that we're not a video oriented medium at this particular moment I suppose I could change but yeah he's busy in his off season and why not if Patrick Mahomes is the next say Tom Brady or Peyton Manning those two guys are hawking products and recording commercials and ads and endorsing whatever is brought to them if Peyton can do it so can Pat uh I can't let you shoot this Coors Light commercial why not it's really cool and high stakes it says so right here no player shall be allowed to promote a beer while they play professional football no matter how cool and high stakes it is they even bolded that last part so that's it no children sorry rules are rules people what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do you could do it anyway hide it in a time capsule bury it underground for years until you eventually retire then dig it up and show it to everyone that's insane the Coors Light time capsule commercial to be unearthed someday in the future when Patrick Mahomes finally has permission to promote our beer so the Coors Light time capsule features Patrick Mahomes but here's what I need when I'm watching it as we're airing it it's got to be someone we know it's got to be someone that is one of us should know so thumbs up to the time capsule for Coors Light to be unearthed someday in the future when Patrick Mahomes finally has permission to promote this particular brand so he's digging up a hole in the earth to put his Coors Light time capsule but who's the dude who says to him time capsule Jay has no idea and I yeah I don't know either but I swear we're supposed to know who he is I'm telling you he's someone famous and you and I are so uncool that we don't know who it is trying to find him it's cute it's a cute commercial it really could kind of work that concept could work for anything to bury it in the ground for the time capsule but we need to know who the other per the other person is all right someone watch and figure it out oh my gosh this is why we need actual football back there's also a Coors Light commercial he does with a bear have you seen that one it's not a real bear it's oh it's cg it's computer graphics slash ai and the bear talks so yeah he hangs out with the Coors Light bear I guess that one has to go in the time capsule as well Jay's so quiet over there I'm sure he's googling things I have no idea who this man is okay all right someone will tell us the two-time NFL MVP he's got his own shovel that's all I'm saying there's no one there shoveling for him Patrick Mahomes is shoveling himself is it true though that NFL players can't promote alcohol I had never knew that but thinking about it yeah I can't picture I can't remember any athlete who's who a current athlete who's actively promoted like Budweiser right they're all former like Peyton and Eli they all did this stuff after they retired that's true but I'm thinking is there any current athlete who's involved with in gambling like promoting alcohol or something like that a current athlete because to me that would be like the same idea but I don't know if that's a rule too I'm not I can't think of one well except that alcohol can't get you banned from the NFL where gambling can a little bit different yeah maybe it's not it's not anyone famous I figured it had to be they wouldn't put him in there if it wasn't someone famous I think it's just supposed to be a creepy guy why is he creepy never mind don't answer that question just a creepy bartender it's a football Friday peeps and yeah beware because training camps are on the horizon you better enjoy your summer now because the NFL is yeah they encroach on your territory before you're ready on Twix and Facebook we're glad to have you with us good morning to you happy Friday happy almost weekend uh coming up it's a different kind of football team USA falls to Panama but there's a twist yeah this is rough this is not how you want to go through Copa America we'll explain you are listening to the after hours podcast for mario mario lobs it up in the air robinson got to be careful it's knocked away by a yarza hooks it back in the middle it did panama score the pressure finally breaks through and it's jose fajardo that's given panama the lead with seven minutes to go this is after hours with amy lawrence a double whammy for team usa although with the caveat and this is what i'm worried about with the caveat that the us soccer team does not have to qualify for the next world cup we get in as the red white and blue because we are one of the host nations the primary host nation it bothers me a little bit because i feel like i need the team to have a sense of urgency now there may be that sense of urgency and that tension for the individual players as they pursue roster spots there's a competition among them for a limited number of spots that will play in that world cup and of course they all want to play in the 2028 is it eight six six games because not games the the 2026 cup because it's here this has got to be the dream we're the host nation along with canada and mexico and it's got to be the dream for them to be on the roster and to be able to play in front of the home crowds not that american fans don't travel well to other parts of the world for the world cup but this is something special and may only come around once in their lifetimes forget once in their playing careers so i'm no it's not worth worrying about whether they beat panama in copa but still i i don't love the idea that they're sloppy maybe it's just because it's early and they're working things they're working things out it's after hours with amy lawrence yes there was a a couple of goals from panama after the us takes a one nothing lead panama responds with a couple of goals the go ahead one coming in the 83rd minute but that really is aside the big story here is that they ended up having to play a good portion of this game with only 10 guys on the field because one of the veterans tim way he gets hit with a red card we haven't seen the video not a yellow and then a red just a straight red card he was initially given a yellow card for an arm to the back of the head of a of one of the panamanian players but on review see it's not just the other football that has review or baseball nba in fact we see this a lot in the nba when it comes to judging whether or not a hit to the head or the neck area is a flagrant foul and they judged on looking at the video review that he should go straight to a red card it's like go you know crossing you don't cross go you don't get your 200 you go straight to jail in monopoly and apparently according to greg burhalter who's the manager of the team they had actually warned the players prior to the game we know about this referee we recognize that he's got a pattern and according to burhalter even with that warning team usa still played right into the the play died into panama's hands not that the referee is trying to affect the outcome of the game i'm not saying that only that if you know various officials and referees if you've had them on your field your court your ice long enough you recognize hey this one tends to call more of these particular fouls or this one is a hawk when it comes to this particular violation so you get to know their tendencies and you know burhalters burhalters say like we warned them about this and and still tim made this mistake now according to his teammates tim took responsibility for it even at half timer again this happened in the first half meaning that they were stuck the rest of the game short-handed but tyler adams says that tim was taking responsibility you never mean to get a red card under no circumstances he's not that type of person he apologized to the team and um you know again just respect to the rest of the team because they they fought for every single ball every single duel every single minute and we still created chances after going down to 10 men so it shows our quality um so again all to play for in the last game i can't fault the effort of the group especially after going down a man the guys dug in and we were close um to coming out with a point but um you know it's a shame because there was there was more in this game and um you know silly does silly decision um by timmy you know that leaves us short-handed it led to um you know some strange strange circumstances for sure interestingly enough similar to what the oilers did in the stanley cup final they actually scored short-handed so they get the first goal but then panama is able to seize that advantage away but tyler adams talking to fox there and then greg burr halter on another zoom call jy why on a zoom call he that one he wasn't actually he was oh he was off mike no he that was just what it was i don't know i don't know what the game was are you sure did someone get it off of social media and that's why it sounds like that so i don't know interesting all right it was in atlanta so it wasn't out of the country oh gosh so much happening in atlanta once again another sporting event that didn't get much attention at all because of its placement on thursday night but yeah uh panama ends up winning this game they don't get a point and greg burr halter uh he actually references that now going into their next game qualifying kind of off the table but now going into the next game against urgui they have to play without him because if you get a red card you're automatically suspended for your next match and in order to avoid being eliminated early in copa team usa needs to win that game now it shouldn't be it should be a win i'll just say that it should be a win but i don't know sometimes early in the qualifying process sometimes uh when it comes to team usa and they haven't been together for a while i mean as you could imagine it takes some time to gel and it feels like they're slow starters a lot of the time um there is a challenge to it as opposed to other national teams around the world they practice and play together more frequently than does team usa and and this same thing for say usa women's basketball or some of the other team sports where you've got professionals who are spread out all over the place and so it's a different feel when you only have a couple of weeks to get together for a training camp or practices and then boom you're right into competition now this is the formula that team usa uses but it does sometimes feel like it's slow start and it could take them a while to find their rhythm find their groove and that makes sense but it in this particular round where they're not qualifying i still say there's a lot of value to be had in them playing games together if nothing else it's reps it's a chance for evaluation this is the opportunity there are a couple years left this is the one i felt like team usa and us soccer it just doesn't can i tell you this is a side note for those of you who haven't listened to the show for a really long time we did and i'm gonna say it was 2015 we once did a show and this probably would have been a june show or a late may show it was late spring early summer and i'm pretty sure that it was 2015 because that's when american pharaoh won the triple crown right was in 2015 and i remember asking people what is the one big sports event the one big victory the one big happening that you would like to see in your lifetime right so i we put that question out to the listening audience and by far the number one response us us men's soccer team winning a world cup that was by far the number one response you know what's pretty crazy is that the other two that were in the top three a triple crown winner and the cubs winning the world series which which happened in back-to-back years and so here we are about to host a world cup and it's time we've got an incredible group of athletes a lot of them are young we've we talked about this going back to the last world cup where there was a ton of youth on this team they were one of the youngest clubs in all of the world christian polisic is one of the best players in the world this is it you don't have the pressure of qualifying which again i don't love but you don't have the pressure of qualifying so you can use it for evaluation you can use it to press in you can use it to make sure that this is our best showing ever as a nation this is it this is when we can do it except i'm nervous because so far in this copa tournament it feels like more of the same i know greg burr halter's back he had his sojourn everything that happened with the reina family and he's back now with team usa and there were a lot of positives with burr halter for the last world cup they did make the elimination stage still though a lot of times for me and i'm i'm hope i'm wrong come 2026 it's one step forward two steps back make progress but it's never quite enough a lot of times it's so frustrating to me and i've been watching us soccer for a long time i love us soccer i grew up on soccer when i was a kid and even into college was the pa announcer for a men's soccer team and i love the game i do think it's a beautiful game maybe not the beautiful game but a beautiful game and i i'd love to travel internationally and talk football with others for instance when i've been in cuba when i've been in ecuador i've got some incredible memories playing soccer with little kids there are two and three year olds that could school me with a soccer ball anyway soccer is it's so beloved that it brings nations and families and cultures and communities together it's awesome what it does around the world and all you need is some open space and a ball a lot of times i've run into kids around the world including ecuador the ball's flat all they want you to do is give them one of those little pumps that you can put air in the in the soccer ball anyway this is it if we're ever going to realize this dream i feel like this is it and that should be the driving force behind team usa there should be such a sense of urgency and intensity to this non-qualifying put your roster together process you gotta represent on your own soil i'll give you a couple years let's go it's after hours with amy lawrence after investing billions to light up our network t-mobile is america's largest 5g network plus right now you can switch keep 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