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Depression: 20’s and 30’s

Words of Life / Salvation Army
The Truth Network Radio
October 6, 2019 2:00 am

Depression: 20’s and 30’s

Words of Life / Salvation Army

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October 6, 2019 2:00 am

The prevalence of adults with a major depressive episode is highest among individuals aged 18-25. During the 20’s and 30’s, people experience many life changes that can often trigger a mental health episode- especially for those lacking a strong support system from family and friends.

Series: HEADSPACE/ a series on mental health

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Hi, I'm Lori Miller. And I'm Bernie Dake.

Welcome to the Salvation Army's Wonderful Words of Life. Welcome back, everybody. And hello again, Lori. Hi, Bernie. You know, this week is a special week for me because my mom is having a birthday. Oh, shout out to Bernie's mom. Happy birthday. I would tell you her age, but I fear death.

She'll kill you. That's right. What do you think about this series we're doing on mental health? Oh, my goodness. I think it's so important and I'm so excited that we're actually kind of bringing a topic that often happens in the dark out to the light. I think it's so valuable. Yeah, and these statistics are staggering.

Now, our production team gave us a bunch of information about this as they were preparing and just to read it is humbling for sure. It sure is. Depression among people in their 20s, Lori. This is what the statistics that we've been given say.

The prevalence of adults with a major depressive episode was highest among individuals aged 18 to 25. That is almost hard to believe, isn't it? For me, it is. But honestly, there's so much pressure on our teenagers and our 20-somethings, particularly with social media.

Absolutely. They're going through their college years now. They're transitioning into jobs and adulting, as they say.

That's right. And adulting now looks a little different than adulting did when we kind of went through this stage, I think, in our own lives. So what was shocking to me was that 35 percent of adults with a major depressive episode did not receive treatment.

And I wonder if that has anything to do with the stigma or what they see on Instagram or their fearfulness in regard to showing weakness or showing something other than perfect. So it's really interesting. Man, it has been.

It's been humbling for me. Do you remember your transition from dependence or living with your parents to your independence? I do remember. As a matter of fact, I moved home for just a little while and left really quick. And it all had to do with that going from child to adult and finding my place and my independence. And so post college was really tough. When I was that age, there was a singer.

It's definitely going to date me. There was a singer named Michael W. Smith. Oh, yes.

Michael had a song called Looking for a Reason. Roaming through this world to find my place in this world. And I think that's where young people are for sure. And that can cause a lot of consternation. Absolutely. And, you know, I'm walking through this with my own kids right now.

And boy, it's a challenge. Well, we're very encouraged by the feedback you've already been giving us from this series. And it's truly our prayer that this series is impacting countless people who need to hear that they are not alone. And again, if you or someone you love is battling depression, I want to encourage you, please, to reach out to someone.

If you don't have a church home, feel free to reach out to your local Salvation Army. But if you need to talk to someone immediately, please call 1-800-273-8255. That's 1-800-273-TALK.

T-A-L-K. There are people who care about you and want to help. God bless you. When I'm weary, when I fear, when I'm lonely. May the peace of God overcome my thoughts. May the peace of God guard my heart and mind in our doubt.

In division, in our pain, in rejection. May the peace of God overcome my thoughts. May the peace of God guard my heart and mind. May the peace of God guard my heart and mind. May the peace of God guard my heart and mind.

May the peace of God guard my heart and mind. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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