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After Hours with Amy Lawrence Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
February 16, 2024 6:09 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence Hour 3

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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February 16, 2024 6:09 am

HOUR 3: MLB players react to new jerseys. NFL Assistant Coaches speak. 

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Amy Lawrence Show
Amy Lawrence
JR Sports Brief
JR Sports Brief

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Offer valid for a limited time, $10 minimum per order. Additional terms apply. Okay, picture this. It's Friday afternoon when a thought hits you. I can spend another weekend doing the same old whatever, or I can hop into my all-new Hyundai Santa Fe and hit the road. With available H-Track all-wheel drive and three-row seating, my whole family can head deep into the wild. Conquer the weekend in the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe. Visit or call 562-314-4603 for more details. Hyundai, there's joy in every journey.

2024 Santa Fe, available early 2024. You're listening to After Hours with Amy Lawrence. Knowing that there are people out there who listen night in and night out that keeps us going. The hours can be tough sometimes. We certainly understand the grind that people go through when they work second or third shifts. We're glad that you are a faithful listener. Thank you so much. It's the After Hours digital experience. Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, boom baby!

This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. People ask me sometimes, what will you do now that there's no football? Oh gosh, I don't know. What will I possibly find to do now that there's no football dominating my weekends and specifically my Sundays? Oh man, you guys have no idea. I told this story earlier in the week but I'll tell it again just because it underscores the point that the NFL is all-consuming and it really does demand so much of your time and energy if you're going to cover it right. And I know it's different to cover it on TV versus radio but the NFL is a sport where fans care about the entire league, right?

So it's not just a regional sport. Only people in Kansas City care about Kansas City. Only people in Seattle care about the Seahawks. Only people in Miami care about the Dolphins. It's that way in other sports, specifically baseball, if we're comparing America's pastime to the NFL.

Yes, I'm using my air quotations. In the NFL, fans all over the league care about all the other teams. It's that competitive.

It's that closely connected. You got guys who are free agents and it's a relatively small fraternity. I mean, think about the number of coaches who are resurfacing in other places and because it's all access and because we keep such close track and as I say, because we have a voracious appetite for it in this country, when you cover the NFL, you can't just cover the NFL. You can't just cover one team or you can't cover one or two teams more than the rest. Obviously, the later you get into a season, you've got teams like, for instance, I'll just use this example, the Minnesota Vikings. Once they had lost Justin Jefferson and then Kirk Cousins got hurt, I know we had a couple of games where Josh, what was his last name? The quarterback. Thank you, Josh Dobbs.

This is how quickly it's gone in the coffers of my brain somewhere. We covered that story. That was amazing to see what Dobbs did to get traded from the Cardinals, to step right in after what a day and a half with the Vikings and lead them to a couple of wins.

That was cool. Once that wore off and once that ended, at what point did you ever hear the Vikings talked about really again? The worst label in the NFL would be irrelevant. You can be really, really bad.

You can be really, really good. You can have quarterback issues. You can have locker room issues, blah, blah, blah. If you are irrelevant and no one's talking about you, that's the worst fate as an NFL team.

So yeah, the deeper you get into a season, I would say the less time you have to spend on some of these other stories. But the NFL is masterful at keeping the majority of the league relevant through free agency and of course the extra playoff spots now. But just the fact that, and we know this is true, we see it every week, you can never get comfortable in the NFL. From month to month, you've got different teams rising and falling. Because it's one of those leagues where we see upsets all the time in the regular season and the playoffs or we see unexpected results, you really can't ever take your eyes off of it.

And so in that regard, it's all consuming. When I was on Radio Row in Las Vegas, I ran into a prominent NFL TV analyst and we've been friends for a long time, going back to even before his TV career really took off. And so we were talking about whatevs. He congratulated me on getting married.

He asked me how it was going and then asked about his family and if he was going to have some time to be able to hang out with them. And what he said to me is, yes, I just want the NFL to go away. That's what he said. Yes, I need some time with my kids. I just want the NFL to go away.

This is the guy who made his living on it when he played and is now doing TV and what he wanted is for it to go away. That's kind of the mentality when you get to the end of the playoffs where it's seven days a week for six weeks, actually for seven weeks coming out of Christmas when I got back after my wedding break. So started Christmas Day to really catch up, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day to really catch up. Did my first show on Christmas night and from that point on it was seven days a week of work until the Super Bowl is done.

I had to apologize to my new husband multiple times. I'm so sorry it's not always like this. We'd be in the middle of something on a Saturday. Oh got to shut it down so I can watch playoff games. Oh yeah there's three more tomorrow.

Oh and two on Monday. Hope you don't mind. It's just it's all consuming. And so my perspective in that I can't miss you if you never go away is actually not unique.

It really doesn't go away but at least you're not connected to the television. You're not mainlining NFL games and NFL play-by-play during this part of the season. So I'm grateful for that but when people ask me what will I do with myself after football I can't help but laugh because it's not as though sports just stop. I'm a huge NASCAR fan. No we don't talk about it a ton on the show. We will come Sunday night into Monday because it's Daytona and Daytona is one of those events that even if you're not a huge fan you generally recognize.

It's kind of like one of the golf majors. Really looking forward to it. Always do.

It means the NFL is done. I can spend my Sunday sitting in my chair. Although I guess I need to chair that chair. Almost every night when Bob and I go. So we generally watch tv. We have a couple of shows where we're binging.

So we generally watch tv while we're eating dinner. I'll say to him do you want the chair? No no I like the couch. Okay the couch is old and is not nearly as comfortable as the chair.

I know he likes the chair because when I go upstairs to take naps before work or something he'll move over to the chair but at this point I can't get him to sit in the chair. You have to work. I can work from the couch. I do have my nice little setup though with the armchair and my end table. It's a coffee table where I've got my computer and the remotes and all that jazz and so I do generally tend to monopolize the chair and and that's where I do a lot of work but I do ask him do you want the chair? Do you want the chair? Anyway so maybe I'll have to give him the chair and I will watch but he falls asleep on the couch.

I think he likes it that way. I told you guys this during the Super Bowl. It's the fourth quarter. It's the start of the fourth quarter and I look over to see what the rest of the family is doing and my husband's sleeping on the couch. His dog his puppy is sleeping at the foot of the couch.

My dog is snoring on the other side of my chair and the cat is on top of the couch sleeping as well. Four other family members all sleeping and I'm the only one who's even paying any attention to the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl just as a side note he'll love it when I tell this story. A year ago we hadn't had our first phone call yet so we had been communicating via email and text but we hadn't had our first phone call yet and he he and I were trying to figure out a time to talk on the phone for the first time and he says to me what about Sunday because he was kind of going through well I'm busy too you know Thursday Friday Saturday what about Sunday it was Super Bowl Sunday.

I said to him I really appreciate that but we might have to wait until early next week because it's Super Bowl Sunday and his response was oh I completely forgot and I married him anyway believe it or not. So yeah he's not big into the NFL. Loves college football.

Not big into the NFL. So true to form he had forgotten last year and a year later he was sleeping on the couch during the fourth quarter of a game that went into overtime for the Vince Lombardi trophy. I definitely married up. I like the fact that he couldn't care less. It's so great.

It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. I will have plenty to do this weekend. We still have not finished organizing our house. We have two rooms essentially left. We've found homes for pretty much everything. We've purged. We've donated.

We've taken the trash out a bazillion times. We've set up our new shed. We've put stuff in the attic. That's all him because I really don't like attics. They creep me out but he's crawling around in the attic crawl space and he's putting stuff away and he's organizing it but we still do have two rooms.

The office is half done. I moved all my stuff into boxes. He moved his stuff in. Now we have to put my stuff back out in the office and then our spare bedroom which has really been like a staging area. Well it's been the cat's room for however long. We're gonna try to get that done this weekend which is great. I have not played my piano since I got back and if you know me which some of you do know me listen on a regular basis a piano is therapy for me so to be able to play my piano.

I haven't done it. It's kind of had stuff like boxes all around it but I haven't been able to play my piano in two months well and even going back to before the wedding so I'm looking forward to playing my piano. I might take two naps this weekend not just one on Sundays because I will take a nap on Sunday afternoon.

Actually it's more like the evening to get ready for the show because there's no Sunday night baseball. I might take two. I might take one on Saturday and take one on Sunday and take that NFL but also I should update you because some of you have asked me my dog Penny is well she's definitely at the tail end of her sweet life. She is 14 and three months now and she's she's got melanoma so she's got a big tumor well I say big it's an inch and a half maybe but it's it's on the side of her jaw on the side of her gums and it's grown so fast in the last two months it's gone from being the size of maybe a little marble to boom it's really blown up. The scary part is I mean she's still eating she's still walking she drinks water like she's a fish when I let her but the scary part is that the tumor is bleeding it's actually it's an open sore and so I had taken her to the vet a couple of times but took her on Thursday and even though she's still functioning it's becoming a quality of life thing and so the the vet that I have seen for gosh probably most of those 12 years because I've had Penny I adopted her right before I took this job with CBS Sports Radio she was two and a half at the time she is still functioning and the doctors obviously said you know we can do whatever we can to help with the pain but she's very uncomfortable and the tumor is just getting so much larger and the fact that it's bleeding a lot more regularly now I don't want Penny to have to go through whatever is left of her life and be uncomfortable and be in pain but just really she's so different now as a dog it's really hard to watch them get older of course and so the next couple weeks I have to make the decision that no pet owner wants to make and I've known it's coming now for a couple of months but it doesn't make it any easier and so at this point now it's you know we're giving her whatever fun food she likes so she's eating wet food for the first time in her life she really enjoys that extra treats because she's lost a bunch of weight too so that's a that's a little disconcerting uh but she's still sweet that this dog still goes up and down the stairs we can't keep her downstairs she I mean she takes like a half hour to get up the stairs but she is she just wants to be where we are she loves Bob which is really great because he's had a chance to meet her and spend some time with her and he's even taken care of her a couple of times when I've had to to be away for trips um but she yeah now she's just gets to do whatever she wants which right now is eat snow she just she loves to eat snow and so she loves the cold she loves the winter hoping that I can get a you know a couple more weeks with her and just spoil her uh and so the the time is coming when I'll have to say goodbye to her which is really hard and so yeah these last couple of weeks as much as we've been talking about the rest of the NFL um I've been worried about her and trying to take care of her as best I can and and I'm really thankful for Bob because he certainly has has picked up a lot of the the responsibilities with her as well especially at night so actually he's going away coming up gosh at the end of next week he's going to Texas uh to to do a bunch of stuff and I may have to do some shows from home I'm not sure we'll see I don't love working from home it's actually more trouble than it's worth in many cases um but to be at home with her I think is uh probably a better option just in case something happens um many of you have reached out to me and I know you have older dogs or you've had older pets in the past and have had to make the tough choices so yeah I'm inviting people over who know her and want to come say goodbye to her and it's really sweet to know how many people uh she has given smiles to and made happy but that's coming up sometime in the next couple weeks so you know if I'm doing a radio show and I randomly just start crying you'll just have to accept it it's crazy I said goodbye to a cat in 2020 I'd had her for 18 years I adopted her when she was three weeks old and she lived until she was 18 and I blubbered like a baby for a week and a half over a cat and I this is my first dog that I've ever adopted myself and we had dogs my entire life growing up but this is the first dog I've ever had myself as an adult and she was a rescue but I say all the time she rescued me and so I can't even imagine my life without her she's been running my life for 12 years and I can't even imagine not having her there so it's going to be really hard um so I know many of you can identify it's I mean it's the downside of having pets and I wouldn't trade it because they they're amazing and what they do um how they enhance lives and and the the emotions and the joy the laughter the fun I mean this has been the best pet I've ever had and I it's funny too because when Bob and I were getting married you know he's bringing a puppy into the the marriage I'm bringing a cat he's bringing a puppy and I said to him well when when we do lose Penny I really want to adopt another dog he said okay I love dogs well now I my thought is I will never find another dog like Penny so I don't want to adopt another dog so we'll see we'll see if that wears off I know my mom and her husband went through that and within three weeks they had new dogs so yeah I think uh thank you for all of your kind words many of you have reached out which is really sweet of you but if randomly I start blubbering on the air in the next couple weeks you'll know why I can certainly see that happening as much as I would like to prevent it I could certainly see that happening so I'll have to post some new pictures of Penny because she's a sweet girl and now she's got a puppy that just is like a Texas tornado running underneath her and all around her and jumping on her and Penny's pretty calm so she kind of takes it all in stride but she's sweet there's nobody like Penny and you all have been really good to to love her too as I've shared her with you over the last couple of well I guess gosh it's been a decade now so on that note well that was depressing but thank you for caring I appreciate it uh let's see what do we want to do next a little bit more from Major League Baseball as they get set to go full bore into spring training um we know the Dodgers and Padres will start early in fact they're just over a month away um and this is something I didn't know until Ryan alerted me to it I actually had no idea I guess it's a product of the NFL being so crazy they're changing uniform providers and the players are not happy about it this is uh it's laundry it's an issue of laundry and yet you know how athletes are really humans we're creatures of habit right so if we get comfortable with something do you remember when the NFL started changing helmets and prototypes and and even Tom Brady waiting to the last possible second to change helmets because he refused he didn't want a new one gosh Antonio Brown threw hissy fits over it um that's a name I haven't thought of in a while so yeah they're they're changing uniform providers and I guess the players think they're relatively cheap uh so so we'll talk about that because why not it's a Friday morning good morning to you it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio you are listening to the After Hours podcast Of all the things to complain about I guess what you're wearing 162 games or 162 days roughly sometimes they're going to be double headers but this is the top storyline the top headline in spring training to this point certainly not free agency right because there are a lot of big names that don't yet have homes other than Shohei Ohtani but the players are trying to get comfortable in New Jersey's and a lot of them are not happy I don't know that we have to call them any type of uh you know clothes hog or the type of a what's the name for a guy who really cares about his clothes what is what's the nickname for that guy weird uh so Ryan you don't care you wouldn't care if they were cheap unis I would if I was an mob player I would care and if I'm paying 180 dollars as a fan I'd care right that's the truth if you're gonna buy a jersey you don't want it to be cheap but that's what the players are saying a lot of them uh because Nike is has teamed up with Fanatics and has teamed up with Fanatics and the uniform has a name the jerseys have a name Nike Vapor Premier when okay so when you hear vapor what do you think water wet when I hear vapor I think airs as in they're gonna have holes in them and a lot of ventilation I don't know why so they're called the Nike Vapor Premier and Nike is claiming that this new version of the jersey that they're providing for all MLB teams because this is a contract they've got with baseball it's softer lighter and stretchier that's the selling point softer lighter and stretchier than the old uniforms but the players they don't love it apparently a lot of different reporters are talking to players and from clubhouse to clubhouse you've got guys who are criticizing them they don't fit well they look cheap that part I love when I was a kid growing up I couldn't have cared less about brand names but my brother went through this phase where he could only wear brand name items whether it be shoes whether it be clothes he yeah he was big into his brand names and so my mom started this new rule where if we wanted to buy clothes other than what we needed so socks and underwear type of thing we had to buy them ourselves it had to come out of our allowances or out of at that point I already had a job I remember if my brother had a job or not but yeah we had to pay for our own extra clothes and so my brother would save up all his money just so he could buy brand name shoes and brand name clothes meanwhile I went for volume more than I went for brand so they're still nikes but they're nike fanatics and the the players are saying no no bueno uh these do not feel right they don't look right they they're complaining about the lettering it's it's bad if you see a picture it is they don't compare they they don't look as as sharp as what the previous ones did although I suppose after a while or I guess there are probably some fans that won't even notice probably most fans won't even notice and after a while I guess we'll get used to them like we do with other uniform changes but Rob Manfred he was asked about the new jerseys as well I think you know in baseball any new initiative there's going to be some negative feedback first and most important these are nike jerseys I mean we entered this partnership with nike because of who they are and the kinds of products that they produce everything they've done for us so far has been absolutely 100 successful across the board the jerseys are different they're designed to be performance wear as opposed to what has traditionally been worn so they are going to be different but they have been tested more extensively than any jersey in any sport the feedback from the all-star game last year where the jerseys were worn was uniformly positive from the players so I think after people you know wear them a little bit I think that they're going to be really popular all right so maybe at this point the fashionistas in major league baseball are not happy with them though it is kind of funny that right as players are starting to complain about it nike and mlb release uh you know a statement with quotes from some guys who are saying how much they love them the one guy from the all-star game he's like I used to sweat three times through jerseys now I only need one this is my favorite is Ronald Acuna feeling free in the jersey is the best feeling in the world feeling free in the jersey what does that mean I feel free campaign for it is no they did that adley rutchman of the Orioles much more breathable see what I mean about the air the air vents with vents on the numbers and better airflow all around oh my gosh these guys are definitely snappy the snappy dressers uh Nolan Arenado it's almost like wearing my favorite shirt out of the field huh all right so you've got nike pushing back but there are others who maybe don't want to be identified who are saying that they don't feel well they're really thin and cheap and they're not the same as what we had yeah cheap is not a word that you want to be using around the uniforms especially when baseball is going to turn around and try to sell these right could you imagine Detroit like first week of the season and you're wearing breathable light jersey cleveland cleveland minnesota yeah like they're going to be freezing yeah boston new york philadelphia it's like the world series in october november and they're freezing right they're gonna have to wear two or three different long sleeve shirts underneath um but there's so there's one not everybody wanted to be quoted uh but there was one player from the angels who really got upset about it uh he actually was pulling out some of the new tops and pants and showing that the colors don't match baseball what are you doing you're giving them jerseys and pants and the colors don't match yeah i guess they've been pointing and laughing at the at how the uh spacing and the words look and how they're smaller i mean kind of like the whole checking the uh the pitchers hands and gloves for any sticky substance remember how that was all the rage for about two weeks and then it died down and we heard almost nothing about it the rest of the way people were so incensed over it uh pitchers were talking about it all the time but fans too and now it'll be the same with the uniforms in the united states of america really just in 2024 culture i would assume it's this way in most parts of the country or western culture at least we get so fired up over what can only be described as relatively insignificant we get fired up it goes viral it makes headlines people get upset and then after a couple of minutes okay after a couple of weeks we lose interest we find another shiny object to obsess over so yeah i can imagine that it's all part of the plan with nike and mlb get these guys comfortable in their new paper uniforms and and then by the time they hit the actual start of the season they'll stop complaining about them though taylor ward says it looks like a replica it could be great when you're out there sweating it may be breathable but from the looks of it it's not a 450 jersey oh no wait what are they gonna sell these for 180 for the fans no stop no stop it that's just wrong and it's up from last year you make it cheaper and you make it with less material and you try to sell it as though it's breathable and lighter and it's broken in like your favorite t-shirt i mean i got a lot of favorite t-shirts some of them are threadbare i have this one t-shirt this is my favorite right you'll have to decide what your oldest piece of piece of clothing is my oldest piece of clothing is a t celtics t-shirt from when i was a freshman in high school long time ago it was my brothers i liked it i stole it out of his drawers now he would see me wear it now and then and be like hey that's my shirt never gave it back i still have it but i cannot wear it out of the house unless there's something under it because it's threadbare i don't think that's what we want here we don't want threadbare jerseys where these poor guys are freezing to death or it just looks tacky can you figure out what your oldest piece of clothing is i have a lot of old t-shirts i love old i just well t-shirts are the best usually i'm a big fan of like keeping undershirts and like graphic t-shirts and just wear them to sleep yes that's what i do i wear these old ones to sleep yeah i don't know specifically which one though because there's just a bunch of them those are the best they're super comfortable but would you want to wear them to work no i would not wear them outside the house so yeah apparently in some cases the whites are not the same color that's bad careful what you buy baseball fans just be careful that you're getting quality be willing to send it back or jump on a sale yeah it'll flame out there'll be something else to complain about until you see one person's name where it's like a circle because that's another issue because the spacing with the letters people who have like long last names like isaiah connor falefa christian and karnassians strand it's like it's gonna be a whole circle it's a whole rainbow around the number because it's in an arc yep and so it just keeps going around that might be a novelty until they fix that i don't know how they would fix that get better jerseys right that that for sure uh but you know baseball is all about finding ways to cut to cut corners really this has been rob manford's entire tenure trotting out something new and having to put out fires while everyone complains about it and then sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't and so then he has to pivot and try again but yeah it's uh it may not be a fan base that is as large as it used to be across the board i mean baseball's fan base is shrinking and getting older but it's still vocal and you don't mess with baseball traditions that's the thing and so i don't know i'm gonna withhold spell well i would spend 180 on a shirt anyway no at negative goes the vapor the vapor so that i can be vaporized nope all right on twitter a law radio coming up it's a new thing where coordinators now do introductory press conferences it's not just for head coaches it's not just for starting quarterbacks nope it's not just for high price free agents it's for coordinators as well especially when we know their names and they're popping up again we hadn't seen them in a while like cliff kingsbury it's after hours on our facebook page on youtube we got a brand new video behind the scenes in las vegas jay's on vacation but he left us with his gift so check it out on youtube my twitter is a law radio your fever is high and the pressure to log in at work is too but when you finally decide to take care of you there's insta cart just because that one perfect co-worker of yours is attending all meetings camera on while she's sneezing coughing and aching doesn't mean you have to do the same take it from us trying to stay on top of things will only get you further behind instead get everything from tissues and teas to cough suppressants and comforting soups delivered through insta cart in as fast as 30 minutes if anyone needs anything they can just redirect their questions to that one perfect co-worker of yours okay picture this it's friday afternoon when a thought hits you i can spend another weekend doing the same old whatever or i can hop into my all-new hunday santa fe and hit the road with available h-track all-wheel drive and three-row seating my whole family can head deep into the wild conquer the weekend in the all-new hunday santa fe visit hunday or call 5 6 2 3 1 4 4 6 0 3 for more details hunday there's joy in every journey 2024 santa fe available early 2024 we've seen a lot of change in the past 20 years but two decades later mountain dew baja blast is still a fan favorite bringing you the cold tropical lime flavor that folks can't get enough of it takes you back to a sunny day at the beach with every delicious sip and don't you want that feeling all the time well 2024 is the year in celebration of their 20th bajaversary you can sip baja blast all year long so pick up a baja blast wherever you are in stores now you are listening to the after hours podcast i was saying this earlier as i've been thinking about it this week but when did it become a thing for coordinators to have their own introductory press conferences uh these days we've come to expect obviously head coaches general managers when they're hired and there generally is about a quarter of the league that seems to turn over uh in those positions every year it's all about what have you done for me lately but now when it comes to coordinators they also have press conferences and certainly it's part of the all-access nature of the nfl the league wants these guys front and center wants events quote unquote on a daily basis so that there are still headlines and i don't know that press conferences are required for that but because of the nature of the game where we're obsessed with quarterbacks and we're obsessed with again not just head coaches anymore but knowing who the coordinators are gosh knowing who the officials are when i first started in this business most people couldn't name the coordinators much less the officials on the field and now we're on a first name basis with all of them you know bill bill who was the lead referee in the super bowl it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio uh let's start with dallas because in this respect um the cowboys had to replace dan quinn so quinn goes to washington he takes that job with the commanders and in the meantime leaves behind a defense that was among the best in the league until they got to the playoff game and got just completely punked by the packers oh i like that punked by the packers that could be a hashtag the defense according to mica mica parsons who did his podcast i think three weeks later he couldn't even show his face that's how embarrassing and humiliating it was against green bay so as much as people wanted to point to the failings of the offense and certainly dak prescott did not have a great game but the defense just allowed green bay to pile up the points really before the game well before the offense ever got warmed up for dallas and so now it's mike zimmer who of course knows mike mccarthy really well because they were both coaching in the nfc north together mccarthy with the packers and overlapping with mike zimmer when he was the head coach of the vikings from 2014 to 2021 and no i didn't remember the exact dates i had to go back and look it up but yeah they they're familiar with one another from their days in the north the relationship i had with mike and even the conversations that we've had since i've been here you know telling stories about when we played up in green bay or they played in minnesota and then uh you know with jerry and steven and those things but i've had such great respect you know i i actually told him the same thing when i was in nfc north he was the one i respected the most you know they were the best team they were the most well coached um you know their teams played the right way and so we tried to emulate a lot of those things and so that we could we could uh hopefully compete against them imitation is the sincerest form of flattery is that how the phrase goes i really stink at cliches i get them wrong all the time so if i got it wrong i once said okay i don't want to give it away so when you are new to something the phrase is now i said wet behind the ears which of course right in your face do you know the phrase no but what behind the ears just sounds uncomfortable right it's not that green i think it's green behind the ears not a cliche that i use a lot of times wait maybe it's not because because green is when you're sick well right okay that's the emoji but green is also when you're new to something when you're a rookie you're green so is it green behind the ears no it's maybe is it wet behind no i don't know shoot now i talk myself in and out of the wrong and the right thing you are a young gun okay you are a young gun that's easier green behind the ears let's see maybe i did get it right the first time huh what does being green behind the ears mean yeah inexperienced green oh no i had it right the first time wet behind the ears it's is the same as green what i said was green behind the ears see how good i am a cliche that's a bad cliche right it really is no one wants to be wet behind the ears i'm not even sure what that means but i said it wrong on the show i combined green with the behind the ears part and i'm constantly getting cliches wrong so feel free to correct me when i get some wrong i don't know many no i know the broken clock is right two times a day that's about it that's true that's a good one that sounds like something you would get from a grandparent all the time even the broken clock is right two times a day all right i probably could get that one wrong too i don't know how i got on that from mike zimmer imitations thank you oh because i did imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and actually i feel like i nailed that boom uh it's after hours here on cbs portrait i'm not telling you my name it's not important right now uh so mike so mike zimmer has been out of football since 21 when he was fired by the vikings but what you may not know especially if you are oh wait for it wet behind the ears as an nfl fan he spent a lot of years in dallas uh this goes back to even before i was working in the business he started in dallas now i remembered him as the dc he was the defensive coordinator there uh at the turn of the century so 2000 for about half dozen years maybe but he was on that staff as a coach going back to 94 which i did not know i looked up in history he was in dallas on the cowboy staff from 1994 to 2006 so we're talking about already 12 seasons 12 years in which he was getting comfortable in dallas and i had to go back and look because i did not remember all of the different coaches uh that he coached under so barry switzer chan galey i remembered um who else was there that it was it predated jason garrett so it wasn't that was it bill parcells no shoot who see i looked it up and now i can't even remember all the different coaches uh who were there going back to that time but i i counted four of them he coached under four different guys in dallas now that rarely happens anymore because you don't have coaches who keep around someone else's staff members generally that doesn't happen every now and then you'll have one who's a holdover but for the most part not uh yeah it was bill parcells oh see i don't get everything wrong off the cuff bill parcells was at the end of his tenure there before but now he's brought back and and he always said he wanted to return to dallas which is cool so welcome back mike zimmer i've always loved dallas i've always loved the cowboys i've had a chance a lot of times mike and i were on a committee together so we were able to uh you know kind of talk away from football um back in the day we're on the john madden committee and then um and then you know did i ever think i'd be back i don't know i always kind of hoped i would be um you know when when uh when my time was off i'd had some phone calls of going places and um i wanted to be somewhere where i knew people and i trusted people um and so when this opportunity came up i was excited this is his fifth head coach that he's worked under with the cowboys that's got to be some kind of a record oh my goodness barry switzer chan galey dave campo is the one that i couldn't pull out of my brain bill parcells and now mike mccarthy and mike zimmer has been part of all of those staffs wow also he doesn't want to go in and change a bunch of stuff which you can imagine is is accurate just wants to keep them uh working in the same direction now same division dan quinn who's now in washington hires cliff kingsbury remember eric b enemy had this job as the offensive coordinator and assistant head coach under ron rivera but now they've shifted to cliff kingsbury and of course quarterback is the major question so what kind of quarterback would you like cliff uh the chief's quarterback i'd help no um yeah i do think the game as you can see you watch those guys brock and him at the end like when money's on the table you got to be able to make some plays um with your feet move around enough to escape a bad play and it doesn't mean you got to run like lamar kyla murray but you better be able to move a little bit and um buy yourself some time because the d line the rushes the defense these days are so good and and then the intangibles you know you want that player to be the hardest worker on your team you want them to lead those guys um each and every day when when he shows up in the building you want to lift the building up and um that's why those guys make the top of money they do this happens every now and then magically the audio just turns on in studio it's really weird see you hear it it's a ghost it is i swear to you it happens just before five o'clock eastern time just before 2 a.m pacific because someone starts fiddling with the tvs in another room we're all connected i wish we could have our own tvs oh i'm trying but we really can't have our own tvs we can't have nice things don't worry him there we go okay anyway uh thank you to richard who says dave campo he filled in the blanks for us but yeah uh that's in dallas where mike zimmer takes over as the the dc and now cliff kingsbury who was the cardinal's head coach and what happened there well he and kylar murray were just different generations uh he used to call it a gen z thing all the time when kylar would throw a temper tantrum oh okay well let's hope it works out a little better there in washington what type of quarterback he'd like patrick mahomes brock purty he mentions brock in there too well we'll get right on that wouldn't every team like that one hour to go good morning to you it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio okay picture this it's friday afternoon when a thought hits you i can spend another weekend doing the same old whatever 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