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Mission Monday Africa Needs Jesus

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
March 18, 2024 5:11 pm

Mission Monday Africa Needs Jesus

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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March 18, 2024 5:11 pm

Today Robby talks with Andy of Africa Needs Jesus to discuss how to distribute radios all over Africa.

Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson

This is Andy Thomas from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we discover what it means to be a wholehearted man. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Where pop culture, current events, and theology all come together.

Speak your mind. And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host. What was your Africa mission moment today on Truth Talk Live? You all, many of you, I know, have been on a mission trip to Africa, and I would love to know your Africa mission moment and to help me out today.

Very, very fun. I have an old friend with me, Andy Napier with Trans World Radio, and you might know they've got a lot going on because Africa certainly needs Jesus, and we are getting up radios for Africa right now. Right, Andy? That's exactly what we're going to be talking about today. And really, when you think about it, today, someone who is listening could significantly impact the life of someone in Africa. I'm talking about not just touching a life or changing a life, but bringing the good news of Jesus, the gospel message of salvation into someone's life in Africa today. And that is exciting to think about.

Oh, isn't it? Because just like you, all you Truth Talk listeners out there, you know, you have a chance to enjoy Christian radio every day, and you know how it adds to your life. Well, you know, God is discipling Africa in so many ways, and he's doing that remarkably with these phenomenal radios that are solar-powered, and, you know, also, they've got little generators with them, all sorts of different ways that we can get the word of God into the people of God of Africa. So we want to give out this number a lot today so that you could call in. $50 actually gives one of these amazing radios to Africa.

The phone number to do it is 888-988-5656. Again, Transworld Radio, you guys do an amazing job, and you have so much programming that you got that goes on so that these people in Africa can listen, right? That is correct. When we're talking about TWR around the world, we are in over 230 languages. We touch people in at least 190 countries.

And really, when you're talking about the continent of Africa, we pretty much cover the whole continent from the south of Africa to the north. We're even going into parts of Africa that are definitely predominantly Muslim, but people are listening. God is using TWR through radio to draw people to himself.

Let me just give you a quick example. This is a testimony coming from a listener to TWR in Africa who says, When we're talking about these wind-up radios, and TWR already has these super powerful signals covering many parts of the world, We might have the powerful signal, but what if someone cannot afford a radio to be able to listen to a program, to be able to hear the gospel message, to be able to be discipled through the airwaves? That's where you can come in today with a $50 gift, and we can put a radio in someone's hands in Africa so that they can listen to TWR, hear the good news of Jesus, and come to know him no matter what their background might be. God could draw someone to himself through the radio that you're going to be giving today. Yeah, all you've got to do is call 888-988-5656. Again, that's 888-988-5656. Or actually, you can just go to, and there you're going to see the Africa Needs Jesus banner.

You can click on that, and you can go right there. But the neat thing is, and I love this, is that that one radio that you, you know, they are a wind-up radio, so you can wind them up to get the signal, or you can, they're solar powered too. Am I right, Andy? Well, the ones that we're focusing on right now are wind-up radios.

Okay. And we use these wind-up radios because they don't need batteries. They also, these particular units are AM, FM, and shortwave. So no matter where you are in Africa, you're going to be able to pick up one of, you know, either an FM network from one of our national partners in a country like Kenya or Malawi. Maybe it's our brand new station that we've got in Cote d'Ivoire, in the Ivory Coast.

Or it could be that you might be, you know, someone might be out in the middle of the desert in Northern Africa somewhere, and they're able to pick up our shortwave signal coming from Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland. So we use these wind-up radios. They don't need electricity.

They don't need batteries. No matter where you are in Africa, you will be able to tune in to TWR and hear solid Bible teaching. Yeah, and the neat thing is one radio, you could be, I have a whole bunch of people I've heard.

Yeah. All kinds of stories that all these people are out in the field gathered around this one radio, and who knows all the fruit that can come from that, you know? It's kind of a neat thing that, you know, you someday could be in heaven with a whole bunch of people that heard the gospel. And, you know, also the discipleship factor to it, right? I mean, all the Bible teaching and stuff that you enjoy every single day on the Truth Network, you know, they're making this available for, you know, in partnership with the Truth Network, you know, for all these different people in their own languages. And just think how important that is, Andy. Like, I can't imagine, you know, I could have one of these radios, but if they were broadcasting in Swahili right now, I'd be kind of out of luck, you know?

But someone that speaks that language in that country, it is going to make a difference. Let me give you another example. And you never know who is going to receive that radio that you're giving, but it could be someone like this gentleman who says, if God can speak through a burning bush, can God speak through a little box? Well, if you consider that that box is a radio, then God spoke to me. I am a 47-year-old Christian man. I am a leader of a Baptist church in a city in central Mozambique, and I'm writing to let you know that I became a Christian through TWR.

Here is an example of someone who came to Christ through the radio, who was discipled through the radio, and is now a Baptist pastor continuing to grow every day as he listens to that radio. So you never know. We'll give a $50 gift. Who is going to get that wind-up radio? It could be a pastor of a church. And think about the ripple effect of how many other people will be blessed because of your gift.

That is so fun. And, you know, you can't—whatever you give God, he multiplies in so many different ways. Here's your chance today. 888-988-5656.

888-988-5656 in order to give. If you want to call in with your story, 866-34-TRUTH, we'll be right back with much more Africa Needs Jesus. Truth Talk Live! Welcome back to Truth Talk Live! Today, what was your personal African mission moment?

When did you have a chance to go to Africa and maybe get a chance to see Jesus at work there? We would love for you to call in. Again, call in and share. It's a different number than call in and donate to Transworld Radio, but to call in and share the number is 866-348-7884. And we are with Andy Napier with Transworld Radio, and certainly Andy's got plenty of experience in amazing things that Jesus is doing in Africa, especially through these wind-up radios that we're partnering here with Transworld Radio and the Truth Network to get as many of these radios. Get as many of these radios in the hands of as many possible recipients in Africa. Again, $50 gives one of these amazing radios that receives not only AM, not only FM, but shortwave, so the entire continent makes radio available without any batteries, without any need to plug in anywhere.

All you need is just to twist the handle, and away you go. So Andy, this is really, for you, just an amazing opportunity to get a chance to see what God's doing, because you guys have outlets for these radios. You know where to send them, right? We sure do.

I mean, it could go anywhere from Malawi to Burundi, Kenya, you name it. There's Ivory Coast, many countries in Africa, and we work through national partners. We work also through the local church. I need to point that out. We don't stand on a street corner, open up a box, and say, who wants a free radio?

No. We go to a church in a community. We work with a pastor or an associate pastor who identifies people in the community that cannot afford a radio, do not have a cell phone. Basically, they don't have any other form of media, but even this, you could say a pastor might want to reach a particular family, or maybe there's an individual that he's talked with who senses that that person is seeking the Lord, but is not quite there yet. What a great opportunity to put a radio in someone's hands to where instead of just coming to church once a week or maybe talking with a pastor here or there, they can wind up that radio and listen every evening to solid Bible teaching.

We know when God's word goes forth, it does not return void. It will make a difference in that person's life. We work through the local church.

They identify people that need these radios, and that's how we find people to give them to. Right, and the amazing thing, really, from my perspective, is that there are so many different languages. To hear this in your native language makes all the difference, right? And so they're able to tune in and hear a familiar voice, a familiar teacher, where they can know that if I tune in every day at this time, I'm going to get this kind of teaching, and I'm going to get it in my own language, and that becomes something that they can share with their friends. And again, as you give to God, he multiplies it and multiplies it as an idea being at least a hundredfold. It's more than amazing in an ending.

I'll give you an example of how it could be multiplied. When I was in Malawi on one particular trip, I was going through a street market and going past vendors, and it could be someone with some food over here or someone who's doing cell phone sales here, and suddenly you realize, hey, they've got a radio on in the background, and that's TWR. And here in an open market, there are people listening to TWR over the lunch hour, because in that particular area, we use some local pastors every day that rotate coming on. So the people are not only hearing the Bible teaching and the gospel in their language, they're hearing it from their own people, someone who has a church down the street. So it's ministering to these people in a very close, intimate way. So when you give a radio, you don't know who's going to get that radio, but rest assured, God is going to use it and speak through that radio into someone's life so that if they don't know Jesus, hopefully they'll come to know him.

If they do know him, they'll be discipled daily. Each one of these radios is $50. How many can you give? Now, when we say how many radios do you want to give?

Don't just look at it as a radio sitting on a shelf. It's more of how many people, how many families do you want to impact through these radios? One is $50. Two would be $100. Maybe you could give five radios. That would be a $250 gift. When we go to one of these communities and work through a church, we usually have about 30 people come for one of the events where we give the radios away. It could be that you could do a whole community, 30 radios. That would be a $1,500 gift. How many people do you want to touch?

Call now at 888-988-5656. This is mind-blowing to me, 300 languages. This continent that they're reaching, 300 languages. Knowing what I know about radio and transmitting and all that stuff, Andy, just organize.

Transworld Radio put all the legwork into creating the signals, all the legwork into creating the content. We programmed the Truth Network in one language. And that's hard enough for you and me, right? Even though my language may not be all that easy to understand at times, 300 languages? Well, I want to correct you there a little bit. It's 230 languages or 230-something languages and counting.

But Robbie will probably be at 300 in just a little while. But here's the thing. We've already got people that are translating the material. We've already got people recording it, producing it. We've got transmitters.

We've got people that are broadcasting these great Bible teaching programs. But what if the person can't afford a radio to be able to hear the message? That's where you can come in today with a gift of a $50 radio. We will identify someone, put that radio in their hands. They even have to sign a form that says, I promise I won't sell the radio. I will not give it to anyone else.

I promise that I will take good care of it. I promise that if I ever notice that TWR is off the air, I will let you know. These people become, I mean, this is a big deal, Robbie.

They become ambassadors for TWR. So, when you give the gift of a $50 radio, you are going to be touching a life, maybe an individual, a couple of family, maybe a small little community of people that live in one area and they're passing that radio around at night. You know, it's Monday night, we get to listen. Tuesday night, our neighbors get to listen.

Wednesday, it goes to the next house. You just don't know how God's going to use that radio. Yeah, I just, I absolutely love it. And, you know, as I was thinking about it, they're a little blue. We used to have one here in the studio and you could wind it up. And again, the idea is AM, FM, and shortwave because there's so many people there that, you know, they don't have access to any other. They don't have a cell phone. They don't have no cell phone tower. You can imagine if they're out there in the middle of the desert, how that may work. But, you know, when you don't have any media, then that one radio all of a sudden becomes like your real connection to the outside world in so many different ways. And to have that being, you know, good programming, as you're planting those good seeds in that person's life, you know, they're hearing the word of God, they're hearing all that, then obviously that's going to produce a tremendous harvest. And so we want to give you the number again, it's 888, this is the number to donate, 888-988-5656. The number to TWR, 888-988-5656.

$50 gives one or $500 gives 10, however you want to do it. We will be right back with so much more Africa Needs Jesus. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live.

Today we're talking live again. We just want you to know this is your show, so we want you to call in with your comments or maybe you have an African mission moment. We would love to hear how you experienced that culture and what's going on, whereas we talked this morning, this afternoon.

I don't know, I always get that wrong. Anyway, we would love to hear from you. You got to call us.

Our call-in number is 866-348-7884-86634-TRUTH if you're digitally gifted, and you can do that with your phone. But of course, we're talking today with Andy Napier with Transworld Radio, a long-time partner of the Truth Network. And so many of these opportunities we've had over the years to share and what Transworld Radio is doing, and again, so much that they're doing to create the broadcast that's happening in all these different languages with all these different Bible teachers and all this different content. And then they're creating a distribution system to where they've got all these people going to all these different churches, and so now they're just asking for our help to jump in there and partner with us to get radios in these people's hands. These are wind-up radios. Again, they're completely portable. They can be operated anywhere. They receive AM.

They receive FM and shortwave. In fact, if you go on, from what I understand, if you go on Amazon and order the same radio, it's going to cost you $51, $52, and that's without shipping it to Africa. Yeah.

Here's the beautiful thing. That $50 gift, and we make it simple. We're doing averages depending on which country, but the shipping, the customs, the purchase of the radio, even the delivery to get it into someone's hands, we're just making it even and saying $50, that's an easy gift that really anyone can do. One radio for $50, two for $100, three for $150. Maybe you could do a $1,000 gift.

That would touch 20 different either individuals, could be families. You just don't know how God's going to use it. But it's up to you. Is God prompting you now saying, hey, I want to touch someone that's living in Mozambique with the gospel, and I want to do it through you through the gift of one of these radios. Then it's just a simple act of obedience to where, yes, Lord, I'll make the call, I'll give the gift. Here's the number, 888-988-5656. You can also give online.

Go to, and on the left side of the screen you're going to see a rotating banner, and it's going to keep coming up saying, Africa needs Jesus. Click on that and you can give there as well. Yeah, so wonderful. So as you're listening right now, you think about, I don't know if you have, I've thought about it like, wow, this isn't costing me anything to listen to this radio station right now, whether you're listening on the stream or you're listening in your car.

It is. There's no cost. But somebody along the way, and interestingly, other people that have donated money over the years to The Truth Network or advertisers have advertised or partnered with us, even Transworld Radio, has paid into the fact that you're listening right now to an amazing Bible teaching. I hope you got a chance to hear David Jeremiah today or some other Bible teacher that you dearly love, and you got all that, and now is a chance to give it back, right, and give it to these other folks that are in Africa and other places with Transworld Radio.

By the way, when you go to their website, you'll see there's all kinds of places you can sew into, but today we're talking about these folks in Africa. And so, you know, God has given it to us free of charge. Now we can take part in, right? We can partner with him in giving it to others. And as we've been given freely, just like Peter and James said, silver and gold have I none, but what I have I can give to you, in this case radio. And, you know, while you mentioned Peter, in 1 Peter chapter 3, remember this would be in verse 15, where Peter says, Always be prepared to make an offense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that you have, for the hope that's in you. Here's that opportunity not to go next door, not to even get in your car and drive to another city, but here's an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus.

Not that you're actually going to be the one doing it. It's your gift, though, that's going to provide a radio so that Bible teaching programs can be played in their home every day. And let me tell you, they're going to hear about the hope of Jesus through that radio that you're giving. The phone number to call each one of these is $50. How many radios can you give today?

888-988-5656. And I know, Robbie, that earlier you were talking about stories, stories from Africa. Can I tell you one?

Please. OK, I this was a pastor that opened my eyes to something. And again, this was on a trip in Malawi, which is in the kind of the southeastern part of the African continent. Small little country. But we go to a blind school. These are kids that are visually impaired.

It's the Equindini school for the visually impaired. They're about, I don't know, 25, 30 kids in this room. We're giving them a radio.

And think about this for a blind student, a radio, a wind up radio is the best way for them to hear the gospel. So we're we're at this school. I meet the guy in charge. His name is Reverend Timothy. I actually recorded an interview with Reverend Timothy, and he says in his beautiful African English accent, you know, thank you so much for coming. We are making a fellowship together. And I've got to tell you, when I think about church fellowship, usually it's we're we're going to, you know, go to the fellowship hall or we're going to have, you know, some kind of a potluck dinner or we're going to meet at someone's house and have fellowship this evening.

He's looking at this in terms of we're doing fellowship together. We're doing ministry together. So this is an opportunity for you right now in partnership with Truth Network, with TWR and with these churches in Africa, we can do a fellowship together. We can join hands. We can we can do ministry work together to reach people with the gospel, to share the hope of Jesus.

It just takes you saying, yes, I'm willing. I want to be part of this fellowship. 888-988-5656. Give the gift of a radio.

Each one of these is fifty dollars. 888-988-5656. Someone will hear the good news of Jesus through that wind up radio that you were giving. Yeah. And, you know, as you were talking about the fellowship part, Andy, I can't help but think that, you know, how cool you're in fellowship with God. Right.

Yeah. As you give, give to God, which is really what you're doing is, is he now is putting you connecting you to somebody else he knows and love that is clear around the world that you would have no chance to ever meet. And he is connecting you through your obedience. If you feel God putting it on your heart to do that, obviously it's 888-988-5656.

988-888-988-5656. But, you know, I can never do a show with Transworld Radio and I can't relate my famous, my favorite, favorite story John Somerville told this with me one time years ago. Five years ago. I've never forgotten it.

I never will. Because, you know, the point is, is that when the gospel is spreading through some of these countries, it outruns the people to disciple it. Right. And people desperately need good Bible teaching. They, they desperately need the word of God. Right. Because it's what can change.

You know, it's what makes all the difference in your life. So this story happened in China, but it still works that this, this man was running from the communist Chinese. They'd broken into this house church and they were going to arrest them all. And so they go out running and he goes running across this field and maybe you remember this one, Andy, but he falls into a well. And of course, that's fortunate from the standpoint of the communists don't see him because he falls into the well, but on his way down, his leg gets tangled in this rope. And so he's dangling upside down in this well. And I, Oh my goodness, what does he do?

The same thing you do if you're dangling upside down in a well expecting communist Chinese to point their rifle down it at you. And he starts to pray. Well, you know, shortly thereafter, some friends come by and they see him there and he's rescued. And so from his standpoint, he now knows the answer of how to get answered a prayer.

And so he starts, believe it or not, it's absolutely true. The church of the upside down prayer. And so when transformed radio goes into the church of the upside down prayer, here are all these people hanging from ropes from the rafters upside down praying because, you know, they don't simply have anybody to disciple them and give them the word.

You know, they don't have a Bible or that kind of teaching. And so, you know, this, this is an opportunity and this is just one of the, you know, kind of remarkable ones. But think of all the false teaching and stuff that can go out there when the word of God isn't readily available.

And again, it's a matter of partnering with what God wants to do. And it's so easy, right? And I always do it actually online. I just actually go to and click on the banner. Like Andy said, it's a rotating banner. It'll come up.

Africa needs Jesus. Click on that and boom, you can go right there and donate, you know, right there online. Just easy peasy. Or you can dial 888-988-5656, 888-988-5656.

All right. We got Pat is calling in. They got a story for us.

We're excited. We need yours. The number to call in to share your story is 866-348-7884, 866-344-TRUTH to share your story, 888-988-5656 to give. We'll be right back with so much more Truth Talk Live. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live today.

What was your Africa mission moment? We're talking with Andy Napier with Transworld Radio and Africa Needs Jesus, talking how we can give these radios. But also we got Patty, who's in Indiana, and she's got a question on the radio.

So Patty, you're on Truth Talk Live. Good evening. Hi. It's a basic little simple question that I should already know the answer to, but I don't want to assume.

Okay. The congregation that I assemble with, we have missionaries in Ghana, Africa, and we also have missionaries over in India. My question, though, is, like I said, this might seem silly, but I am just kind of like assuming that they will hear the messages, the radio in their language, that there's a translator somewhere along the line.

Yes, they will. It works this way. It's not someone that's translating it on the air at that time. TWR, in 230 languages around the world, we find people that are in that particular culture, in that country, that not only speak that language, but that can reproduce and represent the program. So here's the idea. It could be a program that you even hear on the Truth Network.

They partner with TWR. We have people in these different countries that don't translate it word for word, but they contextualize the messages so that they, for instance, if someone in the U.S. talks about baseball, well, that's not going to work in, let's say, Ghana. So they'll probably change the illustration to something like soccer, or if it's in India, they'll change it to cricket. But it's the same message, it's the same Bible teaching, but it's definitely translated and represented in their language to where the people understand it. It speaks directly to their heart. It's not the case of someone reads a line in English and then someone reads a line in whatever the language is. No.

This programming is completely in their language. That's a great question, Patti, too, by the way. I just thought it was a great question. Did that help, Patti?

Well, yes. And another thing, too, see, is like, oh, my goodness, in India, they have hundreds of different languages and several of them just in a small area. And the missionaries we have over there, they know, let's say, I think it's six different languages so that they can communicate with the people in their area. And I don't know how many different ones there are over in Africa where missionaries are over there. Well, the neat thing about that, Patti, I would think, to answer your question, that since these radios are being given out by missionaries, like the people you're sending out or by the church leaders, they can tell the people that speak that language what station, because they're different stations that have different languages.

And so that's the beauty of partnering with the churches and the missionaries and those people in the areas, is that they can make sure that the people in that culture or the people that speak that particular language are tuned into the station that would be best suited for them. Does that make sense? Yes. Now, what I would like is for you to re-say the information where I can get this more information. I'd like to present it to the congregation.

Oh, wonderful, yes. I'd like to see if maybe they would like to participate in this. Yeah, well, if you go to, you know, the regular... Yeah, well, I'm in my car, so I'm writing down at the same time. So it's And then you're going to see a banner that says, Africa Needs Jesus. Okay.

And when you click on that banner, it takes you to Transworld Radio, and that's going to talk about this specific program, but you can also very easily Google TWR or Transworld Radio, and you'll find what we're talking about as well. Okay, because I would really, like I said, I would really like to present this to the congregation and see what they would like to do. And I bet, Andy, I bet you would help her personally, wouldn't you?

If I can't help you, I guarantee you someone here at TWR can, Patti. And we actually even do have people that do work with churches on projects, even like Vacation Bible School sometimes. They will do a project, and we've had churches raise, you know, 100 radios through Vacation Bible School. So we certainly would be willing to work with the church. Yeah, yeah, and some of our leaders there at the congregation can get in touch with our missionaries in these different locations and find out what it's like there and, you know, the great benefit this would be and so on and so forth.

Yeah, I think this is a fantastic program. I've heard about this on one of the other networks that I listen to, but I don't remember which one it was. Well, the good thing is God is spreading the word that people in certain parts of the world who can't afford a radio, TWR, they can work through TWR, will put a radio in their hands, and then they can listen to Trans World Radio in their heart language and be discipled. And let me just tell a real quick story, Robbie, and I'm going to go back to Malawi, but there is an area of Malawi in the northern part of the country where the people, it's a Muslim area, and these people, let me tell you, no other media was reaching them, and they even felt that they had been left out, abandoned by their country. Well, TWR Malawi put up a radio station that reaches into that community. Then we went in there, worked with the leaders in this neighborhood, this community, and said we would like to come in and distribute radios so that you can listen to this.

They said, okay. Believe it or not, we have a whole community of Muslims now in Malawi listening to TWR because there's nothing else that they can listen to. And not only that, we built up a relationship with them that when now we go in and they see our van, they greet us and we're friends of theirs because these are the people that have not forgotten us. These are the people that are speaking to us in our language through the radio. Radio's a powerful medium. We've just got to not only broadcast it, but put the radios in their hands. Each one of these wind-up radios is $50.

How many would you like to give? Oh, Patty, I love the way that you think. I really, really do. If you go to the Transworld Radio website via what we talked about either through just googling Transworld Radio and then there's a Contact Us page and they give you some phone numbers. And I imagine, Andy, you'd even take her call and help her get connected with the people that connect her church, right?

That's exactly right. So, I mean, feel free to give us a call and we'll see what we can do and I'll put the right person in touch with you. And Andy Napier, N-A-P-I-E-R, who's been on with me today.

Again, Andy's a good guy. I've known him for years and I know that he would help you because it looks like you've got a heart for this and for anybody that's listening. That's the beautiful thing is you've got an idea.

God must have given you that idea. Let's see how we can partner with that and make a difference for Christ in what you're doing. I love it. Thank you, Patty.

God bless. You said 888-988-5656? Yes, ma'am.

That's the phone number to call to give a radio, yes. Wonderful. Okay. Thank you, Patty. I'm going to pass this information on and see what we can do.

That sounds great. God bless. Thanks, Patty. I appreciate your call so much. Thank you. Thank you. So maybe you want to call and talk to Andy or get some more information.

We would love that. Or maybe you have an experience. Either way, the number to call in and share on the air is 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. I know that's a little confusing.

But if you want to give, of course, that number once more, a little different, 888-988-5656, 888-988-5656. And so that's the beautiful thing to me. God gave somebody a vision.

Obviously, in 1954, Dr. Paul Fried began broadcasting. But God's given you an idea right now. It's amazing.

When you, in obedience, go with what he says, and then be challenged a little bit out of your comfort zone to reach out and talk about how we can partner, how we can make this work. And it's shocking what God can do, right, Andy? That's exactly right. And when you think about the fact that when we work through a church, have an event, and invite people by name, we know who we're giving the radios to, there are usually about 30 people at each one of these events. Wouldn't it be neat if there were some churches like Patti's Church who would be willing to say, hey, we're going to give 30 radios so that we can distribute those radios through that church over there in whatever country in Africa.

And we're going to bless the people, not just to have a device, but to hear God's word, solid Bible teaching. They'll be discipled through these radios. And then think about this, not just that generation, but a whole family will be listening. So the next generation, it's kind of that idea of we're listening to the Truth Network, but our kids are in the back seat and they're listening too.

Well, these are families gathering around radios together or working out in the field together. So God could be using that one wind up radio to change multiple lives. That's exciting, but it starts with that phone call, 888-988-5656, or give online at Look for the banner, I see it right there, Africa Needs Jesus. Yeah, and then don't, I mean, one of the neat things that you can then do is, you know, you gave the gift, now ask God to bring it to your mind when you pray every day. And whatever your prayer list, oh God, remember that radio that I gave, Lord, would you put that in somebody's hands? Would you make that fruitful, you know? And again, just partner with God and what he's doing with the gift that you gave, however that works. And maybe you need to pray with him right now to say, God, is this something you want me to do? You know, you might want to write down this number in case you said yes. 888-988-5656, the number to call to, again, give a radio, 888-988-5656. So much fun, Andy, always to be with you, my friend. God bless. Yeah, thank you so much.
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