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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 1

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
January 26, 2023 6:03 am

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 1

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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January 26, 2023 6:03 am

Do you use streaming services to watch live sports? | Dame Lillard drops 60 in Trail Blazers win | Ben Simmons/Joel Embiid finally face-off.

Zach Gelb Show
Zach Gelb
Zach Gelb Show
Zach Gelb
Zach Gelb Show
Zach Gelb

I'm Larry Mullins, host of the podcast, Your Weirdest Fears, the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop. I am so scared of the Grinch.

He is bad vibes. We talk to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man. I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split.

I have one tattoo that covers my entire body. Listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. I'm Larry Mullins, host of the podcast, Your Weirdest Fears, the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop. I am so scared of the Grinch. He is bad vibes. We talk to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man. I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split.

I have one tattoo that covers my entire body. Listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. I am so scared of the Grinch. I am so scared of the Grinch.

Listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. I am so scared of the Grinch. I am so scared of the Grinch. work, we all, a lot of us work, we have commutes, and many of us have dogs, as well as computers, right? We can we can bond over dogs and computers. I thought these two news items that I heard would be worth sharing with you.

So here's one. When I was on my way to the vet to retrieve my dog, who had a minor surgery today, I was listening to CBS and I heard this report is kind of fun that it happened while I was on my way to pick her up. According to a recent survey or however they study these things, 38%, actually more than 38%, of US households include a dog.

And I like how she said that too. The anchor, who's, if I could remember her name, I'll see if I can find the report, but she actually phrased it like that. More than 38% of US households include a dog. Not have a dog, own a dog, keep a dog, nope 38%, or she phrased it as more than 38%, so it's probably a couple decimal points in there.

More than 38% of US households include a dog. Cammie McCormick, that was her name. I know her voice. I know all of these anchors because I've been listening to news.

I'm a news radio junkie, so I listen to it all the time. So yes, thank you Cammie for that great report because it encouraged me when I was on my way to pick up Penny feeling like feeling like it was a day and it was gonna be a day and boy was it. My butt still hurts from sitting on the floor with the dog for an hour and a half when we got back.

She does not do well with anesthesia, any kind of it. It just, she's so out of it and discombobulated and gets anxious and so I was sitting on the floor with her for an hour and a half and then when she finally fell asleep for a little bit I was curled up on the couch. It was just one of those days where you got a sick member of your household and you got to take care of her.

So anyway, 38% of us are in the same boat. A lot of times we go through the same things with our pets. Now that was only dogs. It didn't say anything about birds, fish, cats, horses, pigs, whatever. Turtles, I had a turtle once. Hamsters, gosh, what else? Ferrets. My nieces had lizards when they were younger so there's all kinds of other pets but this was specifically dogs. So I thought of you guys because I know we very often bond over our love for canines and also because I shared a photo of Penny a couple days ago. It was a one-year milestone of sorts and so I shared a photo of her and then having to take her to the vet and you all responded with so many of your photos and your kind words about Penny so I appreciate that. But then there was something else that I heard too that's actually I think food for thought and will spark a discussion maybe.

It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. I look like I got dragged through an out-of-couser and it's like a monsoon. As much as I love my dog, us standing outside for 10 minutes in a pouring down rain, I mean torrential downpours. I was completely soaked. The dog was soaked to the bone and she refused to go to the bathroom.

That's when I was like okay there are 38% there's millions of other Americans going through the same thing. Maybe not right this second but the same thing. They understand it was all I could do not to just go inside and leave the dog out there. Just it was awful. I love that dog dearly but she fake peed a couple times and then tried to go back in the house and so I made her stay outside cuz she she hadn't gone all day. Anyway she refused. I lose the battle of stubborn with that dog every time. She's the sweetest animal I've ever met but she is so dang stubborn and she just refused.

She refused. So she's completely soaked to the bone. I couldn't even get her dry but I when I left the house two hours later the dog was still wet. It's just ah anyway I felt like a terrible dog mom then.

Just a terrible person in general because I was so mad. She's fine. Just want you to know she's fine.

I'm sure she's conked out and dead to the world. Anyway so I for those of you who write me all these nice messages about how I'm such a great dog mom. Oh no I was ready to leave my dog outside in the rain.

You go take care of your business and knock on the door when you're done. I mean it was brutal. It was brutal. Anyway so I just want to admit and confess that I'm not as nice a dog mom as you think because I was so just losing my mind. I was about to just lose it on the dog. In fact she can't hear me so now when I yell she just doesn't even know what I'm saying. But I was like let's go.

The dog just I mean half the time she doesn't even acknowledge me. So yeah it was it was like I said one of those kind of days. But something else I heard there's no easy segue from Amy's a horrible person to guess what else I heard. So I was also in the car driving into work and I heard this kind of expanded it was a business report about Amazon and Amazon Prime. And obviously many of us as football fans and as sports fans have not only subscribed to Amazon Prime but realized that the cost is going up. So last year I was grandfathered in under the original price.

This year when mine renews and in fact it renews in the next two weeks it's I think $20 more per year than it was a year ago. And so it's the cost is going up and part of that is because of football. I mean actually I would say the majority of that is because of football because you know Amazon forked over billions as in billions of dollars for the rights to this one game Thursday Night Football one night a week.

The ratings were way down but Amazon shelled out millions for not just the production quality but also for the people that they put on set. If you watched Amazon Prime pre and post game this year you know it was like a cast of thousands. In fact that's in front of the camera that's not even behind the camera but they had two very well-known announcers and Al Michaels and Kirk Herb Street that are not cheap.

And then they had a couple of sideline reporters as well as I think it was five people on their desk their pre and post game desk and again not cheap for former players as well as Carissa Thompson. And so it was a lot of money this is a lot. And the way that they're passing along the cost is certainly in subscription upgrades but there are other ways and that's what this business report was about. It was about them finding other ways to service their their subscribers so their subscribers don't have to go anywhere else. And and this was the the piece of info the Intel that jumped out at me. Amazon Prime and those people who make the decisions for Amazon Prime have apparently decided that the number of subscribers is about to max out.

And I that jumped that just jumped out at me. Because it stands to reason that more and more of these high-profile sporting events are going to head to streaming services right. We've talked about it here on the show the last couple nights we've had an American female in the quarterfinals of a major at the Australian Open.

She's the highest remaining seed. Her name is Jessica Pegula and that match was not on live TV but network TV. It was on a streaming service. Last night now thankfully the men's match the men's quarterfinal match between the two Americans Tommy Paul and Ben Shelton that was on network TV was it was on cable TV but yes network TV. The match that immediately immediately followed was Novak.

I'm not sure how more high-profile or famous or recognizable you can be. His match was on streaming. So it's it's more and more going to be a wave of events that end up on streaming. You may know now that Apple TV has baseball but there are events that a lot of college events that you can only get on streaming services. In fact when I was doing Columbia basketball Columbia women's basketball on TV for three plus years a lot of those games not all of them some of them were on TV but TV in New York but some of them were straight streaming but that's how a lot of families pay attention. And so if you think about just those three services alone Amazon ESPN Plus and then throwing in Apple TV in case you want to catch all these baseball games and there are others but you're gonna see more and more networks get into the debate not the debate sorry the bidding for primetime sporting events and you're gonna see more and more leagues take them up on their offers.

Why? Because they're outbidding network TV by fistfuls of money. And so as I was thinking about that the fact that Amazon Prime realizes that it's just about peaked in in terms of its number of subscribers.

I'll have to go and look at the number I actually didn't look at the number of Americans or the percentage of American households. I know that when my mom and her husband had it two years before I got it I was using theirs. So there are obviously a lot of families probably friends that share services like Amazon, Disney, ESPN Plus actually is one where you can't log in in multiple places at least it was the last time that I had it. I haven't used it in a while in fact I wasn't using mine I was using someone else's so well I was using Columbia's their athletic department. So there are some services that you can share there are some that you cannot share.

But it got me to thinking about sports fans. I'd like to hear how many of these services that you have that you use would you would you buy more? Let's say for the sake of argument you don't have I don't know name one. I have Paramount Plus that's that's kind of connected with CBS though and I don't think they'll ever get into the NBA market but I was thinking like NBA playoffs and finals. Hulu is isn't a lot of Hulu free though? Is it Hulu TV? Jay's like in my ear telling me these things but I feel like Hulu there's there are some free services out there Roku TV Hulu there are some free ones but let's just say it's an app or a streaming service that you don't have and they bid for the NBA and they get an entire playoff series or they get access to playoff games here and there. Maybe they get access to and see it's a little different with them because they play so many games that fans don't feel the need to buy a service or to subscribe just because of a weekly game like in the NFL but people don't want to miss Thursday Night Football though let's be fair this year you probably could have missed a lot of Thursday Night Football. How many services will you sign up for if sports start to fan out? How many services? I also have Sirius XM and I pay for that streaming service now it's it's audio but it's because there are a lot of games that I can't get when they're out of market and so I listen to them and I pay for the it's called a platinum package I pay for the platinum package so that I can hear all of the home announcers for every sporting event that's going on NBA NHL NFL MLB so no matter what happens if these events go to video streaming services I can always listen to them on the radio I can't even tell you how beneficial that's been to me especially with the NFL because I don't have red zone I cannot afford red zone I do have and I hate red zone anyway sorry it's not it's just me it's not you it's me it's not you red zone I do have NFL Network and so pretty much within seconds of a big highlight or you know a big play they've got it up on NFL Network so that's another one of my go to networks while I'm monitoring football anyway I pay for the DVR I pay for the sports package that includes NFL Network I pay for Sirius XM I have Amazon Prime though to be fair I had it before football but you know what I would have purchased it for football and I have Paramount Plus part of that is because they do show other market games on Paramount Plus but also a lot of the TV shows that I watch are on Paramount and I at times have used logins to other streaming services that friends or family own so I'm kind of interested in in which services you have have you considered getting rid of some of them as the economy has gotten little more uncomfortable and tougher to navigate because I certainly have I have one other kind of news service that I subscribe to and I seriously considered getting rid of it this year it just renewed I decided I would keep it one more year it's got a bunch of podcasts and and just various hosts that that I really enjoy but there are a bunch of services that I've chosen not to access or pay for because I I simply can't add anything else and that includes for instance the this NFL package NFL Sunday ticket that's going to YouTube I could never I could never afford Sunday ticket I wish I could if I had unlimited funding Sunday ticket would be what I would spend my money on and so it's not possible unless you are rich to have them all which is why my brother tells me you should cut the cord I try to explain to him I cannot do that I can't because I would then have to pay for so many services to be able to watch the games I need to watch so instead I still have a cable package and it's expensive too I mean I have a cable package that includes a lot of these sports channels I've tried to save money on my cable and really haven't been able to do it and I won't tell you exactly how much I spend but it's it's a lot it's a couple it's it's more than $200 that I spend per month on my streaming my Sirius XM and my cable okay so it's it's a lot and I really don't feel like I can get away without having it but I'm not gonna get Apple TV to watch the couple baseball games that are there and I don't have ESPN Plus and so there are some streaming services that I don't have and I just choose to follow on radio but I would love to hear from you about how you watch a lot of these games that are moving to streaming I know some of you complain or at least told me this year that you did not have Prime so you couldn't follow Thursday Night Football which services do you have which ones do you consider invaluable you can't go without them and which ones maybe are you deciding that you're just gonna have to do without so it's just something that sparked and I pretty pretty sure that we have this in common where we have to make these choices now as sports fans and not just as sports fans but as Americans who enjoy various types of entertainment and various entertainment options so our phone number is eight five five two one two four two two seven and then you can find me on Twitter a law radio J and I'll put up a post on our Facebook page Facebook and Twitter and just you know kind of phrase it somehow and put it up there and then we're gonna put a poll up a football poll actually I've never done this before but I think it's kind of fun it'd be interesting just to see how you feel how you're feeling I need you to emote and then we've got a bunch of the pre preview the pre preview to championship weekend or championship Sunday I should say as well as the return of Anthony Davis the return of Rory McIlroy the return of Ben Simmons to face to LMB in Philadelphia boy that was emotional according to Doc Rivers and not just for the players but for the fans and a humongous night for Dame except I feel like every night we have someone with a humongous performance right it's becoming more and more commonplace in the NBA so again find us on Twitter either me or after-hours CBS and then also you can find us on our Facebook page yeah looking for you to weigh in on how you use your streaming services to watch sports which ones you have maybe the decisions you chose you've chosen or you've made based on money I just told you about mine I do have a limited budget so feel like it could be in a pretty interesting discussion because trust me this is the way it's going sports are gonna go this way more and more because it's an untapped to this point has been relatively untapped revenue source it's all about the bottom line always that's the driving motivation it's all about the bottom line we are just getting started it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio you are listening to your trusted local radio stations coverage of your favorite teams live news from your hometown and millions of podcasts on demand best of all you can completely customize your listening experience follow topics you care about like leagues and teams pause or rewind your local sports and news and add shows to your queue to catch up later there's a lot to listen to so get started and download the free Odyssey app today I'm Larry Mullins hosts of the podcast your weirdest fears the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop I am so scared of the Grinch he is bad vibe we talked to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split I have one tattoo that covers my entire body listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from I'm Larry Mullins hosts of the podcast your weirdest fears the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop I am so scared of the Grinch he is bad vibe we talked to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split I have one tattoo that covers my entire body listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from the after-hours podcast name sitting on 56 Simons on the logo gives it up today hold the ball away from Vanderbilt double-team gets around the defender he drives he attacks goes up and under yes 58 for Damian Lillard one more free throw here for Dane 60 Damian Lillard's career-high is 61 he's got 60 for the fourth time in his NBA career this is after-hours with Amy Lawrence it is the second most points in the NBA this season and the most for Damian Lillard this year in 40 minutes of play Dame with 60 points and if you haven't seen the the highlights or you didn't watch the game it was one of those performances where it seemed like everything he tried it was the Midas touch turned to gold he would drive inside with two defenders hanging on him and go up and under he had a euro step to go from left to right across the lane he pulled up with a larger defender along the perimeter and is able to nail the shots anyway he had step backs he worked every angle every defender and every step along the court was an opportunity for him to launch a shot 21 of 29 including nine three-pointers but why don't we throw in eight assists seven rebounds and three steals and Utah had a front row seat for what was a vintage performance from Dame Travis Demers with the calls on the Blazers radio network I just love that he he knows the zone and when he finds the zone it's like you've got the tiger by the tail just feel like you can always control the outcome of the game you know just even when they started to you know close in on the lead and we had some some bad turnovers and things are going their way you know when you and that type of group you just feel like you can always get it going back in the right direction for the team and that's how I felt you know like even if it starts to go bad I can I can get us out of this one so it was just you get in that type of zone you feel like you can control the outcome you don't get to see that very often you know to be that efficient for a guy to score 60 points and only 10 free throws and make nine of them I mean you thinking like this dude either has absurd amount of threes or and you know it was just incredible I mean how efficient he was he goes get seven rebounds three steals eight assists I mean he was all over the place and we did a really good job of understanding who was hot and keep riding that hot hand and this is fun you know to be able to watch greatness like that I was that was incredible man you know I've had these types of performances and we've come out on the losing end so you know just to know that this type of effort came in a winning effort it means that much more especially with what our team has been going through you know the most important thing was to make sure that we came out on the winning side so I'm happy that I was able to to contribute the way I did in the game that we needed to win against a good team. On court with Root Sports Southwest and then you hear Chauncey Billups as well and as someone who played at a really high level in the league himself it's kind of fun when you hear like a Steve Kerr talking about Steph Curry or you hear Chauncey raving about Dame so yeah big performance from him honestly doesn't it feel like we get this pretty much every night in the NBA now whether it's Luca whether it's Dame whether it's Joel Embiid whether it's Steph whether it's I mean pick your poison Giannis we we seem to get more and more Donovan Mitchell recently didn't he have 70 this season that was the the high this year it we get a lot of performances that are 50 plus and now 60 is the new 50 so yay for Dave I do enjoy watching him play still at some point hoping that he and the Blazers can break through and finally win a challenge for an NBA title win an NBA title just because he's been so loyal there I mean as sports fans we often decry the lack of loyalty among athletes which I don't think it's fair because it's their business they need to do what's best for them and their families the same way that we do what's best for us and our families when we make job decisions we don't stay in one job our entire careers and I think it's unfair to ask athletes to do that too especially when their careers are so limited in terms of number of years but he's been loyal and and I would love to see a championship go to Portland while he's there and he's indicated that that is his goal it's why he stays speaking of championships we know the Lakers this year put themselves in a big hole but they still have championship aspirations and when Anthony Davis is on the court they look different they have obviously another incredible defender as well as a guy who can score from pretty much anywhere on the court I mean he's a freak of nature and I mean that is a positive he's a seven-footer who can run the floor probably shouldn't be all the time but he can run the floor he can shoot threes but he can also rebound he's got that long wingspan and reach so good to see him back on the court tonight finally cleared and has returned to action though limited minutes and so Anthony Davis with the Lakers in a victory scores 21 in his 26 minutes off the bench I feel great you know feel good on the floor foot feels fine good to be out there you know with it with it with the guys battling it was a close game you know I really really had to battle you know until the last maybe four or five minutes so it was a good test for me going into this road trip but overall man I'm happy to be back on it on the court with these guys battling man and the long five and a half weeks so feels good to come back get a win and ultimately just be back on the floor with these guys I thought he looked good you could tell you know a few possessions a little time an issue or what not but overall great a-plus he just makes the game look so easy makes take so much pressure off us defensively offensively you know you can go you can go to him you score all three levels just really being aggressive and re-submerging himself into the system into the game action yeah and you can't teach size obviously you can't teach the the wingspan he also steps on the court for 26 minutes that has a dozen rebounds including five on the offensive end so there's an element we just talked to Kyle Goon who was in Los Angeles last night for clay clippers my gosh I just said clapers oh it's been that kind of a day Marco can you just mess up in your update please so I don't feel so bad done we talked to Kyle last night from LA when he was covering clippers and Lakers and he was talking about the fact that they had been out rebounded it's been a really tough stretch for them without Anthony Davis because they're trying to play small ball where LeBron essentially is your one of your biggest guys on the court but in bringing back Davis you instantly have a rebounding presence because of the long arms and certainly the leaping ability a dozen rebounds for him he ends up also with four block shots we just step on the court and have a handful of blocks that's Anthony Davis now they also see Ryu Hachimura play tonight for 22 minutes off the bench and there's a lot of anticipation about him being on on the court as well he also adds some size and some skill though you need to both these guys for them to get into some playing shape but a dozen points and six rebounds for him so really neat to see these guys return and I know it's happening elsewhere around the league you've got players that are on and off but when a team is healthy and when the Lakers are healthy they there's a lot of potential there I know people don't want to hear that because it's one of those franchises that if you're not a Lakers fan you love to hate but they definitely are a much better team a much more potent and powerful team and obviously a much better defensive team with Anthony Davis on the court and I would just like for his sake to see him be able to stay healthy the rest of the way and Davis was interviewed on spectrum sports now we had a game go down to the wire between one of the top teams in the Western Conference and a team that is the defending champion but not so much a top team at least in terms of the standings and right now you are what your record says you are so Golden State hosting Memphis we'll we'll get to that one Steph Curry was not around for the end of the game because he got ejected for chucking his mouthpiece it's something that he's done now I would say half dozen times at least that I can remember rather than kicking someone or screaming at a referee although every now and then he'll jaw with a ref but he'll he'll Chuck his mouthpiece when he gets really frustrated and he's been he's been teed up for it multiple times but as I was just saying to Marco where misery loves company and I've already screwed up so many times the perfect show there goes the perfect show if he could please make a mistake so I don't feel so badly about myself when when Steph Curry chucked his mouthpiece tonight do you know what happened I actually smiled because I thought okay I'm not the only person who had a temper tantrum this evening I was saying this earlier I know you weren't in here but I love my dog dearly she had her surgery today she was out of it she really groggy I sat on the floor with her my butt my butt fell asleep that's I said on the floor for almost two hours I slept on the couch because I didn't want her to climb the stairs but man we went outside in what was a monsoon she has not gone to the bathroom all day right so if I leave at night and she doesn't go guess what's gonna happen right at some point so I take her outside the dog fake peas face it and then looks at me like okay I'm done it's it's it's pouring we're soaked soaked I mean I've got right rain dripping off of me down my face and she is soaked to the bone like not one dry hair and wandered around three yards slowly of course just looking at me then wandering around a little more then looking ten minutes we were outside ten minutes I even went and got her leash and she still wouldn't go and so finally I was so angry I was so frustrated and angry that I'm yelling not necessarily at the dog but just like yeah you know and then she's deaf anyway and then I swear Marco is all I could do to not go inside and leave the dog just standing out there I didn't I didn't I'm just saying like I she bested me her stubbornness she insisted on winning this game can I say this dog is obviously very intelligent and maybe the reason that she couldn't go was from the surgery maybe she was struggling a bit and she just wanted to get out of the rain and was like maybe I can fool this lady just go inside lady I think that might have been what she was doing I think that's an intelligent dog and all these people are telling me what a good dog mom I am and so then this is me this is what emotional girls do right I was like I get inside I feel terrible because I'm so mad and I'm like this is why God hasn't given me a family yet because I'll be a terrible mother kind of a leap but that's me that's that's I'm an emotional girl right so that's instantly where this is how my emotional girl brain works anyway so the dog is fine I was just gonna say I mean it's pretty cool like it's fine that said the surgery went really well she did great they all rave about her she's the sweetest dog ever I'm like yeah right don't you have to take her out in the rain anyway she was a little groggy she finally ate and drank some water before I left and did climb the stairs and that was kind of the issue like she couldn't stand up her back legs were not supporting her cuz that's where she got the shots so right so anyway as I said I'm a terrible person oh my gosh we were soaked she was still wet two hours later when I believe work yeah no I mean it's pouring in New York for I don't know full day like it didn't stop at all oh my gosh so anyway I'm here so I can't get mad at anyone I'm just that's it no don't make me mad okay I'll try I'll say this silver lining as bad as the weather is we still have the TVs we well we do now they already though came out earlier gonna say came back it was gone for a little bit so there you go there's silver lining we we have TVs sometime yeah so all right I'm not gonna talk anymore about how I'm a terrible mother I'm just gonna bury myself in my work but we've got as I say a fun finish to Grizzlies and warriors and Steph Curry throwing a temper tantrum so I'm not the only one different they're totally different I can understand being frustrated I get Steph Curry being frustrated as well there's a few things one you've gone through this how many times you know you can't throw your mouthpiece like everybody he didn't do it at the ref you're not allowed to do it he knows this yeah and you and you know for nothing like we keep to he threw his mouthpiece into the stance imagine you're sitting in the fourth row you get smacked in the face with somebody's mouth a child maybe I don't want that I don't want to be inside your mouth disgusting you can't throw your mouthpiece at people and that's what you did you threw it into the stands at someone hopefully it hit the ground and not someone's face icky icky but again stop being a child you know you can't do it you can show your frustration in other ways don't throw your mouthpiece I don't feel bad for you they know I don't feel bad for me there he needs to he needs to grow up in that arena you just have curry you don't get to throw your mouthpiece I mean numerous times yeah this is not the first time how many times we have to go over this so we gotta say this right and don't throw your mouthpiece and he's got three young kids too so you would think at some point I you know if one of them starts throwing peas across the room he would he would get it all right we're way late we'll get to that coming up it's after hours with Amy Lawrence it's a day it's been a day for us and for Steph the listening you love is on the free Odyssey app your trusted local radio stations coverage of your favorite teams live news from your hometown and millions of podcasts on demand best of all you can completely customize your listening experience follow topics you care about like leagues and teams pause or rewind your local sports and news and add shows to your queue to catch up later there's a lot to listen to so get started and download the free Odyssey app today I'm Larry Mullins hosts of the podcast your weirdest fears the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop I am so scared of the Grinch he is bad vibes we talked to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split I have one tattoo that covers my entire body listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from the listening you love is on the free Odyssey app your trusted local radio stations coverage of your favorite teams live news from your hometown and millions of podcasts on demand best of all you can completely customize your listening experience follow topics you care about like leagues and teams pause or rewind your local sports and news and add shows to your queue to catch up later there's a lot to listen to so get started and download the free Odyssey app today some folks don't stop searching till they find the truth if you've got a detective's eye June's journey is the game for you play as June Parker in a gripping murder mystery as you find hidden objects to help solve her sister's death you'll hunt for clues in hundreds of beautifully illustrated scenes set in the roaring 20s new chapters are added weekly find your first clue by downloading June's journey today available on Android and iOS mobile devices as well as on PC through Facebook games you are listening to the after-hours podcast we've got it by maxi sixes both Tobias is open he drives it I want that I'll be puts it up right-hand layup no good taps up his own miss and that's in putback basket with a one hand to bias Harris back to the six-point game hard against curry with the dribble off the mark out top backs up difficult three in the air in and out no good but Melton gets the rebound over to maxi he shoots at three and it's in maxi delivers a three James hard with five seconds to shoot driving on Royce O'Neal down the lane lamp bump it good klaxon came over but hard put it in 23 seconds to go sixes by four this is after-hours with Amy Lawrence the Sixers facing the Nets you know there are a few ties between these two teams and the Sixers were up 17 at one point though the Nets did rally even without Kevin Durant but Seth Curry with a big game James Harden with a couple of critical shots down the stretch but the reason why this one was supercharged and Doc Rivers even called it emotional is because it was the first time that Ben Simmons had faced his former teammate Joel Embiid and it was also of course the toe-to-toe face-to-face meeting again we're gonna see this a bunch with James Harden and his former teammate his former back court mate in Kyrie Irving Oh trauma it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio both teams shot really well aka neither team played great defense so the Sixers were above 51% from the floor and they didn't play well Tyrese maxi even mentioned that we're not gonna be riding home about this one and raving about one of our best games of the year we didn't really play good you know we they shot 60% from the field I think that coach doc was saying so but at the end of the day those games are one you have to tough out and grit out though if you include the extra entertainment values or extracurricular activity of Joelle and Ben Simmons actually matched up on each other of the cat calls and the whistles and the jeers every time Simmons touch the ball oh yeah this was definitely a game worth watching simply for that reason first played Ben's garden Joelle and you know everyone it was like it was a party you know it was hilarious like that's when I turned our cozy this is the boxing crowd tonight they see him drop the basketball turn and duke it out you know but and they went at each other which I think is fun and good it was a party he said that's right a party in January it's after hours with Amy Lawrence I love Doc Rivers I've been a huge fan of Doc Rivers for years even going back to his playing days and I know people rip on him because there have been some really monumental and painful collapses with the Clippers with the Sixers with him as a head coach I know there are a lot of people who don't believe that he can ever lead a team back to the promised land I think it is worth pointing out that he already does have a championship as a head coach but I think he's he brings such great wisdom and also humor when the situation requires it as for Kyrie Irving he and the net still scuffled along without Kevin Durant I think we learned a lot about this team tonight just the way they play the style of play what they're gonna do down the stretch just taking notes that's it so we obviously wanted to come away at the win tonight but I'm glad the way we we battled the result is the result and that's what I told the group after the game is this group that's in the locker room right now when we line it up against the opponent expect to win there's there's no ifs ands or buts I don't mention any other thing but the group in the locker room and this group trying to win so I don't think about it that way can't just hang out and wait for Katie to return and we heard from him earlier this week that it's likely to be a couple more weeks before he's even evaluated though Anthony Davis did return so it's good to get that superstar back on the court by the way well the Sixers are really balanced in their efforts they had five guys in double figures six guys in double figures sorry there's another guy off the bench with ten but they were able to really spread the ball around and and that's a sign of a team they keep you running on defense and so good for them but what jumped out at me about this game they had 75 points at halftime if you extrapolate that and you project forward we're looking at a hundred fifty point performance now they didn't quite get there they had a 137 but the Nets finished with 133 137 to 133 is obscene it's gaudy it's obscene and it's happening all over the place the Hawks beat the Thunder 137 to 132 the Blazers beat the Jazz 134 to 124 it's becoming the norm the Warriors and we'll get to them right at the top of the hour didn't want to try to jam them in 122 to the Grizzlies 120 gone are the day the magic scored 126 gone are the days when defense was first it's after-hours CBS Sports Radio I'm Larry Mullins hosts of the podcast your weirdest fears the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop I am so scared of the Grinch he is bad vibe we talked to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split I have one tattoo that covers my entire body listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from I'm Larry Mullins hosts of the podcast your weirdest fears the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop I am so scared of the Grinch he is bad vibe we talked to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split I have one tattoo that covers my entire body listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from I'm Larry Mullins hosts of the podcast your weirdest fears the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop I am so scared of the Grinch he is bad vibe we talked to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split I have one tattoo that covers my entire body listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-01-26 08:07:35 / 2023-01-26 08:24:49 / 17

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