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TUE HR 1 120324

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 3, 2024 11:59 pm

TUE HR 1 120324

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 3, 2024 11:59 pm

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Save $80 with code SPACE80 at The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be prerecorded. Again, Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our lives for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance on this third day of December, 2024. And tonight my co-host is none other than the fellow that looks, well, looks like Elvis.

Style. Hey, Pastor, how are you? Well, I'm okay. How are you today? I'm doing all right. You ready to roll? Let's do it. Yeah, you gotta, you know, you gotta take big Joe's place now.

I don't know if I can do all that. Joe rolled off. He just rode right off into the sunset. But we're keeping an eye on and tracking him. We'll get him back here from time to time. What do you think?

I think that's a good idea. All righty. The title of my message was church polity and, well, we'll use the word manners. Do you know what, do you know what polity is? What is polity? Polity is church government. And it's also government and etiquette. Government and etiquette. A lot of people don't know quite sure what polity or etiquette is. So etiquette is the manners and polity is church government.

In other words, it's the way, the God's word, the Bible tells us we are to behave ourselves in the house of God. And with, you know, with the church no matter where we're at, you know. And so, we're going to pick it up where we left off in Acts chapter 2 verses 42 through 47.

You ready? Actually, I think I'm going to jump one head, one verse and go to verse 41. And they that gladly received his word were baptized in the same day that were added unto them about three thousand souls. See, back then, when you were, once you received Christ as your Savior, you were baptized right away.

And today is not, it's not always possible to do that today. But anyhow, and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and prayers. And fear came upon every soul and many wonders since signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together and all had things in common. And so their possession and their goods and part of them to all men, every man had need. And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. Praising God and having favor with his people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. How often do you hear people say we're going to build this church, right? You know, in other words, the membership.

And the Bible said that God is the one that does that. God adds to the membership. Now here, in saying that they spent a lot of time together in Bible studies, dining together, communion and fellowship, always making sure that the needs of others were met. Here, unfortunately, we must today often people think of other believers, other saints as often as lesser Christians. I've heard people tell me that they attend a certain church because there are people of their own social status there. People of their own income levels and that's where they're comfortable. They're comfortable with people of their own social status, their own income levels and not lesser people. They don't really like to be around low income people or people that are impoverished. In fact, here we've seen and we've had a situation where in times people have left the church because they've looked upon some other people in there as kind of lesser people.

In other words, there were some people that were impoverished or there were some people that had very, very poor people's skills. There are people that have different conditions like Asperger's or some others and because of that, people say, and I've had people tell me, Pastor, honestly, you've got to choose. You've got to either they have to go or I have to go. When someone says that to me, they've already made the decision for me. You don't ever put a person in that position, but you can't think of yourself more highly. The Bible says never to think of yourself more highly than you should. Here again, do you think God makes mistakes?

Not that I know of. Now there are people that can really test your patience. There's no doubt about that. But again, we're not to shoot our own, right?

We're not to wound, you know? And that's the problem with some people. And again, like I told you, I've had people tell me they attend a certain megachurch because there's people in there that are of a higher social status in that wrong way to attend a church. You attend a church if the church is an activist church, if they're doers of the word, not just hearers only, right?

That's what the Bible says. And I've seen situations where these same people say, well, I can't stay here if that person stays, so they go and they find another church. And guess what happens when they get to the other church? Someone says, I can't stay here if they stay. And that's kind of, again, not exactly church etiquette, is it?

Yeah, maybe I'm old-fashioned in this sense, but when I attend or leave a church, it's not because of who is or isn't in the pews, it's because of what is or isn't being preached. Exactly. You hit on something very important there already.

You know what? I just got a prayer request here, so let me just stop and take a minute. We have Jim Nelson, who is in the hospital, and his kidneys are not working. And so his wonderful wife, Judy, has asked that we might pray for him. So folks out there listening, wherever you be, just take a minute and join us here. Heavenly Father, Lord God, we just want to hold up Jim at this time and just ask Father God, Lord, that you might just touch him. We know, Lord, all you have to do is say the word, be healed. Father God, and here again be a comfort to Judy and the family that is there around, that he might receive a healing and a blessing in every area where you could bless him, that he would receive that blessing.

Lord, be a comfort to him and to Judy at this time. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. Alrighty, now we want to go over to Romans chapter 12. And in Romans chapter 12, here, we read, starting with verse 3 through 9. Sounds like something we were just speaking of, huh?

Right. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone, everyone members of another, having, then, gifts differing according to the grace of the Lord, and everyone, everyone members of another, having, then, gifts differing according to the grace that is given unto us, whether prophesy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith, or ministry, let us wait on our ministering, or he that teaches on teaching, or he that exhorteth on exhortation, he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity, he that ruleth with diligence, and he that showeth mercy with cheerfulness, and let love be without assimilation, abhor that which is evil, and cleave to that which is good. Well, let's start here. Well, we started with what we just talked about, not to think of yourself more highly than you should. Again, you know, here, we see things differently today, and God really has to look upon this and laugh at the behavior of some people that, again, for certain reasons, some people think that they're better than others.

Now, there are reasons if you say, well, do you think, if you're someone who's pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, if you're in favor of pedophilia, yeah, I am better than you, because you are reprobate, okay? But I'm referring here now to people that are professing Christians, professing Christians, and again, according to social status or, you know, according to their job or whatever, and as we go through here, we'll see how Philemon dealt with that himself. So then he says, so we be in many and one body in Christ, and everyone members of another, having then gifts according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesize according to the proportion of faith. Okay, so here, do we have prophecy today? I mean, we have prophecy in the Bible, right?

We have this called forth-telling. Today, when this was written, you still had fore-telling, but today we have forth-telling, because we have the completed canon of scriptures, okay? So there aren't any new prophecies being made. The prophecies are here, but we have, now, what happens is the Bible is a living, breathing document, and there's things in the Bible that have been there for thousands of years that we haven't totally completely understood until we see now as it unfolds before our very eyes and then things become much clearer. As we see in Daniel 12, verses 3 and 4, where he talks about to close up the book, okay, and today we see the unveiling of the book.

It's being unveiled before our very eyes, okay? And then we go to, when it says, or minister, let us wait on ministry. Do you know what that means there? Or ministry, let us wait on ministry.

Do you know what he's talking about? Is that to be witness to? No, it's like a deacon. It's like the job of a deacon, like the job of a deacon. Or he says that he that teaches on teaching, now, here he get into something, teachers are held to a higher standard. Teachers are held to a higher standard, and here now, or he that exhorteth.

Now, when I was ordained many years ago, on my ordination, the gift that they said was exhortation, that that was my gift that I had to exhort people to action. And he that let him do with simplicity, he that ruleth with diligence, okay? And so, what do you think he's referring to when he says he that ruleth? He that ruleth at church heads? Right, you find the answer in Hebrews 13, 7, and 17. Okay, he's talking about the leaders of the church, okay?

Specifically the pastor, the under shepherd of the local assembly. He that showeth mercy with cheerfulness, okay? In other words, you know, what we just talked about, there are people that can really, really, really test your patience at times, but when we show mercy to them, and not throw them out, not kick the puppy, as they say, but we show mercy, we don't do it saying, woe is me, and look at, this is my poor life. I have to, I have to show mercy. Oh, I wish it wasn't me. But you know, again, like I said, it doesn't say that it's going to be easy anywhere here, does it?

No. And there's a good reason why I say, let you do this with cheerfulness, because there are people that can really test your patience a lot here. And then it says, let love be without dissimilation. Oh, do you know what that word, dissimilation, means?

Without wavering? No, it means hypocrisy. Oh. Do it without hypocrisy. Now, so here, when we look at all of this, starting out with verse 1, often today you hear, me and I and I, I deserve better. We have nothing to be, nothing to be proud of, but we have everything to be thankful for, don't we, today. And so, we really do have a lot to be thankful for. You know, even in the bad times, even under the Biden regime and the deep state and the communists and all the wickedness, I mean the complete evil wickedness out there, God has kept us there that we can stand and use us to fight back against it, huh? Yeah, I think that's the, you know, part of the common practice of the great deceiver, too.

There is a lot of bad, and it's usually at the forefront of things, that's what you hear about, but you can't let that distract you from the things that we should be thankful for as well. Absolutely. Let's go over to Philemon, and I think we'll go to chapter 1 in Philemon. And so, we're going to start with verse 8 through 16. Wherefore, though, I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee, that which is convenient. Yet, for love's sake, I'd rather beseech thee, being such as one as Paul, the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I beseech thee from my son, Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds, which in times past was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee, to me, whom I have set again. Though therefore receive him, that is in mine own bowels, whom I have been retained with me, and instead, let me stop here, just give a little story here. See, he's writing this letter to Philemon, and Onesimus was a slave, he was Philemon's slave, and he stole from him and took off from him. He ran into Paul, and Paul led him to the Lord.

He got saved. And so now, Paul is writing back to Philemon, and let's see if this don't go along with what we've been talking about here tonight, okay? He says, And what I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel.

This is one of the prisons, when Paul was, this was Paul's first imprisonment in Rome, that it was, this was taking place. So here, he goes and he says, But without thy mind would I do nothing, that thy benefit should not be as if it were necessity, but willingly. For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him forever, not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother, beloved especially to me, but how much more unto thee, both in the flesh and unto the Lord.

If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself. If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee, ought put it to my own account. I, Paul, have written with my own hand, and I will repay it, albeit to do not say, Thee how long, Oast, unto thine even own self besides. Yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord, refresh my vowels in the Lord. I have confidence in thy obedience. I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say. But will thou prepare me also in lodging, for I must trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you. There salute to thee Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellow laborers, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your spirit.

So now he's telling, he's writing, Philemon is asking, look, when he comes back, you know, he's coming back to repay you, give you back what he took. But don't treat him like a slave. Now, he's a brother in the Lord. He's a brother, he's a born again believer like you. So now you two, you know, you're slaves to Christ, but you're brothers. So don't treat him as a slave, but treat him as an equal now.

And whatever he doesn't pay, if he owes you more than what he pays, put it on my account and I'll take care of it. And that's what he's asking him to do. And it kind of goes along with what we were talking about before, doesn't it? Absolutely. I think on top of that, too, the fact that he's, because it's coming from first person, he's saying that we are brothers, he is my brother. It reminds me of are you not your brother's keeper, right?

Together in Christ, we are a family. Yep, absolutely. So there is the point of the whole thing. And I think I'm going to stop right there and go to a quick break.

And when we come back, boy, we have a lot of stuff to talk about tonight. Really. So take her away. Watch. Oh, man. This is Christ, the king who shepherds. This this is Christ. Why.

Good. This. This is the king. Whom shepherds and angels sing this this is Christ, the king.

The baby, the son. The king. This is Christ, the king who shepherds and angels sing this. This is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king. This is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king. This is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king. Oh, this is Christ, the king.

Oh, this is Christ, the king. There was actually another announcement that needed to be made, and you know what that one was, was here. Geauga County Tea Party with Avery. No, not that one. Okay, that was over. Let me do this other one.

Here's the other one, ready? Here's a reminder that tomorrow, that's Wednesday at 5 p.m. Nowaka. Nowaka is Ohio's version of Agenda 2030, which is globalism, anti-Christ, anti-American, anti-freedom.

They're part of the deep state. And a reminder that tomorrow at 5 p.m., Nowaka, the deep state, will hold another public indoctrination session at the Federated Church Family Life Center, and that's located at 16349 Chillicothe Road in Chagrin Falls. Please come. It's important for us to stand up. We need to be there to show unity ring signs as Nowaka equals the Chinese Communist Party, or anything else you can think of.

Nowaka, we don't approve, and so forth. At 5 p.m. tomorrow evening, headed to a church family life center. What's happening, folks, this announcement was sent to me, and here, as it comes out on the wording, they don't often spell their words right. And this is off the phone, the voicemail.

It's on the voicemail on the phone. But anyhow, that's tomorrow at 5 p.m., and that's called the Family Life Center, located at 16349 Chillicothe Road in Chagrin Falls. Actually, it looks more like South Russell, Chagrin Falls, Malian, Andreas. But it's right on Route 306, about a mile north of Route 422, and it's called the Federated Church, which actually is an apostate church. And here is the Family Life Center. It's called the Family Life Center. So there you go, folks. You want to come out, if you want to find out more about Nowaka, which is not a good organization, and we have to expose it.

I've been to several of their meetings. Their deep state. Again, we have to fight everywhere they go. They want to get in. Their goal is the deep state to move everyone. Their goal is to move us out of the countryside, to move everybody into a city. They want to expand the city limits from all the major cities out ten miles all the way around, and move everybody into the cities. They want to have apartment buildings that are 33 stories high. And these huge, huge, huge complexes where you own nothing.

You don't own anything. But here, in order to go out into the countryside, the countryside is only for the elite. This is where it's a whole part of that whole group that want to depopulate the planet down to half a billion people, from 8 billion down to half a billion people. And that's what's going to be meeting there tomorrow at that so-called Family Life Center.

This is Nowaka. It's Ohio's version of Agenda 2030, and they'll be there. You ought to just come out, everybody, and take a pad of paper with you, and take notes, and listen very, very carefully to these deep state people. Okay. And with that, I've got my announcements made, right?

Now, we're going to hit on some other things. Did you know the style that Trump gave the Middle East over there, he gave them a pretty stark warning about releasing our hostages. What do you think about that? Yeah, I mean, we saw almost instantly, right after the election, that he was already trying to broker some kind of peace negotiation between them, and now, again, before he's even into office here in January, he's doing more than the past administration has done the last four years to actually get Americans back to America. They're talking about, yeah, they want to sign now, they want to have peace talks all of a sudden, right? Trump is telling them on January 20th, if the hostages aren't released, it's not going to end well for them, huh?

So Hamas is now saying, let's have peace talks, right? Yeah, I mean, it goes to show, you know, what we've been saying for four plus years here is the fact that you can't make the argument that the Democratic Party isn't the party of war. You have one party that wants to rush us as fast as they can into World War Three. We have U.S. ballistic missiles being fired off without U.S. permission. We have wars we shouldn't be in, funding we shouldn't be pushing in our troops and countries they shouldn't be in. Meanwhile, the conservatives are trying to actively get us out of war before we're even in office. Yeah, and so here, and speaking of that, what he wants to do, Trump wants to purge the Pentagon, purge the Pentagon of those woke, pro-transvestite, pro-drag queen, woke officers.

Those are the ones that Obama put in there. They're not fit to be in a uniform at all, an American uniform. I know that all of my fellow veterans are just as shamed as can be of people like Milley and Austin and others there. Now, there's something else that's happening. It's very interesting because I haven't seen this before.

Not in a while. Years ago, when we actually had Democrats, often they would cross the aisle and come over, especially on pro-life issues. But all of us, but that hasn't happened because Nancy Pelosi would slap them around, okay? She would slap them around like a galley slave.

If anybody got out of line, Nancy would go after them. But now, all of a sudden, you've got Democrats. You've got this representative, Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat. And guess what he wants to do? He wants to be a part of Doge caucus.

He wants to go on there and start cutting all of the fat out of the government, you know? Yeah. It's like paying, you know, like $400 for a hammer.

They were hamming, remember? You had your $300 toilet seats. Just unbelievable amount of money. And of course, Biden just gave a billion dollars of our tax dollars. He just went over to Africa and gave a billion dollars away.

Probably don't know where it went, you know? And hundreds of millions more he just allocated for Ukraine for the fighting over there. But now, another strange thing. You've heard of Mark Zuckerberg, right? Well, guess what? Zuckerberg is saying he wants to join the Trump team now. And he wants to be a big part of the tech program and, you know, he wants to be a good guy now. What do you think of that?

I mean, I'd hope it's the case. We talked about this a few times with, you know, different people in the administration. I had my reserves about Vivek Ramaswamy, and he's on the Trump team now. And again, I said that when he first was announced that I hope, you know, this is, you know, a Tulsi Gabbard situation where he has truly turned around.

Mark Zuckerberg would be a great grab, especially how much influence he has over social media and media in general. But I'm always going to have my reserves about the guy who has been to court on numerous occasions for promoting underage child pornography on the web and promoting harassment of different groups on the web and selling personal information to major corporations. Well, he says he was forced to do that. He was forced to do that by the intelligence agencies.

He had to go along and do what they said. Do you believe that? I don't doubt it. You know, we've seen different government organizations have their hand in everything. I mean, we can look back to MK Ultra, even as an example, and where that was a tinfoil hat conspiracy 40 years ago. Now it's fact, you know, so I don't doubt by any means that government agencies have had their hands in this.

And I mean, I'm sure we'll get to it at some point tonight. But the Hunter Biden laptop stuff and all of his dealings just got pushed under the rug by the federal government. Back when that whole thing started, I had victims of MK Ultra on the radio program here. And they were being drugged, used in these drugs and passed around. There were other things that were taking place where they were trying to make what they call super warriors, super warriors by using certain drugs where they couldn't feel pain.

They would go out and they would, in other words, like on suicide missions and just continue to fight without, you know, fear of any kind. And I remember when all that. Then I had a friend of mine, they called him Tex. He was used because he had some physical ailments. They told him they wanted to test some new drugs and would probably help him. And, well, he was used and put on psych, those, you know, psychopathic drugs. And it had a really bad effect on him, a very bad effect on him. But anyhow, all of that was taking place back there. And that was a part of that movement that was taking place back in the sixties.

I remember it very, very well. I mean, it's crazy. We can look back at that now and go, Oh, that was insane that they were openly testing these drugs on people that weren't, you know, open that didn't know what was going on. And then we fast forward to 2020 and you look at the vaccine and people are lining up to take experimental drugs that we don't know what the government's putting in. Well, let's see here. There's something going on. Let me do you think, do you think Canada is going to become our 51st state? I was reading that before we got on.

It seems like they could be. And so, you know, Trudeau says to Trump, listen, those tariffs would totally, totally crush our economy. Trump says, well, Canada could become our 51st state.

That would be a good idea. We have a lot of good people in Canada. There's a lot of Patriots in Canada, but the, you know, they're under communist government and they're with this Trudeau, this guy. And so that would be, I would love to see Canada become a part of the United States, become, you know, the, the whole thing. And that's where the goal has been to make, uh, the American continent. In other words, uh, America, Mexico, United States, and Canada to become North America. And then, of course, Central America, Central America, and then, you know, where Guatemala, Panama, and all those are, and then South America, South America.

So there's been a, uh, you know, that's been the quest for a lot of people is to have all three countries become one, one America. And that would, that could be very, very beneficial in a lot of ways because, uh, all three countries have a lot, uh, that could benefit the other two, don't they? Well, I was going to say too, I don't know if people really know it, but if I'm not mistaken, Canada has a pretty decent oil field as well. Like they're, they're a good, uh, resource for oil. Yeah, they are.

And they surely have a lot of land too, don't they? Oh yeah. And so, yeah, that would be, that would really be good. That way you wouldn't have to have, uh, you know, to go into Canada or to go into Mexico, you wouldn't need a passport or anything. Of course, you really don't know today.

Under, with the Biden regime, it don't seem like you need one, does it? Right. All you got to do is say, look, I'm just, I just want to get in here to sell drugs, you know? Just want to sell drugs or vote, you know? Yeah.

All right. Now, Musk and Ramaswamy call for ending work from home for federal employees. This isn't going well with the Democrats here because Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy suggested Donald Trump could require government employees to be in the office.

Oh my gosh. You mean to tell me that they actually want government employees to have to work? In the office, five days a week is part of an effort to trim the size of the federal workforce. A whole lot of them would say, hey, wait a minute now, I didn't get into this to work.

Right. And they would, they would quit. Requiring federal employees to come to the office five days a week would result in a wave of voluntary terminations that we would welcome. If federal employees don't want to show up, American taxpayers shouldn't pay for them for the COVID era privilege of staying home. Musk and Ramaswamy wrote in Wednesday's op-ed on the Wall Street Journal, Trump has tapped both men to lead the newly created Department of Government Efficiency.

Here are the two men who have listened to this. No previous experience in government. That is a plus. I was going to say, that's what we need.

You're not kidding. Suggest a trope would undertake the large scale firings and relocate government agencies outside of Washington. That's exactly what they need to do.

The problem of it is, is to get them out, to get these, you know, different federal agencies out where, what they call flyover land, where they actually meet people that are not the, of the elite Washington, D.C. corrupt mindset, huh? Right. In 2016, Trump's first presidency, I was not able to vote. I was not legal age to vote yet. And the one thing that I knew going into that election was the one thing above anything else that Trump had going for him was the fact that he wasn't a politician. And that should win hundreds of thousands of votes right there. We need more people that aren't politicians because clearly we see the corruption that's built. And I know the whole concept of drain the swamp was the whole thing initially, but that's what it is. It is, you know, it's no longer left or right for the most part. It's corrupt politicians versus the people. You're right. You're absolutely right.

We, we really need to do something with them. Okay. And here's, here's an article. I can't use the word here. This is the way out of, it's, it's a word out of hand for Marjorie Taylor, Taylor Greene. She lays out Doge, planned to fire government employees. So she's put on that committee now, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Remember what the Democrats did. They took her off of all the committees. They relieved her so she, she couldn't do anything, right?

And so now I come from a business background and have successfully run construction company my entire adult life in the private sector. If you're not doing a good job, you get fired. She wrote there, but for some reason in government, bad employees, whether they're failing to do the job, they're hired to do or working in roles that are no longer needed, never get fired.

This is incredibly unfair to the hard working taxpayers of our country and it's about to change. I can't wait to get to work, she added. Good for her. Good. Yeah. You know, you brought up cutting the working from home positions as a, as a means to get people to voluntarily step down. I think that's a great plan. And then to back up for that plan would be to not only is our tax dollars paying the salaries of these people, our tax dollars are paying for the infrastructure that these people are supposed to be working in.

So, I mean, it's a double edged sword there of, you know, if not one than the other, if not one of, hey, well, our tax dollars are paying your salary, then, hey, we don't need these government buildings, right? Let's do something else with those. Well, absolutely. They're, they're sitting there. Many of them are sitting there empty, right? And here, here's the other thing.

AOC, remember Alexandria Cortez? Yeah. She says that it's just common sense that if people don't want to work, they shouldn't have to. And the people that want to work should be willing to support those that don't want to work. And she calls that common sense.

What do you, do you think that sense is common? No, that's another C word. That's called communism. Yep. There you go. And the thing is, people that don't want to work don't have to work.

You just can't expect to live the same life of someone that does. Right. So here, let me, well, this was an article I talked about a little bit earlier. How Trump presidency could lead to a purge at the Pentagon. Oh, Lord, I hope so.

Let's do it. During his campaign for re-election, Donald Trump vowed to purge the military of the so-called woke generals. Now that he is president-elect, the question in the halls of the Pentagon is whether he would go much further. Trump is expected to have a far darker view of his military leaders in his second term after facing Pentagon resistance over everything from his skepticism toward NATO and his readiness to deploy troops to quell protests in the U.S. streets.

Of course, you know, again, we had, remember what Obama did. Obama purged eleven four-star generals. These were men of real generals. These were real generals. Men who were patriots.

God and country. And what did he do? He put in bootlickers. Yep. He goes on to say here, Trump's former U.S. generals and defense secretaries are among the fairest critics, some branding him as a fascist and declaring him unfit for office.

Agreed. Trump has angered, Trump has suggested that his former chairman of joint chief of staff, Mark Milley, should be executed for treason. I don't have a problem with that, okay? At least charge for treason. Milley committed high treason. Do you remember what he did? He told his counterpart in China, if Trump gives us the order or gives me an order to... Said he won't follow it.

Right. And not only that, he said we will let you know he should be charged for treason. He's scared now. In fact, he's been saying he's afraid that he will be court-martialed if Trump gets back in. I hope he is court-martialed and so does a whole lot of other veterans out there and present military people. Yeah, but... Current and former.

Go ahead. I was just going to say, above all else, we need to restore law to the country. We have people that get away with treason. We have innocent people locked up from January 6th. Meanwhile, we have actual criminal charges being pardoned because of nepotism. You know, we are completely backwards in the term of justice. Absolutely.

Absolutely. See, you know, I know that myself and others, when we were in, we would not obey the orders of someone like Milley. We would recognize right away this guy is illegitimate. He is, you know, he is a traitor. So, current and former U.S. officials say Trump will prioritize loyalty in his second term and root out military officers and career civil servants he perceives to be disloyal. I hope he does. He will destroy the Department of Defense, frankly.

He will go in and will dismiss generals who stand up for the Constitution. That's a lie. Okay, that's in this article here. You know what? The interesting thing in this article here comes from, they never signed their name to it.

The editors never signed their name to their articles. Anyhow, we're coming up to a break, and when we come back for the break, you know what we're going to do? We're going to do something we haven't done in a long time. We're going to open the phone lines early and take calls.

What do you think? I think that's a great idea. Yeah, we haven't done that in quite a while. So, are you going to give us a countdown? Because we're probably coming up on like 30 seconds. Yeah, we got about 30 seconds right now.

There you go. And then we get down to 10. We'll do that countdown, okay? Alright, well you got 10 more seconds till 10 more seconds because we're at 20 now.

Alright, when you start a 10, I'll start with 1 and we'll finish at the same time, alright? Thank you for listening to What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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