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WED HR 1 050124

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 2, 2024 12:00 am

WED HR 1 050124

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Science did that. Hills Pet Nutrition. Buy the bag that gives back. Visit slash give back or tap the banner to learn more. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this first day of May 2024 folks and wow this year's going by pretty quick and of course tonight our producer is the very capable young Stile. Hey Stile. Hey Pastor how are you? I'm doing good tonight we're ready to roll and of course tonight we have way out with us there the legend none other than the parson Joe Larson. Well if you mean that God-fearing, Bible-believing, flag-waving, gun-owning, Constitution-loving, patriot that's me.

That sure beats the Missouri Hillbilly don't it? Yeah it does. All right okay listen we got to get into the message tonight that's very very serious right? Yes it is and it was called Believe Act and Receive. So let's pick it up and how about in 1st John chapter 4? All right you want to go all the way 1 through 6? Yeah then we'll go back and we'll take it verse at a time okay?

All right. Beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come of the flesh is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come into flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world ye are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world they are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world careth them we are of God he that knoweth God careth us he that is not of God careth not us thereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. All right let's go back to verse one. Beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God. Well you know he's referring to one of the things that we do before we we have someone come and address the church speak we got to make sure that you know where they're coming from what spirit they have now when he's talking about the spirit of truth that's referring to what in particular a spirit of truth would be the Holy Spirit that's right moving the spirit of error is of Satan absolutely so here so we we want to make sure what spirit they have there now when he says there are many false spirits that are going out into the world even back then you have a lot of false spirits today we're going to get to a number of these but I watched Kenneth Copeland and I truly believe Kenneth Copeland is demon-possessed I really believe he's got demons in him and here when you watch these people and and Jesse Duplantis oh he's gotta have he's got to have demon possession I mean Jesus coming to talk to him and he gives Jesus a hug I mean the guys worse off than Biden yeah but you here's the worst part you look and he's talking to thousands of people have come and he's out there and he's telling these people that Jesus every now and then stops in and his office and sees him now listen in the body bodily stops in and sees him and then at he's he said in the past that Jesus will ask him for advice or an opinion the part you know right there he's I mean there is no way I mean it's beyond conceivability that God is going to need to ask any of us our opinion he created the universe everything in it the physical metaphysical laws everything and he needs our advice oh come on well you know and I just heard him say that how Jesus had came and he looked he looked for long he looked very tired down yeah and and and Jesse says to him come over here let me hug up on you a little bit and tell me and cut Jesse comforted Jesus folks now here's the bad part about it there's these people out and here you got this large crowd of people and these people are falling for this stuff just like you do with Joe Osteen Kenneth Copeland it's it's an amazing thing and all of these people there and you see these thousands of people and you know they're on a fast track to hell they have no idea what salvation is all about okay you think they went to school at the Tavistock Institute you know yeah he says this hereby know you the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming to flesh now here Jesus Christ Jesus Christ them those names have meaning Jesus means Jesus means Jehovah our Savior Jehovah our Savior but right right the Christ the Christ means the anointed one meaning God's anointing prophet God's anointing priest God's anointed King okay and so here and if lest they confess this now many of whom will confess that Jesus is the son of God but not God the Son okay so they'll know yeah they'll they'll say that you know the way they teach it is that Christ is simply his last name no so here if you got the Jehovah's Witnesses for example you've got much oh one one of these sects of the seventh-day advents especially they deny that Jesus is the Creator they believe he was a creative thing that that God created him and then and let him create you know the worlds and the planets but that's not what the Bible says begotten and begotten means coming forth from the physical came forth from the spirit well not only that but if you go to the Gospel of John chapter 1 he tells you in the beginning in the beginning was the word the word was with God in the word was God God right okay so so here you have the Trinity from the very but they're pre-existing Christ was pre-existing from the beginning and so he is not only the Son of God but he's God the Son now here he is the Creator he's spoken of as being the Creator all through Scripture many of the sect of the Mormons believe that literally Jesus and Satan our brothers that God created both Jesus and Satan okay and and many teachers Satan is literally the strongest of the two but Jesus is the better of the two okay and this again this is again these spirits that are of Satan and so and of course the Muslims believe that Jesus was the prophet of truth it's an interesting thing they call him the prophet of truth that he would come Jesus would come wearing a yellow robe and he would announce the he would announce the coming of Allah that Allah would be coming and so here and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is coming to flesh is not of God this is the spirit of Antichrist where if you have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world well yeah yeah Antichrist was Satan's fall from heaven started right yeah well there are many Antichrist all those that preach many many many right okay did you saw today for example those that preach United Methodist repeal long-standing ban on LGBT to clergy in other words they're saying now you can be a sodomite and over they've already had that where you United Church the Antichrist more and more of the so-called pastors are lesbians pro-abortion lesbians they've they they have turned the house of God into a den of whores into a den of war and abomination yeah we talked about that one church that had the two married lesbians co-pastoring I mean they were breaking everything in the Bible so it wasn't a church they aren't pastors it was one big abomination to God more and again more and more of them right now 27% of those in the pulpits know are women and God's Word the Bible strictly forbids that and out of those and it's not a pulpit and it's not a church so they're up there as hirelings leading the people astray they're centered there that synagogue of Satan right right and 90% of those women in the pulpits are lesbians yeah and so and they've been worse right it's the Jezebel spirit and it comes you know it's right from the Satan he says you are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world obviously the spirit indwelling in us right we are a temple our own high priest they are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world here but here with them and again this is what what you have out there now now more and more of the Democratic Communist Party are literally embracing Satan you know they've gone away from the socialist gospel to to literally embracing the Church of Satan now they are openly embracing the Church of Satan now and they go on he says he's making a point there we are of God he that knoweth God heareth us he that is not a God heareth not us whereby we are the spirit of truth and they are the spirit of error and so we see that let's turn over to very quickly James chapter 1 let's turn you know what we don't have that much time yeah we have time turn to James chapter 1 James chapter 1 start in 119 okay let me see yep start with verse 19 through 24 through 24 got it our form of beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to rest for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God therefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is likened to a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continueth therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed indeed okay so here now we go back and when he talks about wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superlative of naughtiness that that means an abundance Joe of wickedness that's what that word means hmm and then so yes and receive with meekness the engrafted numb this word here and grafted right here Joe this is the only time this is used in the Bible right here this one place he's referring to again the engrafted word which is able to save your souls oh I know what that means we've been given the Holy Spirit so we have God dwelling in us Jesus is the word so we have been given the word the living word and grafted in us because we are grafted into the family of God through our spiritual rebirth okay okay but be you doers of the word and not here is only deceiving your own selves okay so what does that mean be look you get up Sunday morning you get dressed you go to church and you sit there and you listen and to the preacher and so then you say well God must be very pleased with me today I went up and I went to church and I listened to the entire message okay so fall asleep right now let me ask you this let's just say you had a job and you you had an office job you work at your desk you got up in the morning you got dressed and you went to work and you said at your desk all day long when you think your boss would be happy of you if you were just there sitting at your desk just because you came in yeah you listen to the you went to the meeting got to listen to all the things and read the bulletins and everything but yeah it didn't do any work no he's not going to be happy okay so what happens is it's the same thing when you go to church until you take what you've learned and put it to practical application apply where you're right right well yeah to the Lord's work you're a doer doer doer I've had I've had pastors tell me that Pastor Sanders listen I really appreciate the work you guys do in your ministry out there and going to saving those babies and going to those prisons and all that but I'm not called to that I'm not called to I'm I'm called my ministry is simply one of prayer I'm called to pray now here's something I've noticed over the years you see those of us that are called to go on in the streets get arrested get thrown in jail often you know we're the ones that seem to do more praying than anybody else we have to yeah okay and so and these guys that tell me whether they're just given to praise you know Jesus prayed and after he prayed what did he do it's something he went out and did something we hear this all the time well you know I'm trying to get more raised money for the maternity home or for the crisis pregnancy center well I'll pray about it the ones that say I pray about it are the ones who never give donate volunteer they really in my life scripture makes it clear right here we've got two of the three it says be a doer of the word then over here it says in 25 doer of the work and elsewhere it says be a doer of the law now that's pretty clear doer of the work the word and the law that's a pretty strong active statement isn't it yeah it is life-encompassing now when it says the wall it's not talking about what's legal but what's lawful right and here in this particular he's James is referring to the spirit of the law okay and so not the letter so here be you a doer of the word actually Jesus prayed then he raised Lazarus from the dead Jesus prayed you fed five thousand Jesus prayed he calmed it an angry seat and then he prayed and raised himself from the dead defeated death and so sin and death in the devil and so he put feet to his prayers this is what he's talking about being a doer of the word exactly can I you know you just said something there that's so profound I wonder if the people heard it Jesus prayed and raised himself from the dead because we have a triune God three and one I mean who else could pray answer his own prayer and raise himself from the dead think about it that's got to be one of those impacting things that should stick in somebody's brain forever and ever and ever he prayed and then answered his own prayer only God can do that well absolutely remember but I'll bet most people have never thought of that past journey I'll bet most people that never crossed their mind but you just said is so plain and simple you said it so just you know matter-of-factly but I think to most people that would be just almost shocking well people might say well we referred to the father raised him from the dead well how does that work the father gives the marching orders to Jesus the Sun always carries them out and the Holy Spirit provides the power so when the father says raise yourself from the dead Jesus raised himself from the dead right of the order right and the Holy Spirit what the father and I are one we're one in the same we're you know joined at the hip so to speak the Father the Son Holy Spirit are all joined together as one so it's always the three of them right together but from Genesis to Revelation you always seen you see the chain of command there right right and so and you know basically you know that's what the family is based up on the same chain of command and the problem of it is the the rebellion you know of man against God's laws oh yeah and the reciprocation of men were they no longer taking their role in the family absolutely so that he goes on to say and it's an interesting thing for giving themselves to the government is their husband father provider so the chain of command is broken so they're lost he goes on to say for if any be I hear of the word and not a doer he's like a man beholding him his natural face in a mirror a glass that means a mirror now it's interesting that he uses a man there because it wouldn't work for a woman or especially a teenager or a child you know when a man will go up he'll stand in front of that mirror he'll shave and he'll look at you know and he'll smile it he you know got the whiskers off and turn around or walk away and he'll have shaving cream behind his ears I've I've had before yeah well yeah and you know when people say you know you have shaving cream behind the ear I yeah that's where I keep it until I need it you know and so but so what happens is here with women it's different you know I remember in the mornings and I'd be shaving it we had the big count in two six and I'd be shaving my wife would be putting on her face and she would call I'm gonna put on a face and she would look real close in there that I remember certain teenagers I'm not gonna mention their name because they're not teenagers any morning but how they would they had a problem with pimples right they would run and check for zits and well they would kind of they would they would sneak upon the mirror they wouldn't you know kind of kind of you know with them but so but here it says that he for behold a man that goeth his way and forget is what manner of man he was those are people that are hearers but not doers of the word okay right and so we're gonna have to stop right there and we'll be back right after this dude is our guest with us yet and we'll be right back we have a pretty lady guess what if so be right back after this the doctor did our dirty work so now we pay the bill we thought he solved our problem but our life's a living hell I toss and turn in bed at night God it's hard to sleep in my heart and in my mind I hear a voice that says you could have took me fishing dead you could have taught me how to swim I could have made you proud of me now I'll never have that chance I could have been your little boy standing right there by your side in your pride and joy daddy did I have to die I never thought of it as right or wrong but I think about it now oh God I'd give my life if I could just turn time back somehow I'd let him live and watch him grow I'd buy him everything but now he won't need a ball or bat he'll never play one game you could have been my hero dad you could have done what daddies do you could have rode me on your back you could have taught me to tie my shoes I could have grown into a man I should have had my chance of life we could have been the best of friends daddy did I have to die God the choice of life belongs to you it wasn't hers or mine and I know she feels the same way too sometimes I hear her cry how can we ever be the same or live with what was done instead of these two broken hearts God we might have had a son you could have been my hero dad you could have done what daddies do you could have wrote me on your back you could have taught me to tie my shoes I could have been your little boy standing right there by your side I could have been your pride and joy daddy did I have to die no you didn't this is why we've been fighting against the forces of darkness all these years if America would repent God is set before you life and death he didn't have to but that was the very talented Danny Ray who was a bit of very very long time very good friend of mine we got a quick prayer request from Jane there in Pennsylvania Jane go ahead and tell the folks what how they can help you out sure absolutely thank you pastor we are in desperate need of a vehicle Daniel's recovering very well from his major stroke and brain surgeries but we really need a car to get around plus we're trying to come back to Geauga County so prayer for a vehicle would be really great all right could you give folks out there a phone number where they can contact absolutely it's seven two four six five one zero six zero three seven two four six five one zero six zero three all right I'm gonna I'm gonna actually write that down because we're gonna have baby people call us tomorrow one more time seven seven two four six five one zero six zero three all right thanks Jane well thank you very much pastor and blessings to all of your listeners and you God bless you the same already no speaking of blessings of a praise report going yeah Lisa is came home today out of the hospital so Lisa's back home and I'm making her stay home and rest up until she's well enough to get back to work let's see you're gonna make her do what the doctor told you to do that you didn't do yourself did I get that right of course that's who I am you know you're one of the most stubborn persons I know somebody had to be more stubborn than I am already said listen I'll tell you who's not stubborn and she's got a really nice voice her name is Sue Lee Bell she's the state affairs director for the Susan B Anthony pro-life America there in Indiana and she's here with us right now hey Susan are you there sue what push the wrong button oh thanks for having me this evening well we're glad to have you this evening and we're gonna start right off I'm gonna ask you some hard questions you ready okay now the left out there those that are not on the right okay the ones that the Bible says they could end up bound and tossed into the lake of fire because they've embraced everything that God calls them anyhow they're trying to put the message out that the number one issue the number one issue in America today is abortion and all mostly all women are pro-abortion most all women think they have a right to kill their baby of course the left says you know the left also they like death by euthanasia they like death through bio weapons and you know today Bill Gates is working on another new virus to that that would be targeting children oh they like they love death by fentanyl I mean they love this let me ask you this do you think that the majority of American women are pro-abortion or are they convinced that they're supposed to be well I don't think that the majority are pro-abortion or convinced of anything I think they're very aware what abortion is and some still want that that option but we know that men or women seven in ten people that are pulled in America want limits on abortion certainly to keep us from doing the brutal late term abortions to limit it to what first trimester I now I'm with I'm with you I'm I don't want to see anybody go through that I don't want any baby to die but polling has our country just like on lots of other issues to not so sure where they stand on these things but I don't think it's fair to say at all that women the majority of women want abortion so you mean to tell me that those people at the mainstream media NBC ABC CNN they're not telling us the truth who would have ever thought huh oh my gosh yeah well you know but there we hold to this to what God's word the Bible there's only one source of divine law I teach biblical law and that's right here in this King James Bible and guess what it says it says abortion is murder that's what that's what God has proclaimed he's already passed that and he says the position is without exception without exception no exceptions not for for rape for incest or life of the mother that's what that's God's position and so well and yeah we know that this is a heat in America well all over the globe really this is this is a human rights issue this is this is not just the state's rights issue or what the courts say or federal issue this is a human rights issue and we need to approach it like like that I'll tell you one thing though if you're talking about biblical truth and and I agree with you very much sir on that one of the you know I work for Susan B Anthony pro-life America and we are we are at the end of the day we're the political arm of the pro-life movement right so we're make trying to make sure that pro-life people get elected to office so that they make pro-life laws and pro-life decisions and so that's that's really our our main goal that and making sure that states are taking care of women and families but I want to contrast that well what you're talking about biblical law and life with the with and I'm I'm not trying to be political right now I'm actually being very factual the Democrat positions Democrats in Congress and in many of our state houses are working to enact legislation to mandate abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in fact in the US Congress right now in the US House there's a bill called get this they call it the Women's Health Protection Act and what it would do though uh-huh right sounds good done it yeah it would wipe out it would wipe out all of the state laws that we're seeing like for example Florida's heartbeat law went into effect today and other states have banned abortions and at various limits and in in in if in if our president who so relentlessly works to expand abortion in this country if he is really reelected or Democrats are reelected to the House or Senate we're going to have that legislation that's going to wipe out all of all of the limits and the you know regulations and and and and even the health regulations for what it's gonna wipe all that out it'll be full-on game on abortion all across America and I know that sounds extreme but it's true that's very Joe and I we've been in this battle for a long time and we worked back with when they started with the ERA the Equal Rights Amendment Joe and I both have a big history I was with Joe I'm having a senior moment right now why yeah Phyllis Phyllis Shafley I got a call from her when and she said I need your help will you help me on this and I said count me in and but everyone laughed at us said there was that there wasn't we didn't have a chance to the world to stop in that but we did here in Ohio we were the first of past trying to bring it back now yeah I know I know it and yeah they they won't and it's gonna be this way to the Lord returns the fact is it's gonna it's gonna get worse as we see this but this is where you know we are in our stripes if you will and this is our job to run to this battle okay to run a good race fight a good fight to stand against this is this is wickedness we're we're in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 in Romans 1 live real time right now and so we're worried they're gonna praise the Lord and hear those words well done my good and faithful servant or we won't and so that's why we're we're fighting in the way we do and and I praise the good Lord for your organization there so but but here now again it's it's you know it's you know for life period not just abortion but euthanasia they're gonna they're targeting we saw what happened with the elderly people in the nursing homes and again the bio weapons we were the first people three weeks three weeks sue before the first shot was given we were telling people these are not these are not vaccines these are bio weapons that there and you don't want to take them every single test animal died do not take them and well you've seen what the results has been there but I don't believe for a minute they claimed that 60% of the American population received the shot I don't think it was that anywhere near that what do you think you know I've got to tell you I don't know that I have a whole lot of thoughts on that I spend I'm called by the Lord you know that's a story too but I the Lord called me into the pro-life movement and many years ago and I spend my days and my nights like you said showing up for the battle and it is a battle for life in this country and it's a political battle and a lot of people I think a lot of Christians are just turned off by that there's a lot of disagreement there's there's a lot of vitriol and the media doesn't help us at all and it's it's just uncomfortable but we've got to stay in the game and we've got to stand up you know for what's right and we need to be really clear and have to discern you know here in in in America or and in our state that how we protect life for example obviously Roe vs. Wade was overturned and the Dobbs decision gave the decisions making back to the state through their elected officials but Congress and at the federal level they can they can also make still make decisions it's not either or federal or state it's both and one of the things that we really want to see is some national protections our Charlotte Lozier Institute again just today it's been a busy day released an updated report we're just one in eight countries on the globe that don't have any sort of federal abortion limit up until up until birth so that's why California and New York and you know all these other states can do abortions up until up until birth but we need we at the federal level we need that protection too because unborn children and their mothers deserves as national protections too from the brutality of the of the abortion industry so they're both true and we're working at the national level on that we certainly don't want to see the Democrats expand abortions or force taxpayer funding of abortion in in in health care plans and that sort of thing they'd even it's hard to believe they've even on states that have limited abortions they've tried to get abortions to be done at veterans hospitals because they're federal federally oriented hospitals that's how hard President Biden and the Democratic Congress Congress people are pushing to get abortions expanded in this country so whether it's the federal level or whether it's at the state level we work in lots of states that's what I do I do state policy and go to state legislatures and things like that including Ohio I might add but that's that's what that's what we're trying to do is trying to work on the policy front because people pro-life people make pro-life laws and not pro-life people make not pro-life laws and so that's the realm we're in in our battle okay so when we look at this obviously a divine law God's law calls it a murder but and here so this would be like you said a human rights issue which should fall under federal protection now the ACLU right now is pushing hard to try to they want to legalize pedophilia it's really it's I mean this is a Saturday and so they want to legalize pedophilia they want to legalize prostitution they want to make it just like they want to have a Roe v. Wade a pedophilia and prostitution to make it a federal what they call they want to declare it a constitutional right like they've they've done try to do an abortion okay well so right so if we don't I mean if we don't stop this we're gonna end up with with the pedophilia we're gonna end up with my gosh with legalized prostitution I don't think there's any end to do you know I mean there's no end to what the wicked want to do is there well no because you know who prowls this earth looking to seek and kill and destroy so there's no end to what the evil one can do I think that a good example in the like in the abortion space a good example of there's no end is and I know this is a very very painful topic for most recently Ohio and but Michigan and Kansas and Kentucky all all and others have passed the constitutional amendments or in the case of Kentucky that they couldn't get it in there and now it's being fought in Florida and Arizona and Missouri they're going after these constitutions for abortion and what we have found is once it gets past unfortunately people kind of wake up to just how extreme they are that's when they voted yes that's not what they meant they didn't mean abortion up until birth they didn't mean that boys or girls could get quote reproductive health care without parental consent it didn't really mean all that but and they didn't really believe it they thought the commercials were exaggerating or whatever but it's true and since Michigan Michigan did it last year or excuse me in 20 2022 and Ohio 2022 and 23 or 2023 yeah you're right issue one right and in both states then in the next and the next round of the legislature when they're when they make the laws they started especially in Michigan that started pulling down all of the health and safety regulations for women they just threw women under the bus you don't have to inspect clinics anymore they had Constitution they got their abortions but they don't want any inspecting the clinics to make sure they're clean make sure women are getting the information they need even reporting the statistical reporting like how many abortions are done or how old what any of that sort of reporting where we get our research and our data nothing and they just started tearing down all of the regulations that have been put in place abortion is only regulated by the state it's not like a hospital or a doctor's office or something where there's some sort of national accreditation body and inspections and you get an a-plus rating or whatever abortions not like that it's on its own it's a separate service that if Planned Parenthood is a not-for-profit organization and it's only through the state where they regulate that so we're starting to see in Ohio where the Democrats in the house are trying to start to tear down parental consent and other types of the excuse me not that they they're trying to tear down the waiting period for women to make a decision and or giving her materials you know I got my knee replaced a while back I got pages and pages of information about that I had to read about knee surgery and medicines they were going to give me and all that and I mean pick you get an ear of appendix out you get some information in today's modern medical marketplace you get information about something you're about to do but they're trying to take that away now in Ohio so that women getting abortions don't have to get any information and so you can see the results of what all that was a long way of saying I apologize you can see the result of these actions where they're trying to get it in a constitution once they get in the Constitution and it's quote unquote a right well then all the other bad stuff starts to happen I know that but they can still even though they could pass the legislators can define what those rights are we are we have legislators right now that are gearing up because you're right what's coming here's what happened in Ohio we had well and we warn people we were way out ahead the the Democrat the communist we're telling their people to to run as they were telling Democrats and these are people that have voted for Biden voted for Obama to change switch over in the primaries and run as Republicans to run as Republicans and they sent letters out to all the Democrats saying vote for this person switch in the primary and so they elected what we call the Rhino 22 blue okay here in Ohio these are Democrats that ran and got elected as and as Republicans and then they vote with the Democrats and that's one of the problems that we're having here but they're targeted now for November clothing yeah exactly that's exactly what they are it seems like there's nothing that's that the Democratic Communist Party won't do that's it that's not a legit you know illegal I mean there's nothing at all no no merit left at all everything that they do is criminal one of things we're trying to we're going across the country and as much media as we can do and want to make sure that everybody knows that their plan is if they get if they get it stay in power and if they get Congress back their plan is to wipe out all the state pro-life laws and so that's why we also feel we need a federal protection I mean 46 out of 50 European countries have a limit you know where you can't have an abortion after 15 weeks or that's when a baby feels pain by the way it's just barbaric and we're only one of 15 countries that permit abortion after 15 weeks and so whatever the week limit is or how how far along in the privacy we can talk about that clearly we don't want to have later term abortion where babies can feel pain and we're just we're doing that in America we're only one of eight countries that do so we're that's why if they wipe out if they get back in power and they wipe out all the state laws like we're talking about in Ohio is trying to then we need that federal protection too so I mean we need both and that's you know that's that's what we're doing so saying that the issue is back to the state and everything's back to the state is it feeds the national debate to the Democrats who are working relentlessly doing that legislation to a mandate abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy so we're trying to put our finger in the dike and both at the federal level and the state level and we're also trying to help pro-life states move the ball forward and and have more pro-life protections in their laws because you know Roe vs. Wade did go down and the Dobbs decision did let states go back into their own state laws now and limit abortion just like my state of Indiana did but at the same time now when we're starting to see states limit abortion maybe not in Ohio but we're starting to see a lot of these states now we have 18 states now across the country that protect babies with a heartbeat thanks to Florida today going into effect but we want to make sure that women do have and and you know as well as I do that it's really been the pro-life movement all these years that's been supporting pregnancy centers the work of women's care centers and maternity homes and all that sort of things so I don't want to leave this discussion just being political and stuff I want to make sure we all know that as we have this debate over abortion and try to limit abortion in America we also want to ramp up our support and our care for women who find themselves potentially making that decision and we want to make sure she knows that those resources are available to her and Susan B Anthony pro-life America is working with a number of governors across the country to help in their state show and Governor DeWine and I was talking about Ohio excuse me has done an incredible job talking about expanding services helping the private sector support and and love on women give them what they need to be successful so we're working with the governor's across the country we're trying to get more attention and more funding for pregnancy care centers and that women can get ultrasounds and diapers and and counseling and support even job training car seats baby clothes you know you name it and we have a rich history already so I gotta take is we're running out of time but you anytime you have you have an open invitation to come on this radio program go coast to coast anytime you have an announcement you need to get out something you guys are doing like what you're doing now you have an open invitation let me let me know tell us have you tell women how they could get involved we're always trying to tell the people how they can get involved in the battle and you're doing state issues so people from what all state all women from all states can join and work part-time or health part-time 30 seconds yes Susan B Anthony and we we pick our battleground states where we are going to be fighting those hard political fights and we do hire folks to go knock on doors in Ohio we have what we call canvassers we literally go door-to-door and talk to people about the abortion issue and expose the extreme positions of the some of the existing elected officials and and help people have a better understanding of how many women go like where can they go to reach you oh we go to ask our website is SBA pro-life dot org all right so thank you thank for being here but we're out of time for tonight god bless you and you keep fighting the fight be right back with more thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry head to WR that's WR mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 Sperry Road Newberry Ohio 4 4 0 6 5 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word Cleveland calm the word Cleveland calm once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the Christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next three-star general Michael J Flynn head of the Pentagon Intelligence Agency knew all the government's dirty secrets he was one of the most respected generals in the military Flynn knew what the Intel world had been up to he understood its funding he ordered the first audit of the use of contractors this set off alarm bells the explosive new documentary Flynn deliver the truth whatever the cost and covers the facts behind this scandal Flynn told the truth he was the most dangerous person for Donald Trump to hire I find out the worst enemy that I'm going to face in my life is right here in America they took my assessment and they wanted me to change it I was like not changing it they had to get rid of Flint with in-depth interviews archival footage and never-before-seen personal record to the man behind the headlines I just felt like I was drowning Flynn deliver the truth whatever the cost available now watch it today go to Salem now calm Salem now calm
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