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Ike Reese, Former Philadelphia Eagles Linebacker

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
January 25, 2023 9:37 pm

Ike Reese, Former Philadelphia Eagles Linebacker

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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January 25, 2023 9:37 pm

Ike Reese joined Zach to preview the Eagles-49ers NFC Championship Game and discuss how impressive the leadership of Jalen Hurts has been this season. 

Zach Gelb Show
Zach Gelb
Zach Gelb Show
Zach Gelb
Zach Gelb Show
Zach Gelb

I'm Larry Mullins, host of the podcast, Your Weirdest Fears, the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop. I am so scared of the Grinch. He is bad vibes. We talk to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man. I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split. I have one tattoo that covers my entire body.

Listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. Really? I mean, I could certainly understand it if he was a top three candidate. But I don't think this year is one of those weird years, Zach, where it's a real strong class. And to have it narrowed down to just three, somebody worthy of it was going to be left off. So you look at the job Dan Campbell did out there in Detroit. He would have been in the playoffs had Seattle lost after starting one and five. Look what Doug Peterson did down in Jacksonville in his first year, winning that division with a second year quarterback after the disaster with Urban Meyer a year ago. And then the obvious candidates in Nick, along with Brian Deball and even Cal Shanahan. Those would have been like my top guys.

I think I'm I think I've included everybody that I would have wanted in there. Obviously, Nick, with the best record in the league deserves to be in the conversation. But I think sometimes they look at whether or not the expectation plus adversity you may have overcome as a coach and put that over, I guess, how good your football team is.

Right. And whether or not you have the best team. So it's a bigger prize of waiting us in two weeks. It'd be nice if they got the coach. Yeah, I remember in 17, Doug, we felt got robbed out of being coach of the year that year. And I thought he was deserving that year. But Sean McVeigh got it. And even though Doug beating head to head and I think after we won that Super Bowl, it's really just a footnote in that season or something you add to far as motivation. You know, while you think the world is against us, the sports world is against us as a as a football team and as a sports city. And we use that as fuel to go out there and put that on our opponent.

So that's just one other thing. You throw Brandon Graham in there for comeback player of the year, too. He got snuffed as well. Hassan Redick defensive player of the year wasn't even in the conversation. Certainly deserved to be in the conversation with the with the type of year they had on defense, setting records with sacks and everything. So, you know, it's just on that list, Zach, of of of while we feel like no one likes us and we don't care.

I Greece here with us is that guilt show on CBS Sports Radio. So Brock Purdy during this time as the starting quarterback for the Niners hasn't ever looked rattled. The moments never looked too big. I'm just wondering and he looks so cool and calm as their quarterback, how he's going to react to that scene that he's going to see on Sunday in South Philadelphia at the link.

Yeah, it's going to be difficult. You know, many quarterbacks have come in, especially in that type of environment. And if we if we as a football team, whether it's our offense or defense coming out and getting a three and now we can get off to a great start.

It keeps that crowd and that energy and that intensity there. And eventually he will fill it. But if if we are putting the pressure on him on the field, whether it's by putting points on the board and getting him out of his comfort zone or getting to him, putting hits on him, getting them in obvious passing situations where it has to be on him. Like if that happens, I feel good about our chances. And I say it's his first year playing. He certainly hasn't been in an environment that will be as hostile and intense with as much on the line as he will be Sunday. But the team on the field has to has to put him in a position where he feels that pressure. If he can operate the way that he's been operating, then the teachers hands the ball off and they try to go win the game with their defense in their running game.

I grease here with us. What's going on with A.J. Brown? There is a report about the targets than it was an injury while he looked a little frustrated on Saturday evening in a blowout victory. He talked today. What did A.J. Brown say?

I think the Eagles are. Let me just say that if you ask me, I think he may have been a little frustrated that he wasn't a little more involved. Felt like he put a probably could have done more is given more opportunities. That's the sense I get from hearing coach Sirianni talk about it. I believe it was Monday when he was asked about it and he spoke on it.

And then I think A.J. had a chance to speak today and he didn't necessarily dive into it in detail. But he just talked about the mentality of being a competitor, being a number one wide receiver, wanting to to contribute and help and those type of things. But I guess he wanted to assure everyone that there is no issues.

He's good. That was Saturday night. He's ready to go play for a chance to go to the Super Bowl. So if you said all of that, when you could see his face, he certainly seemed to be in good spirits and had a smile on his face.

And, you know, was that sometimes in the heat of the moment that happens, but you also get a 24 hour cooldown period to be able to collect yourself and you try to come in with a different attitude and outlook on things. Now, had he come in to work today or yesterday and was still frustrated or what have you, then I would view that as some sort of issue. But I think he knows there's a bigger prize awaiting and he's going to have an opportunity Sunday to contribute in Sunday's game. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get more than three targets this week. Yeah, I already bet him any time touchdown at plus 140.

I think he's getting the end zone. So we all know that you love the Eagles and we all know that you love Andy Reid. I know there's two games that got to be played this weekend. But if we do have a Super Bowl, Eagles going up against your old ball coach, how do you emotionally handle that? Oh, I'm good with it. I mean, you know, my Philadelphia fans here don't like to hear me discuss this because I just look at it like it's a win win situation.

I'm not going to be mad either way. Obviously, a rooting for the Eagles. First and foremost, that goes without question.

I bleed green. And so I people understand that in my mind, this this fan base that listens to me, they understand my love for Andy Reid and how much I appreciate what he did for me as my head coach. And that's never going to change. But it's never at the expense of the Philadelphia Eagles. So Philadelphia Eagles are number one.

And check this out, Zach. I'm from Cincinnati. So either way, I'm going to be in some sort of a quandary there. But it really is no quandary. The Eagles number one.

That's always first and foremost. So who gets to the Super Bowl? I believe it's going to be obviously Philadelphia on this side. And up until today, I was pretty confident that Cincinnati was going to win that game against Kansas City, only because I didn't think Patrick Mahomes would be anywhere close to being good to go with a high ankle sprain. The fact that I mean, he's not in a boot, he's not on crutches.

I'm not saying he's running around like he did prior to the injury, but that is a good sign for Kansas City that he was out there participating in practice to some degree and wasn't necessarily resting that thing and having it up in a boot or anything of that nature. So it's hard to bet against those guys at home. That's going to be a tough one now. I'll tell you what, that's going to be a tough game.

I could see either one of those teams, either one of those teams winning. I literally have 30 seconds left. Would you agree with this? As great as Jalen Hurts has been on the field, his leadership is more impressive than is on the field play? Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Especially at his young age. Especially at his young age.

That's the more impressive thing is that to be as young as he is and to I guess have self-awareness and have a maturity and have the ability to have people listen and follow, you don't necessarily get that at a 23, 24-year-old. Ike Greece, appreciate you doing this. Thanks so much. I'll see you in Philly this weekend at the game. Thank you. No problem, Zach. Go birds.

Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. I'm Larry Mullins, host of the podcast, Your Weirdest Fears, the show that explores the odd things that make your heart stop. I am so scared of the Grinch. He is bad vibes. We talk to everyone from therapists to exterminators to lizard man. I was 25 when I actually got my tongue split.

I have one tattoo that covers my entire body. Listen and subscribe on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. There's a lot to listen to, so get started and download the free Odyssey app today.
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