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Brought to you by Merck. This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Happy first week in June. Oh yeah, we made it to the beginning of summer. I was talking to a bunch of my fourth and fifth graders on Sunday morning at church and they were counting the number of days they had left.
I guess it was a little bit mean of me but I asked them to put up their hands as we're going through the various dates in June. Who gets out before June 20th? Who gets out before June 15th?
Who gets out before la la la? Until we got to not just the kiddos that get out the earliest. We had a couple of them that are out June 13th. So yeah, they're already feeling it. And then some of the kids are not out till June 28th. Oh, they have to go all the way through this month.
That's tough. Now this is in the northeast. This is New Jersey primarily. I know a lot of the schools in the south have been out for weeks now.
Goodness. I've got friends in Georgia whose kids already graduated weeks ago. Like pre-mother's day they graduated. And then also my mom who's been done with school since late in what third week in May, pre-memorial day. They were supposed to be on vacation but ended up having to cancel it because of the damage to their house after one of the storms that came through.
And then I got to go to the other side of the through. And so a lot of kids have been out for a while. But yeah, there's still a bunch of kids at northern climes that are in school for another two, three weeks. But now counting down, counting the days until they're done. I had a bunch of them come up to me and say I have 15 more days. I have 19 more days. Counting weekends I have this many more days in actual class. So I know they're they're itchy now to get to the summer. And many of us are as well. I was tweeting a little bit, tweeting out also Facebook, Facebooking a little bit about just the the beginning of June and sharing a couple of of my peonies, the last of the peonies.
They're gone now. But I had a couple hangers on until the very end of May. But yeah, putting a post up about happy first day of June.
It kind of blows me away. It feels like the last, really the last year has gone by in a blur. But when I think about it, I wasn't even engaged this time last year. I mean, Bob and I knew that we were that we were forever and that we were it that we were done looking, which was already a sweet gift. But I didn't get engaged until the end of July. And so yeah, what a difference a year could make, huh?
Pretty incredible. In fact, this time last year, this is even crazier. My husband and I hadn't even spent our first stretch of time together. So we started with our first official date on March 6th. And that's kind of the date we look back is when we really got together. I don't think we both knew at that point, but we knew there was potential. And it wasn't until, I mean, it was maybe a couple weeks later that we were in a committed relationship, even though it was long distance. So we did not have our first group activity, if you will, where we were together in the same place for a few days until third week in June last year. So we had one date this time last year.
Whoa, that's crazy. Yes, what a difference a year can make. And I know many of you, you were kind of blown away when, gosh, I think it was August when I finally let people know publicly. Of course, my family and friends knew that I'd been engaged, but I really didn't say anything about it on the radio or on my blog or anything public on social media until August. And many of you were surprised feeling like it happened pretty quickly.
And I guess, whatever, that's your opinion. I don't really care one way or another, but it is crazy what a difference a year can make. I mean, Bob and I knew each other going back to September of the previous year, but we'd had just one date this time last year. And then we got together and did some hiking in June and I made him a coconut cream pie for his birthday. And I cooked him, we took turns cooking, so I cooked one of my favorite meals for him.
Jay, guess what? He wants that same meal for his birthday this year. And I'm also making him another coconut cream pie. So I guess going back to our first- Well, the first time. Yeah, our first group activity. Like I said, we got together in West Virginia and did some hiking.
I still had Penny then, so we got a chance to meet Penny for the first time. Anyway, those two, well, one meal, one dessert that I made for him, I guess they made a great impression because he's asked for those again now a year later on his birthday. Nice. Would you like to know what the meal is?
Yes. Okay, so I think I've made it for you before, but I'm not positive. It's a sausage, peas, and let's say it's sausage, peas, and rotini pasta. So it's like a sausage, peas, and pasta dish. And it's really good. It's not hard to make and it's very filling.
It's just like a nice twist. So it's Italian sausage. You can use either sweet or hot. And you make the sausage first, you brown the sausage, and then you've got your already cooked pasta. You put your pasta and your frozen peas in, or I guess you could use fresh, but frozen is fine. And you just, you blend it all together. You saute it in an oil, like an olive oil, and then it's a delicious meal. You sometimes put shredded cheese on top, so like a shredded Parmesan cheese.
I've also used a bit of an oil and vinegar salad dressing just to give it a little bit of a tangy flavor too. So yeah, he wants that again. Hey, when was the first time?
Why change it up, right? Right, and I'm doing graham cracker crust for the coconut cream pie. I made this for him last year and brought you some, remember?
I do, yeah. And you were not a huge coconut fan, but I gave you some coconut cream pie. Whenever you seem to give me coconut, I like it. I swear, like the island cookies. I don't like coconut, but every time you give me something with coconut. Thank you, Jay.
Yeah. That's great validation. I can't get him to eat broccoli, but I can get him to eat coconut.
It's good. You would have loved the haupia, that's coconut, the haupia pancakes in Hawaii. Oh my gosh. They were, they were cooked through with, with coconut, was all mixed into the batter and then on top was a coconut, almost like a pudding.
They would call it syrup, but it was more consistency of a pudding. Oh man. The photo. Oh, just amazing. Yeah. I love coconut.
You can have it anywhere you want in Hawaii. It's awesome. So we were in heaven.
It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. We've got the Edmonton Oilers versus the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup final, but it doesn't start till next Saturday. So we've got plenty of time to preview. We've got the Mavericks and the Celtics doing battle in game one of the NBA finals coming up on Thursday. And if you're with us last Thursday night, when the Mavericks finally dispatched the Timberwolves, I was a little bit giddy over the idea of a Kyrie Boston Celtics reunion. I can't help it.
I don't care what the players say. There is a little bit extra, a little extra layer of something, something, a little extra layer of toothed that goes along with the Celtics facing their old teammate. Now, not all of these guys faced or were teammates with Kyrie.
Excuse me, Jason Tatum. That was his rookie year actually going back to 1819. Is his rookie year or second year? Oh, so his rookie year was Kyrie's first year in Boston. His second year was the one where they were expected to be an NBA finals contender, and they lost in the second round of the playoffs to the Milwaukee Bucks, if I remember correctly.
But they were far below expectations, and that's kind of where it had started to go off the rails. And then, of course, Kyrie asked for a trade. He and KD teamed up in Brooklyn, and that went so well.
And so every time he's gone back now to Boston, the fans are ready to greet him. I knew that when the Celtics stepped up to the microphones for the first time to talk about the NBA finals, we were not going to get anything divisive about Kyrie. Of course, not now.
Maybe after, but probably not. You win a title, you don't really care. Who cares is on the other roster. But of course, we weren't going to get Jason Tatum or Jalen Brown or Al Horford, who was with the Celtics then. He left, but now he's back.
You weren't going to get them to say anything negative. It's not quite like rewriting history, but it's certainly filtering through a different lens. So yes, Jason Tatum, he was early in his NBA career when Kyrie was there in Boston. I mean, obviously with some ups and downs, but I think for me, being a first, second year player, being around a superstar, essentially every day, and staying out, to navigate that space. And then, obviously, Onequay is one of the most talented guys I've ever seen. So it seems like a very long time ago, but I got a lot of great memories. I got a lot of great memories from having Kyle as a teammate. Very special. He's the type of player that just opens up a lot for everybody else.
I benefited a lot from that in his time that he was here. And our fans, they care. They care about the Celtics. They care about Boston.
And this has been spoken about already, but when he left, it wasn't ideal for everyone here. So I know the fans, it's the finals. Regardless of who's coming in and who's not, it's going to be lively. It's going to be exciting. It's going to be loud. TD Garden is going to be ready to go. And it's those environments that you want to play in. Ooh, cannot wait.
Cannot wait. So that's Al Horford. And both he and Jason have alluded to wasn't the best situation when he left. And they both said that.
That's probably the most that you're going to get. You're not going to get them to say anything else, of course, because these are just, the stakes are too high. These stakes are just too high for you to want to make a rookie or undisciplined mistake of running your mouth about a player from the other team.
In any way, you want to avoid giving extra motivation, locker room, bulletin board material, anything like that. But that does not go for the fans. And I've already heard from a bunch of fans on social who have said to me that they can't wait for this. That they plan to be there and let Kyrie know what they think of them.
And don't tell me that it's not a situation that both sides feel. Because Kyrie, he's raged against Boston, against Boston fans. He's made fun of them.
He took sage and he waved it all around in the garden. He stomped on the leprechaun, which is the logo. I mean, do you remember how Terrell Owens got lambasted for doing that? Goodness, Baker Mayfield, when he was in college, planting a flag at the Ohio State logo.
Yeah, these are things that you do not do. But Kyrie did to try to ward off the evil spirits in the garden. So yeah, there's no love lost either way. You may not get Kyrie to say anything that's even remotely controversial, which isn't quite as difficult as you might think.
You won't get him to say anything either. But don't tell me he loves Boston and his all fuzzy, warm, happy, nostalgic memories about his time there, because that is not the case. We do not rewrite history here on After Hours, no matter what lens it might get filtered through just in time for the finals.
We'll get more from Celtics and Mavericks as we head through this week. But Joe Mazzola, going back to Saturday's practice, there was video of Kristaps Porzingis working out with the team, looked like he was moving well after the soleus strain. Wow. I go my entire career and I never hear the word soleus. And then within, I don't know, a month and a half, there are two soleus strains, because I'm telling you, it was the eclipse.
The soleus eclipse of the harsh, see what I mean? It just changed everything. So Joe Mazzola was asked about KP, who did not play in the Eastern Conference Finals, and his status and how he's doing heading toward the finals. He did everything the team did. We'll go significantly harder tomorrow, but you know today was kind of moderate, but you know he went through everything that the team did today. Joe, you mentioned some of the drills he was able to do yesterday. What were those and just how do you kind of look going through those?
Just basketball drills. He looks pretty good going through. So that was from Saturday.
Every day that goes by, he's closer. And there had been speculation that he might be available when it came to the Eastern Conference Finals, but as it turned out with the Pacers, they didn't need him and so better for him to have a strong and healthy and stable soleus. A strong, stable soleus. It's critical. That's all you need. That's what you need. It's what you need.
8-5-5-2-1-2-4-2-2-7. Connor is in California and wants to talk about the finals. What do you think, Connor? I feel and I'm happy to be in summer. I just got out of school a couple days ago, so that's nice. Nice. Congratulations. Yay. Thank you. Yeah, I'm looking forward to a nice summer.
Got football camp starting today. That should be nice. Why are you awake?
Because it's at like four. Oh good. Okay. All right.
You have more than 12 hours. Fine. Okay.
Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, so my thoughts about this is that, you know, a lot of people say that Celtics look really good on paper. Obviously, they do look good on paper. They have a much better resonant in the Mavs with their one final win in 2011 when they had the dream team, you know, Dirk Nowitzki, you know, all those guys and so that's pretty nice for them, but of course, you know, Boston has had a longer drought than they would. Boston hasn't won a final since it's been like 16 years, so about as old as I am.
So it might seem like Boston could be hungrier, but I don't know. I feel like I say Mavs in seven. Who in seven, huh?
Yeah, seven. I mean, I think Celtics are going to put on a final. I don't think they're just going to like, just going to like, oh shoot, it's the Mavs. They'll just give it to them right away. Nah, I don't think so.
No, no, of course not. No, I think they're going to take it through game seven. It's going to be a great game, great series.
It's going to be wonderful and I think it's going to be, it's well worth the hype in my opinion. Well, I hope so because I actually thought the series between the Celtics and the Pacers was pretty entertaining and yet somehow it turned into a sweep and really the only game between Mavs and Timberwolves that wasn't tight and wasn't close was the clincher in game five, so I am with you hoping that we get an extended series. I do think there are some really interesting matchups and defensive assignments, so you've got guys like a Derek White and Jalen Brown that will pick up the bulk of the work when it comes to Kyrie and then Luca.
They're going to send a bunch of different guys at him, but also what do the Mavericks do in terms of defense against what can be a three-point shooting monster in the Celtics, so it's going to be fascinating. It will be, I agree, and I mean the Celtics do seem to have a couple more like key players than the Mavs in my opinion. I feel like when you got guys like Derek White, Christopher Zingas, Jalen Brown, Jason Tatum, I mean it seems kind of like mismatched almost in a way, but I feel like when you got to like one of the great, greatest like closers in my opinion, you got Kyrie and you got Luca and they're both playing very well and I mean we'll see. I don't know, it can go either way in my opinion.
I feel like either way. Yeah, I would agree with that. I could see that and you could have games that go down to the wire and we have so many different athletes that can make big shots, right? Even Kyrie who made a NBA Finals game seven winner going back to his days with Cleveland, so yeah you've got guys who've been on this stage. Not a lot have been to the finals or have won a championship I should say. A couple of the Celtics have been to a final. Obviously Drew Holliday is a champion. Kyrie's a champion, so you've got a little bit of that experience, but for the most part these rosters, they're both extremely hungry.
They are very hungry. Hey, thanks for taking my call. I appreciate it. Have a good rest of your show. Absolutely. Enjoy your first football practice.
That sounds like it. I will. I got a great coach.
Oh good, I'm glad to hear you say that. Thanks. I got Napoleon Kaufman as my coach. Nice and how old are you? I'm 16.
So you are going into your junior year? I am. Nice. And I want to do what you're doing when I grow up. You do. I do, I do.
Awesome. Well you know I teach class at the college level, so you never know you might end up with me as your professor. I would love to go all the way to New Jersey, but I can't.
That's way out of my price range. Well I teach at Syracuse, so not New Jersey, but you never know. Syracuse, okay. Well someday maybe.
Ohio, so. There you go. I like that. That's very cool. Well good to talk to you, Connor. Thanks so much. Good to talk to you. Thank you. How about that? Has football practice in, well in 15 hours or so, but is up listening because he wants to be a sports talk host. I like that. I do a lot of mentoring for young people, whether it's college students or early 20s professionals, and it's a lot of fun to encourage and to stoke the fires and the passion for what will be the next generation of talk show hosts, so that's cool. Maybe someday I'll have the chance to help Connor along his journey. Sounds like he's busy with football right now, so that's awesome.
When we're running back, Napoleon Kaufman is his coach. Nice. At what school are we talking about or what area? I'm not sure.
Oh okay. Just in California, but. Just in California. I feel like if you could find his name, we could probably figure out what part of the, did he say he was in the Bay Area, Northern California, Southern California?
No. All right, we'll have to narrow it down a little bit, but it's good to know that Connor's hanging out with us and looking ahead to these NBA Finals. We are too. We're excited. As I say, we'll have more as we get closer to Thursday. Coming up though, more controversy around Kaitlyn Clark and her first couple of weeks with the fever.
They got blown out on Sunday, but Saturday is really featuring the moment that most people are talking about, even now. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. You are listening. This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance.
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Visit or download the app and sell your car from your comfy place to the after hours podcast. Caitlin's learning. She's fighting.
She gets, you know, the whole 40 minutes she's in the game on both ends. She's getting beat up. She keeps fighting. I've got some great people in my locker room. We're going to keep fighting. We're going to keep fighting and it's going to click and we're going to get there. But it doesn't happen overnight.
This is after hours with Amy Lawrence. Man, when the Indiana fever celebrated in earning the number one overall pick and then finding out that Caitlin Clark would in fact be leaving Iowa early. I'm not sure Kristi Sides knew exactly what she was in for. This is a whole different ball game. A whole different ball of wax. I have no idea where that phrase came from but I feel like I've heard it in the past at some point. I've never actually used it myself. A whole different ball game.
It's after hours with Amy Lawrence. First, I have to give you an update. My mom's husband secretly bought her an Indiana fever jersey and he was asking me for advice. What do you think about this one?
Should I get this one? What size? Blah, blah, blah. So I was in on the secret and of course had to keep my mouth shut. The jersey took over a week to arrive because they were on back order. That's how popular the Caitlin Clark Indiana fever jerseys are right now.
Which I'm sure you know. You've heard that before. Anyway, it arrived just in time for Sunday's game and the fever to get murdered by the New York Liberty. So the fever were on the road again in New York. Is this the third time they've played the Liberty since the start of the season?
Oh my gosh. So the league is not very big obviously and then when you're talking eastern and western conference. But also they've had so many games in the first couple weeks that it's got to be an exhausted locker room. The fever have got to be an exhausted roster.
It's not just Caitlin Clark that's struggling now but Aaliyah Boston, last year's number one overall or last year's rookie of the year who is the number one overall pick if I remember for the fever. And so they've got young players that they want to mesh and blend and bring together but they're barely practicing. They're either traveling or playing almost every day and that includes Sunday which was the second half of a back-to-back. That's where load management comes in for the NBA by the way. Guys do not love playing back-to-backs and they certainly don't love playing them in two different cities on two consecutive days.
This is what load management is about. But the fever took on the thunder. The thunder oh gosh I'm sorry. The fever took on I don't know where that came from. That's like I wasn't even thinking about Oklahoma City.
The fever took on. The little thunders? No not that.
Not that either. The fever battled the Chicago Sky of whom Angel Reese is now a part of that team so she's the rookie for the sky. They battled on Saturday. The fever won by a point but that's not what people were talking about heading into Sunday's game which turned into a big blowout. Kaitlyn had three points. She was one for ten from the field.
Aaliyah Boston she had I think just a couple of points too and she actually missed some time. A rolled ankle. Something that took her off the court so they are they're bruised.
They're banged up and they're pretty exhausted. Think about what the teams that went to the Final Four in college have been through since the end of the women's basketball season and Clark's been under all kinds of scrutiny. The attention on her. The media requests. The awards circuit.
The draft itself. These high-profile rookies have not had a break. They've not had a break since the Final Four so it's a big deal that at some point they'll get a break and get time to practice but for now Christy Sides and the Fever just kind of hanging on so it does not surprise me at all that they got pounded by the Liberty which is a more veteran team on Sunday but my mom was wearing her jersey. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence.
You can find me on Twix at ALawRadio and also on our Facebook page named after the show. So let's talk about Saturday because this is the moment that I've already seen on news networks. It's being rehashed and analyzed over analyzed on pretty much every network out there but there was a moment late in the third quarter of a tight game between the Indiana Fever and the Chicago Sky on Saturday. This was a nationally televised game by the way and Kennedy Carter who came off the bench for the Sky and actually led them in scoring.
She had 19. She comes off the bench and she and Kaitlyn they were going back and forth. They were matched up against one another. There's a dead ball inbound situation for the Fever meaning it's a break in the action.
The Fever have to inbound on the baseline. Kaitlyn is standing there waiting for the ball to come to her as she's the the top ball handler for the Fever. Carter takes a little bit of a couple of steps.
This is like targeting into hockey. She takes a couple of steps and rams her shoulder into Kaitlyn Clark and knocks her over. Of course whistle sounds at that point a common foul was assessed. However upon review the WNBA went back and elevated that foul to a flagrant one and believing that it met all the criteria of a flagrant one and so postgame that's all anybody wanted to talk about.
Carter herself she was sitting at the postgame press conference and she refused to talk about it. On the play before bumping in with Kaitlyn it seemed like she she turned to you a little bit after the after the Fever. I didn't answer no Kaitlyn Clark questions. Did she say anything to you? I don't know what she said. What'd you say to her?
I didn't say anything. I ain't answering no Kaitlyn Clark questions and then as the reporter persisted about the exchange and maybe something that was said right before that she shut it down and and not just that but Theresa Witherspoon she also shut it down. All right so you've got a player you've got a coach and they've they're essentially refusing to talk about it.
So that was the sky perspective. Also Angel Reese she was fined a thousand bucks for not showing up to the postgame press conference. I don't know if that's directly related to Kaitlyn Clark. They've been pretty supportive of each other publicly. They're both rookies. They both obviously played in the two final fours. So yeah I don't know whether or not that's related but I know that the sky as a franchise and Angel Reese were fine for not speaking and then Carter and Witherspoon they said nothing but that foul was upgraded to a flagrant one by the WNBA.
So we're not going to get anything out of the sky who by the way lost by a point to the Fever in that one but Kaitlyn she was talking about it on Saturday when the game was done. I wasn't expecting it but I think it's just like just respond come down let your play do the talking it is what it is. It's a physical game. Go make the free throw and then execute on offense and I feel like that's kind of what we did but you know it is what it is I guess I don't know.
I'm trying not to get fined. We're just going to keep sending these possessions to the league and these plays and hopefully they'll start you know taking a better look at at some of the things that we see happening or we think is happening. Just more happy that Kaitlyn handled it the way she did. She you know it's tough you know to keep getting hammered the way she does and to not get rewarded with free throws or you know just a foul call like she's she's continuing to fight through that and that's what you know appreciate that from her really really proud of her for doing that.
Just let them hit you be what it is don't want to get inside your head and know what's coming. I think at this point like I know I'm going to take a couple hard shots a game and that's what it is it doesn't I'm trying not to let it bother me and you know just just stay in the game is saying what's important because usually it's the second person that gets caught when if you retaliate or something so uh just trying to stay in the game and focus on my team and focus on what's important. She's talked about the WNBA being physical more physical than what she experienced in college. She knew she was going to take that but now you're starting to hear both Kaitlyn and her teammates as well as head coach Christy Seid say come on this is getting out of hand. She's taking shot after shot and for some reason the whistles are not blowing.
Of course in their own locker room they're going to have a perspective that's not objective it's subjective they want to protect their players. Christy Seid wants to protect her star and she is getting banged up she sat on the bench with um she got hit on a hard screen like knocked over on a hard screen uh on Sunday and had to sit on the bench for a bit while trainers checked out her ear so she got smashed pretty hard in the ear um and she was fine after getting knocked over on Saturday but yeah it takes a lot of self-control to not retaliate or to react in those moments but this is something that Kaitlyn I think does a really good job. She recognizes that she's in the spotlight she recognizes her responsibility not just to her teammates and to her team previously to Iowa now to the Indiana Fever to represent herself as professionally as possible and also not to put her team in bad situations. Now I'm not saying it always works okay she's been hit with a couple technical fouls she's been complaining about calls um and a few referees have taken exception to it she's gotten into we'll talk them strongly worded conversations with other players so opponents on the court and so she's been hit with a couple of teas. She's definitely in the crosshairs or in the sights of the officials right they're paying attention just like everybody else is to this incoming rookie who brings not just dollar signs for the WNBA but the kind of attention this league has not had at any point in its nearly 30-year history. Everybody is paying attention to what Kaitlyn's doing it's impossible not to and so yeah there's there's more of a white hot spotlight on her I do think she's a fiery player she's passionate we saw that in in her games at Iowa. She has a big play clutch mentality she wants to hit the big shot she wants the ball in her hands she's again very similar to a Steph Curry in that respect the kind of a meteoric rise of her name and her popularity that came with her career in college just like Steph but I think for the most part she handles it pretty well even though the questions never stop the attention never stops and on Monday I'll have a chance to talk to Connecticut Sun president Jennifer Rosati with whom I have a relationship that goes back more than a decade from our time at the University of Hartford but she played in the WNBA and as a longtime coach and now an executive she's been at every layer and every level of women's basketball including representing Team USA and so I'm interested to hear her perspective about the reception for Kaitlyn and whether or not it's different than it was for any other rookie. Now Brianna Stewart told us going back to when the the league made its its 24 debut that 24 debut that this was similar to her struggle when she started in the WNBA that everybody knows you're coming everybody's trying to prove themselves against you teams want to make a name for themselves and players want to make a name for themselves individually by shutting down Kaitlyn Clark I mean you've heard Sabrina Ionescu of the New York Liberty say our entire defense starts with her right so she's not catching anyone off guard I thought this was an interesting question too from a reporter and again this is the kind of stuff that Kaitlyn has to deal with on a daily basis before the game against the Liberty in which they were they were bludgeoned I think they lost by nearly 40 right Jay so they they she she was made available and the reporters were asking her questions and they were asking her if she's still having fun even though the losses have mounted so the Fever just have two wins they're one of the worst teams in terms of record right now in the league and also she's constantly asking questions and she's getting a lot of the attention from opponents absolutely I'm having a lot of fun like this is my childhood dream so if I'm not having fun doing this then there's probably probably a bigger issue but also like I always remind myself sure there's moments where I've been frustrated and you know upset of you know we've lost here I haven't performed here things that I want to clean up but you know there are so many people that would love to be in my position or would love to have this opportunity like I get to do this as my job like how lucky am I so you know sometimes that's hard to remind yourself of and you know put everything into perspective but you know that's what I try to do and I think at the same time that like kind of takes the pressure off and really allows me to have fun and just keep playing the game I love yeah it's such a difference between what we saw on the court on Saturday with Carter knocking her over and if you can read lips you could see very clearly what she called Caitlyn right before she gave her a shoulder that sent her to the ground she called her the b-word and you can also though see the joy for Caitlyn and what's really neat is before every game sometimes after games too she's interacting with fans and often there are photos with young fans so kiddos that are beaming like you couldn't imagine like me when I was swimming with dolphins in Hawaii they're just so thrilled to have a chance to meet what right now is their hero or a basketball player that makes them want to be better and makes them want to practice so they can be the next Caitlyn Clark I mean it's pretty amazing the draw and even with the fever losing on Saturday and everything that happened in Indianapolis they had 17,000 plus fans who were there in attendance and the the viewings number the viewing numbers and the ratings uh they're still really impressive for these national broadcasts I know a lot of people have pointed to the fever's record and how people will lose interest I don't think that's the case for the most part I think people are in it to kind of see how she figures it out especially with all the talk about how she's not being welcomed by the WNBA and how a lot of these other women fair unfair a lot of these other women are out to get her because they don't like the attention she's receiving I do think that's overblown I don't think that's the case for most of the women in the league many of them have been very complimentary but there's definitely an undertone and Saturday the intentional foul by Carter did not do anything to quell that speculation or that narrative there are no games on Monday and as I say I'll have a chance to catch up with Connecticut Sun president uh former WNBA star uh Yukon Champ she played for Team USA Jennifer Rizzotti uh in a conversation about the 8-0 Sun which is her team but also about the WNBA in the Kaitlyn Clark era I know I'm being melodramatic on Twix A-Law radio every time I say it Jay wants a Twix listen as Selenia tells us why she chose to vaccinate her daughter I definitely felt like the pros far outweighed the cons the diseases that I am protecting my child against they're still here and at the end of the day it's my job as a mother to keep my child safe talk to your child's doctor and learn more at brought to you by Merck tired of sifting through countless supplements unsure of what's actually effective introducing Legion the choice of over 800,000 discerning fitness enthusiasts with all natural products clinically effective ingredients doses and hassle-free money-back guarantee you can achieve your fitness goals without the unnecessary guesswork say goodbye to wasted efforts and hello to results with Legion you don't need supplements to build muscle lose fat or get healthy but the right ones can help visit go to to get 20% off your order now you could spend the weekend doing the same old whatever or you could conquer the weekend in the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe visit for more details Hyundai there's joy in every journey on Facebook after hours with Amy Lawrence you are listening to the after-hours podcast this is after hours with Amy Lawrence my bar your knowledge is for your nerd alert you just make my day hey law what's going on when he hit that bank shot I was hitting boom and that was the perfect boom moment here's Amy Lawrence sometimes I do exactly that I will absolutely drive you crazy and that's okay I am never afraid of people who disagree with me and my opinions and my perspective the world would be uh the world would be boring if we all agreed but I understand I can be infuriating sometimes it's after hours with Amy Lawrence speaking of staying up all night have you heard the narrative again being kind of revived at the French Open these late matches sometimes not starting until 10 30 local time and depending upon how long the match takes you've got people like Novak Djokovic who are still playing at three o'clock in the morning Coco Goff the American one of those who has spoken out against these types of matches because she feels like it's unfair to the athletes who are trying to stick to routines I feel like a lot of times people think it's you know you're done but really 3 a.m then you have press and then you know you have to shower eat and then a lot of times people do treatment so that's probably not going to bed until five at the earliest maybe six and then even seven so I definitely think it's not healthy and maybe not fair for those who have to play late because it does ruin your schedule people obviously paid for those tickets so it's a complicated thing but I definitely think for the health and safety of the players it will be best in the sports best interests I think to try to avoid those matches finishing at or starting at a after a certain time obviously you can't control when they finish so there's a lot of different factors in play here part of it is about the time change the time difference locally though you're talking about matches Paris time that aren't starting until in some cases well after 10 o'clock and then if it's a men's match that in a grand slam the men have to win three sets in order to advance in order to to end the match you know you're talking about matches that at times could go four hours especially if they're two groundstrokers and they're really competitively matched so yeah it's been a theme we've heard it before from the French Open Novak Djokovic he's a little less open about it but if you ask him enough questions he'll also talk about the late night because guess what he's one of the guys who ends up doing it all the time these are matches on their center court they're considered prime time you know they're supposed to attract a ton of attention they sell tickets specifically for these late matches and they're supposed to be the best of the best and that's why you often end up having some of the top ranked players in the world like Novak who end up on the late start times that are you know just go until middle of the night I don't want to get into it I have my opinions but I just I think they're great things to talk about as we're talking about this this match today and both Lorenzo's and my performance which stands out I don't want to be talking about schedule I think some things could have been handled different way but you know there's beauty as well I guess winning the match as well at 3 3 30 a.m you know if it's the last one of the tournament but it's not yeah so that's the thing is he's saying if this was my last match it would be one thing he ended Sunday morning at 3 30 so he's now pushing back his entire schedule for Monday likely will play I mean they generally play every other day for most of of the tournament so he and Lorenzo Musetti who's 22 years old so maybe doesn't have quite the same challenge but Novak is into his mid-30s and he is the draw right he's he's trying to win another French Open here so he is the draw but this is tough because you have to recover then after a late finish time when you're playing 20 plus shot rallies and at 2 a.m who plays at 2 a.m you know it's play few matches in your life this time and especially if somebody like Lorenzo is playing on the opposite side of the net tennis of his life and not missing much and making your play every single point so and it was so muddy and so heavy you know conditions very cold you know balls were not going on anywhere so you wouldn't get too many free points with the serve so you have to work every single point of the of the night yeah I mean this is a tough one for Novak testing him at 37 years old and if you watch the match there were times when he was winded because Musetti or he calls him Lorenzo he's 22 he's running back and forth he's in great shape and this one goes four and a half hours and so yeah but Novak's conditioning is tremendous but against a 22 year old who can run all over the place I had enough and then just the late hour makes it colder and it's muddy because of some of the rain and so it's not ideal but he's still alive it's after hours with Amy Lawrence this episode is brought to you by progressive insurance whether you love true crime or comedy celebrity interviews or news you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue and guess what now you can call them on your auto insurance too with the name your price tool from progressive it works just the way it sounds you tell progressive how much you want to pay for car insurance and they'll show you coverage options that fit your budget get your quote today at to join the over 28 million drivers who trust progressive progressive casualty insurance company and affiliates price and coverage match limited by state law listen as selenia tells us why she chose to vaccinate her daughter I definitely felt like the pros far outweighed the cons the diseases that I am protecting my child against they're still here and at the end of the day it's my job as a mother to keep my child safe talk to your child's doctor and learn more at brought to you by Merck you could spend the weekend doing the same old whatever or you could conquer the weekend in the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe visit for more details Hyundai there's joy in every journey no matter what you're a fan of Texas has the trip for you there's the trip to Texas and the trip or maybe you're the kind of fan who'd prefer a trip to Texas or a trip either way go to get your own for the only trip to Texas that matters yours
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