The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : finances


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: finances
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 16, 2025
If you re wondering what the economy will do in you don t want to miss this program Few major league hitters can bat in a given season Imagine hitting That s what Bob Doll does every year forecasting economic trends He joins us today with his ten predictions for Bob Doll is the CEO and CIO of Crossmark Global Investments He regularly contributes to Faith and Finance and other media outlets like Bloomberg TV Fox Business and CNBC Key Economic Predictions Fewer Tailwinds More Tail RisksThe theme of Doll s predictions signals a shift Fewer Tailwinds Slower earnings growth [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2025
Give me neither poverty nor riches but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs Every generation has struggled to learn contentment and ours is certainly no different But God s Word provides great instruction on this tough topic Brian Holtz helps us work through it today Brian Holtz is the CEO of Compass Financial Ministry and the author of Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children What Is Contentment In Philippians the apostle Paul shares I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the secret [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 08, 2025
At this time of year many people hate going to the mailbox or checking their email That s because the Christmas bills are starting to roll in Yes the holidays are behind us but for many people burgeoning credit card balances are just ahead If you think you ll have trouble making those payments Neile Simon is here with a plan to help you get out of debt Neile Simon is a Certified Credit Counselor with Christian Credit Counselors CCC an underwriter of Faith Finance The Growing Problem of Credit Card DebtCredit card debt has surpassed trillion marking a increase [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 07, 2025
Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling but a foolish man devours it - Proverbs God s Word couldn t be any plainer on the need to live below one s means and to be able to save for the future To do that you need a budget Chad Clark is here to share some interesting facts about budgeting Chad Clark is the Executive Director of FaithFi Faith Finance and the co-author of Look at the Sparrows A -Day Devotional on Financial Fear and Anxiety More People Budget Than You Think But There's a CatchA recent NerdWallet [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 06, 2025
What if everything you own isn t really yours It s a biblical truth that changes everything once you grasp it The belief that God owns it all has profound implications for how we manage our resources and our lives Let s explore what it means to be a faithful steward of everything God has entrusted to us The Foundation of Biblical Money ManagementThe cornerstone of biblical money management is the belief that God owns everything Psalm states this clearly The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and those who dwell therein Paul builds on this [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 02, 2025
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one receives the prize So run that you may obtain it - Corinthians The apostle Paul exhorted the early church at Corinth to run in such a way as to win the prize but sometimes with finances it feels like we re in a race with no end Today Rachel McDonough joins us to talk about setting financial finish lines Rachel McDonough is a Certified Financial Planner CFP a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA and a regular Faith Finance contributor What Are Financial Finish Lines Financial finish [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 31, 2024
Some people learn from the mistakes of others Unfortunately some people have to be the others Well you certainly don t want to be one of the others who have to learn things the hard way by making mistakes Today we ll talk to Ron Blue about some of the biggest financial mistakes you want to avoid Ron Blue is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance most notably Master Your Money A Step-by-Step Plan for Experiencing Financial Contentment Setting Financial GoalsWithout clear financial goals you're essentially aiming at nothing Goals help you [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 27, 2024
The world is becoming more complex every day Technology solves problems and creates new ones How do you keep up Among so many other things today maybe you ve noticed that managing your finances is increasingly complicated and involves more than balancing a checkbook Sharon Epps joins us today with some much-needed advice the Ds of a Financial Reset Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi s parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise Define Your Financial VisionThe first step in a financial [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 23, 2024
Beauty matters to painters musicians and photographers but what does it have to do with investing The creation account suggests that beauty is also at the core of faithful stewardship and investing Today we ll discuss Investing in Beautiful with Jason Myhre of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing Jason Myhre is the Executive Director of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing an educational initiative of Eventide Asset Management and an underwriter of Faith Finance The Experience of BeautyWe all encounter beauty in various forms an orchestral performance a mountain hike a beach stroll or even a bouquet of flowers [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 18, 2024
We sometimes regret the things we say but often words left unsaid can bother us just as much We ve all had the thought Oh I wish I d said this or that You had more to say but for whatever reason time ran out Sharon Epps has some things to say about unfinished conversations today Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors our parent organization Kingdom Advisors is a group dedicated to training financial professionals to guide and advise you according to biblical principles The Power of Unfinished ConversationsThe end of the year naturally becomes a season of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 17, 2024
British philosopher G K Chesterton once said I know as much about the future as you do which is nothing Only God knows the future but that doesn t mean we shouldn t plan for it Mark Biller is here today to help you do that Mark Biller is Executive Editor and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance Today we ll cover some key takeaways from Sound Mind Investing s recent article Your Most Important Financial Moves for which offers over actionable tips across six categories Let s dive into some highlights to help [... more]
Planning Matters Radio
Peter Richon
December 14, 2024
The end of the year is a great time to start thinking about your finances for the upcoming year So Peter with Richon Planning and Erin Kennedy are sharing tips you can start now to help you get on track for Perform a Budget and Emergency Fund Checkup Max Out Your Roth IRA and HSA Consider Tax Loss Harvesting Rebalance Consider a QCD If you'd like to talk through your financial goals for and how you can achieve them please reach out to Peter for a complimentary consultation by calling - or visit www RichonPlanning com [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 13, 2024
They say that money is a good servant but a terrible master especially when it comes to debt Surveys show that taking on debt ranks near the top of the list of financial regrets Debt can make profound changes in your life and have spiritual consequences Sharon Epps joins us to talk about that today Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors our parent organization Kingdom Advisors is a group dedicated to training financial professionals to guide and advise you according to biblical principles Four Key Uses of Money Live Give Owe and GrowMany of us face the challenge [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 10, 2024
Have you started working on your New Year s resolutions yet Are you including your investing decisions in the mix A New Year always gives you the chance to make improvements especially with finances Cole Pearson is here today to talk about starting strong with values-based investing Cole Pearson is the President of Investment Solutions at OneAscent a family of companies seeking to help people align their investments with their Christian values OneAscent is also an underwriter of Faith Finance What Is Values-Based Investing Values-based investing is the practice of deploying financial resources in a way that aligns with a [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 06, 2024
In Mark Jesus tells us A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh But does becoming one extend to the checkbook Should husbands and wives have joint or separate bank accounts Let s explore this question and see if the Bible says anything about it What Does the Bible Say About Joint Finances The Bible doesn t specifically address joint or separate bank accounts as their banking looked much different than our modern system today However Scripture provides timeless principles that guide financial unity in marriage Marriage [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 03, 2024
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor so that you by his poverty might become rich - Corinthians That verse is among the most cited on the subject of generosity and for good reason It links generosity with the Gospel Dr Nathan Harris joins us to make that connection even stronger Dr Nathan Harris is Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Mobile in Mobile Alabama He is also the author of A Short Guide to Gospel Generosity Giving as an Act of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 02, 2024
Did you know that as a believer in Jesus you already have what it takes to make wise financial decisions The Bible tells us that Christians have the mind of Christ But what does this mean for managing money and possessions Let s explore how adopting Jesus perspective can transform our financial decisions and bring us closer to God s purpose for our lives Understanding the Mind of ChristHaving the mind of Christ means seeing the world and our finances through Jesus perspective As Christians we aim to serve think and love like Him in every area of life including [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 26, 2024
Where there is no guidance a people falls but in an abundance of counselors there is safety - Proverbs The words of that verse apply to all areas of Christian life including financial stewardship According to God's financial principles good counsel is important for managing His money wisely Dr Art Rainer joins us today to talk about it Dr Art Rainer is the founder of the Institute for Christian Financial Health and Christian Money Solutions He is a regular contributor here at Faith Finance and the author of Money in the Light of Eternity What the Bible Says about Your [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 25, 2024
As Thanksgiving week reminds us of the many blessings we enjoy it s natural to reflect on gratitude But does gratitude naturally lead to generosity Leo Sabo joins us today to discuss three things your pastor wishes you knew about giving Leo Sabo is the President of the Christian Stewardship Network CSN where he gets to share the incredible impact financial stewardship and generosity can have on the Church Giving Has Spiritual BenefitsYour pastor wants you to know that giving is deeply tied to your spiritual growth It s not just about meeting church needs it s about discipleship and [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 21, 2024
There s a great investing option out there and chances are it s not in your portfolio That option is Exchange-Traded Funds or ETFs and they re worth considering Brian Mumbert joins us today to discuss the advantages of ETFs Brian Mumbert is Vice President and Regional Sales Executive at Timothy Plan an underwriter of Faith Finance What is an ETF An Exchange-Traded Fund ETF is an investment option similar to a mutual fund but with distinct features ETFs typically follow an index such as the S P or NASDAQ and are not actively managed This means that an ETF [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 19, 2024
They say that winners never quit and quitters never win but that s not really true is it What if you re trying to quit a bad habit It s not only okay to quit a bad habit it s something we should always strive to do especially with investing Mark Biller joins us today with a list of bad habits you should quit if you find yourself doing them Mark Biller is Executive Editor and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance Go Ahead Be a QuitterIn a recent article titled Go Ahead Be [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 18, 2024
You ve heard of the Great Wealth Transfer taking place as Baby Boomers pass away but did you know that women will inherit the majority of those assets It s true The Great Wealth Transfer is really horizontal with widows inheriting most private wealth before it s passed on to the next generation Sharon Epps joins us today to talk about how women should prepare Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors our parent organization Kingdom Advisors is a group dedicated to training financial professionals to guide and advise you according to biblical principles Women as the Primary InheritorsOne [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 15, 2024
A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger - Proverbs That verse reminds us to keep a cool head when we experience conflict or crisis in a relationship and maybe even more when that crisis involves the marriage relationship Howard Dayton joins us today to talk about surviving a marriage crisis Howard Dayton is the founder of Compass Financial Ministry and the former host of this program He is also the author of several books on Christian Finance and Stewardship including Money and Marriage God's Way Recognizing the Warning Signs of a Marital CrisisMarriage challenges [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 12, 2024
If you ve ever thought you view the world differently than others that has probably never been more true A new study has revealed a sharp drop in the number of Americans with a biblical worldview Chad Clark joins us today with his insights Chad Clark is the Executive Director of FaithFi Faith Finance and the co-author of Look at the Sparrows A -Day Devotional on Financial Fear and Anxiety The State of the Biblical WorldviewRecent findings from the American Worldview Inventory conducted by Arizona Christian University This survey led by Dr George Barna polled over Americans on topics like [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 11, 2024
The Bible is full of wisdom on managing money and possessions yet there are common beliefs about wealth that are simply unbiblical These misconceptions can lead people away from God s truth about finances creating confusion and stress Let s examine five of these myths and explore what the Bible actually teaches The I Win You Lose MentalityOne widespread belief is that money is a zero-sum game for someone to have more someone else must have less This scarcity mindset fuels anxiety and fear making people view wealth as something limited Scripture however reveals God s generosity and ability to [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 05, 2024
Marriage is a living relationship that requires constant care and attention Dr Gary Chapman renowned author of The Love Languages The Secret to Love that Lasts highlights this in his resource A Couple s Guide to a Growing Marriage This Bible study helps couples invest in their marriage with a structured intentional approach ensuring their relationship grows stronger Working on your marriage benefits not just the couple but also their children and the broader community Strong marriages create strong families which have a positive impact on society For Christian couples it s essential to follow biblical principles for marriage as [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 01, 2024
Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old he will not depart from it - Proverbs God s Word tells us that children should be taught early how to live wisely and righteously including how to handle money Howard Dayton is here to explain why it s especially important to teach kids about the dangers of debt Howard Dayton is the founder of Compass Financial Ministry and the former host of this program He is also the author of a number of books on the topic of Christian Finance and Stewardship The Little-Big [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 31, 2024
The Fed is scheduled to meet next week Will it lower interest rates again With one rate cut already on the books and perhaps two more coming before the end of the year folks are wondering what effect all this will have on mortgages and home sales Dale Vermillion joins us today to talk about it Dale Vermillion is the author of Navigating the Mortgage Maze The Simple Truth About Financing Your Home This book covers everything you need to know about securing a mortgage all from a biblical perspective Current Mortgage Rate TrendsWith recent shifts in the economy many [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
October 29, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Reference Matthew God preserves the faithful see Psalm Faithfulness is God s measurement for our blessing One day our reward or lack of it will be according to our faithfulness Faithfulness means integrity loyalty and steadfastness In Matthew we see what why and how to be faithful men and women of God Matthew says His lord said to him Well done good and faithful servant you were faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things Enter into the joy of your lord A man of God is faithful to family He keeps [... more]
Planning Matters Radio
Peter Richon
October 26, 2024
A recent survey by AARP found that many Americans over don't feel confident about their finances However if you follow these specific strategies as explained by Peter with Richon Planning to Erin Kennedy you will certainly feel more in control and you'll be setting yourself up for a financially happy retirement Here's a look at those three strategies Utilize the Bucket Strategy segment your money based on time horizon which will allow you to grow your savings while still paying the bills Consider Semi-Retirement According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics the number of people and older who [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 24, 2024
These days more workers are opting to stay on the job after signing up for Social Security The percentage of Americans over who are still working has doubled since Of course many of them also get security benefits Eddie Holland is here to explain how working affects the monthly benefit check Eddie Holland is a Senior Private Wealth Advisor and partner of Blue Trust in Greenville South Carolina He s also a CPA a Certified Financial Planner CFP and a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA The Impact of Earnings on Social Security Before Full Retirement AgeIf you begin drawing Social Security [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 21, 2024
If you bought a house in the last couple of years you ve probably been wondering When can I refinance The Federal Reserve has already made one interest rate cut and more are expected before the end of the year So when will it make sense to refinance your mortgage If you re considering refinancing your mortgage it s crucial to weigh various factors before making a decision Movement Mortgage provides a helpful article Refinancing Calculate Your Break-Even Point First which explains when refinancing makes sense and how to determine if it's right for you While lower interest rates are [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 18, 2024
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen - Ephesians Have you ever wanted to take back words maybe even right after saying them We often use the phrase That came out wrong Kathleen Edelman joins us today to talk about getting communication right the first time Kathleen Edelman is the author of I Said This You Heard That How Your Wiring Colors Your Communication She is certified in Biblical Studies and Christian Counseling Psychology and has [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 17, 2024
Employment scams skyrocketed last year increasing by nearly Would you be able to spot one The FTC routinely handles thousands of employment scam complaints each year but that number is rising dramatically as technology makes conning job seekers easier for online thieves The Bible warns us about living in a hostile and deceptive world In Matthew Jesus reminds us Behold I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves This means we are called to live innocently doing no harm but also to practice discernment and wisdom to [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 10, 2024
Learn to do good seek justice correct oppression bring justice to the fatherless plead the widow s cause - Isaiah Widows are often unprepared to face a range of difficulties including grief social isolation and of course financial challenges Valerie Hogan joins us today to discuss some ways we can help Valerie Hogan is an attorney a Certified Financial Planner CFP a member of Kingdom Advisors as well as the co-author of Wise Women Managing Money Expert Advice on Debt Wealth Budgeting and More with Miriam Neff Helping Widows Build Financial ConfidenceMore than of married women outlive their husbands and [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 09, 2024
Many folks with ks and IRAs probably don t think much about proxy voting but it can be a powerful tool for the Kingdom As investors we have an opportunity to make our Christian values known to the companies in our portfolio We just need to take advantage of it Brandon Pizzurro joins us today to tell us how Brandon Pizzurro is the President and Chief Investment Officer of GuideStone Capital Management an underwriter of Faith Finance What Is Proxy Voting When you purchase stock in a company you become an owner and as an owner you have a say [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 08, 2024
English statesman Francis Bacon once wrote Money is a great servant but a bad master If we don t learn to manage money wisely to take control of it it will soon master us It s one way or the other Today Bob Lotich tells us how to be the master and not the servant when it comes to money and he makes it pretty clear as well Bob Lotich is a high-performance financial coach and Certified Educator in Personal Finance CEPF and has been named a top- influencer in personal finance His wife Linda and his award-winning website SeedTime [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 07, 2024
One of the enemy s favorite tools for discouraging Christians is the question What if Unfortunately those What if questions lead right down the road to fear Timothy reminds us for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control How many times have you worried about your finances asking those scary what if questions like What if I lose my job What if I don t have enough money for retirement What if something bad happens to me or my loved ones We all have these fears often driven by uncertainties about the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 01, 2024
Are you worried about a recession Some economists say there s still a chance it could happen in People often ask Will we have a recession The answer of course is Yes We ll always have another recession the real questions are When and Are you prepared for it If you re not now s the time to get started With the economy showing signs of slowing down preparing yourself financially for a potential recession is essential Here are seven practical steps to recession-proof your finances and help you navigate uncertain times Check Your Credit Score and ReportsThe first step [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 30, 2024
God s Word says a husband and wife become one flesh but it doesn t say anything about prenups It s true you won t find prenuptial agreement in your concordance So does that mean a Christian should never have one God s Design for Marriage Oneness and CovenantA prenuptial agreement prenup is a legal contract that couples agree to before marriage outlining how their assets money property and other possessions will be divided if they divorce While this can seem like a practical way to handle complex financial conversations many wonder if it aligns with God s design for [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 25, 2024
Where there is no guidance a people falls but in an abundance of counselors there is safety - Proverbs At one time finding someone who shared your Christian values and could give you expert financial guidance was quite a challenge But today a nationwide network of Christian financial professionals fills that void Sharon Epps joins us today to explain What is a CKA Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi s parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise The Origin of Certified Kingdom [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 24, 2024
The definition of synergy is two things put together having an effect greater than the sum of the parts Synergy can play a beneficial role in family finances A case in point is an ABLE account working together with a special needs trust for a person with disabilities Matt Syverson joins us today to talk about it Matt Syverson is Managing Partner Senior Wealth Advisor for Sound Stewardship in Overland Park Kansas He is also a Certified Financial Planner CFP and a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA What is an ABLE Account An ABLE account short for Achieving a Better Life [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
September 23, 2024
Many divorces are traceable to financial disagreements When it comes to finances in marriage we need to focus our hearts on God and His will In this message from Timothy Pastor Lutzer attends to four principles for money honesty contentment faith and generosity How do we steward our daily needs as well as major expenditures This month s special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at https rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 20, 2024
There s a saying When the wolf comes in the door love creeps out the window Money problems are always listed among the top reasons couples divorce This is all the more tragic because money problems are fixable Rachel McDonough joins us today with a three-step approach to better money and marriage Rachel McDonough is a Certified Financial Planner CFP a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA and a regular Faith Finance contributor Finding UnityManaging money in marriage can be a significant source of frustration for couples With different financial habits priorities and values it s easy for disagreements to arise However [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 19, 2024
Many believers would agree that churches should follow the same financial principles that God s Word provides for individuals But even within that agreement there s still plenty of room for debate For example should churches borrow for building and expansion projects Borrowing for church projects can be a sensitive topic raising important questions about finances and faith While the Bible does not declare borrowing a sin it does offer several warnings about its potential pitfalls Let's explore the biblical principles and guidance for churches considering debt Biblical Warnings About DebtProverbs says The rich rule over the poor and the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 18, 2024
Can you name two things that don t seem to go together but actually do How about freedom and budgeting We hear from folks all the time who feel that living on a budget cramps their style hems them in and makes them feel trapped Brandon Sieben is with us today to make the case that just the opposite is true Brandon Sieben is the Chairman of the Board at Compass Financial Ministry How Simplified Finances Lead to Peace of MindAlthough budgeting might seem restricting it can lead to financial freedom and peace of mind Here are the fundamental principles [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 13, 2024
Student loan forgiveness is much in the news these days It s on It s off It s on again maybe What s the lesson here The lesson is this Avoiding student loan debt is much easier than getting out of it It just takes discipline We ll talk about that with Dr Art Rainer today Dr Art Rainer is the founder of the Institute for Christian Financial Health and Christian Money Solutions He is a regular contributor here at Faith Finance and the author of The Money Challenge for Teens Prepare for College Run from Debt and Live Generously [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 12, 2024
Look at the birds of the air they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them Are you not of more value than they - Matthew God has promised to provide and He is ever faithful Knowing that is one thing believing and living by it is another Taylor Standridge and Chad Clark join us today to launch a brand new tool to help you overcome financial fear and anxiety Taylor Standridge and Chad Clark along with Carolyn Calupca are the authors of the new FaithFi devotional Look At The Sparrows A -Day [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 11, 2024
All your relationships with your spouse family and friends are important but temporary Your only eternal relationship is with God The bonds of family and friends help us thrive in this world but they pale in comparison to the significance of our relationship with the Lord Today I ll share some practical ways you can draw closer to God Connecting Faith and Finances Why Your Relationship with God Affects Your MoneyYou might wonder What does my relationship with God have to do with finances After all this is a blog about money right Yes but it s also about faith [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 10, 2024
You ve probably heard it said that anything worth doing is worth doing well Today we ll find out why working hard at something can pay big dividends spiritually and financially The Secret to Success Discipline in Every Area of LifeWhat does it take to succeed If you ask any successful person they ll likely tell you that success doesn t happen by accident it requires hard work preparation and the ability to learn from failure As former U S Secretary of State General Colin Powell once said There is no secret to success It is the result of preparation [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 06, 2024
A recent survey shows that most parents think they should teach their kids financial literacy the good news is that many are actually doing it Still other parents may not know how to teach their kids financial responsibility Ron Blue joins us today to discuss how he and his wife Judy did it Ron Blue is the co-founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance including Your Kids Can Master Their Money Fun Ways to Help Them Learn How The Importance of Financial Education at HomeA recent survey by the Bank of Oklahoma Financial reveals [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 05, 2024
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin - Romans Being born again in Christ changes a person We re given a new nature that fights against our old corrupt nature Sometimes the evidence of this is in the area of finances Straight ahead a journey to faithful stewardship Bobby s TestimonyIt's always a great privilege to connect with people answer their financial questions and offer help whenever possible Recently we spoke with Bobby from Nebraska [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 29, 2024
John contains a command and a warning for Christians Do not love the world or the things in the world If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him You have a choice to be worldly or Kingdom-minded with your finances But beware God s way is definitely counter-cultural What Does Your Money Say About Your Values In today s world many people are inclined to fit in follow the crowd and keep up with the Joneses But as Christians we are called to live by a different set of values values that often stand [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 28, 2024
The world is becoming more complex every day Technology solves problems and creates new ones How do you keep up Among so many other things today maybe you ve noticed that managing your finances is increasingly complicated and involves more than balancing a checkbook Sharon Epps joins us today with some much-needed advice the Ds of a Financial Reset Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi s parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise Define Your Financial VisionThe first step in a financial [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 22, 2024
Concerning that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the Son but the Father only For as were the days of Noah so will be the coming of the Son of Man - Matthew - Jesus made it quite clear that no one on earth knows the day or hour of His return Yet we re to live as if He s coming back tomorrow Does that mean we don t need to plan for the future Matt Bell weighs in on the issue today Matt Bell is the Managing Editor at Sound Mind [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 20, 2024
For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them - Ephesians Our good works are not for our sake but for God s sake to give Him glory Investing gives us a powerful way to do that Today we ll talk with Dr Finny Kuruvilla about investing to change the world Dr Finny Kuruvilla is the Co-Chief Investment Officer and Founding Member of Eventide Asset Management an underwriter of Faith Finance He holds an MD from Harvard Medical School a PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Biology from [... more]
Alex McFarland Show
Alex McFarland
August 20, 2024
On this week s episode Alex has special guest Kaelin Coe of Digital Asset Sisters on the show to discuss finances tithing and crypto currency and how that comes into play as Christians Kaelin and her sister Kinley help people understand Biblical principles of handling money and investment opportunities in the world today A topic relevant to everyone we re excited to share this episode with you Scriptures Malachi Matthew John - John Alex McFarland WebsiteBooking alexmcfarland comAsk Alex OnlineVoting with a Biblical WorldviewSpeaking EventsDonateAlex McFarland MinistriesPO Box Greensboro NC - - - - -YES-GOD Guest Info For Kaelin Coe [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 15, 2024
The dictionary says integrity is being honest and having strong moral principles God s Word says Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than one perverse in his ways though he be rich Are you living with integrity in your financial dealings Understanding IntegrityIntegrity isn't just about honesty it also means strength and dependability When we say a bridge has integrity we mean it s sturdy and consistently reliable able to withstand any amount of traffic without collapsing As Christians we are called to be like that bridge representing Jesus Christ to the world by being honest strong [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 12, 2024
The poet Ogden Nash once wrote Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them but none are fun when you set about retiring them One thing s for sure getting into debt is much easier than getting out of debt so the more you know about debt and credit the better off you ll be Author Dr Shane Enete joins us again today to discuss his take on that double-edged sword Dr Shane Enete is an Associate Professor of Finance at Biola University and the author of the brand new book Whole Heart Finances A Jesus-Centered Guide to Managing [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 09, 2024
A boomerang is supposed to return when it leaves your hand But a boomerang kid well that s something else entirely Do you have a boomerang kid That s a term for an adult child that s returned home like a boomerang and now lives with you again If so you re not alone We ll talk about what you can do about it You're not alone if you have a boomerang kid living in your basement The latest Boomerang Kids Survey by Thrivent conducted in April found that of parents have had an adult child move back in with [... more]
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