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Speaking Hope to the World!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
March 19, 2021 1:00 am

Speaking Hope to the World!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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March 19, 2021 1:00 am

Stu is in Cary, NC, talking with Andy and Kelly from Trans World Radio, as they work to raise money to send wind-up radios to Africa, so those in need can hear the Gospel!

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Hi, this is Roy Jones with ManTalk Radio Podcast. Our mission is to break down the walls of race and denomination. Your chosen Truth Radio Broadcast will be starting in just a few seconds.

Thank you. This is the Truth Network. The power of the gospel through the radio to reach someone for Christ. Listen to this, what this person said.

Tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks when I understood the many things I never knew that the Bible taught. Hearing this program through Trans World Radio. And I am Stu Epperson, and I am in Cary, North Carolina, in the world headquarters.

Studio One. They said they named after me, I put the Stu in studio, but I don't know. But Andy, God bless you. Kelly, God bless you. Two of my heroes of the faith, because you guys worked tirelessly in this building along with our awesome producer Nate. I'm looking at him and we got Keith and Rachel back at the home base of the Truth Network putting this in. So awesome what God's doing here at TWR.

Andy, what is TWR? People hear those initials, and they hear that testimony. They're like, I want to be a part of that. And we're inviting people today to be a part of that. This is a unique time. You could change a life forever based on how you respond to what happens in the next hour. And I'm not exaggerating because I've got a pocket, a notebook packed with testimonies of souls that have been changed, Andy.

That's exactly right. When we're talking about TWR, we used to call ourselves Trans World Radio, but we're more than radio. We're all different types of media around the world. And are you ready for this? And I'm not bragging.

This is just the fact of it. Two hundred and seventy-five plus languages. We reach about 190 countries. 4.1 billion people around the world have access to TWR, which means they have access to God's Word, the teaching of God's Word in their heart language. That is a big footprint around the world. That's what we're talking about. Now specifically today, we're talking about reaching people in Africa.

Africa and Malawi Africa in particular. And Kelly, you're looking at a little radio. That's a cool radio right there.

It's a quality radio. It's got an antenna and it's got a wind-up thing, so it's not dependent upon electricity. Some of these far-reaching areas like Malawi with, you know, 16-18 million people, they don't have access to stuff we have access to.

That's right. From electricity to batteries, there's so many things that not only do they not have access to it, but even if they did, it's too expensive. Batteries cost a lot of money. A radio costs a lot of money. And we took a trip to Malawi over a year ago, handing out these radios, how grateful they are for what to us would be a simple gift that, you know, oh, you know, we can get a radio at any corner store or any place that we go to. But to them, this is special. This is a once-in-a-lifetime gift that is not just a radio. It's a way to access the gospel.

And you say, wait a second, a radio. Let's put it into perspective. In Malawi, they use kwacha as their currency. Twenty-five thousand kwacha is the minimum wage in Malawi per month. Twenty-five thousand kwacha per month. What do you think that that translates to in U.S. dollars?

I have no idea. Thirty-four dollars a month. Wow. The minimum wage right now for many people in Malawi, $34 a month.

They could not afford a device like that that's that technical, that has a light on it, that has all kinds of other features. Stu, that's a month and a half wages right there for that radio. So this is really cool. I'm going to get a little picture of you guys with me. I'm going to selfie right now to put on my Instagram and my Facebook. Justin, Nate, you're going to be in this too, buddy, because you're delivering the goods, man. He's keeping us on.

God bless you guys. Look at that. Would you look at that? Hold that radio up, Kelly. Will you look at that little picture? I want to throw that on my social here in a second.

But so 50 bucks. So listen, here's what we're trying to do across the Truth Network, across the world, across the Steve Noble show, across Truth Talk. All of our shows are coming together tomorrow, Kingdom Pursuits. Robbie Dilmore, the Christian car guy, is going to have John on, and he's going to be talking to him about giving these radios. We are trying to get 200.

Correct. Just 200 listeners. I know there's a gazillion times that listening, surely. But 200 listeners to spend, invest, 50 bucks.

$50 gets that radio right there, completely intact, ready, it's assembled. It gets it shipped and gets it in the hand of a Malawian, of someone in that region. I guess that's the eastern part of Africa, right? Southeastern part of… Southeastern, okay. In fact, just about where North Carolina is to the US is where Malawi is to Africa.

Okay. And think about this. TWR already has multiple high-powered radio signals that are going across Africa. But we have the towers, we have the signal. And you have it in the language, too. They can listen to it, they can understand it, but they don't have a way to bring it in.

The way that I put this is, in football, we've got the greatest quarterback you could possibly have, but we need receivers in the end zone to be able to pick up the football. Yeah, so 200 of you listening, anyone, let's start with one, can call this number, and we normally, you know, this show takes a lot of calls, high-volume calls, but we're not asking you to call here. We're asking you to call this number right now, because there are godly people, sweet people, unbelievable folks here at Trans World Radio.

In Cary, North Carolina, I'm in the studio with these awesome people here. Call this number 888-988-5656. I will repeat it. 888-988-5656. And pledge $50.

Pledge. You can, $50 gets this radio shipped there, 100%, they wind it up, they can listen to it. Entire families get together. This is really like, a little bit like 1940s and 50s, like when my dad was growing up in America, where they'd all get around and listen to The Phantom or The Green Hornet, right? Or the different programs right on the radio, or the old Gospel Hour programs like that, right?

Famous things like that through the Bible. This radio does that, and entire families will come over and listen to the radio, and they'll hear the gospel and be changed forever. Now, call the number 888-988-5656, and pledge whatever god tells you to pledge. You can do pledge $5, $10, it'll go toward a radio. Now, if you can do $50, that gets a whole radio. If you can do $100, that does too. Now, I was getting out of my car, coming in here to do this broadcast, and I called my buddy Doug, who's in Raleigh, and he's listening right now.

He knows what I'm talking about. He said, Stu, put me down for two, $100. So we already got $100, we got two. So if we had 200 radios we needed covered by all these awesome Truth Network listeners, and Steve's show, and all these programs, guess what?

We only need 198 left. So will you please call and join Doug, give a radio, change a life forever, 888-988-5656. You've got pages of testimonials there, Andy, and you've got something there too, Kelly.

We sure do. And it really is about Africa needs Jesus, and we can be a part of delivering Jesus to them through these radios. Again, that number, 888-988-5656.

Amen. Call that number. Donate now. $50 puts a radio in the hands of someone in Malawi, Africa through Trans World Radio, 888-988-5656, or, right?

Africa needs Jesus. I just posted on my Gram a shout out to David, who literally said, put me down for a radio, Stu. He's texting me on the show. Now, I don't take texts during these national shows, these big time shows with big time ratings.

But guess what? When Stu Epperson gets a text about helping get Christian radio to someone, I take it and I tell everyone, God bless you, David. God bless you, Doug. God bless you to all kinds of people. And I put some shouts out to people. And I tagged all my kids in there too on my Instagram story because little do they know that they're all going to be given to this thing. And mama always comes through for Trans World Radio. Where am I now?

I'm in Cary, North Carolina with my friends, Andy and Kelly. And we got Nate Running Sound. Thank you. God bless you, man.

This is a beautiful new board. And the enemy didn't want us to do the show today. I'm telling you right now. Boy, there were obstacles for the last three or four hours. I mean, that guy right there, you know, he's like my new hero.

He was like a jinjitsu of this getting this connected, talking to Mandel at Truth Network Central. And you know what we're doing? Why are we here? We're here to read people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Now, it's not just to stop there with them, because in Malawi, when they get a radio and they listen to it and they come to Christ like this notebook full of testimonies, these are so like Victor who just took a whole village radios.

And these people are crying because they've never heard the Bible taught like that. They've never heard Dr. McGee, Dr. Stanley, these awesome Bible teachers, Dr. Davey in their own language. They haven't heard this before. They hear it. They get saved.

What do they do? They go to neighboring villages and they spread Christ. They spread the gospel like the Book of Acts. They read the Book of Acts. They hear the Book of Acts.

And they didn't get the memo that you're supposed to hide it under a bushel. No, I'm going to let it shine, right? So you can join David and Doug and all these friends. We're going to read some names of some people that have been so generous. We want 200 Truth Network listeners, Steve Noble listeners, Truth Talk listeners, 200 people from all over the country to step up to the plate, give 50 bucks. That's three lattes, five lattes. Nowadays it's less, you know, because you hardly get anything for that. But you can give a radio, an awesome wind-up radio.

There's a picture of it at my Facebook page, my Instagram page. You can give a radio to someone in Africa who can wind it up and listen to God's Word. Andy, this is changing lives forever.

Just go to, call the number 888-888-TOLFRIE-988-5656. Pledge whatever God tells you to give. We're not going to hold you back if you want to give 20 radios.

Absolutely. For, you know, $500, that's awesome. That's like a thousand bucks or something. Think about how many people you're going to be reaching.

Not just one individual, but a family. Maybe someone else who is working in the field with someone that's going to be receiving this radio. How many radios can you give? How many people in Malawi do you want to bless? Here's the phone number, 888-888-5656. Now recently in Malawi, they distributed 800 more of these radios.

And one of the areas that they went to was a predominantly Muslim area. Listen to this testimony here, Stu. Someone says, and this is a lady who received a radio. She says, I have learned a lot through TWRS programs. She says, I've learned how to take care of my family. I listen to the children's programs. They're helping my children a lot. This is someone from a Muslim background.

Think about this. We know in Deuteronomy chapter 6, this is where the Lord says that, you know, the children of Israel are to teach God's Word to their children. You know, teach it diligently. You know, write it on their hearts.

You know what, people from Muslim background? God's Word is being written in their hearts through these radios that we are handing out. Now that is an amazing thing that's happening in Malawi. We can be part of that right now with that gift. And you can give now, now this is the, this is a cool website, and it's linked at all of these, at all of our other sites, Toll-free 888-988-5656. And some folks have already been generous, isn't it awesome, Kelly?

It's amazing. Bonnie decided she wanted to give a radio, $50 gift. Thank you so much to Bonnie for wanting to bless an individual, a family, even maybe a community or a church with that one radio. And then we also heard from Peter, who said, I want to give four radios to give to $200.

And he's from Raleigh. We're so thankful for you, Peter. So thankful for you, Bonnie.

And so thankful for you, who's picking up the phone right now to call 888-988-5656. Imagine not having Christian radio. Imagine not, and I go out places and, and I was out recently and someone heard me talking. They said, Stu, I heard you on the radio. And they told me a story how someone had come to Faith in Christ through the Truth Network, through here on Christian radio. And I thought, wow, we have so much of that here. We have Christian music. We have Southern gospel. We have Christian teaching and talk.

We have programs like the Steve Noble Show, like Truth Talk. In these countries like Malawi, Africa, they don't, they have, you have this powerful radio going out with Trans World Radio. God's given you these amazing towers and all this power, three, two, 300, 400 watts, thousand watts, but they just need a radio to turn it on.

Like you did for me in the lobby, you wind it up and it just powers that thing 24 hours a day. And this could change a life forever. For 50 bucks, that right there can be shipped. That's complete. Now $50 covers the cost of this awesome little radio that has a power generator in it. It's got a light in it. It's got some other cool little, little things in it, antenna and all. And it'll send this ship, that's everything, right?

$50. That's it. From, from, from the, from the, from door to door, from the front porch of Trans World Radio to the front porch of the, of the village in Malawi, Africa.

That is correct. And we should point out, we are not just standing on a street corner handing out $50 radios. We're working through a local church, working through a pastor who is identifying people in his community who can't afford a radio and who need to hear God's word, who either need salvation or they need discipleship.

Let me give you an example of a couple of testimonies. This one says, I am really moved by the InTouch program and I am a regular listener. I feel that I am learning many Bible truths as I, as if I were attending a Bible school. Someone else says, after listening to TWR, I realized that life is dependent on the word of God. I can testify that your program has changed and improved my relationship with God.

Just as God is using Truth Network to change your life and disciple you. We want to do that in Malawi. And we know he's all, God is already doing this through radio in Malawi, but a lot of people can't afford to go out and buy a radio. So let's put one in their hands.

And some of you have been generously supportive of the years of Trans World Radio, helping them build these awesome radio transmitters all over the world. This right here, now, now that we've got the power that, you know, the towers going out, now that we've got that going out, now they need to have a radio, right Kelly? So they can hear the gospel. They need to hear what is already being broadcast. God's already at work.

You can be a part of the work he's already doing to reach people in Malawi. There's just more people that need to hear. And how can they hear unless someone is sent to them? And in this case, that's you getting a radio into their hands. 888-988-5656. I'm a Muslim lady in Inugu, but I'm enjoying your programs, especially your Bible study.

Please pray for me and my husband because we don't have peace at home. These are people that have a radio like I'm looking at right here because someone like David and Doug and Brenda, Sally, have said graciously, you want to give 50 bucks to give that radio to someone like this sweet Muslim lady in Inugu. People all over Malawi, they need radios. These are people we've identified. They can't afford them. And you can put a radio in their hand.

They can turn it on. They can hear the gospel in their language. They can hear about the saving grace of Jesus, the wonderful grace of Jesus that reaches the most defiled, like me, the worst of sinners and saves us from hell to heaven and changes our life forever.

And I mean, we could go all day. Thank you for teaching on salvation. It's through your teachings that I've accepted Jesus as my Lord and my Savior.

And these testimonies go on. Will you step up? I'm Stu Epperson asking you to call this number. Don't call me here on this show. Call this number. 888-888-8888.

It's a toll-free number. It rings right into Transworld Radio. These folks are fully committed to taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to this huge continent of Africa. They're in a lot of places, but we're focusing on Malawi, Africa, because there's such a need there for folks to hear about Jesus.

Some who have never heard about Jesus. If you'll call this number, you can pledge. There's people, dear saints here at Transworld Radio standing by. They'll take your call, and they'll process a $100 donation, a $50 donation, a $5 donation, a 50 cent donation.

Maybe you want to do like this gentleman gave. He gave four of these for $200. Four radios are going to Africa because of him. A Raleigh listener for $200. Toll-free. 888-988-5656. It's a toll-free number. 888-988-5656. Just dial it in your cell number. Maybe save it for later. Call it later. They'll answer.

They'll take your information and give a credit card, whatever. And then the website's But that's really the commitment. When you walk in the door, you're confronted by this massive tower that's on my Facebook story right now that I just put of you and Kelly. I mean, Andy, the commitment of Transworld Radio really is to take the gospel global.

That's correct. To get God's word. The truth of who God is, who Jesus is, is our only means of salvation. We've got to get this around the world, and TWR is doing this in about 275 languages, 190 countries. We're focusing on Malawi today.

We've got powerful signals in Malawi. And believe it or not, Stu, you would love these numbers. Ratings-wise, are you ready for this? I love the ratings. I mean, I've been generating them all my life.

I'm just kidding. There are 45 or 46 different stations or networks in Malawi. TWR is number five. One-third of the people in Malawi regularly listen to TWR. But some of these people don't have radios of their own.

Let's put a radio in their hands. Listen to this testimony. Someone said, I accepted Jesus Christ through your programs. I was on my way to hell. But Jesus set me free using TWR.

Please pray for me. I want to understand what God requires of me since I received him as my Lord and Savior. Here's someone who came to Christ and is being discipled because they have a radio. How many more people can we reach if we can just put more radios in their hands?

That's so cool. And Kelly, these are people that are going to tell people who are going to tell people they're going to invite their chums over for supper, for tea, or for whatever, and they're going to listen to this together. And imagine if they could give them a radio themselves to take back to their home to invite their people over. When we were in Malawi over a year ago, a lot of the people that came to receive radios, they've been listening to their neighbor's radio, to a friend's radio, to their pastor's radio. And now they had one of their own. In fact, we had a really cool moment where we were driving from one village to the next. And Victor, who runs the TWR Malawi team down there, he said, You know what? I want to stop at a home that's a little too far from the village for them to get there for the distribution.

And I want to find a specific home that's got a thatched roof and is made of clay bricks. And I want to give them a radio. So we stopped. And he went up to this mother and said, You know, we want to present you with this radio. We're from TWR. And she was so excited because she didn't have a radio, but her neighbor did.

And she had listened to TWR on her neighbor's radio. In the fields. That is so cool. Out in the fields. Just a random drive-by.

You made someone's day in their life. And literally, that's life-changing because folks are not talking about hearing some cool, you know, funky music or some, you know, news or conversation. This is the Word of God that's coming through these receivers. Literally the Word of God. You've got scriptures being quoted over and over again. You've got pastors bringing forth truth. You've got pastors listening to get equipped. This might be the only seminary they're getting. And then you've got folks, a large concentration of Muslims, that'll get a radio and hear the Word.

And they're just glad to hear some of their own language on here. But it'll change life forever. We met someone. His name is Peter. Peter came to Christ through listening to TWR. He is now an elder in his church and he teaches a lot. Peter just simply put it like this. This is important because it is about life.

I mean, we're talking about changing someone's life. And you can do that with your $50 gift at 888-988-5656. Also online.

And this is easy to remember. I am in Cary, North Carolina right now at the world headquarters of TransRural Radio. The phones are ringing in the other room because you have been gracious to call that number. I'll give it again.

888-988-5656. Sometimes we take a little time out from the awesome topics of the day, from a biblical perspective, which we love to do and engage, to invite people to call in and give back. It's not our money anyways.

It's God's, right? And you can put a radio right now in the hands of someone in Malawi for $50. And we're asking for gifts of any amount. If you only give 10 bucks, 5 bucks, whatever, 10 cents, it's all going to the kingdom. But whatever you want. Some of you can give 100 of these things.

We're trying to get 200 total. $50 buys a radio and That website also has these wonderful video testimonials of people whose lives have been changed forever like the one right there.

Yeah, listen to this. I am born again and a mother of two, but we live in poverty. You see, I am jobless and it's difficult to feed my kids and buy radio batteries for our radio. That's why we are giving out for $50 each these wind-up radios. People can't afford batteries. Many people don't even have electricity.

And this is something, Stu, that I learned that I just thought was amazing. In certain parts of Africa, they have prepaid metered electricity. It works like a parking meter in their home. They put money in a meter to have electricity. And so this is why, hey, if you've got to cook or you've got to heat your house or do something, you put some money in it, but you can't afford to do that to listen to the radio. So let's put a radio in their hands so that they can crank it up and listen to TWR. That phone number, 888-988-5656.

I'll say it slower. 988, I'm sorry, triple 8. Let's start there.

Triple 8, 988-5656. Go online at, each radio $50. And Kelly, the commitment of Transworld Radio, tell everyone a little bit about this. This is a 501c3 non-profit ministry.

All the donations go in. Of course, they're tax deductible, but they're going toward getting these things, getting the gospel in the hands of people who otherwise may not hear. This is the great commission at work, spreading the gospel. Spreading the gospel to people where they are in their culture within their heart language. Some who may not hear it hear the gospel otherwise in their heart language. Maybe they can't even read. Maybe they can't go to church to hear.

Maybe that's not something available to them, but they can hear the gospel in their language through a radio and not just hear it for the first time, but continually be discipled as well, a constant presence in their home and in their life to continually minister to them. Awesome. We got to take another quick break. If you want to phone in and donate a $50 radio, whatever gift we'll take for the Lord for Transworld Radio, 888-988-5656. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. I was blind, but now I see. So many people can't even read, but they can wind a radio up, turn on Transworld Radio in Malawi, Africa and hear the gospel for the first time and come to Christ. So many people during this hour have given back.

I'm Stu Epperson. So glad you all have been here. Kelly, we've got donations coming in from all kinds of people that have been so gracious to give 50 bucks to buy a radio so people can hear the gospel in Malawi. $50 gets this wind up radio. This is an awesome little unit.

There's something, this is substantial. It's got a flashlight on it. It's got a power selector on it. You wind it up, you crank it on, you listen to, they turned on our Truth Network station in Raleigh. I mean, Cary, North Carolina, you just turned on 105.7 FM of a few minutes before coming on the air and crank it in the lobby. And you know what's great about this radio?

It has four bands. They can listen to AM-FM, two shortwave bands. And you mentioned the light. We want this to be a practical tool to where, I mean, when they're going out, let's be honest, in Malawi, they don't have indoor plumbing in most of the houses.

They go out to the outhouse. Hey, take the radio with you, listen to a great Bible teaching program and you've got a light to go outside with. You know, you mentioned also that some people might not even can read. Listen to this testimony. If God can speak through a burning bush, God can speak through a little box. If you consider that that box is a radio, then God spoke to me. I'm a 47 year old Christian man and a leader of a Baptist church in my city. And I'm writing to let you know that I became a Christian through TWR. I mean, think about that. God can use your gift today of purchasing one of these radios to be not a book, but an amazing tool to where God is speaking through that box, through that $50 radio into someone's life.

And that person might become a pastor one day. Wow. Through the ministry of Trans World Radio, you can give a gift. The number, what's that toll free number, Andy? And then I want, Kelly, you got to share some of these cool, and we want to give some shouts out to some people who've been very gracious. It is 888-988-5656.

Have you got it? 888-988-5656. Also, you can give online by going to You're literally delivering hope into the hands of people in Africa. You're changing lives through radios. And it really is that ripple effect too, because who knows how those people, as they have this radio and they are discipled, listening to solid Bible teaching programs, how is God going to use them then in their community?

Maybe being a pastor, maybe leading someone in a field one afternoon by listening to the radio to the Lord as well. Your gift has really an exponential amount of potential. Call now, 888-988-5656. Each radio is $50. Now you can pick up your phone or go to, and you can give one of these radios so people on the other side of the world can hear the gospel.

People are stepping up. And just think about how these radios are going to be used. Here's a testimony. Sir, I listened to your preaching on the radio. I am a sinner, and I have confessed all my sins. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, just as you told me, and am now convinced that God has accepted me.

Amen. Somebody gave a gift of a radio. This guy through a radio came to know Christ. God's going to use your radio for maybe someone to come to Christ or someone that already knows Jesus but can't afford a radio.

They're going to be discipled, and who knows how God is going to use them as he equips them through this radio to do ministry in their neighborhood, in their nation of Malawi. Call now at 888-988-5656. Come on, make that gift. $50 per radio. How many can you give?

How many people do you want to touch? But you can call this toll-free number. You can pledge whatever God's given you to give to someone in Malawi, Africa, to hear the gospel and be changed forever. It's $50 will buy one of these wind-up radios. We've been talking about it all hour, and it also has a flashlight on.

It's really nifty. It's a wind-up radio, so it's not, you know, bound by the power regulations and people that are in primitive areas, or it's also not bound by literacy issues because people that can't read can hear. And they're families right now. We have pictures of families humbling around a radio, 10 people listening to the gospel and coming to Christ.

Let me tell you an amazing story. Victor and his team distributed 800 radios just over the last several weeks. One of those radios went to a particular man who was a witch doctor. He lives far away from his home. He's accused of practicing witchcraft. He's traumatized.

But you know what? He's now listening to the radio and exploring Christ. But because of what he was in the past, there's a lot of persecution to this guy. So he is in hiding. But as he's in hiding, what's he doing? He's listening to God's Word. And the Lord, through a radio, is transforming this former witch doctor. And that's something.

You can be part of reaching into someone's life that no one else is going to reach into. You can't be a missionary and go to Malawi right now. You can't even travel because of COVID to Malawi.

That's what brings a big issue with COVID and all the pandemic, all that stuff. People can listen to radio. People can check it out.

People can go that they can't intermingle or they can't normally go see travel to grandma or grandpa, but they can listen and they can hear the gospel. This is so critical. And thank you so much to all these people who've given. Thank you for folks that have been burning my phone up this hour. Let me give this number because you can just call this number real quick or write it down and call it later when you have time.

888-988-5656. This has been an all hour long, we've just kind of been a give back to bless the ministry of Trans World Radio as God has given to you. Now God is giving through you to get a radio in the hands of someone whose life will be changed forever. It's 50 bucks for this awesome, cool radio that's shipped over there and everything. That covers all the costs, right, Andy?

That's exactly right. Even customs is covered. It covers customs. It gets it into Malawi to a family that needs it that pastors have identified. This is a family that needs a radio that can turn it on and hear the gospel beaming out through these Trans World Radio towers and transmitters. People that are in predominantly Muslim areas. Christians who are, we haven't even talked about Christians who are persecuted. You know, the Bible's illegal in 35 countries. There are Christians right now in Africa who are beaten, persecuted, even killed, trafficked for their faith. And, that's the website. Trans World Radio, the ministry who's partnered with us here at the Truth Network to get you involved.

Friends, get involved. We don't know when Jesus is coming back, but wouldn't it be nice to take a bunch of folks with us to heaven? Absolutely. Wouldn't it be nice to spread the gospel, Andy?

Let's do it. Someone said this. Listen to this. I am a Muslim who wants to accept the Christian faith.

What am I to do? There are people that are wanting to know. They're curious about Christianity. Let's put a radio in their hands and let them hear day in and day out God's word, just as it says on your shirt, Truth, the Truth Network.

Let's give them the truth of scripture, the truth of who God really is. We can do that with a $50 radio, 888-988-5656. It's 888-988-5656, bringing hope to people in Malawi, people who don't have the access to their radio stations like we do here because they don't have a radio.

They can't afford a radio, but you can get a radio into their hands today by calling 888-988-5656. Well, thank you for being a part of this special give back. You know what? Our life is a give back. What did Paul say in 1 Corinthians? He said, Thanks God. Thanks to God for his indescribable gift. We're all here because of the gift of God. Now we can give back to God.

We can give to others a radio that takes the gospel to Malawi, Africa. Thank you, Andy. Thank you. Thank you, Kelly.

God bless you. Trans World Radio, the website to give online. 50 bucks takes a radio there. Give 100 of these radio. Try to get 200 by the end of this campaign, but give a radio at 888-988-5656, and that website is This is the Truth Network.
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