Pastor, author, and Bible teacher, Alan Wright. To each and every listener who's at that point right now where all of a sudden the buzzer sounded, you've got more game to play. He's with you. He is not going to leave you. And it is true.
He's already secured the victory. And so have strength in Christ to keep on going. That's Pastor Alan Wright. Welcome to another message of good news that will help you see your life in a whole new light. I'm Daniel Britt, excited for you to hear the teaching today in the series Son of David as presented at Rinaldin Church in North Carolina. If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program today, I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries. As you listen to today's message, go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact us at That's
Or call 877-544-4860. Now more on this later in the program. But now let's get started with today's teaching.
Here is Alan Wright. The life of David, who is a shepherd, a hero, and a king, but specifically, and this is part of the thrill of reading the Bible as it all points to Jesus. No one prefigures Jesus any more vividly than David, because Jesus was the son of David. So we're going to be seeing, Daniel, today, this week, and in coming weeks, all of these different ways in which David is prefiguring Jesus. With this in mind, when we see Jesus more clearly, that's how we're finding the strength and wisdom to face giants.
That's how we find the ability to make it through persecution. That's how we learn what it is to live in the life of grace. We're really hearing how God is revealing himself, the relationship between God and David, and of course, all of this is foreshadowing Christ. It's an incredible thing to look at David's life and see Jesus in it. And the reason we dive in to David's life right here in this text is that this becomes so pivotal. And we're hearing God say, would you build a house for me? No, I'm going to build your house. And this is the essence of the Gospel, Daniel, is that it's not so much about what we've done for God, it's about what God has done for us.
Exciting stuff. When we look at heroes, when we look at having somebody we're going to look up to, I mean, David's a good role model, but there are imperfections. In fact, most of the Bible, you're going to see your heroes, and it shows the dirt.
It does. And I think so many of us have been taught along through Sunday school, you know, to look at someone like David, try to be more like a David. That's not really the Gospel. The Gospel instead is that Jesus came to be the David that none of us would ever be able to be. And because of what Jesus has done, our lives are changed forever. So look to Jesus. And all throughout, we'll see David, he has imperfections as well as his wonderful attributes. But it is all meant to point us ultimately to the true David, the son of David, to Jesus himself.
The difference between being in God's house and being God's house. How important it is to be connected in the body of Christ. We're going to talk some about really loneliness being an epidemic. And so I'm just believing for anyone who's listening and you find yourself in a very lonely place that praying within the body of Christ, there's so many things to separate us, but we need one another. And that's what this message is all about. So Alan, if someone is dealing with loneliness, so they're searching for a way to connect or they're trying to be just out on their own, I don't need anybody, right? I mean, this is a relational faith that we're a part of.
It really is. And this is part of the absolute urgency that even though there's a lot of mistrust of church today, and a lot of people have said, well, I'm just not going to I'm not going to be in church. We as the body of Christ, we need one another. We are made for one another.
And so I would say it with some real fervency and real urgency. If you find yourself isolated, it might take a little work, but find your place in the body of Christ. Find a church, even if it takes some work.
Find real Christian friends. Our health depends on it. This really is, again, in this whole series, Son of David, and we're focusing in on the life of David, but also looking ahead to the coming of Christ.
Yeah. Well, it's a beautiful story. The one son that nobody thought in Jesse's household could be the king is the one who ends up being anointed. And he is anointed. And years later, he takes the throne and he is the beloved king of Israel, King David. But what a picture too of the way in which Jesus seems so unlikely to be the king. And yet he is. And as a reminder also for us today, Daniel, that in the unlikely places, in the unlikely ways, God can use all of us.
It's a beautiful story. The call and the anointing of David. Alan, when you look at heroes, when you look at the typical outline of who you'd want to see in a leader, in a king, in a hero, did David always meet that?
He was almost like the opposite of it, evidently. In some people's minds, they look at King Saul, tall and looks like a warrior. Even David's brothers that seem so much more likely than David. And God looked on the heart. In the same way, we're going to be seeing how David prefigures Jesus. But I'll also just continue to say, you know, if God's looking on the heart and God has ways that aren't our ways, we'll be surprised by who he uses and how he uses you sometimes. In the end, Alan, aren't we glad that the Bible is honest and real about the heroes of our faith, the heroes in the Bible? And when we look at David, the good news for us is, like David, God looks on the heart.
We may be the one that's the unlikely fit for the kingdom. It is so important that we don't turn the book of the Scriptures into a book of moralisms that says, go and try to be more like David. You know, wasn't he wonderful? Well, David always has imperfections. It's not even to say, go and try to be like Jesus. It is instead to say, behold, see your Savior, see Jesus, the forgotten son, the obscure one born in Bethlehem and how it is that God has made him king over all.
Be enwrapped with the story and let the gospel fill your heart. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, how David became a hero. And all of a sudden, this was the forgotten son, the shepherd boy, he's bringing a sandwich to his brothers and all of a sudden this opportunity was there and he took it and now all of a sudden he's the hero? Yes, not only one of the greatest stories in the Bible, but one of the greatest stories ever, a David and Goliath story. And we've got a real fresh look at it, Daniel, that as we'll see today, we mean it sort of literally.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And there was a real sense in which David was destined to win, but he knew he was going to win. And that looked like Goliath had all the advantages, but in the end, he really didn't. Fresh look today at an amazing story.
So how many times have we heard this story? But this is a picture of Christ too. It's a picture of Christ. And I love the story of David and Goliath in so many ways and preached on many different ways, but we're taking a fresh look at this, at just how uniquely positioned David was to win this battle. And likewise, Jesus uniquely positioned and guaranteed to win the battle over against evil. It's a fresh look at David and Goliath, one of the greatest stories of all time. You know, anytime you've seen a heroic act happen in live action, real time, I mean, it stops everybody.
It is. We are absolutely taken by a hero because we know we need one. And that's my word to speak to a listener today. You need to be rescued.
You need a hero. And I'm here today to say Jesus is a hero for such a time as this. He is the one that can fight a battle that no one else has courage to fight. He is the one who has won it for all of the people of God. And more and more, as you just see him, you will be conformed more and more into his likeness. Jesus Christ, the son of David, he's the real hero.
That's Alan Wright, and we'll have more teaching in a moment from today's important series. Got some giants to slay? Need some encouragement in the midst of a trial?
Wondering if God really cares? Meet David. Who can compare to him? He was the ruddy, handsome, youth-tending sheep, riding psalms and worshipping God in the humble Bethlehem fields. He was the lone Israelite brave enough to decapitate Goliath and the sole warrior adept enough to cut off the scourge of the Philistines.
He was the stately king who established peace, expanded the borders and reigned in prosperity for forty years. Who else could be a gentle shepherd, a glorious hero and a noble king? Would there ever be another leader like David? Yes, the son of David. His name is Jesus and he is a better David than David could ever be. He came to be your shepherd, your hero and your king. In a 12-message audio series, Alan Wright takes you on a thrilling adventure with David in order to point you to the answer for your every need, the son of David.
Discover how Christ enables you to face your biggest obstacles, deal with your fiercest persecution and live as an heir of grace. It's an audio series from Alan Wright. As our thanks for your donation, we'll be delighted to send you Pastor Alan's audio messages in either a digital download or a CD album format.
Son of David, shepherd, hero, king. We are happy to send this to you as our thanks from Alan Wright Ministries. Today is the final day we're offering this special product. Call us at 877-544-4860.
That's 877-544-4860. Or come to our website, Today's teaching now continues. Here once again is Alan Wright. As somebody who just studied literature, you know, for my college years, when you see this comparison of David and Saul in the Scripture, it's so masterful that you just realize this is inspired by God, so typical of what real life is like. And in the end, it not only points out just the stark difference between David and Saul, but it points to Jesus himself.
It's a marvelous contrast. I'm just so thankful that Jesus was a son of David, not a son of Saul, not one to use power for his own gain, but instead to take his place of power over all the cosmos to become our advocate, the one who died for us, the one who lives for us. And so for every listener today, it needs a hero that needs a real king. King Jesus is a son of David. He's the David that's better than David could have ever been.
He's real and he's alive, and you can call on him today. We are made for relationship, as we're just hearing. Even in paradise, God said there's one thing that wasn't good. It's not good for us to be alone. And so we're taking a deep look at the absolute importance of friendship and how beautifully it's pictured with David and Jonathan.
And there's a lot to learn there. And even talking about relationships we experience with on a day-to-day basis, especially as we look at covenant relationships. Well, covenant relationships, which is the kind of relationship that God has with us, is entirely different than most of the world's standards of relationships. And so this is absolutely essential stuff, Daniel, to understand what a real friendship's about. It says a lot about our marriage relationships, our parenting and family relationships, and our friendships.
And so really important principles here for our listeners. So yeah, whether you look at some model relationships in the Bible, they really are pointing, especially as you look at David and Jonathan, and you learn about covenant relationships, it really is looking at this relationship we have with Christ. And of course, we hear he's the king, he's our savior, he's our father, but he's also our friend. He's our friend.
It's a beautiful thought. But for the lonely, for those that are feeling disconnected, today is a day to just ask the Lord, Lord, I need to know your friendship. He is that available.
He is that accessible. He is, if you've ever experienced, even for a moment, true, good friendship, Jesus is more than that. And I pray for you to come to know him intimately and wonderfully. You're a priest, so go ahead, eat the holy bread. This is like shocking stuff for the culture for the time, right?
Yeah, absolutely. And you pay attention in the Scripture when you see something like this. David does something that was unlawful, and instead of being criticized about it, it is lauded.
And so you go, what is going on with this? And so what a beautiful picture and an invitation for us to see ourselves as priests who are invited to eat the holy bread. This comes back to finding our true identity in Christ, right? The imputation of Christ's righteousness has given us that status. Has given us this freedom.
Really, as we talk about so much, Daniel, the identity that is ours in Christ has been transformed into that of a royal priesthood. And it means that the invitation today for anyone who is hungry is to come. It's pictured in communion, but it is spiritually about the communion you have with God.
Without Christ, we can't even approach God in His holiness, but because of Christ, we can come close to Him. Over time, when you think you've won and find out the game's not over. It's some picture, especially for any of the basketball fans, where all of a sudden you think the game's over, and then all of a sudden your team, now they've got to launch themselves into another five minutes of overtime play. And when you feel like you've won, and then you realize there's more to do. There's a particular pain to that. And so we have today some really important principles about what do you do in your soul when that happens? And as always, we'll find that the answer is in the strength of Christ to keep us going. So you may end with such great momentum and you've got this wonderful high, but then you have to realize you've got to push on a little bit further. I think there are different kinds of athletes that experience this from an athletic point of view, but all of us do in all walks of life. We all do. We all know that feeling that David must have had when he finally gets to a throne, and yet he's not fully there.
He's just in Judah. I think all our listeners can understand that there are times where you feel like, to use another sports analogy, you're running a race and you think you're on your last lap, and then somebody says, no, you've got five more laps to go. And you feel like, where's that going to come from? Boy, if I ask the question, are you tired? Are you just give out? I think just about everybody listening probably say, yeah, that's me, at least most of the time.
Yeah. Every single one of us has experienced something of what David must have felt. You've been through so much and it feels like that finally you've come to that place. All of a sudden you realize there's more to do. And it could be in family relationships. It could be in work.
It could be in career. And God really is saying to each and every listener who's at that point right now, where all of a sudden the buzzer sounded, you've got more game to play. He's with you. He is not going to leave you. And it is true.
He's already secured the victory. And so have strength in Christ to keep on going. The secret to powerful prayer.
It's in this series on Son of David and Allen. This is something that I think we all can benefit from. It's practical. Well, it's one of the things that people, Christians most want to understand more about is prayer. And how do I pray? How do I have an effective prayer life? Why do my prayers seem to be empty? Why do I feel so little power in my prayer life?
And we're going to answer that question today. This is what David, his prayer here is one of the best examples of how it is that we're to pray. It's knowing who God is and understanding his nature and what he desires with the relationship with us.
That gives you the fuel to go. And it also, Allen, I think some of us feel like our prayers don't reach beyond the ceiling. Well, what the key here is we're going to be learning again today is really essentially praying back to God what he has said to us. So we're really learning about praying. The effective prayer is praying the Word of God. And this is where prayer really takes on incredible power. So excited to continue in our message today about the secret of powerful prayer. Allen, for those of us who feel like God's gone away on vacation somewhere, he's not listening, he's concerned with other things, or for those of us who come and we really feel like that we're demanding a lot, it's important to understand that he's there.
Understand the promises of God and put it in perspective. There's been a new covenant that's been established in Christ Jesus. And so we're praying out of the solid foundation of that covenant. We're in Christ. So when we're praying in Jesus' name, we're invoking the entirety of what it means to be people of a new covenant. And what this means, Daniel, is that therefore, as we've been saying, is that we don't come to God in some pitiful compassion, just dwelling upon all of how pitiful and how cynical. But we're not being presumptuous either, as though he's a magic genie in a bottle. But we're in a relationship with God our Father, and he has ordained it.
This is all we can say to this. He has ordained it that he is going to move through our prayers. It's his choice.
He designed it this way. And for every listener that's in a need right now, and a need maybe of a great miracle, come to God and his throne of grace with confidence and all of the power is in Christ himself. Let your prayer life be centered in the gospel. It's not centered in your righteousness. It's centered in God's word and in his righteousness. And God moves through people that pray that way. Well, there's victory in Christ, isn't there?
I mean, you really look at maybe something you don't understand, maybe a part of your life, and you really wonder why. But when you put it in perspective, the holiness of God and the victory that Christ did, it really makes sense. And I come back to the imputation of Christ's righteousness, because to me that spells freedom. Well, everything's changed in Christ. For anyone who's accepted Christ, what has happened is that we have been given freedom, freedom, freedom to be in the presence of God. So the contrast of Uzzah who couldn't touch the ark and our position in Christ where we can come to the throne of grace boldly, boldly, it is a story in the end that makes us understand why David danced.
And if David danced, how much more so should we, having been set free by the blood of Christ and imputed with his righteousness? Someone's listening right now and they say, but Allen, you don't know. I've blown it big time. I've gone so far, I've gone too far. What would you say in light of today's teaching? If you can see David and watch his love for Absalom, who Absalom had lied, was traitorous, was murderous, would have wanted to destroy David and his kingdom and take it over, and you watch David weep, you watch David's heart, you watch him say, I would have died in your place. If you can get a picture in your mind of that, you have come to the edge of the gospel wherein you can see the heart of Father God.
He's the one who said, would that I could die in your place, and he did. There is no distance from God that is too great for his love. His love reaches farther than we can imagine. Yield to his love. Let him love you and let him fill you, because God's love is a Father's love and it never goes away. Allen Wright, you're listening to Sharing the Like, and today's teaching on Son of David. Got some giants to slay? Need some encouragement in the midst of a trial?
Wondering if God really cares? Meet David. Who can compare to him? He was the ruddy, handsome, youth-tending sheep writing psalms and worshiping God in the humble Bethlehem fields. He was the lone Israelite brave enough to decapitate Goliath and the sole warrior adept enough to cut off the scourge of the Philistines.
He was the stately king who established peace, expanded the borders and reigned in prosperity for forty years. Who else could be a gentle shepherd, a glorious hero and a noble king? Would there ever be another leader like David? Yes, the Son of David. His name is Jesus and he is a better David than David could ever be. He came to be your shepherd, your hero and your king. In a 12-message audio series, Allen Wright takes you on a thrilling adventure with David in order to point you to the answer for your every need, the Son of David.
Discover how Christ enables you to face your biggest obstacles, deal with your fiercest persecution and live as an heir of grace. It's an audio series from Allen Wright. As our thanks for your donation, we'll be delighted to send you Pastor Alan's audio messages in either a digital download or a CD album format.
Son of David, shepherd, hero, king. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. We are happy to send this to you as our thanks from Allen Wright Ministries. Today is the final day we're offering this special product. Call us at 877-544-4860. That's 877-544-4860 or come to our website, Today's good news message is a listener supported production of Allen Wright Ministries.
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