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The Joy Ride #159

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
October 19, 2023 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #159

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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October 19, 2023 5:00 am

Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life.

Hey Joyriders! This week the guys are sharing stories about when God took them on an adventure.

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours for more great content!

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The Masculine Journey
Sam Main

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast. This is a brand-new show from the guys you know.

I'm talking, of course, about the Band of Brothers. My name is Keith, and I'm the producer for Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours. In this podcast, you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought-provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life. How you doing, joyriders?

New week, new joyride. So here's the deal. For those who don't know, I used to serve in the military, the army to be exact. And while I was enlisted, I forged bonds with soldiers that allowed me to trust the men to my left and my right, which is very important in the military. Now, on November 16th through the 19th, an adventure will take place, Fall Boot Camp 2023. It will be a chance for you to meet and bond with men of God who I know you can count on. So this week, the Band of Brothers are talking about adventures that God has taken them on. So this is the perfect chance for you to hear from some of your fellow campers.

First up is Sam. When you go on an adventure with God, sometimes it's a known adventure, as we talked about, but often most of it is unknown. You look back biblically, he called people on an adventure. They knew they were going somewhere. They didn't often know how they were going to get there, usually didn't know how to get there, and didn't know where the eventual place they were going to land was. Even David, who knew he was going to be king one day, he was told that early, wasn't told when that was going to be, wasn't told all the stuff he'd have to go through to get there.

Right? There was plenty of unknown. Darrell Bock And a lot of us, our stories, if he would have showed us what it looked like ahead of time, we probably would have tapped out our way. No, I'll pass. Darrell Bock I'm out.

Way too hard. Darrell Bock Exactly. Darrell Bock Yeah. So what that part of the bump in was, is he's singing, it's a chorus, I want to break out, take me away from what I know, show me a life that relies on you alone.

I want to live loud and speak with a love that overflows. I just lost my, my thing here. Darrell Bock The great unknown. Darrell Bock Yeah. And so I can't read the rest of it because I can't read it. But we're going to walk into the great unknown.

So that part was unknown to me. Darrell Bock You were called by faith, but not by sight, right? Darrell Bock That's kind of how a boot camp goes. Darrell Bock Yeah, sometimes you just kind of say, okay, we're going to punt.

And so I just punted right there on that part. Chris Yep. Sam is a man you can count on for advice and help.

Just as long as that help doesn't include cell phone issues. Next up is the sage of the group, Harold. Harold J. I have to admit, I knew nothing about Coldplay. I was doing a search trying to find a clip and the title reached out and grabbed me about being an adventure. And when I listened to it, I immediately knew that that was the one I was going to use. And I've come to realize after comments made earlier this evening of how predictable that I am, that invariably I will have something about my sweetheart, my Susie, my Jan, or whatever other affectionate term I want to use for the woman that I've been in love with for a little over 60 years. So that's where this selection comes from.

Darrell Bock Absolutely. All those names, that keeps the adventure going, right? You don't know who you're going to see from night to night, right?

Harold J. It was a funny thing that happened when back when we went to Columbus, Mississippi, and moved over there. There was a lady that we knew, she was from Columbus, but we had been living in Proutville, Alabama. Well, her brother was there and we went to church together. So she knew both Jan and me. She also then when I moved to Columbus, she worked in the same department. And so I hadn't been there very long. And I showed up one morning and I was talking about what Susie and I did the night before. And her eyebrows arched and she looked at me. I mean, she knew Jan but she didn't know Susie. And kind of had to explain myself.

Darrell Bock Ah, always good to hear from the original kickboxer himself. Last but not least, let's hear from the newest kid in the camp, Kenny. Do we look for it? Or do we see it? Each day is an adventure. Because we're not gonna go back through this again.

Do we really want to gleam it for its best? I'm used to just rush through things. And I miss a lot of stuff and God had to knock me down.

Darrell Bock Yeah, guilty. Yeah. Kenny You know, you get caught up in success or chasing success. And you really miss life. But that's what Christ said he came to give us, abundant life.

It's not about abundant stuff. It's about, to me, these times together. These memories that we make. That's what I've been hearing people's heart about connecting with your sons or your children, or your spouse, or your friends or your neighbors or people at work and just enjoying that time together. You know, and I think that's part of it. We want to get back to the, I think the garden was a playground in a way. Because, you know, they just sweated, the brow wasn't in the game yet. Yeah, they had work and some things they tended to.

But it was like kids playing it, playing, I think, like in the playground. Enjoy this and enjoy that. And God's blessing everything they're doing. And I think that's what I'm Darrell Bock Wasn't a lot of thorns and that kind of stuff. Kenny That's right.

Yeah. But that's where we messed up or they messed up. You know, God said you don't need this knowledge. But there was another tree over there.

It's called the tree of life. What does Satan get them to chase? Knowledge.

And he'll get us and chase that same thing, knowledge, instead. Really, life. Because Christ is the life. To me is that tree of life that he brings back to us. And, you know, we see it again in the Proverbs, in Revelation. That's what's really going to fill our hearts.

And it's got to be that walk with Christ and other people. Like we was talking about being the best at something. Are we best friends with people? Do we want to be that best neighbor?

Do we really want to love God with all our heart, mind and soul, and love our neighbor as ourself? And that's the battle of the Spirit and the flesh. But that's my adventure every day is get Kenny out of the way and get Christ. Take the crown off of me and keep it on him. Because I like to take that crown and dance around like I am something. But that's that flesh. But, you know, that gave me a visual I really didn't want to see. So from the guys on Mastering the Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-19 07:34:11 / 2023-10-19 07:37:34 / 3

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