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FACT CHECK: Did Sally Yates Lie During DNC Speech?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
August 19, 2020 1:00 pm

FACT CHECK: Did Sally Yates Lie During DNC Speech?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 19, 2020 1:00 pm

FACT CHECK: Did Sally Yates Lie During DNC Speech? We discuss this and more on today's show.

Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

Fact check, did Sally Yates lie during her speech last night at the Democratic National Convention? We'll talk about that. And victories on behalf of parents and students. The ACLJ has already secured because of your support. We'll talk about that today on Jay Sekulow Life.

Live from Washington, D.C.. Jay Sekulow by phone lines are open for your questions right now. Call one 800 six eight four three one one zero. That's one 800. Six eight four thirty one ten. And now your host, Jordan Secular.

So I guess we come to expect this with the virtual some pretape, some live.

Democrat National Convention this week. Now, tonight, I expect a bigger night. I think last night was probably the worst night so far. If you were even paying attention and, you know, with this only one hour coverage on on the main news channels kind of broadcast news channels, I'm thinking this is not going to be moving the needle a lot. And that really hurts the challenger and the incumbent. Not so much if it's the same way next week, but the challenger needs the boost from this. He didn't get it. Biden did not get a boost from Kamala Harris. He actually went down to the polls and started now is in its Titicut dead heat in every battleground state and nationally, even in those national polls. That was a CNN poll. But last night, they let Sally Yates and maybe Joe Biden. It was kind of hard to tell she was live or not. But Sally Yates certainly was Rivers. She's former acting attorney general. She was fired by President Trump for refusing to enforce the law, but she lied about why she was fired last night to the American people who were paying attention. So if you if you didn't see this because it wasn't in that primetime hour, you got to take this. Remember, there's a same salivates who's who's been testify under oath about her role in unmasking the potential illegal activity surrounding Mike Flynn. Take a listen. This is Sally Yates addressing the nation last night at the Democrat National Virtual Convention.

I served as deputy attorney general in the Obama Biden administration and stayed on as acting attorney general for the Trump transition. Then 10 days in, I was fired for refusing to defend President Trump's shameful and unlawful Muslim travel ban. That was the start of his relentless attacks on our democratic institutions and countless dedicated public servants.

You know, again, that is an outright lie. It is an outright lie. Because why? She refused to enforce a duly enacted executive order. The executive order was challenged in court. And guess what? The Supreme Court decided the executive order was legal. She got fired for refusing to enforce the law. And now she's still dead. She lied yet again. She lied about why she was fired. She called it unlawful. So is she now. Sally Yates, who I think, by the way, by putting her out there is a potential is Joe Biden saying this could be someone who I put the position of attorney general where he trusts her. She was in the Oval Office meeting with with Kobe at Strock and getting briefed on the Flynn matter and all of the unmasking, the FBI agents going all of that stuff, the spying on the Trump campaign. And yet she lies about why she's fired. Did call something the Supreme Court has said is lawful, unlawful to the American people, which is a lie.

And now that we have bands going on all around the country because of covered it, she's saying those are unlawful. I guess she is.

But here's knowing her as a she said that she was fired because she refused to force enforce the unconstitutional order that the Supreme Court of the United States held was constitutional. Repeat.

She said she was fired because of her refusal to enforce a duly authorized executive order from the President of the United States. And she said that order was unconstitutional. She became the Supreme Court. She was wrong. Supreme Court said it was constitutional. And economies will be joining us right after the break. So, Wolf and Bennett. Don't forget, support the work of the ACLJ. You can do that by going to ACLJ, dot org, ACLJ, dot org, our matching challenge campaign, if you're able and only if you're able support the work of the ACLJ and do it today.

Jordan, which no more how to diversed if you have cause one eight hundred six eight four thirty one. Ted, we're taking your calls. We're live on the air. One 800 six eight four three one one zero. Big night for the DNC tonight with Kamala Harris taking the main stage. Will she be live? It's a question. And Barack Obama support the work of the ACLJ. Double the impact your donation.

We've got a lot of victory support of that school matter. We come back and ACLJ.

Org donate. At the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress, the ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support. For that, we are grateful. Now, there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way, for a limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched. A ten dollar gift becomes 20 dollars. A 50 dollar gift becomes one hundred. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online at ACLJ dot org.

Only one, a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you were saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ battle for the unborn. It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your supports. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

Request your free copy of Mission Life. Today online at ACLJ dot org slash gift.

Back to Jessica alive now. In a minute, we've got an update.

And he is pretty tremendous update because we've only been working on this for a few weeks and we had over 800 families contact the ACLJ. Our attorneys have been hard at work. We've tried all those services absolutely free who are facing hardships because of these school reopenings or virtual schools or shut downs of charter schools that aren't even allowed to do virtual programing. A lot of special needs children, children who can't afford the technology to do virtual learning at home. And we've already got victories to report on this victories.

You know, oftentimes you have lawyers like us. You go to the school board. They don't want to go to court against us. Right. They want to they want to handle the situation, the best partner. Sometimes you get the other states and they it looks like in some we may be having to go to court.

And I think absolutely. On some matters, we will. But you want to resolve these as quickly as possible for these students. You don't have to go to court. That's best. Going to court takes much longer. So I will report on those victories. We can do that work because of your support of the ACLJ, because you you support us through the July matching challenge and you're supporting us through this August matching challenge. We were ready for the eighteen hundred families who contact us at ACLJ dot org Ford slash help. And I will tell you folks, that's just on this issue. We still get about three or four hundred other contacts a week of people who need legal assistance from the ACLJ. So we were prepared to do it because you donated to the ACLJ during July matching challenge. And during this months, August matching challenge. And it's a great time because you're doubling the impact to your donation. When you donate online, you double the impact your donation ACLJ dot org. And it's why also when someone like Sally Yates addresses the GNC last night, not only are we talking about her lie, we were directly involved. We filed dad this at the Supreme Court brief and this is the ACLJ brief, not done because you're the President's attorney ACLJ brief on behalf of our members saying the President is right. Sally Yates, you're wrong. And that dad, the Supreme Court so agrees with us.

First, let let me show the brief. Here's the brief. This is the brief that the American Center for Law and Justice filed in the case. So that brief was filed supporting the position of the President that the executive order was constitutional. Here's Sally Yates last night. This is what she said. This is why she was fired. This is what she said.

I served as deputy attorney general in the Obama Biden administration and stayed on as acting attorney general for the Trump transition. Then 10 days in, I was fired for refusing to defend President Trump's shameful and unlawful Muslim travel ban. That was the start of his relentless attacks on our democratic institutions and countless dedicated public servants.

Here's what John Roberts, chief justice of the United States, said. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States undergo a vetting process to ensure that they satisfy the numerous requirements for a mission. The act also vests the President with authority restrict the entry of aliens who, whenever he can restrict aliens, when ever he finds that their entry, quote would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. That's Andy is from the opinion of John Roberts. So Sally Yates decides that the matter is unconstitutional. Right. But this is important. The Supreme Court said exactly the opposite. She wasn't fired because she was not enforcing an unconstitutional order. She was fired for insubordination.

That's exactly right. He decided that he knew better than the President of the United States than the Office of Legal Counsel. So she sends out a memo to all the employees of the Department of Justice having the temerity to tell them not to enforce and not to abide by the President's travel restrictions from unvetted aliens. And she said this is out in violation of the President's order. Instead of saying she should have done that, I resign my position because I cannot in good conscience do those. And so she violates the order. He is greater and smarter than the Supreme Court of the United States. And she stood up there last night with her manicured fingernails and her razor cut hair. You know who came from a privileged family in Atlanta? The QUILLIAN. His father was on the Court of Appeals and of Georgia, you know, and. She knows she never stood in line at a great charity hospital. She never slept under the bridge at Bell Street. OK, Jack. Sally Yates, if you listen, you know where that is. No, she went to Northside Hospital or Piedmont Hospital. She was a privilege, Rich. And she knows knows better than all of us who live in Atlanta as to what needs to be done. And she stands up there in a smug, lucrative office at. King and Spalding now and pontificates what she's doing, Jay. She's really interviewing to be the next attorney general. God forbid, of the United States.

There is fan. Is there any question I want to go to Jordan, to Dan first. Is there any question in your mind that this is all about the Supreme Court?

All about the Supreme Court or maybe about her position as attorney general, because, Jay, I do definitely think she would be. They know it. I meant attorney. Yeah. Yeah. I think she would be the attorney general in a Biden administration. And it's not just about this. It's about the fact that the President Biden would have to keep those who were close to him in the unmasking scandal close as well. Remember, Jay? Only two officials were invited to stay behind with the President, President Obama and Vice President Biden. It was Jim Comey. We know the problems that he has and Sally Yates of all people, and J. The other thing that she knows, the Trump administration underwent a review of countries to see who would end up in this band. But while that we're view is starting what listed, they start with who conducted the review of the countries that they started with. It was the Obama administration, the Obama administration that Sally Yates served. So she knew, Jay, that this was a lawful order. She just refused to enforce the law. That would be your next attorney general.

Yeah, and I think, you know, when you go back to it and you hear her follow up to which I think I think is clear to play that we need everybody to stand like she's explaining. You know, I don't work for attorney general. I don't work for the President. I don't do this and that. But you do. You know, we can have that debate, by the way, because you can be hired and fired.

You do work for the President, of course. And you are supposed to carry out the laws and the executive orders of the President. And then especially when the Supreme Court says you're wrong and so stop calling unlawful salivates. You can say you disagree with it, say disagree with us from where we do that all the time. But to call it a lawful is saying that, you know, the President did something wrong. And the Supreme Court, I guess John Roberts is breaking the law in the words of Sally Yates. Have fun. Sally Yates sending your S.G. up before John Roberts, if you ever, which I don't think you will become the attorney general because you called him, I guess, a, someone who is enforcing a law that's unlawful.

I don't know. But listen to a follow up to this, the kind of people Joe Biden wants to surround himself with. Take a listen.

Like me, these officials didn't swear an oath to a person or a party. Public servants promised to defend our constitution, uphold our laws and work on behalf of the American people. But from the moment President Trump took office, he's used his position to benefit himself rather than our country. He's trampled the rule of law, trying to weaponize our Justice Department, to attack his enemies and protect his friends.

So, Andy, this is her. This is her interview she's doing. This is her great grand debut of her. You know, this is what I will do as attorney general line. But what I find so offensive about it, frankly, is this idea when she tries to equate an executive order, which the Supreme Court holds to be constitutional and say it's lawbreaking, and then makes these generalized political statements about the President primarily because she disagrees with the policy decisions that are being made.

Well, that's exactly right, Jay. What she is doing is making her own decision as to what is right and what is wrong in violation of our separation of powers and our Constitution. That says that's not your decision, deputy attorney general. That's the decision of the President of the United States, who has been empowered by the Supreme Court in a decision written by the chief justice to do exactly what he did in the travel ban. This is the kind of an attorney general you're going to get. You talk about trampling the rule of law and weaponized in the Justice Department. Don't you think they're going to get in there if they ever have the chance to do the exact same thing that they're claiming the President unlawfully has done and that is weaponized, the Justice Department, to serve a liberal left wing agenda. He prosecuted more black officials in the city of Atlanta than any other United States attorney. And she has the temerity to go up there now and to paint herself as a Democrat and to say that she is in favor of the Democrat administration. Well, what she did was attack the black officials in the city of Atlanta from the day she became the United States attorney for the northern district of Georgia. She has changed her spots considerably and is now interviewing to become the next attorney general of the United States. She's been put in the forefront. She lies about the Supreme Court. She's a hypocrite. She's two faced.

Let me. I wasn't. Has this to Jordan. Then really quickly then first the watching the last two days of the convention. What's your initial thoughts?

I think they're in trouble. I think Joe Biden is in trouble for this very reason. I mean, Jordan mentioned this, Paul, a couple of days ago, J. Six in 10 Americans are making their decision based on Donald Trump, the candidate with the eyeballs and the attention wins every single election, whether it's a positive or negative view. That candidate right now is Donald Trump. And I don't think this week moved the needle.

Here's here's the problem.

And this is you know, I've been very open and honest. I mean, you can say to my outside role, you know, he's still representing the present. So I'd be open eyes about this two, three weeks ago. A lot more nervous with the V.P. choice, as you know, interested. Would it do anything? And who would it be? Someone interesting, it was it was someone who couldn't get through the primary process and actually called Joe Biden. Were they basically racist? And she got no bump. In fact, the poll that came out after Kamala Harris being announced show now it's a complete tie in every battleground and even in the national poll. And this one hour a night. This is not reaching independent voters. They're not being persuaded by prerecorded stories. That's my takeaway, is that they know they're in serious trouble.

Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ battle for the unborn. It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

Request your free copy of Mission Life. Today, online at ACLJ Board Slashed Gift.

At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. The ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now, there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way, for a limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched. A ten dollar gift becomes 20 dollars. A 50 dollar gift becomes one hundred. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online at ACLJ dot org.

All right, now we're going to get into some of our victories on the school issue. Every report, you know, we're assisting right now over 15 hundred. Well, know close to eighteen hundred, I think. And that number keeps growing in some. Of course, we're able to assist quickly. We're able to provide information to some, it's more more aggrieved. They're just upset taxpayers. So that's not going to be somebody representing you in a court or before a school board. But we do have already victories to report. So we're going to talk about those a minute. But I can't let this go by within the first half hour without mentioning this. So Jim Comey sends out a tweet yesterday. It's about the 19th Amendment. There's a history. If you early voted, you might have gotten. I took my daughters. We both got the one hundredth anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the women's suffrage, the women's right to vote. That's wonderful. And he tweeted out a photo of himself wearing a T-shirt that says Elect more women. That's Jim Koby's tweet, you see if you're watching on Facebook and Periscope below.

Well, Hillary Clinton thought that was hilarious. So she told him, I got to say, he's a pretty good troll. Well, it's trolling. Let's explain to you know, and she kind of took his joke. You kind of said, you know, what do you first all like everybody says about Jim Comey. And so it's all about Jim Comey. It's actually from Hillary Clinton. And she was on between the first Between Two Ferns with Zach Alford Akesson. And she's making this just kind of like her face looking down at this. Elect more women. Because remember, we've said all along he now he did he interfere with President Trump? He interfered with Hillary Clinton, too. Yeah, he had it coming. It came out on the early closing, accompanying it, reopening it, which in kind of basically had her in her trump and then came out three days before the election and reopened it again over what turned out to be nothing. But I wrote this. Here's why that was important. I think Hillary Clay was a funny troll, but remember. And it's so if you not you don't see the screen. The Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, did not accept firing Comey as legitimate. And that's what started and kept going. The Russia hoax, then we got Mueller and then we got a partizan impeachment. So this is funny. What's not funny to me is that everyone knew Jim Comey should be fired. He was a bad FBI director. Hillary Clinton would have fired him. Donald Trump did either President from either party. But Donald Trump had to go through hell with Mueller and special counsel and then impeachment because of this guy with elect more women. Yeah, Jim. So it's a funny troll. But again, it just reminds you, Democrat parties in a bizarre, Jim, very bizarre places, Jim Comey.

And I want to Andy to it. Hillary speaking tonight. Jim Comey is a bad actor. He was bad FBI director. He allowed under his watch or directed worse unbelievable acts that were detrimental to the interests of the United States of America. Let me be clear. He allowed or directed under his watch actions that were detrimental to the United States of America. And then he does these you know, he tries to be cute on these tweets that he sends out. But, Andy, this was a bad actor who put in motion a coup against the President of the United States.

That's exactly right. Why don't we just say what Lindsey Graham and Sally Yates was a rogue, and she said, yes, he was a rogue, someone running off on his own, doing whatever he thinks that he wanted to do to protect himself and to promote his own cause. So Sally Yates was his great supporter, and then he signs off on an affidavit to the FISA court. And based upon information that Kony and his group gave her and lied to a federal judge to get her to get us surveillance on an American citizen. So even Sally Yates thinks James Comey is a rogue. Calls him a rogue.

I'm going to go ahead and play that bite when we have it. We're going to we're pulling that byte up right now because I think it's important.

She had Sally HSLDA, the guy who was the primary speaker when one of the primary speakers with Bill Clinton. Then you had James Comey, as George just said, putting out this tweet.

And what do you think his reference was there when he was the 19th, the history, the 19th Amendment right now, if your early voting is one anniversary of women's suffrage. I got the sticker when I early voted. I brought my daughters for four years, four years old. She got the sticker. I got to explain to her what it was about. So he's wearing this, though, this shirt, which he's to become an activist now elect more women. And Hillary Clinton just posts a wreath, you know, commented on his tweet with just a photo of herself looking down at this. It was just kind of a smirking face. And and then I said, this is all fine and good. I think it a funny by Hillary Clinton who's speaking tonight. The DNC said, by the way, she would like to come back to government.

Be interesting to see what that means. I mean, is he going to basically bring in all the trustworthy act, see if he wins, he brings in? That's why I think he's such a Trojan horse. Yeah, he is too old to really be running the country, I think, at 78. So he's going to be bringing in all those trusted actors, Gates, the Clintons, Susan Rice types. They're all going to be there. They're going to be running it. And if you thought the Obama years were bad, you just wait and see, because I think Obama those he was more toned down than what this group would do.

Yeah. Look, you vote for whoever you want for it's a free country. Just pointing out the houses. Yeah. We're putting out the polls now. I want to play the Sally Yates statement about Jim Comey in get Andy to respond because.

And Andy raises. Go ahead, miss it. Call me go rogue. Then you could use that term is.

So. How much clearer could that be?

There it is. I mean, you know, did come and go rogue. Yes. You could use that term. Of course you could use that term, because that's what he did. And he was the director of the FBI. And who did he report to, J. He reported directly to the deputy attorney general. OK. So the President, the United States, finally, Donald Trump decides to get rid of him, something that Obama was scared to death to do because of what he had on Obama or its delegates would never do because what he had on Earth. So this is. And I love Jordan's analogy of the Trojan horse. If you have because I'm Greek and I understand the Trojan War, if you have Joe Joe Biden as President, you have an empty shell carrying with him or Cosio ortez Hillary Clinton.

Sally Yates. Keep going. All the left wing radicals are going to be brought into the White House because you don't know what he's doing. That's for sure. And he's going to bring in his troupe of lefties who will run this country. You're going to go back to those years. Real quickly.

So I just want to go through as we go into this first break and we're going to talk about Yates', the DNC and whether you support the ACLJ we're just after. And we're going to have a blog on this soon. She can read through with your friend because I can't get through all of them. But this is just some of the victories we have had on behalf of students that these parents have been contacting us. And, you know, we do this at no cost, folks. So start off just in in Georgia. We had a victory. We helped a disabled parent with two sons. They needed laptops to do the virtual learning. The ACLJ sent a letter to the school after the parents original request. So when the parents in in their request, no answer from the school, ACLJ sent a letter at no cost to this family. And the school has provided the parents laptops for each of the children that you see. And what it means when you have when people say get a lawyer, it's, oh, that's how you get things done. The good thing about the ACLJ, you can get a lawyer to ACLJ and it doesn't cost you anything. That's how we can help these poor disabled parents with two sons. So they got the laptops. Their initial request to the school went unanswered until the ACLJ got involved. Another example, ACLJ helped a single mother, as well as other families from Texas and California whose children didn't have computers needed for distance learning in these instances.

We reached out to the school to determine whether the school was providing computers and made sure these families could find and fill out all of the correct documents, which were not put in one place easily by the school. So now kids in Texas, California and Georgia who didn't have the technology to do virtual learning have it, they would not have had it without your support of the ACLJ. Let me say this, folks, whether there's a lot more to talk about, whether it's this broadcast coming to each and every day on radio and TV five days a week, or whether it is the eighteen hundred families that we're trying to offer, we are offering legal assistance to an already getting victories.

Your support of the ACLJ keeps all of this happening in the United States and around the globe. Let me encourage you right now to ACLJ dot org and whatever amount you donate, not only is a tax deductible, it's matched ACLJ dawn.

At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched. A ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars, a fifty dollar gift becomes one hundred. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online at ACLJ dot org.

Live from Washington, D.C.. Jay Sekulow lives.

And now your host, Jordan Secular. Welcome back to Jay Sekulow alive. So tonight will be night three of the DNC. What to expect?

Well, remember, you only get probably an hour of coverage of this. So all the names I'm listed, we don't know what order they'll be. And I have a feeling Nancy Pelosi, one of the put her that that real flower not. Who knows? We also don't know what we'll be live and what will not. For last night, we realized at least Sally Yates was live online, but she was live from Atlanta. Couldn't really tell if Joe Biden was. It was kind of late. It was a little difficult. There was a little stumble, which makes me think it wasn't. Was it like something they did a bunch. The lighting it perfect. It's possible that was live. So maybe they're doing two lives. It was a it was a good attack that the candidate's wife, like they will to Malani it, by the way. Of course they will. Liberal liberals, media on the other side that are like us. They'll go after her speech. I'm not going to do that to Joe Biden. She's the wife of the candidate.

Even though I disagree strongly with some of the things she said. She's not the person getting elected. She's not on the ballot. But so tonight you get Kamala Harris. So this is big for her. If anyone's watching because she really has had these very small events before, she never gotten this much time at network coverage, even though it isn't only an hour. But she's this is an issue. I think she's got to. Barack Obama goes before. Yeah, this guy, you can let him on Zoom and he's still in incredible order. I thought Michelle Obama was so great in that situation. But Barack Obama, I assume, is still incredible as an order. And Ed, she's got Hillary Clinton, who doesn't always come across great, but is a pro. So. So. And Elizabeth Warren, another one who's a pro. And then you see, so after all those people, does Kamala Harris match up to be the one who should be obviously the former President would be the she meet the expectations.

That's because I don't think she has. Well, I think that's probably right. But let let's do this. I want to go to Andy first. Then then Andy, I'm making you watch the convention. I have to say, yes, you forced me.

You wanted to take a nap while it was going on last night. And I said, you know, you got you got it. I think I told your wife. Get him up and get him watching. See, his favorite, Sally Yates is coming up. What's your impression so far?

Well, my impression that is an unwatchable event because it goes from lies to taped. It goes from one scene in someone's bedroom or bathroom to a scene, you know, on the porch of somebody's house. It's an unwatchable event. It is uninspiring. Of course, you might say that I have a inclination not to like it, but I did watch delegates because I was interested in hearing what she had to say, particularly because I know her. I know the Clintons, I know the Yates, and I know what her agenda is. And her agenda is to do anything she can to trample on the President of the United States who justifiably fired her for failing to abide by an order that had been found by the Office of Legal Counsel to be correct. We're talking about the travel restriction order and that subsequently was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States. So I wanted to see how she was going to get around that. And she says 10 days in the man President and DOMA being the deputy attorney general, I was fired for this unlawful and unjust order, putting on a little bit of a Southern accent. So that will all ingratiate ourselves are nonsense and baloney. I know the real Sally Yates, and if he could, she'd cut your throat.

OK. I think we have any decision. Listen, here's what I think. And he's trying to put across, though, is remember the kind of henchman because I use the word because that's what a turd Joe been called. He's not holder henchman for for Obama. I mean, this guy would do anything for him. Covered up everything. Fast and Furious.

Think about the Susan Rice henchmen, you know, gave up like a being confirmed to be secretary of state because she went out and lied on Benghazi because she did it for the President. He's bringing all these henchmen back in. So and he said, well, he said they'll cut your throat. Yeah. This team will talk a lot about how tough the Trump team is there. They're tough in the in a legal sense. This other team is tough, like Chicago politics and Biden. He's like the Trojan horses, if you like, being taken over by Chicago police. I guess Delaware politics is not you know, he'd really be running the show. Then we can do as we come back more quickly. AOC doesn't mention Joe Biden in her speech.

Maybe she wasn't willing to, Jay. I mean, I know it was a formality, but she could have inserted his name if he if he wanted to.

I think that was a big thing. I will talk about that. We come back from the break. Don't forget, support the work of the ACLJ Matching Challenge campaign more than halfway through it. ACLJ. Org.

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Welcome back. Jay Sexual, I want to take a phone call and then we're gonna get into what you mentioned, which was AOC.

She was already unhappy because she she was actually the way they portrayed it to. I mean, I have the list. She was going to be a speaker. She was one of the nominators. OK. So she got a minute because she was one of the nominators, Bernie Sanders, and she nominated Bernie says, but she wasn't actually a speaker. There were people doing that for me or the Caribbean that were nominating. And that's, by the way, not the country doing that. That's the party within the country doing a Democrat party in the U.S. Virgin Islands doing that. That's what she got. She did not get a speaking role, but even though it was pretaped, she figured out a way to not say anything about Joe Biden. So we'll get to that in a second. But I do want to take his calls on Yates' dad, the people that hold on. Scott in Colorado, FirstLine one, if you will talk to us on air two one eight hundred six eight 431 ten. That's one 106 eight four three one one zero. Scott, welcome to Jay Sekulow. Alive, OK.

Jordan, Jay and Andy, thank you for my call. So my question is, why would a President Trump keep a Sally Yates or what did he see in her even in the transition when Democrats and administration changes have no conscience in cleaning out the barn, putting their own people in? It seems like Republicans are, you know, what appear to be good guys a little bit more often and maybe afraid of criticism, but it often comes back to bite them.

I mean, normally you this is not the only President that's done this. They'll keep certain officials in place during the transition time after they've been sworn in before. The person that's going to replace is confirmed because you have to have someone confirmed usually in that office, which could take or you take the deputy attorney general. So that's the normal way.

It's it is always the normal way. And it just so happened that we were dealing with this terrorism and controversial issues right off the bat. Yeah, but but normally, remember, you don't just because you became President, your attorney general, you get to nominate and then they have to go through the confirmation process at the Judiciary Committee and then the full vote, the Senate. So Sessions wasn't available yet. And so you have to use those who can rise up to the top. And by the way, she took the role. She didn't say I won't. She didn't have to take the role Teuscher role. But I think she took the role to try to find a way. Yes. To to to make a name for herself was no covering the tracks that took place under her watch. She did that. Now she was. Jim Comey. So she started pulling these moves. No one had even heard of her yet.

So than normal. That's not an unusual move. Then I got a question for Andy.

Yeah. I mean, first of all, Sally Yates said it herself. It was 10 days. And so we're talking extremely, extremely early. I would not say that the administration did not move quickly. That said, Jay, I do think there's a lesson here to be learned. I do think or we've said it on this broadcast many times, personnel is policy when it comes to these types of decisions. So I think new administration should be more aggressive in moving people through. One other thing I'd mentioned, Jay. I think there's a very clear reason why Sally Yates is so a voice in such a loud opinion about Joe Biden being the next President. Jay, it's because this attorney general, the current one, has John Bash looking at the unmasking. One of the individuals he's clearly looking at is Sally Yates, that this is a way to for her to put that to an end.

Well, I think that's I think 101. Correct. But and it goes back to something deeper. I was wondering and this is just, you know, conjecture on my part. She took she could have easily said, I will not serve under Donald Trump. She didn't say that.

That's exactly right. You could have said, I'm not going to serve under a person who is lawless, who is shameful and who does shameful and lawless acts. But she is an opportunist, Jay. She is an opportunist.

And she saw this as an opportunity to possibly ingratiate herself with the administration and don't put it past her to think that maybe she could stay on as deputy attorney general in some capacity. She is a lizard. She is a chameleon. She changes with whoever has to, you know, be in power at the time. And she did it, obviously, in an effort to ingratiate herself with the President.

Finally, she sees that this President is not going to keep her. And she turns on him. He issues an executive order. And she then has the gall to tell the members of the Department of Justice, don't violate don't abide by the President's order. Who are you to say that you know better than the Office of Legal Counsel, you know better than the Supreme Court of the United States? So he does what the only thing that he could possibly do. He goes to the Office of Personnel and terminates her.

You know, it's interesting because he and then Jim's. James Comey goes around Sally Yates to get done what he wants to get done. So that's what is so bizarre now.

There was another thing jaune last night, and that was Alexandria Cortez made her supposed to be.

They pitched it as a speech. He did. Yeah. And she did, too, by the way. And she knew it wasn't. And she was complaining. And we got 60 seconds. They also they put her up on the poster like she was going to be a speaker.

They put her back. She just nominated someone on a poster. She got a one minute. Yes. Was longer than most people got. Who nominated you did this. I need to say this, though.

Let me tell you something. Don't underestimate her oratory skills. Oh, yes. She has very good oratory skills, although those oratory school's skills did not include endorsing Joe Biden to be President United States. Your point. Plate. Let's plate.

In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep, systemic solutions to our crises of mass evictions, unemployment and lack of health care, and at spitted to little Pueblo and out of a love for all people, I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont for President of the United States of America.

So what would have been interesting? She could have said a second that because that was her role, but then she should have said or could have said.

But of course, I support wholeheartedly the campaign of Vice President Biden to be the next President, the United States, which, of course, she can say.

So then my reading too much into it.

No, Joe Biden has been trying as hard as he can to win the left edge of his party, represented by Alexandra Ocasio Cortez. And how has you succeeded in that, Jay? Apparently not even enough for her to utter his name. And by the way. And Jordan can speak to this from his past campaign experience. That hard move to the left from Joe Biden is going to cost him dearly. And in states that he's got to win across the Rust Belt if he has more trouble across the Rust Belt and without picking up the base that represented by AOC. That's a disaster politically. Right.

So he's already he's already now in a dead heat with President Trump. If you believe the polls, these were the same polls that showed him with like an 11 point lead now. To me, what we learned from the last election cycle is that President Trump under polls. So if if the polling from CNN is showing a dead heat even after the announcement of Kamala Harris, and I'll be sure to see what happens after convention, I don't expect much to change and I'm not sure much will change after the Republican win, though, the Republicans are getting to see how bad this is being done and have time to say, OK, let's do this, that let's make sure we don't look like that. We know we have this hour. Let's use it as effectively as possible. So so, again, they're there. They do benefit from going second. But we no doubt Donald Trump under polls. So if he's in a dead heat in a CNN poll, he's crushing Joe Biden right now. Now, turnout is going to be very important with turnout. I was involved in a primary election in Tennessee. It was all about turnout. And Coleman wasn't an issue. I hope it was an issue. There wasn't even like a race for in the primary. But because of Kovik, there's certain there's suddenly became a race because of questions. You couldn't just rely on polls saying, oh, you've got a 20 percent lead because you didn't know if the 60 plus year old voters who are, you know, vote every single election and that's Republicans are much better voters. We show up, there's less of us registered. You know, if all the Democrats showed up at every election that are registered Democrats, we'd lose every election. Republicans would lose. Conservatives would lose. But a lot of Republican voters are in those categories. They need to be looking at absentee ballots, I think. And, you know, in 34 states, you don't even need a reason. You could just request one now. So if you have a preexisting condition, make sure you're doing that. You're going to be doing that like now, by the way, folks. Exactly. Because it's all going to be turnout. I think if the turnout levels are are high on the Trump side. Joe Biden has no chance because if traditionally that's why they want to mail ballots to everybody, even though you may not deliver that address for 20 years, Democrats don't show up. They showed up, especially like black voters who showed up for Barack Obama in ways are unbelievable. Joe Biden benefited from that. And Democrats did that. I don't think he's the type they do.

I think no, I think you're. I think Jordan is right. And I wanted to ask you this as we go into this next break and let's say we'll take your calls at 31 10. But, you know, one of the things Sally Yates said was that she was fired for refusing to defend President Trump's shameful. That's her opinion, an unlawful Muslim travel ban.

But the ban was not considered unlawful. It was a completely false statement by Sally Yates.

That is a false statement. It was a lie. And she know it was a lie. The Supreme Court, first of all, Jay, the President went to the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice and got an opinion that what he was doing was within the power of the executive to do. OK. That's number one. The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel said it was lawful. The President then executed the order. He then sent out that order to the Justice Department, which he has the right to do, and said enforce it.

She decides against the President and Office of Legal Counsel opinion.

No, I'm not going to enforce this. Instead of resigning and saying I can't in good conscience do it, she'll countermands the President's order. And ultimately, the Supreme Court of the United States says it is constitutional and it is within the purview of the President's power. So she's wrong on every step.

Let me tell you, some folks we were involved in that case, ACLJ, not just the President's lawyers, ACLJ representing you. You're part of the reason why that's food. Court decided it. Sally Yates lied last night. President Trump acted lawfully. The executive order was lawful. The Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts agreed. We have a blog up about this on ACLJ and org. You should share with your friends of here. We can't let people get away with lies when they're speaking out to so many people, even though they're down 25 percent in ratings. We can do all this because you're supporting the ACLJ, doubled the impact. Your donation today at ACLJ dot org.

It's a matching challenge month only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you were saying when you stand with the American. Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ battle for the unborn. It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

Request your free copy of Mission Life.

Today online at ACLJ, board slash gift at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress, the ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support. For that, we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way, for a limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched by a ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars. A fifty dollar gift becomes one hundred. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family.

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Jason, you're like this. Jordan Jordan's secular.

Let me go through a few more of these school victories and we'll get back to the DNC discussion as well. Of course, we'll cover the RNC. Next to our staff. We've got all of our lawyers are working on this because when you have eighteen hundred requests for assistance, you get a lot of it from the most senior attorneys to the most junior. Yes.

I mean, from the lawyers you see on this broadcast to the lawyers, you don't even know we have had me working.

I communicated yesterday with Abby Sutherland. She's handling a lot of cases in the southeast east.

And she said some really good, really good results, which are great. But she says it's hard. You know, I could read you her text her out her e-mail, because it's true. These are really heartbreaking cases. She said this, what she wrote, So many parents are overwhelmed and in hopeless situations. My heart goes out to them, hoping we receive a positive result from some of the larger counties in Georgia that we plan to reach out to. There's simply no excuse for leaving these children behind, even amidst a pandemic. So our lawyers are getting an Abby has gotten some great results. And if she's waiting on some of those bigger counties in Georgia like Wynette, were you? We have some contacts. I'm I'm hopeful that we're going to get some resolution from some of the bigger counties are trying to figure out what to do, too.

Yes, they are. The school boards are in difficult positions. They want to do the right thing. My former law partners wife is on a school board in Gwinnett County and she is working very hard. She's received a thousand phone calls. They're trying to do the right thing and we're assisting them in trying to do the right thing. We're not bringing lawsuits against them in a vicious and contentious way, but we're trying to say, look, help us out, help these parents out. And whenever the ACLJ steps in, we do get results. And I think that's a good sign for the ACLJ. It helps the parents and most of all, it helps the students.

It's time to wash in Times reporter I was yesterday and I said, you know, our first step here is and he said, as always, to go to the school board to give them the opportunity or if it's a superintendent or the state superintendent or even the governor's office to give them the opportunity to do the right thing, that maybe they weren't aware of the issues they're dealing with a lot right now. So you want to be able to resolve these matters because it gets the gets the help to the students much quicker than court. But I will tell you, in every letter that we send out weeks, we tell them you better start preserving all of your documents, because if you if you were not going to to work in good faith with us, we are ready to go to court if necessary. And there are some you'll see in our blog where we are potentially going to be taking legal action.

One of those is in Oregon because Oregon shut down all charter schools, not just because they were trying to do in person. They weren't all charter schools, virtual learning. So if your student was enrolled in a public charter school. They shut down their virtual learning.

OK. So this will not be a lawsuit about childcare costs for the virtual learning or technology for the virtual learning. It will just be about the kids being able to get the virtual learning from the public school they went to. So we are looking right now. I can tell you that's one that may be absolutely go into court. There's some others in the northeast that may be going to court. But here's another some just examples. ACLJ has been working with parents in California and Texas, kids with special needs to make sure they know that they're with the appropriate school officials so they get the accommodations to their children in the school year based on their IEP individual education plans.

So we've been caught any with these parents to get the information they needed to attend the IEP meetings their school was providing. And once we know the school is willing to provide, the IEP meetings were then able to assess whether we have to go even further or whether it was just the school, wasn't it? Again, let me use this example. Just so you understand what I just said. For these special needs students in California, Texas, this just came from one of our attorneys reported this Shahryar guilt. They were having trouble because the school was providing nothing about what they were going to do for the students that had these individual education plans, which they're guaranteed to have for free at public schools. So we went to the schools and said, what are you gonna be doing about this? You know what the school said immediately? We're going to first we have a meeting for the parents. So we are going to say we're sorry we didn't get the information. We we were wrong. So we're gonna have a meeting. So we're going to see what the outcome is of that meeting. And if they come up with the right plan. Know, then those parents have been satisfied that the needs of their children who need those individual education plans have it satisfied. If after that meeting they have not, we'll assess whether we take the additional step. So, you see, we've already moved the ball there like RTED steps forward because the school wasn't even thinking about those. We just said we're trying to work with them.

They're under a lot of pressure. And we know that those special needs students are aware that that are big, forgotten about it replaces.

And I don't like the students who maybe have like a responsibility or disability or are just blind. So they have no nothing is wrong with their learning ability. And yet they're not giving. They're not being provided the right learning opportunities. In fact, one of ours, the only opportunity they have is, is trade. And they'd have to leave home to do it. So it's not so. And this was somebody was attracted to a top four year university. That's how good they were.

So that's why it limits them. That's why you're supporting the AC. These cases really do make a difference to individuals, to men and women, sometimes single parents who have kids in need. And this has to be kid focused week. Jordan said this is the beginning. Logan said it and he said it this and they have said it. Focus on the children, no one else. That's who needs to be focused on here. Now, then, quickly, what in Washington is happening? There's some movement on some of these school bills. What's happening right now?

Yeah, it actually goes hand-in-hand with what you just said about the goal being to get real solutions to real problems facing real students and to do it fast because school is starting J. The new stimulus package that's being debated on and it is stalled out. There has been a lot of momentum behind what we have called for, which is increasing flexibility for the dollars that come from the federal government right now would be about one hundred five billion dollars. And to get it to flow to students rather than school districts, as many of them are shut down. And just quickly, I'll say this to Jay. I am the parent of a child with an IEP individual educational plans, the ability to provide individualized assistance to those families. I cannot tell you, Jay, how huge that is, because a disruption in a schedule and in a school plan for a student like that. And if you are not able to get an individual accommodation, Jay, that's the difference for that child getting an education this year and not it's that simple. It's not a diminished education if you cannot provide an individualized program for that child. They will not be serviced this year. Jay, that assistance is absolutely enormous.

I know firsthand and I want people to know that because a lot of the schools are just starting. This is just starting. And so if you still if you've got a hardship, we're kind of coming to the experts. All of this and handling this for parents. Go to ACLJ dot org forge slash help. It doesn't cost you a thing to fill out the contact form. You'll be contacted by the ACLJ attorney. Likely they'll need some more information from you. You can do that again online. We've got this special form we've prepared based on like what hardship are you facing so that we know which a search attorney to assign you to because they're just in Georgia alone in Gwinnett County. We are representing 10 parents with special needs children in Paulding County. We're representing requesting laptops for a single Bobba three kids. This is just in Georgia, in Cobb County. We're working on behalf of 10 parents with special needs children to get the IEP programs and the Atlanta public school system on behalf of to parents for special needs children. And one parent who needs laptops for that shield that is just in the state of Georgia right now.

Andy, last thing, 15 seconds. Your overall impression of could salivates be Joe Biden's nominee for attorney general?

Yes, I think she is. And I think she did her interview on national television last night. And I'm sure she pleased the Democratic Party. And I'm sure she played Biden with their unlawful and ridiculous attacks on the President for false statements and her false narrative. But she's in line to be a star among the Democrats.

All right. That doesn't get. So, though, how many more Islamic extremists are going to show up at the DNC like that, like Linda Sarsour? They didn't put her on camera, but she showed up as at the convention. You know, they're doing it with this. She did quit the women's march because of her anti-Semitism and ties to terror. That's the Democrat Party of 20 20.

So we want to work with the ACLJ at ACLJ dot org and our matching challenge campaign. Have a great day.

At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched by a ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars. A fifty dollar gift becomes one hundred. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

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