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Take 5 (Hour 2)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
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November 23, 2022 9:27 pm

Take 5 (Hour 2)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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November 23, 2022 9:27 pm

Leroy Hoard, former Michigan Wolverines running back l Take 5 l News Brief


Yo, yo, it is the Zach Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio. We're coming to you live from the Rocket Mortgage Studios. Whether you're looking to purchase a new home or refinance yours, Rocket Mortgage can help you get there for home loan solutions that fit your life well.

Rocket can. Michigan, Ohio State this weekend. A lot of big rivalry games in college football this time of the year.

As you know, we'll also talk some week 12 in the National Football League with the former NFL running back and also played his college ball at Michigan. Friend to show, one of my favorites, the great Leroy Hoard. Leroy, how you been? What's up, Zach?

What's going on? Well, I'm doing great. Happy Thanksgiving, first and foremost. Kind of take me through the behind the scenes tomorrow in your household and what it looks like in Thanksgiving. Well, one, I'm not cooking this year because we decided to go over somebody else's house. But there's a plan to I hate going over other people. I see.

I don't mind cooking Thanksgiving food. You know why? Because I'm a like it. Right. So as a person who loves to eat. You play a Russian roulette going over about other folks.

Yeah, I don't like that. Hoping you're going to enjoy what they cook. So I have a couple of contingency plans. One, I'm bringing over some seafood quiche. With a little crab and shrimp and whatnot. Little spicy.

And then I'm a bring some. I have learned a long time ago, if I'm going to somebody's house, do not expect them to have sweet potato pie. That is a friendship ender.

There's only been one year that I didn't have sweet potato pie in my life. I was hoodwinked and I'm no longer friends with that person, but that's OK. I don't like this because you said I know that you're trying to have some checks and balances in case if the food is not good. But Thanksgiving is sacred in my family to go over to someone else's house and run the risk of having bad food because you're a talk show host now. And you know me as well.

We are usually very honest and very opinionated. And that's always an awkward spot where you go to someone's house and the food isn't good because you don't want to offend them. But then I feel like I owe it to them to tell them their food sucks. No. Here's what happens with me. Right.

Somebody will cook something and then they'll hover. Like my opinion, like let me enjoy it. They're waiting for. But, you know, and so now I feel obligated to, you know, oh, it's nice. It's nice. Here's the kicker.

When I do that, then they got to tell me the origin of each item. And I don't want to hear the explanation behind the key lime pie or over that. I just want to get my eat on. I'm with you. I'm 100 percent with you. And now in my family, we got rid of the turkey years ago because Turkey overrated.

Overrated my man. Yes, it is. OK.

So so here it is. You're from up north. So you fry the turkey is what you're going to say. Yes, sir. That's the only way that you could serve Turkey.

In my opinion, at Thanksgiving's if you for or because again, you're up north. So you don't fully understand Asian. No, I spatchcock it. You know, that is explain. You split it. You season it. You burn it.

But then you split it and lay it flat and put it on your grill. OK. But you will agree if Turkey was was so great, we would have it more than once a year the way that we eat it on Thanksgiving. I think it's overrated.

You think it's overrated? Mm hmm. We do lasagna. That's the feature dish.

Yeah. Come on. Leroy, if you do Thanksgiving with me, if you do Thanksgiving with me and you have the Gelb lasagna, you will. You will thank me because anyone that ever criticizes my approach on Thanksgiving. I always say, try the lasagna. Once they try the lasagna, they go, OK, I could see why you do it this way. And I get a lot of DMS on on Thanksgiving of people saying, wow, your family does Thanksgiving. Right.

Like I am the voice for the voiceless because I say the things that people don't want to say. And that's that Turkey's not that good. I got to tell you, man.

Yes. I'm all I'm probably would enjoy your lasagna. But where I'm from, that's called Tuesday. Not a Bob Gelb lasagna.

My father, he's got sausage and lasagna, pepperoni on top of lasagna. That's all you need, my friend. That's all you need. Guess what? I'm from New Orleans. We still call that Tuesday. Right.

Leroy here with us on the Zach Gelb show. So you know me. I want to see Michigan win all throughout the year. I felt very confident about this game. Now, with the game being here and the uncertainty with the both of the running backs, obviously led by Blake Corman, just not knowing where they're going to be health wise. I'm a little bit concerned on this game. So am I.

So am I. But you know, I've been pleasantly surprised by their defense, the way they've been able to shut some teams down. So from that standpoint, there's a chance Ohio State hasn't been, you know, a barn burner this year, but they have dominated. I'm worried about those running backs, man, because that's where that's where Michigan starts and finishes with that run. You know, and I'm a little bit nervous about that. But at the same time, I mean, are you confident that that Ohio State can just run away with it?

Because I'm not. Although I mean, for the last five or 10 years, I've never seen so many wide receivers come through and through a program. The only other team I could think of is Alabama. And I don't even think C.J. Strad who could win the Heisman. I don't think he's even been playing that great this year. There's been some times where I go, OK, he's just been good.

He's going to need a great game to win if, if, if, if, if, if Michigan can dominate the trenches, which they have the team that they could do that. But I like the quorum injury. You'll know early how bad it is and if he's going to be able to go throughout the entire game. Absolutely. Because when he came back the second half, you could tell after one carry. No, he's done.

But I would, you know, I'd take it even a step further. Like, it's not a matter of whether, you know, I think Ohio State can, can do all these things. But Michigan has managed to do it without any quarterback play. Right? Because without quorum, then you're relying on J.J. McCarthy.

And I got to tell you, he ain't the same guy I saw last year that, that we couldn't wait for him to get more opportunities. And I don't know why that is, because right now he couldn't get water from a boat. And I don't know why. I can't explain it.

But it's frustrating because I thought that this was going to take, you know, take us to that next level. You look at Ohio State. They've been throwing away quarterbacks for the last 10 years. They got rid of a Heisman Trophy winner.

So, like, we can't get one of those guys. So I think if I have any concern, it would be that J.J. McCarthy is going to be forced to make plays. I don't know how confident I would be if I'm a Michigan fan. Is he going to be capable of doing it? Because, because all throughout the year, they haven't asked him to really step up and throw the football 40-something times a game and go to a 350-yard performance. You know, I wonder if when you're playing the role of that game manager, like, the thought is, OK, you just don't got to mess it up.

Now, he hasn't excelled the way that I would think. But I wonder if they say, OK, now let it rip. We need you to win the game. How he would respond to that, if Coram's that thing, though? I don't know, man. A game manager in college? Right?

Think about what you're saying. If you're a game manager in college, then they got questions about you. Because they're finally flinging it. But their formula this year has been to run, run, run, run. They'd be stupid to cut any of Coram Carey's to throw the football more. Yeah, I mean, I get what you're saying, but I just think if you're calling a guy a manager of the game in college, that usually means that people have doubts on their abilities.

Sure. No, you're not wrong on that. Leroy Hoard here with us. I've just wondered, from the mental side of it, you know how big this game is. This year, it was very clear, and I know that there were some hiccups along the way, but everyone survived, that four or five weeks into the year, you could look at that schedule and say, Ohio State's going to be undefeated at the end of the year. Michigan's going to be undefeated at the end of the year.

Do we even know, really, what these teams are heading into this final week of the season? Because we've all built it up that they'll both be undefeated at the end of the year, and we just kind of thought it was a foregone conclusion. I think, if you look at it, it would almost appear as if a Big Ten school is playing an SEC school, right? Athletic, fast, runners, big plays, all these things what Ohio State does, and Michigan is the methodical, control the line of scrimmage, control the game, doing stuff like that. And I think that's one of the things that I'm going to be interested to see, because one of the reasons why Michigan hasn't been able to compete with the Alabamas and the Clintons and the Georges is because once they get done with their season, that style of football is only good up north.

Down here, everybody's naked. You know, they run around in shorts and helmets and just play fast, fast football. Ohio State is closer to that, whereas they have a ton of speed, a ton of athletes. They can also run the ball if they have to, but they're a big play threat waiting to happen.

Leroy Hoard here with us. Is this the final month or so of Jim Harbaugh's career at Michigan? Do you think he's going to go back to the NFL? I don't know. It's hard to get a read on that whole situation, because you have to understand how much that man loves him some Michigan football.

And if you understand that, then you could understand if he does or doesn't, how difficult it really is, right? He was a quarterback there. He was the equivalent to if Peyton Manning went back and coached Tennessee. That's where he is right now. Now, what would you give that up for? You see what I mean? And I don't know.

I try to put myself in it. I don't know that there's an opportunity out there that would be any better than this opportunity that he's been able to have and will be able to have for as long as he wants. What happens, and I know it's not the same, but he did play with the Colts. What happens if Irsay calls him up and says, I'll give you full control and you're the head coach? Nope.

No way. I like nuttin' against the Colts, and I'm more than sure he would love the opportunity with the Colts. Did you see the last press conference Jim Irsay had? I enjoy when you start trashing the Colts, because you know my producer, Hate Kiki, he's a Colts-Sika fan. He's also a Penn State fan, so you're like 0 for 2 right now in football season, buddy.

And you know what? Each and every week he has to sit here, and I know the motivation behind it. He goes, I want to see the college football playoff expansion. 12 teams is the right number. And I go, yeah, because your team's never getting into a four-team playoff.

Zach, let me tell you what would be the best thing, right? In order to get the full idea of who's the best team in college football, you have a playoff system, and you have some of these southern teams go up and have to play in the north, right? So if Ohio State's the second team in the country, or Michigan's the third team, and you go to 12 teams or what have you, those teams got to travel up to Michigan. Those teams got to travel up to Ohio State. Because if you realize where college football is, everything is playing in the convenience of the south. Nobody has to play in the snow. There's no stakes. The only teams that are playing for stakes in the snow is the Big Ten and maybe the Pac-12 every now and then. Let's bring some of those southern schools up north. You know what?

I'm fine with that, because then there really are no excuses for James Franklin for losing another big game, if that happens, if someone has to go travel to Penn State. Hey, man, shots fired. Look, I don't have to say nothing.

Look, I don't have to say nothing about how I take it. You know why? Because we know what happened. We just let it go. We just let it go.

You know what the best part about this is? Earlier in the year, Michigan's going to lose four games. Michigan's not that good of a team.

That's all the things he was saying. Hardball, fraudulent, one-year wonder. Hey, you did shut out Maryland, though. Leroy Hoard here with us. Alrighty, how does the game play out?

Right now, Leroy Hoard's opinion. Who wins Michigan-Ohio State? Well, here's what I know about this game.

No matter what, if there's points given, take the underdog. I played in enough of them. I played in games where we were big-time favorites and had to win on the last-second field goal. The game is just bonkers in itself. It is one of the most nerve-wracking, intense experiences you will ever have as a college athlete.

It is so much fun, but it's so stressful, because the game changes back and forth multiple times. I don't think Ohio State's eight and a half points. Yeah, seven and a half. Seven and a half.

So it moved. I don't think Ohio State is a touchdown better than Michigan. So what you're saying, this is what I'm hearing. Take the points, but you think Ohio State's going to win. Hell no. I ain't going to never give in to that.

What is wrong with you? That's what it sounded like. I asked you who's going to win. If you really thought it was going to be Michigan, you would have said Michigan right from the jump. Instead, you gave us this whole spiel about take the points, because it would be a close game. I thought our friendship was such that you didn't have to try to read body language and stuff like that. You're trying to read it through my phone.

I'm not there. Under no circumstance on a national radio show am I going to give Ohio State flowers. I was just giving you a breakdown of the game. Michigan 30, Ohio State 27. I hope you're right. Okay, so then Michigan makes a college football playoff. You have Georgia in. Who's your other two teams that will get in?

You got Georgia. TCU is going to get in. Does USC beat Notre Dame in them in the Pac-12?

That's the big thing. Does USC win Notre Dame? So then there's your four teams. You have TCU, you have USC, you like Michigan, and then you put Georgia in there.

Yes, absolutely. Now, it could get crazy for this reason. Because the team with the best resume in the country is Tennessee. And you might not want to hear this, but they've had the best strength of schedule all year. But they just lost to South Carolina, and their quarterback's not done for the year. Oh, alright, they're done.

I forgot about that move. Yeah, that's it. So I would say those teams, I would say Tennessee, I hate the lurkers. Right?

I really hate the lurkers because you never know how these guys are thinking. You don't know what these guys, some of these guys really want to push, you know, what to give us the best matchup, what to do this, what to do that. And they're not necessarily just putting teams in based on what they've done.

The eye test is what you usually hear for that stuff. That means we want the bigger brand in the school that's going to make us more money. Last one for you. We know the Dolphins are going to win this weekend.

That game's not even going to be close, you would think. But the confidence of the Dolphins fan right now with what they've been able to do and where they think this season is heading to is what? Zach. Oh, my goodness. Like, it's amazing to me. Here's what I love about fans all over the country.

Hope kills. Right? Like, you remember how crazy Jeff's fans were when the season started? Ooh, we beat the Patriots this week. We're going to be in first place, baby. Yeah!

No, it doesn't work like that. You have Zach Wilson as quarterback. Okay? But I just think that right now, the way this team is playing, and I'm going to tell you, kudos to Mike McDaniel. Yeah, I got to give him credit.

He took the same guys and they look like a different team. He's a little bit more than immediate darling. He's a little bit more than immediate darling. Before the year, everyone's like, oh, I love this guy because he talks to me, blah, blah, blah.

That's what a lot of people were saying. I was like, all right, what does he really do great? Like, what do you love about him?

I didn't get an answer. Well, whatever he's doing is clearly working. It is phenomenal. Now, when he does presses, he's a little bit of a scatter blank. Right? Because I think that some people are so smart. He's like Kiki. He's like Kiki when he talks about Penn State.

Except you actually get winning results, so that's a bad comparison. Some people are so smart that they not only try to answer your question, but they try to figure out out the follow up questions and start answering them. It seems like they're rambling. Yeah. You've had people like that. Yeah. It happens. That's the way he thinks, which is how most football coaches think. So I will.

I love the way. Look, my only complaint about it. And we've had this conversation a number of times.

My only complaint about Brian Flores is this. Two was in the same spot you were in. He was a new guy. Now you were a new coach.

You wanted people to be patient with your process. And then you turn around and trash your quarterback. Like, it made no sense. Like, why wouldn't. And so one of the things I liked about what Mike McDaniel did the second he got the job, he gave all his support to two. Because guess what?

If it doesn't work out. You won't say it's because we didn't support him. That's how you go about. That's how you go about treating your players. You give them all the support you brought them in. They didn't ask.

So we didn't ask to play for the Dolphins. And so what he's done is he's the same way they won the first three games, lost the next three games. He was consistent with his demeanor, who he was. And so he's a genuine dude. And so from that standpoint, it seems like the players rally behind it.

There's a little more oomph to the things that they do. And it shows up on Sunday. Leroy Hoard, have a great Thanksgiving. Hopefully your dinner plans go OK. And I always appreciate the time. Enjoy that Gelb family lasagna.

What are you doing? Don't worry. I'll send you a video tomorrow. I'll send you some photos and you will say, yep, I was wrong. You'll show some accountability.

Unlike Zach Wilson. You'll admit when you're wrong. All right, brother. There he is.

Leroy Hoard on the Zach Gelb show on CBS Sports Radio. We'll do take five next. You're listening to the Zach Gelb show. All right.

Take five times. Zach Gelb shows CBS Sports Radio. You can dig around the auto parts for all your car care needs. Get guaranteed low prices and excellent customer service from the professional parts people. At O'Reilly Auto Parts.

Real quickly before I get to college and then we'll do NFL. Hickey, when we have the guest on the air destroying you, I've realized that you don't really go back at them. You just sit there and let the guest destroy you. Why did you jump in and kind of fight back with Leroy Hoard and put him in his place? I just don't think that's my that's my place. You know, let you and Leroy take swings. I think it would be rude if I just jumped in out of nowhere and just interrupted what he was saying.

He was like Matt the steamroller for Volo UFC 281 when he was going up against. You know what? When Jim Harbaugh was coaching the Colts last year, next year I'll have the last laugh. Colts will be better. Michigan will be worse. We'll see who's laughing this time next year. Penn State still won't be able to win a big game.

That's a whole different story. The future is bright. The future is bright, fellas. Enjoy it. Get your jokes in now. You've been telling me this for five years.

You know, little jabs, little snickers in now. OK. The future is coming and it's. Look at my hand.

Almost here. It's shaking. No, it's not. No one can see. It is wobbling. What are you talking about?

The sweat is dripping off his hands. He can't hold it straight. You know what? Your nose is now growing as you say that.

How did your nose just hit the microphone out of nowhere? No, I'm no Pinocchio. I only tell the truth. Ryan Hotte Kiki Pinocchio. That's what we're going to start calling you. That's a mouthful. That's too much. Sorry. Ryan fake news Hickey.

All right. Here we go. College football in at number five. USC just survived against UCLA. I thought they were going to lose the game. Caleb Williams right now may be the best player in college football, especially with the way that he's playing. Lincoln Riley is working his Heisman Magic again with the transfer quarterback.

I like USC in at number five for TCU. I thought that was going to be a rough game up against Baylor. I thought it was going to be close. I thought it was going to be a flip of the coin.

It was. Sonny Dykes at the end of that game, who probably is going to be the coach of the year if they go undefeated. First year walking in his fourth job as a college football coach to have that team undefeated. Duggan not the guy in the beginning of the year, then the guy. Johnson is a stud wide receiver. How they ran the play with 20 something seconds left and then wanted to rush their kicker onto the field, have him running from the sideline to then go kick.

I didn't love it, but it ended up working. TCU, they wanted that great four or five week stretch. They've been undefeated, we know, the entire year. But that four or five week stretch, they'd just be top 25 team after top 25 team. They're in at number four.

Three, I've been vacillating all throughout the year. Ohio State, Michigan, Ohio State, Michigan. Michigan's at three just because I don't know. I do think Michigan, if they're healthy, they are a better team than Ohio State, with the way that they're built inside the trenches. But with the unknown by the two running backs of how healthy they're going to be, that drops them to number three, to Ohio State, and then one, the creme de la creme of college football going back to last year at Georgia. Hot take, Hickey.

Wow. We only have one more or two more take five when it comes to college football, Hickey. Because we'll do one next week. I guess probably one more, right? Because by the time we do it two Wednesdays from now, we already know the top four. That's true. And by that point, number five will be irrelevant. That's right. So, wow.

One last week? And here's the difficult part with this segment. When I do Speak Now, Forever Hold Your Peace, you usually have good teams. When you get this late in the game because you're fighting for a battle of four teams and you know who has asserted themselves by now or who the shortlist is, Speak Now, Forever Hold Your Peace gets a little bit tougher this time of the year.

So, what are you rolling with? Yeah, there's only one team. The committee has it by number five. How come LSU is not in your top five? Lost the Florida State in the beginning of the year and then got blown out by Tennessee. They got two losses on the resume.

I know they're trending in the right direction. But unless they run out, win out and win their next two games and beat Georgia, I just don't see them in the top five for me. Okay, NFL. This is tough because the last two weeks, the landscape has really changed. You just go from last week to this week. Minnesota was easily in the top five last week, beating Buffalo.

This week, Hickey, I'll make a little revelation to you. They're not in my top five. You have two blowout losses to the Cowboys, one of the better teams in the NFC. The Eagles may be the best team in the NFC.

It shows that they're really, really good. But when you go up against the elite NFC teams, there is a big separation between teams like the Eagles, teams like the Cowboys and the Minnesota Vikings. So, with that being said, in at number five, I'm going Buffalo. Buffalo bounces back. They got off to that slow start against the Browns after losing two in a row.

Then they put up 25 unanswered. They are in the top five still because of the talent on that team and how well-rounded that team is. Number four, I'm putting the Dolphins in there. Right now, I give the Dolphins a slight edge against the Bills. The Dolphins have beat the Ravens. The Dolphins have beat Buffalo. Miami just keeps on stacking victories. And they believe in the coach.

They believe in Tuatunga Vailoa as well. And they're a solid, just well-rounded football team. And I think Jeff Wilson Jr. is going to be an excellent trade to complement him with Raheem Mostert and basically recreate the 49ers. Backfield in South Florida was a good move. Number three.

Here we go, Hickey. How about them Cowboys? I'm putting the Dallas Cowboys in at three. I do look at last year where they were seven and three at this point and they lost to the Raiders on Thanksgiving. I do believe they're going to beat the Giants coming up tomorrow. The Cowboys, to me, are a team in the regular season where they could impress you.

They could say, okay, they're looking great. But come playoff time, what are you going to do? Because last year, we threw all the flowers early on at the Cowboys and everyone praised them. And then come playoff time, they couldn't even get out of the first round, couldn't get ready for the 49ers, couldn't even get the ball off in the final 13 seconds. But Dallas right now, that defense led by Micah Parsons is awesome. Dak was great last week and Tony Pollard continues to show you week in and week out he's the best running back on that roster.

And C.D. Lamb starting to look more and more like he is a number one wide receiver, which is a big concern entering the year with Nomar Amare Cooper and maybe, just maybe Odell Beckham's joining there. Two, I'm going the Eagles. I know not the greatest performance against the Indianapolis Colts, but they did win the game. They only have one loss on the season.

I put Philly in a number two and then won. Best team in football right now. Patrick Mahomes, Andy Reid, doesn't matter who you throw the football to.

You know Kelsey's great, but Isaiah Pacheco one week out of the backfield has been good. They just have guys that continue to make plays week in and week out and that defense can make timely stops as they showed you once again. Even though they're not a great defense, they know how to make the timely stop. So my top five in the NFL, Bills 5, Dolphins 4, Cowboys 3, Eagles 2, and Chiefs 1.

Hot take, Hickey, speak now, forever hold your peace. Well what about the Vikings? 8-2, one of the best records in the NFL. Got blown out by Philly, top five team in football. Got blown out by the Cowboys, top five team in football. I know they beat Buffalo, but that was in like the craziest game possible where Josh Allen fumbled the ball at the goal line. It's just against the elite teams, they do concern me because they show you more times than not that they lose than win. What about a team that's starting to heat up a little bit in the 49ers?

Got to see more consistency. You can make a case their best win was this win against the Cardinals. The Cardinals opponent-wise they stink, but it was their most complete game of the year that they played. Now the Rams, they dominate, but the Rams aren't that good.

They played up against Kansas City, they got blown out by Kansas City. I think the 49ers can be trending in the right direction, they have the talent to be trending in the right direction, but they just got to show it to me more consistently. So that's why I have the 49ers out. Anyone else?

No, that's really it. Okay, sounds good. Now let me just ask you real quickly, what's your order for college football? Mine was Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan, TCU, USC. I should keep that exact order.

Okie dokie. NFL, I went Chiefs, Eagles, Cowboys, Dolphins, Bills, you are? I would go Chiefs, Eagles, Dolphins, Bills, I would put the Cowboys in over Minnesota right now. Gotcha. So we have the same five teams, just a different order.

Alrighty, that's take five. Zach Gelb shows CBS Sports Radio, we will come on back. And when we return we will do a little news brief update here on the biggest stories in the world of sports with some audio. Update time first, wearing a flannel shirt, not a t-shirt, I misspoke, my bad, a flannel shirt, a Yankees hat. He's looking dapper as the kids would say, he's looking like a million bucks, and he's getting ready for a big Thanksgiving. Marco Bellotti, how you doing by the way?

I'm good, yourself? I'm doing fantastic, can't complain, it's a Friday on a Wednesday, this is wonderful and Thanksgiving's tomorrow. It's tremendous, this is the last one, I get to go home, I found a parking spot, I didn't pay for parking, I'm thrilled. Is this your last Thanksgiving you're saying until they make you work for another 35 years straight, is that what happens?

Hey man, the streak is over and that's all that matters, one year that's all that matters. Marco Bellotti, how old are you? 44. 44, and your last Thanksgiving traditional where you've not had to work was when you were what, 15? It was 95 was the last Thanksgiving I didn't have to work, so I was 16 I guess, 16, 17, I don't know, I've got to do the math. 16, 17, right?

17. So do you have an idea of what the spread is for tomorrow for Thanksgiving? I have to do like a couple of spy, I've got to go to the in-laws, then I've got to go to my sister, so we've got to do a little bit of a bounce around. So you do the marathon tour? I'm doing a little bit of a bounce around, they're only about 40 minutes apart so that's not an issue of driving. I said from the start, look, I basically had to introduce myself to my family, the first one I'm going to be there for Thanksgiving in a long time.

They'd be like, who's this homeless stranger? Which is what I said to my wife, I said, well you could pick where we're going, you could pick what we're doing. The only thing I asked for was that my fat ass is in front of a TV at 4.30 when the Giants start. That's the only thing I asked for. Can I just make a recommendation?

I think your wife should do the driving from house to house. No, that's not going to happen. No, here's why. You are not used to the amount of eating that you're going to be doing at Thanksgiving because you have not had the traditional Thanksgiving in a while. I'm just concerned about Marco Belletti getting in a little bit of a food coma. I'm sure I will. There might be some issues there.

I am a fat man, I'm sure I could figure that out and I can get us to and from. But yeah, she's not going to drive, that's not going to happen. Maybe a little digital idea like driving with the Bellettis and just get a camera on you because I could see Marco cursing people off, weaving in and out of the lanes, going nuts. I could see you being a crazy driver, a little road rage.

There is some rage. I've definitely mellowed as I've gotten older. This is one thing that, I guess a good thing and a bad thing since I quit smoking and that's been years now. Cigarettes you're talking about.

Yes, well I don't do anything else. And that's a good thing I guess. But what it did do is bring the rage back.

When I was smoking and I was in the car, I was a lot more mellow. I could handle getting cut off a lot better now. Now I don't have my vice to kind of calm me down.

You know what we may need to do for the safety of your family? When in Philadelphia a few years back they had a rage cage at the Wells Fargo Center for Flyers games. You could just go into a room and just break things if you were mad at the team and then you would come out and be a normal human being.

I think we may need to set up a little rage cage here so you could be okay tomorrow. I think I'm a little too old for all that stuff. If I can't keep it together, that's a little bit of a problem. I could see you though when you were like 25 in a mosh pit at a heavy metal concert. I had some anger issues in my younger days.

That's definitely a case. And I will point out I never smoked in the car with anybody actually. Like the kids in it. I never did that. I never smoked around my kids. Oh okay. Never smoked around. I didn't do that stuff. I was assuming you were. Yeah, just throw it out there before I wind up getting all the tweets and whatnot. Save it. I know and I never did.

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XFINITY Mobile requires post-pay XFINITY Internet. You're listening to The Zach Gelb Show. Time for your daily news brief. We get you caught up on the rumors, reports, and reconnaissance from the day in sports.

Nicky, just wondering if you could just look at me real quickly. How do you spell Salleh? S-A-L-E-H. Okay, gotcha. You spelled it two different ways on the sound sheet that you've given me. That's why I was just wondering if you knew how to spell it. Or maybe you were conflicted a little bit. No, that's a classic copy and paste job. That's on me.

That's all good. You took accountability, unlike the Jets quarterback in Zach Wilson. Here's Robert Salleh and why he feels benching Zach Wilson is the right move. The young man needs a reset. His decision making has been fine, his practice habits, all that stuff has been fine. But there's some basic fundamental things that have gotten really out of whack for him.

And this is just an opportunity for him to sit back, focus on those things, find a way to reconnect to all the different things that we fell in love with during the draft process. This isn't about his poor play. He's been bad, but I don't think he's getting benched just because he's been bad. I think he's getting benched or I know he's getting benched because he didn't take any accountability after the loss and then the locker room started to get divided because the locker room was annoyed at the quarterback.

I think it's both. If he just said yes to the question of are you the reason or are you feeling guilt, yes. But also at the same time, his play is not warranting where even if you made that comment, you would still be able to play and send it because you're that good. He stinks and he's not a leader. It's 0 for 2. If you played well, it's easier to massage the lack of leadership.

You could give the team a speech and then move on. He stinks and he's not a leader. But you would agree the main reason why he's getting benched if you had to go one way or another is because he took 0 accountability after the loss? Yes.

I think they're tied together. Robert Salas says the future is still bright for Zach Wilson. Zach's career here is not over. I know that's going to be the narrative.

I know that's what everybody wants to shout out and that's not even close to the case. The full intent is to make sure Zach gets back on the football field at some point this year. When that is, I'll make that decision. I'm going to take it day to day.

When do you think the timing is right? Is it just until Mike White bottoms out? For example, they lose to the Bears this weekend.

Mike White doesn't play well. Is he playing their next game? Zach Wilson? Maybe. Yeah. Don't give me a maybe.

Yes or no. I think it's going to be more than one game benching. The game after that is Minnesota. You lose both of those games. You're 6-6. Then Zach Wilson is back. You bring him back against Buffalo.

That's the only game he played well in. With the way they handle that question, you open Pandora's box so if you don't get put back in a favorable spot, you shouldn't have said what you said in the first place. Zach Wilson gives his initial reaction to getting benched. It's tough.

It's never fun. The first thing that went through my mind is I have to get to work. I have to get better.

I'm going to approach that every single day and just keep working to get better. Eventually he's going to be asked about the criticism he's been receiving for saying he takes zero accountability pretty much for the loss when they asked him. You feel like you let defense down.

He just said no. We all know the reason they lost that game was because of Zach Wilson against the Patriots twice. This is a big answer that you're about to hear because if he handles it poorly, then I don't think he could salvage his career. But if you handle it the right way and then continue to prove that you have changed, then maybe you could salvage your career with the Jets I'm talking about. Zach Wilson says he's earned all the criticism he received this week for his lack of accountability. The way that I handled the situation wasn't right. I've got to be a better football player and I've got to be a better leader for these guys. I have an opportunity to turn the page here as a player and as a leader and to be able to take a step forward and be able to be here 100% for my guys. Hickey, if you hear that, now he said the right thing, but if you're a teammate, are you now okay?

We're good with Zach Wilson or you got to see more? I would need to hear what he said to the team privately. I don't think something just publicly like, hey, I deserve the bashing is good enough. And I would imagine that he seemed genuine in front of the team because if he didn't, I think we would have heard about that by now.

Someone would have leaked that through sources in the media. Aaron Rodgers discusses playing through a broken right thumb on the Pat McAfee show. I mean, I've broken other fingers in the past. I played a season of stretch in college with my index finger, my throwing hand broken.

I broke my pinky on both hands in various times, cracked wrist, non-throwing, which makes certain things painful, getting snaps or whatever. If I still feel I can go out there and throw it the way I want to throw it, then obviously I'm going to keep playing. Is this Rodgers making an excuse? I don't think so. I think it's just him being honest and he still thinks he's good enough to go out there and play. But does this come off with him going into detail about this maybe as an excuse? And he said that he also did go on and say we won't play it, but he was asked if surgery on his thumb was ever considered.

And clearly he hasn't got the surgery, so I would say it's probably no, right? I would say it's not an excuse. No, I don't think he's throwing it out. I think he's just being honest.

I mean, the camera zooms on his thumb every single throw he makes every game. It's obviously an issue. I appreciate the honesty. Rather than, oh, I'm fine. Don't talk about it.

And then after the season, you hear about it. I would agree. All right. Actually, let's play that one. Rodgers asked if surgery on his thumb was ever considered.

No, I don't think so. Just it's not like Dak or those guys. It's not as severe as those guys.

I don't know what they had, but it probably wasn't. And finally, Carson Wentz gives his reaction to getting bench for Taylor Ham Heineken. It's part of the business, and I totally understand where we're at as a team and everything else. And, you know, obviously, as a competitor, you want to be out there. You know, I'd be lying to say, you know, you come to work, you want to play.

You know, that's just you grow up and it's what you sign up for. But at the same time, I have a great relationship with Taylor and with all the guys. And I've been happy to see him succeed and what he's been able to do.

And I'm gonna do what I can to help and support him and be a part of this and stay ready to go. Because we know this this league's crazy and things happen and I'll stay ready to go. Who starts the game first, Wentz or Wilson? Wilson.

I would agree. By the way, the commanders next few weeks, Falcons, Giants, then a bye week and the Giants. I think just as long as Taylor Ham Heinecke is two and one, right?

You win one of the Giants game, beat the Falcons this week, even if you're one and two. I don't even know if you're thinking about making a change with the way that that team has won four out of five games with him as the quarterback and two and four with Carson Wentz. For Zach Wilson, he's number two overall pick. He hasn't had multiple chances like Carson Wentz on multiple teams.

I think for Zach Wilson, the moment Mike White slips up or they see that opening to get back Zach Wilson on the field, they're going to do so because they invested a second round pick. Something that I think a lot of us can relate to, unfortunately, is just how frustrating dating can be. Not that it has to be that way, but at times I think the potential frustration that comes from dating is very real, especially when you're swiping on apps and you're looking at these people where you don't even know if they're ready to connect to the level that you really would like to connect at. And that's why I want to talk to you about eHarmony, which really is the dating app to get someone who gets you. And they have a lot of tools to help you find a real connection.

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