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The Alex McFarland Show-124-Manhood and Masculinity Defined by the Bible

Alex McFarland Show / Alex McFarland
The Truth Network Radio
August 27, 2024 12:00 am

The Alex McFarland Show-124-Manhood and Masculinity Defined by the Bible

Alex McFarland Show / Alex McFarland

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August 27, 2024 12:00 am

Why does the Bible refer to God in masculine terms? Why is transgenderism so prominent in the world today? On this week’s episode, Alex unpacks the definition of masculinity and the role of men and women as set forth in the Bible. God made male and female and God’s word is very specific about gender roles! As Christians we need to be well-versed in what the Bible says on this topic so we can speak with informed intelligence.


1 Corinthians 16:13

Genesis 1:26-27

1 Corinthians 13

Phillippians 2

John 3:16

Isaiah 45:9 & 45:21-22

2 Peter 1:19-21

Alex McFarland Website

Ask Alex Online

Voting with a Biblical Worldview

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Book: 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity

Book: 100 Questions and Answers For Families

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PO Box 10231 

Greensboro, NC 27404

1-877-937-4631 (1-877-YES-GOD1)


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The spiritual condition of America, politics, culture, and current events, analyzed through the lens of Scripture. Welcome to the Alex McFarland Show. Why does the Bible refer to God in masculine terms?

And why do you think culturally, maleness, gender, male and female, and certainly masculinity, and the roles of men to be husbands, to be fathers, to be leaders, why do you think masculinity has been so under attack in our culture in recent years? Hi, Alex McFarland here. And two things prepared me for the message that I really want to share with you in this series of broadcasts. One, as I record this, I greet you from the mountains of New Jersey. And yes, New Jersey State does have mountains. You know, it's called the Garden State, and when many people, myself included, think of New Jersey, you know, you might think of Newark or something adjacent to Manhattan, big urban city.

But the Garden State has a lot of incredibly beautiful rural area, and I'm in the mountains of New Jersey. We are wrapping up our seventh and final youth camp of summer of 2024. We've got 125, 130 teenagers here. It's just so wonderful we're going to be posting on social media some of the pictures of these youth. And I think about a young man, about 15, came up to me last night. Jacob was his name. And he said, Mr. McFarland, I listen to you on the radio every day, and I want to learn more about apologetics and defending my Christian faith.

It's so inspiring. And during the Q&A all summer, it's been this way for several summers, but we open up for Q&A. Anything is on the table, and more and more kids ask about gender. And as I've shared a couple of times, kids in different parts of the country, whether it be the West Coast or the Upper Northeast or even the Bible Belt, kids will say that they feel like transgenderism is really crammed down their throat. And that was what a middle schooler in Georgia said. He said in school, this idea that there is no gender, male and female are these artificial constructs.

He said it is, quote, crammed down our throat. Well, Jay Hall is a professor, a Christian professor, and really one of the main voices about something called biological essentialism. Now, the left and the woke voices, they hate this term. Biological essentialism or bio-essentialism is a term that means humans are born with specific immutable traits that are an outflow of our sex or gender. There are certain things that are inherent to maleness. There are certain things that are inherent and undeniable to femaleness. But the woke left and the historical revisionists and the utopians, I mean, call them what you will, progressives, and the pro-LGBTQ trans 2S++, increase the acronym as far as your imagination can take you, movement.

They don't like bio-essentialism because they don't like the idea that there are some things about reality that we just don't have any control over. One of the other points of attack that the progressive woke critical race theory, Democrat public education advocates, they really speak against is the idea that we address God as Father. Let me say this before we get too far into this topic. Folks, never before in America has the pronounced dichotomy of two absolutely different, absolutely incompatible world views.

Never has it been so clear. And I'm not talking about salvation and believing in Jesus. I'm just talking about the idea that there is reality and that we don't create or control reality, but the wisest thing we can do is to accept reality. There are men and there are women. Maleness is an objective state of being. Femaleness is an objective, absolute state of existence. We didn't create or contrive gender. Gender is not some political, artificial construct that white, Western males dreamed up to dominate other people. Maleness and femaleness are inherent, whether it be plants, animals, or humans.

And bioessentialism. Bioessentialism will tell us that a Caitlyn Jenner, Bruce Jenner, he's a biological male. He can posture as a girl, but he's a biological male. I don't gamble, never have gambled on anything, but I would with utter confidence bet all the money in all the banks in all the world that Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, a biological male, will never get ovarian cancer.

A woman that identifies as male, and that's rare, it's far more often that it's a male masquerading as a female, but a genetic female that identifies as male will never get testicular cancer. I mean there are some things, and not just human physiology, but ways of thinking, upper body strength, ways of acting, reasoning, temperament, not to mention whether or not one can carry a baby and be impregnated or impregnate someone else. There are certain essential objective realities. Immutable is the legal and philosophical word.

Can't be changed. And on every cell of every person's body is the either XX or XY delineation. Maleness and femaleness exist. Now, we're about to elect one administration could be elected that believes in the self-evident truths that gave us the Constitution 248 years ago. In America, there are morals, there is a God who created us, there are certain things that are right, certain things that are wrong. One option believes that.

Another option is progressive and woke. They don't believe in law enforcement. They don't believe in the branches of the military. They don't believe in the rule of law. They don't believe in being a friend to Israel.

They don't believe that Israel has the right to exist, and they don't believe in national defense for the state of Israel. So we've got two very big options in front of us, and we need to pray and we need to vote and choose carefully. Well, let's talk about God, who has revealed himself to the human race. The Bible refers to God in masculine terms. And in 1 Corinthians 16, 13, it says regarding truth that we are to, quote, be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, and be strong.

Isn't that something? There is a way that a male can act, and the Bible tells Christians and persons of biblical scripturally informed conviction to act like men and be strong. Now, before we talk about how God has revealed himself, let's talk about seven areas that define manhood biblically. In other words, in the eyes of God, our Maker, what is manhood? We'll talk about this when we come back.

Stay tuned. A brief break, and then we'll resume why the Bible refers to God in masculine terms. You know, Mark Twain said the man that won't read is no better off than the man who can't read. Hi, Alex McFarland. When it comes to voting, I think voting is like that. The person who won't vote is really in no different position than the person who can't vote. And here in the United States of America, we can vote, and I urge you to do so. Now, to help you in your decision-making process about the persons with whom you should cast your vote, on my website,, slash vote. I urge you to go to that. We've created a first-time voter's guide,, slash vote. We talk about the issues, really what the constitutional position is, and even the biblical position. So please, pray for the country, and I beg of you, don't passively opt out, but actively be informed, influence others, plan to vote. Download our free voter's guide,, slash vote. Welcome back to the program.

Alex McFarland here. The Bible refers much to the roles of men and women. God, our Maker, the one who's ordained reality, created the human race, Genesis 1, 26 and 27. God made human beings, and it says male and female created He them. Every conscientious person should reject the transgender ideology, because Almighty God says there are only two genders. Therefore, gender fluidity is ungodly.

It is counter to reality, and counter to scripture, and counter to common sense, and what we've known about the human race for all of history. Now, in the Word of God, you've got some areas that define manhood. Personally, a mature male has reverence for God, self-control, not only personal, but familial.

There's protection for one's spouse and family. There's a work ethic, provision for one's family. And then there is the spiritual, the shepherd, the priest of the home, leading the family.

That's part of the problem with our culture. Many men are not being what God ordained that an adult male should be. A protector, a provider, and the spiritual head of the household. Then, regarding spiritual characteristics of mature, godly maleness, service to the Lord. A man, a Christian man, is to be in church, to have his family in church, to serve, to know his areas of giftedness or limitation, not just playing fantasy football and vegging out on the couch watching sports, or, God forbid, being an adult, gaming. We're to be stewards of our life, stewards of our time. You've heard the term arrested development.

That's when someone is not living and acting in accord with their true chronological age. And we've got a lot of adults that really, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13, they have not put away childish things. Maleness also has an aspect that is not just personal, familial, spiritual, but also communal and consequential. Communal means a positive impact in the surrounding area, and we all have a context and a community.

But then consequential. What type of legacy are we leaving? Now, one of the things that we teach the young people about Jesus is that Jesus is our example. And we are to follow. Remember in John 17, Christ said, as he was on his way to the cross, he said, Father, I've finished the work that you've given me to do. Jesus is our role model. And when John the Baptist baptized Jesus, Jesus said he was doing this to fulfill all righteousness. Christ, even though God incarnate, Philippians 2, says that he was obedient to the Father, even obedient unto death. Now, we are to be obedient to God the Father. Just as Jesus lived and he was the Son of God and certainly did not need salvation, but as our example, he followed the Word of God, the ways of God, and even the Levitical law, which we don't have to follow. But my point is this, that if we are Christians, certainly as Christian men, we are to follow the example of Jesus, who made sure that all of his ways, his words, his actions, his habits and priorities were in accord with the Word of God. Now, regarding who God is, people sometimes ask me, Alex, why do you believe in God?

And I say, well, because God has revealed himself to the human race. We often teach this acronym in our conferences and camps. Four letters. C-C-S-S. What do these stand for?

If someone ever asks you, why do you believe in God? C-C-S-S. Creation. Conscience. Scripture.

Savior. Think about this. These realities, creation, it's all around us. The world, the solar system, the planets, the trees, the plants, the animals. This incredibly well-designed, intricate, functional world.

Creation had to have a creator. Then conscience. Do you know psychologists talk about what's called the mind-body problem? Because we have a physical and a non-physical part of our being. We have a body, a neurological system, we have a brain.

And right now, you're listening and thinking, I hope. And for instance, if I said Monday, Tuesday, in your mind you thought Wednesday, right? But the term and the connotation Wednesday, that thought is different than the tissue and the neurons and synapses on which that thought coursed through your mind.

Two plus two equals, and you thought four, right? Well, four is a very clear concept, but the tissue that processed that fire of neurons and that thought is not the same as that image in your mind, four. So there is the physical tissue of the brain, but there is your mind. And your mind will intellect thoughts, memories.

Your mind is something different than your physical brain. So conscience, creation had a creator. Our conscience, our consciousness, the fact that we are conscious, and then we have moral knowledge, our conscience, we know right from wrong.

We feel bad if we do wrong. Physicalism or secularism, materialism, call it what you will, empiricism. The idea that there's just this physical world, there's no such thing as God, that the Darwinian evolutionary naturalistic worldview has no explanation for the fact that you are more than your physical body. You can call it mind, your soul or spirit, your personality, but there is, I don't like this term, but the secular world uses it, the ghost in the machine. In other words, the spiritual non-physical part of you, but what is a very, very real part of you. Where did the soul come from?

How did the primordial soup develop consciousness? There's no answer, and yet we Christians know the answer. The Bible says in the book of Genesis that God breathed into Adam the breath of life.

In the Hebrew it's nafesh, in Greek it's pneuma, the breath of God, and man became a living soul. We know God exists because he's revealed it to us. Now when we come back, I'm going to continue and talk about SS, scripture and savior, and why we address God in masculine terms as he has revealed himself to the human race. Stay tuned, we're back after this brief break. Fox News and CNN call Alex McFarland a religion and culture expert. Stay tuned for more of his teaching and commentary after this. Over the last several decades, it's been my joy to travel the world talking with children, teens, adults, people of all ages, about the questions they have related to God, the Bible, Christianity, and how to know Jesus personally. Hi, Alex McFarland, I want to make you aware of my book, The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity. You know, we interviewed hundreds of children and parents and families to find out the questions that children and people of all ages are longing to find answers for. In the book, we've got practical, biblical, real-life answers that they have about how to be a Christian in this modern world.

My book, The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask, you can find it wherever you buy books or at He's been called trusted, truthful, and timely. Welcome back to The Alex McFarland Show. Welcome back to the program.

Alex McFarland here. So honored that you're listening. We're talking about why address God in masculine terms. We're going to resume that content, but I want to say thanks to everyone that has prayed for us and supported us. More than 150 teenagers have prayed to accept Christ as their Savior. We've given over 1,200 teenagers literature, printed material that the Lord has allowed us to create. In fact, here in New Jersey, as I'm wrapping up the final camp of summer 24, we've just given out our book, 100 Bible Questions and Answers. And, you know, all of our books and materials are written at a seventh grade reading level, even though some of the content is pretty deep and heavy. But kids thank me profusely.

Middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students. We're telling them how to know the Lord, how to defend the Christian faith. We have them say the Pledge of Allegiance because we want them not only to love the Lord, but to care about this country and to make a difference. And so it takes a lot to run this ministry. The gospel is free, but it takes resources to deliver this free message. And I want to say a very special thank you to all who partner with us. If you've listened to me very long at all, I and our growing staff, you know that I lay the cards on the table.

There is one Savior named Jesus. There's right and there's wrong. And this nation is our home. It was founded on biblical principles.

I've taught political science for ten years at the college and grad school levels. And we must, we must, for the preservation of our Constitution and therefore our stability, freedoms, prosperity, we must see the principles and precepts that comprise America restored and preserved. We are teaching kids how to love God and country. And we are in this for the long haul. So I want to say thank you to all who pray for us and support us. Let me ask you to please, please become a partner. Your monthly gift in any amount will help us continue to grow and do more and more conferences.

In the year 2025, we've got an incredible calendar planned. Not only my own speaking tours, which are available at, but more camps, more conferences, more fight for truth in a world that has just about lost its mind. So would you please consider giving? Your tax-deductible gift can be submitted at And there's the donate button where you can mail a check if you would.

Your check in any amount. Please become a regular partner with us. You can mail a donation simply to TNG. That's Truth for a New Generation. TNG, P.O.

Box 10231, Greensboro, North Carolina 27404. And we sincerely thank you. And before God, we promise to handle all of the support faithfully and fruitfully.

Well, before the break I was talking about C.C.S.S. Creation, Conscience, Scripture, and Savior. Look, creation cries out for the existence of God.

Our conscience is the product of the fact that God made man, humans, male and female, living souls. And then, of course, the Bible with undeniable clarity, unmistakable clarity. The Bible depicts the true and living God, the existent God, the real God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now, we're living in a time when some theological revisionists, they want to talk about the female God or the androgynous, genderless God. But God has revealed himself as Father, the Heavenly Father, who sent the Son, John 3.16, the only begotten Son. By the way, the wording there in John 3.16, in the original language it means, of the same nature, that the Son is monogenesis, of the same nature as the Father. So Jesus is deity, God incarnate, and the Spirit is full deity.

We call this the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Ghost. And so, please, I would encourage you, if you're in a church or a woke denomination that denies how God has revealed himself, see, because I've said it this way, we must trust that God knows who he is. And God has revealed himself in some very specific ways. And very often we've talked about, like Isaiah 45.22, where he says that, I am God, that is my name, besides me there is no Savior. And it also says in Isaiah 45.9, woe unto him who strives with his Maker. Listen, regarding who God is, regarding how we are saved, and how we go to heaven, regarding morality, what constitutes sexual immorality, what is righteous and ordained in God's eyes, and just the very nature of God, we should not strive against God.

We should not arm wrestle against his written revealed truth. And let me read this in Isaiah 45.21 and 22. The Lord's Word says this, there is no God besides me. Okay, Isaiah 45.21, there is no God beside me.

Well, therefore, all the other religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Wicca, New Age, there is no God besides the true and living God. A just God, a living Savior, there is none beside me, Isaiah 45.21. Now look at Isaiah 45.22. Look unto me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else. Why should we stick with the biblical depiction of God?

Because the Bible is the only holy book for which we have evidence that it's objectively true. 2 Peter 1, 19-21, it says regarding the Bible that the prophecy came not in the olden times by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved or carried along by the Holy Spirit. In other words, the words of Scripture are not the product of man's imagination, but God's revelation. And God reveals himself in masculine terms.

Folks, I would say the transgender worldview and ideology is just one more of human attempt to be God rather than submit to God. We think we can create reality instead of acknowledging reality. And like Isaiah warns in verse 9, we dare not strive against reality. So from the Word of God we learn how God created the human race, who God is. If we're willing to yield to truth, and that's the wisest thing we could ever do, we learn discernment for making right decisions and choices, pursuing holiness, growing in God. We learn how to discern what falsehood is and how to stand against it.

And if we will yield to God's revelation, we can stay faithful to God's calling all the way to the end of life. You know, a lot of people talk about follow the science. You may have heard of Lord Baron Kelvin, a very famous 19th century scientist.

He died in 1907. But Lord Kelvin, we measure temperature and use his name, but Kelvin was a scientist from back when they truly did follow evidence wherever it led. And he said, quote, The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe science excludes atheism.

If you think strongly enough, you will be forced by science to believe in God, who is the foundation of all religion. Well, I hope you are wise and will accept how God has revealed himself. And I hope through faith in Jesus, you've allowed him to become your Heavenly Father. Alex McFarland Ministries are made possible through the prayers and financial support of partners like you. For over 20 years, this ministry has been bringing individuals into a personal relationship with Christ and has been equipping people to stand strong for truth. Learn more and donate securely online at You may also reach us at Alex McFarland P.O. Box 10231 Greensboro, North Carolina 27404 or by calling 1-877-YES-GOD1. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you again on the next edition of the Alex McFarland Show. So visit the website and look for the section that says, Ask Alex online.
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