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Christian Voices in Hollywood | Featuring Actor Dennis Quaid

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Truth Network Radio
August 3, 2024 3:00 am

Christian Voices in Hollywood | Featuring Actor Dennis Quaid

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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August 3, 2024 3:00 am

Dennis Quaid is featured in some of the most well-known films, including "The Parent Trap," "I Can Only Imagine," and the upcoming film, “Reagan.” And in this clip from the recent 2024 Harvest Crusade, he joins Pastor Greg Laurie for a talk on being an outspoken Christian in a secular Hollywood. Listen in!


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Hey there. Thanks for listening to the Greg Laurie Podcast, a ministry supported by Harvest Partners. I'm Greg Laurie encouraging you.

If you want to find out more about Harvest Ministries and learn more about how to become a Harvest Partner, just go to I'm so thrilled to be able to produce the film Jesus Revolution, which was the story of my life and my wife's life and the last great spiritual awakening in America. There's another movie coming out.

I believe it's next month. It's called Reagan. Guess what it's about?

It's about President Reagan, one of the greatest presidents in American history. The star of that film is Dennis Quaid. He's here with us tonight. Let's welcome Dennis Quaid as he comes. Hey, man. Hello, Greg. Hello, Dennis. Hello, everybody. Hello, sweet people. My name is Dennis Quaid, and I'm a Christian.

Perfect. Now, we all know Dennis. He's been in so many films going back to, well, probably movies before this, but you came on my radar screen on the right stuff. You were in Wyatt Earp. You were in Great Balls of Fire, the story of Jerry Lee Lewis, The Parent Trap. A lot of the kids love that one still.

That's right. Hello, Parent Trap girls. Of course, I think, Dennis, one of your greatest performances was as the father of Bart in I Can Only Imagine. You should have got an Oscar for that one. I got all the accolades I needed for that. People come up to me so much over that movie.

That's the accolades that I really love because I could see it in people's eyes. I could feel in their hearts how that story touched everyone. Bart was on the set every day. That's a tough story. He watched his story being played out. He was such a great help to all of us.

He lived it. Now you're playing the role of Ronald Reagan. If Ronald Reagan were here right now, Dennis, what do you think Reagan would say to everybody? He would say, are you better off than you were four years ago?

That's relevant. Dennis, I actually asked you earlier. I said, let the people know that you put your faith in Christ. You've come out very publicly, which of course in your line of work, working in Hollywood, could be something that could hurt one's career. You seem to be busier than ever.

Every time I turn around, you've got new projects coming out. How does that work out to speak out as a follower of Jesus in Hollywood today? Well, I think the most important thing is to be authentic. I'm a Christian, and that's who I am. That's a part of me. That's the total part of me.

Jesus, I have a personal relationship with. It took me a long time to find out what that was, and I'm still learning what that is that's growing inside me. It's a wonderful feeling to have. It's what we're all looking for, that hole that gets filled up with the word. That's what it is. I could feel right now in this big stadium, I mean, can't you feel the Holy Spirit right here, right now? Right here and right now. That's right.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-08-03 04:44:14 / 2024-08-03 04:46:04 / 2

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