A New Beginning presents something for the New Year from Pastor Greg Laurie. We want to help you get stronger in your faith and discover what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. To help you do that, we're offering a book called Discipleship, The Road Less Taken. I explore what the Bible says about discipleship and how we can grow in this area. And we'll send this book to you for your gift of any size.
Get your copy of Discipleship, The Road Less Taken at Harvest.org. We need to take one day off out of seven and rest and recharge. But we say, well, I don't have time.
I can't do it. We make time for those things that are important to us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out this is important. If you will honor the Lord and say, I'm taking this day, Sunday is the Lord's day. I'm going to worship with my family. We're going to spend time together. I'm going to disconnect from all the things that distract me. I'm telling you, whatever you're doing, God will bless you for that.
He will bless you. This is the day when the lost are found. This is the day for a new beginning. Of ancient grace, how sweet the sound.
Again you hear of the angels are singing. This is the day, the day when life begins. If we follow God's blueprint for life, our lives will go better. You can depend on that. If we ignore God's blueprint, our lives will face more challenges and heartache. But sometimes we think we're the exception or the situation is the exception.
Oh, the sweet aroma of certain decisions could lead to the stench of bad destinations. Today on A New Beginning, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us consider more of the timeless wisdom we find in the Ten Commandments. This is the day, the day when life begins. Alright, well let's grab our Bibles and turn to Exodus chapter 20. Exodus chapter 20 and the title of my message is, What's the Big Deal with God's Name?
Names matter. And God cares about His name a lot. So I want to look at now the third commandment. You shall not take the Lord's name in vain. I think this is one of the most misunderstood of the commandments. And it's probably one of the most easily broken commandments because it's so misunderstood. Exodus 20 verse 7 says, You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain for the Lord will not hold Him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
But how do we do this? One way we do it, and we may not even realize it, is when we always feel we have to swear to God about everything. You say, men, come on, believe me, I'm telling you the truth. I swear to God it's true. Right? Why would you have to ever say, I swear to God it's true? Probably because you're not known to be a truthful person.
Right? So Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 37 said, You've heard that the law of Moses says don't break your vows and carry out your vows. You mean to the Lord.
But listen to this. He says, I say to you don't make any vows. Just offer a simple yes I will or no I won't.
That should be enough. If you need to strengthen your statement with a vow or your promise with a vow that shows something is wrong. If you say you're going to do it, do it.
Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don't use the Lord's name in an empty, idle, insincere or frivolous way. Some people will say, Oh my God all the time.
It's a default expression. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Right? Or you text OMG. OMG That's an empty way. That's sort of a frivolous way. Don't use the Lord's name in a frivolous way. Now if something happens you hear bad news or something else and you say, Oh my God. That's different. You're calling out to God.
But some people just punctuate sentences with OMG or OMG. Another way that we do this is by using God's name for personal gain. There's a whole industry called Christian retailing.
They have a big convention every year called the CVA. Christian Book Sellers Association. You know there's a lot of great resources out there for Christians. I'm very appreciative of wonderful Christian books and great Christian music.
But then people will have Christian versions of things. I actually saw a company some years ago. They had Christian tires. Do I need Christian tires? Or were they called God Year instead of Good Year?
I don't remember. And then I saw this one person selling Christian breath mints. Now look some Christians do need breath mints.
Ok. I'm ok with the idea of a breath mint. But do I need a Christian breath mint? Each one was in the shape of a fish. Oh I don't want to use those secular search breath mints.
I want the godly fish shaped breath mints. To me that's a form of using the Lord to sell something. And I don't really like it.
Ok. Here's another way you can take the Lord's name in vain. Is when you claim to speak for God when you aren't speaking for God. Now look I take what I do very seriously. And I know when I stand up here that I do speak for God. Not exclusively. Because there are things I say that are just my thoughts and opinions.
Honestly my thoughts or opinions aren't any more important than anybody else's. But when I open the Word of God I can say this is what the Bible says. And so even the Apostle Paul when he stood before the believers in Berea it says they searched the Scripture to see if these things were so.
I love that. They were checking out the Apostle Paul. Oh I know you're the Apostle Paul. But I'm going to still see if it's biblical.
That's right. Every Christian should do that. Never take my word for it.
Never take anybody's word at face value. Check it to the Scripture. It doesn't line up with the Bible. But there are certain things that I can say on the authority of God's Word that are significant. For instance I can tell someone their sin is forgiven. I don't have the power to forgive sin. I can't absolve you from sin like a priest claims to be able to do. No man.
No woman can do that. But I can say to you if you meet God's criteria to be forgiven you're forgiven. 1 John 1 says if we'll confess our sins He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So if I led you in a prayer to accept Christ if you ask the Lord to forgive you I can tell you on the authority of Scripture your sin is forgiven and you're going to heaven. Now that's not something I do.
And you can do this too. And here's what Jesus said. He said that we can say to people these things with authority. He said in John chapter 20 if you forgive anyone's sins their sins are forgiven. If you do not forgive them they're not forgiven. Again I don't have the authority to do it on my own but I'm speaking for God in that they've met God's criteria.
Ok that's fine. But then there are people that claim to speak for God. The Lord told me this. The Lord told me this and He told me to tell you that. God just told me to say this to you.
Now careful with that. Because the Bible warns against those who say the Lord has spoken when the Lord has not spoken. I had a girl come up to me years ago and say Greg the Lord told me I'm supposed to marry you. I said well let's go talk to my wife about that.
I don't know if she'll agree. So obviously that girl was misdirected. Sometimes it's preachers telling us this is the message of the Lord. This is the prophecy I'm giving to you from God.
Ok hold on. Let's really test it according to Scripture and let's see if what they predicted is true because if what they say will happen does not happen then I think they're called in the Bible a false prophet. But there are people that say I'm speaking for God. Or they'll say God speaks to me every day.
Just audible voice every day. You know I've been a Christian 50 years now. And I don't know that I.
Thank you. Well those are really lame claps. I mean if you're. Ok wait. That wasn't even a smattering of applause.
That was almost like mocking applause right. I've been a Christian for 50 years. No no no. Forget it. Ok. Let's just move on from that. Ok. By God's grace right.
So. And I would like to tell you every morning I get up and I shave and God speaks audibly to me. Hello Greg. Good morning. This is your mission.
Should you decide to take it. All of a sudden the Mission Impossible theme is playing. Where did that come from. There's going to be a guy named Joe at the gas station at 1143 today. Go tell Joe about Jesus. Ok. Do do do do do. And it self-destructs. The Bible burns up.
No we don't want that. Anyone who tells you that God speaks to them audibly all the time I'm going to be honest. I don't believe it. I've had the Lord speak to me. But most of the time when God speaks to me I would describe it more as a very strong impression. There are times when certain verses will sort of leap off the page and speak to my situation. I felt very strongly directed by the Lord to start this church in Riverside. I felt very strongly directed by the Lord to start our church in Orange County. I felt very strongly directed by the Lord to marry my wife. It took us a while to figure it out. Honestly.
We broke up three times before we did it. But. So the Lord will direct you. But here is the reality of how God directs me in general. I get up in the morning and I read the Bible and I pray and I ask for wisdom and then I walk in faith and I seek to apply the truths I found in the Scripture and I have found myself smack dab in the middle of the will of God.
Right. It's not all mystical and audible voices and it is to some. But I'm telling you this is more what you're going to experience as a Christian. The Bible says the just shall live by faith.
So don't take the Lord's name in vain. Pastor Greg Laurie will have the second half of his message in just a moment. Hey everybody I want to tell you about a major new ministry initiative that we have here at Harvest called the Harvest Discipleship platform. So it's a major leap forward in our national ministry and we adapt teachings from the New Believers Bible.
Do you know about that? That's a Bible project I worked on years ago and they're all around the world where we have excerpts from the New Believers Bible and also we have an online community of believers who are looking for what's next in their spiritual walk. So at Harvest Discipleship you can find trusted Bible teaching and a community that cares for you. A positive encouragement in your spiritual life.
That sounds pretty good right? So become a part of the Harvest Discipleship platform and you can do that by just going to Harvest.org. Well today Pastor Greg is discussing the many ways we may dishonor the third commandment. Not to take the name of the Lord in vain.
Let's continue with this message from our top ten most requested studies of the past year. Another way we do it and this will be the last illustration of taking his name in vain is when we use God's name in a way that is insincere or phony. When we use his name in a way that's insincere or phony. You may be singing at the top of your lungs but your heart and your mind is not engaged. You're singing oh the overwhelming never ending reckless love of God you know. And you're looking at some person going I can't believe she's wearing that at church seriously. Really?
Wow that person over there. They're so pitch. In fact I don't like them at all.
You're not thinking about what you're saying so you're drawing near to him with your lips but your heart can be far from him. And we don't want that to happen to us. But let me say that even for people that are profane and use bad language the hypocrisy of the church is far worse than the profanity in the street. So you see somebody over there listen they're using foul words and they took the Lord's name in vain. They're so evil. But if you're in church and you're saying all these things to the Lord how much you love him and you're going down and contradicting it in the way that you live what you're doing is worse than that person over there.
And the reason it's worse is because they don't know any better but you do. Don't take the Lord's name in vain because God will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. And now commandment number four. And this completes the first tablet. There's two tablets of the Ten Commandments. Tablet number one. Four commandments that have to do with our relationship with God.
Tablet number two. Six commandments that have to do with our relationships with other people. Here's commandment number four.
Exodus 20. Remember the Sabbath day keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
In it you shall do no work. Now drop down to verse 11. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that's in them and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
We'll stop there. This is probably one of the most misunderstood of all of the commandments. Basically it's saying we need to take one day off out of seven and rest and recharge. But let's not miss the other point. It's also saying we should work.
Because what does it say? On the seventh day we should do no work which implies on the other six days we should work. This comes as a revelation to some people. They think the government should take care of them. That their families should underwrite them. That they can freeload and be lazy. And the Bible actually says if a man doesn't work he shouldn't eat. So there's a place for personal responsibility as a follower of Jesus Christ.
But yes there should be a day where we disconnect. Because some people go to the other extremes. Some don't work.
When they could or should. And others work too much. They're workaholics. And they say it's all for their family but they don't seem to have any time for their family.
And they say they do it because they have to but sometimes they overwork themselves and they don't understand that God has set a principle into place that he wants us to honor. And the principle is take a day to disconnect. Take a day to get refreshed.
Take a day to be recharged. And for us as Christians for many of us it's Sunday. Because the first day of the week when the early church met we meet as well. But we say well I don't have time. I can't do it.
But here's what I'm suggesting to you. If you will honor the Lord and say I'm taking this day. Sunday is the Lord's day. I'm going to worship with my family. We're going to spend time together. I'm going to disconnect from all the things that distract me. I'm telling you whatever you're doing God will bless you for that.
He will bless you. But the trend among some is attending church less often. Well we don't go as much as we used to. We're just so busy busy busy. Don't you want to take time for the Lord, for his people, for his word?
I think that's a really good thing to do. Here's another thing a lot of us neglect. We don't remember to give to the Lord. The Lord promises if you will honor me with the first fruits of your increase and bring the tithe to me I will rebuke the devourer for your sake and open up the windows of heaven and pour a blessing on you so great you won't be able to contain it.
Listen to this. Chick-fil-A's have built an entire business model on being closed on Sunday. Who does that? To be honest I wanted to eat Chick-fil-A on Sundays and I'm not so happy. Because I've gone there on Sundays and said oh yeah right closed on Sunday.
But they're America's number one fast food restaurant. So that says something. Honor the Lord.
Do what his word says. These are not rules as I said earlier that are like the bars of a cage to keep us in. They're like barriers of protection to keep harm out. They're given to us for our own good. But we all break them. You know as I teach them the Ten Commandments I think oh I fell short there. I fell short in this other one. We've all broken these commandments.
And when we get to the final six they're very clear. You shall not steal. You shall not lie. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not covet what belongs to another.
Who of us have not done that. And if you break one commandment the Bible says you're guilty of all of them. The commandments were not given to make me righteous. They were given to show me I'm not righteous. The commandments were given to show me I need Jesus. Because he's the only one who ever lived by all of the Ten Commandments.
Because we have broken those commandments. A while ago I was driving and I ran a red light. I went through an intersection.
It wasn't intentional. I wasn't paying attention. But I ran that red light. Oh no I ran the red light. And right as I was coming through it another red light appeared.
With a siren. I ran a red light with a cop behind me. He pulled me over. I blown it. So I got out my driver's license.
My registration. I rolled down my window. The officer came up. I said officer I am sorry. I was wrong. I wasn't paying attention.
And it's my fault. The cop I think he was a little stunned. Like he looked at me for a minute and said okay well hmm you know what I'm not going to give you a ticket today. I said really officer why.
He said because nobody ever tells the truth about these things. And so he says so I'm giving you a warning. And I said yes. Then I said praise the Lord.
That's a good time to say praise the Lord. So keep this in mind. Don't run red lights. But if you do tell them the truth. Because cops know.
Because people lie all day long to police officers and they are pretty good at knowing when someone is telling the truth or not. And so but here is my point. I was given a second chance so to speak because I admitted it. I didn't blame it on somebody else. I didn't say it wasn't my fault or the sun was in my eyes. I just said I shouldn't have done that.
That was wrong. I apologize. And that's how we get right with God. Instead of blaming people. Well it's not my fault.
It's the way I was raised. It was my parents. It's my children. It's the cat. It's always the cat.
The cat made me do it somehow. You blame all these things and you just need to say Lord I am a sinner and I have broken your commandments and I am responsible for what I did and it was wrong and I am sorry and I ask you to forgive me. And God will.
God will. So there may be somebody here today who has thought wow you know what this hit home. And I have done these things. I have broken this commandment. I have taken the Lord's name in vain. I've lied. I've stolen. I've committed adultery.
I've done so many of these things. Well you need to be forgiven. And that's why Jesus died for you on the cross and shed his blood for you. He took the penalty of the ten commandments upon himself.
And faced the full wrath of God so you don't have to. And if you'll turn from your sin and believe in Jesus you can walk out of here a forgiven person. Is there somebody listening to me that needs forgiveness? If so I am going to extend an opportunity for you as we close in prayer to ask God to forgive you of whatever sin it is you need forgiven. Let's all bow our heads. And Father I pray for every person that is here.
If they don't know Jesus yet if they haven't been forgiven of their sin help them to come to you and believe in you and have Christ come and live inside of them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Pastor Greg Laurie with an important closing prayer. And today if you'd like to make a change in your relationship with the Lord Pastor Greg will come back to help you do that before today's edition of A New Beginning wraps up. And then thank you for partnering with us to help these daily studies continue.
Your investments have eternal benefits. Why not make this a part of your personal ministry to partner in an effort that's making a real difference with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers and for prayerfully considering how God might lead you to help tangibly. Online you'll find us at harvest.org and there you'll see the way we'd like to thank you for your donation right now.
That's harvest.org. Or write us at A New Beginning, Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514. Or call us at 1-800-821-3300. We're here around the clock to take your call again at 1-800-821-3300. And then Pastor Greg just before we go would you mind praying with the person listening who wants to make a change today in their relationship with the Lord?
I'd be happy to Dave. You know as you've been listening to this today maybe you've heard another voice. By that I mean yeah you heard me say a few things but you heard God's voice speak to you. Deep in the recesses of your heart and it suddenly dawned on you this is what I need. Or to state it more accurately this is who I need. I need Jesus and I want Jesus but maybe you don't know how to make that connection.
Let me help you. God is only a prayer away. He stands at the door of your heart and he knocks and Jesus says if you'll hear his voice and open the door he'll come in. Let me help you open the door so to speak of your heart as you invite Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. So here's what I would like you to do. I'd like you to stop what you're doing and I want you to pray a prayer after me. I'll lead you in this prayer and as you pray it God will hear you. Pray this after me right now if you want Jesus Christ to come into your life. Lord Jesus I know I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sin and I need your forgiveness right now. Would you come into my heart and my life as Savior as God as friend?
I choose to follow you from this moment forward. Thank you for calling me and accepting me and forgiving me. In Jesus name I pray.
Amen. I know that was a relatively short prayer. Maybe you felt something as you prayed it.
Maybe you felt nothing. That doesn't really matter because God's word says these things we write to you that believe on the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. It doesn't say so you may think you have it or you may hope you have it if God's in a good mood. No, that you can know it and I want you to know if you pray that prayer in a minute Jesus Christ the Son of God has come into your life.
So congratulations. You're now a Christian. Now continue to follow the Lord. Again to help you we'd like to send you something that will help you build a strong foundation for your faith. It's Pastor Greg's popular New Believers Bible.
It will answer many of the questions you might have and get you started in your new relationship with the Lord. So get in touch and ask for it. We'll send it free of charge. Call 1-800-821-3300. We can take your call anytime. That's 1-800-821-3300. Or write us at A New Beginning Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514. Or go online to harvest.org and click Know God. Next time we'll see what the Ten Commandments teach us about family life even here in the 21st century. Join us here on A New Beginning with pastor and Bible teacher Greg Laurie.
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