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The Alex McFarland Show-130-In the Midst of Tragedy, God is with Us with Producer Mike Segovia

Alex McFarland Show / Alex McFarland
The Truth Network Radio
October 8, 2024 12:00 am

The Alex McFarland Show-130-In the Midst of Tragedy, God is with Us with Producer Mike Segovia

Alex McFarland Show / Alex McFarland

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October 8, 2024 12:00 am

In this week’s episode, Alex has the founder of PFC Audio Video and the producer of the Alex McFarland Show, Mike Segovia on the show. Together, they discuss how amid all the tragedy that is happening in the world today, Jesus is near.  Bad things happen in our lives because of sin, but we have the hope that Jesus is the restorer of ALL things. Jesus loves you so very much! 


Psalm 34:18-20

Genesis 3

Romans 10:13

John 6

John 3:16

Joshua 1:9

1 Corinthians 15:58


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My Relationship with God Pamphlet

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Book: The Problem of Pain

Book: Where is God When it Hurts?

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PO Box 10231 

Greensboro, NC 27404

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The spiritual condition of America, politics, culture, and current events, analyzed through the lens of Scripture.

Welcome to the Alex McFarland Show. We begin today with a very special Bible verse and very apropos Psalm 34, 18 through 20, which says the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.

He protects all his bones, and not one of them will be broken. We'll get into this verse, Psalm 34, about the Lord being close to the brokenhearted and helping those who are hurting. I do want to say that we have a special program today, and we're going to have a conversation with one of our team members. A couple of weeks ago, Angie and I shared some stories about 35 years of marriage and 34 years of ministry.

We got more response to that than probably any other broadcast that I can think of. Our social media team has been telling me that literally thousands of people have listened to Angie tell stories. We'll have Angie back on again, of course, but I wanted you to meet another team member, Mike Segovia of PFC Audio Video.

Our friendship and professional relationship goes back many, many years. Mike is a valued brother in the Lord and a highly respected producer of radio. We'll talk about that, and we are going to talk about the tragedies of western North Carolina, some updated statistics, and why God allows bad things to happen, and how do we seek God?

How do we find and connect with God when the world around us may just feel like it's imploding? We'll talk about those things. But Michael Segovia, longtime friend and colleague, and a big part of where our ministry is and the growth we are experiencing, I welcome you to our program, and I want to hear about all that God is doing in your world. Thanks, Alex. Thanks for having me on the show. Let me begin by saying I'm glad that you're safe. When we got the news of Hurricane Helena hitting, you were one of the first versions I thought about because of where you are in North Carolina.

So I actually kind of want to start with that, really. Tell me how you're doing, how Angie's doing, you guys safe, all that kind of good stuff. Well, thanks very much. You know, as everybody knows, western North Carolina, probably 19 counties had, listen, in three days, a 72-hour period, they got as much rain as they normally would get in one to two years. I mean, it's been real. And so trees are down, roads are out. They're at the Tennessee state line. Interstate 40 got washed out. The National Weather Service estimates 180 people dead. Now, by the time this airs all over the country, maybe that number will change. We'll talk about that.

But Mike, thanks for asking about Angie and myself. We live two hours east of Asheville, North Carolina. So while we had torrential rains and trees down, there was water lying in the roads. You know, there was some minimal localized flooding. In fact, one of my wife's cousins, a gigantic oak tree, fell on their house. There were a lot of trees down.

You know, it's minimal. It's not even comparable to what the dear people of Asheville and western North Carolina have gone through. Many people will know the Cove Training Center, the Billy Graham Center. Will Graham texted me that the Cove has become like a disaster relief center and hundreds of people are working out of the Cove. Mike, a lot of people have texted us to see, because you know, everybody knows Angie and I and our ministry.

Alex McFarland Ministries Truth for a New Generation, we are headquartered in North Carolina. My family's been here for years and years. So we're fine. Where we live is far enough east that we really weren't touched like the rest of western North Carolina.

But I do thank you for your prayers and thanks for asking. Now, I know you've been to western North Carolina many times. You've told me about several trips you've made to Asheville, going to the Billy Graham Training Center. So what were your thoughts, Alex, when you first started seeing the video and the pictures of the flooding that was going on in Asheville?

Well, you know, my heart was heavy because that part of the world is very special to us. In fact, Mike, I really surrendered to be an evangelist at a Billy Graham event in 1997. I had been a youth pastor for almost a decade, but I was feeling that God was calling me to do youth evangelism and apologetics. And the people that have listened to our shows, they know that we do a lot of apologetics, the evidence for Christianity, and specifically reaching youth. You know, Mike, this past summer of 2024, we were in front of more than 1,200 teenagers. In seven states, we had more than 168 teens come to Christ in 2024. But western North Carolina has always been very special to me because I went to a Billy Graham event for young evangelists in 1997, and that's where I said to the Lord, Lord, I'll do this.

If you'll help me, I'll start a ministry. And it was there in Asheville that what I'm doing even to this day, that really was solidified in our life in Asheville. And of course, I'm going to name some towns, some of which are in the national news because they don't even exist anymore, towns like Chimney Rock and Black Mountain and Weaverville and Bat Cave, Canton and Silva, Dillsboro, Murphy.

These are all well-known places that have been damaged, if not eradicated. Now, a lot of people have asked, Mike, about the very famous Biltmore House, you know, George Biltmore. It's like a castle. Yeah, my wife and I were just there when we went to visit you on a speaking engagement back in July. We were just there. I was thinking about that. Tell us, Alex, about the Biltmore. Yeah. Well, no doubt, going to Biltmore, very beautiful, very famous place, you went through a little small community called the Biltmore Village.

Yes, we did. While the Biltmore House, as far as I'm aware, is undamaged, but the Biltmore Village is under many, many, many feet of water right now. There's a lot of very historical churches there, a lot of historic homes and buildings. Because this whole region, Mike, it's interesting.

And I want to say God is going to bring something good out of this. But this entire region goes back to the Revolutionary War period. And the area, western North Carolina, was settled by Scottish Presbyterians.

I will say this, there are some areas, Plumtree, Newland, very historic. And I want to say this, going back 200 years, the Scottish Presbyterians, there were farmers, there were preachers. There's been a lot of revivals over the years up there. And of course, Billy Graham himself and his family lived in the missionary town called Montreat, which is...

It's a historic place. So I know we solicit everybody's prayers. We ask people to pray.

Of course, there are a lot of people that have lost homes, businesses, family members. And I know we've got to take a break, but our prayers, everything humanly possible, we want to do to help these people. But of course, even more than that, we lean on what the Lord can do. And He is the God of all comfort, and we pray for His intervention at this time.

Amen. I tell you what, we got to take a break. Alex McFarland here, very special guest, Mike Segovia, our producer, and we're talking about what's going on in the world, and we're talking about what's going on in each of our hearts personally at this time.

Stay tuned, we're back after this brief break. Fox News and CNN call Alex McFarland a religion and culture expert. Stay tuned to the show and for more of his teaching and commentary after this. You know, I praise God for an amazing year, hands down the most fruitful year in the history of our ministry in terms of people coming to Christ, Christians getting equipped to defend the faith. And as this year winds down, let me ask you to please partner with us with a financial gift you can give securely online at or mail a check to Alex McFarland Ministries P.O.

Box 10231, Greensboro, North Carolina 27404. He's been called trusted, truthful, and timely. Welcome back to the Alex McFarland Show. Welcome back to the program.

Alex McFarland here, so honored that you're listening. And for those of you that got our fall 2024 newsletter, we had a section called Meet the Team. And we had people on there like Kim McMillan, who is our event coordinator, and Amy Meyers, who does social media, Jeff Williams, who has come along as our really chief operating officer. Well, you have another team member to meet now. And there are many in the interest of time, I can't name everybody, but our ministry is growing and we have full time staff.

I give God the glory. But along our journey, and he is very much responsible for where we are as a national ministry. It's Mike Segovia. Mike and I go back nearly 20 years, a lot of work together, and not only a professional colleague, but just a friend who is like a family member to us. But Mike leads an organization called PFC Audio Video. He's got a hand in just everything that we're doing digitally. First of all, Mike Segovia, welcome back, and thanks for all you do for our ministry. Absolutely. Thanks for having me.

It's a real honor today. Well, what does PFC stand for? PFC stands for Producing for Christ. And it's kind of play on words if you know radio or TV or podcasting, producing, producer, production, because we want everything that we do in my company to be a production for Christ. So producing for Christ, change lives, is really what we want, Alex, is really what we want to do.

And that's what we get to do with you in producing the Alex McFarland show. You know what I think about nearly 20 years ago, when I came into a studio in Colorado, and I had a book that was about to come out called The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity and How to Effectively Answer Them. And you know, the Lord has blessed me so much, Mike. I give God the glory. I completely give Jesus alone the glory for the books, the speaking. But I will say the book that has opened more doors for me than any other, the book that has sold the most, it's done well.

The 10 Objections book. You recorded me. We did a series of short little production things.

Yes. And then there was like a tag. I think we called it a donut because it was like an intro.

Then I would record the middle. Well, that book became a bestseller. And it was, I mean, far and away, the 10 Most Common Objections book. In fact, even as we record this show today, I'm preparing to go out to three different states and teach on answering the common objections to Christianity. And here you and I have worked together for 18 years now. Give a little of your background because you also, for a number of years, were the senior producer for a man named Dr. James Dobson. And you produced some pretty high level radio there, my friend. Absolutely.

Yes. I had the privilege to be with Dr. Dobson for seven years as his director of broadcasting. And thank you to Alex McFarland. He really set me up to get that job. And I've been in radio since I was 19 years old, so many years. And I've had the blessing, Alex, over the years to produce just some great, wonderful people. To God be the glory. He has blessed me. But I've had the chance to produce for Pastor Chuck Smith, who started the Calvary Chapel movement. And that was back in Southern California for about 15 years. Let me ask you this. Like in the 90s, probably the early to mid 90s to the early 2000s, when I was listening to Chuck Smith, was it you editing those shows?

Absolutely. What you listened to, that was me editing the show. Now, my boss and my mentor, a shout out to him, Dennis Baxter, it was his company that I worked for, but he assigned me to be the producer for Pastor Chuck.

And of course, Dennis oversaw everything. But yes, that was our work that you heard. In fact, if you listen to the show today, the word for today, you'll probably hear some of those shows that we put together over the years. Just such a blessing. And from that, I got to work with Pastor Greg Laurie, Pastor Raul Reese, Chuck Swindoll, just many wonderful names over the years.

It's just been incredible. Well, and we're very privileged. By the way, and there's something I want to ask you in relation to Calvary Chapel and Chuck Smith.

But hey, give your website. And by the way, like I said, 18 years, it's been my joy to sit behind a lot of microphones with the greatest people in the world. But Mike, I mean, God uses you and PFC audio video. I mean, if anybody out there is looking at doing some recording, and I know you do a lot of things like publicity for authors and things like that, but where might people find you, Mike?

Absolutely. Go to That's And they can go on there and check out the clients that we're doing right now. They can listen to audio samples, check out some video stuff that we've done, and learn a little bit about the marketing toolbox that we do for authors called About the Author. But really, if you're interested in starting a podcast or a radio show, that's our forte, Alex.

That's what we do. Call me up. Send me a message.

I'll give you a free consultation on how to get started. And if you choose to use us, we will do some great work and put everything that we have behind it to bring God glory. That's what we want to do.

Amen. You know, a year ago, I saw a movie. I ended up seeing the movie three times.

That's a career. It's the movie Jesus Revolution, a movie I highly recommend. But God did something in the early 70s that really reverberates to this day. And when I saw, and I thought Kelsey Grammer did a masterful job portraying Chuck Smith. And Kelsey Grammer was very vocal about his own Christian faith. But I thought about you, because I've heard so much about what the Lord was doing in Southern California, and you were part of it.

How did that movie impact you having come to Christ in that very region, Mike? Oh, man. There was one particular scene where they were showing the church at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa. And I saw the dove kind of back behind Kelsey Grammer playing Chuck Smith.

And it brought me back to April of 1985, Alex, when I stood up there on a Saturday night at a concert that was led by Jimmy Kempner, and the Daryl Mansfield band played. Oh, yeah. And then afterwards, yeah. Afterwards, they had an altar call. And I remember just looking at that dove, Alex, that very dove, and saying, Lord, I don't quite understand this. But if you're real, I want you to take my life. And please forgive me for all of my sins.

Because I have quite a testimony, which we don't have time to discuss here. And so that really brought me back when I saw that dove, of what the Lord had done, and how He used Calvary Chapel and Pastor Chuck Smith and all his ministries to really bring me to Christ, but countless numbers, Alex, of young people coming to Jesus and starting that Jesus revolution even well before when I made my decision for Christ back in 1985. You know, what's so exciting is that movement from the late 60s through the peak in the early to mid 70s, it was a great awakening. And if you look at history, and we're going to take a break.

This is Alex McFarland. We're talking with Mike Segovia. But the great revivals seem to come in about 50 to 60 year intervals. That being the case, if the Lord doesn't come back soon, we are on track for a great awakening. God can send it and we certainly need it. We'll talk more about that and where our world is and where we are in relation to Jesus's return.

Stay tuned. We're going to come back after this brief break more with our very special guest, Michael Segovia. Fox News and CNN call Alex McFarland a religion and culture expert. Stay tuned for more of his teaching and commentary after this.

Hi, Alex McFarland here. I want to make you aware of two really important speaking engagements in July of 2025. I'll be at the Cove, the Billy Graham Training Center, July 18 through July, teaching the book of Job, and then July 28 through August 1 with J. Warner Wallace, a week of apologetics with myself and Jim Wallace.

Go to the Cove dot org, the Cove dot org, and I hope to see you next summer. He's been called trusted, truthful, and timely. Welcome back to The Alex McFarland Show. Welcome back to the program. Thank you for listening. I want to share this verse again, Psalm 34 18.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those of a contrite or crushed spirit. We'll resume our conversation with Mike Segovia in just a minute, but I want to refer people to the newly designed and daily updated website, I give God the glory. As you're listening to this broadcast, we've been blessed to have a lot of articles published this year on,, and now The Daily Caller. And it's just really a great honor the way God is giving us favor in the secular media. And we're posting all of my articles at, plus my speaking tour. As you hear this broadcast, I am at an evangelistic event.

We're leading in Arkansas. I'm heading out to Silverton, Texas at the end of October of 24. I'll be on the coast of North Carolina, Shalote.

Our dear friend Bob Weathers at First Baptist Shalote, which is very near Wilmington. So go to my website, if you would, and look at my speaking tour next spring. We're going to be in Wichita, Kansas. We're going to be in Alabama with a big evangelistic outdoor event at a football stadium in Berry, Alabama.

So much going on. And let me just ask you, would you please consider partnering with us? Your gift enables us to evangelize the lost and equip the saved.

And so all of your financial contributions are tax-deductible. We have a growing staff, full-time employees, averaging many thousands of people coming to Christ. At least 7,500 people a year in America getting saved. And we give literature a lot going on to help restore the nation. If you would consider giving online, you may donate securely at, or you can mail a check, if you would, to Alex McFarland Ministries, P.O.

Box 10231, Greensboro, North Carolina 27404. And for all who partner with us monthly, please know we are grateful for your prayers and support. Well, Mike, you've heard us do a lot of teaching, and I think people are hungry, especially young people. The worldview content that is what we believe and the reasons why, people seem eager to hear it, don't they?

Absolutely. They do. They are just really thirsty for the Word of God right now. And in fact, Alex, you know, these young people, young and old, actually, they have a lot of questions right now. And I've heard this recently, Alex, so maybe you can help answer this question. In the wake of this hurricane, people have been asking me, Alex, especially this happening in the Bible Belt, why do bad things happen to good people or to Christians? Why would God allow this to happen, Alex? Well, great question, Mike, because let's just do a deep dive on some kind of hard concepts and maybe some difficult words.

This is called a theodicy, t-h-e-o-d-i-c-y, reconciling the goodness of God with the fact that there is pain and suffering and evil in this world. Different ones have written about it. Many years ago, C.S. Lewis wrote a book called The Problem of Pain. Philip Yancey, great Christian writer. Oh, yeah, I love Philip.

Yeah, Philip Yancey is amazing. One of the best books, Where Is God When It Hurts? So when something like Asheville's flooding and tragedy, a mounting death toll, people say, did God cause this? Now, Mike, I realize this takes a lot of depth to really even kind of ponder this. Okay, God created the universe, and it was perfect. Sixteen times in the book of Genesis, God says of his creation, it is good, it is good.

And then people say, okay, so what happened? Mike, something happened called sin. Adam and Eve, and yes, the first two humans ever were Adam and Eve, they were in a perfect environment called the Garden of Eden. But they sinned, they disobeyed God. And sin has not only put a wedge between us and God, sin has repercussions. This is in Genesis 3. It's called the fall of this world and the human race. And the Bible talks about in the book of Romans that this world is under futility and a curse.

Now, hang with me. Even the weather patterns are traceable to sin. Wow. Somebody might say, how in the world could this be traceable to sin? Well, God had to send a flood, Noah's ark, and the crust of the earth broke loose. And the water table created a big part of the flood waters of Noah. Yes, Noah's ark and all that global flood was actual and real.

And so the earth right now is tilted at a 23 and a half degree tilt. The extreme weather patterns that happen, whether it be scorching heat or hurricanes and tornadoes, all of this is traceable to the flood of Noah, which is traceable to human sin. Now, I want to say this, Mike. In a world where people have used free will to disobey God, there are repercussions.

And it would be very sad if the story ended there. But God is God of love and power, so much so that 2,000 years ago He sent His Son Jesus. And Mike, I realize when people are hurting, their world is imploding. All of this might sound just like some pious theology, but this is real. I love what Peter said in the Gospels. In John 6, there's a section where it says many people walked away and wouldn't follow Jesus anymore. Jesus said to the disciples, are you going to go away too?

And I wonder if there was maybe a moment of awkward silence. But Peter, he gave the right answer. Peter said, Lord, where else would we go? You have the words of eternal life. And I guess I want to say this, Mike, that the storms, the tragedies, it's not a reason to abandon God, but to turn all the more closely to the only one who is our source of hope, the Lord Jesus, who promises not only will He forgive our sin here, but one day soon He is coming back and He's going to make all things new.

Absolutely. Alex, if there's some that are listening right now and they've been affected by the storm and they're just going through all kinds of hardship, maybe they've lost a job or were recently divorced, Alex, maybe they don't know the Lord. Maybe they don't understand what that means. How can they come to the Lord? How can they get saved? Go ahead, Alex, give an invitation for that person that's listening, that's hurting right now.

Well, thank you, Mike, for queuing that up as you did. Let me just say to every person that might hear this, God Almighty loves you. Please believe this. You matter to God.

You really do. Jesus Christ, the most verifiable life of ancient history. We have more historical evidence for Jesus than for any other personality of the ancient world. There was a man named Jesus who claimed to be the Son of God. He claimed to be the fulfillment of all the prophecies, and he claimed to be the one who could resolve man's worst dilemma, the sin problem. He was nailed to a cross. This is historically documented.

It's in the Bible, of course, but Jewish, Greek, and Roman sources document Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, and he rose from the dead. So to everyone listening, I want to say this. Jesus loves you.

He really does. Whatever you've done, he will forgive if you ask him. Whatever has been done to you, he can heal.

You say your life is a wreck right now. Jesus Christ is the restorer of all things. We often say this, Mike.

We've said it in literally hundreds of locations, stages all over the world. Jesus is as close by as a prayer. Now, there's a tab on our website that says, What does God say about my relationship with him? And if you need to come to Christ and you want to know that you're straight with God, right now, today, just call out and say, Dear Jesus, I do believe you died on the cross for me. Lord, I accept that you're the Son of God. I'm asking you to come into my life and save me. Jesus is as close by as a prayer. He will save you. But I want you to go to and open that tab and read that. And maybe you're listening and you're saying, Alex, Mike, I don't even know if I believe all this stuff.

Okay, I want to challenge you. Call out to God and say, God, if you are real, please show me. And God, I will follow you. Because here's the thing, God is real. God does desire to be a part of your life. God has so much good for you, more than you could ever dream for yourself. Mike, you found it out as a young person.

I did at age 21. If you, it's like Romans 10-13, whoever calls the name of the Lord will be saved. The greatest reality in the world is Jesus. And He's available to each and every human being who will call out to Him. Would you agree?

I agree, Alex, 100%. And Alex, it's crazy that you were just saying, I challenge you listeners if you don't know if the Lord's real or not, just to ask Him. Say, reveal yourself to me. Because, Alex, when I was about 15 years old, I was raised a Catholic, but I didn't know the Lord personally as my Savior.

And I know there's some wonderful Catholics that know Jesus as their Savior, and my mom was one of them. But I didn't know the Lord, Alex. I was really struggling with drugs and alcohol and just all kinds of crazy stuff. But I had a picture, Alex, of Jesus above my bed with a crown of thorns on His head.

And every night I went to bed, Alex, I used to kiss the picture and then go to bed. But I started praying, Alex, at about 15 years old and said, Lord, I just don't feel like what I'm doing is good enough to get to heaven. Can you show me the way? Can you reveal to me the true way to get to heaven? Because I just don't think I'm good enough, Lord.

I just sin too much. And Alex, he began to reveal himself to me. And it was a three-year process to when I accepted Christ at the age of 18, as I shared with you earlier at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa. And the Lord did reveal Himself to me, Alex. It was a period of time, that He did reveal Himself to me.

Because I just knew, Alex, that my works were not going to do it. I was a sinner, and that was not good enough. And so if you're struggling today, I 100% agree with Alex that if you just ask Him, Lord, reveal yourself to me, I promise you, He will. And you need to accept Christ as your Savior, because He's coming soon. And the Bible says in John 3 16, For God so loved the world, that whoever should believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. This is true and real stuff. If you're doubting it, you think, oh, the Bible, that's just a bunch of old guys from the past.

Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. What do you have to lose? Do it. He'll deliver you.

And you will be saved, born again, and your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Mike, did you ever hear the name Norm Geisler? Yes.

Yes. Brilliant apologist. He's in heaven now. It was my privilege in grad school. This famed, famed apologist was a friend and mentor in grad school. And I know there's a lot of great guys, and we love them all, like Lee Strobel and Josh McDowell.

Oh, yeah. You know, a lot of great apologists. But honestly, from the mid-20th century till he died in 2019, Norm Geisler was a giant, I mean, hugely, hugely important defender of the faith. But he had what he used to call the skeptics challenge. And he debated many atheists. But he said, Look, I challenge you.

But be sincere, because look, this is no game. But say, God, if you are real, show me. And then read the Gospel of John. Now, the Gospel of John is just 21 chapters. Folks, I mean, read a chapter a day, three weeks, it'll take you 10 minutes a day. And the Gospels, by the way, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, these are really biographies of Jesus. You want to find out who Jesus is, you read these Gospels, because they explain it. And Mike, I've had a lot of skeptics, or like ex-skeptics, say, Oh, my goodness, the four Gospels are nothing like I expected.

Yeah. I mean, one skeptic said to me, I was in Asheville, by the way, which we've been talking about, but he said he became a Christian reading the Gospel of John. He said, You know, it rang true.

It had the ring of truth. But Geisler used to challenge atheists. He said, Look, say, Lord, if you are real, please show me. And if you show yourself to me, I will follow you. Now, an atheist might go, Wait just a minute.

Hey, look, if there's no such thing as God, you got nothing to worry about. You're right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, by the way, do you remember 2001, A Space Odyssey? Do you remember that movie?

I absolutely do. Yep. I think Arthur Clarke, I think, was the writer. Arthur Clarke said, There's only two possibilities. Either we're alone in the universe, or we're not.

Either one is equally terrifying. Now, here's the thing. You say to God, say, God, if you're real, show me. And God, if you show me, I'll follow you. And then read the Gospel of John. Norm Geisler used to tell me and audiences, he said, I've had literally dozens of former atheists say, You know, I prayed that prayer.

I didn't think anything about it. And yet I start reading the Gospel of John. And the Holy Spirit got a hold of my heart. One guy said he was like a third of the way through the Gospel of John, six, seven chapters in. And he bowed his head and he said, Dear Jesus, I know you're real.

And I want to say this, Mike, and you know this. Yes, coming to Jesus, it touches your emotions. You're moved, you feel things. But then there are others that don't get emotional or anything, and that's fine, because it's not based on feelings. It's not based on any emotion. It's based on the reality that there is an empty tomb. In Jerusalem, one man alone conquered death. Jesus can give you eternal life, because He's the Lord of life. He's the one who paid for sin, rose from the dead, and if you call on Him today, your sins are washed away, your guilt is resolved, your soul is made alive, you're straight with Almighty God.

Who wouldn't want that in it? Amen. Amen. Truer words cannot be spoken. If you are doubting and you don't know the Lord, ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

Alex, thank you so much for having me on the show today. Man, what a great joy it is. In the midst of all this tragedy, we do know that God is still alive and working today. Amen.

I gotta ask you this before we go. Do you have a favorite scriptural passage? Do you have like a life verse or a scripture?

I do. What is it? It's Joshua 1.9. Be strong and courageous. Be not frightened, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Do you know, that's almost like... I've got a lot of favorite ones, but I love 1 Corinthians 15.58. Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

So folks, you've heard it from Mike Segovia. I give a hearty amen. Be bold, be strong, stand up for Jesus, and know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Alex McFarland Ministries are made possible through the prayers and financial support of partners like you. For over 20 years this ministry has been bringing individuals into a personal relationship with Christ and has been equipping people to stand strong for truth. Learn more and donate securely online at You may also reach us at Alex McFarland, PO Box 10231, Greensboro, North Carolina 27404, or by calling 1-877-Yes-God-1. That's 1-877-Yes-God-1. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you again on the next edition of the Alex McFarland Show. our free voter's guide, slash vote.
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