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NBA Draft First Round Winners (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
June 27, 2024 4:10 pm

NBA Draft First Round Winners (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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June 27, 2024 4:10 pm

The Timberwolves won the draft | Bronny James to the Lakers seems like a lock | The Knicks keep OG Anunoby


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Price and coverage match limited by state law. Baseball season is heating up. Odyssey has you covered with the most entertaining coverage of your team. Stay locked in and in the know with the local voices you trust as they bring you unfiltered takes, recap games, react to the latest team news and talk to callers.

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No matter the mess for trusted protection, trust Pampers, the number one pediatrician recommended brand. Here's your host, Zach Gil from the play show yet not overly ostentatious studios of the infinity sports network here in beautiful new york city sitting on top of the 10th floor of 345 Hudson street. Welcome on in to a thursday edition of the Zach Gelb show across all the great local infinity sports network affiliates serious xm channel 158 the free odyssey app and of course streaming live on youtube 855 212 42 27 is the number to jump on in 855 212 42 27 you could always get at me on instagram where i'm straight flexing or via the good old cesspool of twitter x at Zach Gelb that is z a c h g e l b we have ryan botcher we have nico we have the great connor green rocking and rolling with us all the way up until 6 p.m eastern 3 p.m pacific today i'll get to my biggest takeaways from the mba draft in a bit you know i thought minnesota won the first round memphis had the surprise pick but i actually love it and the lakers got the steal of the draft someone that's joined us on the show before in the reigning sec player of the year in dalton connect but i actually think it's a problem that we have with the mba draft first off it should not be a two-day event it shouldn't be the fact that this has now been spread out where the second round is going to start at 4 p.m eastern time today is just a joke like i was there last night the mba experience was awesome great food great drinks you know i was sitting right behind the first overall pick of the draft to the atlanta hawks i think i'll get his name right zachary ree sashay i think that's how you say it it is a badass spelling by the way of his first name i may contemplate changing i spell my first name as i spell zachary z a c h a r y he spells zachary let me pull it up here for a second he has zachary spelled z a c c h a r i e i believe i got that right i've never seen zachary spelled that way z a c c h a r i e botcher what do you think of the spelling of that first name what's better the way that i spelled my first name z a c h a r y or how zachary sashay spells his first name z a c c h a r i e depends where you are if it's in france it's like zachary yeah it's cooler but in america it's just weird yeah it looks like zachary a lot of people can't say my name correctly like i will get into an uber or a lift and they'll be like zh i've never heard someone say zh or zach i'm like zach so i understand it's spelled c h z a c h but that's clearly zach i know some people spell it c a c z a c k or z a k however you like but i've never seen it spelled once again z a c c h a r i e so i was i didn't know i was going to be i knew that the draft picks were going to be in front of me through this mba experience it's pretty cool event that they invited me to i didn't know i was going to be sitting behind the first overall pick and it's a problem with the mba draft and it can't be like okay every year's victor when binyama where even though most of us up until this year have not seen victor when binyama play you always knew who victor when binyama was because his generational talent he was talked about so much i got there there's like 30 prospects on the floor at the barclays center and i'm like huh a lot of these guys i can't recognize and i'm trying to figure out who's sitting in front of me and all these cameras are there and i even said yesterday because there's the bait was going to be sorry was it going to be uh recess to go as the first overall pick and i thought it was going to be zachary that's who i thought was going to be the first overall pick and it ended up being so so eventually i'm like oh i'm sitting in front of zachary recess i go this pretty be pretty cool i'm going to see the commissioner announce his name and you know how in the nfl everyone's on like a phone call they don't do phone calls at the mba draft or i didn't see anyone on a phone now like you'll have an agent run up and say something you know scott drew and his bailer guys ended up going he ran over he's like all right here we go it's gonna happen now but there is like a big suspense where not even the camera crews really know what's going on and i kind of felt bad for the players connor because could you imagine like connor let's say you were getting ready to be the like the number two or number one overall pick in the draft and it's true this was truly one of the years where even though i had a guess that it was actually recession because sorry refused to work out uh with the hawks it was still unknown what was going to happen so who they think is going to get picked they have like three guys and espn has cameras on those three guys so it's kind of awkward because if i came up to you with the camera crew connor right as they're announcing number one overall pick you're thinking you're going to be the number one overall pick right you would think yes so they had cameras on him they had cameras on sar and they had cameras on someone else i don't remember who it was so i thought that was awkward so there really is a suspense with the mba draft i ended up staying until like the 23rd or the 24th pick and then i looked at my buddy who who tagged along with me and we were like all right we we've had enough it's time to go but the fact now that this is a two-day event is just absolutely ridiculous and i get it right it's it's the day of brawny right no one cares if the philipowski kid from duke didn't go ever all the coverage today when it gets underway at 4 p.m eastern time is going to be brawny getting drafted by the los angeles slakers and we'll get into that a little bit more later on the show because that's what i think is going to happen but i do think it's a problem when you have the first overall pick and no one knows how to say this guy's name zachary sashay that's how i think you say it let's hear the commissioner of the mba adam silver he announced the number one overall pick last night with the first pick in the 2024 nba draft the atlanta hawks select zachary from leon france and france's jail i think he tried to sound like adam silver was french with the first name that he kind of botched the the last name connor do you agree with that i agree with that he should have really gone even more with the zachary yeah and then gone reese and then he had no idea how to say the last name re he said rezache i'm guessing it's reese rezache no one knows let's just be clear uh let's hear from malika andrews right it goes from the commissioner to malika andrews on the espn abc coverage last night zachary research the 19 year old is headed to atlanta okay that's how i think i said it by the way i just realized someone pointed out my youtube stream why do you have your sunglasses you're trying to think you're looking cool today as i had them on my shirt no clue that my sunglasses were there i was walking to the studio i guess i took them off and i must have never put them in my bag so i i'll admit i was looking like a douche to start when you put the sunglasses on then you become zachary yeah and then i'll change my name so i apologize on the youtube stream for people that are like mesmerized about the placement of my sunglasses so two different pronunciations in the span of five seconds it goes right from adam silver then back to malika andrews let's hear from our esteemed update anchor here at infinity sports network the great peter schwartz will play it in just a second let me just remind people i know peter is now trying to be an mba guy he's going to the nick's playoff games i know peter schwartz well peter schwartz despises the mba hates it with a burning passion no matter what he tries to tell you right now because i remember a year ago we had a big blow up right here at the network uh with da it was including yours truly as well when da was working here because peter schwartz tweeted out i'm supposed to care about this mba draft lottery he goes i've never even heard of victor when bin yama and i'm like peter wordcenter victor what the victor what webbing yama that was a nice botcher botcher you have that on your fingertips ready to go that was prepared oh my god i told botcher like three minutes before the show started oh we're going to talk about zachary chashay or however you say his name i had to pronounce his name right in the open but that was devilish and that was actually mean by ryan botcher no a little bit wendy you took a little bit of a knife and you gently stabbed it you didn't like viciously stab it but you gently stabbed it in the back of peter schwartz but last year peter schwartz was like i've never heard this guy when bin yama and da and i were like it's a bad look for the network when an update anchor doesn't know who victor when bin yama was and then i think pete realized it but and then pete like admitted he was wrong and it wasn't really that big of a deal we were just having fun with it on the radio but i thought it was funny in pete's defense when he's trying to defend himself he said to me do you know who the number one pick is of the lacrosse draft i'm like no one cares about the lacrosse draft and this is the mba for crying out freaking loud so let's hear peter schwartz earlier this morning on maggie and purloff i don't even know if i'm saying it correctly trying to pronounce the name zachary rissachay zachary rishara rissachay i knew i was gonna mess that up at some point today and finally i guess zachary rissachay did an interview this was on good morning america earlier this morning after being the number one overall pick in the draft let's see how the interviewee introduced zachary rissachay we are back now with our play of the day and it goes to the number one pick of the 2024 nba draft zachary rissachay yeah so no one knows how to say this wait zachary sashay would be the interviewee right that's the interviewer i think i messed that up right e is the person being interviewed okay so zachary sashay is the interviewee the interviewer i guess completely botched the entirety of that pronunciation how would we rank them malika andrews i think would be one i think she got it the way i think it's pronounced i would then say silver two the gma uh anchor three and then schwartz on sports peter schwartz and a number four would that be your ranking conna green i would put peter schwartz actually third over the good morning america clip because the good morning american clip was just wrong outright at least peter's memorable peter peter got his shot blocked in the beginning had to stop and then came back but i do think the second time when he restarted he did give the name right so at least he didn't know it he just botched it on the first attempt you know what i do compare you uh oftenly to uh the great simon cowell well thank you that's how i would think your judging abilities are where you could be harsh but you could also have fun i would say to like peter schwartz's comp here would be william hung from american idol like at lee you don't wait botcher you don't know who william hung is no oh i suppose to gracious now botchers 22 so okay i understand that even i was young nico thumbs up you don't know who william hung is konner these days yeah of course i know william hung he was an international superstar he got up to american idol and he performed she bangs she bangs oh baby and she grooves she grooves so i once uh i think i got the words right when i uh won my fantasy football league one year he charges like 25 bucks on cambio i had him introduce the uh the draft order which is pretty damn good and like i made like a simon cowell reference and you know no one sings better than me just like zach no one's better than him in the fantasy league and all that stuff so schwartz is kind of like william hung connor yeah like he inadvertently had a good clip even though it wasn't great just like william hung inadvertently had a great musical career based on the terrible rendition of shebang i think he released an album and made a ton of money too william hung he does cameos now out of his uh out of his bedroom yeah like i don't even think he made the bed when he did the cameo for us and i was trying to give him a script to read but on cameo they limit your characters so i just used it in like the prompts they did and put my whole script in there he's like he did it in a like a version and was like hey zach i can't do four different scripts but i'll just pause after each one i'm like oh come on dummy i just want you to read the entire thing like who doesn't it was like clearly flowing too so we ended up having cap uh merge it all together when you get in a cameo from an international superstar like that you just take what you can take you take what you can get absolutely so that's my first reaction to the movie no one knows how to pronounce accurate i think i got it right i don't know if i got it right and also the mba draft being two days is just a joke but after that i thought minnesota won the first round to the draft i thought you know i was a little disappointed i get why they would take castle at four of the spurs i was hoping that they would pair the two big athletic freaks victor when ben yama and donovan clingan together in at four but uh they ended up going i could cancel at four and then with the eighth pick they took rob dillingham out of kentucky but this is another gripe i have with the mba draft this is a gripe i have every year dillingham gets drafted but he gets traded so the spurs draft him so they have him walking around the entire night with the spurs hat everyone knows he gets traded to minnesota and then the gm of the spurs you know that dope he gets to the podium he's like oh i can't talk about it because it was controversial that the spurs didn't make two selections to build a young team when you have two players in the top 10 and keep both of those players so i like what minnesota did a team that we thought after they upset the nuggets were on the verge of winning a championship and then they lost to the mavericks i like them being aggressive going into the top 10 moving to eighth overall and then in the back end of the first round they got tarant shannon jr um who just had a very good season out of illinois so i like what minnesota did in the first round um i was shocked i was shocked that zack edie ended up going ninth overall like when he was in the tournament i remember this a two-time national player of the year when he was in the tournament people were like oh he's just big and i thought that was disrespectful and silly but i thought zack edie was probably going to be a late first round pick or a second round pick and eventually as the process did go on you heard zack edie's name rising a little bit and i think scoopy who was with us yesterday he's like he's heard anywhere from the the top 10 to like probably go the range of i think he said 10 to like 18 something like that but he'll probably go in like 15 16 17 range no one had him going ninth overall to memphis and i'll say this i actually like to pick of memphis i think a lot of people today are like oh zack edie what a waste of a pick in the top 10 you know who else did you want them to take like if you want to tell me dalton connect okay but like people that are criticizing the draft but like people that are criticizing the draft today do you really know the players that went after zack edie like that would be my because everyone tries to be an expert this time of the year i'm not going to pretend to be an expert i'm going to be honest with you but i have no problem with the pick of zack edie i hope he ends up being a very good player in the mba but the player i really like is dalton connect and we've had him on the show great story you know the spots he had to transfer uh was was overlooked winds up at tennessee for a season when the sec player of the year i thought for sure he'd be a lottery pick i didn't know if he'd be in the top 10 but i thought for sure he'd be a lottery pick he ends up falling to 17 and think about this we could finally say something positive as of late with the los angeles lakers because you know me i'm rooting against jj redick do not like him i think lebron if he's serious about winning he should lead the los angeles lakers it's not going to happen like i don't view the lakers as championship destination but the lakers need shooters if they're going to keep lebron if they're going to keep anthony davis they need more shooters and you know bare minimum i saw one site compared dalton connect to wally zurbiak like he's a shooter you know he 39 40 percent first year shooting the sec from three that's pretty damn good so i like what the lakers did with the 17th pick of the draft and i never thought they were going to be able to go snag dalton connect so those are my takeaways from the first round of the mba draft we will take a time out when we come on back brawny to the lakers it seems like a lock in my opinion i'll tell you why when we come back in five minutes right here on the zach yelp show on the infinity sports network baseball season is heating up odyssey has you covered with the most entertaining coverage of your team stay locked in and in the know with the local voices you trust as they bring you unfiltered takes recap games react to the latest team news and talk to callers listen to your favorite shows for free on the odyssey app your smart speaker or in the car with android auto or apple carplay this is the infinity sports network big shout out to bella b on twitter she is a big gym room listener and a big infinity sports network listener i remember a few years ago i think we had like a fun back and forth regarding hockey during the playoffs if i recall she's a big hockey fan she sent me an article during the break via twitter where you could always get at me at me at zach yelp the 19 year old recess pronounce r-e-e-z-a-h-s-h-a-y so it's r-e-e-z-a-h-s-h-a-y so that's recess right so we were saying it right zachary recess batra do you not i'm always bad when they i'm trying to sound it out here zach zachary resage yeah i think adam silver must have been right re resage give me silver one more time uh batra let me hear the commissioner one more time i think malika andrews had it right the uh the best go ahead with the first pick in the 2024 nba draft the atlanta hawks select zachary resage from leon france and france's jail boron breast so he goes resage i think you're right i think that has to be if anybody is to know his name it has to be adam you would think you would say he is spineless silver he could mess up a one-car funeral these days all right like this guy has not done a lot uh right as of late and people still love this dude i was see it's weird i was hooked up with the nba experience last night i'm sitting not that far away from the stage i'm a pretty loud dude and i'm a tall dude there was so much in me that i had to hold back i wanted to stand up and be like adam silver you suck i wanted to boo the crap out of the commissioner but i was i was respectful since i was a guest of the the whole nba experience program last night i had i had an encounter last night with john calipari so i'm i'm gonna be honest there was some fine whiskey that was being served in this club so i had a few pops last night of whiskey on some bottle i don't even remember what the heck it was and i think if like i went to a bar in the city it would have been like 80 for like a pour of of the whiskey so it was out of my bracket but it tasted very good and i'm walking past john calipari last night like we're in the the tunnel of like the barclay center like behind the scenes and come back from the club and i see john calipari if you listen to this show you know my favorite chant in all of sports is the pig suey you know when they call the hogs and he's now the coach of the razorbacks where it's like pig suey razorbacks so that's like my favorite chant so after having a few pops and seeing coach and seeing coach cal's he's just walking by i go coach cal pig suey and i know he's the new coach of arkansas he knows the pig suey chant they did it at his introductory press conference he was like ah thanks guys like basically told me to shut the bleep up he didn't say that but him just saying basically saying like i want nothing to do with you i think calipari is a big hot shot big time coach and i think he resents the fact that he's been reduced to the pig suey chant coach i think he'd rather be coaching at a bigger program so i disagree well i don't think he ever wanted to leave kentucky but him and the ad did not get along anymore and he won a championship i don't think he was going to win another championship again at kentucky and he's friends with the tyson chicken group and they're big donors with arkansas so that's why i know connor you're down the hall now you big fancy you don't have time for us network folks here at infinity sports network it's crazy that we even got you back to fill in today um but that's why i i think he's a well that's why i know he's at he's at arkansas and it's only sec and they're going to throw a lot of money at these recruits and he'll basically try to do what he did at kentucky at arkansas even though it doesn't have the gravitas of the kentucky job but um anyway that was kind of my experience at the uh uh at the mba draft now give me malika andrews here just one more time because the more and more i i see it r e e hyphen z a h hyphen s h y rezache right is that rezache is that how the commissioner said it rezache right rezache but botcher i think you still believe it's rezache no rezache no it depends rezache let's put this to bed play play me adam silver after you see this the way that it's supposed to be pronounced just reading it play me adam silver with the first pick in the 2024 nba draft the atlanta hawks select zachary rezache from leon france and france's jail boron breast all right now give me malika andrews zachary rezache the 19 year old is headed to atlanta i don't know man i think it's it's france it's gotta have it's gotta be rezache not rezache zachary rezache and malika andrews does a great job but doesn't i know this is a dopey commissioner but doesn't the dopey commissioner even have to get it right you would think so but roger gudel did get to his name wrong and a couple of other ones to the worst one he said it was the second pick of the draft when tennessee took marcus mariota oh god he said marcus marioto that was uh roger gudel marcus marioto and to a tagla viola now a lot of people i get a lot of dms from people that hate the way that i pronounce to a tongue of my loa's name i say his last name correctly we've had two on the show when he was at alabama a bunch and there's a video where someone asked him how do you correctly pronounce his name and he's like tongue go by loa so i always get a kick whenever somebody is like why do you say tongue go by loa because i'm like hey moron that's how you're supposed to say it and i always uh if if it's publicly if it's through dms i'll be nice but if it's publicly like someone just bleeping me like uh you know just dragging me up and down on social media i will then post it to a tongue of my loa video of himself saying it you could just go with to a t yes uh people that know all right people very well you know good friends of his you know i i know to a t since he was a little child all right all right to a t you know people in the know call the kid from alabama alabama as we make fun of the great mike francis so i'm gonna say the commissioner got it right so changing the power rankings silver one malika andrews to peter schwartz three and then in at number four whoever the the interviewer was on good morning america now ak how do you pronounce the last name of the first pick of the draft risache so he says it more like malika andrews yeah so but i i just feel like france risache would sound more appropriate than risache so ak i always think at this even when people spell out the name for me this was sent to me by a listener that's that's probably you know it's it'll i i mean i it's a how hard you deliver the s let me be clear we have been talking about this for 30 minutes and we don't hold it against anybody so we're not going after you ak but if someone spelled it to you that way how would you then say it risache okay so that's isn't that right sounding wise that's more like how the commissioner said yeah he said like a risache okay so i think it's an s but it kind of sounds like a z it's a little bit softer a little spice rest you know yeah i thought you said something i thought you said something else at first i thought you said i heard that very quickly softer s yes anywho my mind is in the gutter absolutely in the in the toilet this is a definitely a summer radio program if you can't tell uh today though the drafts the second round of the draft starts at 4 p.m eastern time does anyone think brawny isn't going to los angeles lakers and he's going to get drafted there i heard tim legler because i guess the celtics pick right in front of of the los angeles lakers do we have that sound just wondering yeah we do play me tim legler this is what uh leg said on first take earlier this morning uh when talking about the draft status of brawny james like movies i like true crime stuff like that let's i'm just saying 54th pick we renewed a cold war between the celtics and the lakers the boston celtics take brawny james and he sent a ransom note to the lakers we have your son we have your son if you want them back if you want them back it's going to take austin reeves it's going to take whatever you want what do you think steven a what do you think that's a netflix doc that's a netflix documentary right there that's right that works that works that works we have your son that's you i love that what was that botcher what did you say my tim had the uh pleasure of being on the rome show today yes and he said the same exact thing oh yeah it's word for word though word for word like so you know that was tim legler who we just played yeah so he said it on first take and then he said it on jim rome following the same script it's kind of crazy i don't think so it's multiple i can't tell you how many times we've had something go viral on this show and then once it goes viral i'm like oh that same person was on some other show and it didn't go viral it's like that like magic johnson i think it was this time last year came on the show and he was adamant that he's the greatest point guard of all time which i agree with over steph curry and he was like listing off every accolade that he's ever had and how it's better than steph you know outside the three-point shots um and he went on like 19 different shows that day it was ours that like did almost like a million views or something so that just like happens but i think that's a good job by lego like tim is a big audience obviously first take is a big audience or get up whatever show he was on this morning and uh i thought that you know i i'm okay with that i thought you meant he stole it from from jim or someone like that that's what i i thought you were i do think i heard that take originally from bill simmons i could be it might just be great minds think alike but i heard about a week and a half ago bill simmons give the take to take brawny james the celtics should take brawny james hostage so legler a little bit of a thief maybe you know a joke thief possible i'm okay with those allegations because legs used to join us all the time he joined us last year during the playoffs and i've reached out to him like five or six maybe got a new number maybe i don't think tim legler's a change number guy but five or six times i've texted him during this past postseason run and i've got ghosted ghost wow doesn't even give me the courtesy response anymore tim legler who i'm a big fan of and i've been advocating more than anybody outside of svp that tim legler should be the number one guy and he should replace jj redick i even said when doc left they should just move instead of putting that clown jj redick in there you put tim legler in there that's what i've been saying but back to the genesis of the clip um that would be great if brad stevens calls up rob polinka hey rob you want to keep brawny you want to keep lebron well we have his son brawny we have lebron's son we want your next first round picks for the next and well i've got to go every other year we want like four first round picks that's always i love like when they trade picks what was it last night memphis traded like a 2031 first round pick or the timbrels did to get the eighth overall pick from memphis and get the rights for for rob dillingham but we all know brawny's gonna go 55 to the lakers i'd be shocked if that doesn't happen the teams that end up picking before him right now uh the raptors the jazz the bucks the trailblazers the spurs the paces the timbrels the nicks the grizzlies the trailblazers the sixers the hornets the heat the rockets the kings the clippers the magic the spurs the pacers the pacers again wizards warriors pistons celtics will any of them have the chops or the stones to actually take brawny james do you think so connor i think so i think brawny james holds more value to another team than to the lakers because they know brawny's not going to be an mba legitimate starter i don't think maybe he could be a decent bench player john ross team was on with us the other day he said if it wasn't for the fact that lebron was his father he would not even be drafted yeah no way so to the lakers he really doesn't have any value at all other than the fact that he's lebron james son but to another team the value he holds is that he's going to end up being on the lakers no matter what lebron will force a trade so he holds more value to these other teams because hey look we have brawny we're never going to play him we know lebron wants him so what are you willing to give up for brawny what like let's say i don't know i'll throw out a random team let's say the jazz they they um draft brawny i don't know i've listed so many things i don't remember the jazz but let's just say it's the jazz what dirt does lebron try to dig up on people in the jazz organization whether it's the owner the gm uh danny ainge i think now runs that team to like what dirt do they kind of start to dig up and investigate to force a trade and never have that dirt actually see the light of day that's what i'm wondering but i think the brawny storyline and we fell for it it's the biggest waste of time he was never going in the first round i don't think people actually thought he was going to be in the first round but maybe because the lebron factor he could have but he was never going in the first round and i think rostein is right that and fanta said it too when he joined us he should have gone back to college he should have transferred to ducane played with drew joyce the third right who's lebron's uh high school teammate longtime friend and work on your game but he'll get drafted at at latest that the absolute latest by the lakers i don't think anyone else is going to take him i'd be surprised when the draft starts the second round starts 20 minutes someone else takes him i really would be and i think all this was like rich paul saying he won't sign a two-way contract or he only worked out for two teams this was a big like dog and pony show that's what it was and it was all to just stir up drama and capitalize and using the name and all that stuff he's gonna end up going 55th overall i'd be surprised if anyone else ends up taking him it'd be fun though if a connor's saying or what i'm saying or what legs is saying or what bill simmons is saying if there's maybe some dirty games going on here eventually brawny goes there but someone else uh usurps the lakers and then they try to demand something anywho it is the zack kelp showing the infinity sports network we will take a time out when we come on back the nicks have kept ogn and obi we had the latest on jimmy butler as well something different than what we thought from yesterday's program update time first here he is the act man rich ackerman you're listening to the infinity sports network so i was watching a video during the break and it's maggie completes the lime jello tuna challenge so i guess this occurred this am on maggie and pearl off of many of these same infinity sports network affiliates serious exemption 158 the free odyssey app and also streaming live on youtube that looks disgusting just the sound of it lime jello tuna challenge so i saw this and i texted maggie during the break what bet did you lose that you had to eat eat that bleep and she said it was an mba playoff bet i guess she lost an mba playoff bet to pearl off on the western conference semi-finals and then she doubled down on the western conference final and got both wrong she said clearly i'm an idiot connor i don't know can you eat disgusting crap no i can i mean the only foods i really eat i keep it very simple cheeseburgers pizza like i don't even go with mustard on hot dogs i'm not an adventurous eater so anything like that lime jello tuna i couldn't do i couldn't do that i filled in um one of the times i filled in on maggie and pearl off show i ate mint ice cream with ranch on the air like they do a lot of these bets i just walked into this one where i was claiming after hearing who it was a player on the phillies that he eats ranch with mint ice cream like oh we should probably try that and maggie was like i will not taste it like i was literally running around with a spoonful of mint ice cream with ranch on it was like come on maggie like chugga chugga chugga choo choo as if she was like a child and she wouldn't eat it and i remember awful announcing did like a write-up on it and it was something it was along lines like zach galb eats mint ice cream with ranch on the air and i said something like it tastes like crap but it's like not that bad that's what i said in the moment i thought it was going to be disgusting now i'm not a ranch guy i like blue cheese better but that's like wings so i don't like the only time i put ranch on something is like a bacon chicken ranch pizza i am not a lover of ranch but maggie eating the lime jello tuna challenge with mayonnaise well yeah because there's mayo and tuna no but i think they put extra oh they needed to make that even grosser than what it was yes that's repulsive i don't know why i love tuna when it's when it's when it's when it's at like a bagel place but like i've had roommates i've had friends like even my dad my dad is a very good cook but when he makes like tuna and it comes right out of a can it just the smell of it grosses me out but even though i know that tuna comes with the same can at the at the bagel place and i also put a ton of mayo in it to make it taste better i don't know why i i will only eat tuna coming from uh a bagel place i will never just open up a can and make my own tuna you do have to get past the smell a little bit but if you get tuna with a little bit of mayo and you put it on sort of a piece of toast everything bagel everything bagel it's it's pretty good or the best ever is a tuna steak which took me forever to try that very delicious yeah delicious i was just talking about like the the typical tuna fish yeah yeah there's there's a lot of other different types of tuna that i think is absolutely uh phenomenal this is painful and then purl off i guess thought he was a big tough guy and he tried to take a bite and right away he uh hocked to it into that uh into that trash can he spat right into that trash can at least like maggie like she digested the uh the lime jello tuna oh man what's the next bet i know that purl off loss because he was like he called victor remban yama victor or he called him when bus yama that's what uh he called him so now he has to drive to san antonio you have that in the system too botcher no i was just gonna play the shorts clip oh okay i was gonna say i'm like if you had the when bus yama in the system like a look i'm like you're like a mini pete the body malati if you had all that craziness right at the right at the uh the grasp of your of your fingertips could you imagine connor driving a san antonio and then he has to drive back that's cr how far is that drive do you think to san antonio multiple days multiple because what how long is it to get to disney world down in florida like that's about a day right probably more i would say yeah so you can't do it straight through you got to sleep you got to go eat you got to fill up your car with gas i'd say three three days to get to san antonio let's see right 345 hudson street to san antonio via car because most people will say go go fly oh my god it's 1000 according to this google search i just did it's one thousand and twenty and a half miles it is a 28 hour drive now why is he driving to san antonio because when bus yama oh wow botcher very good botch is on top of things back here it's crazy he may not know who william hung was but you asked botcher to get a drop botch botcher will be all over it um because he said he wouldn't win the the rookie of the year and i guess that's what he he would drive to san antonio if he won rookie of the year to apologize yeah he doesn't make a sign and then he's also not allowing bogus to go with him or something like that he's gonna stop for hot dogs in chicago or something like that okay there's a whole there's whole backstory there's a place in chicago called the wiener circle where you walk in it's like i think a 24-hour joint and they just berate you like they yell at you while you while you make the order i think there's a place in boston called like dicks which is like that where they'll give you hats and they'll write things on your hat and just make fun of you and like curse you out the entire time i would not mind going to san antonio i have a friend in san antonio and uh you know my friend's dad lives in san antonio they've opened up a restaurant there so i've always wanted to go to san antonio but i would not drive charles barkley big fan of san antonio especially the woman in san antonio absolutely so the nicks end up uh keeping og ananobi by the way um i said that yesterday that i thought if there was gonna be an odd man out it was going to be julius randall not og ananobi but the more and more you think about it and scoopy said it with us yesterday and it's a five-year 212 and a half million dollar deal and sam rose represents og ananobi easily on rose's son so you thought that this deal would get done but it now seems like there's some confidence that the nicks are gonna be able to keep og anano well they have og now back they're gonna be able to re-sign israel hardenstein and keep julius randall and it's mitch robinson who's on the way out like now you know og's back they just got bridges i'm still a little skeptical they're gonna be able to keep randall but they're going for it this year and you have to sacrifice mitch robinson always gets hurt anyway for julius randall and you get to keep him and israel hardenstein uh i would be on board uh with that and we'll see if they could find the way to make that work uh jimmy butler the the report yesterday he wants to stay in miami well then later on we found out he wants to stay in miami just for this year and then he wants to have free agency afterwards and he's not willing to sign a deal now with the heat or sign a deal with anybody else like if the heat said oh you're not gonna sign with us we'll try to trade you he goes well tell that team i'm not signing with them i want to have a monster year and then get to free agency kind of puts the heat in a sticky situation because that means you think then jimmy will be all committed for the season all in on this season but then what happens if he doesn't want to stay then you're gonna basically get nothing back for jimmy butler and the intrigue is still there with paul george that's gonna be the big storyline when free agency gets underway on june 30th it's going to be is paul georgia to stay with the clippers and if not does he go to orlando does he uh maybe go back to indiana will he go back to okc like where's paul george gonna go and there's been a lot of speculation i would love to see this happen paul george i don't believe it winding up with the golden state warriors and teaming up with steph carrey we'll take a time out we're talking to atunga by loa next on the zach gilb show baseball season is heating up odyssey has you covered with the most entertaining coverage of your team stay locked in and in the know with the local voices you trust as they bring you unfiltered takes recap games react to the latest team news and talk to callers listen to your favorite shows for free on the odyssey app your smart speaker or in the car with android auto or apple carplay
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