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The Power of Forgiveness | The Intimacy of His Friendship

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Truth Network Radio
December 16, 2024 3:00 am

The Power of Forgiveness | The Intimacy of His Friendship

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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December 16, 2024 3:00 am

We all have friends and acquaintances. Some acquaintances may be a friend of a friend, so we don’t know them very well. We may even know a friend of a friend of a friend. . . your next door neighbor’s aunt’s gardener’s sister. God knows each one of us individually. And He wants a close friendship with each of us. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that intimacy forms the bedrock for our redemption, and for the way God cares and provides for us.

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A New Beginning is the daily half-hour program hosted by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. For over 30 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have endeavored to know God and make Him known through media and large-scale evangelism. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.

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Pastor Greg Laurie recommends a great film about the 40th President of the United States. We have a movie that's going to tell you the story of this man who changed the world. Ronald Reagan was a man who believed in Jesus Christ. You're going to be inspired by it in this brand-new film starring Dennis Quaid. It's called Reagan, and it's our gift to you for your gift of any size.

Available on DVD and digital download at Don't let another person form your view of God. Find out for yourself who God is.

Some wonder if God is even up there. Others think His wrath is locked and loaded and aimed in our direction. Pastor Greg Laurie brings us important insight. There's a lot of people today that are afraid of God. They don't understand that God loves us. The Bible says it's the kindness of God that brings us to repentance.

And they need to find out for themselves who the Lord really is. We all have friends and acquaintances. Some acquaintances may be a friend of a friend, so we don't know them very well. We may even know a friend of a friend of a friend.

Your next-door neighbor's aunt's gardener's sister. Well, God knows each one of us individually, and He wants a close friendship with each of us. Today on A New Beginning, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that intimacy forms the bedrock for our redemption and for the way God cares and provides for us. Today the title of my message is The Power of Forgiveness. And we're in 2 Samuel 9. It's a story of how David treated another person, and it shows us the love of God.

So we pick it up in verse 2, 2 Samuel 9. David says, Are you Ziba? Yes, sir, I am, Ziba replied. And the king asked him, Is anyone still alive from Saul's family?

If so, I want to show God's goodness to them in any way I can. Ziba replied, Yes, one of Jonathan's sons is still alive, but he is crippled. Where is he, the king asked?

In Lodabar, at the home of Machir, son of Amamiel. So David sent for him and brought him from Machir's home. His name was Mephibosheth. He was Jonathan's son and Saul's grandson. When he came to David, he bowed low in great fear and said, I am your servant. David said, Don't be afraid. I've asked you to come, and I want to be kind to you because of my vow to your father Jonathan, and I will give you all the land that once belonged to your grandfather Saul, that you may live here with me in the palace. Mephibosheth fell to the ground before the king. Should the king show such kindness to a dead dog like me? Mephibosheth ate regularly with David as though he was one of his own sons.

We'll stop there. Isn't that a great story? By the way, this word kindness can be translated grace. So David is effectively saying, Is there anyone left in this family that I can show grace to? I love that he used the word grace. Grace is God's unmerited favor. There's nothing you can do to deserve the grace of God. It's undeserved. It's unearned.

It's unrepayable. That's why the Bible says, For by grace you have been saved through faith, not of works, lest any man should boast. So a man named Ziba, a servant of Saul, mentions Mephibosheth. And notice what he says.

Yes, there's someone named Mephibosheth, and he is crippled. Well, so? What's that all about? Well, what a thing to say.

And what a creep this guy was, too. Don't ever name your kid Ziba. You know, I know there's, we like to use Bible names to name our kids. Fine.

Just some names are not good. You know, Joshua, great. Jonathan, fine.

David, really good. Ziba, no. No Delilahs. No Beelzebubs. Don't name your child Judas. No. I know their Bible names.

They're not good ones. Ziba was a creep. See, he was in control of the estate of Saul, and he did nothing to help poor Mephibosheth.

He probably wanted to keep everything for himself. Where did Mephibosheth end up? The Bible says he was living in a place called Lodabar. Lodabar. That's a depressing sound of a town already. Lodabar.

Right? It was an obscure spot on the east side of the Jordan, kind of a barren desert. In fact, the name Lodabar means the place of no pasture.

So here was Mephibosheth, the potential heir to the throne, living in Lodabar. Living like a lowlife. Eating low-fat food. Listening to J-Lo. I don't know. It just, I just stay with the low thing.

I just stay with the low thing. Right? He was unloved. He was unwanted. He was undeserving.

He was unneeded. And David reaches out to him. I just love this story. There's this guy in the middle of nowhere. No promise.

No hope. David says, where is he? I want to help him. And David finds him. And we read that David sends for him. 2 Samuel 9, 5, David sent for him and brought him from Machar's home. He sent for him. He brought him. I'm not gonna give up on this.

I'm persistent about this. And this is how we must see our friends that do not yet know the Lord. We must bring them to Jesus. One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about four guys who had a friend who was disabled. And they thought, if we can just get him in front of Jesus, we know he'll be healed.

Well Jesus was speaking in a house that was packed with people. There was no way to get in there. So these guys were very clever. And they climbed up on the roof. And they began to tear away at that little thatched roof and remove the clay. And they made a hole. And the hole got bigger. And they lowered their friend down.

So here's Jesus in this house speaking. All of a sudden a clump of straw falls down. Some dirt. A little shaft of light breaks through. Before you know it, this guy's coming down on a little cot, swinging a little bit.

All four guys are dropping him down there. The guy's right in front of Jesus. And Jesus says, hey, can I help you?

Yes, I would like to be healed. And Jesus healed that man. But how did that man get to Jesus? Four friends did everything they could to get him in front of the Lord. So here's Old Mephibosheth.

And it's just a picture of what God is like. I don't know how he viewed David. But I imagine he'd been filled with some bad information about the new king. People would say, oh, David, he's bad. You should have been the King Mephibosheth, not this David.

But then when he met David, it was a whole new story. But he was afraid initially. 2 Samuel 9 says when he heard David wanted to see him, he was afraid. There's a lot of people today that are afraid of God. They don't understand that God loves us.

The Bible says it's the kindness of God that brings us to repentance. And they need to find out for themselves and discover for themselves who the Lord really is. You know, I think one of the problems that we have today is people will see hypocrisy in the church. And yes, there is hypocrisy in the church. And you might say, well, I'm looking for a hypocrite free church. And then I'll join it. Please don't because you'll ruin it. There are hypocrites in the church.

But I want you to consider something. Let's define hypocrisy for a moment, biblically. The word hypocrisy means to act.

That's a technical definition. An actor. Every one of us has moments of hypocrisy. Especially you, sir. All of us do. You were scowling at me and I saw that.

No, you weren't. I'm just kidding. We all have moments of hypocrisy. Come on.

We do. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have done that. I regret that.

Yes. But when you say, I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have done that.

I'm sorry. You're not a hypocrite. You had a hypocritical moment. Having that is not a bad thing. That's human.

That's what we're going to do. I'm not excusing it. I'm just explaining it. But there's a difference between someone who has moments of hypocrisy and someone that is putting on an act from beginning to end.

None of it's real. Jesus told a parable about the tares and the wheat. He talked about a farmer who planted wheat. And he had an enemy who came in the night and planted tares among the wheat.

Now a tare is a plant that initially looks just like wheat until it gets a little older and then it actually uproots the wheat. So in the same way in the world today we have real Christians and we have fake Christians. And sometimes those fake Christians are planted by the devil himself to drive people away from Christ. So they say, I'm a Christian.

And then they do something horrible. And we say, see, they're all hypocrites. How do you know if that person is not just a fake from the beginning and a tare and never was a real believer, you see?

I think actually the presence of so many imitations is a confirmation that there's a genuine article out there as well. And the genuine article is the true follower of Jesus Christ. So don't let other people form your view of God. Well, we're in 2 Samuel 1 today for Pastor Greg's message called The Power of Forgiveness.

Let's continue. The Bible so often uses the picture of eating as a symbol of communion and fellowship with God. Jesus said, behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any men hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with him, have a meal with him. I don't know about you, but I don't like to eat with people that I don't like to hang out with. Some people say, hey, you want to go get dinner?

No. I'll get coffee. A very small coffee.

I know a place that serves it in little thimbles, right? Because I'll meet with you, but I don't want to hang out with you. I don't want to have a meal with someone who gives me indigestion because it's going to be a debate or it's going to be some other problem. And that's okay.

We want to have a meal with people we're comfortable with, with family and with friends. And this is the very picture here in scripture of Mephibosheth having access to the king's table. So Mephibosheth meets David.

He realizes that he had it all wrong as David welcomes him into his home. So what are the takeaway truths from this beautiful story? Number one, if you're taking notes, don't let another person form your view of God. Don't let another person form your view of God. Find out for yourself who God is.

Mephibosheth could have been influenced by others who told him who David really was, but he found out for himself and discovered the real David. So get your own relationship with God. Number two, forgive your enemies if they deserve it or not. Forgive your enemies if they deserve it or not.

David could have got a lot of people, paid them back, and in many ways they deserved it, but he did not do that. He instead extended forgiveness. Abraham Lincoln was once criticized by an associate regarding his attitude toward his enemies. President Lincoln was asked, why do you always make friends of your enemies?

You should destroy them. And Lincoln replied, am I not destroying my enemies when I make them my friends? Is that a great statement? God took care of the enemies of David.

God will take care of our enemies. But one day, an enemy may turn into a friend. Things change with the passing of time. Thirdly, leave the past in the past.

Leave the past in the past. David could have been forever haunted by his treatment that came from others. I mean, he had a hard life. You know, rejected largely by his father and mother, not appreciated by his brothers, hunted down like a wild dog by King Saul, but yet he put it all in the past and he forgave his enemies. And here's the thing that happens.

He understood that God was in control of his life. It takes time to turn a shepherd boy into a mighty king. The funny thing about life is that what you may think is good right now may in time turn out to be not so good. And that what you think is bad may actually turn out to be good. Does that make any sense? You might have something happening.

Oh, this is the best thing that ever happened to me. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. And then again, there might be something happening to you that you perceive as bad, but in reality with the passing of time, it will be good because of what it produced. See, that difficulty, that hardship molded you into the man or woman God wants you to be and you needed to go through that first. And the same is true of David.

He's a good good kid, but he's got a lot of training to go through before he's going to be a great king. Time is a way of causing us to see things differently. Ecclesiastes 3-11 says God has made everything beautiful for its own time, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end. But here's the thing that really helped David.

He had focus. From his earliest days to his final days, he had focus and he said, one thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after and I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Now in closing, this is a beautiful story of us and God. God is like David.

We're like Mephibosheth. Out of sheer love for Jonathan, David demonstrated grace to his handicapped son. And in the same way, out of love for us and because of what Jesus did for us on the cross of Calvary, God extended his grace to each one of us. The Bible says while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. It doesn't say while we were yet Christians, while we were yet sinners. Well, we were opposed to God. We were the enemies of God. That's when Christ died for us. Secondly, secondly, Mephibosheth had nothing.

He deserved nothing and he could repay nothing. And he was hiding but in the same way, we have nothing we brought to the table that made us deserving of what God gave to us but he did it anyway. Thirdly, Mephibosheth was adopted as a son and invited to eat at the king's table. And in the same way, you when you put your faith in Jesus are adopted into God's family. I don't know if any of you were adopted. I was adopted by a man named Oscar Laurie and he gave me his name Oscar. You didn't know my name was Oscar, did you?

No, Laurie of course. So he adopted me and maybe some of you were adopted but we've all been adopted into God's family. The Bible says for as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become children of God.

And now it's a privileged relationship. The Bible says God has not given us the spirit of fear but one of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father. If you go to Israel today and you see a little boy or a little girl calling out to their father, don't be surprised if you hear them say Abba or to their mother, Ima.

Abba means daddy or papa. My sons call me dad. My grandkids call me papa. You can call me Reverend Laurie. No, don't call me that. I won't even respond. You just call me Greg, Pastor Greg if you like.

Hey, you will do. But only my children can call me those other names and only the child of God can call God Abba Father. It's a privilege of relationship.

It is offered to each one of us. Does God seem distant to you? Far off?

Disinterested? What is God like? God is like a father who loves us. A father who longs for relationship and communication and fellowship with us.

A father whose heart is broken when we run from him but at the same time a father who will welcome us with open arms if we will return to him. Maybe I'm talking to somebody right now that's been running from God. Oh, God's against me. God's angry at me. I'm afraid of God.

Well, you don't know who he is. He loves you and he'll forgive you and he'll give you another chance. Well, I've had hard times in life.

Yes, I'm sure that's true but God specialized us as we point out and taking those who were dropped in life and picking them up again. He can change the narrative of your story if you let him but you have to come to him and say, Lord, forgive me of my sin. I want Jesus to come into my life. 2,000 years ago, the son of David as he called himself, Jesus Christ, went to the cross and died for our sin and then he rose again from the dead three days later and now he stands at the door of our life and he knocks and as I pointed out, he says, behold, I stand at the door of your life and knock and if you'll hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we'll have an In-N-Out Burger together. He doesn't say that but it's implied in the original language.

No, it isn't but what is implied is a meal, a friendship, a relationship. This is what God wants with you but he can't force it on you. You see, Mephibosheth had to respond. He could have said, no way, I don't want to come into your palace. I don't want to eat at your table.

I'm going to go back to Lodovar. He could have done that. He didn't do it. He accepted the invitation and you and I must do the same. If you've never asked Jesus to come into your life, why don't you do it right here, right now and if you're a prodigal son or daughter, why don't you return to the Lord? Maybe there's somebody here that would say, I need Jesus. I want this relationship with God you've been talking about. I want my sin forgiven. I want to know that I will go to heaven when I die.

I want to know God in a personal way. If you need to come back to the Lord again today, pray this prayer out loud after me. Again, as I pray, pray this out loud after me right now.

Pray these words. Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner but I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead. I want a relationship with you. I want a friendship with you.

I want to know you. I come to you now and I believe and I turn from my sin. Thank you for hearing this prayer and answering this prayer. In Jesus' name I pray.

Amen. Pastor Greg Laurie with an important prayer with those who are coming to the Lord or coming back to the Lord. And if you've just prayed with Pastor Greg and you've meant those words sincerely, then the Lord has heard you and has forgiven your sin. And we want to help you move forward in this new relationship with God. We'd like to send you Pastor Greg's New Believer's Bible. The Scripture text is in the New Living Translation and Pastor Greg has included hundreds of features and helps that'll get you started off right. We'll send you the New Believer's Bible free of any charge when you get in touch and ask for it.

So call us at 1-800-821-3300. We can take your call anytime 1-800-821-3300 or go online to and click the words, Know God. And Pastor Greg, we're so thankful for the work God is doing through this ministry. We're touching lives for eternity and we're really thankful for our friends who see the fruit of this ministry and invest so this work can reach even further.

Isn't that right? Absolutely. When you invest in Harvest Ministries, you're investing in the souls of men and women, boys and girls. And what is the value of a soul?

Well, let me personalize it. What's the value of your soul? What's the value of the soul of your husband, your wife, your son or your daughter or your mom or your dad or your best friend?

Well, I would say you probably couldn't put a price tag on it. It's so valuable. Well, listen, God says all souls are mine.

God loves us and sent his son to die on the cross to pay the price for all of our sin so we could be forgiven and come into a relationship with him. I can't think of a better investment of my resources, of my money, than in the work of the kingdom of God. So we would ask you to prayerfully consider investing in Harvest Ministries as we continue on to fulfill the Great Commission.

Yeah, that's right. And you can make your donation right now at or write us at A New Beginning, Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514. Or call 1-800-821-3300. That's a 24-7 phone number, 1-800-821-3300. Well, next time as Pastor Gray continues his series in the Psalms, he brings us a reassuring study called The God of Second Chances. Join us here on A New Beginning with pastor and Bible teacher, Greg Laurie.
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