Greg Laurie here. You've heard about these devastating fires that we're experiencing right here in our backyard in Southern California. These fires are moving so quickly and they're 0% contained. So what should we do? Pray. Pray for these firefighters. Pray for their protection.
But we need to step into this situation. So we've created the Harvest Relief Funds for situations exactly like this. If you would like to send some support to help people in need, you just go to our website slash relief. We want to bring help and hope to people in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm reminded of the passage that tells us that God can bring beauty out of ashes. Thank you for your prayers. And let's pray that this fire is contained and stopped and that lives are spared. And most importantly, that people come to put their faith in Christ. Thank you so much.
Stop trying to forgive yourself. It's time to apply the blood. This is the day when the lost are found. This is the day for a new beginning.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound. Again you hear all the angels are singing. This is the day, the day when life begins. New believers and non-believers can be baffled by so many references to blood and scripture. Washed in the blood, saved by the blood, the blood of the covenant, the blood of the Lamb. Today on a new beginning, some biblical history and context as Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the book of Exodus and Moses' confrontation with the Pharaoh of Egypt.
A confrontation that culminated one night in the death of all the first born sons of Egyptians. But the Lord passed over and spared all the Jews. This is the day, the day when life begins. Kind of picking up on our story, remember that the Lord is going to give Moses detailed instructions on something they were going to do from that day forward called the Passover. And the Passover is very important to both Jews and to Christians. And here are God's instructions for observing the Passover. Let's read them in Exodus chapter 12. I will read verses 1 to 5. I am reading from the New Living Translation.
We will stop there. So the Passover, as I said, is important to the Jews. This is to remember what God did for them. That He passed over them in His judgment upon Egypt because they observed this and did what He told them to do. But Passover is important to believers as well, to Christians, because Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples because He knew it pointed to Him. Everything in the Old Testament points to what is fulfilled in the New Testament. Christ is concealed in the Old Testament.
He is revealed in the New Testament. So all of these feasts and other things that they did were pointing to Messiah. And that is why Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 5, 7, indeed Christ our Passover Lamb was sacrificed for us.
That is why John the Baptist pointing to Jesus said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus was the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb. So here are some takeaway points from the Passover that apply to you.
And if you are taking notes, here is point number 1. The Passover was to be a new beginning. The Passover was to be a new beginning. Verse 2, From now on this month will be the first month of the year for you. So God starts by making this a new beginning for the nation Israel right in the middle of the year. God gives to the people a new beginning. Number 2, The Lamb that they were to offer was to be the very best. It was to be carefully chosen and examined.
The very best. We should bring our very best to God, not our leftovers. But do we do it? Listen.
Put God first and give Him your best because He gave His very best for you. So that is a message from the Passover. Number 3, The Lamb had to be slain.
Now here is the thing. They would grow attached to the Lamb. As we will read later it was a lamb then it was their lamb. Almost like a pet. I mean imagine having to sacrifice your pet. I was at our picnic yesterday and there was one yapping dog. I would have sacrificed that dog. Not really.
No I would have. But seriously who wants to do that? Because you grow fond of these little creatures and they become like a member of the family. Some people take it even further. You know the pet is at the table. It is one thing to feed the pet from the table but they know they have a seat at the table. And they are like you push them in a stroller. I think it is a sin. I am not sure.
I am still looking up the word stroller but I just don't think you should ever push a pet in a stroller. I am sorry. But anyway. So they would grow fond of this animal. So there was a sense of personal loss when they would have to sacrifice it. You say that is so cruel. Now what is cruel is your sin against God. And it brought it home to you like wow this is causing me pain.
Imagine the pain I caused God when I sinned against Him. So it had not just the lamb. It became their lamb. An unblemished lamb.
A healthy lamb in the prime of life. The lamb had to be slain. It wasn't the life of the lamb that saved the people from judgment.
It was the death of it. In Hebrews 9.22 says without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. Some people claim to admire the life and teachings of Jesus. But they don't want the death of the lamb or they don't want the cross. You know we love the idea of heaven and hope and forgiveness and all those great features of our faith. But none of it would have happened without the death of Jesus on the cross. Matthew 26, 28 Jesus said this is my blood of the new covenant shed for many for the remission of sins.
It is just blood that does it. As William Penn founder of Pennsylvania among other things wrote quote, No pain, no palm, no thorns, no throne, no gall, no glory, no cross, no crown. You can't have the benefits without the sacrifice. Point number four. This is a big one.
Don't miss this one. The blood had to be applied. The blood had to be applied. Having an unblemished lamb was not enough. Even slaying the lamb was not enough. You had to apply the blood of the slain lamb to your doorpost.
Look at Exodus 12 verse 13. The blood on the doorpost will serve as a sign marking the houses where you're staying. Underline this. When I see the blood I'll pass over.
Just underline that. When I see the blood I'll pass over. The plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.
Imagine for a moment if you can a doorway right here. Now imagine that you've just slain the lamb and you've taken the blood of the lamb on a hyssop or a little bush. And you're taking the blood now because you know the judgment of God is coming on the firstborn of Egypt. And you don't want that judgment to come on your firstborn.
And God has told you what to do. Slay the lamb and apply the blood. So now you've got the blood on your little hyssop bush and you put it on the left. Now you put it on the right.
Now you put it up on the top. And the Lord sees the blood and He passes over in His judgment. What does this remind you of? Blood on the right. Blood on the left. Blood on the top. It's a cross. The left and the right hand of Jesus pierced with the Roman spike. His head having the crown of thorns on it causing laceration. So you have to apply the blood.
What does that mean? Because you hear Christians say things, oh man it's under the blood. Just plead the blood of Jesus. Okay. Why?
What are you even talking about? Let's get specific about what we mean now to you about applying the blood. Let's say that you are struggling with guilt over a sin that maybe you committed years ago.
It may have been a very serious sin. And you can't seem to let it go. And so you say things like, wow.
And you even have that voice. Wow. I need to forgive myself.
Really? Can you forgive yourself? I forgive me. I mean what does that even mean? Where did that come from?
That's weird. Stop trying to forgive yourself. You are not in a position to forgive yourself. So instead of trying to forgive yourself try this thought on for size. You need to understand the power and completeness of God's forgiveness purchased for you by the blood of Jesus Christ.
You see. Jesus paid the price for your sin and has forgiven and justified you the Bible says. Romans 5.1. Since we have been justified by faith we have peace with God.
You see this is not something I do. It is what Christ has done for me. And he promises to cleanse me from all sin. Not some sin. All sin. And we are told in 1 John. If I walk in the light as he is in the light. We have fellowship one with another.
Listen. And the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from all sin. But if I say I have no sin the truth is not in me. But if I will confess my sin he is faithful and just to forgive me my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. So if you want to apply the blood you have to confess your sin.
What does it mean to confess your sin? You admit it. You acknowledge it. And you call it what it is. You don't call it a mistake. Or a shortcoming. Or a boo boo. Lord forgive me of my boo boos. No.
It's a sin. Pastor Greg Laurie will have the second half of his message in just a moment. Hey everybody. I want to tell you about a major new ministry initiative that we have here at Harvest called the Harvest Discipleship Platform. So it's a major leap forward in our national ministry and we adapt teachings from the New Believers Bible.
Do you know about that? That's a Bible project I worked on years ago and they're all around the world where we have excerpts from the New Believers Bible. And also we have an online community of believers who are looking for what's next in their spiritual walk. So at Harvest Discipleship you can find trusted Bible teaching in a community that cares for you. And positive encouragement in your spiritual life. That sounds pretty good, right? So become a part of the Harvest Discipleship Platform. And you can do that by just going to Well we're talking about true repentance today as Pastor Greg helps us consider Passover from Exodus 12.
And our thanks to our Harvest partners for their support that helped to make today's study possible. Have you ever had someone apologize to you and their apology was worse than the actual offense? Because it wasn't an apology at all. You know it's not a good apology if it starts with the word if. If I hurt you or if you feel bad about me slapping you across the face. If you think I made a mistake. Not I made a mistake. If you think I made a mistake. Or if what I said hurt you because you misunderstood me.
I'm sorry you feel that way. All good? No.
Not good. That was only an apology. In fact it wasn't an apology at all.
How about this? I was wrong. I'm sorry I hurt you. I apologize. Please forgive me.
Boom. That's an apology. See a lot of us don't know how to apologize.
We just make things worse by these ridiculous things we say. Imagine going to the Lord and saying, Lord if you misunderstood my mistake and I'm sorry it made you feel that way. Now don't say that to God. Here's what you say to God. God be merciful to me a sinner. Like that one sinful man said. Or as David said in Psalm 51, against you and you only have I sinned and committed this iniquity. Now after your confession it is time to apply the blood.
See I don't even know what that means. Ok I have confessed it. What did God tell me in 1 John 1-9? If I will confess my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive me my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. So you say effectively Lord you suffered on the cross for my sin. Now I confess it. I repent of it.
And I accept your forgiveness made available to me through your shed blood. Now listen. Now you drop it. Drop it. Quit dragging it up again.
Oh I did this many years ago. Hey He says He will forgive your sin and forget your sin. I should not choose to remember what God has chosen to forget. Apply the blood. That's what it means.
Apply the blood. And I mentioned the word justify. Justified before God.
Every believer is. There is a lot of ways to define that phrase justified. But one definition is you change your status. I like that. You change your status. Let's say.
How many of you are on Facebook? Raise your hand up. Ok. Let's say you decide to change your status on Facebook. You can choose single. You can choose married.
You can choose engaged. And there is another one. It is complicated. Ok. I think you could be married and it is still complicated.
Am I right? But here is the thing. Imagine if you could change your spiritual status. It used to be sinner. Lost person. And now you change it to saved person.
And more specifically justified person. On my keyboard I have a key. It says delete.
And if I have some text in the document and I want to get rid of it. I highlight it. And I hit the delete key. And it all disappears. I don't know where it goes. God has taken his delete key if you will to your sin. And he has removed it as far as the east is from the west.
So apply the blood. Guess who doesn't want you to know this. The devil.
Your adversary. He will always challenge God's forgiveness in your life. And that is why he is called the accuser of the brothers.
He is very clever. Because first he tempts you to sin. Then he condemns you for doing it.
He will whisper in your ear. Go ahead. Look at this. Go ahead and go there. Go ahead and try this. I won't tell anybody if you won't. You can trust me.
It kind of sounded like a snake. Whatever. Ok.
So you do it. Now he says you miserable hypocrite. You are not a Christian. God doesn't love you. How dare you read the Bible. Don't even think of going to church.
He is so clever. So how do you overcome the devil. Well in Revelation chapter 12 we read about these courageous believers. That are martyred for their faith. And they are in heaven. And they are rejoicing.
And listen to what they say. I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now salvation and strength in the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come. For the accuser of our brethren. That's the devil. Who accused them before God day and night has been cast down.
Ok good. How was he cast down. Listen. They overcame him by the blood of the lamb. The word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives until the death. How did they overcome them.
They applied the blood in their lives. At the cross of Calvary. Jesus dealt a decisive blow against the devil and his demons. And I am told in Colossians 2 14 that Jesus obliterated the handwritten document of ordinances against us. And nailed it to the cross. And stripped off and away from himself the principalities and authorities. Speaking of the devil and his demons. And he boldly made an example of them. Let me loosely paraphrase that.
At the cross Jesus kicked in the devils teeth. That's what happened. Just boom. Like that. Obliterated him.
He no longer has the power he once had. Number five. They were ready to be moving at a moments notice. So when they celebrated Passover. They had to be ready to move at a moments notice.
Look at Exodus 12 11. These are your instructions for eating this meal. Be fully dressed. Wear your sandals. Carry your walking stick in your hand. And eat the meal with urgency. For this is the Lord's Passover. I eat every meal with urgency.
So this is not a problem for me. Some people eat slowly. Other people eat quickly.
That's me. My wife you know she cuts every bite perfectly. My bites are too big.
Ok they're just too big. You know she's like nice little bite. And then she'll talk and even like gesture with it on the fork.
I'm like what are you even doing? It's like the food. Eat the food. I'm like a shark. Have you ever watched a shark when it bites into something. His little eyelids close.
He's just. That's me eating. Ok. So I eat every meal with urgency. And that's why I can't get food home. When I pick up food. If I pick up a pizza.
Half of it is gone before I get home. And pizzas are not easy to eat when you're driving. They're kind of messy and greasy and all that. And one of the things I love at Taco Bell. Are the Dorito tacos.
Have you tried those? The shells made out of a Dorito chip. Ok. You're clapping for that.
Ok. Wow. Didn't clap for one point in the sermon but. The Dorito taco shells got applause from whoever that was. And I know it was a guy because only a guy would do. And now he's.
He's acknowledging it and that's even worse. Ok so. Thank you. On behalf of Taco Bell and Doritos.
Though I don't represent them. But the problem with the Doritos shell is when you bite into it. It disintegrates.
And so when I am done driving it. It looks like there was an explosion in the Doritos factory. Now walk in.
Kathy says she wants a Taco Bell. How do you know? It's all over my shirt.
Evidence. Eat it in haste. Ok and then. Put on your sandals and have your walking stick.
What does this mean? Let's update it. Have your running shoes on. Have your suitcase packed.
Have your cell phone charged. Have your passport ready. And be ready to go out that door.
Meaning what? Meaning live in a sense of expectancy of the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Be ready to go. Are you ready to go?
Lord if you call me I am ready. And also be ready for opportunities. That will come in your path. Like here is a way to share the gospel.
Those things pop up often unexpectedly. Be ready. Be alert.
Do these things. This is how we are to live. Today on A New Beginning. Pastor Greg Laurie urging us to be ready. Great insight today from our top ten study called The Passover A New Beginning. You know Pastor Greg you just talked about being ready to share the gospel. Our mission here at Harvest Ministries and A New Beginning is knowing him and making him known.
We are all about showing people how to come to know God and how to come into a relationship with God. In fact someone can enter into that kind of relationship today. Can't they? They can and it's so simple.
And I think because it's so simple people think oh it can't be that easy. Well look Jesus did all the heavy lifting. He carried the cross for you. He died on that cross that he carried. This isn't about what you do.
It's about what he's done. But here's what the Bible says. Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. So let's just say that you're caught in a riptide out in the ocean and you need help. And there's a lifeguard at the stand and they see you. You've got to call out to them and let them know you need saving.
And the same is true when it comes to eternal life. Jesus is ready to save you. Will you call out to him?
You say well okay how do I do that? You do it through prayer. And prayer is just talking to God. So listen I'd like to lead you in a simple prayer. And if you pray this prayer after me I believe God will hear it and answer it and Christ will come to live inside of you. Thousands of people have prayed a prayer like this over the years that we've been doing this radio broadcast and have seen their life change.
There's no power or magic in a prayer. It's all about your commitment to Christ. But this is a way to call on the name of the Lord in this prayer. So if you want Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sin. If you want to know that you'll go to heaven when you die.
If you want to fill that big hole in your heart. Just pray this prayer after me. You could pray it out loud if you like.
Pray it in the quietness of your heart. But pray these words if you would. Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner. But I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin. I am sorry for my sin and I turn from it now.
And I choose to follow you from this moment forward. Be my Savior and my Lord. Be my God and my friend. Thanks for hearing this prayer and answering this prayer. In Jesus name I pray.
Amen. Listen if you just prayed that prayer. I want you to know that God has heard you and has answered it.
The Bible says these things we write to you that believe on the name of the Son of God. That you may know that you have eternal life. That you may know it's yours now. God has given it to you because it's the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Congratulations and welcome to the family of God.
Yeah and that's right. And would you let us help you get started living this new life? Let us send you Pastor Greg's New Believers Bible. It's in an easy to understand translation with so many helps specifically for those who are new to the faith. We'll send it your way free of charge. So get in touch for your free copy of the New Believers Bible. Call us at 1-800-821-3300. We can take that call anytime 1-800-821-3300.
Or write A New Beginning Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514. Or go online to and click Know God. And Pastor Greg we're so thankful for the work God is doing through this ministry. We're touching lives for eternity. And we're really thankful for our friends who see the fruit of this ministry and invest so this work can reach even further.
Isn't that right? Absolutely. When you invest in Harvest Ministries you're investing in the souls of men and women, boys and girls. And what is the value of a soul?
Well let me personalize it. What's the value of your soul? What's the value of the soul of your husband, your wife, your son or your daughter? Or your mom or your dad?
Or your best friend? Well I would say you probably couldn't put a price tag on it. It's so valuable. Well listen, God says all souls are mine.
God loves us and sent his son to die on the cross to pay the price for all of our sins so we could be forgiven and come into a relationship with him. I can't think of a better investment of my resources, of my money, than in the work of the kingdom of God. So we would ask you to prayerfully consider investing in Harvest Ministries as we continue on to fulfill the Great Commission.
Yeah, that's right. And you can make your donation right now at Or write us at A New Beginning, Box 4000, Riverside, California 92514. Or call 1-800-821-3300.
That's a 24-7 phone number, 1-800-821-3300. Well next time, more from Pastor Greg's top 10 message on the life of Moses. More insight on the forgiveness God offers through his son Jesus Christ. Join us here on A New Beginning with pastor and Bible teacher, Greg Laurie.
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