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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
May 16, 2024 5:53 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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May 16, 2024 5:53 am

Ok fine. Some of the more notable NFL match ups that lie ahead | The Caitlin Clark effect proves real again | Amy's struggle to find food in Hawaii. 


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It is way, way, way, way too early to start predicting win totals for your favorite NFL team, though I suppose it's not way too early to make your travel plans for the upcoming NFL season. And the reason I say that is because my husband and I had our honeymoon travel plans in place long before not just our wedding, but even before our wedding plans were completely done. So we had Hawaii to look forward to for the better part of nine months.

We were so excited to plan it together once we realized that of course we would be getting married. And so I understand getting excited about a next trip. I'm one of those people that really enjoys having a couple of dates, adventures, travel plans on the calendar to look forward to. I find that I operate better as an employee, as a radio host, if I know I've got something exciting that I'm working my way toward. Not that I'm always looking ahead because I do think it's important to be where your feet are, if that makes sense, but it's helpful for me when I'm going through a long stretch or the hours get tough or work seems like a grind, whatever, going through a couple of weeks where I'm not sleeping as well as I would like to, if I have something on the calendar to look forward to. And so for instance, coming up in July, we've got the better part of two weeks we'll be spending for family adventures, some big family stuff in both Texas and for my brother's milestone birthday.

So that is always fun to have something to look forward to. So I get that when you are circling dates on the calendar because you're making your travel plans or you want to try to go to one game this year and so you're maybe saving your money so that you can pay for tickets for your family, whatever it is, I get that part. I do not understand the mindless May exercise of predicting win totals before we even have final rosters.

That to me is a waste of time, but that's just me. I hope that you enjoyed it with your own team and if you did win totals for every team in your division or every team in your conference, right, exactly. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on the Infinity Sports Network. I do know we've got some really cool matchups on paper that the NFL was proud to parade out there. Although Jay, I'm not sure if you thought the same as me, but by the time we got to Wednesday afternoon, maybe say three hours out, I even tweeted this, when the actual schedule release takes place, there are going to be maybe two games that we don't already know. Hashtag leakage.

Everything was out there. I mean just me, as a New York Giants fan, I knew pretty much the entire schedule before eight o'clock eastern time and the coolest part, I guess, about the Giants schedule is that they're playing the game in Germany this year. I knew that three days ago. It was already leaked, so I don't know.

What's the point? Yeah, so we knew a lot of the details including some of the higher profile matchups like Patrick Mahomes, the Chiefs, they're going for the three-peat this season. They'll host the Ravens on September 5th in that kickoff game, so the Thursday night game that begins the regular season. We've got Rams and Lions, another playoff rematch that takes place that same week one, although it comes up on Sunday night.

You've got nine playoff rematches on this year's regular season schedule, but what do we know about the playoffs? Half the field turns over every year, which means that just because they were playoff teams last year does not mean they'll be playoff teams this year. The Cincinnati Bengals, a great example of that last year. The Jacksonville Jaguars, another example of that last year, right? So there's some cool games that you can circle, but in terms of win totals, sorry, I tried.

I really did try. I was much more into the playoffs, both hoops and hockey. We're asking you, though, because of the big headline, which is the NFL putting games on Netflix, so a brand new streaming service, something new for the NFL in this partnership with Netflix, a three-year deal to broadcast Christmas Day games on the streaming service. Will you add more streaming services this season to follow the NFL or your favorite teams? These Christmas Day games I think could be a good idea. The NBA is wincing, if not flat out cringing at the idea of the NFL taking over Christmas as another one of its favorite holidays.

Dashing through the snow, but it is kind of cool. It's something new. It's something different. It's just that going back to 2017, Jay looked it up for me, when Yahoo had that first game that was streamed from London. It was the Jaguars. I do not remember who they were playing. The Ravens. The Ravens.

Thank you. I remember I watched it on my computer. I did not have a TV at that point that was equipped for apps. I don't know if they made TVs at that point that were smart TVs with all the various apps, but I know that I tried watching it on my laptop, and it was terrible service.

The whole time the broadcast kept buffering, and so I finally just gave up and listened to the game on the radio on Westwood One. It's now become a completely different world, and in 2024 we'll have games on Amazon Prime, on Peacock, on Paramount Plus, on YouTube TV, because that's where we get NFL Sunday ticket, right, is now on YouTube. Netflix.

Am I missing any? Are they on Hulu? Are games on Hulu?

I'm not sure. I know Hulu when they, like years ago, it was Hulu has live sports. That was like their thing. They were the first ones to... Peacock, Prime, Netflix, and YouTube. So four different streaming services, unless I'm somehow missing one. I think FUBU also has it. I've never used that.

I just love the name FUBU. Anyway, the NFL is going to do this with or without you, with or without me. Will it convince you to shell out more money for a particular service?

And you never know. Well, there are games on Paramount Plus actually too, just because that's the CBS streaming outlet, and they carry the games in your local market generally, as well as the playoff games. Art Rooney's really excited about the Steelers being at home on Christmas Day. It's something new for them, and hey, regardless of whether or not the games are on Netflix around the country, generally you still have the local networks.

We played at home, as you say, on Christmas a few years ago and had a great crowd. So hopefully that'll be the case. Obviously, we're hosting a big time team, and so it'll be a big game with a national audience. So it'll be an exciting time. A national audience on Netflix.

I like that. On Steelers Twitter, Art Rooney. Netflix Chief Content Officer Bella Bajaria released a statement.

Truer words may have never been spoken. There are no live annual events, sports or otherwise, that compare with the audiences NFL football attracts. We're so excited that the NFL's Christmas Day games will only be on Netflix, so maybe they won't be locally broadcast. I know with Prime you can get the local broadcast, so we'll have to investigate that. I'm not sure the answer. Maybe we could ask our friend Matthew Keyes, who's in this digital space and covers it for a living.

So on Twitter, on Facebook, will you be adding streaming services this year to keep up with your favorite teams, your favorite sports? By the way, the New York Giants will be the subject of hard knocks this season, so that's interesting for the first time. But I've read that that's not the training camp one. It's like a new one. It's the in-season one?

No, it's even before that. It's like a pre-season. It's like the OTAs almost of like the hard knocks. Oh, it says first off-season edition. Right. It's weird. Will you add HBO for hard knocks? No.

I have HBO and I don't really watch hard knocks. Okay, let's see. A couple of other from the football space.

Pukanakua. Oh, he photobombed us in Vegas on Radio Row. He is fully informed. He knows all about the fact that the Rams and the Lions, which is a week one matchup, is a dome stadium. Remember after the whole, should we call it a mistake, a miscue?

Just a brain fart, if you will, last season. Coach had a little meeting. It was like, hey, just you guys know we're going to a dome. Like we're gonna have a, this is where it got covered game. We won't have to worry about the code. It was Coach McVay who let me know that's where we're playing. So I'll be better prepared this time for sure.

You might still see the shystee, but now for show. So he had no idea that Detroit was a dome stadium or a covered stadium, that it wasn't subject to the elements. Who was it last year that was, oh, it was a TV reporter or like a reporter or an anchor who asked the question of an NFL head coach. Who was this? Asked the question of an NFL head coach about playing in the elements and he was like, oh, it's a dome. Who was that?

They were going into Detroit, right? And she got blasted for it. People made fun of her so badly.

I get it. I mean, she wasn't a sports reporter. She was probably a news reporter and just wasn't familiar. And I would say you always want to do your homework before you ask a question like that, but I can't remember which coach it was. Who could have been really nasty to her, but was it? Todd Bowles. That's right.

He actually, I mean, he was, he dead panned it. Looking forward towards Detroit. The weather has been a factor in some of the playoff games, even for the most prepared teams. Today it's 13 in Detroit, which doesn't compare to some of the temperatures. Any special plans to acclimate the team to not only endure, but perform in those kind of frigid temperatures?

Should you face them? You do know we play indoors right in the other dome. That's right. Oh my gosh. Okay then. So yes, even Puka Nakua knows now that the lions are in a dome.

Tom Brady will make his broadcast debut in that week number one, and he found out the game courtesy of his new colleague, Michael Strahan on Fox. I know a little something about your first game. Are you going to tell me?

Maybe I will. You want to know? I want to know. You want to know?

All right, drum roll, please. For the first time in five years, the NFL on Fox opens with the Dallas Cowboys. Yeah.

Yeah. It's going to be your first game. And also another thing, week one is back to being an exclusive doubleheader window for Fox. So how do you like that news? You get to the Cowboys first week.

Amazing. Obviously having the Cowboys on is a huge draw as America's team. That's going to get a little hard for me to say that all the time. I understand they were the competition for a long time, but in this new role, I know the Cowboys, how important they are to this network.

They got great storylines. Come on, Dak Prescott. Let's see if he can finally come through one of the great defensive players. Did that just slip out? Was that on purpose or no? I think so.

You think that was scripted, slash planned? Yeah. Okay. So that was his attempt at humor.

All right. Uh, yeah, I guess humor or just wait. So was he saying, okay, so here's, here's my question about that. You hear Tom Brady say, we'll see if Dak Prescott can finally come through one of the defensive players. Was he saying can finally come through comma or semi-colon and then moving on to one of the defensive players. So completely separate thought, or was he making the joke that Dak Prescott is on defense? And so clearly it's Dak's fault that they didn't come through last year because remember, I granted he had a couple of interceptions, but the defense performs so below standard against Green Bay. You can't blame Dak Prescott for all of that, right? So was he making the joke that Dak doesn't play defense or, or not that cunning here one more time? Yeah. In this new role, I know the Cowboys, how important they are to this network. They got great storylines. Come on, Dak Prescott.

Let's see if he can finally come through one of the great defensive players. Oh no, it was a separate thought. Did that just slip out? It was a separate thought.

Interesting. Is he really that clever when it comes to his jokes? That was quick. If that wasn't scripted and that was just on the cup there, after he realized it was the Cowboys, or did he mean it as a slight aim to start? No, I don't think so.

Did the audience just take it that way? Right. But then he says, oh, did that just come out? So he plays into it.

Who does? I mean, he's funny. We know he's funny.

Yeah. And he laughed at a lot of the jokes at the Roast, just not the ones about his kids, right? So if you haven't heard that kind of the fallout coming out of the Roast, he did a 56 minute podcast with the Pivot. So in addition to being part of this Fox up front, which is essentially a, it's a type of conference slash seminar where a lot of the broadcast decisions, new shows, new, in this case, combinations that are calling games, Kevin Burkhardt and Tom Brady is the number one combo for Fox. It's a way that these networks can kind of announce their plans for the next broadcast season. So that's what we found out that Jason Kelsey is going to be part of Monday Night Football. So that was one thing that Tom Brady was doing with Fox, but he also sat down for nearly an hour with the hosts of the Pivot, very popular podcast. And he was talking about his regrets from the Roast.

Maybe you've heard these or heard this or seen these comments. I loved when the jokes were about me, I thought they were so fun. Um, I didn't like the way that it affected my kids. So it's the hardest part about like the bittersweet aspect of when you do something that you think is one way, and then all of a sudden you realize I wouldn't do that again because of the way that affected actually the people that I care about the most in the world. So like it's, it makes you in some ways a better parent going through it. Cause again, you don't, sometimes you're naive.

You don't know. I just want to like laugh. And I, and so I wanted to do the, the roast cause I, the guy Jeff Ross became someone that I knew.

And then I, you know, you just, you don't see the full picture all the time. So I think that it's a good lesson. Like for me as a parent, I'm going to be a better parent as I go forward because of it. Tom Brady as part of the pivot podcast in which he sat down with the guys for nearly an hour. And he's pretty honest about the fact that it affected his kids and it hurt his kids. Some of the jokes, you know, they, they, his kids are old enough to understand most of them. I would think even Vivian, who's the youngest, uh, maybe junior high age. Now, um, remember she earned her, she earned her props as a member of the Brady family when she tried to tell her dad, not to throw the Vince Lombardi trophy from one boat to the other, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers victory parade. Uh, anyway, he did, uh, he did say that his kids were hurt by some of the jokes.

And so I appreciate his honesty and admitting that, you know, he kinda screwed up or he would do it differently as a parent and, and didn't really consider the fact, um, that this would have an impact on his kids. I did see the headline. Now, this is funny because I really didn't look at a lot from, from Hawaii, but I did happen to see my husband and I still play wordle every morning.

And, you know, you open up a browser on your phone and at least on Google, Google Chrome, they give you a list of headlines, right? So I'm paging through the headlines and I see Tom Brady's ex-wife Gisele Bunchton unhappy with the jokes at the roast. I saw that headline when I was in Hawaii, but then coming back and realizing, uh, yeah, this is, this is a moment for Tom Brady as a parent where you kinda, you make the choice like, Hey, I don't need to be Mr. Popular. I don't need to be Mr. Famous.

I don't need to be the center of attention. What matters more is my kids are old enough to understand some of these jokes about the family. Uh, so I appreciate that from him, Ryan Clark, Channing Crowder, Fred Taylor, and this pivot podcast is actually going big time. They now have a multi-year sponsorship deal with fanatics.

And so they've, yeah, they've earned their chops that are making a lot more money, um, with the work they've been doing over the past several years. Uh, let's see, what do we want to do next? I definitely want to get to, uh, Paul. He's been waiting so patiently to talk about the Celtics.

So I promise Paul right after the break also, did you see the numbers for Kaitlyn Clark's WNBA debut? This is what I'm talking about. As much as the streaming services and these leagues are partnering because it's a revenue stream that's been untapped to this point for the most part. And the leagues want this money. You don't tell me, don't even try to convince me that if it's just on plain old network TV, people won't watch. Cause that's not true.

That is not true. Kaitlyn Clark and college hoops, women's college hoops, Iowa women's basketball, also on the men's side, the Yukon games. These are attracting major viewership spikes. We're seeing record numbers every time Kaitlyn Clark steps on the floor. So yes, people are watching network TV. It's about the money.

Just say it's about the money. On Twitter at Amy after hours, also on our Facebook page. Appreciate your reaction. Will you add more streaming services to watch these NFL games that are moving? They're migrating.

It's after hours with Amy Lawrence on the infinity sports network. You are listening to the call from mom. Answer it.

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See site for details. After Hours Podcast. Excited for Thursday to get back home and have our home opener and um, you know, I thought I, I thought it took me a little while to settle into the game. I thought the second half was a lot better minus some of the turnovers, but just getting more comfortable and that's just going to come with experience and getting, getting to play with these girls and the more games I play, the more comfortable I'm going to get.

This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Kaitlin Clark back at it again. And yet another record when it comes to TV viewership. Her debut with the Indiana fever in which she had a double double in auspicious, not the kind you want 20 points, which led her team, but also had 10 turnovers, which led her team. And I think it was the most ever for a WNBA rookie in her debut. That game between the fever and the Connecticut sun on the road in Uncasville, Connecticut, drew better than 2 million viewers. That may not seem like a lot compared to the NFL.

Trust me, it is. For a WNBA game, most watched WNBA broadcast ever on ESPN. The viewership actually got to 2.3 million viewers until the sun pulled away and we're leading by 20. Most watched WNBA game since the Sparks and the Houston Comets. So the LA Sparks and the Houston Comets played on NBC. So this is over the air network TV going back to 2001 Memorial Day weekend. So they did have a game that was on NBC and it was Memorial Day weekend. It was a holiday. The Houston Comets are defunct now.

They don't even exist anymore. Is that Lisa Leslie on the Sparks? The Sparks would probably going back to the Lisa Leslie days and it was on NBC. So more viewers for any WNBA game on any platform in 23 years and the most ever for ESPN, which is now the home for WNBA basketball.

This is routine for Kaitlyn. And so I do not believe that sports fans will only watch games on streaming because that's not true. I know it's happening in the NBA where a lot of younger fans just don't watch games. They'll watch highlights. They'll get them on TikTok or YouTube or any other social media platform, but they won't actually sit down and watch a game on TV. And we've heard Adam Silver lament that fact, but it's not the case for the NFL. It's not. And while the NFL is hoping that you'll shell out more money for Christmas games on Netflix and for playoff games on Peacock, the league's going to do this regardless because it's a relatively new and fresh revenue stream and the money's there even if Netflix doesn't see this mass influx of subscribers for its Christmas day games.

I wonder if they do get bonuses though, if the NFL can charge more money, if people jump on and subscribe around these Christmas broadcasts. 855-212-4227, speaking of the Celtics, they are the first NBA team into the final four, reaching the Eastern Conference Finals for a third straight summer. Can we call it summer?

I guess spring. Paul's in Massachusetts. Paul, what do you think about the Celtics? I think if we can handle Bronson, we're going to the finals. But Amy, I have to tell you this real quick. But the Knicks aren't even there yet.

The Knicks haven't even reached the series yet. They probably will be. But Amy, listen, I'm an international economist. Listen to how simple and brief this is. The streaming services are trending. This is very important for an investment opportunity. You don't lose your money. Remember when cell phones first came out, huge money per month. If you don't have streaming in gigs, it's down to $15.

Think about that. Now, the influx of Kaitlin Superwoman Clark, you have what Amy said, 2 million more viewers. Listen to this, 200 million for the WNBA and 10 billion for NBA. So when you have a developing economic trend as an economist, international economies I study, what Kaitlin Clark is bringing to the table in the viewership is what you're going to see in streaming. And Marco, I paid for Peacock no ads because for $15, 50 cents a day, I want to watch pay-per-view wrestling. And Amy, they sold it to Netflix for a record amount of money. Netflix and YouTube are becoming a giant.

Now I'm going to sign up for Netflix next year just to watch the pay-per-view of wrestling. It's that entertaining. So you have to watch the economy of the past developing in the future. And that's a trend. They're going to just want you on there. And it's going to be down to like I get to swing for free because I get the advertising. So eventually the prices of all these premium jitters are going to come down to almost nothing because just having your views will make up the advertising. That's a huge economic fact.

Well, good. I'll wait till that point. I'll wait till that point because mine are not free. The streaming services I pay for, Amazon Prime has definitely increased the annual subscription fee over the last couple of years. So when they're free, I'll sign up for all of them, but I can't afford it. I mean, you save 50 cents a day, but if you're signing up for seven or eight streaming services, well, then that adds up and I don't have that kind of money to spare. Right. I do a hundred percent. So you're going to keep streamlining.

I cut the cord of $200 cable and like then maybe 20 bucks and I'll have Netflix next year. I'm going to have the world at my oyster. And speaking of the world at my oyster, Amy, this is a development we've seen for years with basketball. People forget, or it wasn't Jordan for the first five years.

When you look at the potential repeat potential talent with Derek, who I call Pirates of the Caribbean White, he's Derek, Pirates of the Caribbean wiper. He can come out and take over a game. So can Tatum, so can Jalen.

And tonight we saw average out come off the bench. Think about that and just smash it head to toe with six threes on the boards. And if we can, um, bring this team that's now doing this, Amy, you're able to spread the floor and take the best shot, not play hero ball. And when they're able to create defensive movements and then just dish the ball off the Tatum or Jalen because of their athletic dominance, they can just slam it in the net and get a quick, easy point without the interference in the physical conflict. And porcineas can play threes and shoot and he's 17 tall and the bench is deep. If they continue to do this, they will really show some, this could be the year of the emergence and Bronson is like, his name's Brunson Brunson.

Yes, ma'am. If we can neutralize them, well, we'll go into the finals because the New York Knicks are him and he is awesome. And that's a treat to watch him play. We can stop and double team and neutralize him. We'll go into the finals and we could be the next dynasty.

If we mature as a team, Amy, this is a big problem. When the coach is F bombing and going after a ref and Tatum throws his heat pack and Tatum keeps complaining about fouls. They're getting angry. They're getting fouls and they're getting distracted like the Bruins did when they got beat up and thrown aside with bad calls and bad reps. The point is when you get beat up and distracted, do not take the devil's bait and get angry, focus on solutions and get fluid. Cause when the Bruins got mad and got too physical, they lost the flow and they couldn't score and finish plays. Win, lose or draw.

That's how you lose games. So there's a lot of maturing that's going to go on. If they do it right, we can get somewhere. All right, we'll see. I mean, one step at a time, but they have reached the Eastern conference finals again, uh, waiting to see what happens on Friday in game six between the Knicks and the Pacers. I do think there's some tough match-ups out there, whether it's Eastern conference, whether it's moving forward to the NBA finals. If it's, you know, the Denver Nuggets continue to play the way they are, uh, you're talking about a very tough matchup too. Uh, so we'll see.

We're not quite there yet, but I like some of the potential brewing that we've got on the horizon in both hoops and hockey. Paul, thank you so much for your phone call and for the economics lesson. I didn't get the numbers, the 10 billion, the 800 million.

I kind of lost them. Yeah. Is he saying eventually everything's going to go to Netflix? Is that?

I think he said everything is going to go to streaming and because the numbers, the subscriptions will be so high, the various streaming services won't charge anymore because they'll just make their money on advertising. But I, I'm not sure. I get that point. Okay. Okay. I'm not sure.

Let's quick talk to Mark in Chicago. Mark, what do you think about all these streaming services? I'm not buying all of these streaming services for the NFL. I bought an NFL streaming service or Apple, whatever.

I put it on my TV. I can't watch every game live, but I can watch, uh, any game like maybe 30 minutes to an hour after it ends. So I just, I wait till the game ends. If there are any games that I want to watch that are hot or catching my attention, I can, uh, watch them after they end. And then I can watch anything else I want to watch, uh, through the week. Yeah, that's a good point.

There are plenty of places. Uh, Mark, I'm not sure if you're referring to the NFL app or the, the NFL itself has NFL plus where they package every single game into essentially what is all the critical plays, not just scoring turnovers, that type of thing. And so you can essentially watch an entire broadcast of the big moments in 45 minutes. Every single game is available within the next 24 hours on NFL plus.

The other thing that happens, and I try to tell people this too. If you don't have streaming, let's say for Thursday night, Amazon prime, all you got to do is wait until the game, uh, well wait until a few hours later. And the game is broadcast on NFL network and throughout the week on NFL network, they replay games in their entirety. And so, yeah, there are other ways you could watch. If you don't care about watching them live or following the games live, you can absolutely get the product after the fact on one of the other platforms. Yep.

And that's what I do for the WNBA, their, their, uh, app or whatever. It's, it's a steal right now. It's $35. I couldn't go to the game. I couldn't go to one game for $35. I can watch every game for 35.

Impressive. That's true. I think you do have to get on the ground floor. Right. And you pay those prices initially. That's kind of how I jumped in on paramount plus is it was pretty cheap when I signed up the first time it's gone up now, but I liked the fact that I could get it.

I think it wasn't even 60 bucks for the entire year when they first launched their streaming services. Yeah. Yep. That's it. Thank you. All right. Cool, Mark.

Thanks so much for, uh, for reminding us of that. Yeah. Amazon prime games. We know this cause we're here in studio every Thursday night, the game airs on prime and within hours they flipped it. And it's airing from start to finish on the NFL network. Cause we watch it every Thursday night in here, uh, in our studio, same thing with the NFL plus, which I do have.

And I know a bunch of my colleagues games. They can't watch either locally or they don't have the streaming services. That's what they do. They go to NFL plus, they watch the 45 minute condensed version and you essentially see all the big stuff. Snap to whistle.

I used to make those actually before I started working in radio, I used to work with this company. It was called snap to whistle condensed game. And you would do, you would, you would cut it right where the snap starts and then end it right with a whistle and just, and that's it. There was no, it cuts out everything.

So it was just the whole game and yeah, 30, 45 minutes. The other thing too is Jay fielded a call from whom? That was from our friend Drew in Rochester.

Drew in Rochester. Who's offered us. He's offered you. I didn't get this offer.

It wasn't to me. It was only offered to you, but he has very generously offered you his Netflix account and password for anytime you want to watch the games. Cause he said him and his wife really only use it to watch Seinfeld, a couple of the games.

So if you want it, he doesn't want to miss games. Very generous of Drew. Are we going to get Drew in trouble though?

I wouldn't want Drew to be breaking the law and having the police, the Netflix police knocking on his door. Um, no, I don't think so. I think it'd be all right.

That's Jay's official, official evaluation. I think it'll be all right. Uh, some of you, many of you have written to me over the past few days and said, we can't wait to hear your honeymoon stories. I'm trying to sprinkle them in, but I thought coming up in the next segment, the search for food is not as easy as you think affordable food that we would eat.

Uh, and, and the one meal that we did not eat that I, I now regret it's after hours with Amy Lawrence. Listen, as Selenia tells us why she chose to vaccinate her daughter. I definitely felt like the pros far outweighed the cons, the diseases that I am protecting my child against. They're still here. And at the end of the day, it's my job as a mother to keep my child safe.

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The all-new season of the Kardashians premieres May 23rd streaming on Hulu. Oh, that's nice. Actually, we flew home on Hawaiian Airlines.

And yes, whenever we were parked at the gate boarding and then unloading, they were piping Hawaiian music through the loudspeakers, through their sound system. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. You all are so kind. I've received so many messages, hundreds of messages on both Twitter and Facebook about the honeymoon, about missing me, about the show not being the same, about wanting to hear the stories. And I'm kind of struggling with it a little bit. Not because I don't want to tell stories.

Heavens, you know me. But because there's so much going on in sports right now that it's really hard to know how much is too much per show. So how about this?

I'll sprinkle the stories in. Tomorrow night is not quite as busy when it comes to playoffs. So we've got the one game. Well, we've got Kaitlyn Clark's home debut, which is a lot of fun. By the way, Angel Reese made her WNBA debut on Wednesday.

So her coach was talking about it too. But we've got from the NBA, you've got just the one game right between Denver and Minnesota that's coming up on Thursday because the Knicks and Pacers have to wait until Friday because the arena is full for the Indiana Fever and their home debut. Yes, we've got just the one game coming up on Thursday, Denver at Minnesota. It's an 8 30 eastern time but 7 30 Minnesota start.

6 30 p.m Denver start. And then in hockey, Jay, remind me what we have coming up on Thursday night. We have the Rangers, game six against the Hurricanes in Carolina. Yep. And then the Oilers and the Canucks. Gotcha. Which is a really good series.

That's been a good series. So we'll of course do playoffs but because we have a little more space, no NFL schedule release, we'll try to sprinkle in some more funny stories and just kind of cool moments from the honeymoon. But a lot of you asked me about the food. I saw this as a very common theme as part of asking me anything. And so I thought I would tell you about the struggle to find food in Hawaii.

It sounds crazy but hear me out. We spent 48 hours in on Oahu, in Waikiki essentially. So part of Honolulu. What we didn't realize, what I didn't realize and I don't think Bob did either, it is just as touristy as the south end of the Vegas strip. It's just as touristy as Times Square.

In fact, that's what it felt like to me, Jay. It felt like I was in Times Square, a place that you and I both generally avoid like the plague. Like chain restaurants, that kind of idea. Yeah, well not just chain restaurants but everything is exorbitantly expensive.

You can't get a meal, especially for dinner, anything under 50 bucks a plate and it's all tourists. So that's the part that I was kind of blown away by. I wasn't expecting Waikiki to be so touristy. That was a bit of a surprise to me. And guess what? 70%, maybe not 70, at least 60% of the tourists were Japanese.

Which does make sense to me. Although I thought it was really interesting to see a lot of Japanese tourists on the same boat that Bob and I took to the Pearl Harbor monument, to the US S Arizona. I was wondering what they were thinking and anyway, back to Waikiki. The area that we stayed had all the really ritzy upscale shops, the shopping but also the restaurants that were way out of our price range and were predominantly sushi. Bob and I don't eat sushi. There's nothing wrong with it, not that we could have afforded it at these high end places but there are entire areas of Waikiki and what they call their strip area that are just Japanese restaurants devoted in large part to sushi, to poke bowls, that kind of stuff.

Yeah, it's like a big deal nowadays. Right, that's just not what we eat. I love fish, I love seafood, I do not eat it raw. So I don't enjoy sushi. My family thinks I'm crazy but neither Bob nor I like it so that's not a place we were going to go and just to find a place that would give us a green salad.

So we had a hard time finding food. Now we did eat at a cafe that was next to Pearl Harbor so it was right there in the same area. I highly recommend it called the 604 Cafe. It was really good, great food. It was recommended to us by the Uber driver who adopted us in Honolulu and insisted on driving us everywhere to Diamond Head, to the Cocoa Head Crater and because she really loved us and felt a connection, an ohana connection to us, she actually as a wedding present gifted us the ride to the airport for free. Look at that. Yeah, Susie, we've continued to text with her.

Yeah, oh you know, you know me, I make friends everywhere I go. Anyway, she recommended this cafe near Pearl Harbor. That was a terrific meal. I had fish tacos with mahi. Oh, so good, so good. Anyway, then the second night we were in Waikiki, all I wanted was a salad with say chicken or salmon and a bunch of vegetables.

We walked around for an hour and could not find anything with just that. Anything that was simply that and we really couldn't find a plain old boring seafood restaurant that wasn't predominantly sushi. Guess where we ended up? Little Italy. Interesting. Right in the middle of the Waikiki tourist area, there's Little Italy and it was not run by Italians.

Makes sense. So I had a huge salad, he had a thin crust pizza and that was where we ended up. In the middle of all these kind of Japanese tourist places, we ended up at Little Italy.

Sounds good. It was actually good. I really enjoyed it.

Yeah, so that was the struggle. It was mostly about the money and the restaurants that they were largely geared toward tourists. In Japanese, mostly Asian culture, which is fine, just we don't eat it. So then we get to the big island and we realize same thing. The restaurants are extremely expensive.

You really can't find one for a dinner plate that's under say 35 to 40 bucks per and so if you're going to go out for dinner, you're going to spend a lot of money. So instead we chose to essentially do our breakfasts at the Airbnb. We had eggs, we had oatmeal, that kind of stuff. We did buy local meat and fish so there's a huge ranch. It's very well known on the big island called Parker Ranch and it's got great history. We bought some beef that came directly from Parker Ranch, a huge steak that we cooked at the Airbnb. We made salmon one night that we bought that was locally caught.

So we want to go out for one big date night, right? One kind of dressy dinner night and we had a hard time finding anything that would serve fish or seafood. Lots of shrimp but not a lot of locally caught seafood. So instead we found a place that would serve a fresh catch of the day like fish. I ought, I ought, oh my gosh, I ate freshly caught ono which is a really meaty white fish. It was very good and it was caught that day so it was never frozen. I'd never heard of ono until I went to Hawaii so it was delicious. Really, really enjoyed that.

No, not the speed skater. Ono, I highly recommend it and we went to the Redwater Cafe in Waimea for those of you who know. So we were able then to kind of sprinkle in a few local spots that were recommended to us by other people for things like lunch or snacks or breakfast. The Hawaiian style cafe served the most delicious pancakes that I've ever had in my life.

Yeah, so we were, that was recommended to us by multiple people. The pancakes were falling off the plate. I got coconut, hapui pancakes, coconut pancakes, not only infused with coconut but a coconut pudding on the top in place of syrup and then big giant balls of melted butter. Just all, oh so good.

I'm hungry. Bob also had pancakes which were awesome. His were macadamia nut pancakes which with banana on top which he found delicious. We had shaved ice which is an enormous dessert that they infuse with any kind of syrup but there's ice cream in the middle of your shaved ice. Did you like it? Oh it was delicious.

12 bucks each for a shaved ice but it was like an entire meal. The one thing we didn't get, the loco moco. Do you know what that is? No. Oh there's a teaser. We meant to, we just never got to it, dang it.

It's my one regret. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. I'm at the nail salon. I'm at the grocery store. I'm at the Combination Nail Salon and Grocery Store. Wait, she's at the nail salon and the grocery store? I'm at the Combination Nail Salon and Grocery Store. Groceries through instacart delivered to my door.

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