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Packers Done With Aaron Rodgers? (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
February 28, 2023 8:23 pm

Packers Done With Aaron Rodgers? (Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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February 28, 2023 8:23 pm

Are the Packers done with Aaron Rodgers? l Derek Carr sets a deadline l CBS Sports lists 5 landing spots for Carson Wentz

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Live from the police show yet not overly ostentatious studios of CBS Sports Radio here in beautiful New York City sitting on top of the 10th floor of 345 Hudson Street. Welcome on in to a Tuesday edition of the Zach Gelb show across all the great local CBS Sports Radio affiliate Sirius XM channel 158 and that free Odyssey app 855-212-4CBS number to jump on in 855-212-4227.

You can always get at me on Instagram where I'm straight flexing or via the good old cesspool of Twitter at Zach Gelb that's Z-A-C-H-G-E-L-B. Ryan Wood is a great job covering the Packers, going to join us coming up at 7 20 p.m Eastern, 4 20 p.m Pacific. We will chat it up today with Dwight Freaney at 8 20 p.m Eastern, 5 20 p.m Pacific and then in the final hour of the show live from Indianapolis, the site of the NFL Combine, Tony Pauline will join us. But first up producing the extravaganza for the next four hours is no other than hot take kicky.

I don't know about that hot take kicky. I got to start off today with the Green Bay Packers and I would respect the Packers and also Aaron Rodgers more if they were just honest and this is not oh here comes the yearly rant about Aaron Rodgers and the Packers because the last two years I was on an island actually believing and saying and defending the idea that Aaron Rodgers was going to stay in Green Bay. Two off seasons ago I thought he was going to stay. Last offseason I thought he was going to stay. Now this offseason I'm in the majority where people were the last two off seasons which is I don't think Aaron Rodgers come week one is going to be on the Green Bay Packers and I think the biggest thing that changed is that the Packers are now ready to go to Jordan Love which they weren't the last two years and also they don't want Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay anymore. When they drafted Jordan Love a few years ago the plan wasn't to go to Jordan Love right away it was let's see what Aaron Rodgers is going to do for the next few years and at that time I don't think anyone in their right mind even though Aaron Rodgers is a tremendous football player but when you make a move in trading for Jordan Love in the draft they're moving up to go get Jordan Love in the draft I don't think anyone could have foreseen Rodgers bouncing back when they started to doubt him with back-to-back MVP seasons but when you start to show signs that even though Rodgers could bounce back and have a big time year this year but when you can't find a way to get into the postseason and you don't get into at least a wildcard spot in a division we all thought they were gonna win and all they had to do and I know the Lions are ascending team beat the Lions once and they would have been in that is starting to show you maybe Rodgers's time in Green Bay is coming to a close and maybe the window that he once had to get that second Lombardi is shut and if I'm Gudekunz I look at it as 13 and three 13 and three 13 and three two MVPs didn't find a way to get to another Super Bowl let alone win one win another one so now coming off a non-playoff year not like a disappointment in the playoffs a non-playoff year I think the Packers are looking at it and saying can we get back to 13 and three form and they're probably saying right now no and even if you do somehow get back to 13 and three form what makes you believe with Devontae Adams no longer on the roster that you're gonna go take this to a Super Bowl and win a second title and who knows how much longer Rodgers is gonna play so with all that adding up it is it is lining up for the perfect time for these two to divorce and I've been saying this for the last month month and a half this is a married couple that is in couples therapy they both know this relationship is over but they're trying and I say this in air quotes to salvage the marriage right they're trying to go through the proper steps but both sides know the love isn't there anymore and no matter how hard they try how much couples therapy they go to they're just waiting for the other person to say this is over we are done and neither right now want to say that and I would respect Brian Goudacootes more if he just got to the podium today and said we are taking calls on Aaron Rodgers we are done with Aaron Rodgers we're gonna work with him and we're gonna trade him because you know that's how he feels he felt that way a few years ago when he set up the departure eventually of Aaron Rodgers by going on out there and drafting Jordan Love and on the other side if you're Aaron Rodgers and you're starting to not feel the love and you don't love the way that the team is being ran why do you want to stay as well but right now what we're in is a waiting game and a game of just nonsense and drama because if we brought Brian Goudacootes in it right now sat him down to my right if we brought Rodgers in right now and sat him down to our my left and I hooked them both up to a lie detector test and I asked Aaron Rodgers do you want to be the starting quarterback on the Green Bay Packers next year where Brian Goudacootes has the GM and then also Matt Lafleur is the head coach if he said yes I think that would be a lie and if I look to Brian Goudacootes and said you want Rodgers back on the Packers next year and he said yeah that would 1000% be a lie because the Packers now believe Jordan Love is ready and I don't think when they look at Rodgers even and I'm not diminishing the play of Rodgers and underselling the play of Rodgers we know how great he could be but even if he gets back to a great form I don't think this team even in a weak NFC is ready to go win a Super Bowl because we saw it when he was at his best back-to-back MVP years and it ended in disappointment in the NFC title game and then disappointment in the divisional round so at this rate let's just cut all the drama all the nonsense and let's just be honest Aaron you're ready to move on Brian Goudacootes you're ready to move on as well and it's time for this relationship to end I don't need to wait another week or two for Rodgers to publicly state it or the Packers to just keep on hoping and imploring that Rodgers be the first one to say it so they don't look like the bad guys to the fan base that wants to keep Aaron Rodgers guys just get together talk because you know where you want to go Goudacootes and Rodgers knows what he wants to do I don't think Rodgers wants to come back and I don't think Goudacootes wants him back on the roster so work together however you want to formulate the message that is fine but let's be honest both sides are ready for this marriage to end so do we really need to delay this another two three weeks and go through this ridiculous song and dance I thought Rodgers was supposed to emerge out of this darkness retreat and have all the answers right and be ready to make the decision and he would see the light at the end of the tunnel and all that but when Goudacootes spoke to the media earlier today and he was simply asked do you want Aaron Rodgers back this was his answer he's a great player but until we have those conversations I think all options are on the table we need to have those conversations we want what's best for the Packers what's best for him so we'll get to that coming up that answer right there even though he barely said nothing the answer is basically we are ready to move on because if you actually wanted Aaron Rodgers back you would say we have to have conversations but our goal right now is to have Aaron Rodgers back as the quarterback next year instead he just did yeah he's a great player we gotta have conversations we want what is best for him and what is best for us and we'll get to that coming up what are you guys waiting for like next week I would hope we have an answer I'm not expecting though next week we have an answer but the way that this process is going to go is one side is going to eventually display their honesty one side is eventually going to cave whether that's Rodgers guys I'm ready to split or it's Goudacootes saying we're ready to move on from Aaron Rodgers and then you guys got to work together to find that next destination on where you're going to trade into well like enough is enough at this rate and even if Rodgers wanted to go back to Green Bay I don't think Goudacootes wants him anymore because then Jordan Love all he has to do and just because someone requests to trade doesn't mean you have to trade him but all Jordan Love has to say is guys you either start me and you make sure I'm the starting quarterback of week one or trade me somewhere else I want to get my career going you know this has been three years now I want to prove what I could do on a football field in year number four and I don't think Goudacootes who thinks that love is his future I'm not going to say I know love is the future in terms of success but he obviously believes in Jordan Love more than anybody you really want to get that relationship off to a rocky start where you've asked him to be patient the last few years and he has he's done everything right you really are going to make him sit and wait another year to accomplish what Aaron Rodgers maybe make a playoffs next year and then having a disappointing ending like I could understand if Rodgers wants to stay I could understand if Rodgers wants to be a packer for life but at this point if you're not seeing the love back I think Rodgers would get caught up in his feelings enough and sensitive enough where he's like okay I'm done so that's why whenever those conversations happen and you've already heard Rodgers kind of throw shit at the organization like I know there's conversations that are happening without me blah blah blah blah blah when he's done some of his appearances it's it's you've seen signs from both sides that Rodgers doesn't want to be there anymore and Goudacootes doesn't want him there anymore so what's taken so long and why do we have to have this staring contest it's because Rodgers doesn't want to be perceived as a guy that wanted to leave Green Bay and Goudacootes doesn't want to be perceived as the guy that ran Rodgers out of town in case if it does not work and right now it's just a staring contest both of these sides know that this marriage is done it's finished it's over and who's gonna have the guts to finally voice their honesty first I don't know who that's gonna be if I had to take a guess I would imagine since Rodgers probably wants to be more patient about it and he thinks that everyone's just gonna snap their fingers whenever he says go it will be the Packers that are honest with them first but until we get one of those sides willing to bend a little bit and tell us their honesty we're just at this waiting game and this point of stupidity right now where you get quotes today like from Goudacootes yeah he's a great player we gotta have those conversations all options are open we want what's best for him and what's best for us like come on if you actually wanted him back you would have scoffed at the question and you would have said that's our quarterback that's our guy just as long as he wants to be here but instead you gave this generic answer that was just a bunch of bullcrap where you add on this eight five five two one two four cbs eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven the last two years I did not think for a second Rodgers was getting traded I think it is as crystal clear as it could be as crystal clear as it could be that Rodgers this off season will be dealt to which team that's up for you to speculate right like we could have those conversations we've been talking about the Jets we've been talking about the Raiders who knows who else will emerge but I will be shocked at this point even with how unpredictable Rodgers is I would be shocked at this point if we don't get a notification or two notifications throughout this year where one says either Rodgers done with the Packers or the Packers are done with Rodgers and then the follow-up notification a week or two after that is Aaron Rodgers getting dealt to this team and that's where he's going to be playing football coming up in 2023. Hickey where you at on this one today because it just when we get to this waiting game it just seems like a bunch of nonsense because I think where I know where Rodgers is at and where the Packers are at and even though we think we know what they want none of them are actually saying to the other party hey we're done we're finished when both parties it feels like want this marriage to come to a close oh he's definitely gone there's no doubt about he's getting traded this offseason with that said though I understand why the Packers are kind of playing it coy I think at one point you do have to try to get as much leverage as you can in order to get the highest return back and if you're Brian Gudacucci and you can at least have the threat of oh you know this is not the trade package we all want us to keep them instead of just coming out saying okay he's done we're going to move on from I think that's one of the ways you try to get them as most return as possible but do they really have any leverage in this case because ultimately all the cards are in the hands of Aaron Rodgers like the well let's just throw a team for example the Jets the Jets can come calling and offer I don't think it would be this lucrative a price tag three first round picks and if Rodgers doesn't want to play for the Jets it doesn't matter what the Jets are offering if he really wants to go to the Raiders and there is a relationship right and history before just like last offseason with the Packers and the Raiders where they got that Devante Adams deal done so I don't know how how dirty that necessarily the Raiders will play in that and there was also conversations about Darren Waller allegedly and all that stuff but if Rodgers says guys all right you want to move on from here I want to move on from you and I want to go to the Raiders you really don't have much leverage there if you're the Packers you know you are really tied to what Aaron Rodgers is willing to accept on where he's going to go and that's where I think that's the interesting part to me that how do those negotiations go down because are the Packers really then when you know they want to eventually go to love hickey are the Packers if they don't like the return for for Rodgers really going to go back to Rodgers and say tough luck Aaron you're going to play for us next year even though we want to go to Jordan love but we couldn't get what we thought we could get for you at that point you're kind of screwed and you're just gonna have to take what whatever you're going to want to get well that's at the end of the day right that's not going to happen but I think at least if you make the appearance of hey we're we're content with running it back and we don't have to trade them unless we get x y and z like it's a negotiation right so obviously that's that's part of the game which is why I guess at this point I get why Brian Goudacootz is kind of playing it down the middle of oh we'll see we'll talk to him we haven't made a decision yet like I get why he's doing it but I think maybe you're right on that but I think that is more so trying to save face publicly because whether he thinks it's the right move or not there is going to be a contingency of your fan base that's going to say how can you drive Aaron Rodgers out of town Goudacootz like what have you won blah blah blah blah blah and I really do think Goudacootz wants Rodgers to be the first person to say I'm done I want out just so he could kind of say it wasn't me driving him out of town even though we all know it was him driving out of town the moment when he drafted Jordan Love let me ask you this does it matter like does it matter who like in this game of chicken who like basically blinks first if you will in public perception I think it does you don't want to be because let's say this if this succeeds irrelevant if like Jordan Love is successful it's irrelevant but if he fails yeah you're probably still going to be out of a job anyway but I think it looks worse when it's Brian Goudacootz traded Aaron Rodgers after one down season after winning back-to-back MVPs and giving him a contract extension because his ego was so big and he wanted to go with Jordan Love just because he drafted him a few years ago in the first round compared to Aaron didn't want to be here anymore so I I wanted to keep him even though no one would believe that I wanted to keep him but he said to us first we I didn't want to be here anymore after signing an extension I gave him that extension I wanted to keep him here so that's how he could kind of play it to justify with maybe if if love doesn't work where you would think he would be gone but you never know because they don't have they don't have a traditional ownership structure there well couldn't you argue that either way Goudacootz is driving out Aaron Rodgers like why would he want to leave you couldn't because the whole Jordan Love draft pick and did give him an extension though not getting the requisite players around him you could argue that's also Brian Goudacootz for not replacing Devonta Adams floating Devonta Adams leave in the first place like I think you could also piece the arguments as to why Aaron Rodgers wants to leave and also put that blame back on Brian Goudacootz's shoulders even if we get to a point Aaron Rodgers is the first one to say I went out of here I think you still point the finger at Goudacootz say well you're out you want out because of what the Packers GM didn't do for you well I actually think Rodgers the biggest reason why Devonta Adams is no longer there like the Packers were being held hostage by Aaron Rodgers and they felt like they couldn't really give out any other big contracts and eventually Devonta Adams just said bleep it like if that relationship was as strong as what we were thought to be with Rodgers and Adams you know Rodgers should have found the way to kind of massage those those differences and still get the deal done and ultimately Adams didn't want to be there anymore whether it's just being fed up with Rodgers fed up with the organization or maybe a little bit of both because he left money on the table to go to go to Las Vegas the Packers offered a better deal all right if you want to say that's on Aaron Rodgers fine then you can say well it's on Goudacootz then to not replace him adequately you know sitting there with Randall Cobb and Sammy Watkins Christian Watson had a good final seven eight games we'll see what he could develop into but nowhere near the standard for the Packers again when you are when you give Aaron Rodgers that extension it's Super Bowl or bust whether you're saying it or not you're all in and to roll out with the receivers they rolled out with last year said anything but super roller boss let me ask you this though they didn't do anything possible who was the wide receiver though that Goudacootz after getting rid of Adams that was proven that he was supposed to go get I mean Tyrik Hill was on the block who got traded first there was that Adams or was that uh Adams it was Adams that trade sparked Tyrik Hill yeah like oh look what Adams got well now I want you know but with Tyrik Hill I would have been willing to go to Green Bay because there was that idea that it was Miami or the Jets and really they were just using the Jets as leverage to get more money on the Miami contract and he ultimately wanted to go to Miami and that's what ended up happening if you're Tyrik Hill I have no idea obviously it seems like the Packers are never involved in the first place just because that's how they are but if you're Tyrik Hill you see what Devonta Adams just did you would think well I could just basically replace his role get all the targets then that's kind of the reason why he wanted to leave money and targets I would say Green Bay would have been an attractive destination for him bottom line this is a pointless staring contest right now we know what both sides are thinking it's time to say it Packers you don't want them back anymore Aaron Rodgers you don't want to be there anymore and it's time to move on it's time to split Zach Gelb's show on CBS Sports Radio we'll take a break when we come on back three destinations for Derek Carr and when could that deal come on down well Derek Carr has a target date we'll discuss that next you're listening to the Zach Gelb show all righty this is Zach Gelb's show on CBS Sports Radio so I was watching Mike Garofalo today on NFL Network and he was talking about the timeline for Derek Carr who's actually in Indianapolis at the NFL Combine he's already met with the Jets and the Saints so I guess he will meet with the Jets and Saints again but then another team has popped up and that's the Carolina Panthers and who knows when you're there in person just what conversations that you have in passing or you'll have directly being in Indianapolis where a team maybe wasn't willing to talk to you then you see someone that you know and the next thing several dominoes fall from there but Mike Garofalo was saying that Carr's looking to get a deal done even though he's not in a rush from now until March 13th when that starts a legal tampering period and I said this before I'll say it again if I'm Derek Carr and like you really want to go to the Jets and the Jets are saying we're going to wait to see what happens with Aaron Rodgers I would kind of force their hand and then maybe say okay I'm going to be willing to go to the Saints or I'm going to be willing to go to the Panthers I'm going to have this deal done and go to them you ready I'm giving you one last opportunity and that's a gamble that you have to take where if the Jets say no no we're going to wait for Aaron Rodgers then you go sign somewhere else now when you look at the Saints I don't really love that destination I know the division stinks but you don't even know how many games you'll have Alvin Kamara next year I would imagine Michael Thomas is on his way out in New Orleans sure you do have Chris Olave and I know this the salary cap is kind of like a joke but they do have to shed a lot of salary cap there's rumors that maybe Cam Jordan is going to get traded I don't really even though Carr knows him have this great belief that Dennis Allen's going to have a big time successful chapter as that can go around as an NFL head coach for a while it looked like when it was just the Jets and the Saints that the Jets were the better destination even though it's tougher to make the playoffs when you're in the AFC and the AFC East you got a young core on the defensive side of the ball also in the offensive side of the ball they'll be getting back Breece Hall you have the offensive rookie of the year in Garrett Wilson we know all the names of the defensive side of the ball led by the defensive rookie of the year and sauce Gardner you also have Quentin Williams anchoring that defensive line as well but when I hear the Carolina Panthers are going to talk to Derek Carr that's a move to me that if I'm Derek Carr I think that moves the needle where you could argue the Jets are a better destination than the Carolina Panthers in terms of roster construction but the Panthers have a solid defense and on the offensive side of the ball last year they revamped that offensive line the line played really well down the stretch you got DJ Moore I know you don't have Christian McCaffrey there anymore and even though I'm not the biggest fan in the world of Frank Reich you do have an offensive-minded head coach and oh yeah by the way you could go to the Jets and you'll probably make the playoffs even though they have a really good roster I wouldn't say it's a lock you look at the NFC South and you see the three other teams in that NFC South if Derek Carr goes there with the roster that they have in Carolina they would automatically be the favorites to win that NFC South like Tampa Bay right now their starting quarterback would be Kyle Trask the Saints don't have a quarterback the Falcons they're a few years away and they got to acquire more talent so Hickey I didn't really think the Panthers were going to be interested and I was caught off guard when it came out that he's in Indianapolis and he's meeting with the Carolina Panthers but I hear those three options Jets Saints and Panthers I think it would actually behoove if no other teams really get into it that it would behoove Derek Carr to take the Carolina Panthers if they do offer him a deal I think he'd be best set up for success in Carolina I think you're right because you're right because he would definitely get the most cracks at the postseason obviously as we know that's you kind of change your narrative change how people perceive you so that's what Derek Carr is looking for you're right the Jets roster is better but it's just with that division with that conference it's a lot harder to get to the playoffs and win a playoff game let alone multiple playoff games where you look at the NFC and he's going to win that division assuming the Bucks don't you know make a splash in his Kyle Trask win that division probably easily the next two years you would think and probably win one playoff game maybe you think if you avoid the Eagles or the 49ers in the first round well I don't know if I'd go that far it's a good situation I don't know if I could already start handing them out a playoff victory here and there but I do think it would be an easier road to go win a playoff game in Carolina than the Jets guys absolutely even though the Jets have a good roster have a lot of respect for what Joe Douglas has done I can't trust that they would even I can't say that's a lock that they would even be in the playoffs next year like they should be they were seven and ten this past year with no quarterback so you'd think that would be enough to get them in the playoffs but you look at the AFC right now like yes or no just on the surface right now playoff team or not for next year the Buffalo Bills yes I'll give you the easiest layup of them all the Kansas City Chiefs yes that would be a big take if you said no there uh the Cincinnati Bengals yes and then the Jacksonville Jaguars right you would pick them to win the AFC South right now so that's just four right there what about the Los Angeles Chargers you think that's a playoff team I know we don't know the status of Lamar Jackson but if Lamar is on the roster you ready to say that they're locked to make the playoffs a lock no I would not go there just because of the injury concerns now even with the injuries the last year they did go 10 and 7 to make it okay but you put them in the bubble you put them in the running and absolutely Pittsburgh not a lock the Browns in the mix not a lock okay so pretty much what about the Broncos I think they're a playoff lock but right yeah but you thought they were locked to win the Super Bowl last year we'll say conservatively in the mix so basically you're telling me what about Miami are they a lock depends on their quarterback like that's the tough part it's tough I would definitely in the mix definitely the mix put it this way his health is a big concern if these five teams aren't in the playoffs next year Bills Chiefs Chargers Bengals and then whoever wins AFC South right now obviously we lean Jacksonville I would be really surprised so that leaves you two spots left like I can't tell you the Jets are definitely in over the Ravens Steelers Browns even the Broncos who knows who's starting a quarterback for the Raiders the Dolphins you know this Mac Jones bounce back with the Patriots like they're in the mix to be a wildcard team if they get Derek Carr but you go to Carolina and you look at that NFC South they're automatically winning that division if Tampa Bay starting Kyle Trask if Jamis Winston is back with the Saints or whoever like even if they bring in Jimmy Garoppolo I think the Panthers have a better roster right now than the Saints and then you look at the Falcons they got to figure out who their quarterback is and they got to build the rest of that roster so that's why I look at it just in terms of AFC compared to NFC yeah you give the edge to the overall construction of the roster to the Jets compared to the Panthers but it's not like the Panthers have this crappy roster they got a really good defense with a lot of young hungry players at the defense side of the ball most importantly for Derek Carr they fixed that offensive line and you got DJ Moore who's one of the more underrated wide receivers in the NFL you go add another player on the offensive side of the ball you should be able to win 10 games next year in Carolina and also you look at the coaching advantage now I know I'm critical of Frank Reich but I don't know what Arthur Smith is as a head coach like he's been fine so far Dennis Allen I don't trust and Todd Bowles anytime he's an NFL head coach he's a disaster so I do think there's an advantage and an easier road to get to the playoffs if you select the Panthers if they want you and that's another conversation it's just an interview how legit is the interest compared to the New York Jets who are ready to say that he's you know if he wins the Super Bowl he'll be a first ballot hall of famer one day and would enter Canton Ohio so I keep I look at the Panthers I think they would be a good destination for Derek Carr but that's the big question to the Panthers who they had Teddy Bridgewater Sam Darnold Baker Mayfield like Carr is a much better quarterback than all three of those guys but how high is the ceiling really for Derek Carr like Derek Carr at his best at times could look like a top 10 quarterback do you just want to bring him in I don't know if it's a three-year deal okay kind of seems like what you did with Bridgewater a few years ago and maybe a pass on a quarterback this year and then eventually try to find a quarterback moving up in the drafter or something like that if you make the playoffs let's say the Panthers are interested how do you sell how do you make a better pitch with the Jets did the Jets that will make you a first ballot hall of famer what do the Panthers say well win you 10 rings that's a good point like I think you bring in Ed Orgeron like in the movie The Blind Side like yesterday we'll give you a sideline pass do something like that hype up his family we'll sign David and your other brother on the roster man it's tough I'm sure David Tepper could be a smooth talker that guy has done a lot of negotiations it could be slimy it could be disingenuous where the things you promise don't actually end up happening but it's about getting the guy in the building that's true that's very true you know people make money not tough to figure that out it's not all squeaky clean as you would think this is that Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio will break Hickey proposed a question to me right before the start of the show about Carson Wentz's next stop and there's an article out there with five potential destinations we will get to that on the other side and whenever I say Hickey and propose uh Ack is always on Hickey Ack is like the nudge to Hickey when are you proposing to your girlfriend Lolly who you guys have been together now for what five years five and a half years five and a half years because I heard Ack it's time to you it's time my sister dated uh who ended up being her husband for 10 years really you know they were in college and then afterwards they they waited a while oh Hickey may need a little push there I think Hickey is still she's a lovely girl I don't know what she's doing with him that's not nice you know what I will defend Hickey here and I will pull a Ross Tucker line when Ross Tucker once joined us on uh one of his anniversaries I think Hickey kicked his coverage properly you know I think out kicked the company a little strong he had he had a little strong one on that kick I think just just he got he got a hold of it for your girlfriend is what he said a hold of it yeah the wind was behind you helping the kick I do love Hickey she she did well for herself too I I still think now how long you've been living with the girlfriend for this has been a year now uh exactly a year I think you're hoping if I propose the the over under of a year and a half you're hoping for the over still but once you live with someone for more than a year I think that in year number two that's when she starts to nudge you a little bit well we're both in no rush well what's the rush I'm just Ack was the one that opened up Pandora's box once you get married once you have a kid you're like you know for the next 18-20 years your life is over have your parents or her parents have they started to to bring up these questions not at all okay everyone is patient that's how you know Hickey doesn't come from a Jewish family it is the Zach Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio we will talk a little Carson Wentz when we come on back you're listening to the Zach Gelb show all righty Zach Gelb show CBS Sports Radio so Hickey asked me a question about Carson Wentz before the show and Hickey just so I make sure I get this right reiterate your question to me right now CBS Sports contracted a list of five landing spots for Carson Wentz who's the author of this Tyler Sullivan okay so five landing spots for Carson Wentz now this is a difficult question but I gave it some thought now yesterday I threw out the scenario if he embraces being a backup it would benefit him going to Miami where we don't know the health status moving forward and one concussion maybe he's out for the rest of the year and maybe could be career ending unfortunately for Tuatunga Vailoa and if you get on the field in Miami you have Jalen Waddle and also Tyreek Hill or the Dolphins on that list that is a guess of mine they are not one of the five according to according to Tyler Sullivan and that's why Tyler Sullivan's not a good author just kidding well if you're Tyler Sullivan's agent better get on the phone he needs a new job no I'm just teasing um is Tampa Bay on that list they need a quarterback they have some good wide receivers that organization I know they just released Leonard Fournette today I don't really I feel like their their window is gonna come to a close very quickly without Tom Brady but did he throw out the idea I could see that being Tampa Bay one of the suggestions he has ranked them one through five Tampa Bay is number two okay on the list all righty so let me just write these down so I guess one incorrectly that is Miami and then he put Tampa Bay in at number two if that is the starting quarterback next year for for Tampa Bay how the mighty have fallen you go from Tom Brady to Carson Wentz now if I would have told you that in 2017 you'd be like yeah because Carson Wentz right before he got hurt was beating out Tom Brady for the MVP but since then he's been an absolute disaster my next guess I just advocated for this team to go on out and sign Derek Carr but I really do believe Frank Reich is the new head football coach of the Carolina Panthers did not want to move on from Carson Wentz after one year in Indianapolis which is bad decision making and Jim Hersey swooped in and said this is this is over with uh is this for a starting role I don't know but they do need someone to start it could be for a backup but are the Panthers on that list you mentioned the Frank Reich history according to Tyler Sullivan that is the number one number one landing spot for Carson Wentz the Carolina Panthers I'll give some free advice to Frank Reich you've learned nothing from the last two years or the failure at the end in Indianapolis if one of your first moves in determining who your your quarterback is for next year is if you go out there and you now double down on Carson Wentz that would be stupid as the great George W Bush said fool me once shame on you fool me twice uh you can't get fooled again Frank you can't get fooled again man don't be a hypocritical don't don't do it again holy cow yeah that would be stupid and you you really do like Frank Reich I think he's an okay head football coach I was really though turned off by the last two years when it was the same mistakes over and over and over again if he goes back to Carson Wentz if you're a Panthers fan then I just feel bad for you because you've gone through enough crap at the quarterback position just the last three years Teddy Bridgewater uh Sam Darnold Baker Mayfield if then Carson Wentz is the answer you're gonna be begging for PJ Walker back I think that would be the most depressing too like you just rattled off four or five quarterbacks the Panthers had in recent years that's been bad like Kyle Allen started games and Ron Rivera's trying to hype about the future I don't think it gets any depressed more depressing than Carson Wentz week one next year that is bad that is bad yeah that would be so Frank don't do it man all right you got the top two Panthers one Bucks two three to play no one else in the NFC south Baltimore Ravens good guess no I thought right national writer like that incorporate Lamar drive up the clicks and all that um now to be fair this is not this is only a graphic no link to the article so no clicks if you will quote unquote oh it's just uh it's a graphic but I'm sure this was tweeted out tweet it out so knowing how this works he probably wrote the article and then they tweeted it out and for whatever reason they didn't include the link to the article I don't know why they wouldn't do that uh all right I'll give you another guess what about the LA Rams another good logical reasonable guess not in the top five okay I don't think honestly there's three teams left obviously I don't think you're gonna get one how many in the AFC two two in the AFC two in the AFC and I'll be surprised if you get one I'll just throw a dart out there and I like chaos Broncos on there they are not on there um what about Tennessee another logical reasonable guess not in there oh geez so yeah this is according to Tyler Sullivan of CBS Sports this is not you know and it'd be for a backup an opinion role um out of the three left two would definitely be for a backup one would be for a starter and only two are in the AFC two are in the AFC one in the NFC is the one in the AFC is one that is in the AFC potentially for a starter no okay I was gonna say the Jets but the Jets aren't on that list the Jets are not on the list that would be a joke if the Jets ended up with Carson Wentz you flirt with Carr Rogers and there you are with Carson Wentz all right so I'm stumped on on the AFC oh Doug Peterson Jacksonville backup nope wow okay I'm gonna stop guessing the AFC because I think I went through the whole conference I'll take one more guess in the NFC and then you'll tell me okay and this would be for a week one starter role what about Seattle they don't bring back Geno Smith all right I'm stumped so I got the Panthers in Tampa Bay I got one and two could not get the other uh the other three give me the other three go from five to three according to Tyler Sullivan of CBS Sports the fifth most or fifth best I guess landing spot for Carson Wentz is the Arizona Cardinals oh yeah starter now you don't have a quarterback right now I don't know how midway through the year that would go when Kyle Emery comes back very simple Carson Wentz you stunk here's some bench I should be an NFL head coach you've been used to this after last year getting bench bought three times so here you go we paid you a one-year deal you're lucky you got whatever we gave you Kyle Emery put in a lot more money so Cardinals as the fifth spot he would be the week one starter there then Lex the next two four and three backup roles in the AFC number four yeah Buffalo Bills oh told you you wouldn't guess that one number three I think is even less likely that you'll guess it but they do have an opening Chad Henny retired the Kansas City Chiefs so Tyler Sullivan's top five landing spots according to him for Carson Wentz Panthers one Buccaneers two Chiefs three Bills four Cardinals five the Panthers he would welcome that too because he'd have a road to start Panthers fans I would send you my condolences now Tampa Bay same thing if you go from Brady to Wentz though just know you're punting on the season Chiefs and Bills will never go there because even though right you could have injuries he's not going to want to be a backup and that's what I think the biggest problem is going to be for Carson Wentz he doesn't realize that he's not a starting quarterback anymore in the NFL the Cardinals at least you're guaranteed some starts so three of those I could see potentially like I don't know if those teams are ready to get him but you got to make a list you have to give a top five some way somehow
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-02-28 22:20:26 / 2023-02-28 22:36:47 / 16

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