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10-5-22 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
October 5, 2022 6:09 am

10-5-22 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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This is your operating system talking.

Not your computers or your phones, but your internal, human operating system. I'm feeling a little overloaded. Here's how you can ease my stress. Close your eyes or softly gaze at something in front of you. Now inhale for four counts, exhale for six. Keep repeating.

Much better. Longer term, there's BetterHelp online therapy. They'll match us with the licensed therapist we can connect with via video, phone, or chat.

Visit slash positive and save 10% on our first month. Thanks for hanging out with us. It is our hump show, middle show of the workweek. And I was telling producer Jay earlier, we just got to get to the next 30 hours. Oh my gosh, we've got a lot. Well, we've done a bunch of planning, we've we've tried to allot space to do a couple of extra projects and interviews and just some production and some extra prep to to add to the show.

This week as if we need to do that we don't really need to but we have some things that we want to do some extra elements and features that we would like to share with you. In fact, I got a special gift. Well, I get special gifts from listeners a lot but I got a special gift from our friend Leroy Butler. He actually sent me a signed Hall of Fame Jersey, the creator of the Lambo leap. It's pretty amazing.

Now that I've met him in person, it was even cooler. I haven't even had a chance to show it off yet, because we've been so busy and it's not going to get any less hectic or chaotic or frenetic. It's one of my words that I really only use in October and in the spring.

So it's about to be sports on speed, really. Because in October, there's no time to breathe. I generally tell my family and friends, please don't expect me to respond to anything in October, unless it's a weekend. So sometimes on the weekends, because we're not working, I'll actually be able to respond to texts and emails. So that's that's reality in October, I become I essentially ghost people. It's terrible. I feel awful. I try to respond to text. But those people who know me don't expect that of me. If I can feed myself in October, it's a good thing.

But maybe I'll lose some weight because I won't be eating as much or having as much time to eat. And it starts this weekend with this wildcard series that's new wildcard format that baseball's adding, where we've got these four series that go best of three. So just think about it for a second. Sunday. First of all, there's a game in London. The Packers will play in London coming up on Sunday morning. So it's one of those quadruple header Sundays in the NFL.

Pretty brisk, pretty nice. Great. Thanks for weighing in, Aaron. We appreciate you in the peanut gallery.

So yes, we've got Green Bay and the New York Giants across the pond. Oh my gosh, it's an opportunity to say it. I totally didn't get to say it last week. Or I guess I just didn't grab the opportunity.

I didn't seize the day carpe diem. So the Giants and the Packers start things off. And then we've got Are you ready? Just in case you're wondering, the bye weeks do not start this week. We've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine games in the early window. Then we've got three more games in the late afternoon window and finally Sunday night football. That's a quadruple header on Sunday. Now think about it. If all of the baseball series go the distance, we could also have a quadruple header of baseball playoff games and they would all be winner take all.

All of them would be you win or you go home. You should see Jay's face right now. Sports are so in your face in October.

You really can't get away. That's just Sunday. So Saturday, massive college football day into October college football hits the fast lane in which you have a bunch of division matchups now conference matchups. And you've got, we're getting closer to you've got the jostling for the college football playoff rankings, which really early on don't mean a whole lot, but they are talking points. There are still 16 unbeatens in college football. We're going to talk about it with our friend Josh Pate late kick Josh is what he goes by on Twitter because he's got a late kick podcast. Anyway, he's been on the show before. We're really excited about talking college football with him.

It'll be our first college football interview going back to the draft. And so it becomes October becomes a behemoth. October equals behemoth. It's gaudy. It's trying to think about some of the other words that you would use to describe jewelry or clothing or anything else like that where it just, you can't avoid it. It just loud. It's very loud. Oh, October is so loud. That's a great word. Gaudy is a good word.

Obnoxious. October is definitely obnoxious when it comes to sports and all of these are good things. It's great for business.

Please don't even for a second think that I'm complaining. We're seeing so much more traffic on our social media. We're seeing so much more traffic on our podcast and people who are finding the show even for the first time. So we are glad to have you, but October is literally the busiest month of the year in sports. And I don't have a life in October, except for save.

Couple of visits with friends here and there. I plan to play some golf. Oh, and get this.

So this is pretty fun. In late October, I have tickets to see a performance by the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra. I love live music.

I love orchestra music. And they're playing the score of Jaws while the movie is airing on a massive screen in the auditorium. I've never seen Jaws. I know. Don't send me any tweets.

Don't at me. I've never seen Jaws. Jay is just, he's incredulous still that I've never seen Jaws. I think as amazing as the concert is and the orchestra playing the music at the same time, you're going to just straight up enjoy the movie itself. Also, if you haven't seen it, like the movie is one of my top five movies of all time. It's incredible.

Have not seen any of it except for maybe a couple of trailers here or there. The shark isn't real, right? No, he's not a real shark.

It's unfortunate. Not even the movie. Could we remake the movie with a real shark?

We could try. I mean, we get all those sharks on Shark Week from the deep. They tried to remake Jaws a couple of times. Well, not remake, but they made a Jaws 2, they made a Jaws 3.

No, that's dumb. I want the original Jaws, the iconic Jaws with a real shark. How hard can it be?

Yeah, I'm honestly not too sure. Can we train the shark? If we can train Shamu, how can we not train the shark? Sharks actually can't be domesticated. That's why they can't be held in captivity. That's why they're not in aquariums or anything like that.

There are sharks in aquariums all over the country. Not like great whites. Maybe I'm thinking specifically, it can't be in captivity or else they'll die. So they'll die or they'll eat everything. No, they'll die. They get like really depressed and they just kind of stop doing their thing. They get depressed?

They do. How do you know this about great white sharks? I was a big Shark Week guy growing up. Oh, yeah. And you just remember that great white sharks? Yeah. And you just remember that great white sharks get depressed in captivity?

It could be bull sharks also, but definitely great whites, yeah. Yeah, it's a fact. This is coming from a guy who thought lavender was a color.

But I want to take his, I mean it is a color, but that's not where it originated. I want to take his word for it. He's now Googling it. Just trust me, he's Googling it.

Yes you are too, you liar. I know you too well. By the way, did you share the video on our social media of the dog who caught the home run ball?

Oh, I haven't. I'll share that because that was incredible. But you want to hear this tidbit about great whites?

And he was wearing meds gear. Wait, hold on. This is our nerd alert about sharks. And this comes courtesy of producer Jay. I had nothing to do with this.

I stumbled into this blindly. So after three days of floating around listlessly and ramming its head into the walls of the tank, if you put a great white in captivity, a great white shark, it'll just die after that. So they get depressed and they just run into the wall and then they just, that's it. They can't do it. They need space.

They need to keep moving. Did they test this theory? Yes, this actually happened in Japan in 2016. Is it just one shark? The sample size is one shark, that's it? How many do you need to test that? Or seven or eight sharks? No, I'm not suggesting we want them to die, but how do you know when every shark does that if just one shark is, no?

I'm sure there's been other tests, but I think this was just the last one. And after this, they're like, all right, let's, we really need a great white in captivity. Is this where you got your tidbit from?

Probably. That seems about the time where I was watching a shark where I learned this knowledge. Oh my gosh, the things that you learned on this show. Did you happen to see the video of the shark swimming down the street in Florida? I don't remember what town it was.

It was Fort Myers, but it was toward the beginning of hurricane Ian. And obviously the water was coming in from the surf and from the beach. And there was a shark that was swimming down the middle of the street.

I did see that. That was insane. Imagine trying to get out of your car and go to your house. Why would you be in a car in flood waters in the middle of the street?

You got to grab an iPad or something trapped. What? I don't know if you're just in your car and you go, you just got to get something in your backyard. There was, I don't know how much warning that the storm was coming. There should be nobody just out randomly driving around with storm surge.

Not driving. Yeah. Just like if you had a, if it was in your driveway and you're like, Oh, I have to, it's something's happening.

I don't know. Just not, we're not to worry about sharks. So in other words, you don't think you would have evacuated? Um, I probably would have, but I know a lot of people, not everyone did.

So. Yeah, I can't imagine a shark swimming down the street, uh, next to my house, but I would hope that nobody was in the house to see the shark swimming down the street. Somebody clearly took a video.

So we know that the weather channel and local forecasters are out there risking their lives. We actually saw like, no joke. I was watching it live when Jim Cantore got swept off the street corner by a gust of wind. And if not, he actually went down on, on one knee, if not for grabbing a signpost, very athletic move, grabbing a signpost, he would have been swept out in the middle of the street with the shark. No, not with the shark. Yeah, exactly.

I saw a big branch come at him too, right before he had to grab onto that. I don't know. He puts himself out there. He's crazy. He is, but my motto is find people in life who are your kind of crazy. And I'm pretty sure he's my kind of crazy. The whole time in that video, in that clip, he's just going, I'm fine.

They're like, Jim, are you, you all right? He's, I'm fine. I'm fine.

All good. I'm fine. He's getting blown away by 130 mile an hour winds. He's strong. He knows how to position himself so that his weight is leaning into the storm.

I think they practice that. They teach you that at meteorology school, how to lean into the wind. Yeah.

I mean, he can get seriously injured or killed out there if he doesn't know what he's doing. Is this better than the thunderstorm video? The thunder snow video? Excuse me. That's a good one.

I don't want him to be in a position where he's in danger. So yes, I would say thunder snow for which Jim K Tori has been inducted into the after hours hall of flame. He actually joined us live for his induction here on the show. It's one of the greatest moments of my entire radio career. We're going to have to find a reason to induct him again. Maybe, maybe we'll find the video of that move where he grabbed onto the signpost to avoid getting swept out to sea or something like that. It was quite the maneuver. We are live from the Rocket Mortgage Studios.

Do you need to know what it takes for a home to fit your budget and your family? Rocket can. Coming up, we're really excited to welcome back Armando Salguero from Outkick and Fox. He's a longtime NFL insider and he's based in Florida, used to cover the Dolphins on an extensive basis. He's been all over this Tua story and the NFL and NFLPA investigation. So we will get to that. We've got an extensive edition of QB News on the way on the show. And you can send your questions for Ask Amy anything. So to our show Twitter, After Hours, CBS or also on our Facebook page.

I would just suggest that you come up with questions for which you don't already know where to find the answer. For instance, I'm sorry. I just I'm cheating a little bit because I just I just looked onto our Facebook page and someone wants to know if producer J and they don't spell out JAY. It's just producer J, the letter J. Does producer J have a boat car? A boat car? Like like one of the duck boats in Boston?

Yeah, I highly doubt that's what he meant. I have no idea what a boat car is, but do you have one? I would be kind of cool, but I don't, unfortunately. OK, so glad we got that out of the way. Someone actually I'm pretty sure he was being snarky last week on social said, Have you ever thought about doing Ask J anything? Well, first of all, no, it doesn't.

It's the alliteration is does not work. And second of all, we actually did a YouTube video going back to last October. Right.

So it would be about a year ago. And J got to answer 10 questions for me. He got to push. J became a YouTube star in that moment. And so now when I bring up YouTube and ask it, why aren't we doing anything on YouTube?

I'm just I'm kind of astonished because he was the YouTube star and was the one that was going to be driving it forward. And now here we are. Are you going to ask me this question, J? You ready?

Ready. Thoughts on Aaron Judge's 60 second home run tonight? Someone would like my thoughts. Someone's curious on your thoughts on that. I'm I'm assuming that that person who's curious on my thoughts on Aaron Judge's home run did not listen to the first hour of the show. Yeah, I don't think we're to get to it. I don't I just sometimes I don't understand what is going through the heads and the minds of people. Am I the only one? Am I alone on my island here?

No, unfortunately not. I don't understand. I try.

I try really hard, but I don't understand. Alright, so we've got a lot to get to with Armando. As I say, he's been covering the two investigation extensively, and so we'll hear from him about where the NFL and the NFL PA might move forward from here, but also a quarterback change in Pittsburgh, as well as say we're first month of the season. I think I'll share a couple of my surprises is an overused word. A couple of my unexpected outcomes from month number one. There we go.

Let's be creative and maybe ask him as well. So Armando Salguero is coming up next here on our hump show after hours with Amy Lawrence, CBS Sports Radio. You are listening. If you're feeling down and having trouble getting up in the morning, here's a tip. Brush your teeth.

That's it. Often when we wake up, our brains go into planning mode, which leads to overthinking and stress before our head even leaves the pillow. Something simple like brushing your teeth can break that cycle and jumpstart your day. This tip was brought to you by BetterHelp Online Therapy, which connects you with a licensed therapist via video, phone or online chat.

Visit slash positive and save 10% on your first month to be after hours podcast. Most remains the running back play action to roll to his left stops open. He's open job is going to be sacked back in his own territory at the 47 yard line to his down. He got body slam. He got thrown down and they're coming out right now. Jimmy had time to get rid of it and steady. It's thrown down hard and he's not getting up.

Oh boy. Our process and really everything involved with how we approach the medical situation. I'm still very confident in how we did that. This is after hours with Amy Lawrence. Mike McDaniel has been consistent in his responses about how the dolphins handled to a time go below was back injury and then his concussion against the bangles going back now almost a week ago, as well as what they heard from the doctors and in saying that he wouldn't change anything.

And yet it is absolutely the biggest story to come out of week four in the NFL. It's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. Thanks so much for hanging out with us during our hump show. You can find us on Twitter after our CBS or on our Facebook page.

And while you're there, send your questions for asking me anything which comes up just over an hour from now. We are pleased to welcome Armando Salgado, who is a longtime NFL insider from Outkick and Fox News. And Armando, I'm actually interested in moving this story forward a little bit. We know the NFLPA is investigating what happened with Tua and investigated whether or not his health was compromised. The NFL is doing its own due diligence.

What outcome do you think might be a positive step to ensure this whole situation isn't a waste, that it didn't play out for nothing? Right. So clearly, when people hear, Amy, that there's an investigation and a joint investigation by the NFL and the NFLPA, they're thinking someone is going to get fined, teams are in trouble, players are in trouble, team staff is in trouble.

And I don't believe that to be the case. Obviously, it was announced over the weekend that the unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant was fired. That's the person that is chosen by both the NFL and the PA, the Players Association. To be the independent person in the room and to have no agenda and to be the one that could say independently, you can't go back into a game because you're displaying concussion symptoms. Well, apparently that person didn't meet the requisites of whatever the PA and the NFL is looking to accomplish, obviously, because Tua Tungavailoa went into halftime of a Buffalo game to be examined for head trauma, a head injury, and came out with a back injury and came back into the game and played.

And so that was problematic for everyone who saw the optics. The thing about it is that's it. I mean, the Miami Dolphins, from what I can see, are very comfortable with having followed all the rules and having followed the guidelines. And it's like what Mike McDaniel has said. So we follow the guidelines. We do what the doctors tell us. And you're going to somehow think that we're in the wrong.

That's not how it works. And they realize that the optics are bad and they realize that they got really bad when they played the Cincinnati Bengals and Tua suffered a concussion. And so he's not playing against the Jets on Sunday. I wouldn't be surprised if he misses a couple of games, at least, and the investigation goes forward.

But as far as, you know, finding the team and things like that, I don't think that's going to be the result. I have a hard time believing as much as this was the narrative that Mike McDaniel would put his star quarterback at risk. He genuinely seems to care. Now, I can be naive sometimes and take people at their word, but it doesn't seem like this was something that he conspired to do. So then, does that mean the independent neurologist did this on his own or to have somehow convinced him that he was fine? That's crazy because he also stands to lose a job. Right.

I don't think Tua was trying to convince him of anything other than, you know, go through the test. And I don't know exactly what mistakes were made by the unaffiliated consultant because the association and the NFL had not outlined those. But as far as Mike McDaniel, you know, so history has sort of a way of predicting what's going to come in the future. The Miami Dolphins have a player on the concussion protocol. His name is Steven Carter and he's a tight end and he suffered a concussion in the first game.

And he hasn't played since. And so this guy, this coach has a history of when there is something tangible and medically provable that says the player has a concussion, the player is going to sit. And that's what he has done with the tight end. That's what he's going to do with the quarterback.

It's not one of those situations where he's pushing anybody to get back in a game. And what's really weird is that what seems to be an otherwise tight fraternity of coaches and ex coaches, a lot of these guys are coming after McDaniel for whatever reason, when their history of handling concussion and the concussion protocol is questionable in and of itself. I saw a quote in which you describe the Dolphins as having made themselves an easy target.

Right. So the reason I said that the Dolphins are an easy target is this is in fact the third investigation involving the NFL or the NFLPA or both in the last, you know, like six months. They were investigated this year for tampering in the last six, eight months, two years as well with Tom Brady and Sean Payton of the New Orleans Saints. And they were found guilty of tampering and widespread tampering to the point where the owner, Stephen Ross, is suspended. They had to yield a first round draft pick as a result. And they were also investigated for tanking in 2019, which, by the way, from all visual evidence they did and some of the reporting that I did back then, they absolutely did. But they were exonerated for that by the NFL. So this concussion protocol investigation is their third in recent memory. And oh, by the way, they're being sued by former coach Brian Flores for, you know, racial discrimination. He's also suing multiple other teams and the NFL. The point that I'm making is when you have a new coach without a huge reputation, when you have a recent history of being investigated and maybe running afoul of some rules, you make yourself, you lose the benefit of the doubt in many respects. And I think that's what's happening to some degree with the Dolphins now. We're so excited to have Armando Salguero back on the show with us from Outkick and Fox. He's a senior NFL writer and insider. And whenever we can snag a few minutes, it's awesome.

After hours here on CBS Sports Radio. So the Bucks and Chiefs did play in Tampa. The Buccaneers defense maybe displaced a little bit. Of course, that's what happens a lot of time when you face a locked in Patrick Mahomes. But I actually want to ask you about the Buccaneers offense.

It's a little bit odd. They do have playmakers. I know they've had guys on and off the field. Still, they have plenty of playmakers around Tom Brady. And yet they have struggled to put the ball in the end zone and this past week only bothered to try to run the ball six times.

What's going on there Armando? Well, so part of it is the game and opening kickoff. They fumbled the opening kickoff, right? And so, you know, Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs went on a 20 yard drive for a touchdown and they're leading and it's great. But now you're playing catch up if you're the Buccaneers and the Chiefs were in sync and locked into stopping Leonard Fournette and the running game. I think they rushed for minus 3 yards. Meanwhile, Tom Brady threw for 385 yards. So it was a combination of the Chiefs playing great up front, the situation of the game, and the Bucs needing to play from behind.

And defense didn't help out really either. So the Buccaneers followed a 2-2. It pretty much feels like most of the NFL is right there at 2-2 or within a game. So we're through a month. We're seeing quarterback changes because of injuries or ineptitude. And so we're going to get to that coming up next.

Armando Salguero of Outkick, hang on with us. Enjoying, I would say, not just the information that we always appreciate, but the unique perspective, which is why this is your operating system talking, not your computers or your phones, but your internal human operating system. Keep repeating. Much better. Longer term, there's BetterHelp online therapy. They'll match us with the licensed therapist we can connect with via video, phone or chat.

Visit slash positive and save 10% on our first month. He's one of our favorites. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. You are listening to the After Hours podcast. Kenny Pickett on the field for the first time in regular season play, a young man from Pitt who helped them win the ACC title last year, led them to the Peach Bowl. And there are a lot of happy people in the stands that Kenny is going to be given a shot here.

This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. You can hear the roars in Pittsburgh. He only played the second half against the Jets and the Steelers lost. However, Kenny Pickett has been named the starter moving forward for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio, spending a few more minutes with NFL insider and writer Armando Salguero of Outkick and Fox News. Armando, we've seen a bunch of moving parts so far in the first month, but this one may be anticipated not just by Steelers fans, but also by NFL analysts around the country. What are you hearing about Kenny Pickett, this rookie who enters his first game and has two touchdowns, but also has three interceptions? What are you hearing about his opportunity to take over for the Steelers? More than the opportunity, I think that Mike Tomlin is just looking for something to light up his team a little bit. Especially on offense, they've lacked energy, they've lacked consistency for sure, they've lacked points.

But it hasn't felt like there's urgency and a high degree of motivation. And so I think that what Tomlin is looking for is for Kenny Pickett, who is a hometown hero kind of guy. The fans love him, he played at Pitt, so they love him, they're familiar with him. And it really did kind of work in the Jets game because they were just kind of slogging along and Pickett comes in the game and they scored a couple of touchdowns. He scored a couple of touchdowns running the ball, so there was life injected in there and I think that's what Tomlin has been looking for. And now he's going to have to live with the decision and he intends to as well because you don't put in the rookie and then decide you're going to put out the rookie. Once he's in there, you don't want to mess with his head and go back and forth.

You don't want to make decisions as the wind blows, to quote Tomlin. So he's going to get his chance to grow a little bit and we'll see where that goes. Well welcome to the NFL rookie. It's one thing to have a game at home in front of your amazing fans who obviously went crazy when he came on the field in the second half. It's entirely another thing to head into Orchard Park and take on the Bills who have one of the best defenses in the NFL. Entirely different. It's like night and day and night is coming.

Or young Kenny Pickett. But I would say this, you know the Bills have been kind of like an interesting situation as well. I saw them in a game where their entire secondary was injured and out. And they lost to the Dolphins.

And obviously if your entire secondary is out, you're likely to lose in the past happy NFL. But it's their offense that's a little out of whack a little bit. It just hasn't been right.

It hasn't been cohesive. They lean on Josh Allen and well they should. Josh Allen is amazing and great. But they have no running back or running game other than Josh Allen.

And that's not good. Josh Allen in my estimation should be an addition to the running game. He shouldn't be the running game. Exactly. And yet that's what he's been the last couple of weeks.

And it feels weird and it feels dangerous because eventually if you're expecting Josh Allen to carry the ball eight, 10 times a game and be that that guy, people are, you know, are keying off on Josh Allen. And I know that he's big. I know that he's strong.

I know that he's fat, but I also know that he's human. Yes. Armando Salguero is with us after hours here on CBS Sports Radio. OK, quickly, I'll just tell you a couple of unexpected storylines that I have appreciated from the first month. First of all, Cooper Rush taking over for Dak. And no, there's no quarterback controversy. But the fact that the Cowboys have won every game that Cooper started is pretty amazing. The defense has been great. And I love the turnaround in Jacksonville with Doug Peterson and the Jaguars.

So what are a couple of unexpected headlines for you Armando after the first month of the season? Right. By the way, Doug Peterson has been doing a great job. He really he's a better coach now than he was when he won the Super Bowl.

If you can believe that. And he understands I visited with him during the preseason during training camp. And he understands that his is not a complete team yet.

It's not a ready program yet. But they've made strides and a couple of more strides and they're going to be a team to, you know, be reckoned with. And in that division, as far as surprises this year, I expected more from Matt Ryan and the Colts.

You know, I think they've been kind of what what I don't know what what what the problem is there. But Matt Ryan, Atlanta, Matt Ryan, even last year on a middling team, he was way better than he is now with the Colts. And he didn't fumble nearly as much.

And I don't know that that feels weird to me. I'm surprised that Justin Herbert is playing with, you know, a fractured rib cartilage, because number one, I didn't know fractured rib cartilages was a thing until two weeks ago. I mean, whoever heard of fractured, fractured cartilage. And number two, I realize that it's painful to the point where at one point it hurt him to call out the signals to bark out the line of scrimmage.

And yet he is bawling. So God bless him for that. So that's a little bit surprising to me. Armando, before I let you go, you are a pro football Hall of Fame voter. Obviously, Brad Favre is already in the Hall of Fame.

He went in back in 2016. So it's been a few years. But in light of some of the accusations against him, I'm interested in your reaction because you're one of the members of the voters that kind of protects that institution.

Yeah, that's an interesting one. So a couple of things, Amy. Number one, we're told that what we should do as selectors is gauge a player or a coach or contributors contribution on the field and in the locker room. You're not gauging his lifestyle. We're not gauging his, you know, his his record with the police or other law enforcement agencies. We're gauging his record with pro football reference. So two different records that were one of them we're paying attention to and the other one not. And, you know, number two, I don't think we know everything that that needs to be known with the Brett Favre thing.

I'm sure it could get uglier. And, you know, there's nothing that I know of that the Pro Football Hall of Fame can do to to change anything. You know that O.J. Simpson is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Oh, yes. It's not like we're talking about all angels. But it's interesting that you point out, though, that you are specifically instructed not to consider what they do away from football. Exactly. So away from football is away from the locker room as well, because there are some players who, you know, on the field did amazing things and yet were kind of difficult on their teams. And ultimately, you know, a lot of teams moved on from them and a lot of players had problems with them.

And even a lot of coaches had problems with them. But and that is indeed something that we're allowed to think about. But as far as, you know, trouble with the law, trouble with law enforcement, moral stuff. Right. That's a different matter.

Well, I always feel like the Hall of Fame voters in football take the not only the honor very seriously, but they take the process seriously with the number of rounds that you all go through. I appreciate you sharing that insight. You can find Armando Salguero on Twitter with exactly that. You can spell it. You can spell it. It's easy.

And he's an NFL insider and writer without kick and Fox. And we always enjoy snagging a couple of minutes. Glad that you made it safely through that hurricane. And I know just so devastating, but we appreciate your insight. Gracias, me, Armando. Es un gusto, Amy. Siempre eruato, y siempre los serra.

Thank you so much. He is one of our favorites because he always comes armed with information and because he has a great sense of humor. We love Armando. So good to catch up with him for a couple of minutes as he was there for Bucks and Chiefs. Had a front row seat for that has seen the Dolphins play a bunch and the Bills, the Packers, the Patriots has certainly got a high opinion of Justin Herbert. How can you not?

The man is running around with fractured rib cartilage and still playing lights out. So we are officially through week four of the NFL season and very soon we'll be kicking off week number five. And I was actually talking to producer J about games that I might pick. I don't even know what to do. Games that I might pick for Survivor Island because I'm still alive. There are only a handful of us. You better watch your back.

You better watch your six because I am not above pushing you into shark infested waters. There are games that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole and I almost feel bad now when I get to the point where I'm picking. Just because I don't know. It's not like I'm picking because I want a team to win or lose.

Just because I need to survive. So a couple of them that I'm at least thinking about and keeping in mind that I've already eliminated a few that I can't pick again. I'm thinking about Buffalo against Pittsburgh.

That's the one that I keep coming back to. But what does that mean? Because in the past, the one that seems like at least the past four weeks, the always the one that seems like the lock of the week is I don't I don't guarantee locks.

It's you that will send me text with the lock emoji because you're you're sure this is going to work out. So but I do think it's a massive challenge for a rookie quarterback to make his first start in Orchard Park against the Bills who have a ferocious defense. So that's one game I'm thinking about. There are others I suppose like San Francisco on the road at Carolina. It's just that I don't love I don't love picking road teams now.

Marco is trying to talk me out of this before. But the San Francisco defense is also fierce and could make it a miserable day for Baker Mayfield and for Christian McCaffrey, actually, because they're really good at stopping the run. See what they did against the Los Angeles Rams. But it is a quick turnaround. Nick Bose is a little banged up. Cross-country flight.

OK. Yeah. How about Tennessee at Washington? There may be very few other situations in which I would pick Tennessee. Jacksonville and Houston.

That's another one I was going to go back to is Jacksonville or Houston. That'd be like picking the Jets in a survivor pool. It's tough.

It is tough. Division matchup. But Jacksonville's looked good. And the Texans, I mean, they looked OK.

I wouldn't call that one a lot. Kansas City over Vegas. The Chiefs are home. It's just that that's an AFC West matchup. The Division ones scare me.

They do. All of them scare me. But yes, all of them. Tampa Bay, Atlanta. I still go back to Bill Steelers.

Do you do OK? Well, I haven't picked yet, but I have to because you have to pick before Thursday's game kicks off. All right. Speaking of kickoff, we've got a bunch of QB news coming up next. What did Mike Tomlin say about making a quarterback change? Plus, Jerry Jones.

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