The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Blessing


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Blessing
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 26, 2024
The human instinct is to hoard things in times of economic stress Let's look at what the Bible has to say about that Hoarding is the over-the-top collection of stuff you can't rationally use in a reasonable time Today we'll talk about the root causes of this temptation and how to avoid it Triggers of HoardingPeople hoard at different levels sometimes even to the point of mental illness though that's not our focus here Instead we'll discuss the kind of hoarding that many of us are tempted to do often in response to circumstances Various factors can trigger hoarding Fear [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
July 26, 2024
Obedience always brings blessing [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 23, 2024
It's human nature to be concerned about having enough but would you know it when you get there It's a question we don't ask ourselves enough how much is enough We have a great story in the Bible that gives us a clue and Dr Kelly Rush joins us today to talk about it Dr Kelly Rush is a Professor of Finance Department Chair and Financial Planning Program Coordinator at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio Understanding Lifestyle CreepIf you're unfamiliar with the concept of lifestyle creep it's where individuals tend to spend more on lifestyle comforts and luxuries as [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
July 21, 2024
In times of mourning we often feel anything but blessed Yet Jesus singled out the mournful people of God as those who will enjoy His comfort From his expositional series in the gospel of Matthew today R C Sproul continues to survey the blessings that Christ pronounced in the Beatitudes Get a Copy of R C Sproul's Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew for a Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org matthew-expositional-commentary Meet Today's Teacher R C Sproul - was known for his ability to winsomely and clearly communicate deep practical truths from God's Word He was founder [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 17, 2024
Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord's will is - Ephesians That verse is a good reminder that to follow God's will we must first know it for all areas of our lives including finances Brian Holtz joins us today with a question Does your budget reflect God's priorities or yours Brian Holtz is the Chief Operating Officer at Compass Financial Ministry and the author of Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children Ownership vs Stewardship One of the fundamental concepts of Christian finances is the distinction between ownership and stewardship Psalm reminds us The earth [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
July 14, 2024
As soon as Jesus sat down to preach His most famous sermon He pronounced a series of surprising blessings From his sermon series in the gospel of Matthew today R C Sproul introduces the Beatitudes and explains what it truly means to be blessed by God Get a Copy of R C Sproul's Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew for a Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org matthew-expositional-commentary Meet Today's Teacher R C Sproul - was known for his ability to winsomely and clearly communicate deep practical truths from God's Word He was founder of Ligonier Ministries first [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 10, 2024
I expected eight bananas Instead when I opened the grocery bags delivered to my home I discovered twenty bananas I quickly realized that my move to England meant I also moved from ordering groceries in pounds to requesting them in kilograms Instead of three pounds I had ordered three kilograms nearly seven pounds of bananas With such an abundance I made several batches of a favorite banana bread recipe to share the blessing with others As I mashed up the fruit I began thinking about the other areas of my life where I have experienced unexpected abundance mdash and each [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 08, 2024
God wants to give you His very best He has a great plan for your life and that plan includes receiving the very best from His gracious hand However most people don't get God's best because they have missed a couple of important steps along the way Chip reveals those important steps so you can begin getting God's best for your life Main PointsBabylon is on the march Observation We are not at the mercy of a pagan culture Observation The future of the world will be determined by who captures the next generation Observation Protection of our children from [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 05, 2024
Do you ever feel like God isn't happy with you Like He's wishing you would just get your act together but you're not really sure exactly what it is He WANTS you to do Chip shares what scripture says about what God wants from all of us and how you can begin giving that to Him starting today Main PointsAbraham s journey shows what God wants most from each of us - Genesis - Abraham rsquo s confidence in God rsquo s promises and God rsquo s character were the secret to His surrender and reward - Romans - Hebrews [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 04, 2024
An old friend sent me a note after my husband rsquo s death ldquo Alan was a grappler with God He was a real Jacob Israel and a strong reason why I am a Christian today rdquo I rsquo d never thought to compare Alan rsquo s struggles with the patriarch Jacob rsquo s but it fit Throughout his life Alan struggled with himself and wrestled with God for answers He loved God but couldn rsquo t always grasp the truths that God loved him forgave him and heard his prayers Yet his life had its blessings and he positively [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 04, 2024
Let me ask you what does God want most from you Any ideas Chip shares how you can not only know what God wants from you but also how to give it to Him Main PointsAbraham s journey shows what God wants most from each of us - Genesis - Abraham rsquo s confidence in God rsquo s promises and God rsquo s character were the secret to His surrender and reward - Romans - Hebrews Abraham rsquo s life reveals that surrender is the channel through which God rsquo s biggest and best blessings flow - Romans John - [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
July 02, 2024
For centuries Americans have enjoyed the blessings of religious freedom But today our liberties are threatened by those who ignore God as we stray farther and farther from our Christian heritage Dr Robert Jeffress reveals the dark future that lies ahead if America continues down this dangerous road To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 01, 2024
In the First Century B C Roman historian Sallust said Prosperity tries the souls even of the wise Most people would choose financial prosperity despite its temptations But what if you're living with financial adversity Today we'll talk about how to be wise in good times and bad The Temptations of Financial Success and AdversityWhen things are going well financially it's tempting to take credit for your success leading to sins like pride and greed On the other hand adversity brings its own set of temptations such as self-pity bitterness and envy Neither set of attitudes is godly Christians are [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 28, 2024
To express her sadness Allie a young girl wrote on a piece of wood and set it in a park ldquo To be honest I rsquo m sad Nobody ever wants to hang out with me and I have lost the only person that listens I cry every day rdquo When someone found that note she brought sidewalk chalk to the park and asked people to write their thoughts to Allie Dozens of words of support were left by students from a nearby school ldquo We love you rdquo ldquo God loves you rdquo ldquo You are beloved rdquo The [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
June 27, 2024
Our culture's view of truth seems to rely on majority opinion But when it comes to the cross the majority culture is either silent or hates it In this message Pastor Lutzer uncovers three lessons about the power of God displayed in the cross of Jesus Christ We cannot lose our nerve in proclaiming humanity's sinfulness and Christ's redemption This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 26, 2024
More than nbsp two hundred million people from a variety of faiths undertake a pilgrimage each year For many throughout the ages a pilgrim rsquo s task has been to journey to a sacred place to receive some kind of blessing It rsquo s been all about reaching the temple cathedral shrine or other destination where a blessing can be received Britain rsquo s Celtic Christians however saw pilgrimage differently They set out directionless into the wild or let their boats drift wherever the oceans took them mdash pilgrimage for them being about trusting God in unfamiliar territory Any blessing [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 26, 2024
The Bible contains many accounts of God providing miraculously for His people but none are more fascinating than the story of the Widow's Oil That passage is found in Kings - it's just seven verses but they're loaded with teaching about God's provision Sharon Epps joins us today to unpack the story of the Widow's Oil and how we can apply it to our lives today Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi's parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise Elisha and the [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
June 21, 2024
In Matthew Jesus said Blessed are those who mourn Yet when we feel sadness regret or guilt most would rarely describe that pain with the word blessing The Bible teaches us that there is a good sorrow a sorrow that teaches us heals us and draws us near to the Savior What does that good sorrow look like Is there a right way to sorrow over sin What is the difference between worldly sorrow that binds and godly sorrow that frees us Today Pastor Rich answers these questions from our passage in Corinthians - [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
June 20, 2024
In Matthew Jesus said Blessed are those who mourn Yet when we feel sadness regret or guilt most would rarely describe that pain with the word blessing The Bible teaches us that there is a good sorrow a sorrow that teaches us heals us and draws us near to the Savior What does that good sorrow look like Is there a right way to sorrow over sin What is the difference between worldly sorrow that binds and godly sorrow that frees us Today Pastor Rich answers these questions from our passage in Corinthians - [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
June 19, 2024
In Matthew Jesus said Blessed are those who mourn Yet when we feel sadness regret or guilt most would rarely describe that pain with the word blessing The Bible teaches us that there is a good sorrow a sorrow that teaches us heals us and draws us near to the Savior What does that good sorrow look like Is there a right way to sorrow over sin What is the difference between worldly sorrow that binds and godly sorrow that frees us Today Pastor Rich answers these questions from our passage in Corinthians - [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 17, 2024
You've been a careful steward working hard saving your money and spending wisely Now what Being able to live comfortably and afford the things you need seems like a worthy goal Today we'll look at having a surplus from a biblical perspective Celebrating Financial FaithfulnessMaybe we don't do this enough speak directly to the faithful listeners who already follow God's principles in their finances You've been living with integrity and making wise choices with your money for years Well we're talking to you today First of all well done Financial faithfulness is a big deal It takes sacrifice commitment and [... more]
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
June 17, 2024
Christ's benediction at his ascension is the fulfillment of the Aaronic sacrifice and benedictions of the Old Testament Pastor Hunter Strength speaks clearly of the blessing of the Lord on his people [... more]
So What?
Lon Solomon
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 07, 2024
The men in the Bible study group were nearly eighty years old so I was surprised to learn they struggled with lust A battle that had begun in their youth lingered still Each day they pledged to follow Jesus in this area and asked forgiveness for the moments they failed It may surprise us that godly men still fight against base temptations at a late stage in life but maybe it shouldn rsquo t An idol is anything that threatens to take the place of God in our lives and such things can show up long after we assume they [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 01, 2024
When my wife Cari and I finished our higher education we had several thousand dollars in debt that we needed to consolidate through a lower interest rate We applied for a loan at the local bank but were turned down because we hadn rsquo t lived or worked in that city for long A few days later I shared what had happened with my friend Ming who was an elder in our church ldquo I rsquo d like to mention this to my wife rdquo he said on the way out the door A few hours later the phone rang [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
May 22, 2024
In Christian circles we tend to throw the word blessing around a lot And it's true that every good gift is from God But even non-believers enjoy the common grace of everyday blessings There's a big difference between good things happening to us and God actively moving in a miraculous way [... more]
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Grace To You
John MacArthur
May 21, 2024
Click the icon below to listen [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
May 17, 2024
Chip reveals more from Proverbs looking at a godly woman's impact and her reward As she faithfully pursues God in her mission to raise a healthy family her children will not only survive but her children will thrive and be a blessing to everyone around them Main PointsWhat does God admire most in a woman Godly character expressed in marriage - Proverbs - Godly character expressed in her home - Proverbs - Godly character expressed in her work - Proverbs - Godly character expressed in her ministry Proverbs Godly character expressed in wise planning and priorities - Proverbs - What [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
May 08, 2024
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Is God still honored by an impulsive marriage Is blessing animals a legitimate church practice Are Roman Catholics actually Christians Is it wrong to use extra-biblical practices if they help me focus on God Is the righteousness of Christ imputed by faith or sanctification Today's Offer Names of God You Should Know Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity Consider becoming a member of the Inner Core View our latest special offers here or call - -THE-CORE - - to request them [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
May 08, 2024
Today Stephen Davey begins a groundbreaking study on one of the most anticipated and debated events in biblical prophecy the Rapture and the Tribulation Dive into the biblical truth behind these events understanding God's wrath and the timeline of His plan Discover what will happen right before the Rapture and why we believe it happens before the Tribulation Key takeaway The Bible describes future events so that we can be informed motivated and prepared for what lies ahead [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
May 07, 2024
The world tells us Blessed are those with wealth strength power knowledge and popularity But in Matthew Jesus puts an emphasis not primarily on what a man has but on what a man is In this message Adrian Rogers reveals how bankruptcy can become a blessing [... more]
Connect with Skip Heitzig
Skip Heitzig
May 01, 2024
Pastor Skip shares a powerful message about the blessing it is to give to those who are in need [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 01, 2024
Malachi says Bring the full tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house And thereby put me to the test says the Lord of hosts if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need God isn't just telling us to test Him with our giving He's challenging us to test Him Do it and see what I will do Why do you think many Christians are reluctant to do this Many Christians are reluctant to test God with their finances because [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
April 29, 2024
The trials we face are sometimes necessary For the persecuted church in the first century Peter's letter anchored them with a lasting hope In this message Pastor Lutzer explores the blessings of being chosen by the Triune God Amid all the trials Christians have an inheritance reserved in heaven This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 18, 2024
Poet William Cowper struggled with depression much of his life After a suicide attempt he was committed to an asylum But it was there through the care of a Christian physician that Cowper came to a warm vital faith in Jesus Soon afterwards Cowper became acquainted with pastor and hymnwriter John Newton who encouraged him to collaborate on a hymnal for their church Among the hymns Cowper wrote was ldquo God Moves in a Mysterious Way rdquo which contains these words pressed from the crucible of experience ldquo You fearful saints fresh courage take the clouds you so much dread [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
April 15, 2024
If your family is dealing with an unplanned pregnancy it can be a very difficult time with lots of emotions and potential outcomes In this Focus on the Family chapel message a winsome mother-daughter team share how an unplanned pregnancy rocked their world the confusion that resulted and how the daughter found strength through biblical counseling at a local pregnancy resource center Ultimately the baby was adopted by an extended family member and is growing up delighted to have an 'extra' mom Your gift to support our Option Ultrasound program will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 07, 2024
When France and Argentina met in the World Cup final it was an incredible contest that many dubbed the ldquo greatest World Cup match in history rdquo As the final seconds ticked off in extra time the score was tied - sending the soccer teams to penalty kicks After Argentina made the winning goal the nation erupted in celebration More than a million Argentineans overwhelmed downtown Buenos Aires Drone footage spread across social media showing this raucous happy scene One BBC report described how the city quaked with ldquo an explosion of joy rdquo Joy is always a wonderful gift [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 01, 2024
Historical Context and Modern ImplicationsAfter crossing the Jordan into the promised land the Israelites fought the battle of Jericho Joshua was their leader and the Lord gave them the victory In Joshua the general reminds his people of God's faithfulness to them at Jericho and through their history He ends by making that memorable statement of faith As for me and my household we will serve the Lord As Christians in a non-Christian culture we are also called to take a stand We can either choose to serve the gods of this world or the Lord It's not easy for [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
April 01, 2024
Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here https www wisdomonline org the-final-doxology Join Stephen as he explores the profound influence of Thomas Ken's Doxology a hymn of praise that has resonated through the ages Written by a courageous th-century pastor and scholar this timeless poem has become a cornerstone of Christian worship Discover the story behind the words Praise God from whom all blessings flow and delve into the Greek origins of 'doxa' revealing its evolution from a simple opinion to a declaration of divine glory This episode isn't just a history lesson it's [... more]
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk
March 31, 2024
Charlie's Easter special remains one of the show's most popular episodes ever In an episode perfect for sharing with friends and family Charlie breaks down the case for the Resurrection What are the facts surrounding this historical event Did it actually happen the way the Gospels describe What historical evidence do we have And what does it mean if the Resurrection is true Happy Easter from The Charlie Kirk Show to you We pray for blessings on all our audience and all those who might hear these words Support the show http www charliekirk com supportSee omnystudio com listener for [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 29, 2024
Jesus Christ became a curse for us so that we may receive the ultimate blessing to see the face of God Today R C Sproul reflects on all that the Redeemer endured to save His people from their sins Get Two Resources from R C Sproul for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org donate Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
March 26, 2024
God's plan for His children includes blessings joy and contentment It also includes some challenges and trials along the way But that plan also provides the tools to navigate those tough times we face And today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie helps us understand one of the most important tools we've been given Faith is the key that'll help us see a way when there seems to be no way Today Pastor Greg helps us put our amazing faith into practice Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest org A New [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
March 25, 2024
Doubting Thomas needed proof to believe Jesus was indeed alive Jesus extended a blessing to those of us who believe without seeing the proof ourselves In this message Pastor Lutzer observes three aspects of Thomas' process from unbelief to belief in Jesus' resurrection Where are we on our journey of faith This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
The Rich Eisen Show
Rich Eisen
March 21, 2024
- Hour Larry David joins Rich in-studio to discuss the final season of HBO's 'Curb Your Enthusiasm ' why he is dead set on getting rid of goal posts in the NFL and free throws in the NBA and weighs in on the proper etiquette for various social situations including air travel restaurants using Uber and more Please check out other RES productions Overreaction Monday http apple co overreactionmonday What the Football with Suzy Shuster and Amy Trask http apple co whatthefootball Learn more about your ad choices Visit podcastchoices com adchoices [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
March 20, 2024
Practice waiting on God an act of faith that yields great blessings [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
March 19, 2024
Discover how a determined stillness to walk in obedience to God results in His blessing [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
March 18, 2024
Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here https wfth me pap Because we can't physically see God--although we do see His works--and although we can't physically hear God with our ears--although we do read His words in our Bibles--it can be hard to remember to thank God for the blessings He gives us It's much easier to remember to be grateful when you can see and hear and touch the person you're thanking When Jesus healed ten lepers only one remembered to be grateful Stephen Davey challenges us to be like him in this [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
March 16, 2024
Shepherds' Conference is a three-day pastors conference held in early March at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles this is the church that John MacArthur has pastored for years What started years or so ago with about pastors has grown into church leaders and laymen gathering from all corners of the world The mission of Shepherds Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement together as servants of the Chief Shepherd That's basically what takes place over those three days Some of the most [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 14, 2024
Carolyn Calupca on the program was a long time senior producer at Crown Financial Ministries where she worked closely with Larry Burkett for many years She's now a frequent contributor here at Faith and Finance and the author of our new -week study guide Rich Toward God A Study on the Parable of the Rich Fool WHAT IS THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL Jesus delivers this parable in AD during a time of significant political and spiritual tension in Judea under Roman rule As Jesus moves toward Jerusalem for the last time he attracts a [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 13, 2024
A thousand dollars of food mdash jumbo shrimp shawarma salads and more mdash was delivered to a homeowner But the man wasn rsquo t having a party In fact he didn rsquo t order the smorgasbord his six-year son did How did this happen The father let his son play with his phone before bedtime and the boy used it to purchase the expensive bounty from a restaurant ldquo Why did you do this rdquo the father asked his son who was hiding under his comforter The six-year-old replied ldquo I was hungry rdquo The boy rsquo s appetite and [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
March 13, 2024
We all begin following the Lord at different times and from different backgrounds But we're all united in finding forgiveness for our sins and sharing a calling to bring otherr into a saving relationship with God Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie helps us look at the way Jesus bid His disciples to come follow me We'll examine that calling what it costs and what it offers and we'll consider the blessing of being used by God to accomplish His Kingdom business Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest org A [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
March 13, 2024
Acting in obedience toward God always leads to great blessings [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 06, 2024
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE A CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE WITH REGARDS TO MONEY Living a Christian lifestyle with money involves having the right attitude towards it regardless of the amount one possesses This perspective transcends the amount of wealth and focuses on the heart and obedience to God's principles on financial management It's about the attitude and obedience rather than the amount of wealth Lifestyle controversies often stem from misunderstandings of biblical teachings on wealth True obedience involves aligning one's financial decisions and lifestyle with biblical convictions HOW CAN WE INTERPRET THE BIBLICAL RANGE OF WEALTH AND POVERTY The Bible [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
March 04, 2024
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com My pastor started preaching that homosexuality isn't sin what can I do When a Christian lives contrary to God's law does that block blessing Is it wrong to make characters that are analogous to Jesus in novels My husband doesn't enjoy Sunday worship or fellowship What should I do Can a person be saved if they deny the Trinity Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity Consider becoming a member of the Inner Core View our latest special offers here or call [... more]
Moody Church Hour
Pastor Phillip Miller
March 03, 2024
To be alive in Christ is nothing short of a miracle The Triune God purposed we would be His children In this message from Ephesians Pastor Philip Miller opens one of the most beautiful and transcendent prayers of blessing for believers Before time began God knew us loved us and chose us This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at moodyoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
February 25, 2024
This passage in Hebrews explains the sobering reality of fatal apostasy by those who experience many of the blessings of Christ Pastor Greg Barkman continues his exposition in Hebrews [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 23, 2024
THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL UNDERSTANDING STEWARDSHIP AND PRIDEIn Luke - Jesus tells a parable of a rich man who credits himself for his wealth planning to build larger barns for his abundant crops highlighting his self-reliance and pride BIBLICAL WARNINGS AGAINST PRIDE Corinthians questions what we have that we did not receive from God critiquing the notion of boasting about personal achievements Timothy - emphasizes contentment with what we have reminding us that we brought nothing into the world and can take nothing out Corinthians - instructs us to boast in the Lord not in ourselves for true [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 19, 2024
FINANCIAL ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENTUNDERSTANDING THE HEART'S ROLE IN FINANCIAL ATTITUDES Financial attitudes reflect one's spiritual health as wrong attitudes towards money and possessions stem from the heart mirroring a broader spiritual condition Jesus identified the root of evil thoughts including greed and envy as originating from the heart Mark - highlighting the spiritual battle within THE BATTLE AGAINST SINThe struggle with sinful attitudes like envy pride and greed is common even among devout believers like the Apostle Paul who shared his own struggles in Romans - Overcoming these attitudes requires divine intervention as Paul acknowledges deliverance through Jesus Christ CULTIVATING RIGHT [... more]
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