The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : God commands


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: God commands
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
January 09, 2025
If you want to change for the better there are seven key areas that you must cultivate in your thought life In this message Chip explains those key areas in a message he calls Think Great Thoughts Main Points Introduction We are what we eat It s true physically It s true psychologically It s true spiritually Practice Think Great Thoughts I Since we are a product of our thought life God commands us to Think Great thoughts --Philippians - The Command is to think dwell on these things Logizomai to consider think on reckon to deduce to reason calculate [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
January 08, 2025
If you re married you want a great marriage - not just a good one Right If you run a business you want to build a great business Right Chip begins this series by sharing ten practices that will help take the guess work out of moving from good to great in the eyes of God Main Points Introduction We are what we eat It s true physically It s true psychologically It s true spiritually Practice Think Great Thoughts I Since we are a product of our thought life God commands us to Think Great thoughts --Philippians - The [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 25, 2024
Charles Dickens s A Christmas Carol is a timeless tale cherished for its powerful story of transformation Yet beneath its heartwarming narrative lies a deeper commentary on economics generosity and faith one that challenges the worldview of scarcity and embraces God s abundance Today Jerry Bowyer will dive into the philosophical and theological themes within the story and help us discover what we can learn from Ebenezer Scrooge s journey Jerry Bowyer is the President of Bowyer Research and our Resident Economist here at Faith Finance He is the author of The Maker Versus the Takers What Jesus Really Said [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
October 15, 2024
We all know from Genesis that God created the world and called all He made good But not many of us remember that God also put human beings in charge of caring for creation In this program Chip continues challenging how Christians should think about the environment Learn why Scripture proves God cares about our world and why we should too Main Points The Question How are followers of Christ to think act and respond to the controversial issue of the environment Examining the Scripture What does God say about the environment The earth belongs to God -Psalm - Implication [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
October 14, 2024
Is global warming true Is the Earth our sacred Mother Are human beings responsible for messing up the world In this program Chip considers these questions from a biblical perspective While this issue may seem unimportant Chip reveals that God has some pretty direct things to say about His creation and our responsibilities to care for it Main Points The Question How are followers of Christ to think act and respond to the controversial issue of the environment Examining the Scripture What does God say about the environment The earth belongs to God -Psalm - Implication We are to honor [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
June 15, 2024
God commands His people not to be conformed to this fallen world but that isn't a calling to isolate ourselves from secular society Today R C Sproul presents what it really means to be a Christian nonconformist Get R C Sproul's Teaching Series 'Pleasing God' for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org pleasing-god Register for the Ligonier National Conference before the off discount ends by visiting Ligonier org Meet Today's Teacher R C Sproul - was known for his ability to winsomely and clearly communicate deep practical truths from God's Word He was founder of Ligonier Ministries [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
November 02, 2023
Dr Stanley explains that when God tells us to do something and we choose not to obey we are running from Him [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
October 02, 2023
Watch listen or read the full-length version of this message here https www wisdomonline org teachings nature-gone-wild Do you believe that God is in control of natural disasters every hurricane tsunami and tornado In His sovereignty God commands and controls the entire natural world just as He ordains each moment of our lives It's a comfort to know that nothing is by accident Even when our life and circumstances look and feel chaotic God has everything under control And as we learn in this message natural disasters have much to teach us about living out our faith in the all-powerful [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
September 24, 2023
Worry is a common emotion even among Christians God commands His people not to fear yet all of us experience fear to some degree and respond to it differently Discover the Bible's solution for fear when you listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series 'Lessons for Life Volume ' Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount Helpful Resources - Learn about God's salvation plan - Read our most [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
September 11, 2023
When we face challenges that seem insurmountable we have this unfailing assurance the Lord is with us wherever we go Today R C Sproul draws encouragement from God's promise to Joshua after the death of Moses Get Two Teaching Series for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org book-of-joshua-dust-to-glory Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
September 03, 2023
How can we understand and avoid apostasy and its dreadful consequences-- Pastor Greg Barkman continues his practical exposition of the book of Hebrews [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
September 02, 2023
God repeatedly extended grace to Jonah and yet Jonah struggled to show the same mercy to others Are you guilty of the same reluctance Find out how it's possible to extend grace to those who've wronged you Listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg ----------------------------------------- Helpful Resources - Learn about God's salvation plan - Read our most recent articles - Subscribe to our daily devotional Follow Us YouTube Instagram Facebook Twitter This listener-funded program features the clear relevant Bible teaching of Alistair Begg Today's program and nearly messages can be streamed and shared for free at tfl org thanks [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
August 31, 2023
https www thetruthpulpit comClick the icon below to listen Related StoriesThe Christian Perspective on Government Our Great Redeemer Our Great Redeemer [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
August 21, 2023
God commands His people not to be conformed to this fallen world but that isn't a calling to isolate ourselves from secular society Today R C Sproul presents what it really means to be a Christian nonconformist Get R C Sproul's Teaching Series 'Pleasing God' for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org pleasing-god Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 08, 2023
As I scanned my social media feed in the aftermath of the flood in southern Louisiana I came across a friend rsquo s post After realizing her home would have to be gutted and rebuilt my friend rsquo s mom encouraged her to look for God even in the heart-wrenching work of cleaning up My friend later posted pictures of Bible verses she uncovered on the exposed door frames of the home apparently written at the time the home had been built Reading the Scriptures on the wooden planks gave her comfort The tradition of writing Bible verses on doorframes [... more]
Running With Horses
Shirley Weaver Ministries
March 06, 2023
Faith's benchmark for these end-times is peace of heart and mind That means that for each night season and each morning believers are empowered to choose continual peace a treasure mined by those who comprehend the value In Song of Solomon we read I sleep but my heart is awake God orders our lives so that the longing heart advances in the night and opens the way for a fresh new morning the two together our God named day In this episode Shirley discusses how God commands the morning to take hold of the earth and His same authority of [... more]
More Than Ink
Pastor Jim Catlin & Dorothy Catlin
February 04, 2023
Episode - If They Build It Will He Come Feb by A Production of Main Street Church of Brigham City [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
November 18, 2022
When it came to leading the Israelites King Saul seemed to take one step forward and two steps back On Truth For Life Alistair Begg explains how Saul's prideful foolish decision resulted in greater sin among the people and almost cost his son his life Listen [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
October 25, 2022
Best-selling author amp Bible teacher Jen Wilkin chats about the Commandments Could God's law open a window to who he really is amp our eternal reality Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at shop familylife com Find more content and resources on the FamilyLife's app Help others find FamilyLife Leave a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify Check out all the FamilyLife podcasts on the FamilyLife Podcast Network [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 02, 2022
ldquo Who rsquo s in the mirror rdquo the psychologists conducting the self-recognition test asked children At eighteen months or younger a child usually doesn rsquo t associate herself with the image in the mirror But as kids grow they can understand they rsquo re looking at themselves Self-recognition is an important mark of healthy growth and maturation It rsquo s also important to the growth of believers in Jesus James outlines a mirror recognition test The mirror is ldquo the word of truth rdquo from God James When we read the Scriptures what do we see Do we recognize [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
August 24, 2022
How do we define the roles in our household Joe Rigney gives us insight by using an easy sentence framework Show Notes and Resources Listen to the full program from Sam Allberry on God's Design for Masculinity and Femininity Checkout this week's donation offer Get off all of our Small Group Studies amp Getaway Kits Resource Sale Resources on FamilyLife Today Passport Mission Get access to our family kits Passport to Purity amp Passport to Identity Find resources from this podcast at shop familylife com Find more content and resources on the FamilyLife's app Help others find FamilyLife Leave a [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
August 23, 2022
How do we define the roles in our household Joe Rigney gives us insight by using an easy sentence framework Show Notes and Resources Listen to the full program from Sam Allberry on God's Design for Masculinity and Femininity Checkout this week's donation offer Get off all of our Small Group Studies amp Getaway Kits Resource Sale Resources on FamilyLife Today Passport Mission Get access to our family kits Passport to Purity amp Passport to Identity Find resources from this podcast at shop familylife com Find more content and resources on the FamilyLife's app Help others find FamilyLife Leave a [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
August 07, 2022
We don't leap toward spiritual decline but crawl toward it little by little and we experience it when we give the Devil a foothold As Pastor Greg says Show me a Christian who's starting to compromise and I'll show you a Christian who's headed toward spiritual ruin Hear what else he has to say on the matter in this Sunday episode Notes Do not make deals with the devil you will lose The devil is evil the devil is wicked and the devil is cunning A Christian who begins to comprise is headed toward spiritual ruin You are loved you [... more]
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
December 09, 2021
See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
October 20, 2021
Christians are to be models of submission to the authorities God has placed over them But what happens when those rulers command us to disobey the Lord Today R C Sproul navigates this conflict between ruling authorities in this sermon from the book of Acts Get R C Sproul's Commentary on Acts for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org acts-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
October 13, 2021
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode What do I do when I don't feel saved My friend is saying that you have to believe in election and predestination to be a true Christian What do you say to that In Leviticus the sacrifice of the scapegoat is mentioned God commands the Israelites to send the scapegoat out to Azazel All of the research I have done makes it seem like Azazel is a demonic spirit If that's right why did God command Israel to make a sacrifice to Azazel [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
June 05, 2021
God commands children to obey their parents Seems pretty straightforward right Then why is parenting so complicated Learn more about the challenging responsibility of raising children in the way they should go That's on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg Listen [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
May 29, 2021
After the death of Moses Joshua was appointed to lead the people of Israel into the promised land Though his mentor was gone the Lord was with him Today R C Sproul reminds us that the same God goes with us in our every trial Get 'Book of Joshua' CD with R C Sproul for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org book-joshua Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 25, 2021
The whole work of redemption--from judgment to mercy--is found in the symbolism of the various elements of the Tent of Meeting Today R C Sproul emphasizes the importance of this tabernacle in the wilderness Get the 'Dust to Glory' Special Edition DVD Series with R C Sproul for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org dust-to-glory Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 05, 2020
Can we count on God to provide for our needs Absolutely Can we count on him to do it on our timeline Dr Tony Evans says probably not Join him as he reveals what often accounts for the delay and how we can learn to be more confident in a crisis [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
October 23, 2020
Is it ever legitimate for the church to act in defiance against the state Today R C Sproul teaches us a principle from Scripture to help us gauge when our submission to Christ requires us to disobey civil authorities Get the 'Church and State' CD and 'What Is the Relationship Between Church and State ' CQ Booklet for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org church-and-state Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
September 14, 2020
God commands us to guard our hearts with all diligence because our relationships decisions actions and words flow from our heart Here's the question How do you do that In this program Ryan Ingram helps us find the answer [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
August 24, 2019
Isaiah - says the seven anointings of the Holy Spirit are wisdom understanding council might knowledge fear of the Lord delight in the fear of the Lord Robbie believes Hans reflects these virtues through his dedication to advising his clients well by staying up-to-date on the retirement industry and adhering to Christian standards This week Hans and Robbie want to keep listeners up-to-date with the SECURE Act and how it will change taxes in retirement Before continuing Hans asks listeners to take a moment and pray for Tom Griffith one of Cardinal's advisors and a regular guest on the show [... more]
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