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Poetic Justice

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey
The Truth Network Radio
September 27, 2021 12:00 am

Poetic Justice

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey

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September 27, 2021 12:00 am

If I were to ask you what you consider the most decisive battle or conflict in history, what would you say? Perhaps Constantine's victory at Milvian Bridge . . . the colonists' triumph over Great Britain . . . Hitler's defeat in World War II. No matter what your opinion is, you can put all the important battles in history together and they will still pale in comparison to a battle that is yet to be fought. The Battle of Armageddon, as Scripture calls it, will change the face of the world . . . literally.

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Matthew Henry wrote about this text. He said, you know, the unbelieving world thinks that everything belongs to them. This is their earth. This is their air, their sea, their rivers, their world.

They believe they alone have the right to determine. But the angel here announces the truth about God. This is his earth. This is his animal creation. This is his created human race.

And he alone has the right to judge and determine. The history of our world includes countless wars and some very significant battles. You might think of Constantine's victory at Milvian Bridge, or the colonialist triumph over Great Britain, or Hitler's defeat in World War II. No matter what war would make your list as the most significant, it pales in comparison to a battle that is yet to be fought. The Battle of Armageddon, which will change the face of the world.

Welcome to Wisdom for the Heart. Today, Stephen Davey opens God's Word to the Book of Revelation to explore in detail this coming conflict. Today's message is called Poetic Justice. Mention some of the words either found in the Book of Revelation or described in the Book of Revelation and you'll get a reaction from just about anybody.

Whether or not a person spent their time in church or their agnostic, just mention words like the rapture and you'll get an opinion. Mention the number 666 and they'll look at you twice and have an opinion. In fact, I read, I heard about it and found this, that recently Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico successfully gained permission in 2003 to change Highway 666 to Highway 491. You might wonder, what was somebody thinking to name a Highway 666?

Who's the one to travel that? Well, it had been named that because in 1923 when they named it, it was simply the sixth branch or spur off of Interstate 66. And they spent decades trying to get rid of it, finally granted the right to change the road name. Not because of superstition, by the way, or because they were concerned about the coming Antichrist, but because they simply couldn't keep the highway signs from being stolen.

People just wanted to have it in their own homes, I guess, mounted on the walls in their bedrooms for whatever reason. Well, just about everybody knows what words like rapture and Antichrist and 666 have to do with end times. Another word that captures certainly the attention of the world, perhaps as much as any other word from the book of Revelation is the word Armageddon. Just about everyone knows that the word Armageddon has something to do with the end of the world.

For those who are a little more informed will know that it's a reference to a location and a coming final world war. And we're now in a series beginning today that will take us right through the battle of Armageddon. And John will deliver to us the details of the rise and fall of Babylon. We'll have it in living color, details of the final cataclysmic events that wrap up the final days of civilization as we know it and the kingdom which follows as Christ returns with his church to set up the millennial kingdom. So John, the apostle, will reveal to us all that as the last civilizations of the world rush toward this climactic battle, the battle of Armageddon, mankind will not be in control. God will be. The kingdoms of this world pass away, but the kingdom of our Christ is forever.

Amen. Now, beginning with Revelation Chapter 16, seven angels we were previewed in Chapter 15 have stepped forward. And now Chapter 16 gives us the details as they step forward with seven bowls filled, as it were, with the wrath of God to be poured out in one final series of events just before Christ splits the skies open in his triumphal return to establish his kingdom. Look at verse one. Then I heard a loud voice from the temple, the naos, the holy of holies, saying to these seven angels, go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.

Now, this scene is both figurative and literal. The bowls are literal bowls, but they figuratively express the pouring out, as it were, of elements seen as the wrath of God. This scene then personifies wrath as if it were some kind of liquid in these bowls that these angels are carrying with some ceremony. The language implies some kind of ceremony as they file out of the holy of holies to distribute the wrath of God, representing the law of God, which has been broken. By the way, these bowls are shallow saucers.

The Greek word is phiale, which refers to a wide, shallow bowl, much like a saucer, like the one you might pour milk into for your cat if you have one. Pity. That's not in the text. Let me go back to it.

All right. Let me give you four categorical observations. I know you want to dive in, but let me give you four categorical observations about these bowls that will help make sense of them as we go through them. Number one, they are rapidly delivered. Rapidly delivered.

All of this will affect the earth and the human race over the course of a few days, a few weeks at best. The language implies that one bowl after another will be poured out without any delay. And they are poured, by the way. The verb indicates they're not dripped or lightly spilled. They're literally as if they're turned upside down suddenly and poured. That leads me to the second observation that you need to understand.

These bowls are cumulatively distressing. With only a brief pause in verse five, these bowls are poured out one after another, adding judgment upon judgment, horror upon horror, much like the plagues of Egypt. But because there is delay in the plagues of Egypt, there are all sorts of scientific explanations. Maybe you've read the Reader's Digest version.

In fact, I read it in the Reader's Digest. In the Exodus, how the plagues all began with a volcanic eruption which covered the light of the sun, the water turned poisonous, and red for some reason, which drove frogs inland and they're dying, bred flies and gnats which killed cattle and infected people, and on and on. Of course, they have to generalize the effects of the plague so that one in every household seemed to die, even though the Bible specifically attributed the plagues to the miraculous power of God through his servant Moses, including the killing of every firstborn from every family who refused to follow the protecting plan of God which foreshadowed the atoning work of Christ as they put blood on the doorposts of their homes and found therein safety. You can no more explain these events apart from the hand of God than you can explain so many other things in the Bible, certainly the miraculous events which the naturalist wants to void from scripture. Just try, apart from the hand of God, explaining the creation of the new heaven and new earth. Just explain a city made of transparent glass or gold looking like glass, Revelation 21. Explain single gates of that city, all carved, each one from a single pearl.

Are there some kind of monster oysters working those things up now as we speak? While you're at it, explain the resurrection of Lazarus, wrapped tightly. To breathe would be like you breathing through a pillow smothering your face. Then he's dead for four days with nothing to eat or drink. It cannot be explained apart from the voice of sovereign God. Explain the resurrection of Christ while you're at it. Ladies and gentlemen, these bowls of wrath are the supernatural work of God through his creative universe where he actually violates the laws of nature he created. And you will see he has the right to do that.

He will turn nature upside down as we'll see. The third observation is this. They are specifically directed. You will notice as we look through this that in verse two only the followers of the antichrist are plagued with these sores. It seems possible that the fifth bowl of darkness in verse 10 only affects the throne or the kingdom of the antichrist, although I would toss my hat in with those who believe that his kingdom is global. But there seems to be some protection at least from the first one for those who truly do believe. They will be spared some of the effects, although every believer will be affected either directly or indirectly from every act of judgment.

Number four, this is my fourth observation. These bowls of judgment are not only rapidly delivered and cumulatively distressing and specifically directed, they are fourthly terminally destructive. As you and I will discover life on the planet will change for everyone, unbeliever and believer, those who have come to faith in Christ during the tribulation. But Christ does return and he does set up his kingdom with his capital in the New Jerusalem. And though we're not told, there's plenty of evidence with what happens in the kingdom to assume that God not only miraculously turns nature upside down, he writes it back, turns the oceans and seas back to clean sources of water.

The truth is if he didn't, earth would be uninhabitable. But we know that Christ will reign on the earth with his bride, the church he brings with him, and millions of people who've accepted the gospel during the tribulation who will enter this millennial kingdom as Revelation 20 reveals. Okay, enough of the overview. Now let's take a closer look at this final series of judgments from the hand of a holy God. Bowl number one, simply put, believers are plagued with painful sores. Look at verse two. So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and it became a loathsome and malignant sore on the people.

What people? The people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image. They do not then affect believers, John writes here. It only affects those who have the mark of the beast. This is part of God's warning through his angel earlier in Revelation where he warned them, don't take the mark.

If you do, you will drink unmixed, that is undiluted wrath from God. Those who refuse now suffer in what is a symbol of their coming eternal physical suffering in hell. Now it also serves as a further warning to those who have yet to bow to his image. And many have not yet bowed.

Millions from every tongue, tribe and nation have not yet bowed and won't. They will enter the kingdom having believed in Christ. So this becomes not only a warning to not do it, but it becomes an exposure of the antichrist as a false messiah.

In other words, it's saying look at what happens to the followers of the antichrist. They are covered with these running ulcers, these abscesses and he cannot heal them. He is a false physician.

He's a fraud. Let's go to bowl number two, the ocean seas are turned into blood. Look at verse three, the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it became blood like that of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died.

Now if you notice this carefully, this translation put well did not say that the sea became like the blood of a dead man. It said it became blood. What kind of blood? Blood like a dead man.

The Greek word in fact used here for blood is the word haima which gives us our word hema or hematology which is the study of the function and nature of blood. This is literal blood. As unbelievable as it might sound, the oceans of the world become in an instant blood.

We cannot imagine the horror of this judgment. We cannot imagine the corpses of sea mammals and creatures and fish piled on shore and floating dead upon the water's surfaces. The effects of the food supply of the world will be catastrophic. One believing scientist wrote, in this toxic ocean, nothing can survive and soon all the billions of fishes and marine mammals and marine reptiles and the innumerable varieties of marine invertebrates will perish, thus still further poisoning the oceans and contaminating the seashores of the world. In this present world, sea organisms provide the basis for the world's great food chains and the ocean itself is the anchor of the earth's essential cycle.

The sea and its creatures had once been a spring of life. Now it becomes a turgid pool of death. This is the wrath of God poured out.

The third bowl is fresh water sources turned into a bowl. Look, if it isn't bad enough, another angel now steps forward. Look at verse four. Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, that is other fresh water sources, and they became blood. Not like blood. They became Haima.

They became blood. So if anybody's thinking, well, you know, the ocean thing is really bad but I live in Kansas. I'm away from that. Or I live in Colorado. I'm fairly insulated. We still have rivers and melting snow and drinking water and springs and lakes so we're going to be all right.

Now think again. This is a comprehensive, miraculous act of God so that at his command, through his angel, all water sources turn into blood. All inland water affected, leaving people with nothing to drink. Listen, unless God miraculously reverses his judgment, mankind cannot survive without water and before long all bottled water, drinks of every kind, water stored in tankers, water stored in towers, water of any and all forms will run out. This becomes then the global scene of an earlier warning of God's judgment upon the Egyptians because they hardened their hearts through their leader, Pharaoh.

You remember how one of those plagues was the turning of the Nile River into literal blood. The contamination here, however, is comprehensive, global, the world's oceans. Can you imagine the environmentalists' nightmare? But the destruction of the remaining fresh water supplies is going to be even more staggering. This is catastrophic. This is a blow to fallen humanity who believe they were worshipping their God.

No. The true God who reigns with a word has taken everything they need effectively to survive away. Now people are going to certainly wonder how God could do something like this if he is indeed a God of compassion and a God of love and a God of grace.

How could he do this? So God anticipates that kind of question following this kind of catastrophic judgment. In fact, about the time you think mankind is going to ask this question and get some kind of explanation, even though they're warned earlier, you bow to this man and the act of judgment will come, you're going to drink unmixed fury from God. God does condescend and he, through an angel, another angel, delivers an explanation which effectively defends his character. Look at verse 5. And I heard the angel of the waters, that is the angel given authority over the waters saying, righteous are you who are and who were a holy one because you judge these things for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets and you have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.

How terrifying are these words to the human race? This is poetic justice. In fact, even though I believe fully in the wrath of God and in fact I cling to the wrath of God having been played out in the body and life of Christ on my behalf and yours who believe, still for me to read these words, they come to the end of it where he says, and they deserve it, is startling to me.

They deserve it. They poured out the blood of Christ's followers, so now God pours out blood. The same Greek word for pour is used in this paragraph. They poured out the blood of the saints, God pours out his wrath. They poured out the blood of those who would follow Christ, this has been a blood bath for those who belong to Christ. And now God bathes them in blood. But it's actually deeper than that. The human race has effectively dismissed the true and living Christ who shed his blood on their behalf and they have rejected his blood and now they have nothing but blood which cannot save them.

But it's even more than that. They deny the creator and are now punished at the hands of creation. They refuse the healer and now they suffer incurable boils and sores. They refused to follow the one who began his public ministry by turning water into what?

Into wine. Who now in this judgment turns water into blood. They tread upon the blood of Christ and shed the blood of his saints and now they have only blood.

It's as if they're floating in blood. And they deserve it. Isn't that startling to read?

They deserve it. Even those of us who believe in the wrath of God find that hard to read and they deserve it. It's a precursor of that day when we will with Christ see the judgment of all those who disbelieve thrown into hell and understand fully and they deserve it. The truth is we all deserve the judgment of God, do we not?

We all have rebelled. We all have violated the law of God. And the wages of sin is what? Death. The just and right payment for being a sinner is death. And we will experience physical death but not eternal torment and suffering.

Why? The wages of sin is death but praise God for that little conjunction. It has changed eternity for us who believe. The just payment for sin is death but the free gift of God is everlasting or eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. We all deserve the judgment of God but it came upon Christ and we who have accepted Christ go free. It's interesting how Paul used the same word for poor, p-o-u-r, used here in Revelation for the bulls pouring out the wrath of God when he wrote in Romans 5, the love of God has been poured out within our hearts. It's even more ironic to discover for me that this word is also used in Acts chapter 2 where we're told that God poured out upon those who believed his Holy Spirit. In other words, for those who believe, we have a pouring. We have the love of God poured out into our hearts. We have the Holy Spirit poured into our lives. For those who do not believe, they will experience the wrath of God poured out against them.

It is the height of poetic justice. The angel says God is right, God is true in judging the world in this way. The very first book of the Bible in Genesis 18, Abraham asked this rhetorical question, shall not the judge of all the earth deal justly? In the last book of the Bible, the angel answers here, righteous are you, O Holy One, because you judge these things. Verse 7, yes, O Lord God, the Almighty, true and righteous are your judgments.

In other words, you do what is right. Matthew Henry, a century ago, a great commentator wrote about this text. He said, you know, the unbelieving world thinks that everything belongs to them. This is their earth. This is their air, their sea, their rivers, their world.

They believe they alone have the right to determine and judge. And it's true. But the angel here announces the truth about God. This is his earth. This is his air. These are his oceans.

These are his seas and lakes. This is his animal creation. This is his created human race.

And he alone has the right to judge and determine a sovereign Lord. This is my Father's world. Oh, let me never forget that though the wrong seems off so strong, God is the ruler yet.

This is my Father's world. The battle is not done. Jesus who died will be satisfied, and earth and heaven become one. So in this last series of judgments that we are just introducing today, we're immediately given the truth. God owns the world. God does what is right.

Sin deserves judgment. And you here today can also hear within this an invitation. Surrender now to the sovereign.

That's the invitation. He owns everything. He owns you. And he will have the right to judge and determine your eternal existence. So surrender to him now while there is time for his grace to be poured out and his love to be poured out and his spirit to be poured out into your life and heart. Come to the Savior. He will forgive everything. God owns everything. Christ will forgive everything. Receive from him this free gift of salvation. Why?

Because how can you? Well, he has already paid for everything. Amen? Instead of having future judgment poured out upon you, in fact you may be alive when this occurs should the rapture happen soon.

Have the love of God poured out upon your heart and the grace of God lavished upon you and the Holy Spirit given freely to you as you become a part of the body of Christ as you join the wedding procession and you leave the funeral march. With that we bring to a close this first of several messages in a series called Armageddon and the Fall of Babylon. Stephen has entitled today's message Poetic Justice. You're listening to Wisdom for the Heart. This is the Bible teaching ministry of Stephen Davey. A great way to learn more about us is to visit our website which is

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