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6-7-24 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
June 7, 2024 5:52 am

6-7-24 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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June 7, 2024 5:52 am

The average commute-to-work time in America might shock you | Mike McDaniel is changing the Dolphins' playoff futility | QB News: ft. Caleb Williams at Bears practice.


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Additional terms and fees apply. Happy Friday or if you're not yet to your Friday because I feel like I'm not. I feel like it's still Thursday night. I generally don't say good morning until the last hour of the show when I'm sure that we're all safely into Friday except for our friends in Hawaii because they're not safely into Friday yet. But usually the final hour is when I feel like I can say good morning. When I walk in the door, gosh, usually it's right after midnight on, well eastern time, on you know like as the the prep commences here in the building, we need some time, right? So we're here a little bit, maybe 90 minutes to two hours before the show and so as I walk in, often the security guard downstairs will say good morning. It's not morning, it's midnight. Anyway, I always just say hi because I do not feel like it's morning.

I feel like if I say good morning, I'm jumping the gun and I'm setting myself up because there's still a long way to go. But if it's your morning, I know many people are awake early, well earlier and earlier on weekday mornings. I heard this stat, well I heard this news story with a stat on the radio as I was listening earlier this week. The average commute for Americans who work outside the home is the longest it's been since they started keeping track. Now, get this, the average commute time for American professionals, 75 minutes.

75 minutes, that's an hour and 15 minutes. And so when I explain to people about our audience here on After Hours, sure it's a late night overnight show, but I know based on not just the response I get from you, but also the response and the ratings we get in our east coast or eastern time zone and then central time zone affiliates, many of you are up at this hour getting ready for your work day. And a lot of you are in the car listening as you're heading to work.

And I know New York City is just one of the major metros in the country, but there are many more where the show airs. And in New York City, as I'm leaving Manhattan at 6 o'clock or 6 10, it's not 6 o'clock obviously, but 6 10 eastern time every weekday morning, the backup to get into the city and cross the Hudson River, so I go into New Jersey and people are coming the opposite direction into the city, it's already a 20 to 25 minute backup to get across either the George Washington Bridge or to get through either the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, if you're familiar with New York. At 6 a.m. people are already sitting for 20 to 25 minutes to come into New York.

Go ahead, Jake. I feel like that's not such a bad day. I hear on the traffic updates on my way home, there's an accident, George Washington Bridge already 40 minutes, it's 20 minutes, it's like not that bad. Yeah, the deeper we get into the summertime and then obviously around the holidays it gets a little crazier even because people are going in for other adventures, not necessarily work. You know what's nutty about it is that Manhattan still, the numbers are they indicate that I think it's not more than 60 percent of workers have returned to their office buildings. There is still a ton of empty office space in Manhattan and yet the traffic is worse than it was before the pandemic and the reason for that is because fewer people are taking mass transit and so more people are driving even if fewer people are coming into the city. So if that's the case in in the other major metros, we're sure there are fewer people that are going into the office buildings in the downtowns but yet more people are driving and I know New York's got a really extensive mass transit system.

D.C. has something similar but there aren't, Boston obviously has great mass transit with the T but there are a lot of major metros where mass transit's not an option. You don't have trains and subways, maybe you have buses, but it's not really an option and so the average commute in the United States is now up to 75 minutes every weekday morning which means there are a ton of you who are already listening. Either you're getting ready for work, you're about to leave, you're trying to beat traffic, you'll be in your car soon. We are privileged, it's an honor to keep you company as you commute because I am not a morning person and these hours are rough. I mean working overnight is tough.

I know many of you say that but I'd rather do that than do what you do which is get up super early in the morning and have to be on on your on your horse and out the door by four, four thirty wherever you are. So thanks for hanging out with us. We'll do our best not to, I can't make any promises, we'll do our best to keep you company.

It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. I was gonna say we'll do our best to not make you mad or blow you out with some music or have too much energy but all of those would be lies because that happens on a fairly regular basis. I have fun with you guys. On our show twix at Amy After Hours we're asking you your reaction to Dan Hurley and the Lakers. Meeting?

Dating? Do you think this will be an offer? If the Lakers want him do you think this will be an offer on the spot?

I think it will be. If they go into this meeting already having targeted Dan Hurley and they go into this meeting knowing that he's their first choice, they're not going to want him to walk away from the meeting on Friday without an offer in hand so that he can think about it all the way back to Connecticut. I don't think you let him leave the room without signing. Get this done. You got him?

Get it done right there right now. See I feel like that he wouldn't do that without talking to his family. He wouldn't do that without talking to his family.

If it was his wife and his family and the fact that they did not want to move again and leave New England and that's the major reason why he didn't consider Kentucky then there's no way unless he's already talked about it with her unless she's already signed off on it the family's already signed off on it and said okay if you want it we'll go with you and if that's the case but I still say a guy who has talked about being anxious and talked about some of the weight on him and that whole mental aspect that he's going to want to consider it. If I'm the Lakers I invite the family. I invite everybody out. I show them how it's going to be great for all of them.

I'm serious. But still you don't think it's better as opposed to the emotion of being wooed and considered and it's such an honor and wow there's banners look at this arena even though the name sucks hey you're in LA we're going to give you this much money we're going to guarantee you blah blah blah dollars and we're going to give you a long-term deal. All the emotion that that comes with it's overwhelming.

Yeah I get that. I feel like it's always wiser to take time and not make a decision based on emotion even if you already know you're going to take the job or turn the job down take some time say I just need to think about it for a day. Just to be sure and really just assess what you have here yeah I understand that especially like you're saying he has a history of yeah he's admitted to anxiety and dealing yeah dealing with high stress and and his emotions he gets very nervous and anxious um so yeah I think that he would probably want to think about it but also just as a general rule I believe it's smarter when you are presented with a job proposal or a job offer that you wait if for no other reason then you can go back to your current employer if you're considering it at all and say hey this is the offer I have in hand or you know sometimes if you make a potential employer wait you say I got to think about it they might get so nervous themselves or get so uh let's see what's the word I'm looking for antsy that they up the offer before you ever accept or deny they add to it they sweeten the pot if you will sweeten the deal.

Honestly it could be Yukon saying oh please come back we'll give you this much more to come back a little extension or a little raise and then Lakers because they will give this much more to come back. Right also I'm sure he has an agent or an agency involved so I wouldn't think that this would solely be him he may he's the one who's going to do the interview but I would imagine that his agents would be negotiating any deal. Yeah it seems like it's going to be very lucrative so. Plus there's legalese that has to be be inspected and potentially amended before a deal but that was the case with my last deal here and it's gosh it's really nothing but there were some legal terms that I I wanted to clarify and so I did and even though I knew I was taking the deal I didn't sign it until. It's always smart to know what you're signing right?

Yes usually that's why you pay the agents that's why they make big bucks. Thank you for your notes about the birthday surprise for Bob that makes me happy. Elaine says love listening to it that was great thank you I am so proud of myself and then on top of that I asked him what he wanted for his birthday for a meal I made the meal that he asked for and also also made his favorite pie which happens to be my favorite pie coconut cream there is a photo up because I'm trying to win wife of the year so I wanted him to see if I posted the photo not only do I like to show off my baked goods but people are responding and I figured if he saw other people voting for me as wife of the year then he would also take that seriously and cast his ballot. Yeah he said to tell you guys thank you for the birthday wishes because between X and Facebook he had so many birthday wishes that he he felt loved which is good.

Anyway I have to tell you something though just because this wasn't really part of the story well at least part of the surprise but we get out of the car he's freaking out he's hugging his mom no way no way I can't believe it you're here he's all excited I think he might have cried I think he might have cried his mom definitely got teary and then I finally said to him hey babe have you noticed she has no bag she just had her purse it's amazing what she put in that purse though she had wallet phone charger uh makeup mom has makeup she had birthday hats and noisemakers and streamers all in in her bag she had a brush she had some toiletries in there too it's amazing how much she had stuffed into her purse so I was pretty impressed by that anyway then she tells him the story about the suitcase the carry-on suitcase that disappeared at the security checkpoint and so here's when we had to figure out what do you do and honestly I feel like I should share this with you so you know first of all that bag disappeared and it was out of her sight for maybe maybe 20 seconds and somebody else picked it up and I'm sure that it's happened before but I was blown away by the fact that TSA had no clue and I guess they wouldn't know but they had no process for figuring it out in fact she called the Austin airport we got back to the house right away we look for a phone number there was an Austin TSA phone number she calls them and this is what she gets oh we don't have a lost and found we don't keep track of that kind of stuff uh you know you'll have to work it out with the you know whoever picked up your bag and she said but I don't know who picked up my bag and and the woman on the phone said oh well someone did call here a little while ago looking for a bag maybe it's that person and mom responds with well can I have her name and number oh no we don't keep that stuff like TSA actually said that's not our responsibility we don't keep that stuff and so mom said well can you do me a favor and can you take down my name and number in case she calls back but at this point so apparently another woman had called looking for her bag so she had taken moms and left hers there at TSA and it became apparent though like I said they went through video for 20 minutes and mom finally had to say I got to get to the plane I'm I'm not going to make it as it was she was one of the last people on the plane waiting for them to try to figure out what had happened anyway so the lady apparently did call back again right after TSA hung up with mom they connect the two or the lady calls her um I take that back TSA called her back told her they found the woman she'll be calling you blah blah blah so at least they did facilitate a connection but then then the woman I I'm sure she felt bad well maybe she didn't maybe she felt guilty not bad she tried to pretend like TSA made her take the suitcase oh they told me to take this one they told me to take this one what it doesn't look anything like hers it's purple mom had a tag a Longhorns tag on it in a pink lock the other lady's bag was black nothing didn't have a long horn didn't have a Longhorns name tag on it so she apparently was super flighty and not paying attention didn't have any ideas till she got to Albuquerque so carried the bag on the plane with her or somebody did stored it in the overhead bin yeah had no idea until she got to Albuquerque so then not her fault though yeah she never apologized she kept saying TSA they told me to take it I can't believe they told me to take the wrong bag yeah that's not what they do anyway so they had to work it out and the lady's like well I'm gonna be here and I'm gonna be traveling here and I'm where do you live and well I'm gonna be here but I'm not gonna be there long actually made it our family's responsibility to figure out how to get the bag from her which is nutso so a family member is going to the airport on Friday to meet her plane so that so that she could get her bag back oh my gosh you would think that the lady who took the bag would be extremely apologetic and would be willing to go out of her way but all she kept saying on the phone was well on the phone was well I don't know how I'm gonna get this back to you I don't know how I'm gonna get this back to you what how about mail it you're the one who stole it you literally yeah you're responsible get your rear in gear so anyway that was the big drama but it did not take away from the surprise the food was good the pie is gone and and Jay well Jay has the last couple bites so he and I thank Bob again yeah he was able to get the last piece I was gonna leave it there for Bob but Bob told him to take it and thank you for all of your fun birthday wishes if you haven't seen the photo of the coconut cream pie I need a few more votes for wife of the year so I'm gonna go ahead and retweet it for you at a law radio it's also on Facebook so that's super super easy to find so thank you for all your votes Jay do you think I should be eligible as a rookie yeah I think so first rookie to win wife of the year some of my favorite responses to the pie one guy said wait you're married yes no shocking isn't it no don't feed into that narrative you know there's people out there who think it's an entire hoax but I didn't that I didn't really get married because photo there's only one foot well there's only one there's only one photo we're coming up on six months so six months is what is today today's June 7th six months is nine days from now ten days from now and so I'm planning I don't know if I'll get to it because mom's here but I'm planning to put a blog post up and share a few of the wedding photos finally I meant to get to it before now but there was the honeymoon and mom's retirement and that came first and just getting the house ready and teaching and all you know working and stuff I feel like enough time has passed that I'm ready to share a few photos so I should be doing that sometime before the end of the month and I know that many of you have asked and I appreciate your interest actually maybe you've forgotten by now and nobody will care what I look like in a wedding dress or what my wedding dress was like I'm not trying to make any vogue fashion statements or any magazine covers but it was a dress that that will forever make me happy and the photos has been fun now that we have them organized and into an album it's been fun to share that link with family and friends so I have really enjoyed going back and looking at them I'm telling you the purple pops purple in winter in a chapel and a barn in Texas it's glorious and thank goodness there were flowers it's touch and go there for a while they didn't show up till two days before the wedding but thankfully there were in fact flowers at the wedding our flowers on twix not twix coconut cream pie on x I just don't I can't I just I'm not ready to call it that at a law radio and then our facebook page too and again thanks for all your kind words from Bob's birthday he's uh pretty excited by the way Jay one person still holding out we still gotta hold out almost every week but it's it's dwindled now requests for pictures of Bob really every week yep so maybe for six months I have a photo of him in Hawaii that is him and then sunset on Waikiki beach but because the sun is pretty low and it's pretty dark you really can't see anything well didn't you post one of his but he's there two actually at his back yeah so one at a waterfall yeah we went to see in the horse right the one of the waterfall where it's the both of us from behind and then also on our mini moon that we did right after the wedding we were just in Lake Conroe, Texas we went horseback riding and there's a photo of the back of him on a horse uh what more what more do you need actually there's two men there and people were like who who's Bob which one's Bob so that's the game would you believe I actually called him Bob to his mom on did you yes on Thursday it's only happened once I haven't called him Bob to his face I've called him Jay a couple times though that's pretty funny I'm sure he appreciated that a ton because anyway Jay likes the pie he's taking it home to share with his fam so I feel like my work is done here if not wife of the year then co-worker of the year oh that's a given boom all right let's see coming up Caleb Williams talking about his initial mandatory workouts with the Chicago Bears though he's been there through the voluntary as well that's pretty exciting we've got some other QB news as well and we'll we'll dive into it just a little bit but I this caught my eye and I made sure that Jay found the audio kickers talking about weightlifting or just one in specific but it is kind of funny it's June and yet we still talk the NFL of course it's awesome 8 5 5 2 1 2 4 2 2 7 that's our toll-free line it's after hours with Amy Lawrence you are listening to the after hours this episode is brought to you by 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of thick now he wasn't lying but um seeing him now and where he's come from and how skinny he has gotten what what's that stuff with everybody taking? Ozempic that's big hat to be taking that bro okay i don't know this is after hours with Amy Lawrence Tyreek Hill dropping Ozempic in relation to his quarterback's new look Ozempic might McDaniel calls to a time of Aloha Svelte. Tua won't talk about how much weight he's lost but he does admit that he's decided to slim down or that he naturally slimmed down when the season ended but now he's working on slimming down for purposes of mobility and extending plays wants to be able to move a little quicker a little more spry wants to have the ability to scramble and it's it's not just about conditioning it's also about being light of foot right being able to to move fewer pounds if you will you get what i'm saying just uh it's easier when you're not carrying as much weight when you're not as bulky it's easier to extend plays as a QB so he was now doing it with that approach and there's Tyreek Hill talking about how he was chubby portly believes he might be on diet drugs good for Tua if this is how he feels like he can improve on the numbers last year and last year he led the NFL in passing it's after hours with Amy Lawrence now again his coach Mike McDaniel called him Svelte and a lot of the talk around Tua right now is about the contract i can imagine Mike McDaniel is at the top of the line right now i can imagine Mike McDaniel is as weary as Tua and facing those questions they don't have any answers right now and they're not going to share them in the media even if they did so let's talk about something else instead Mike McDaniel always good to give you an offbeat answer to a question that has nothing to do with football i think my two and a half year old daughter just tweeted a report and he's quirky he's quirky like that you never know what you're going to get from the Dolphins coach so why does he schedule every team meeting at 24 minutes past the hour every staff meeting i put like at 7 24 or 3 24 or 5 24 like the number 24 okay to you guys it means nothing that's how many years it's been since the organizations won a playoff game we are going to hear about that come playoff time you think so to me you do that to empower guys to know what's coming to understand it to not run from it um because if you're going to achieve success where people are predicting failure um you're gonna have to go above and beyond i actually like the daily reminder maybe multiple times per day hearing about 24 that's one way to drive the point home isn't it people may get tired of it but i understand where he's coming from this is the entire goal forget everything else that you think might be a priority the entire goal is winning a playoff game well winning playoff games i would say the same for the Detroit Lions now they can raise their sights and set them higher but man how many times over the course of the Lions season for how many years did we hear the number of years since they've won a playoff game the number of years since they've hosted a playoff game at home right so there are all kinds of numbers when it comes to these droughts right now we're hearing it about the Edmonton Oilers how many years has it been since they made the Stanley Cup Final how many years has it been since they won a cup now in the case of the Florida Panthers well it's been there in entire franchise history because they've got no cups though they did play for last year and lost to Vegas but we know this team has been working on it for a full calendar year driven by that failure and determined to be ready sticking there to their identity the conditioning has been huge working on the process and working on their plans and man if they don't execute them to near perfection here they are back in the Stanley Cup Final and so the Miami Dolphins the Florida Panthers not the Heat this year but yeah they they support one another like the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Stars that was pretty cool getting support from Dak Prescott and also a little jealousy from Dak Prescott back when those two teams were still alive so coach McDaniel will you be watching the Stanley Cup absolutely I mean do I have a pulse I do I'll be there that needs to be a drop do I have a pulse do I have a pulse well I'll be there I do I'll be there it sounds like he's walking away he's walking away right then to get to the Stanley Cup Final actually so he's leaving that's really funny all right we'll do some more QB news there's nothing new with Tua but we'll do some QB news featuring the number one overall draft pick just a couple months ago I guess it wasn't a couple months ago it was more like six weeks ago six weeks ago feels like a long time ago because there's been uh it's just been lots that's happened since then but Caleb Williams is getting busy with the Bears he is their plan and he's treating it as though he is the starter of course there's not a whole lot of competition there but then in addition to that Dak Prescott, Jalen Hurts, Kyler Murray why not a little bit of something something with the NFL we're not going to turn it into a football Friday but it's there also still ahead on the show Adam Silver the NBA commissioner making a few comments about Kaitlyn Clark interesting so his state of the state address always happens before the opener of the NBA Finals now I was kind of thinking he'd be talking about expansion and the priorities for the league and I suppose he did that but the ones that we found interesting are the ones about Kaitlyn Clark and Genu Auriemma weighing in about Kaitlyn Clark as well I am sure they both know who Angel Reese is I am sure that inside basketball circles Cameron Brink who won a gold medal uh with the Team USA at the world champions uh championships excuse me she was part of the three on three team so she's worn the red white and blue in international competitions and just got named to the Olympic team for the United the United States in three on three women's basketball member it's a recent addition to the Olympics so there are people out there that know these other rookies and obviously know the best players in the WNBA at the same time the name that's coming out of everyone's mouth is Kaitlyn Clark that's the name uh by the way Pete McAfee did in fact apologize Pat I call him Pete uh he deserves that actually I have no I'm not going to apologize for that uh Pete McAfee does deserve he can call me Angie if he wants he can call me Angel Reese if he wants I don't care he can call me who the f cares Amelia exactly who the f cares he kind of deserves that I guess he has apologized to Kaitlyn and her response was no good all right I mean no worries it's all good I'm sure she's heard worse but I admire the way she handles everything that's coming at her find me on Twix or find us at Amy After Hours that's our show account and then on our Facebook page too again thank you for the validation you guys are so good for my baking ego and yes the pie was delicious you're ready for the ingredients the cream pie the coconut cream pie not only featured the the coconut mix so the the coconut pudding it's like instant coconut pudding mix but then it's dry then you put in cream cheese milk Cool Whip and extra sweetened coconut and you blend it all together you have to let it sit in the pie crust for about four to five hours Bob couldn't wait so exactly four hours he was already trying the pie but yeah four hours just to chill it's better though overnight you layer it with more Cool Whip oh I got extra creamy Cool Whip beautiful so good and a graham cracker crust and then he toasted his own coconut I was just gonna put regular coconut he wanted toasted so he toasted his own coconut for the top of the pie and uh yes it's on it's out there it's on social because I like to show off my baking creations and it was delicious real and spectacular you are call from mom answer it call silenced instacart knows nothing gets between you and the game that's why they make ordering from your couch easy stock up today and get all your groceries for the week delivered in as fast as 30 minutes without missing a minute of the game you have 47 new voicemails download the app to get free delivery on your first three orders while supplies last 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it's fun to hear from these guys and get the perspective of their teammates as well as the rookies get acclimated it's after hours with Amy Lawrence so Caleb are you finding that the work is coming easy to you early who would ask that question I don't know I'm just setting it up the way I'm supposed to you know it's the NFL I go versus top five defense you know I got a lot of great guys on the opposite side of the ball you know this job is tough playing QB is tough and so you know I wouldn't say it's necessarily been easier or anything like that it's just you know it's been work working my tail off getting after it day in and day out it takes a while ask any quarterback who's been through it in fact some of them will say it takes about three years for rookies to get really acclimated to not just the speed but to understand defenses to be able to read them also to get to know a playbook extremely well which is why it's tough when you've got guys who are in systems different every couple of years where they're having to learn a new playbook and terminology and everything else that goes along with that changing coaches or coordinators but why is Caleb working only against the first team defense Matt Eberfluss we could do things differently where I say hey we're gonna have the ones go against the twos and twos go against the ones but I don't think I don't like that I don't like it I think that Caleb is a talent a very good talent and his game will go to where it needs to be because that's I want them to see that in front of him the windows closing the variation of what we do on defense and I want them to see that day in and day out so when he gets to play somebody else it'll look okay I've been here done that so that's how we're going to keep it he does have to figure it out and the more reps against the best the better Tyreek Stevenson he's a cornerback so he's facing Caleb on the other side of this equation and he was talking to Sirius XM NFL radio about the rookie QB I felt like he's handling it well in my opinion you know he comes in every day he smiles you know we kind of you know we're kind of poking at him on defense and he poked back you know come out there and throw a ball and we hear him you know just the fact that he's ready to come in and lead this team and he's ready to step up to the plate you know we all have all all but nothing but confidence in him you know we want to see him thrive you know he's our quarterback and this is team and we want to see him succeed so he come in you know I'm on defense but you know he'll often so I can't really you know kick it out with him but I talk to him his mind is funnel vision and all you want to do is put the Chicago Bears at the top yeah according to everyone around Caleb Williams he comes in with a championship mentality and that's what he's focused on we're gonna be pretty damn good um and so just got to keep working keep going um and we're all excited um so it's it's really important to to have that mindset um but also have the mindset of like let's keep going uh let's keep working let's let's get after it even before he got drafted he paid visits to Chicago he spoke highly of the windy city and the people there and yeah there are a lot of fans who are seeing him out and about and he gets adjusted to not just a new team and being a pro but a new city I said in a bunch of interviews that I'm gonna be and and be a part of the community be out there enjoy um you know let everybody see you um just another another human um and like I said so just being out there enjoying being myself um and and being a part of like I said the community being out there and supporting them thanks everybody he's actually polite talking to the media wonder how long that lasts I like the way he's handled it so far I kind of feel the same way about him as I do about Kaitlyn Clark now a lot of people have pointed to Caleb and said he's entitled he won't do things the way that it's always been done didn't want to work out didn't go through medicals really didn't do a whole lot of anything at the combine and yet the Bears saw what they wanted to see they heard what they wanted to hear and they're comfortable with him so I'm I'm excited to see him on the field it's after hours with Amy Lawrence a little QB news here early in June because why not let's see in the NFC East there should be some competition for those boys from the NFC North the Jalen Hurts coordinator situation is is unique on the offensive side right because they've had to change coordinators going back to the Super Bowl year a lot of people point to the coordinators last year and the fact that that was different as being a major deterrent for them repeating their success and also falling off the map right finishing the second half of the season going what was it one for seven well they've got a new defensive coordinator as well Vic Fangio highly accomplished former Denver Broncos head coach and Jalen Hurts and Vic are going back and forth at some of these practices in the summer uh he talked a little trash uh sometimes and and I and I and I enjoy that but I always remind him you know against him so um but um no he's been great you know they uh he's got him wired up he has a great mentality on defense um kind of old-fashioned you know and you know we're just uh trying to trying to get the hay in the barn um and you know prepare prepare for what's to come and you know just make sure we're peaking at the right time so keeping mind that this will be the third set of coordinators under Nick Sirianni Kellen Moore is the offensive coordinator remember he went from Dallas to LA and then they changed head coaches and he was a free agent and landed in Philadelphia so he's back in the NFC East Vic Fangio has so much experience he had waited for a long time to get a head coaching gig with Denver lasted for a couple of years but this is Nick Sirianni now with a third duo at the coordinator spots which means all these guys and there is some turnover but there are some guys who are hearing from their third consecutive coordinator when it comes to practices and as I say terminology and just communication and everything else but yeah I love that uh Jalen and Vic Fangio are already going back and forth I can make for healthy competition to set the tone for the two sides. Dallas Cowboys you know they try to pick up the pieces this off season and start all over again had a great regular season last year Dak Prescott he was an MVP candidate and yet they still got bit in the rear end and bounced from the playoffs early on their own field in a stunning route by the Green Bay Packers well now they've got a lot of young guys and still getting to know them as they go through their first set of mandatory OTAs. Talent's just the beginning first off um and you don't you don't win games with just talent so uh and you don't win games on paper and talent's really not decided on paper so um I understand what it looks like what it may look like from the outside understanding the lack of moves I guess done um creates that that that right um conversation uh but I'm confident the man we have honestly I just said it when I'm talking about breaking the quarterbacks down for the last three years going back to I guess Tyler Smith's rookie class right I was like man it's the best rookie class I've seen. It's good it's good that they have come up with some young players that they've drafted but there is always the criticism about why don't the Cowboys do more during free agency why aren't they feeling that sense of urgency well that's just not how they build teams again that's why people get upset a lot of times they feel like Jerry Jones won't change the way he operates speaking of change the Cardinals have gone through a lot of it but Kyler Murray coming into this season fully healthy and he says it's different in the desert everybody's playing faster more um more comfortable the rookies that we had last year a great group um you know and allowing them to play faster because they've been in it got a lot of reps a lot of meaningful reps last year um and then you know the rookies that we just added are a good group so far too so I'm excited you know I don't put any limitation on what we can do.

I wonder if the NFC will will be as top heavy as it was the last couple years I think the general consensus and it's June so take everything with a grain of salt but the general consensus is that the AFC is thicker right so there are more teams that can compete in the AFC but a lot of that depends on health and and division battles and all that stuff the Bengals obviously dropped from first to worst last year they need Joe Burrow to be healthy we know about the Atlanta Falcons relying on Kirk Cousins so he stays in the conference but can he be healthy moving pieces but it's fun to speculate in June it's after hours with Amy Lawrence. This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance whether you love true crime or comedy celebrity interviews or news you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue and guess what now you can call them on your auto insurance too with the name your price tool from progressive it works just the way it sounds you tell progressive how much you want to pay for car insurance and they'll show you coverage options that fit your budget get your quote today at to join the over 28 million drivers who trust progressive progressive casualty insurance company and affiliates price and coverage match limited by state law listen as Selenia tells us why she chose to vaccinate her daughter. I definitely felt like the pros far outweighed the cons the diseases that I am protecting my child against they're still here and at the end of the day it's my job as a mother to keep my child safe.

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