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FRI HR 1 011725

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 18, 2025 12:07 am

FRI HR 1 011725

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 18, 2025 12:07 am

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Save $80 with code SPACE80 at Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this January 17th, Friday, 2025. This is pledge week, pledge week, pledge week. In fact, thank you, Bob in Michigan pledges 100. Thank you, Bob.

Those lines are open and the numbers are 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. And back in the phone booth, we got Aaron and Eric and Lee. And then we have our highly trained professional producer and board up, none other than Johnny. Hey, Pastor, great to be here on the last Friday of the Biden administration. Yeah, there's something big happening on Monday, right? I heard. Okay. Oh, yeah.

Already here full of talk. And this right here she is. That's that's the cackle. That's the radio marm.

Little Lisa. Good evening, everyone. And out yonder we have on the phones tonight, my newly trained co-host and well, he's a strong Christian and been a big addition to this radio program.

And that's the elder Barkley. Good evening. Good evening. The Lord is on my side.

I will not fear what man do unto me. Amen. And then you have the highly proclaimed legendary chaplain, co-founder for cops in Christ, written many, many books.

And he wishes he could sing. None other than the chaplain, John McTernan. Well, well, well, thank you, Pastor Ernie, for this nice introduction. God bless you, all our listeners, and that we may have a wonderful show tonight. All right, we got to do it. Let me put this as pledge week. So you guys got to help me raise some money because we really need to raise some money so we can stand that. You want me to stay in that big station in Texas, don't you, John?

Oh, yeah, Pastor Ernie, of course. I think that's a 98,000 watt out there in Texas. So anyhow. It doesn't reach me in Houston. You're in Dallas. Oh, well, that should reach to Canada. I know, but it reaches into Oklahoma.

You better redirect it because we have a lot of people in Oklahoma that listen to it and Kansas that listen to that. And so anyhow, you know what we're going to do tonight before we get our scripture is going to be the 18th Psalm. But there was you had a miracle take place with your with your missus. Why don't you tell the folks about that?

That's right off the bat. Yeah, I was sharing that with you today, Pastor Ernie. On this show, I was not too long ago, a couple week or two ago, three weeks ago, we prayed for my wife because she had fallen coming out of a store and broke her left hip. And she went in Wednesday. She was scheduled to go in for an operation. And she was prayed over in the name of Jesus and that the pain left is and that she would not be operated on Friday.

Excuse me, Wednesday. So I took her into the hospital and they got her all ready for the operation. And I told her to tell the nurses that she wanted to speak to the doctor before the operation. So they let me come in and I was with her and the doctor came in and the anesthesiologist came in and some nurses to take her into the room for the operation. So I asked the doctor, I said, she has no pain.

Would you please test her before the operation? So he grabbed her leg and and pushed it forward, like back towards her. And he said, does that hurt? And she said, no.

So he put the leg down and grabbed it again and he picked up. He twisted a little and he said, does that hurt? And she said, no. He goes, I can't operate on you. He goes, you know, you should be screaming in pain. He said, I don't know what to say.

He goes, I've never had anything like this before. And he's a Jewish doctor. And the anesthesiologist that came in was foreign.

He looked, I would say, I thought he was like an Arab Muslim. So I said, doctor, I said last night she was prayed over in the name of Jesus and she had no pain. And you see the way she is now. And he said, I've heard of things like this, but I've never experienced it. He goes, I'm not going to be able to operate on her. So we turned to the anesthesiologist behind him. And he said, I'm going to cancel this operation. So he said, why? What's going on here? So I said she was prayed over last night in the name of Jesus and she was healed. And he goes, what?

What happened? And there were three nurses there. And they said, what happened last night? And I said, well, she was prayed over in the name of Jesus. And Jesus healed her. Wow.

It caused a big stir in the operating area. Well, there's power in prayer. And this is why I keep telling people here, you know, all of those folks that joined in, remember when we prayed for her here, we had people all across the country join in with us in that prayer. And this is why for 50 years I've been telling people, listen, listen to what God has to say.

You know, he gets it right every time. OK. And so I just I praise the good Lord. That's a rule.

Yeah. And then on the way out, on the way out, I was talking to the woman that, like, signed you in and she took you to where to go inside the operating room there. So I came out and I said, my wife's going to be right out. She's not going to be operated on. So she said, what? And there was a man, an elderly man standing next to me when I was talking to her. And I said, yeah, she was prayed over and Jesus healed her.

And there's not going to be any operation. Really? Really? She was healed. I said, yeah. And then the guy next to me said, I believe God answers prayer.

This is wonderful. I didn't even know he was really there. So it was spreading like all over that area, the hospital about the great healing that had taken place. So she was literally five minutes away from being wheeled into the operating room.

She was five minutes away, Pastor Ernie. Wow. Well, yeah, you definitely don't want that hip surgery if you don't have to. I know I had. Right. Right.

Right. So today I was in fact, I just talked to her before the show. I said, I've been watching you move. And I said, you're not limping. I said, your gait is back. You're walking gait for both legs is back. But she's using a she's using a walker who's her balance isn't back. She's not. She says, I don't feel comfortable balance wise.

But oh, yeah, I said, any pain? She said, no, I feel real good today. So there you go. I want to thank everybody that prayed along with us.

This was about two weeks ago. Praise the Lord. Danny in Michigan pledges one hundred two Michigan pledges tonight.

All right. We get a match for Bob. Can we get a match for daddy for one hundred eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero.

That's the credit card line or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three. Now, we're going to be in the 18th song tonight. Fellas, the 18th song. And it's a. John, would you read verses one through six? That's the 18th song. And then Randall, you pick it up with seven through 16. And John, take a stop on verse two for, you know, but go ahead and start whenever you're ready.

OK, there's an introduction here. Psalm 18, one to the chief musician, a psalm of David, the servant of the Lord who spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. And he said, I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer. The Lord is my strength in whom I will trust my buckler and the horn of my salvation and my eye tower. John, that's a seven fold metaphor for the power of God and defending his loved ones.

The rock, the fortress, the deliverer, the strength, the buckler, the horn, the high tower. OK, and go ahead and continue through verse six. OK, I will call upon the Lord who was worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies. The sorrows of death come past me and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell come past me about and the snares of death prevented me. In my distress, I called upon the Lord and cried unto my God. He heard my voice out of his temple and my cry came before him, even into his ears. Now, in these next verses, seven through sixteen, actually, it's a description to his referring to or associated with the flood.

So go ahead, Randall. Then the earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken because he was raw. There went up a smoke out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth.

Devire devoured holes were kindled by it. He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet. He rode upon a cherub and did fly. Yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness his secret place. His pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the sky.

Stop right there for a minute. You know, that's what most people don't really know what a pavilion is today. Like, we have a pavilion over on my property. But it's, you know, today pavilions are usually used for social events or picnics and that. But a pavilion is actually a war room. That's what a pavilion was, where the kings would meet with their generals and that.

But go ahead. At the brightness that was before him, his thick clouds passed. Hailstones and coals of fire. The Lord also thundered in the heavens and the highest gave his voice. Hailstones and coals of fire. Yea, he sent out his arrows and scattered them and he shot out lightnings and discomfited them. Then the channels of waters were seen and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke. O Lord, at the blast of the breast of thy nostrils. He sent from above.

He took me. He drew me out of many waters. That was a psalm there describing, a psalm actually of Noah and the flood.

And that's interesting. But go ahead John and pick it up in verse 17 and if you'd read it through 29 and then you pick it up in verse 30 and read through 45 if you would. So go ahead John. What verse do you want me to stop at first Ernie? Verse through 29.

Verse 16 through 29, yea. He delivered me from my strong enemy and from them which hated me for they were too strong for me. They prevented me in the day of my calamity but the Lord was my stay. He brought me forth also into a large place. He delivered me because he delighted in me. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands, hath he recompensed me. For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God. For all his judgments were before me and I did not put away his statutes from me. I also upright before him and kept myself from mine iniquity. Therefore the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands and his eyesight. With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, with an upright man wilt thou shew thyself upright. With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure, and with the forward thou wilt shew thyself forward. For thou wilt save the afflicted people but wilt bring down eye looks. For thou wilt light my candle, the Lord my God wilt enlighten my darkness. For by thee have I run through a troop, and by my God have I leaped over a wall. Okay, hold right there for a minute.

Alright, Danny, well let's see, we already did Danny in Michigan. Alright, 888-281-1110, the phone lines are open. That's the credit card line.

And 888-677-9673. And we still have the same deal all week long on those two DVDs. They're 25, we ask a donation of 25 each or two for $40. So, folks, if you haven't gotten any one and that's, if you've gotten one then all you need is two.

But if you haven't gotten any, you might want to go for one and two and save it. And that's 50 years, those are the first two hours of the things that have happened. We give you the story, I'm telling you, in 50 years I haven't had one boring day, believe me folks. And so, we've gotten a really good response from people that have sat and listened to these. So, there you go with that.

Now, again, it's 888-677-9673 or the credit card line is 888-281-1110. This is, we only have less than two hours left tonight to raise enough money to stay on the station you're listening to us on for another month. So, John, here now, what David is saying here, well this is a psalm and it's a psalm where David's heart's at, but it's not exactly describing a lot of his actions, is it? No, he's actually kind of just showing how God's faithful is faithful in the power of God in protecting him.

Absolutely. And so, you pick it up and read in verse 30 through 43, 30 through 43, Elder Barkley. As for God, his way is perfect. The word of the Lord is tried. He is a buckler to all those that trust in him. For who is God, save the Lord?

Or who is a rock, save our God? It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like kind's feet, and seteth me upon my high places. He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by my arm. Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation, and thy right hand hath holed me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great. Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip. I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them, neither did I turn again till they were consumed. I have wounded them that they were not able to rise.

They are falling under my feet. For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle. Thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me. Thou hast also given me the net of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me. They cried, but there was none to save them, even unto the Lord. But he answered them not. Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind.

I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets. Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people, and thou hast made me the head of the heathen, a people whom I have not known shall serve me. All right, now that verse there, okay, often in these verses, John, you see that the, you see David in these Psalms, and he's, he's actually referring to the Lord himself. And here in this 43rd, verse 43, thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people, and thou hast made me the head of the heathen, a people whom I have not known shall serve me. That is, that's referring to the Lord himself, to Messiah. And we're going to stop right there, and we're going to go to a quick break.

We'll be back right after this. Big John, Big John. He was born of Elizabeth, the son of Zachariah, sent by God the Father to proclaim the Messiah. He was as bold as a lion, he knew no fear, an awesome man, and a coat of camel hair. Big John, Big John. Big Baptist John, Big John. In the wilderness of Judea, you could hear him there, he was preaching repentance, it was very loud and clear.

O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come, better listen Pharisee. He preached to the sinner, the thief, and the liar. Only one way out of that burning lake of fire, the truth thundered forth from this righteous man and those that believed on the promised land. Big John, Big John. Big Baptist John, Big John. Chosen by the Father to baptize the Son, it was there in the Jordan this awesome thing was done. The Holy Ghost ascended as if it were a dove, a mighty voice thundered from heaven above.

This is my Son in whom I am well pleased. John his friend, none greater than he, he told all the people about God the Son, he never quit preaching till the job was done. Big John, Big John. Big Baptist John, Big John.

Now two thousand years later the story is still being told, how he was thrown into prison for being so bold, he was martyred for God, to him it was an honor, he earned himself a mansion, heaven way out yonder. Big John. Now John's enemies they perished in the shame, but John took his place in the Saint's Hall of Fame. Now in heaven above the angels understood, when John preached repentance, he sure did it good, Baptist John. Big John.

Now there's one thing John wants you to know, it's a fearful matter to lose your own soul, to call upon the Lord while you still can, better take the advice of this mighty righteous man. Big John, Big John. Big Baptist John. Big John, Big Baptist John. Big John, Big Baptist John. Big John, Big Baptist John. Big John, Big Baptist John Alrighty, Big Baptist Town. I have a couple quick announcements to make.

Very well, I've got a few announcements to make. Every Tuesday at 1pm, stand with missionaries to the pre-born and planned predators. Oh, what an evil, wicked place. What an evil, wicked people they are, planned predators. They call themselves Planned Parenthood, but even their name is a lie. And that's at the corner of Rockside Road and Route 43 in Bedford Heights at 1pm every Tuesday. That's from Doers of the Word Church out there. And then on Fridays at 1pm, come again and join Doers of the Word at the bloody preterm abortion mill at 12000 Shaker Boulevard in Shaker Heights.

I'll get a trade. And then Saturday, join St. Nott's and the missionaries to the pre-born at that bloody, bloody Birkins abortionist at his whorehouse of death abortion mill. And that's at 2127 State Road in Cuyahoga Falls. And that's at 9am on Saturdays. And then Jug County Tea Party meets the first Monday of every month at 6.30pm. No.

Yep. And then Jug County Tea Party meets Monday at 6.30pm at the Metzenbaum Center. That's the second Monday of the month at 8200 Cedar Road in Chesterland. And the Jug County Right to Life meets the Doers of the Word Baptist Church. And then on Sundays, the Doers of the Word Baptist Church, we start at 9am to 9.30 with an in-depth, with a very in-depth Bible study. And then at 9.30 we go to 10 o'clock with a little lighter Bible study, you know, for those that aren't quite ready for the real meat of the Word. And then from 10 to 11 we have prayer meeting. And then from 11.30 the morning service starts.

And then from 4 to 5 we have a current events, the Bible and current events class. 5pm is the evening servant. For more information you can call 440-338-1367. That's 440-338-1367.

One more time. 440-338-1367. And then the Summit County Right to Life, March for Life is tomorrow, January 18th at the Community Vineyard Church from 9am.

It starts at 9am to, and the address is 2543 State Road in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. And bring your own signs. And then we're going to play a clip from Victor Hansen Davis. And he, it's an interesting clip. Well, I'll just let him tell it to you.

Go ahead with that, Johnny. Donald Trump is telling Canada, well, you don't spend any money to defend yourself, so to speak. You're under the American nuclear umbrella. And the trade imbalance is not fair because you have tariffs on our goods that we don't have on yours. And yet you won't patrol the border when you know that people are coming illegally in the United States.

Blah, blah, blah. So we are going to demand something from you, make you the next state. And there are, it's very, it's very effective because provinces like Ontario are very energy rich and very conservative.

And maybe some would like to join the United States. So it causes a lot of dissension. It may have led to Mr. Trudeau finally throwing in the towel. Victor Davis Hansen dissects Donald Trump's unconventional strategies in reshaping international relations, highlighting how Trump flips left wing rhetoric to challenge the global status quo from Greenland to the Gulf of Mexico. Hansen reveals how Trump's art of the deal tactics expose hypocrisies, disrupt complacency and force renegotiations that often leave the United States in a stronger position. In Hansen's view, Trump's strategy isn't just disruptive. It's a wake up call to complacent allies and adversaries alike. By using irony and left wing arguments to challenge the existing order, Trump reclaims the initiative in a world where everything is up for renegotiation. The next example is, of course, Greenland, this huge country, a semi-autonomous province of Denmark, three or four times the size of Texas, key to American security in World War Two. Trump says he wants to buy it. He said it before.

They said, what are you doing? And in art of the deal fashion, of course, now Denmark is spending an extra billion plus dollars of investment in this huge colony. And on their royal coat of arms are including Greenland imagery. And so according to this logic, they are now pushing back and Trump is going to be better off than when he started. As in the case of Canada, when they started to patrol the border and they said they renegotiate any asymmetrical tariffs. In the case of renaming the Gulf of Mexico. The Mexican president showed a map recently of the southwest of the United States part being part of Mexico.

That was her counter. That's kind of a bad troll because they rely on sixty three billion dollars of remittances. That's their. Remember, it's their largest source of foreign exchange.

So I don't think you should troll Trump. But the idea was that it was a message to Mexico that you have an imbalance. You're sending people here illegally. Twelve million the last four years.

You get remittances. Sixty three billion. Eighty thousand Americans have died per year. So we're going to start to reexamine our entire message. So in the case of the Panama Canal, it's similar to Greenland and Canada and the Gulf of Mexico controversies. The Chinese have intruded into an American domain. We built the canal. We operated effectively for one year, one one century, and Panama is now flirting with the Chinese capital in a way that hurts our national interest, because China's interest in the Panama Canal in times of crisis would be to shut it down and prevent our fleets from redeploying either east or west. We we all know that. And so under art of the deal with all of these controversies, Panama, Greenland, Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, you get boisterous, you get excessive, you seem unstable, and then the other party negotiates down in reasonable fashion and you end up better than you are.

I'd just like to finish, though, there is one key element missing. Irony. Irony. So Donald Trump is saying to the to the Mexican government, if you look at the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico, seventeen hundred miles are U.S. coastline. Seventeen hundred miles are Mexican coastline.

Why is it called the Gulf of Mexico? But here's the key. And we are in an age of left wing renaming things. We topple statues. We rename iconic buildings.

We take away Woodrow Wilson. We do everything. And according to your logic, it's time that you had the Gulf of Mexico for centuries. But we have the exact amount of coastline that you do. And we now are a convert for your idea of renaming things. In case of Greenland, you Europeans are anti-colonialist.

You're always giving us lectures. This is the colony. New York City is closer to Greenland than is Copenhagen. And we defend it. And it's a North American territory. So do you still want to play the imperial colonialist? Because you only react to your colonial people when you're pressured and you're endangering them. He's trying to tip the left wing argument from Denmark. Oh, the United States is a bully. What?

Upside down. You're the bully. You're the colonialist.

In the case of Canada, it's the same thing. You don't want us to intrude, but you want freebies. You want us to defend you while you pose as you're an anti-militaristic, left wing, pacifistic, utopian society. But if you examine things, you would be scared to death about Chinese and Russian intrusion into your airspace or sea space if it wasn't for the United States. So when you look at this, what Trump is saying is, I am using left wing arguments, colonialism, changing names, imperialism, inviting in communist autocratic governments that don't reflect the will of people in the case of China, and I'm flipping them and putting them in your face. And the whole point is to re-examine the status quo across the board is kind of an anti-woke argument, isn't it?

Everything is up for grabs, and if the woke people think they can rewrite the history and traditions of the United States, maybe Donald Trump can too. Alrighty, we're back. What do you fellas think about that? I know here, well, first of all, Joe and Akron pledges 200! Thank you, Joe. Those phones haven't been ringing, and I'm sorry, I've been neglecting giving that number out. It's my fault, but I'm going to give it now. 888-281-1110. This is the credit card number.

888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Help me on the station you're listening to us on. We want to stay on those stations and keep bringing you what we're doing. Again, one of the things that in 50 years, in 50 years we've never stood down. We've never stood down.

We've always stood our ground. We've stood up against the forces of communism. And, you know, it's been a battle. They've done, they've tried all kinds of things to take us down and get us off the air. But we're here, by God's grace, and we attribute that to the good Lord jumping in on our side, like old King David was saying in that song we just read.

But it's been a battle, folks. Again, I want to remind you, none of us here get a pay. We don't, none of us. All of us volunteer, and we've been doing it for all these years. And we not only don't get a pay, it costs us money out of our own pockets to do what we're doing. So why do we do it?

Because we're such great, wonderful people. No, we do it because the cause is a righteous cause. The cause is a righteous cause. From Genesis to Revelation, God's word in the Bible is very, very clear. Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.

And failure to resist tyranny is disobedience. And I'm just going to be truthful and frank. You know, we're probably maybe in the one to five percent of the people, especially the pastors in this country, in the pulpits, that have the courage to do what we've done. We haven't backed down. You know, when they tried to throw us this COVID thing on us, we were the first church to stand right up, come out and say, we are not going to abide by their mandates.

We're not going to limit our, we're going to obey God rather than man. And we were very bold with it. We came right out and said it right way before it went into effect. And we stood our ground. We didn't back down. And we exposed them. And when they tried to charge me with RICO charges, they came after all of us pro-lifers. We fought them. We went after them. We went, I took a dozen men, went to Judge Marcus's courtroom, you know, confronted them right there in their courtroom.

Why? Well, because the cause is a righteous cause. And the Bible says the righteous are as bold as lions. And so that's why we do what we're doing.

Not because we're such great people, but because it's the right thing to do. And that's why we need to hear from you. Paul in Texas pledges $50. Thank you, Paul. Again, those numbers are 888-281-1110. That's the credit card number.

Or 888-677-9673. We want to hear from you. Okay, John McKernan, the situation with Canada, you know, what's happening? What Trump did when he said that, all of a sudden, the big oil boys, the big mining companies, they started to figure it out. And the one thing that they heard and they knew would be the taxes.

They would pay much lower taxes, and they knew that. And so, from both countries, from the United States and Canada, many of the business people got to, they're talking, they're discussing, this is a great idea. And for Canada, Canada actually would be the ones that would benefit most from this deal, this trade deal. You know, because the trade imbalance, this way, folks, you're trading within the borders. You don't have any tariffs or any of these things, right?

It's no longer trade. It'll be made in North America. What do you think, McKernan? Yeah, Pastor Ernie, the thing with Canada is, if I'm not mistaken, the two, one of the two big, three, there's three big trades, trading they have with us. One is lumber. I think the other is dairy.

And the third, I'm not sure. Maybe it's oil. But anyways, they don't pay any tariff on it. But yet, reversed, they have huge tariffs on us.

So Trump, what he said was, you're going to have to, you know, even things out. And then he mocked Trudeau by saying, well, we provide you with defense. You know, you don't have to have a big military because of us and that you are making a huge amount of profit from the United States with no tariff.

You have no tariff and you have high tariffs on us. So this shook them, Pastor Ernie. It's amazing because Trudeau left that meeting with Trump down in Mar-a-Lago and like the next day or two, three days later, his government was shaken there. And next thing you know, he's out of office.

Well, you know, on the very day, the very time that Trump, the election on January 6th was certified, he resigned. Yeah. Yeah. So that shows you, behind the scenes, I didn't know that it was, Canada was that, what's the word, Pastor Ernie? Like weak, I'm going to say? That this threat by Trump in a joking manner, their government fell.

Yeah. Well, they corrupt. The corruption was horrible. The corruption in government in Canada is horrible. They go after Christians.

You know that. The moral corruption is like horrific there, what they do. If you stay out of the protection of Islam, if you look at the Muslim wrong, they'll put you in jail there in Canada. And the same thing, pro-lifers and all, but the economics in Canada and how fragile they are, Pastor Ernie.

Well, I don't know when, but soon they're going to be holding an election for a new government. Well, you know, little Castro, that's Trudeau, they call him, you know, little Castro because of who his real daddy is. And he is a communist to the bone.

And he's very, very anti-Christian, very anti-Christian. And in Canada, we had a number of listeners to this radio program. The pro-lifers had tried to save some babies and stop the euthanasia, who went to prison. And they went to prison for doing what we do here, just being out in front of the bloody abortion mills and handing out literature.

Of course, under Biden, that's what's happening now here. But that's going to stop now soon. But anyhow, the corruption, as you know, the anti-Christian, right now, this radio program, if I was on Canada's territory, they would arrest me.

I would be arrested. And there's parts of the Bible that are illegal to read in Canada right now. Yeah, Leviticus, Leviticus, Pastor Ernie.

Yeah, I know. Leviticus 18. You remember my book. That's how we met, Pastor Ernie, with my book, As America's Done to Israel. I was on a speaking tour there. Was that with Noah Hutchings? Yeah.

I was too. Is that how we met there? I think that's maybe how we met.

You interviewed me on your radio show. You were in a mobile home, not a mobile home. Oh yeah, that's when the station, they were remodeling the station, so they put a trailer outside. Right. Oh man. Right. And then you were telling me how pro-life you were, and I was saying how pro-life I was, and I was like one of the leaders in central Pennsylvania. And you invited me to come and speak in your church, and that's how we became friends. Yeah, that's how I remember that, yeah. That's like 1996 in around there, 95, 96 that we met. Does that sound right? Time has gone by pretty quick, hasn't it? Yeah.

Yeah, it certainly has. But there's something I wanted to tell you, and I got sidetracked on it. I just can't think and went out of my mind this morning.

Let me just say this. Rose in New York pledges $100. Thank you, Rose.

888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Okay, moving on from Canada, let's go to Greenland. Now you have a... I remember what I wanted to say. Go ahead.

I'll say it quickly. So I was interviewed to come into Canada to speak on a... It's called the Huntley Club, I believe.

It's like the old 700 Club was here in America. So we were making arrangements for me to fly up to Canada and speak on their show. So I got a call, like the arrangements were already made, and I got a call from the manager of the Huntley Club. And he said, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to cancel your appearance. And I said, well, okay, those things happen.

What's wrong? Well, we researched your website, and you're outspoken against homosexuality. And I said, yeah, that's correct.

So he said, no, we can't do that, because if the government finds out, we could lose our license. Wow. Yeah, I mean, again, like I said, with Trudeau in there, they're very, very anti-Christ. Very anti-Christ. But you have a lot of good, hardcore Christian patriots in Canada, too. Just like America.

And we have a lot of listeners. We just mailed out a whole lot of newsletters to Canada. But anyhow, so yeah, there's a big movement for Canada to merge with the United States. Let's move on to Greenland, though. In Greenland, I think there's even a bigger movement right now. They're seeing the handwriting on the wall, because they've got some real security issues with Russia and China breathing down their necks, huh? Well, the tip-off for that is when Trump came out, sort of out of the blue about Greenland, and he was talking about Greenland becoming under, I guess, the territory of the United States, China and Russia threatened.

They threatened him. You stay away from Greenland. They didn't say it's ours, but stay away from Greenland. Don't try and take Greenland. So apparently, the Russians and the Chinese are planning to move, I would say, in the near future to take over Greenland. So I think Greenland would rather be under the United States than under Russia.

Yeah, I know. Well, Greenland knows that. They know that there's been a lot of chatter to that, and that's been going on for a year. The same thing with Alaska. Russia has been talking about that really the deal was never a legitimate deal with the purchase of Alaska from Russia, and they think that Alaska should go back to Russia.

I don't think that's going to happen. I know that, Pastor Ernie, but Russia, at one point, the Russians had crossed over into Alaska, and they owned it. And it was right after the Civil War, 1687, that it was called Stuart's Folly. He was the Secretary of State, and it was like two cents per acre. It was a really low amount of money, and he bought it. The United States purchased it from Russia, and they thought it was just a wasteland, that it would be just an absolute waste of American money to buy Alaska. And then, of course, they found the gold and the oil and many other things there. It turned out to be the best deal we ever had.

But yeah, we purchased it from Russia in 1867, right after the Civil War. All righty, very good. Karen in the PA, Pennsylvania, pledges 50. Thank you, Karen. Ronald, right here in Ohio, Broadway Heights pledges 50. Thank you, Ronald.

The number is 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673. And Pastor Ernie, don't forget about the Panama Canal. Yeah, I was going to get to the Panama Canal. You know, what Reagan said, we dug it, we built it, we paid for it, and we lost what was it, 40-something people during the digging of that canal, and it's ours.

And that's what Reagan said, and Jimmy Carter sold it for a buck. Yeah, the number of people that were lost was somewhere high, up in almost 27, 38,000. There's different numbers that I've heard, but I think I heard Trump say 38,000 was one of the last numbers due to the malaria and different things that they were, diseases they were catching while building that. Yeah, but those weren't all American. I was talking about the 45 Americans that were killed while they were... Anyhow, the other thing, too, we have three Army bases and an Air Force base and a very small Naval base there in Panama.

And so, but the Chinese, I believe, they're along down along the, I think they have like the northern end, I'm trying to remember now, where the Chinese, they have a couple locks where they've moved their people in there. Well, also administratively they're taking it over, so Trump's move is we have a treaty with Panama that the Panama Canal will be under their control, solely under their control, and no foreign army of soldiers can have like a station there, and the Chinese are taking it over. So Trump, based on that treaty, Panama broke that treaty, so we're going to take it back.

Well, we're in a very good position to do that because we have the military personnel to do that. And so, yeah, they violated the treaty. Well, what happened, too, they gouged us. They were charging American ships much more than they were Chinese ships and others to go through the canal.

So, again, that's another one. Like everybody takes advantage of America. You know, whenever you have a Democrat in office, and do you think maybe when they take good advantage of the American taxpayer, some of that money gets kicked back to those Democrats in office? Do you think that would happen?

Totally, Cesar Ernie. How many billions have been kicked back from the Ukraine to them? How many went to the Clinton Foundation? Yes, exactly. All right, we're coming up to a break, and when we come back from a break, we've got another clip that we'll tell you about when we come back with Pam Bonding, showing how the Democrats, how she really handled them.

The hypocrisy is amazing, folks. We'll be back right after this. Don't go away.

A whole lot more to come. 888-281-1110. Be right back. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Speary Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next. Go to and live the Chumba life.
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