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The Best Week Ever — If We Win ft. Pastor Lorenzo Sewell and Kane

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
July 19, 2024 6:00 pm

The Best Week Ever — If We Win ft. Pastor Lorenzo Sewell and Kane

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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July 19, 2024 6:00 pm

The RNC was a huge success. The Republican Party is unified and riding high. But as Charlie and Kane discuss, that's only a good thing if it translates into hard work and a final victory. But with Democrats on the brink of forcing out Joe Biden, the race can change drastically. Plus, RNC star Pastor Lorenzo Sewell joins the program to discuss the years of lies Democrats have told to ensnare the votes of black Christians.

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Hey, everybody.

It's in The Charlie Kirk Show. We have Citizen Kane joining the program, We talk about Biden, talk about Kamala and more. And also, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, who hosted Donald Trump at his church.

And do you know that one out of three Democrats think Donald Trump staged his own assassination? Joy Reid agrees. Email us as always, freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application type in charliekirkshow and get involved becoming a member, That is Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives. And we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to I promised I was going to get this guy on the program. He is a great American. It's Pastor Lorenzo Sewell. He hosted President Donald Trump at his Detroit church and he was a main stage speaker. Pastor, welcome to the program. I want to play part of your incredible speech last evening. You brought it down.

Let's go to 13. President Trump came to a church that is in a Democratic stronghold. He came to a church to listen to average, everyday Americans like you and like me. He came to a church not to speak to us, but to listen to us. He came into a church and a lot of people, they were upset.

A lot of people, they would ask me questions. Why would you allow Donald Trump to come into your church? How many know that the Bible says we are all sinners and we all need the grace of God? How many know that the Bible says he who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone?

Beautiful. Pastor, welcome to the program. Pastor, you were incredible.

I want to play more tape as we proceed. Introduce yourself to the audience. Pastor, great job. Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, Charlie, I am so Holy Ghost happy to be here with you today, man. You are blessed and I was able to listen to some of your content and I'm so grateful for your movement, what you're doing on college campuses. The only thing I don't like about this show is the fact that you had your thing going on when he came to our church in Detroit and he went off to your amazing event at the Huntington Place, man. I'm so grateful to be here with you today. Pastor, you were terrific. I want to play just another piece of tape here from that speech.

Let's play cut 214, please. President Donald Trump, he came during his birthday weekend. Let me ask you a question. Grand old party, what would you do for your birthday if you were worth $6.7 billion?

What would you do for your birthday? Would you come to Detroit? Would you come into the hood hood? He came to the hood because he cares about average, everyday Americans.

Awesome. Pastor, tell us about that experience you had with President Trump in Detroit. It was amazing, man. I mean, I was really humbled that he would, first of all, call us. We're in a place that disenfranchised. Charlie has pushed aside a place where people can't read, write, do math, quite frankly, a place that had been a democratic stronghold for six decades. And for him to be willing to come and to listen, to do a round table, you had veterans there, entrepreneurs, preachers, teachers.

You had drug dealers that were converted into businessmen because they found out that they were actually Republicans and not Democrats. I mean, these are real stories of real Americans. And I know that the liberal media said, well, there was nothing but white people there. Well, they weren't there, right? You had about 70% of black Americans there.

You had volunteers, obviously, that were my Caucasian family. But at the end of the day, it was amazing to see him listen. He didn't come to have a rally. He didn't come to preach. He came to listen.

And Charlie, I was so humbled that he would be willing to actually listen to the longings and the aspirations of people that are forgotten, people that are listened to. Joe Biden didn't come. Barack Obama didn't come to our hood.

They wouldn't give us the time of day because they take our votes for granted, quite frankly. But President Donald Trump, I believe, changed the very trajectory of the Republican Party by willing to be present because a lot of Republicans in our context who are black Americans don't come to our communities. But he came to set a new precedent of what that grand old party could be. Pastor, you spent a whole week at the RNC around amazing patriots.

What was your impression? Is this a party of racists and fascists and bigots, Pastor? You know, that killed me.

I love that, right? I love when my Democratic friends, you know, they give me a call and they say, well, the Republicans are racist. They started systemic racism. You know, the Republicans are a party that doesn't want black people in it. The first thing I ask them is, do you know how the Republican Party started?

Do you know that over 170 years ago that a group of patriots stood up to come against the Kansas Nevada Act? I asked them, if you do believe in systemic racism, I asked them, well, how did that start? And then I asked my black Democratic friends, I asked them about what's the most dangerous place for a black child? And a lot of them don't know. A lot of them think it's actually on the streets where we serve, the streets of Detroit, Pontiac, Flint and Saginaw. They don't know that the most dangerous place, Charlie, for a black child actually is in a black woman's womb.

They don't know about Planned Parenthood and how they strategically have a plan because of their founder, who is the eugenicist, who believe really that black lives don't matter. And you know, while I'm talking about this subject, I just want to tell you that grand old party that I spent time with this week, it was amazing. We were embraced.

We were loved. We were given opportunities because that's what the Republican Party has always been about. Every black patriot that has been a part of changing the trajectory of our country, they were black Republican and it's just removed out of our history books.

Nobody wants to talk about it. They want to play identity politics. They want to play Saginaw virtually and act like, you know, they're actually standing up for black people. If Black Lives Matter cares so much about black people, why aren't they protesting our schools that are teaching our children? Why aren't they protesting those that are happening in our community that are actually shooting our people?

Why aren't they protesting that? So this week was amazing. I love seeing you and spending time with so many amazing patriots. So Pastor, moving forward, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee have sizable black populations and they are going to be determinative of who wins this election. What does President Trump need to do to contrast his agenda versus Biden or Kamala Harris moving into the last phase of this campaign? He needs to be willing to do what he did with me. He needs to reach out to black pastors and black leaders and I want to help, right?

I mean, I want to be the guy. I want to go. I want to talk to black leaders. I know I have to do it typically offline because what the Democrats have done so strategically is they work with black leaders and no one ever asks the good questions and then black people make decisions to vote based on relationship, based on relational equity, not based on the fact. So what I want to do is I want to lay the agenda out. I want to tell black folks to look, just walk outside.

You don't have to go far, just walk outside and then if you can make it to your local gas station, if you can make it to your grocery store, then I want to ask you a question. Who has led your community, right? And then lay out President Donald Trump's agenda, which he's laid out to me in terms of his platinum plan and what he wants to do for black churches, black entrepreneurs, lay that out so they can make an intelligent decision. We need to look past a man and see a mission. We need to look past politics and see the platform of the Republican party. Pastor, you are incredible.

How can people support you and get behind the work you are doing? Thank you so much. You should go to, and we just started a new platform called Politics and the Pool Pit. I will be preaching about how the Bible is a political book starting this Sunday.

We have all on our platforms. We have Politics and the Pool Pit and also So Pastor, we have a Believer's Summit coming up next week in Palm Beach. I'm going to have our team reach out to you. We'd love to have you attend and bring your family.

So we're going to reach out offline here. We have a Believer's Summit in Palm Beach, Florida with over 2,000 believers and Christians from across the country. We'd love to have you come share your heart if you can make it with that teaching as well. We are right on the same page here, Pastor. You have the joy of the Lord.

You exude it. And Pastor, thank you for your courage, for your focus, your determination. And I know you agree, Pastor. The Lord has his hand on Donald Trump, this country, and our movement. God bless you, Pastor.

Hope to see you in Palm Beach next week. Okay. Thank you. God bless you. Thank you, Charlie. How many books, how many articles, how many news segments have people called us as right-wing patriots, conspiracy theorists?

How many times? Well, we are right about the vaccine, we write about lockdowns, write about Ukraine, write about the border, write about 100 by the laptop. Who are really the ones that have lost their mind? By the way, conspiracy theorists is a CIA-created term to try to stop and stifle dissent. According to the Morning Consult, over one-third of registered Democrats, one-third of registered Democrats believe that Trump staged his own assassination attempt. This should be one of the biggest stories in the country.

Now, I know we have a lot of big stories right now. You got the Vice President, you got Trump getting shot, you got Secret Service failures, which we're going to keep on diving into, unafraid. One-third of registered Democrats believe Donald Trump staged his own assassination attempt. These are the same people who took six booster shots.

How do we get to a place like this? We're one out of three of registered Democrats after Donald Trump gets shot and survives a shooting. They think that he's faking it.

Well, it's very simple. It's because there have been members of the media that are encouraging this. And one despicable human being who should be fired from her job and should be no longer in decent or polite society is the race lady, Joy Reid. Joy Reid has now done a selfie video saying that we don't know if Donald Trump was actually shot. Could you imagine if I even alluded to something like this?

My life would be obliterated. Every advertiser would leave, but this is mainstream on MSNBC. The same people, by the way, that spend all their time, oh, QAnon conspiracy theorists. And Joy Reid is saying we don't even know if Donald Trump got shot and they let him stage a photo op. She's a evil person. I don't say that lightly. This is a disgusting human being who should not be allowed on television. This is a person that has deep mental problems.

Play cut to 16. We still don't know for sure whether Donald Trump was hit by a bullet, whether he was hit by glass fragments, whether he was hit by shrapnel. We don't have those details. We actually have no details from his physician, even though this man is still a Secret Service-protected presidential candidate. We know almost nothing.

What is the actual injury to Donald Trump's ear that's under that bandage? Shouldn't we know that by now? It's weird. Wow. Wow.

Wow. First of all, a guy died, so yes, there were real bullets. Secondly, Doug Mills in the New York Times has a picture of the bullet flying in midair.

Has a picture of the bullet flying in midair. Thirdly, you could watch the video in slow motion and he has, ah, and he puts up against the ear. Where was the glass that was broken, Joy Reed? It's been more than a day since Joy Reed suggested Donald Trump is lying about being shot in the ear.

But Reed did a lot more than that. She all but accused the Secret Service of collaborating with Trump to kill a fake assassin and an innocent bystander so that Trump could have a nice photo op. If I wildly accused the Democrat nominee, Kamala Harris, of conspiring to murder innocent people for a photograph, I'd be hit with boycotts and my friends would make me visit a psychiatrist. I know Blake would like run into the studio and say, stop broadcasting.

They start like pulling out wires. And he should, because that's lunacy. But MSNBC hasn't done anything. Why are they keeping this mentally unstable nut job on air? The Trump family and his Secret Service detail should sue.

And this, she is not alone. There are other members of the media that are parents parroting the same thing. And now we have a poll, one out of three of people that are going to the Democrat convention in Chicago, one out of three believe that Donald Trump faked getting shot. We have said for quite some time that at the base of neurotic leftism are mental problems.

This is really sick stuff, everybody. You would think that when a president gets shot at Democrats, like, okay, we're going to take it off. Instead, they are going full deep into the most fringe, crazy theories that one can—so how, let me understand this. How does one fake his own shooting? Exactly. How does that work?

You fake your own shooting. In fact, Reid Hoffman, senior advisor, said this happens in Russia all the time. No evidence of that whatsoever. There is no reasoning with these people.

Not at all. It's clearly on video. He gets shot. And yes, Joy Reid, those of us that know Trump have seen the ear, and it's pretty bad. It was a bullet that did that.

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That is promo code KIRK at, promo code KIRK. It's been a while. Citizen Kane from Citizen Free Press. Mr. Kane, welcome to the program. We missed you in Milwaukee, my friend. Yeah, it's nice to talk to the hardest working man in Republican media and politics, Charlie.

You guys had some great guests. I want to say quickly, you know, Charlie, for choosing the Republican American First basketball team, I watched these interviews. When you do the stand-up interviews, it helps me choose the 10 guys we want on that team. I saw you with Corey Mills up there when he said he was 5'9 and wanted the box. You mentioned that the media calls you 5'11. Having stood between you and Andrew at the People's Convention in Detroit, I can tell mainstream media that you are not 5'11. Charlie, for people who wonder, he's every bit of 6'4.

Is that right, Charlie? Is that guess correct? 6'4, 6'5, depending on the shoes. I don't focus my height so much that, except if people say I'm like 6'1, you're just lying, right? I mean, Kane, in no universe am I 6'1. That is not even close. Not even close. I was going to say 6'5, actually. I saw Byron Donalds. I think he's got the height to play.

You wouldn't think it. I'm pushing 5'9, half 5'10, but I'm quick, man. I grew up on the court on the hardwood in southern Indiana, so I bring some ball skills. It was fun watching you guys. Your show was part politics and part stand-up comedy, just the way they had you sort of peering out over the outside of the RNC. It was really fun to watch. It was good to watch you in that environment. Thank you, and that was just a little bit of our taste.

I kid you not, a day at the RNC, get up around 730 or 8, interviews, interviews, meetings, interviews, selfies, interviews, interviews, meetings, selfies, donors, interviews, meetings, two hours of the show, and then interviews, meetings, selfies. We would walk five or six miles a day, and then we would be on the floor. I liked going on the floor. It was amazing.

Most people, speakers, stay away from the floor, like, oh, it's too many people. I loved it. I loved being around the people. I loved being around the spirit.

I loved being around the energy. I was a little on my feet 14 hours a day and working the rooms, working the booths, all that. Then we would stream again after the main speaker, and we would probably go to bed around 1.30 or 2 a.m. and do that every day. Yeah, that's a heck of a schedule.

I didn't realize you were doing nighttime streaming, you know, on top of it. I wonder if you work harder at the RNC or at your, you know, it's probably the same. I mean, the People's Convention that you run. No, that's a smart question. So the RNC was actually way more fun and easier because I wasn't responsible for all the logistical stuff, right, Kane?

Yeah. So in Detroit, it's an immense amount of pressure if there's a long line or someone can't get their badge or that there's a security issue or a speaker is late or the audio is not perfect. So the buck stops with me at the Turning Point Action People's Convention. At the RNC, I was just a guest. It was amazing. I had so much fun. It's not to say I don't have fun at our events, but Lauren and Tyler and Andrew and I, it's a ton of pressure on us because everyone's looking at us for it to fail, and you've got attendee issues, you've got hotel issues, you've got logistics, you've got media, you've got press, you've got donors, you've got seating, you've got photo lines, you've got secret service.

It's just you've got all sorts of stuff going on. At the RNC, I was like, I'm just an attendee. And it was awesome. So I think that actually gave me a lot of energy to be perfectly honest. So Kane, you watched it from afar here.

I thought it was a triumph that first of all, from Donald Trump being shot, he is still alive. The movement is larger or stronger than ever. Kane, I have not even gotten your reaction after actually I called you I think the night of if I'm not mistaken. And yeah, my first thing was like, oh, they tried to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Our conversation wasn't that long. Yeah.

Yeah. You called me, it was probably near midnight or so Eastern time. I was, you know, when all that information is coming out, and my main goal at that point is just to get it all out there, get as many videos, as many eyewitness videos, as many little pieces of evidence out there as quickly as possible.

And so I often don't really have time to process these things. And I found your phone call was the first conversation that I had with anyone. You know, it happened around 6pm Eastern. So that was six hours later. So six hours that I was hunkered down, you know, in the rocket seat, and not really even being able to discuss it. And you and I, you know, we had that talk.

And it was, you know, I was still shell shocked. And one of the things you said, what, you know, in the beginning of that conversation is, we were one inch away from civil war. Now we all, you know, sort of this idea that we are one inch away from a disastrous outcome for President Trump. I think that was obvious to all of us, but sort of that next step of, you know, what that would have done. And I don't think that people really appreciate it enough this week, how things came so close to being different.

Not only would the RNC convention have been thrown completely into disarray, but just the entire national discourse and the possibility for violence. And so it's truly amazing, you know, what the divine intervention and Trump finally spoke to that last night. We had been waiting, you know, to hear from him. And he sort of spoke to the divine intervention and, you know, he's with God.

I don't think there's any other way that it can be looked at. He, you know, he rose from the ground like the savage that he is with his fist raised, letting the American people know to fight. And he showed all the leftists and all the Democrats and everyone across the world forgetting politics. He showed that he's with God and that God is standing over him. And it was incredibly uplifting at the same time as just sort of, from my standpoint and your standpoint, you told me you were doing it, you immediately did a three hour or two or three hour podcast that night.

You know, it was from our standpoint, it was, you know, it was extremely emotional. And then, you know, heading into the RNC, I've never seen a convention like this. I never have. I've been watching for probably 20 some years, five conventions at least, and I've never seen anything like it. And I think even Democrat media has admitted that.

We've seen that from MSNBC and their fake LED background. And we've seen it, you know, Jake Tapper and CNN, they were there and they, you know, in between the criticism and the insults, they've admitted the truth that it was the most inclusive, the most uplifting, the most uniting Republican National Convention that any of us have ever seen. Cain, I completely agree. By the way, we talk about the importance of voting early. God voted early in Butler, Pennsylvania. That was God voting early on Butler in Butler, Pennsylvania. There is no other way to put it.

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Don't change your dog's food. Just go to Rough Greens dot com slash Kirk. Are you at Green's dot com slash Kirk? So, Kane, I now want to get into some of the Democrat chatter here, because there's so much covered the RNC a lot and we should continue. The Democrats are in a very tough spot. And I want to play some of the breaking news here.

Our team has been doing a wonderful job here. This is Jeff, Jennifer Malley O'Dillon or O'Dillon Malley. I want to make sure I get it right. One of those. She says Biden's in the race. And so there's reports that Biden's dropping out, but Biden's staying in. He's not making this easy. If Joe Biden is eventually going to drop out of the race, this is not the way to do it. I'm in, I'm out, I'm campaigning, I'm mad, I'm happy, I'm angry, I'm resting. He's in, he's out, he's receptive, he's hostile. The Democrats are making their own problem even worse.

Play cut to 15. We know that people are not moving from Joe Biden to Donald Trump. What they're doing is they're saying to us, can you do it? And the president's saying, yes, I can. So the president is not going quietly into the night. He's also not going anywhere until at least tomorrow as he recovers from COVID at the beach house, the White House has given us an early lid.

Early lid, that's not a big surprise. I want to play another piece of tape here though. There was another one that is very direct when the, yeah, so Joe Biden is going nowhere, but there's another one if I can't find it here. So, okay, it's right here. Joe Biden is staying in the race. Reports of him withdrawing this weekend are false. Thank you, Ryan.

Play cut 206. Is Joe Biden still in the race? Does he plan to stay in the race? And if so, what's the plan?

Thanks so much for having me, Mika. And look, absolutely the president's in this race. You've heard him say that time and time again. And I think we saw on display last night exactly why, because Donald Trump is not going to offer anything new to the American people. He's the same person he was in 2020. He's the same person he was at the debate stage. He's the same person that is about himself and not about the American people. And Joe Biden is more committed than ever to beat Donald Trump. And we believe on this campaign, we are built for the close election that we are in and we see the path forward. The president is the leader of our campaign and of the country. And he is clearly in our impression and what we've built in, in our engagement with voters, he's the best person to take on Donald Trump and prosecute that case and present his vision versus what we saw last night.

Kane, your reaction. Well, you know, Charlie, if you're like you and I who we, you know, we sit in these, in these chairs and watch these stories develop, right? Every day since the debate happened, you sort of see the formula and the formula is this, the media and unnamed sources generally related to Pelosi speak behind the scenes. They get a story riled up in the media.

The Biden campaign denies it. And I watch it all happen in the betting odds, right? You've seen how I've been putting those betting odds up every few hours because they're doing the best job of sort of, sort of showing where the momentum is at that time. So you see, Kamala will take the lead, right? 2030, last night was by over 40 points in the betting odds. And then you sort of see it shift back and we've seen it, her shift all the way back down into the low teens. And that's the big, you know, you should take that bet every time Kamala goes down.

Why? Because the media, you know, the thing that's been most obvious to me is the media wants him gone. CNN, all of these outlets want him gone. And so every time the momentum dies out, they bring it back up. We've never seen, you know, we've, we haven't seen journalism from less, from corporate media for the last 10 years of Trump. And this is, you know, it's like they've suddenly discovered how to be journalists again and how to, you know, and since they want Biden out, you know, that's sort of been this repeating cycle.

So is it damaging? Yeah, I think it's gotta be damaging because we're in the fourth or fifth iteration of this cycle where the pushback keeps coming from Biden. Now the difference this time is the pushback has been weaker. As you've noticed, I'm sure since yesterday morning, when the rumors got fired up again, the pushback was weak all day yesterday, and we've had a little bit of it this morning. So that's how I analyze these things is how strong they're pushing back this time. Though, you know, the White House pushback has been the weakest. So I think that, you know, that the momentum is going that way.

But until Joe goes and decides to go, he, you know, he's still the man. So, Cain, let me ask you, do you think if we were to run against Kamala Harris, it is that major of an improvement for the Democrats? Is she harder, easier or the same to beat citizen Cain? To me, it's the same, Charlie, I look at these polls as much as you do, right? So I've seen polls where she does slightly better. For example, there's a poll in the stack this morning or this afternoon from CBS News that shows Trump-Biden 52-47 nationwide and Trump-Kamala 51-48, right? So there's a one point boost.

You and I have both seen this one because I know I'm posting them all in the stack and you read the stack. So we've seen polls with her doing two to three points worse. We've seen polls with her doing two to three points better. We saw a state poll, I'm sure you remember this one, from last week or it may have been Monday of this week in Georgia, where Trump-Biden in Georgia was four points, but Trump-Kamala in Georgia was 10 points, 47-37.

So that's an outlier, right? That's probably the only poll that I've seen that is more than a three point difference between Trump-Biden. But that was also a swing state poll. And that's an interesting question in and of itself because all of these polls we're getting are national polls, right? The Trump-Kamala polls, they're national polls, and they generally don't include the other three candidates. There's so many polling variables that are different with this cycle with Kennedy and Jill Stein and Cornel West. So you really, true, excellent polling really has to have all five candidates. And we just really haven't seen that enough with Trump-Kamala.

But the reason I say it's the same is I think things are polarized, Charlie. As you and I have said, this is a margin of error election. We can still lose this thing.

You know, there's no one needs to know. Look, no one can relax. Let's put it that way.

No one can relax in any of these states. This is still the kind of thing where if either side, yeah, go ahead. No, no, no.

This is the only the best week ever if we win. And I want to reiterate that. You have to go do the work. If you stop celebrating everybody, you should be thankful that Donald Trump is alive and go find new voters. Get them registered. Get their commitment to vote for Donald Trump.

Work harder. That's what this weekend is all about. We have hired 50 new ballot chasers this last week. And by the way, the Democrats are going to pull out all the stops. They might have an open convention. They might go Gretchen Whitmer and Wes Moore or Wes Moore from Maryland and Gretchen Whitmer and have two faces that have nothing to do this administration.

And they might jump over Kamala Harris, and we might have a whole newly defined race. This week will go down as an amazing week if we win. And only if we win.

So no cockiness, no pride. We have to do the work. Kane. Yeah, chase the votes, register voters. Those shirts, you know, those shirts are fantastic.

It's I'd love to see tens of thousands of people go to go to TP Action and get those shirts. You know, it's the kind of thing that just brings up discussion. Look, we both know how it works. You know, we both counted what, 14 special elections in a row that Republicans have lost. We know those are lower turnout elections. But what it shows us is that nothing, we can take absolutely nothing for granted in this cycle. You know, people tend to think, oh, he survived this.

He has the hand of God on him. And now all independents. Well, yeah, it should be that all independents vote for Trump. But none of this is set. None of it is guaranteed.

When you only have 65 to 70 percent of the eligible population that votes in these elections, if either side gets a 5 percent boost, it can overwhelm, you know, any advantage from the other side. So there are in no way, shape or form do I feel confident about November. Now, granted, I never feel confident about these things, right?

If you held, you know, if I had to say right now, I would say because of our hardworking people on our side that we're going to pull this out in the end, that we're, you know, I'm optimistic, but it only happens with work. None of these states are decided. People think, you know, I heard Trump say Nevada last night, where we're up 14.

And I chuckled, you know, it's nice for him to show that momentum and talk about being up 14. But we know that that Nevada isn't going to turn out 14 points. And and so I'm scared about every single one of these states. Yeah, I'm scared about every single one of these states. And we know that it's not seven swing states anymore. It's like 12. Right.

But I'm scared about all 12. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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