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T Rose Censor Track Assault On Christian Values LGBTQ Rev Clenard Childress Abortion Devalued Life Leads to School Shootings

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
May 25, 2022 2:23 pm

T Rose Censor Track Assault On Christian Values LGBTQ Rev Clenard Childress Abortion Devalued Life Leads to School Shootings

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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...out of another agency, and we finally get the information and it's all redacted.

This is how the federal government, the agencies comply with congressional oversight. We're glad to share with you, Senator, because we have quite a bit of those that aren't blanked out. And we also want to tell you, listen, the side effects, the only one that they're recognizing, that's an outright lie. I've got the Pfizer documents, Pfizer said in their FOIA documents that they released, they said, we're looking for these side effects. The FDA said, we're looking for these documents. We've got their documents showing what they're looking for.

They're not sharing it with the American people because they're covering... Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex. You're teaching transgender issues. And, you know, children are moldable and influenced by that. They said, okay, now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly, it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age, of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. One's using a condom and they both give consent.

Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing. Okay, the schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive.

Most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure. And if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now, they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds. And once that poison is in a child's mind, it doesn't leave. They'll always remember what they learned. And it's by design, it's orchestrated.

In my humble opinion, it will be worse before it gets better. Hi, I'm Pastor Greg, host of The Chosen Generation radio show, heard on the Truth Broadcasting Network and seen on TECN TV dot com Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to noon Eastern, where I discuss today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens. TECN TV dot com appreciates our partnership within. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now chosen generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg and welcome to the program. Great to have you with me.

Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice and where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you so much for keeping it tuned here to Children Generation Radio.

We we have a tremendous program lined up for you today, folks. And I have to begin today by offering prayers and condolences and thoughts to those parents who, through the night, were getting information about the loss of life and about what happened to their children. And we pray for them. We ask, Father, that you would comfort them, that you would bring them a sense of peace. In the midst of this storm, that you would bring a calm in Uvalde. And a calm in Texas and a calm across this country. That there would be thoughtful conversation. And that there would be an outpouring of love and care and concern about children. And I ask these things in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Amen. Bottom of our number two, Rick Manning and Claire Lopez, Claire is a national security expert, will be joining me. We're going to get into a conversation about the conflict between between Governor Abbott's Lone Star operation and President Biden's open border policy. And really, what are the dangers that are associated with that conflict?

And and how dangerous is an open border policy? We'll talk with David Shostakos, top of the next hour, about the New York rifle case, about the shooting that happened and what's going on relative to the shooting that happened on the New York subway and what's happening there. And David, of course, is running for attorney general in the state of Illinois to bring back law and order to Illinois.

Because law and order is something that is missing throughout our country, and certainly when lawlessness is running the streets rampant. Innocent people become the victims. And so we'll have that conversation coming up with David Shostakos at the top of our number two bottom of the hour. Donna Jackson and I are going to talk about life and how lives matter and God's perspective on the value of life.

And the difference that that makes when a culture, when a society, when a nation embraces and understands the value of life. I know it's heavy stuff, but we've got to talk about it, folks. We've got to talk about it. We've got to speak as as Paul writes in Ephesians, we've got to speak truth in love. I welcome my next guest, who is a writer, speech staff writer, researcher for Free Speech America. She also does her own podcast. One of these days, if I'm really, really good and really lucky, she might even invite me to be a guest. I don't know. It's possible. Who knows? T-Rose, welcome to the program. Was that terrible or what? Right on the air, like trying to get myself on your podcast.

No, it's OK. I'd love nothing more than that. I'd be so fun. It would be hours long because we wouldn't stop talking. I know, right?

None of this, none of this network interruption stuff. It'd just be, let's go, let's do it. Let's do it. Oh, my goodness. Well, you know, the censoring of free speech continues. The battle rages on.

What are some of the highlights that you've seen or lowlights, I guess you would call them, since our last conversation? Yeah, free speech is crazy. So far, we've got a sensor track database and we track every case that we can find of bias censorship. And so far, we're close to 4000 entries. We've only been running for almost a little bit over a year now, but 4000 times people have been censored on bias matters.

It's quite crazy. Recently, I wrote or today my podcast is coming out about the number of times that here at the MRC we've been censored. So, TikTok has now censored us 34 times in the past, just from 2022, the start of 2022 until now, which is we're only a couple of months into 2022. We've been censored 34 times.

It's crazy. And usually the stuff is just, you know, we talked about how the left is race baiting and we talked about how with the Dave Chappelle comedy fight, fist punch, punch in the face. We talked about how violence is bad and we were censored for those things, things that are completely true, we get censored for.

But that's just the left goal. They just want to censor anything that doesn't fit their narrative. And we've definitely seen that here at the MRC and honestly all over the world.

But the media is not going to let you see that. There's a couple of articles that are up at MRC that I found disturbing, I guess, which I mean, you know, that's why you guys put them up there is to make people aware of the disturbing things that are being said. So this one is by Nicholas Fondaccaro, as their coverage of the tragic shooting in a Yuvali, Texas, elementary school progressed into the night Tuesday, things on CNN got downright ghoulish and disgusting as paid analysts and guests were allowed to take things to dark and terrible places between former homeland security. Juliette Kayyem is showing a bizarre satisfaction in talking about the destroyed little bodies of the 18 students killed in the attack and radical anti-gun Parkland parent Frank Gutenberg calling Republicans evil.

The network was in a downward spiral. Talk about some of these things. And, and, and I mean, I would suggest that they are, you know, they're hurtful, they're harmful to the situation, they're personal attacks, and they're labeling an entire people as a certain thing. Yeah, yeah, you're totally right about that. You know, this is not a gun problem.

This is a spiritual problem. This is a an epidemic of hate and evil. And that's what the world has come to right now. But these networks aren't painting it in that way. You know, these are precious baby children.

They're so young, beautiful lives that were completely destroyed. And, you know, you've got CNN and they're, they're calling up there, they're saying destroyed little bodies at a shooting in the GOP is evil. And they're placing the blame all on the right when the blame should be on the shooter and, and him, you know, the blame.

This is not about more gun restrictions. This is about how twisted this 18 year old was that he had something wrong. He was sick.

He was twisted and he murdered infant babies. But the networks aren't aren't saying that they're mostly painting it on the Republicans. It says on CNN, one of them, one of the guys said he needs one of these Republicans.

It can't be Democrats solving this. These Republicans need to actually love their children as well. That was a quote from one of the people on CNN. And I'm like, you know, conservatives do love babies. It's not more than more than the left. You know, it's the the the the sick irony in this is, is that it's the conservatives that are in front of the Supreme Court that are that are fighting for the life of of innocent babies that are that are that are following what the Bible has to say about, you know, life in the womb.

Psalm 127, three, behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward. It's conservatives that are fighting for the least of these consistently. And it's it's, you know, policies that are put in place by those that are are decrying the conservative values, who whose values tend to be the most damaging and the most, the most injurious to to the least of these and and that, that that that is sad and unfortunate. There's another story that I thought was disappointing, I guess would would be, you know, one way of looking at it. But and this was having to do with the NBA.

Mark Jackson, who is a very devout Christian, and is not shy about speaking about his faith, and sharing his faith and and his faith helped him in in in much of his successes in in coaching and and even in his dealing with other on air personalities. But he's being attacked for, for having come out and and spoken in regards to and the LGBTQ issue and and and this really directly, Tiro speaks to children as well, because what we're watching them do in perverting kids in in pushing point of view, we're watching pornographic materials on children, and and desensitizing them and grooming them. And we're seeing this happen in our schools to heroes, no one, you know, mainstream media does not want to report on this. And instead, they will support a a an agenda that targets children, and anyone that speaks about traditional values, like coach Jackson, is is under fire. Right, right.

Yeah, you're totally right about that. It's the media doesn't cover these things, you know, they're just going to promote inclusivity and, you know, coming up in new and we've got a couple of days left before Pride Month, and even stores, stores and books and TV shows. All we talk about is pushing this LGBTQ narrative. And we watched or I looked at a Disney World, for example, which don't even get me started on all Disney's communist regimes, honestly, but they were they just recently released a new line of clothing for kids. And some for adults, too, where they have kids shirts that are all rainbow blasted and covered in all these LGBTQ things that these little kids are five years old, they do not need to know what you know, what what all that is.

It's, it's really, really sad. Well, and we better get prepared, because they're going to become an hard and and heavy this next month, June, which is upcoming, is what they call their Pride Month. And and be prepared for what is going to be displayed on Main Street, USA, the degradation and the perversion.

And there are going to be parents that are going to take their kids just to watch these exploitative parades back after this. Hi, I'm Kim Schaff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. The product is called Natural Sleep, available at

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Native products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Now back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. Pastor Greg. And don't forget you can get more Chosen Generation at And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my special guest and and she allows her she allows her friends to call her T Rose so I'm honored to be able to do that. Tiaran Rose Mandelberg, staff writer, researcher at Free Speech America and and tell tell folks about the sensor page that they can follow as well and of course don't forget folks about news busters and and to get over to the news news to follow the articles that they are presenting but talk about the censorship page for a minute if you would. Yeah so we've got so with news busters we've got the Free Speech America division and then within that division we've got a website you can go to that website and we've got a bunch of different what we've got so far 3800 cases of bias censorship online where you know the big tech and the media are censoring people over things that they simply just don't like.

It's not about protecting or it it's about hiding the truth of the matter in most of these cases. So we've got a contact us page where people can submit their cases if they've been censored online. I know Pastor Greg you've been censored too many times to count but we've got you in there too and then if you want a kind of roundup of these things I do a weekly podcast with a video about the worst cases I see so that comes out every Wednesday so definitely check that out called sensor track with tr. All right simply track with tr and you can get that at at the same website that's right it'll all be on that sensor okay sensor be sure and be sure and bookmark that folks so that you can stay up to date and if you are aware of a of a censorship or a censorship happens to you they want to hear your story how can someone turn a story in if if they've been censored yeah so it's really quite simple just go to the website and there'll be a contact us page and then just send in your information send in your email and the the biggest tip I can give is to take screenshots when it happens because big tech likes to do this thing where they'll censor you and then once you call them out for you appeal their their decision they'll censor you and then once you call them out they'll hide it and they'll pretend they didn't do it or they'll you know deny and say oh sorry it was an accident so just right when you get censored take those screenshots and save them to your phone and then send it to us and we'll uh we'll do what we can sometimes you know we've had we've contacted twitter we've contacted facebook and we've gotten accounts reinstated so um you know reach out to us and we'll see if we can help no it's it's uh it it really is something else um it's terrible it's it's terrible that that they're that they're silencing folks in in in the way that they are uh we were talking you know about you know what it is that they're going after and and really how the children uh become the victims and in particular this next month there's going to be a big push because june is their pride month uh what kinds of things do you anticipate are going to take place and how do you think the media is going to push this agenda well uh if you know things go the way they've been going unfortunately the media is just going to push this progressive lgbtq agenda and that's that's all they're going to push so you know i went to target the other day and i saw all these clothes and they were um literally clothes they're called binders they're like basically tank tops for young children that they can wear if they want to transition to a female or a male and they literally suppress the kids bodies and that's just that target and you know i i went online to see what people were saying about this what is big tech pushing about this and big tech was allowing tweets that were saying okay well then the kids can go to target and grab a tank top but really it will be a binder and then and then it will be a little bit less obvious so that their parents will buy it thinking it's a tank top but then the kid can fully transition without their parents knowing like what are you kidding me they're gonna they're gonna hide from their parents and that's what the left is encouraging they want that to happen they want these kids to just be part of this alphabet community and that's what this whole pride month is going to be it's going to be rainbow washed everywhere and i i'm not looking forward to it i you know the rainbow is god's beautiful glory and i don't like that the lgbtq people have um sort of tried to take that over you know that's that's god's rainbow not theirs well and and you know going back to the mark jackson's story uh the close uh that that is written on this uh by j maxson who wrote this article it's just really telling the anti-christian bigotry is so pathetic and hateful how did jackson's critics justify canceling him over his faith with the nba's plans to play preseason games in the united arab emirate city of abu dhabi homosexuality is a criminal act and punishable by death in that nation yet this isn't even mentioned in ziegler's hit piece on pastor mark jackson it's it's a hypocrisy folks and of course they know because christians we love people but we love them enough as i share in every day in this hour when i play i believe we love them enough to tell them the truth in love in hopes that they will know the freedom that they can have in jesus christ t rose thanks so much for being with me today i greatly appreciate it again you can follow at be sure and get over there and if you haven't already uh uh bookmarked it be sure and bookmark as well t rose thanks for being with me i'll be back donna jackson right after this my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile have you been looking for a trusted long-term storeable food company we have a solution for you simply clean foods is dedicated to providing the best quality food you can buy next to fresh from a farmer's market our line of resealable fruits vegetables and meats are suitable for everyday use and you won't have to worry about throwing away valuable groceries ever again our food is completely gmo free and our stringent quality controls 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everyone a product called natural sleep available at i've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years one common problem seems to stand out people just can't sleep maybe it's too much stress maybe they've got to be healthy maybe they've gotten older whatever the reason we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep you can find it at natural sleep uses a combination of vitamin minerals and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep it's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effect in the morning and it's not a habit for me the product is available in a 16 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go get yours today at cgrwellness com coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout and get twenty dollars off your first order of fifty dollars or more that's coupon code chosen gen radio that's coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the u.s food and drug administration negative products do not treat reduce cure prevent disease hello i'm mike lindell ceo of my pillow retailers shopping channels and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and my pillow during these times your support has meant everything to us my employees and i want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly onto you for example you can get my geezer dream bed sheets for as low as $39.99 a set that's a savings of 60 and the lowest price in history that's 800-656-1943 promo code pastor greg and remember they're made with the world's best cotton grown where the sahara desert the mediterranean sea and the nile river all meet they come with my 10-year warranty and i guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own hi this is faster greg use that code my promo code pastor greg 800-656-1943 that's 800-656-1943 promo code pastor greg my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to the program great to have you with me thanks so much for being here i know you have a choice and where you can listen each and every day and i thank you for keeping it tuned here to chosen generation radio well i i uh almost made a uh a a huge mistake here because um i i had seen an email uh about having donna jackson on and i was getting ready to have her and then i looked at the calendar and realized that it is that special day that we have here once a month for my special friend reverend clinard childress so greetings my brother that's good to be are you talking about donna jackson from newark i am i am her name was just mentioned to me not more than it's not more than 30 seconds ago on the pre-fall and it said you got to meet her and really sit down ahead because they're talking about election fraud okay they look they're trying to find out if she would know anything about it in newark and i said from what i've heard i've been in meetings we never talk where she is i said if there's anybody history of of newark and essex county where the dead rise whenever there's a close phrase they begin to go to the polls uh it would be donna jackson and then your phone rings well that how about that that's so cool we'll definitely have to let donna know that uh that that'll be that's very very cool yeah and i'm sitting there and i called i'm calling her then right so then it's like she's not answering i'm like oh i get ready to text her and i thought well i better look at the calendar real quick oh i'm supposed to call pastor clinard hang on a minute all right so i'm text her back i say hey you'll be next week okay so there we go well oh my goodness well welcome aboard so uh i'm i'm it's good to have you uh and i appreciate you being here uh you know we had this horrific shooting that happened yesterday in uvalde texas and i opened the program by by praying for the families and praying for the community and praying for our nation uh as a whole but you know i i i wanted to talk about god's value of life and i i know that you are very active also in education and in reaching kids uh with with them with a message about the value of their lives and and and about how they matter how they how they make a difference in our world that is a message that is missing in in most of the public school system in my estimation is that your experience oh absolutely the intrinsic value of each individual has to be certainly echoes uh daily through your teaching through the respect you have one for another but also through your faith and that's what our faith teaches and when you have abortion where kids hear mama got rid of it or they see a mother excited about uh being pregnant and then all of a sudden she's not pregnant anymore but she's angry about something because she's angry with her partner about abortion they hear get rid of it as if it is something uh innate something that is not alive something that is not human and so you develop a mindset and a total disregard for how precious life is because i can choose to get rid of life if it is a problem or if i don't want it or i can't afford it this this is the mindset that we are projecting to our kids would be have abortion on demand and a woman's right to choose you know i have a saying pro-choice that's a lie babies don't choose to die and we have to always consider uh what we are communicating to uh our children as far as the sanctity of life and martin luther king um was big on personhood uh the sacredness of life itself often included through his sermon of the sanctity of personhood at one time he called it the sanctity and he used the term of life just sacred impression so we've gotten far far away from that but we're getting but i believe there's a comeback in the mid i believe that well we've got to send that message that that their lives do matter certainly this morning those lives matter to those parents who have lost their precious loved ones and and and the politic the politicization yes the politicization of this issue immediately the president last night shifting this from you know the compassion that he started with and the and the need for prayer to a rant about individuals that support the second amendment and uh and and an all-out assault on gun owners uh it is is is the wrong message that to me the message has to be the message has to be about children and life and this is why the abortion issue is a play into this i would also suggest pastor that the issue of the teachings of darwinian beginnings and the idea of us crawling up out of some swamp and then developing and the idea that what is conceived is not a person but some glob similar to whatever it is that crawled up out of that swamp these darwinian ideas devalue human life we are the only ones created in god's image and and subsequently then that that leads to in many cases feelings of hopelessness amongst children and amongst a younger generation i i absolutely no i agree absolutely that's basically uh hitting the nail on the head with with the hammer and we need to basically point out the callousness the indifference the the violence that we see is because people do not see people as special precious human beings and also that there is a higher god the higher justice that we will all be accountable to one day we choose to be rebellious against man's law so uh the first the cornerstone of all law is the sanctity of life that's where you start and then you make your laws from that foundation uh you revere and respect life and first of all the president is as you've already stated totally an opportunity to be political if he made the decision or not i doubt it but they they prop them up to make this political i want to say to the parents and i want to say to the uh the children's uh friends and loved ones uh wow this is your worst nightmare uh realize certainly our prayers go out to those families uh but i i have to say and i'm not diminishing what has happened uh there in texas there in texas at all there is no such outrage over the guns that are being and kids that are being killed in chicago right uh it's philadelphia uh where the the press conference is concerning that with the attention the demands of our uh coming from democrats they say nothing they do nothing president trump offered to have a national guard come into chicago it was refused uh he made every attempt of president to stop this the uh slaughter of these young teenagers and their business i understand all that but nevertheless it is our youth being killed but uh and once again not diminishing at all what has happened because i was very you know it brings a degree of depression when you read or hear or something so horrible you dropped your kids off expecting to pick them up again that afternoon and you're met with the horror of having lost them violently and i want to see how this all plays out the the person that did it you know was obviously a transvestite or uh cross-dressing and well let me let me let me yeah let me pause let me let me hold you up there because now the the there are reports coming out that the pictures that were supposedly going out about that are actually fake they're they're not real now the pictures go ahead go ahead no i i i want to make a full investigation because this is now coming from some sources that uh probably uh they said that these pictures would be taken down and all these other things it doesn't matter uh and you're right but go ahead uh well it may not it very well likely may be the case well i i i i i hypothesize this and actually it's because of what i know because my son actually ran the radio shack in uvaldi a number of years back and i know that there are a lot of of border patrol agents and dps whose families are housed in that community and i suspect that this has something to do with uh a targeted hit my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a world war ii defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights i am patriot mobile i thank and praise god for this uh uh borewell that god has enabled us to put in this village prayer and support of pastor greek young and chosen generation minister radio ministry and uh by the prayer and support of the uh pastor greek young and the chosen generation ministry we could put the borewell in this village for the community before this community was a drinking a dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness but now they are getting pure fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for pastor greek young and uh chosen generation ministry and all the supporters and uh we pray for uh all of you that god would bless you and god would use you so that we can put more of our children in this village and all of our so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community those who are really having a problem of the waters god bless you and keep us in your prayer and this pastor is pastor jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village and really this village is a really in a big need of a church building keep us in prayer god bless you you and this is this borewell we have put and uh pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you especially we thank to pastor greek young and the hello i'm mike lindell ceo of my pillow retailers shopping channels and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and my pillow well during these times your support has meant everything to us so my employees and i want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly onto you we're selling the best products ever for the best prices ever for example we have my standard size my pillow regularly 69.98 now only 19.98 with your promo code promo code pastor greg or you can get custom fit with my premium queen size my pillows regularly 79.98 now just 29.98 or my king size regular 89.98 now just 34.98 hi this is faster greg use that code my promo code pastor greg 800-656-1943 that's 800-656-1943 promo code pastor greg hi i'm kim chef certified natural health practitioner i want to introduce you to products that i think will interest everyone a product called natural sleep available at i've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years one common problem seems to stand out people just can't sleep maybe it's too much stress maybe they've gotten older whatever the reason we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep you can find it at natural sleep uses a combination of vitamin minerals and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep it's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effect in the morning and it's not a habit for me the product is available in a 16 ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go get yours today at coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout and get twenty dollars off your first order of fifty dollars or more that's coupon code chosen gen radio that's coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the u.s food and drug administration nigga products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease look i am for marriage between a man and a woman i am for life from conception i am for following the bible and i believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles i am in support of our military and believe that america should play a role in world security i believe our constitution was intended for a moral people and that the bible contains the only true moral code i believe we are all born sinners and that god in his grace and mercy sent his son jesus christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness i believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but it is found in how that transformation is lived out jesus is to be the lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts this is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins faith without works is dead and is no faith at all i believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that god will ultimately bring us into perfect action through jesus christ spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress i believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to jesus i believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that god will heal our land i believe that as a christian i must occupy until he comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated christianity that to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me it means that i must risk scorn to stand for truth and that i can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world god is my everything and jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that i share what i share because i care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me i do not say this in anger but in love i wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that jesus christ is the only way to salvation and that god not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way god bless you now back to chosen generation with your host pastor greg pastor greg and don't forget you can get more chosen generation at and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses my special guest is reverend clonard childress i encourage you if you have not already to bookmark his site and uh and and he really tells the story of how the abortion industry is so targeted on the black community in particular when you think about the fact that the black community was identified as somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 to 13 percent of the population over 50 years ago by the way and actually it was more than that i think it was closer to 17 now it's 12 to 13 percent and you have to ask yourself the hispanic population has grown the asian population has grown uh you know all these other populations have grown but the black population has gone backwards and yet the leadership of the black population are some of the loudest proponents of these abortion clinics and women's rights and the woman's right to choose and as you said in our first segment reverend it's the woman's it's not the woman's right to choose because the baby never chooses to die uh it and and that really brings us back to you know the the focus of the conversation as it relates to what's happened here something else that's odd that i mentioned to you in in the break well a couple of things number one uh and and i'll develop this more next hour uh but there is a huge concentration of custom and border protection agents and of dps agents in the uvaldi area it's a it's a place for them to be as they are doing their duties because the border is so close and we have this operation lone star in texas that has been targeting shutting some of this stuff down the illegal activity and yet we have a biden policy that pushes this and we know that the gangs and the cartels and the ms-13s they like to send messages to communities and if there's a community where there's a a large presence of of the families and of the cbp and so on that is the community that they're going to want to target to send a message and you have to ask yourself how does this person end up in kevlar how do they end up in in this you know uh how they were with the weapons they were and how do you shoot that many people people in that short of a period of time with that level of accuracy without some kind of training to be able to accomplish that and why do we not know who this young man's parents are why do we not know more about who he is and his motivations when we have in buffalo reverend another horrific shooting incident that took place but we know the manifesto we have all of his social media we we they forced his parents to have to come and give a statement we know all of this history this entire profile but that's because he was a white supremacist which is what the fbi thinks is the worst and most dangerous element in our country you heard it even last night there was a dervin was talking about well you know the republicans you know they want us to focus on terrorism but when we bring them the terrorists that live amongst us yeah what about those terrorists that live amongst us that robert's been talking about on my program the islamic terrorists that live amongst us all right i'm sorry i've i've i've bogarded here so let me let me your audience needs to hear just your perspective on that and i think it's extremely accurate and we got to recognize uh there's a lot of questions here and i think the most poignant one was the fact of the accuracy as you described and the element of ms-18 uh being there and very heavily and their presence there and sending out a message and also as we were talking about it it seemed like everybody was ready to capitalize this on uh for gun control laws and i and all of those uh shootings that had been mentioned whether it be sandy hook would it be other cases that we have come up to there's never has been a law that they could have instituted the laws that we did have weren't being enforced you can have laws they have to be enforced and we're right now they never talk about the good guy with the gun to stop the bad guy those are very in any type of news uh reports so right now there's still a lot of questions to be answered i want to see basically that profile as you mentioned that seemingly they can't find he's only 18 from what i understand right there should there should be some point to find out well where is he living he attended the school there i believe at one time uh we have to have some records and see where all this goes if it is unfortunately i don't like to be someone to pound the drum of the conspiracy theory type thing you have to look at this the democrats need an issue they fell completely on the abortion issue and they fell completely on the uh the issues of beating up on the republicans calling them racist they issue going into november uh folks this very well may be the one well and and certainly we all are deeply concerned about the safety and the protection of children but we're the ones that are beating the drum about the most vulnerable children in the world and those are the children that reside in the womb the choice that the woman made and and when you talk about they say well what about rape well okay um actually kathy barnett who actually should be the senator for pennsylvania and by the way and i've got heavy into this yesterday and i'll say it again memmett aus has no business being a senator aus has no business being a senator in the united states senate as a muslim and as a turkish citizen the conflict is too great and in addition to that the comments that she made about islam being formatted on pedophilia is absolutely true muhammad's first wife was six years old consummated that marriage at nine that's called pedophilia and that's the guy that's supposed to be the leader of islam so it is built on a pedophile hello all right uh reverend thank you for being with me i appreciate it folks check out it's so important that we understand this information and that we're able to speak with truth and with knowledge reverend clenard childress and please pray for our dear reverend friend as well i'll be back i'm kim chef certified natural health practitioner i want to introduce you to products that i think will interest everyone a product called natural sleep available at i've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years one common problem seems to stand out people just can't sleep maybe it's too much stress maybe they've gotten older whatever the reason we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep you can find it at natural sleep uses a combination of vitamin minerals and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep it's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effect in the morning and it's not a habit for me the product's available in a 16 ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go get yours today at coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout and get twenty dollars off your first order of fifty dollars or more that's coupon code chosen gen radio that's coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today these statements have not been evaluated by the u.s food and drug administration negative products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease
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