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Kyrie Irving Back At It Again...(Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
February 3, 2023 7:03 pm

Kyrie Irving Back At It Again...(Hour 1)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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February 3, 2023 7:03 pm

Kyrie Irving is a fraud l Which teams would be interested in trading for Kyrie? l Calls on Kyrie & the Nets

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JR Sports Brief

The biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, is on Odyssey.

And Westwood One brings it to you, streaming live for free, Sunday, February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown, Travis Kelce! It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs.

The Kansas City Chiefs, the Philadelphia Eagles, are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood One. Your Super Bowl, your Odyssey. Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. The biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, is on Odyssey.

And Westwood One brings it to you, streaming live for free, Sunday, February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown, Travis Kelce! It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs.

The Kansas City Chiefs, the Philadelphia Eagles, are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood One. Your Super Bowl, your Odyssey.

Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. Live from the police show, yet not overly ostentatious, studios of CBS Sports Radio here in beautiful New York City, sitting on top of the 10th floor, 345 Hudson Street. Welcome on in to a Friday edition of the Zach Gelb show across all of our great local CBS Sports Radio affiliates, Sirius XM channel 158, and that free Odyssey app. 855-212-4CBS. Number to jump on in. 855-212-4227. You can always get at me on Instagram, where I'm straight flexing, or via the good old cesspool of Twitter, at Zach Gelb.

That's Z-A-C-H-G-E-L-B. Coming up hour 20 from now, we'll chat it up with midday hosts, soon to be morning hosts at Sports Radio 94 WIP in Philadelphia, Joe De Camera, as the Eagles Super Bowl week is right around the corner. I fly out to Arizona on Sunday, so I'll have a little chat as we start to preview the big game with Joe De Camera an hour 20 from now. And then at 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific, NFL Insider Matt Lombardo will join us and we'll go around the league. But first up, producing this extravaganza for the next four hours is no other than Haute Kiki.

I don't know about that Haute Kiki. Okay, so the other day I was talking about how this NBA season really has no juice and not a lot of drama as in years past there's not many great storylines. I don't think this is a great storyline now, but it's definitely a storyline filled with drama and it is an insufferable storyline. Because let me be abundantly clear, my first reaction today when I found out that Kyrie Irving is requesting a trade from the Brooklyn Nets once again, my reaction isn't, oh I'm shocked, oh I can't believe that Kyrie Irving isn't gonna honor a commitment and when things overall are generally going well for the Brooklyn Nets from a record standpoint and maybe there's a little intrigue when you get a healthy KD back and you have them with Kyrie Irving what the Nets could do in an Eastern Conference so you would think right Kyrie would be motivated to go play in a postseason run and all that like now that matters because Kyrie Irving is all about himself and let's not sugarcoat this Kyrie Irving is a jackass that's what he is he's a drama attention-seeking jackass who only cares about himself and this is just so absurd and I know he goes to the Nets he says let's get a contract extension done the Nets put some parameters in the deal to protect themselves and who could blame them and he doesn't want to deal with any stipulations in it Kyrie Irving can't be trusted you don't know when this guy is gonna give it his all you don't know when he's gonna elect not to show up you don't know when he's gonna say he has a birthday party to attend so Kyrie Irving requests to trade go screw like seriously the Nets shouldn't trade him and I get it if you don't trade him he said he's gonna walk at the end of the year I don't care the Nets would be foolish to double down on the initial investment with Kyrie Irving and at the end of this year give this guy this clown a contract extension why because he played a few months because he's an all-star if anyone gives Kyrie Irving a four or five year deal expect it to end in a disastrous way because ever since this guy left LeBron James in Cleveland and this is coming from someone who used to root for Kyrie who used to own Kyrie gear who used to love the Kyrie Irving story but ever since he left LeBron James he's been insufferable and you know that when the tough times occur even if they don't even look like there's tough times he's gonna try to force his way out this dude has zero commitment he's not trustworthy and if you expect him to go to your team and have a long happy marriage you haven't been paying attention because he could blame whoever he wants in Boston he went to Boston said he wants to be there as long as you'll have me and it was his his fault why that didn't work out and then here's the irony of all this like you could say when he wanted to get away from LeBron James that he didn't get to pick Boston because he was traded he became a free agent and he got to pick the Brooklyn Nets and Kevin Durant and him wanted to join forces together in Brooklyn and I said this at the time whatever happened in Boston even though I didn't like the way that it went down and Kyrie was at fault and he was the main reason and really only reason why it didn't work out in Boston I don't want to hear anything else from Kyrie that he's not happy or he doesn't want to play or he doesn't like the organization because Kyrie Irving picked the Brooklyn Nets and ever since he got to Brooklyn he's been a royal pain in the ass and I could sit here and say Wow Kevin Durant like shame on you why did you trust this guy with what happened in Boston you saw the way that it ended in Boston but KD because he couldn't stand everyone saying oh you didn't win a legit championship and all that nonsense you already joined a great team blah blah blah blah blah he felt like he needed to pick a running mate go somewhere that is not already established go somewhere that's obscure like Brooklyn and go win there but Kevin Durant picking Kyrie Irving was a massive and I mean a massive mistake and part of me says I feel bad for Kevin Durant but I don't always love the way that Kevin Durant has navigated his time in Brooklyn but you look at Kyrie Irving the Celtics got burned by him the Nets are now getting burned by him he could want to trade and if I'm the Nets I'm telling him show up if you don't show up we're not paying you we need you you're playing for us you want to walk at the end of the year that's fine but if I'm the Brooklyn Nets I'm not trading him because what are you gonna get back for him I don't think you have a lot of leverage I don't think you're gonna get back anything of real significance for Kyrie Irving who's a great player but he's also a great headache and no one could trust him so unless you get something back significant which I don't think you will I would say dude show up to work give it your all or we're gonna suspend you conduct detrimental to the team and we ain't paying you that's what I would say to Kyrie Irving because I'm sick and tired of all you idiots that make excuses and that cater to Kyrie Irving and think Kyrie Irving is in the right Kyrie Irving has not been in the right Kyrie Irving has ruined his legacy Kyrie Irving has ruined his reputation ever since he left LeBron James and he had every right to leave LeBron James you won a championship with LeBron you hit an iconic shot great player we all know that you wanted to go do this on your own that's fine then in Boston you couldn't lead on your own so you then go hit your wagon to Kevin Durant and pretty much you're spitting in the face of Kevin Durant right now because say what you want about all the past drama KD wanting out the Nets not trading KD Kyrie wanting out all that stuff the Nets this year have a good record the Nets this year are more than a respectable team now I'm not expecting this to end in a championship but if you look at the way the Easter conference is as long as Kevin Durant returns healthy the Nets have a shot in the Easter conference but Kyrie Irving doesn't care about his teammates Kyrie Irving doesn't care about winning Kyrie Irving just cares about himself and he's not realistic this is a guy that's a narcissist he's a jackass that's what he is so now because the Nets won't give you a deal and the Nets would be foolish the Nets would be the biggest dopes on the planet if they gave him a long-term deal because you can't trust the guy so since you're not gonna get that deal oh give me a break you're insufferable you're embarrassing and I hope no one trades for you I know what the report is and I love Shams but it's coming from Shams you know he's in the Kyrie camp so even knows how legit it is but you hear that the Lakers the Suns the Mavericks have emerged as potential suitors I don't think the Nets are gonna trade him because what are you gonna get back you're not gonna get anything back significant and also if you're one of those teams trading for him if you do give up something significant you have confidence to eventually extend them after the year once he hits free agency if you want to go trust Kyrie Irving and you want to go give him a four or five year deal good luck let me know your address I'll send you the aspirin now because he's a headache and the juice isn't worth the squeeze with him it's just not because you never know what mood Kyrie Irving's gonna be in and if something doesn't go his way he immediately turns on you and even when things are going well even when things are smooth sailing like the Nets have had a good year this year he will find a way to ruin it cuz this dude loves burning down the house and saying not my fault I didn't do anything wrong I can't stand this guy and once again I used to be a huge Kyrie Irving fan and I can't stand this guy because he's a fraud he plays the victim card over and over again and he's no victim so Kyrie I said this years ago I'll say it again you don't want to play in Brooklyn you don't want to play in a team for a team that's a contender right now just do us all a favor go take your ball go home cry cry re and just retire because he's never happy he is never ever since leaving LeBron James he's not happy and even if he got traded to the Lakers and reunites with LeBron you're not in a winning environment right now the Lakers are a joke oh I had to get this off my chest icky because I can't stand this guy like I'm not surprised by today because nothing surprised me anymore with Kyrie Irving but this is like a new low for him because the Nets are actually in a decent spot this year this is the team that he wanted to join and you saw it coming a few weeks ago remember this guy didn't want to be here then all the sudden yeah I want to be here let's get a contract done and then I don't know the the extent of the talks but from the conversation the Nets put X Y & Z in his contract extension that they offered him and they said you gotta do this this this this they had to protect themselves because they got burned by him before and Kyrie's above that because Kyrie once again thinks he's done nothing wrong hickey hey if you couldn't tell by the last 13 minutes this dude is so insufferable and Kyrie Irving and I like I don't even care I don't even know I'm getting worked up about this anymore because this is who this guy is and we could bitch about it we could complain about it all we want he's never gonna change and he's only gonna care about himself and always feel as if he slighted over and over and over again when he constantly just screws teams and screws teammates over and over and over again you should be happy with today's news why get rid of him and the headache there's no reason have money roster anymore I don't want him to get his way I don't I'd rather have him walk for nothing nothing zilch nada at the end of the year just because he bitches and complains if you if you don't want to play for Brooklyn then don't get paid that for the rest of your contract this year because you know that's gonna happen if the Nets don't trade him there's gonna be a birthday party out of nowhere there's gonna be something else he's not gonna show up he's gonna say his back hurts or his leg hurts all the nonsense it's so predictable so it's it's very simple because you're not there'll be something if you if you would get something significant back for Kyrie then I would agree with you trade him just get rid of the headache and get what you can get if it's something significant but since you're not gonna get anything significant I would say you play with us you give it your all with us or we're gonna suspend you that's what I would do I'm not just letting him go to the Lakers for basically nothing because that's where he wants to go I'll do whatever if someone gave me two basketballs is that here are two game ready new balls that's not worth it for me I'm doing it no it's worth it he's not he's not a winning player I don't want to contribute to winning you're right they cancer in the locker room he was more than good so don't keep on your roster even if he's suspended that's a distraction it hurts your team even if you are making a point of I'm gonna stick it to you get your way it only hurts you in the end get rid of them say see you know I bet you the Nets have a lot better time a lot better days with him not there then trying to you stick it to him and say oh we're gonna keep you here as a punishment and either play me don't want to play or suspend you and have you a mope and had that carry off carry over that the rest of the season off the court I know he's a tremendous town but would anyone trade for this guy right now you can't he's not worth it especially when he's going into free agency so if you give up something significant and then you give him a four or five year deal yeah let's see where that is a year or two years from now it will blow up in your face he is so insufferable like I don't think this is hyperbole I think he may be the most insufferable athlete in sports right now because this dude has so much talent he is such a great player and he's his own worse enemy and he just shoots himself in the foot over and over and over again and you know what I think less of Kevin Durant if KD still tolerates this guy like if KD is still concerned about being friends with Kyrie Irving because KD left the Warriors to go join this guy and he has just stabbed you in the back over and over again if I'm KD I'm saying yo Kyrie stop your trade demands come play with us and then walk at the end of the year yeah least sell it to me and if Kyrie says I'm still demanding a trade I would say lose my number never talk to me again you lost a friend but I don't think KD has the chops to do that it is the Zach Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio what do you think the Nets will do with Kyrie Irving I think the Nets are gonna keep him on the roster and then a walk after this year eight five five two one two four CBS eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven and you know it's also I don't want to say it's funny but if you're Kyrie from like a business standpoint here your reputation is in the gutter you're actually playing really good basketball this year and your team is playing well if you're trying to get the next long-term deal don't you think a logical sane person which Kyrie isn't would just get through this year with pretty much no further distractions than what already has occurred this year and then at the end of the year you could say up I made it through a whole season the Nets were a two seed maybe they got to an Easter Conference final and I gave him my all that would make him I don't think it would change our opinion but maybe to another GM that's looking for a reason to sign this guy and give this guy a long-term deal he didn't quit on the team again like he did in Boston like he's done 9,000 times in Brooklyn like that to me shows you how stupid Kyrie Irving is this time around because for the most part the Nets overall have been a pretty positive story this year they're playing well on the court so he should have got to this season without requesting a trade but he can't help himself there's just guys that love to surround themselves with drama and Kyrie he is the definition of just the drama queen and when things are going the right way you're right he's a cancer in the locker room and he will always mess it up so if you're a dopey GM that's like oh we'll be able to control him good luck with that make you bed and lie in it because it will be a disaster you'll be covered in just bleep Zach Gelb shows CBS Sports Radio the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app NFC's best team it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl again catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl again catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today you're listening to the Zach Gelb show hey we got a lot of things wrong on this show I think that was my most accurate take yet as we listen back to what I said about Kyrie Irving what was that from the summer I would imagine do we have a date on that or a time frame from around June 27th to be exact so over six months ago and the story holds true I can't really pat myself on the back though for that one that's the most obvious prediction ever the easiest prediction I've ever had to make here on CBS Sports Radio that Kyrie Irving would eventually mess things up in Brooklyn and it would once again just blow up in his face and the Brooklyn Nets face now just wondering early on from the Shams Sharani a report and I love Shams but everything that he gets about Kyrie is directly from the Kyrie Irving camp and that's been documented more so than ever this past year the Lakers Suns and Mavericks have emerged as potential suitors for Brooklyn Nets all-star Kyrie Irving because Kyrie is being a jackass only cares about himself and is once again requesting a trade so the Lakers if you want to get traded to Lakers go be my guess now they're 25 and 28 they're currently the 12th seed in the Western Conference you know LeBron wants him but can I just ask a simple question what are they giving up what the Nets taking back in order to trade Kyrie Irving like you would have to think Russell Westbrook's a part of that deal but that's a big problem for the Nets because KD and Russ last time I checked ever since that split in OKC where KD left OKC to go join the Golden State Warriors let's just say don't have the best relationship in the world so hickey if the Lakers are the team that probably won him the most but what are they given up that the Nets would say okay I could see it let's go get the deal done Bobby Marks had a fake trade that's getting a lot of traction it is Russell Westbrook it is Lonnie Walker it is a first-round pick in exchange for Kyrie Irving and Joe Harris if you're the Nets let's just get to the main point of that deal would you want Russell Westbrook yes you would over Kyrie absolutely I can't really argue that absolutely but this KD want him because that's the other thing now if Kyrie walks out the door which is gonna happen and whether he gets traded this year or if it's in free agency does that mean Durant is definitely Gonzo too like we already know that Durant already tried to request to trade this offseason and that said unless we get something that blows us away we're not trading it he's still in the contract for a few years so I really wonder if KD is that his end with Kyrie which I don't think he is in some bizarre way I think KD like always thinks Kyrie is is right I don't know why he keeps on defending this guy but maybe he's trying to make the best of what is a crappy situation and realizes he just has to be supportive of Kyrie but if Kyrie does get traded and your KD does KD want Russell Westbrook because we know that relationship ended really ugly when KD left OKC to go to to Golden State it did I would say for a half of a half a year which would this would be on expiring contract I would say yes if I'm Kevin Durant again this is me but you're not like being Kyrie Irving I would say anyone but Kyrie Irving it would be an upgrade even if the talent I would agree which it would be but you are a sane person that isn't petty Durant is extremely petty I think he probably wants nothing to do with Russell Westbrook that's why I think it's gonna be tough for that deal to go down let me throw out two other destinations the other two other that were there the Dallas Mavericks like if I'm the Mavericks I know you've been looking for another star to team up with Luka Doncic and you had a really good player in Jalen Brunson and because of how close the Rose family is Leon Rose and and the Brunson family is Sam Rose Leon's son represents Jalen and Leon Rose his first client was Rick Brunson so it didn't really matter what Brunson was doing in Dallas if you listen to this show we told you forever that Jalen Brunson was going to wind up in New York if I'm the Mavericks and I have a young star and Luka Doncic the last person when you're looking for another star to bring in to team up Luka Doncic would be Kyrie Irving if I'm the Mavericks I'm not considering this I know if Kyrie is all-in it does make you a better team but I can't trust Kyrie Irving because ultimately he will sabotage that locker room and ultimately he will become a big distraction and he will cause harm in that locker room Hickey Luka Doncic is a very high-volume player I don't see Kyrie Irving going to Dallas like a backseat to a guy he's not friends with he did it with Kevin Durant a little bit though Kevin Durant has hurt a lot but they were buddies I don't see him going there and playing like a good soldier if you will in Dallas no chance what about the Suns where is he playing would the Nets get DeAndre Ayton back in that deal we know Ayton isn't happy there and they signed that extension and it was like we talked about sometime in January February where he's eligible to get traded if I'm the Nets like out of all the destinations and of all the potential returns I'm like we can get back to DeAndre Ayton then that would be something I'd be like okay Kyrie goodbye send you off you're gone done but if you're the Suns why would you want Kyrie that's tough for me to envision that working there where would he play I know Devin Booker's out now but he's returning soon you have Devin Booker you have Chris Paul you're gonna go a three guard lineup and then potentially trade DeAndre Ayton in a West that's dominated right now by big men I'm not do it I'm not saying from a Sun standpoint it makes sense but if they wrote that's one of the teams that has emerged as a potential suitor now is that Shams just getting whatever destinations Kyrie wants to go to or is that what Shams is hearing where there's potential mutual interests but if you look at the the realistic scenarios here like the Lakers I'm not jumping for joy if I'm Bobby if I'm Sean Marks for getting back Russell Westbrook the Mavericks I don't even know what they would give you back and you'll look at the Suns if you can get DeAndre Ayton young player I know it didn't end well last year with Monty Williams but he's back on an extension no one thinks he's gonna see the length of that extension and the end of that extension in Phoenix but if I am Sean Marks that's out of those three destinations the Suns are the one I'm trying to get a deal done with I'm not even sure what his value is right now either Kyrie like I don't even like I don't think he's getting traded I don't know what you'd be able to get back again I'm not if I was Sean Marks I'm looking for a lot anyway but like you're looking for value like are you what are you gonna be getting back expiring contracts and a whole lot of crap if you could get the DeAndre Ayton though you would do that I don't think the Sun to do that okay but once again you're missing the point if the Nets could get back the Andre short it's a day would sure yeah obviously I just don't think it's realistic so but then why are they ever why have they emerged as a potential suitor you're gonna get you just asked is it Kyrie's destinations or is this the Sun's and if the Sun just saying oh yeah sure we'll take Kyrie for you know a few expiring contracts and a few other you know pieces here and there and just again bundle you a whole lot of crap sure we'll take it so you know it's a small risk or a small you know risk in terms of what you're giving up for potentially it's not gonna pan out but potentially a high reward do you think he's getting traded yes okay so then where I need to be Lakers you do yes for Westbrook yes I don't think he's getting traded and you know what if that's what it is you get back Russell Westbrook I honestly if I'm Sean Marks Sean if you listen in which I know you're probably not be petty at this point don't do anything that doesn't benefit your team and I know you could say just getting Kyrie away from your team will benefit your team but I'm talking about significantly benefit your team do what you did with Kevin Durant where you don't just trade someone because they want to get traded because I know in the NBA now it's a players driven league blah blah blah blah blah the net showed you that general managers and ownership still have power and it's not just the players running the league cuz a player wants out you have to get rid of him because the Nets didn't get rid of KD this year and for the most part it's been working this year they have a really good record they could be a threat in the postseason and for Kyrie to just ruin this because he's a pain in the ass and he only cares about himself and he doesn't want to see through the end of this season I'm not just traded him unless it benefits me on the court that's the best way to say it so I would tell Kyrie you show up you play you give it your all and if you don't we're gonna suspend you for conduct detrimental to the team and then pay you nothing and honestly since I don't trust Kyrie Irving assuming that he stays on the Nets for the end of the season I don't think the Nets are gonna trade him I really hope that this ends and I'm looking at it from a realistic standpoint where the Nets suspend him and he doesn't get another dime for playing this year because this dude is insufferable this dude all he knows how to do is just ruin teams and he holds teams hostage and he's just someone that only cares about himself and he gets he feels as if he gets slighted from the little things and in reality he screws over every single person that he touches in an organization and this dude was a cancer in Boston and he's been a cancer here in Brooklyn and if you're a GM that thinks you're gonna bring him in and gonna be able to manage Kyrie you deserve to be fired the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today you're listening to the Zach Gelb show so just thinking more about the potential Kyrie trade hickey so you see the three rumored destinations Lakers Suns and Mavericks if the Lakers are gonna get a deal done the Nets are gonna want to it if they get this deal done it means the Nets are gonna be okay with getting Russell Westbrook which I don't think they would be the Suns the dream would be DeAndre Aiden I don't know how realistic that is though you'd probably think it would have to be centered around Chris Paul being in the deal because once again the Suns right now you know have Booker eventually coming back and you got CP 3 you know they're not training Booker that would be the definition of stupidity so maybe CP 3 is gonna have to be in the deal the Mavericks you're probably gonna have to get a third team in there where the Mavericks are gonna have to send the pick the Mavericks who get Kyrie and then whatever that other team is would have to give something back to the Nets that would be attractive that is a player that that team doesn't want any more and the Mavericks have to give up maybe a ridiculous amount of picks or something like that and I know Nico Harrison right who runs the the Mavericks former Nike executive probably has a pre-existing relationship with Kyrie but I don't care what it relationships you have in the past I don't think there's a human being on the on the planet that could bring in Kyrie Irving and could get Kyrie Irving to be one of the guys in the locker room and not have him create an issue like I guess the guy that has the best chance to do that is LeBron in LA because LeBron what once obviously wanted an elite level NBA championship with Kyrie and then Kyrie wanted to get away from LeBron and then if you're Kyrie and you clearly want to go back to LA it's almost as if you're crawling back to LeBron James so you know LeBron one of the greatest players of all time I'm not saying that he could fully control Kyrie but that's probably your best bet of getting a max effort an all-in type of effort from Kyrie Irving as if he goes back to Los Angeles but once again I don't think the Lakers have any pieces that make the Nets really jump for joy in a potential deal eight five five two one two four CBS eight five five two one two 42 27 really hickey the Lakers and Mavericks are both very similar where it's almost as if you say okay if you want to get that deal done how do you get the deal done because you don't really have much to offer at least the Suns you could start with either Chris Paul or DeAndre Aiden as the framework of that deal to at least make the Nets somewhat attractive into or inclined to maybe accepting the deal I just don't see the Nets getting anything like a value for Kyrie just because you mentioned for last 47 minutes he can't be trusted he's a bad dude he's a cancer in the locker room and he's also in the last year of his deal and so now if you're trading for him even if things go well there's no guarantee cuz ever he has been Cleveland Boston Brooklyn he has pledged his allegiance you said I'm gonna be here and then as always burned the place down and left boat so you wouldn't consider if the Suns want him you wouldn't consider CP 3 or DeAndre Aiden no Andre Aiden no if you're the Nets oh if you're the Nets yes from the from the Suns I would not give up either for for Kyrie for the from the Nets absolutely you're gonna be him you're gonna have to get rid of one of those guys why I don't think Kyrie's market's high very like I don't think his value is high right now because you have to match the salary at some point in a deal and once again if you if let's say the Suns want Kyrie which I don't know if they do or don't but let's say if they want him you can't have CP 3 Booker and Kyrie in your backcourt I would agree I don't know why they're in the running but I don't think they would trade their locker room leader and Chris Paul for a guy who you know have take away vacuum of leaders maybe Chris Paul and run his course throw in a guy in Kyrie who just make things worse I don't see that happening but you're under the belief that they don't want him I don't know if they want him or not and if you do want him and let's just take the report for what it is maybe they do maybe they don't that the Lakers Suns and Mavericks have emerged as potential suitors you're gonna have to give up either DeAndre Aiden or Chris Paul to get that deal done if you want him I don't think it's smart to bring in Kyrie I wouldn't bring in Kyrie but if you want Kyrie Irving and let's say if the Suns do and I don't know if they do if they do or don't but if they do just for the sake of this conversation you're gonna have to give up either DeAndre Aiden or Chris Paul to make it work and you mentioned before one thing we don't know is are they actually interested we don't know Sean's reporting it he is tight with Kyrie is this just trying to drum up a market is this trying to put other teams maybe the Clippers who could use a point guard you know kind of on the spot and say hey look there's already market here either get in or get out or try to raise the price of a team like the Lakers I honestly I don't buy that there's a big market for Kyrie I don't I know the reports out there I don't buy the Mavericks were interested I don't buy the Suns are interested I don't make sense for either team you know I really got to see what was just saying about this because it's one thing with the the ties that Sean's has to the Kyrie camp I wonder what was just saying about the Suns potential interest in this because I think that's a different voice that I think that could be big so we will take a look at that and we'll look it up and see what whoa she's reporting if anything at all about the the Suns and maybe their interests if it's legit or not when it comes to Kyrie let's go to Darnell in Pennsylvania next up on CBS Sports Radio we're going hey what's up Darnell man I have to say you you were all the way on point what you said about Kyrie the only thing I disagree in is that you got a trading you have to trade him if there's anything to grab I don't think there's anything that you're looking for I don't think you're ever going to get a real great piece back for him but just business-wise you can't you can't go to the offseason with letting him just walk away just because he is talent so I definitely think you got a trade I also think KD don't have any room because he signed the extension so really it's nothing he can say at this point but do the same thing of what you said either play or sit out the season so I think the Lakers are the only team that really has the shot of pulling Kyrie in I think all these other teams are just you know quick bait of trying to just build it up to try to see if they can get something going but I don't think anybody wants them other than the Lakers and I think that's about the only thing that's gonna actually be able to get them well we'll see how it plays out Darnell and it seems like that's definitely where we know that Kyrie wants to go to the Lakers and if that's where Kyrie wants to go I fair or not I kind of hope that doesn't happen and if all you're getting back is Russell Westbrook like I guess but that really doesn't do much for me if I'm the Brooklyn Nets so this is from Woj the Lakers and Mavericks have previously expressed trade interest in Irving and plan to talk with the Nets in the coming days but both teams are privately expressing limitations on offering significant trade assets for Irving sources said and you also have Woj saying that the Suns are gonna be in play as well so I guess very similarly what's coming from Woj from Shams is also coming from Woj as well just to give you a different voice and this is a story I'm reading with Woj reporting along with Tim McManaman so you got a few voices here you know in the in the whole situation here on the future of Kyrie Irving and we'll see if he ends up getting traded or not but Irving who will become a free agent this summer wants out ahead of Thursday's NBA trade line with the Lakers Mavericks and Suns expect to explore the possibility of a deal with Brooklyn sources said that's from Woj and asking now you could make the case is the Woj source the same as the Shams source source probably you would think but who knows we'll see what the Suns legit interest in is in Kyrie Irving but if I'm the Suns like I don't get why you would do it but if you're a Nets fan you look at some of their pieces that they may be willing to dump off it's probably best if the Suns do get involved in the picture and just maybe maybe maybe you could get DeAndre Aiden but once again like Hickey said earlier if the Nets somehow got DeAndre Aiden for him and they don't get rid of Chris Paul and you know Booker's not going anywhere trying to have those three guys mesh together would be just an absolute disaster alrighty we will take a break when we come on back we'll get into this Derek Carr stuff there's a report that maybe Derek Carr and the Saints could be a match or also get into some Jimmy G destinations because we heard the other day earlier in the week Kyle Shanahan said Jimmy G is not going to be back with the San Francisco 49ers and we have the star player in the NFL who we talked to less than two weeks ago is now starting to recruit a little bit Aaron Rodgers to potentially be willing to accept the trade to this destination but the player did one of those things that we'll talk about on the other side where you lowered the fishing rod with the bait on it a little bit everyone tried to grab it and then he pulled the fishing rod back up and reel back up the bait before everyone got to take a bite out of it and now is saying oh I didn't mean to lower the bait so there's one big star in the NFL who's new to the NFL that is trying to stir up the pot and now he's claiming he was just trolling us but I think the message he put out there earlier today are finally his genuine thoughts so we'll talk some NFL when we return it is the Zach Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio back in five the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today the biggest game of the year the Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free Sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app it's the Eagles versus the Chiefs Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl catch all the action from Westwood one your Super Bowl your Odyssey get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today
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