The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : exegetical


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: exegetical
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
May 26, 2022
The Great Commission cannot be fulfilled apart from teaching Today Burk Parsons identifies what it is that Jesus has commanded His people to teach as we strive to make disciples Get 'The Great Commission' DVD Series with Burk Parsons for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org the-great-commission Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
December 22, 2020
The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
November 30, 2020
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com I recently was reading to my children a new children's book about the bible and the book described sin as loving things more than God It warned the kids that if they love anything too much like their parents and friends then this is the definition of sin Is that the entirety of what sin is I understand that we need to love God supremely however I don't necessarily want my children insecure or afraid if they love me or their father too much Is there a [... more]
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