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Attributes Take 2 After Hours

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
February 12, 2022 12:35 pm

Attributes Take 2 After Hours

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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February 12, 2022 12:35 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! The discussion on the attributes of God that we see in one another, continues right here on the Masculine Journey After Hours Podcast. The clip is a montage of different songs.

There's no advertising or commercials, just men of God, talking and getting to the truth of the matter. The conversation and Journey continues.

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Coming to you from an entrenched barricade deep in the heart of central North Carolina. Masculine Journey After Hours, a time to go deeper and be more transparent on the topic covered on this week's broadcast. So sit back and join us on this adventure. The Masculine Journey After Hours starts here, now. Well, welcome back to The Masculine Journey. Well, I guess not welcome back. This is – yes, welcome to – welcome back to the podcast. We're continuing our show on the attributes that we see on one another.

Literally, it's kind of a blessing. And so it's a continuation of what, Sam, you guys did a week ago, two weeks ago. Yeah, a couple weeks ago, it was Jim and Andy's idea, kind of combined, I think.

And so we kind of went through that, but found that we needed to go back through it some more, because we didn't cover enough stuff. It was great minds thinking alike. It was.

And so for those of you who are listening – I'm not only yours and Andy's. Yeah. Exactly. Great minds.

Oh, okay. So to kick off this particular show, I know those of you who listen to the regular broadcast, you know, heard our bump in the, you know, middle of that show was Carolina Girls. And so you've got this question. We don't want to leave you hanging throughout the show. So Rodney, we have more. We have more along these lines.

And so Rodney, do you want to set up your clip? Well, we were sitting here going around the attributes that we see in each other that are reflected from God. And then out of the blue came a new attribute that Jim confessed here last week. And we just thought, well, anybody who misspeaks in this group gets punishment.

But when you misspeak on the air, you really get punished. So we kind of put a little montage together that would be a little tribute to Jim, the Carolina girl himself. Right. So if you missed the show from last week, Jim was talking about his adventures in Alaska and how he'd brought his wife along. You know, she was a Carolina girl from South Carolina, and he was a Carolina girl from North Carolina. As he misspoke, he realized that this would not be letting him down. I purposely did not listen to the show, so I didn't hear that. I've not heard me say that, so I don't know that I believe you.

Now that I have to picture you as a Carolina girl, I see Princess Leia with the whole thing going on here. So Rodney, you've put some time into this clip. Well, it's something from all of us. There were several of us that had some input, because I first started, because Andy and I, during the show, we're going to look at each other and say, oh, we've got to do something. And then I went out and put a little bit together, gave it to a few of the guys and said, well, what do you think?

Should we just do this as a bump, or should this be like a full-fledged clip? And next thing you know, I'm getting, oh, put this in there, put that in there. So it's kind of a group effort to come up with this little montage, and we just named it Girls, Girls, Girls. I guess you've said what can make me feel this way, my girl, my girl, my girl, talking about my girl, my girl Brown-eyed girl, you, my brown-eyed girl Do you look like a lady, do you look like a lady, do you look like a lady? Big girls won't cry, big girls won't cry, they don't cry, big girls won't cry, they don't cry Fat-bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go round, fat-bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go round Well, east coast girls are hit by a really dick, those styles they wear, and the southern girls with the way they talk, they knock me out when I'm down there Carolina girl, Carolina girl, the best in the world, Carolina girl, you're so bright for your own kind, sweet Carolina girl, Carolina girl I don't know that anybody enjoyed that music more than Jim, except Madonna who I cannot stand Even dude looks like a lady, he was in there You hit a lot of great songs there, maybe I am a girl According to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory, I am female According to the what? Minnesota Multiphasic Personality, would you like to give us your information?

Is there a website for that? There probably is, that's one of the oldest personality tests there is, and I got it when I was a cop 45 years ago So what a wonderful lead into actually what I have for Jim I was worried about hearing all of my bloopers, so I was happy with the songs, but I think I'm about to get over that So anyway, I've known Jim and Sam the longest of this group, and so I really feel like man, if you have Jim Graham as a friend, you really have something But I picked the letter het, which in Hebrew means to some extent mysterious And if you know Jim, you're often wondering what in the world is he talking about? Amen The letter is also, it has to do with marriage and union, and actually our union with Christ And it is the letter that begins the word hesed, which is like Jim's most favorite word in the world, which means loving kindness And if you know Jim, it really, really is all that And the delight and the fear of the Lord and the letter hesed, and the 119th Psalm just speaks volumes to me of what Jim is And it reads like this, it says, I am a companion of all those who fear you and keep thy precepts And so when you think about Jim, I was saying before the show, I don't know that there is anybody that Jim would not be a companion of that was in Christ I mean he just is a companion of all those, because that's the way the verse reads, I'm a companion of all those who fear you and keep thy precepts The idea of precepts are actually meetings with God and with other people, and Jim is very faithful when it comes to meetings and to getting together with the body of Christ I mean he is a picture of this idea in my mind of loving kindness, of hesed, of what that letter is.

Sam? I would agree, you know Jim is very, very kind, he'll joke with you and poke at you, but you know that it's coming from a loving place And you don't doubt that integrity of his love for you, you see that as it plays out at a boot camp, at our prison meeting, those things And so I just love Jim's heart towards others, and I think that he shows that community love, I don't really have the words for it But you know the essence of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Father, that he just says I want to love you in this community And so it's really cool to walk with him in it Wayne? Yeah, I was the one who actually drew Jim, so I got the privilege, which was very awesome in God's kind of way of doing things Because of everyone who sits at the table, right, Jim knows me better than anyone He actually counseled me and my wife when we were going through some hard times If anybody knows me, Jim knows me, and it's appropriate that you have the song montage Because as I was praying about it and what I should do, I kept hearing the song, they call me Big Papa And I went and listened to the song, and I was like, there's no way I can play that on the air Actually, we could probably play it a second time around, right?

He is, he's a Big Papa, he's a big dad to a lot of people I've watched Jim over a lot of years, and I've watched, you talk about the friend thing If he's your friend, he's your friend, there's no in between, you're in or you're out I've watched a lot of people go through his life, and he's loved everyone with abandon Even those who've kicked him and done things that they shouldn't have on the other side of things And he's still He's a sledgehammer Because he is a giant But he would take the hit, right? He would take the hit to the stones and keep on moving And he does, he keeps loving you, he keeps loving you, and he's full of goodness and grace and mercy just like that Alright, well once again, we've got so many people to do, and so little time to do it in So I want to move on to Harold Who, you know, I've had the joy of knowing Harold for some time Before he got involved with the masculine journey And so the letter that I chose for Harold, or God help me choose, is the letter what I pronounce hoof Which Jim would say is cough But it is the Hebrew letter that looks like a crown And it has to do with honor, and it also has to do with the word of delight itself But, you know, those that the Lord delights to honor And if you know Harold, Harold honors, he has this sense of honor about him And it's almost amazing, he honors his dog, he honors his wife I mean, if you know Harold, whatever it is he's got, I mean, he honors his friends And he crowns them to some extent with that honor And again, when we get to the seventh verse in that section It says they almost consume me upon the earth, but I forsook not thy precepts And the idea of precepts is meetings with God and with other people And if you know Harold, he's going to make the meeting I mean, he's not going to forsake his time with God He's not going to forsake the time that he's going to meet with you He is going to honor those people around him It looks like you wanted to say something, Wayne, go ahead I was going to say, even that verse makes it sound like he's lived a long time That's just what hit me whenever you read that verse, I'm like, it sounds like he's been here for a while Yeah, it says, you know, yeah, he's been here, you know Eighty and a half Eighty and a half, it's there, so no doubt Andy, we haven't got a chance to get to you lately Yeah, Harold is, I mean, I mentioned it last time, but I just want to reiterate it It's just, he, um, Harold, I've always had a lot of respect for him A lot of it has to do with just his quiet nature But his very, um, it doesn't mean that he doesn't speak He speaks at the right time And I'm not always been one that does that I'm probably a big mouth and just talk too much But, you know, Harold will listen and he'll take in what he hears But then he'll come up with a scripture that's spot on to whatever you're talking about And you're like, well, where did that come from? A scripture I'd never heard of And, um, just his, like you said, his faithfulness And his, um, you know, just I guess strength I mean, I truly looked at him as a sage of the group He's seen a lot, as we give him a hard time about But with that, I mean, it's a blessing to us And he could take that wisdom and he could put it in his pocket and keep it to himself But he shares it with us And he's just, I consider him, you know, both a mentor, a sage, but also a friend So moving on We get Sam And so, how cool, of course, you know, Sam and I have been at this a while And what a delight It really has been the letter that God gave me I was really didn't take about a half a second to figure out what letter Sam would be And the letter is hey And the letter hey in Hebrew has to do with God's expression itself That it's twice used in God's most holy, the Yahweh name that you would hear It's yud, hey, vuv, hey, in other words, God is all about expression And God is all about connection And to know Sam is to know that he's got that And my own, you know, it was interesting As we were driving back from Alabama a couple of weeks ago My wife and I were listening to some of the shows And she goes, man, I just love to listen to Sam I could listen to Sam all the time And the idea, he is expression, and people do love to listen to him And it's fascinating, really fascinating That the way the enemy came after him in that Was his big sister would say, shut up, motor mouth You got nothing of value to say And nothing would have made Satan happier than to get Sam to not express But when he does, then oh man, the kingdom's coming In so many different ways And so when you look at that verse The seventh, the light and the fear of the Lord When it comes to the letter hey It's really, really cool if you know Sam well to see this Because it says, turn away my reproach Which I fear, for thy judgments are good Which you can see in Sam always, he's tentative He's afraid of reproach And he fears it, that people are going to give him that look of disappointment Like you've disappointed me But then what the reinforcement is behind this The delight in the fear of the Lord is that he knows That those judgments are refining things for good That God is bringing everything together for good And somehow or another if I push through All this reproach that I fear that I don't want to walk into It's going to become something really, really good And I find it fascinating that the psalmist understood That expression to see that And for me to see it in Sam Is really something pretty spectacular Danny? I had wrote down that Sam leads from the heart While guarding others hearts around him And that's what I see is like an attribute of God Is that he leads well But with his leadership in mind He leads with your heart in mind And that's just something that's all That's cool, and he does And he really, really does, Andy? Yeah I just think about When we first started participating with the team or whatever in Sam And Rob invited me into To be a part of the ministry And do boot camps and the radio show and all I remember it's like what Danny said He was really concerned about the hearts of others And a lot of it came across as Look, I want you to do this I want you to walk with it I believe you can do it But there's no pressure If you need any support in this or whatever It was always about finding peace in the situation And not really being taken out He wanted you to come out of your comfort zone But not in a way that would disrupt your peace And that kind of handling of your heart During those times of where you're getting used to new stuff And you're being called into what God wants you to do That's a way that I think God does us He calls us into something But our sufficiency comes from him Sam was just, in the way he was reaching out It was a form of God Saying come along with me into this adventure And it's good to know that you have somebody That isn't just about the ministry And seeing what we can accomplish and all It's about the individual and the individual's heart And fulfilling God's plan Darrell Bock Yeah, that's awesome, Andy Rodney, did you have something? Rodney Yeah, we were thinking about what to pick out And what came to me was fatherhood When I was thinking about the father And immediately Sam jumped into my mind Because he just had this growing into his son's lives And bringing them along in this message And being able to father them in such a gracious way He became, he constantly is working on becoming A better father and a better husband And a better man And then what that allowed me to do Is then I started thinking I see that in each one of the men But it was Sam's that kind of brought it out Because it's just front and center with us Because he gets to bring his sons to boot camp And everything like he just said in the promo And it's just, it's wonderful to watch that relationship Darrell Bock Oh, we got to move on before we get to Jim No, I'm just kidding Darrell Bock When I first met Sam Which was at the beginning of this ministry I saw him as a very quiet, introspective guy And I don't think the introspection's gone anywhere But Sam, I am so glad you're not as quiet as you used to be Darrell Bock There you go So interesting last was me And so as I was, as we were preparing for the show Jim said to Robby, you know, like, Robby Have you thought about what letter you are? And it's interesting, I'd written out what my wife was What my father was, my mom, all my kids But the one person that I had not even considered As I was doing this was me And so Jim, you've enlightened me Darrell Bock Well, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Jim But bait came to mind I looked at it and every single verse under bait Or is it bet for you?

Darrell Bock It's bet for me But it's okay It's the second letter in the Hebrew alphabet However you want to say it But it's olive bait That's right, olive bait Darrell Bock Well, and for those of you that want to write in and tell Robby and I which one of us is right The answer is yes We don't know enough to know exactly how to pronounce it And modern Hebrew is different from the ancient Hebrew And the vowels were gone for a long time So whatever you call it, as long as you can communicate it It's great But, well, I think I had it Oop, he does How bait starts with How could a young man keep his way pure By keeping it according to your word With all my heart I've sought you Do not let me wander from your commandments Your word I have treasured in my heart That I may not sin against you Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes With my lips I have told of all the ordinances of your mouth I have rejoiced in the way of your testimonies As much as it all riches I will meditate on your precepts and regard your ways I shall delight in your statutes I shall not forget your word I have known no one else in my life That delights in the word, studies it, reads it Digs in as much as Robby Dilmore Darrell Bock Wow, thank you, thank you Wayne, do you look like you're in, no? I've got nothing, no That's good Not yet, yeah, you're Robby is, I mean, for me, just in the conversations that I've had with Robby And when I get a call from Robby, I know it's important Robby, when Robby looks at you and says I'm glad you're here, like, he's genuinely glad you're here If he says something to you, it's coming from his heart And he genuinely loves to see people See them change and see God work in their lives But Robby drives me to, he says, he doesn't chew like I chew And I'm like, what are you talking about? I wish I chewed like you chew And it just kind of speaks to how we all hear differently In our different ways, in our different parts And in listening to all of this, I mean, we can see so many of these pieces Of all of us, in each one of us And it's because we've all touched one another Because God's touched each one of us And we all feed into those pieces and parts of one another And we bring out those pieces You know, Sam, I didn't think I'd talk to Sam Sam brings out the best in people He draws that, he calls out the glory He's good at that, and he can speak it in a way Where he's leading from behind You know, he doesn't have to be in the front And the same with Robby, right? That's awesome, Sam? Yeah, for you Robby, you just have a heart of reconciliation Like no one I've ever seen You know, your heart yearns for unity And that all is well within the soul of those around You know, and when there's discord You can deal with it, but you don't like it And you're going to do everything you can to try to help write it To where people are back at a place of, you know, unity with one another Wow Yeah, I totally agree So, don't let me, I want to say something, Robby I just, you know, we did talk about you last time And it was all good, but just, I just think about, you know Some of the things of how you've spoken into my life And this is, you know, this is just the nature of who you are I talked about how you were one of the first ones that came up to me At my first boot camp and made me feel comfortable And then there were times, you know, where, you know, I was truly seeking God But, you know, I just, you know, I didn't, when I was doing it It just was because of my encouragement from other guys The ministry guys that saw that But I remember that one of the times I came back from one of my trips And I had been seeking God And, you know, you spoke over me and you said that I, you know That I really was a disciple, an enthusiastic learner And, you know, you speaking that into my life Made a huge difference and encouraged me to go on in what I was seeking And then, you know, just the things that you always, you're just one of hospitality And take us then to your adventures Whether it's, you're always inviting all of us into hunting or fishing or whatever you're doing So it's just been a blessing to be your friend over these years But it's just what you've done and what you've encouraged me in my whole life It's been awesome to be a part of it And I just thank you for that Wow, thank you guys And I can hope as you're listening, wow I mean, what it means to be part of a band of brothers And what it can be for you as God comes after you in community And what that looks like And again, one of the places to start in that is to go to Register for a bootcamp You know, we would love to have you be part of what it is that we do And get to know you and get to see, you know, God in you Because only you reflect God the way that you do And if we don't get to see that, then everybody misses out And so I hope you've enjoyed this For me, describing bootcamp When I heard the stories from the stage that the other men had And then during my prayer time I'm getting a download from God on where my life is And how I have wounds and I have a place in His story To know how I heard from God is one of those things He really does communicate with us Register today at This is the Truth Network
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