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What Is a Disciple? | Knowing God's Will and Following God's Plan

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Truth Network Radio
July 19, 2024 3:00 am

What Is a Disciple? | Knowing God's Will and Following God's Plan

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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July 19, 2024 3:00 am

Google processes more than 8 ½ billion searches every single day. How do we know? We Google’d it. 8 ½ billion searches, and there are 7 ½ billion people on the planet. A lot of us are curious. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie speaks to one of the most curious issues of the Christian life. How can we discover God’s will for our lives, and how can we align ourselves with His plan? We’ll discover how we can find the fulfillment of living according to God’s purpose.

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A New Beginning is the daily half-hour program hosted by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. For over 30 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have endeavored to know God and make Him known through media and large-scale evangelism. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.

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We're glad you're joining us for A New Beginning with Greg Laurie, a podcast supported by Harvest Partners. Get more encouraging audio content when you subscribe to Pastor Greg's Daily Devos.

Learn more and sign up at Coming up today, Pastor Greg Laurie has counsel. Google processes more than eight and a half billion searches every single day. How do we know? We Googled it.

Eight and a half billion searches and there are seven and a half billion people on the planet. A lot of us are curious. Today on A New Beginning, Pastor Greg Laurie speaks to one of the most curious issues of the Christian life. How can we discover God's will for our lives and how can we align ourselves with His plan?

We'll discover how we can find the fulfillment of living according to God's purpose. How many of you have ever seen the bumper sticker, probably in a car, that says, God is my co-pilot? You've seen that sticker? How many of you have that sticker on your car?

Okay. If you do, please take it off now. I actually saw kind of a response to it a little bit satirical. It said, dog is my co-pilot instead of God. You say, that's sacrilegious. Honestly, I like the dog one better than the God one. Let your dog be your co-pilot. God doesn't want to be your co-pilot. God doesn't even want you in the cockpit. Okay.

So this is part of the problem. We sort of envision God as, God is my co-pilot. God is my wingman. God is my close buddy. Well, you know, look, yes, it is true.

God will be your friend. But oh no. He wants to be so much more than that. You see. He is the potter and you are the clay. He is the shepherd and you are the sheep. He is the master and you are the servant.

We have got to get this one figured out. In fact, we read over in 1 Corinthians 6, 19, that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in us, which we have from God and we are not our own. Do we understand that? You are not your own. Often we will say, well, you know, my wife, my husband, my car, my house, my career, my ministry, my future, my past, my thoughts, my plans, my, my, my. Okay.

It is okay. They have a sense of connection to all those things. But we need to always remember that everything belongs to God. Your possessions belong to God. Your families belong to God.

Your future. It all belongs to God. So listen to this. Our objective in life is not to find out how God can bless our dreams and ambitions. Let me say that again because this is not always what we hear being taught today, sometimes even in churches. Our goal in life should not be to get God to bless our dreams and ambitions. Listen. Our goal or our objective is to find His plan and align ourselves with it.

This is really important. Some of you are saying, well, God doesn't care about my dreams. God doesn't care about my ambitions.

He cares. But our goal is not to get God to do what we want Him to do. Our goal should be us doing what He wants us to do because eventually you will figure out God's plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. So never be afraid to commit an unknown future to a known God. That is what it means to be a servant.

Hey. That is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus told the story about a group of servants that were given a task to fulfill. And at the end of the story He said in the same way when you obey Me you should say we are unworthy servants and we have simply done our duty. You know sometimes people say, Greg, thank you for all that you do and the sacrifices you make.

And you know thank you for that compliment. But honestly I am just doing my duty. And the same is true of all of us. We are just doing what the Lord has called us to do. I don't deserve any special applause or praise for what I do.

Nor do you. We are just doing our duty. Hey we are just being disciples of Jesus Christ. C. S. Lewis said and I quote, All who are called to salvation are called to discipleship. No exceptions.

No excuses. But listen. Here is the secret many do not know. Here is the sweet spot of the Christian life. In fact this is where you will find life. You understand what I mean when I say sweet spot? Like in a racket there is a sweet spot.

And if you hit it you have the maximum control and effect. And there is a sweet spot in the Christian life where it almost becomes effortless. Where you enjoy that life and joy that God wants you to experience. And it is embedded right here in the Great Commission.

So let's look at it again. Matthew 28. We read these words. Jesus speaking, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you and be sure of this I am with you even to the end of the age. We are in a series now on the topic of discipleship. In the last message I asked you are you a disciple. Now I am defining what a disciple actually is. Because I am commanded by Jesus to go into all the world and make disciples. And we all say well that is an amazing idea.

Let's do it. But you can't make a disciple if you are not first a disciple yourself. It takes one to make one. And as I pointed out all disciples are Christians but not all Christians are necessarily disciples. So here is what it comes down to. As a follower of Jesus I should either be being discipled or I should be discipling others. And sometimes I am doing both. There is someone that I am discipling and someone that is discipling me.

You say well what does all this discipling mean. It means that I am taking a younger believer under my wing. I am helping them to get established and get more mature spiritually.

But at the same time I have someone in my life that is helping me to grow as well. This is something we are all called to be. Either be a disciple or a disciple maker and preferably both at the same time. Well where does that start.

No brainer. It is right here in the Great Commission. Be baptized. What does Jesus say. Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yesterday we baptized a lot of people down there at Pirate's Cove in Newport Beach. And it was such a joy to talk to people young and old who had been impacted by the gospel. And there was one gentleman that came up to me and he said, You know Greg I have been waiting to be baptized for 30 years. And my response was, I am really glad you are here but why did you wait so long. He goes, I don't know.

I don't know either. I said well better late than never but you know if you have accepted Christ you should be baptized. Well wait a second baptism isn't necessary for salvation. Well Bible study isn't necessary for salvation. Nor is prayer. Nor is attending church. But are those good things to do. And Jesus told me specifically in the Great Commission.

He actually broke it out so this is important to Him. So we start in a simple act of obedience to be baptized. So begin there. And then number two He says obey His commands. Go into all the world making disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach these new disciples to obey all My commands. Before I can teach others to obey His commands I first should be obeying His commands. What are His commands?

Well there are many I could cite. But let me sum it up in a simple way. Jesus said if you will love Me with all of your heart soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself you fulfill the commands. Think about it for a second. If I love God with all of my heart and all of my soul and all of my mind I would never want to break the first four of the Ten Commandments. Which deal with my relationship with God. If I really love the Lord with all my heart soul and mind I wouldn't want to have another God before Him. I wouldn't want to worship a false image. I wouldn't want to take His name in vain. And if I love my neighbor as myself I would not want to lie to them or steal from them or covet something that belongs to them.

And I certainly would not want to murder them. So if I focus on loving God with all of my heart soul and mind and my neighbor as myself I will fulfill the commands He gives. Now let's shift gears and go to our second passage. Go over to Luke 14 where Jesus really breaks down what it means to be a disciple. Verse 26 He says if any man comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brother and sisters, yes in his own life he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

I made this point in my last message but in case you didn't hear it I want you to know what it is. Number one if you want to be His disciple you must love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. You must love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. When Jesus says hate your father, mother, brother, sisters, etc.

He is not being literal. Because in other passages I am told to love my wife as Christ loves the church. I am told to even love my enemies. Jesus is using a contrasting term to make a larger point.

In effect He is saying your love for God should be so intense that your love for others would be like hatred in comparison. You need to love Jesus more than you love your wife. You need to love Jesus more than you love your husband. You need to love Jesus more than you love your children. You need to love Jesus more than you love your stuff. You need to love Jesus more than you love your life itself. You say well I don't know if that is possible.

Oh it is possible. And listen to this. If you really love Jesus as you ought to He will give you more love for that ornery husband of yours. If you really love Jesus as you ought to, he'll give you more love for that, dare I say it, sometimes on rare occasions, nagging wife. If you really love Jesus as you ought to, he'll give you love for those crazy teenagers. If you love Jesus as you ought to, he'll give you love, more love, for those overbearing parents, right? He'll give you more love, he'll expend your heart, so you must love God more than anyone or anything else. Love him more than your career, love him more than your ministry, love him more than even your life. The Lord told us to take up our cross and follow him. What does that mean?

How do we do that? Pastor Greg has insight on that next. Hey everybody, I want to encourage you to join us for something we call Harvest at Home. It happens every Sunday at and on our brand new app, Harvest Plus, which is available on your mobile TV devices. Download it now and you can watch Harvest at Home with Christians from around the world as we worship together and study God's word.

So again, join us for Harvest at Home at or on Harvest Plus. Well today, Pastor Greg is offering important principles about being a genuine disciple. It's a study called What is a Disciple? Point number two, the disciple must take up the cross and follow Jesus. Verse 27, whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. In Luke's gospel over in the ninth chapter, Jesus addresses this again with a little more detail.

He says if anyone desires to come after me and be my disciple, he must deny himself, listen to this, and take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever seeks to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. So I know when I make a statement like this, it sounds pretty unappealing. You imagine yourself living this miserable life, sacrificial life, an unhappy life, and as I said in the beginning, this is the way to live as a Christian.

You sort of envision it like your friends call you up, hey, wanna go out and get dinner and a movie tonight? No, I don't wanna do that. Why not? Because I'm bearing the cross.

Wow, okay. What does that mean? It means I'm eating bread, very old stale bread, drinking water, and just staring at the wall, all the while dressed in sackcloth, yes. That's not bearing the cross, that's being weird, okay? It has nothing to do with bearing the cross because the fact of the matter is when you're really bearing the cross, you'll be experiencing life.

Don't forget, Jesus said if you lose your life for my sake, you'll find it. I mean, we wanna find the meaning of life and people say, you know, I'm learning to love myself. I just don't love myself, but I'm learning to love myself. Oh, stop, you love yourself so much already.

No, I don't because I'm overweight and I don't think I'm attractive and I don't like the way I looked in the last 5,000 selfies that I shot and posted on Instagram yesterday, yeah. Because you love yourself, you took 5,000 selfies. Because you love yourself, you're aware of your appearance. Because you love yourself, you think about yourself. So don't say you're learning to love yourself. You already love yourself.

That's just an established fact. Jesus is saying, no, the objective is not to learn to love yourself. It's to deny yourself and it's to lose yourself and then you'll find yourself. Sometimes people say, well, I am trying to find myself and that's just another way of saying I'm gonna do something really selfish right now. I hate the expression, by the way, I'm gonna go find myself, just shut up, okay?

Stop. Because this is what I hear when the husband's ready to walk out on the wife and kids. This is what I hear when the wife is abandoning her family.

This is what I hear when a person is gonna make really bad decisions. I'm trying to find myself. No, Jesus says, you actually wanna find yourself, lose yourself and how do you lose yourself? Answer, by taking up the cross and following him. But what does it mean to bear the cross? We use this phrase, cross bearing, for a lot of things. You know, you might say of your husband, oh, my husband, he's my cross to bear in life.

And he might be saying that about you too, by the way, wife. Well, my cross to bear is this neighbor I have or my cross to bear is this problem I'm facing. No, that's not your cross to bear.

Here's what your cross to bear simply is. It means you die to yourself and by dying to yourself or losing yourself, you ultimately find yourself. You go, well, what do you mean by die to self?

Let me illustrate. Dying to self means resisting that temptation to do what everybody else does. Dying to self means to a single person waiting to have sex until you're married. Dying to self if you're a married person means no sex after marriage. Well, let me rephrase that.

With someone beside your spouse. Sometimes dying to yourself means sit down the remote control and or the cell phone and or the tablet device and or whatever electronic gadget you're holding onto, the control for the video game, and pick up your Bible and read it. Dying to yourself means praying when you'd rather be sleeping. Dying to yourself and taking up the cross means forgiving someone who has hurt you if you feel like it or not. Dying to yourself and taking up the cross means swallowing your pride and telling someone about Jesus. Dying to yourself and taking up the cross means doing what God wants you to do instead of doing what you want to do. Dying to yourself and taking up the cross means leaving your comfort zone and engaging a person in a conversation about Jesus Christ. There's hundreds, maybe even thousands of opportunities every day to die to yourself.

Hey, dying to yourself means getting up in the morning and going to church, because we're not always in the mood to go to church. Are you always in the mood? Really, you aren't? You don't like it here? No, I'm kidding.

No, sometimes we aren't. I heard about a husband and wife that were getting ready for church in the morning and the wife noticed the husband hadn't done a thing to get ready. She's ready to walk out the door. She said, honey, we're going to church.

Why aren't you ready? He says, I'm not going to church today. She said, why? He says, I'll give you three reasons why.

The people in that church are cold. Number two, no one down there likes me. Number three, I just don't want to go. She said, I'll give you three reasons why you need to go to church today. Number one, the people there are warm. Number two, some people like you. And number three, you're the pastor, so get dressed.

See that? Let me ask you this, has there ever been a time where you really didn't want to go to church? You just weren't in the mood or you had the sniffles or there were eight drops of rain or whatever it was, right?

I love how, you know, there's a little rain. We can't go to church, but we can go to the mall or the movies still, right? So whatever it was, he said, no, no, we're going to church because that's what we do.

That's a priority in this. So you went and the moment the worship began, you thought, ah, I was supposed to be here today. Have you ever had a time where I really don't want to read the Bible.

I'm too busy to read the Bible. And you opened it more out of obedience almost and then a verse just jumped off the page and spoke directly to a situation you were dealing with. Has there ever been a time where you really didn't want to leave your comfort zone and engage a person you didn't know in a conversation about Jesus, but you did it out of obedience as a way of denying yourself and taking up the cross. And that conversation blew open and it resulted in that person coming to Christ.

You see, that's what it means. We die to ourself, we take up the cross, and we follow Him. Pastor Greg Laurie pointing out the self-sacrificing life of discipleship, how it's the most rewarding life we can live. And there's more to come as Pastor Greg continues his series called Discipleship, The Road Less Taken here on A New Beginning. Pastor Greg, before we go any further though, let's speak to the person listening who's never come to the point of entering in to a relationship with the Lord. Maybe they're open to it, maybe they have a few questions, but they don't know what to do next. Well, they just need to hear more. They need to hear what the essential gospel message is and I've got a great resource for you. We've set up a webpage that's called, K-N-O-W-G-O-D dot O-R-G. You go there, I have a video presentation of how you accept Christ, lead you in a prayer, and then it links to other spiritual resources that will help you grow spiritually. So just go to

Do it right now. All right. You know, Pastor Greg, I think our listeners would agree with me when I say you not only know God's word inside and out, you're not only a gifted communicator, you not only make your teaching relatable and practical, but your sense of humor is just so enjoyable that it keeps us riveted. And for those of us who know your sense of humor, we can see it throughout your new animated cartoon series, The Adventures of Ben Born Again and Yellow Dog. You know, if laughter is the best medicine, then this cartoon series is full of that medicine.

Wouldn't you say so? Yes, and thank you for those kind words. Yes, my humor, you know, it's just always been there. You know, the funny thing is you'll find it when you see a comedian interview that often they had a painful childhood.

And the reality is is they developed humor as a coping mechanism, and that's very true for me because of my crazy, topsy-turvy childhood with my mom married and divorced and living in an alcoholic home where there was screaming and yelling and all those things. I retreated into a world of cartoons, and I learned how to almost make a joke in any given situation. Well, that stayed with me, and it is woven into my sermons, and it's also now woven into these animated episodes. So you're gonna hear stories that I've told in my sermons, like the time the snake got loose in my car, and I ended up getting the car from my mom. That's in one of the cartoons. The time my grandson kissed a jellyfish goodbye, and it stung him on the face.

Not very badly, thankfully, but he did get kind of a red face from it. That's in one of our cartoons. You'll see other little things I refer to, like cats in strollers.

That's there too. Pretty much I put a lot of my own life and my own gags into these cartoons, and I'm working with a very talented team, one of the gentlemen that works with me to write these cartoons. He has worked in animation for years, and he knows how to bring these things into the world of animation.

Then we have the art team that bring these characters to life. It's so interesting and fascinating, and I have to tell you, it's a lot of fun. I've really enjoyed doing this, and I hope that you see the joy in it when you show them to your kids or your grandkids, or even when you watch them yourself. You know, there's something about a cartoon that's disarming, and I think it's a great way to, well, how shall I put it, sneak up on someone, because you're entertaining them. They're laughing. They're having a good time, but all of a sudden, there's some full biblical truth embedded in that episode, and everything I do, I'm always gonna get to biblical truth. It's just the way I'm wired, but I'm also wired to use humor to do it, so we're taking all of these elements and using them together to hopefully have a tool that can touch a whole new generation, but I can't do this on my own.

I need your help. If you believe in this vision, if you wanna reach younger people with the message of the gospel and the truth of the word of God, then I ask you to support this financially, and as my way of saying thanks to you, I wanna send you a brand new resource called The Ben Born Again New Believers Growth Book. Now, I have to tell you that thousands of these have been in print for many years and have touched so many people, but we've gone back and we've revisited the whole thing.

We've rebuilt it from ground level up, new artwork, more content. I think it's even better than the first edition, and I wanna send you one that, well, how shall I say it? It's hot off the press, and so let me get you a copy of The Ben Born Again New Believers Growth Book for your gift of any size as you support our endeavors to reach this young generation.

Yeah, yeah, that's right. We have it waiting for you, so get in touch with your investment in the work we're doing here at A New Beginning and Harvest Ministries, and we'll thank you with this brand new Ben Born Again New Believers Growth Book. You can call us. It's a 24-hour phone number, 1-800-821-3300.

That's 1-800-821-3300, or just go online to Well, next time, Pastor Greg continues his series, Discipleship, The Road Less Taken. We'll see disciples are those who make the biggest impact for our culture. Join us here on A New Beginning with pastor and Bible teacher, Greg Lauren. This is the day, the day when life begins. Hey, everybody, thanks for listening to A New Beginning. This is a podcast made possible by Harvest Partners. So for more content that can help you know God and equip you to make Him known to others or to learn more about how you can become a Harvest Partner, just go to
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