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Song of Solomon 4:7 The Spotless Bride

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 10, 2022 8:55 am

Song of Solomon 4:7 The Spotless Bride

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 10, 2022 8:55 am

Song of Songs 4:7 Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.


So what are you doing with that fact if you are in Christ? Listen for some thoughts.

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Hidden Treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's.

How exciting is the seventh verse in the fourth chapter of the Song of Solomon, because as a result of the sixth verse, we get the seventh verse, which is absolutely amazing in all sorts of ways, almost like Romans 8.1 or the first verse in the 119 Psalm, we get this verse and I think it's no accident that it's the seventh verse, the Zion verse, and here we go. So thou art all fair, my love, there is no spot in thee. So a very simple, clear cut, like, whoa, blessed are the undefiled who walk in the way of the Lord or, you know, therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh. So it's interesting that both the first verse of the 119 Psalm have to do with walking and Romans 8.1 and they both have to do with being totally perfect and without blemish, which is how in the world did this happen? Well, because until the day break and the shadows flee, right, he had come to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense, so, you know, just on a practical sense, because Jesus is in there, you are now spotless and there really is, there is no condemnation. And so, you know, it's fascinating to me, it really is, and terribly sad in its own way that although Rashi, the great Jewish commentator, wrote volumes on every other verse almost in this chapter, when it comes to this verse, he said nothing.

As far as the commentary I have there on that verse, he did not say a word. Of course, Matthew Henry, you know, spoke quite a bit about the fact that, wow, we're now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ. Or in, you know, Ephesians 5, you know, because Christ loved the church, you know, he presented us as a spotless bride.

I mean, it's the deal, it's the big payoff here for being married to Christ. Having him in there has now done what he promised in John 3.16. And what he promised is, no one comes to the Father except through me, right? And you know, therein is the access to God, and therein is our opportunity for all of our hope, actually. Because when you think about it, this verse to me, as I really, you know, tried to hone in on it this morning, and say, okay, so what does this mean exactly? Well, what this means is, my hope has an anchor. What this means is, because of what Jesus did and came to live in me, and because of Jesus's love for me, he did make me spotless, and therefore, I have access as his spouse to the Father. You know, in an interesting way, he's my father-in-law.

I never thought about it that way, but it is. You know, so there you have it. So this anchor for, like, man, there's people in my family that I so, so, so want to be in heaven with me. That's my hope. My hope is for the wedding supper of the Lamb. My hope is for to be wholehearted, and to run in the path of his commandments, and all those blessed verses of the Bible that we've all loved so much. Our hope falls right here, right? Because there is now no condemnation.

And so what does this look like practically? I think of my good friend Bob Young, who said these famous words to me that are in my soul and I will never forget, is that, you know, when they came to him to teach Sunday school because he'd had trouble with drug addictions and other, you know, blemishes in his life, he thought, well, there's just no way, you know, I'm just not qualified to teach anybody anything. And then as the Holy Spirit got ahold of him, he said, wait a minute, because of this, you know, he said, because I thought I was disqualified, he said, actually, I was uniquely qualified. And there you go, that because of our walk with the Lord, we are now uniquely qualified because we know from whence we've came, we know we were down, we were lilies of the valley, we know we were the Rose of Sharon, okay? And it's really, really cool, as I was thinking through all these different chapters, you know, that at the end of the third chapter, or at the end of the second chapter, she's asking to become, you know, betrothed. And at the end of the third chapter, right, we're getting through the marriage. And here, we've consummated the marriage and as a result, you know, Jesus is in us, and we now are without spot. That's a hard thing to grasp.

But because of that, you know, as Bob would say, he had no trouble explaining where he'd been and how he got to where he was. In other words, you know, my struggles with pornography, my struggles with anger, my struggles with speeding, or you name it, all the struggles that I still have, eating and etc, etc. There is how much condemnation? None, right? There are how many blemishes on me?

None. And accepting that means that I don't have to put on anything, no mask whatsoever. What I can do is I can completely put on Christ and say, look, look, look at Jesus, right? Like, yeah, yeah, I died to Robbie Dilmore, and now I am a new creation, you know, all things have passed away. The new has come.

I have a new name, right, faithful, and probably so many more that I'm yet to uncover. And I have a new identity in so many different ways, as we're going to get to in the next verses, which are just spectacular, and I'm excited, excited to share them, but I don't want to spoil, throw out all my candy, when we get to rest right here in this verse. Like we can really anchor here that if God is in my heart, and I am walking according to the Spirit, right, then there is no condemnation, just as it said in the in that first verse of the 119 Psalm, which unfortunately Rashi can't really get there unless he figures out that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me. In other words, that's the thing that we have to understand in order to bless it. I mean, think about that first verse of the 119 Psalm, blessed are the undefiled.

That's people without a blemish. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, right, who walk in the law of the Lord. To be in the way, we got to be undefiled. And how do we get there?

It's because Jesus saw all that and he came to live in us. Oh, that that would sink down into my soul so I would not put on mass throughout this day or try to think that I've got to cover up, but even more so, that I would go boldly right to the throne and say, here I am, Dad. Here I am. I mean, here's my hope right here. Here's where I'm hoping. I'm hoping for these loved ones to come to you. I'm hoping for this situation to be resolved and that situation for the kingdom because I see the larger story in so many different ways that this is all about you and what you're doing. And Lord, light up our lives and bring the truth and wait till we get to verses tomorrow.

It's going to be spectacular. So just rest right here. Rest right here is, you know, thou art all fair, my love. There is no blemish in thee.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-13 10:44:35 / 2023-03-13 10:48:09 / 4

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