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What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 28, 2024 9:11 pm


What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 28, 2024 9:11 pm

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We changed our lives for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 28th day of January. 2024.

Only about four days left in this month. And tonight, folks. Well, the author of the King James Bible, and I'm talking about the author, not the writer. The author is none other than the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, triune, potentate.

In other words, God. His power and knowledge are unlimited. He has said that he would deliver his infallible, perfect truth to his people. And with that, he gave a very stern warning to those that in vain thought they could prevent him of delivering his infallible truths.

Intact, without error, to his people. Today, there are around 300 perversions of the King James Bible. The King James Bible still outsells them all, and by far, too. There are those that believe that God was not able to keep his word from being rewritten. And recently, there have been books coming out, and unfortunately, people that should know better, people that really should know better, have been listening to some of this palaver and falling for it. There are books coming out saying that the King James Bible has been rewritten. There are books coming out now saying that Israel, there never was an Israel, that the nation of Israel never existed. And that Jesus was never a Jew, that Jesus was not a Jew.

And so, and there are people that are falling for this stuff that really, really should know better. And so, here, folks, the title of my message tonight is I'm referring to the last three churches before the rapture of the church takes place. It's Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, then and now. And here, the letters to the seven churches in the Bible, we see that here, for each church, God gave a commendation, he gave a rebuke, and a plan of action for all seven of them. For the church at Ephesus, his commendation was hard work, hard work. The rebuke there was, it left its first love. And, of course, his plan of action was to remember and repent. And so, with the church of Smyrna, the commendation was they suffered persecution.

His rebuke was there was no rebuke. And his action was don't fear and continue to be faithful. With the church of Pergamos, his commendation was they were true to the faith, true to the faith, and his rebuke was that they compromised and his action was to repent.

With the church of Thyatira, his commendation was one of love, faith, and service. His rebuke was of immorality within the church. And, of course, his command was to repent. With the church at Sardis, there was no commendation.

The rebuke was that they were superficial. His action was wake up and repent. With the church of Philadelphia, the commendation were that they were faithful.

The rebuke was there was no rebuke. And his action was to hold on to the faith that you have. They had a little faith, a little strength, rather, but hold on to the faith that they had. The church of Laodicea, there was no commendation.

The rebuke was that they were lukewarm. And the action was to be earnest, to be truthful and sincere and then repent. Now, I wanted to start over in Psalm chapter 12 addressing these people that are saying that the King James Bible was rewritten, that we don't have it, the original, just like well, obviously, they're saying that God was not able to do what he promised.

What did he promise? Well, let's read it. The words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times. Thou shall keep them, O Lord, thou shall preserve them from this generation forever. Now, here, the preservation of the divinely given words of scripture is, believe me folks, incomparably superior to that of all other ancient writings. And I can tell you this, we can be absolutely confident that God has not allowed any of them to pass away, they are forever settled in heaven.

And I'll read that again. Thou shall keep them, O Lord, thou shall preserve them from generation to generation. The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted.

And boy, do we see that happening in our society today. And then I want to go over to Matthew chapter 24, again referring to the King James Bible. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Well, God is either able to do what he said he would do or not. And here, it's an interesting thing because in scripture, it tells us that any new revelation and if it in any ways is contrary to the scripture that was first given is not to be believed. And so, that's exactly what is happening now with all of this so-called new revelations that are coming out.

We want to go to Revelation chapter 3 and start with verse 1 and where's fun, we read this. And unto the angel of the church in Sardis, write these things, saith he that hath seven spirits of God and the seven stars, I know thy works, that thou art thou have a name and thou livest and art dead. Now, the seven spirits of God, well, in short, that's just another name for the Holy Ghost, but that's an entire sermon is on the attributes of the seven spirits of God.

But again, a short name for that would be the Holy Spirit. That's what the seven spirits are, they are the Holy Spirit. Now here, when we see that the seven stars, those are the pastors of the seven churches. Now here, when he says, I know thy works and thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead.

Now, Sardis was a very, very wealthy, in fact, it was the wealthiest of the seven cities, about 30 miles southeast of Thy retire. Seven spirits, of course, we know that, that is the name for the Holy Ghost, and we know that the seven stars or the seven pastors, they had professions, they had people, many people professing the faith, but guess what? But thou wert dead, they weren't saved. Most of them were not saved. And then he goes on to say, remember therefore how that thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt know what hour I will come upon thee. Now, here, I want to go back, let me go back to verse 2, be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, just like I passed verse 2 of, that are ready to die, for I have not found thy works perfect before God. And so, what he's saying here in verse 2 is that thy works were far from being sufficient. And then in verse 3, remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent, if therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come. Well, he's telling them here to hold on to the truth that you be, that you had received when you first believed in Christ. No new teaching, no new, and this is what we said earlier, what is happening now, no new teaching, if it in any way contradicts the first biblical teaching, don't believe it.

Don't believe it. This is why we're talking about here now all of a sudden, you've got all these books coming out, all this new evidence, this new evidence so-called that they found that the King James Bible was rewritten, Israel was never a nation, Jesus was never a Jew, all of this stuff that has all of a sudden been discovered. Well, it's totally, totally in opposition, in total contrast to what the Word of God teaches.

Let's go back to where we started, and the question is, is God the Creator of the universe? Is God, who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and the only potentate, is he able to do what he said, and would he give us his word and then allow the enemy to come and take his word away from us? Now he knew that he would preserve his word, and of course the enemy out there today, there's over 300 perversion, they've been trying to take away the Word of God, but here the King James Bible is still by far the most read, the most read, and by far still the best-selling Bible, and it's the only real Bible, God didn't give us, he didn't give us a hundred versions, he gave us one, one God, and he gave us his word there.

Now I'm not saying that the Geneva, or the 1599 English, or the 1599 German, or as far as that goes, Spanish Bible, they were basically, along with the Geneva, all the same manuscripts that are within the King James Bible, there's a big difference though, in many, many different ways, which makes the King James Bible superior, by far superior, to all the others. And so here, he goes on to say, Thou hast a few names, even in Sardis, which have not defiled their garment, and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy. Now he's saying that in that church there, there's a few left that haven't gone completely apostate, and folks, again, as we go through here, we're going to see that the Church of Sardis would be comparable to our apostate church of today.

What I'm talking about is the world, the National Council of Churches, the vast majority of them out there, are apostate. And the real problem is that the vast majority of people are biblically illiterate. I never would have thought that I would see this level of biblical illiteracy in my lifetime, but it's true.

The vast majority of people out there are La La Landers, they really are clueless. Well, every now and then, I should bring in a letter, I would say 99% of the letters we get are very positive, but some of these letters we get from people who have absolutely no idea at all what they're talking about. And so here now, he goes on to say, He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. Well, here, the pressure to deny the Lord Jesus Christ will increase. I mean, it is really going to increase, and it's going to overwhelm. It will totally overwhelm those that are not truly saved.

You have a lot of people that have a profession of faith, but folks, when the persecution comes, when it comes down to deny Christ or lose your life, the vast majority of them don't deny Christ. Some of them who are professing Christians, so many, especially in the prosperity churches, in these mega prosperity churches, all they have to be told is, Look, either deny Christ or you're going to lose your material wealth. We're going to take away your fancy house. We're going to take away your car. And before they would give up their material things, remember what T.D.

Jakes says, I want my stuff now. I don't want to be waiting. Remember what Joel Osteen says, Live the good life now, here and now. Don't worry about placing them crowns in heaven. You don't have to place them crowns up in heaven.

Go for it right here while you're here today. Live the good life now. Does that sound like people that expect that, that really believe in the hereafter and life after this life? Does that sound like people that really, really believe that the Lord Jesus has gone to prepare us a mansion? They really believe when Jesus said, Place up your crowns in heaven and not here on earth. Does that sound like people that really believe that?

Not to me it doesn't. He goes on because see here, the truly, truly saved will overcome. Their names are already written in the book of life and have been introduced to the host of heaven as belonging to the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 7 we read, and like I said, the church at Sardis reminds me today it would be the apostate church.

It would be the world, the national council of churches, I would place the Catholic church in there. The vast majority out there of Protestant churches, remember only a remnant, the Lord Jesus said that many, many are called but few are chosen. What heck, only about 10% of those that have Baptists in their name are actually Baptists. Only 90% are Protestant, and Protestant and Baptist are not the same, but the vast majority of people out there are clueless to that too.

They don't have a clue. And so here now, as we go to the church of Philadelphia, the church of Philadelphia, these are the independent Bible believing churches of today, those that literally hold to the truth of the gospel. These are mainly small churches, and all of these, so many of the newer churches that are being started today are small, fundamentalist, independent, Bible believing churches. And so we're seeing that great division come today, and folks, I like to say that the church that I pastor, Doers of the Word, we have a growing number of people at Doers of the Word that are coming out of the mega entertainment centers. They're realizing, hey, you know what, this is show business.

This is not for real. This is symbolism over substance. And so more and more are coming to the hardcore Bible believing Christian churches. Now here we read, and to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write these things, saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth that no man shutteth, and shutteth that no man openeth.

Well Philadelphia was named by King Atahu of Pergamos. Now the key of David represents Christ's authority to open the door of invitation to his future kingdom. Once the door is open, no one can close it. Salvation is assured.

Once the door is closed, no one can open it. Judgment is certain. And so in short, what he's saying is simply this. God has given us the ability to witness, to give the invitation through the sharing and this preaching of the Gospel to the unsaved. Now the whole world is going to try to stop us from doing that.

They do it now. I've been arrested for preaching the Gospel of the Salvation Message out in front of these bloody abortion mouths. And when I was in, I'd gone to court, and when the judge demanded that I compromise and pay a fine for preaching out there, and when he awarded the ACLU a $20,000 judgment against me, I told the judge, I sat there, looked right in the eye, he's just a few feet away and said, you might as well make that $20 billion, I won't give him 20 cents. He says if this court orders, and I said, even if this court orders, I'll obey God and not this court, you ought to do the same. Well, I never gave him a dime, folks, I never gave him a dime.

And why? Because I hold to the Word of God. And here now, when he goes on to say, I know thy works, behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it. You know, so what he was saying, too, when he said that no man can shut it, and then he says, going back, once the door is shut, no man can open. In other words, once it's shut, judgment comes. It's appointed to all men once to die, and then the judgment. Once that door is shut, there is not going to be any more given of the invitation out there or people having the ability to receive that. And so here now, he says, I know thy works, behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it, for thou has a little strength, for thou has a little strength.

Well, I said, you know, people don't understand this. I would be just thrilled if the Lord would say to me, thou hast a little strength, because what he's referring to is that strength compared to his strength. In other words, that little strength is much, much greater than the vast majority have out there. And so I would be thrilled to hear the Lord say to me that our church has a little strength, and has kept my word, and I would be even more thrilled to hear him say to our church that we have kept his word. And that's been my goal ever since I was saved, to keep the word of God, and has not denied my name, and has not denied my name.

Folks, you know, there's so many people out there today that are doing exactly that. Now, let me just say, those first of all, those that say that Christ is not able to preserve his word, folks, that's denying his name. Those out there who say that Jesus was the Son of God, but not God the Son. Those that deny his deity, that's denying his name.

When people gather and you have people and they're laughing and they're mocking, like those idiots when they had that Wall Street protest, they had placards. And they were carrying these placards that says when Christ returns, we'll kill him again. I can tell you this, you have some very delusional, delusional people there that are in for an extremely rude awakening. And so here, he says, Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not.

But do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Well, here, I want to go back one verse because we really didn't hear it. In verse 8, I know that works. Behold, I have set before thee the open door.

No man can shut it. Again, the strength, folks, of the church is, like I said, we're referring to it as small compared to the strength of Christ himself. But verse 9, the vast majority, the vast majority of those called Jews today are really the synagogue of Satan. The Bible refers to him, the Apostle Paul referred to him as the seed of Abraham but not the sons of Abraham. And Jesus also referred to them with the Pharisees. In fact, not only did he say that they were the seed but not the sons, but he said they were the sons of Satan.

The sons of Satan. And so, and today, what was it that they were doing, these Pharisees, that condemned them? One of the things they were doing is their false doctrine. Jesus says over in Matthew chapter 23 that not only will you not enter into the kingdom, these false teachers, these sons of Satan, not only will you not enter into the kingdom but you stand in the way and you prevent others from coming in. And then he says, therefore, your damnation will be the greater. Now, that is a stronger word than condemnation. Condemnation means you've been condemned but the sentence hasn't been carried out. The damnation means you, your sentence is you're as good as gone.

You're not going to have a hearing, you're as good as gone. And so, the point of that was that being religious leaders, they knew. They knew what the scripture said. They knew what the scripture said and they were purposely leading people to the gates of hell. This is exactly what the apostate church is doing today. This is exactly what the apostate church is doing today. They're purposely out there in Chesterton, Ohio, you had that United Church of the Antichrist promoting Satanism. They had drag queens coming in and here again, the United, what they refer to as the United Church of Christ, everything that God's word, the Bible refers to as sin or transgressions of God's law, they embrace whether it's abortion, whether it's sodomy, whether it's what they call drag queens, whether it's this transmutation, if it's a sin, in fact, they're actually today pushing to legalize pedophilia. These are apostate churches. These are not Christian churches by any way's means, okay? He goes on to say, I will make thee them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee.

Well, some people misunderstand this. There are those, you see here what it says that they're going to have to worship us. No, no, he's not talking about these apostate Jews worshiping us.

He said that he's going to, they're going to come and they're going to be on their knees if he has to break their legs. They're going to be on their knees before God for Christ and they're going to worship him and they're going to do it in the presence of the church and of the holy angels and that's what he's saying here, and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee. In other words, talking about Christ and his church, that these people remember how the apostate Jews did not want, the Judaizers did not think that Gentiles could be saved. Remember Peter's big discussion and of course with Paul and how Paul confronted Peter to his face and remember how the Lord brought that blanket down and he had all those animals on that blanket and he told Peter, take and eat, Peter said, no Lord, I've never touched an unclean thing and the Lord said, take and eat, Peter. In other words, what God has created, what God has created, don't call unclean now, okay? We're not at the age of the law now. Now we're in the church age and we're not under the dietary laws.

The church is not under the dietary laws at all. Now here he goes on to say, because thou has kept the word of my patience, I will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try then that dwell upon the earth, okay? Here now, the hour of temptation was obviously at that time was yet to come in the future, and it would come upon all the world and it will come and between you and me, I think we may be very, very close to that time, but here the church will not go through, and this is what he's referring to, the hour of temptation is the tribulation period or the wrath of God, and it would be served no purpose at all, of course it would be absolutely contrary to the purpose for the church to go through the tribulation. The purpose of the tribulation was the purification of the wife of God or the nation of Israel and the judgment on the heat of the nations, so it would be totally contrary to the purpose of the church going through there, and so in several places he makes it very clear that the church has not denied Messiah, and so here he goes on to say, again, it shall come upon the world to try then that dwell upon the earth, at this time the rapture will have taken place and the born again Bible believing church will have been taking out. He goes on to say, behold I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown.

Now there is today many, many small, independent, fundamentalist churches bearing their testimony here on earth and they will be here when the Lord returns for his church, when the rapture takes place. He says, behold I come quickly, hold thy head fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown. Now he's making a point, and here's the point, you place up crowns in heaven by obedience to God and works that prove your faith, works that prove your faith, and so that your works are not of wood, hay, or stubble, but your works are gold, silver, and precious stones. And he's making the point, don't let anyone convince you to live or enact in such a matter as your actions, you see, your actions that are contrary, that are sinful actions will remove those crowns.

You place up crowns by good works, you can lose your crowns by disobedient works. And this is the point that they're making, him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God which is New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new name. Well New Jerusalem will be our new dwelling place. We will have a new citizenship and it's going to be wonderful folks, believe me, all these things that we won't miss in this world. Excuse me, no more wokeness, no, this is again like I said the third time I preached this, I'm kind of running out of voice a little bit, but let me take a sip of water.

No more, no more wokeness, no more political correctness, no more deep state. Here when he says again, him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God. Now here folks, all of those that are saved, all of those that are saved will overcome and it says that he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God. And so here the New Jerusalem actually is going to come down and out of heaven and the dimensions of the New Jerusalem are huge, 1,500 miles by 1,500 miles, the length, the width and the depth are all the same, the height, the length, the depth and the width. Now there's only two structures that that applies to, one is a cube and the other is a pyramid, but just to give you some idea of the size of this New Jerusalem, that if you were to have let's just say stories in here, floors, if you would have floors a mile high, floors that were, say a mile high, you would have many, many, many, many times the land mass of here on earth.

So when he says that in his father's house there are many mansions, we're not talking about efficiency suites, folks. We're talking about, now remember, many are called but few are chosen, oh there'll be a good population there, but nothing like what we have here on earth. Jesus said that many come but few will enter, only a few, a small percentage of those that have a profession of faith have a possession. So when the master builder, when the creator and the designer of the universe, he builds this New Jerusalem, and like I said, it has, it's going to be many, many times in it will be the times the land mass of this earth. It's going to be a big place, and of course we're going to be there to dwell there forever. And unless I miss my guess, folks, and I'm pretty sure that we will not be restricted by the laws of gravity, we're going to be like Christ and be in His image, like made like unto Him, and gravity has no hold on Him, and my guess is there probably will be no such thing as gravity in the New Jerusalem. Now here, he goes on to say, and I will write upon Him my new name, now we're, the Lord Jesus will have a new name, and we will all have new names.

We will all have new names, and there will be little white stones given to each of us with our new name on it. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Now going to the church of Laodicea, now here, that's the lukewarm church, and when we read here, verse 14, and unto the angel of the church of Laodicea, right, these things saith the amen, the faithful, the true witness, and the beginning of the creation. Well, obviously, folks, Christ is the beginning, He is the supreme ruler, the supreme authority, and He is the origin of all of creation.

So obviously, that's referring to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings here. And He says, I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would that they were cold or hot.

Now, Laodicea was, well, it was a very wealthy effect, some say it actually was the wealthiest of the seven cities, and it got its water from a hot springs by aqueduct, and by the time the water reached the city, it was lukewarm. Now, I have a little bottle of water sitting here, and I took it out the fridge a while back, and it's still cold, but I don't have a problem at all with drinking water at room temperature. I can drink water at room temperature, in fact, I keep a bottle on my bedside at nighttime.

Often if I wake up with a dry throat, I wet my whistle, like I do during this program. And but, if that, if I took this bottle here, and I set it out there on the railing on my deck, on the sunlight, and the sunlight was just to heat that up, about another ten degrees or so, that would taste horrible. But I, tippid, tippid water, I don't know about you, but I cannot handle lukewarm water, it just, and this is what he's saying, I know that works if thou art neither cold nor hot, I would that they were cold or hot, because then, though art lukewarm neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Well, here, it makes for a very disgusting drink, and the church here in Laodicea had been very distasteful, and very repugnant, in the sight of the Lord.

They became very lukewarm where he would spew them out. Most thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, I know it's not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. It's an amazing thing, most of your mega churches are in this category, to one degree or another. Well, we have, I can just right off the top of my head think of seven people that have recently started coming to our church, because the mega church they were in, they were being told that they really shouldn't get involved in politics.

They should kind of keep that away, in other words, just kind of go with the flow, take it easy, you know, obtain as many material things and stay comfortable as you can. They weren't giving you the word of God, but not just that. Many a people will say, well, I went to church today and I heard the gospel preached, it was a good message, and therefore the Lord must be happy with me, because I went to church and I heard the gospel.

Well, not exactly, folks. The Bible says be you a doer of the word, not a hearer only. Be a doer of the word, not a hearer only. The Lord's pleased with you when you take what you heard from the word of God and put it to practical application and it bore fruit in obedience to the glory of God. That's why he created you.

You know, if you go to work and you sit at your desk and you say, look here, I got here early, and you just sit there all day long, it doesn't matter that you're there, your boss is not going to be happy with you until you produce some fruits, some work, some labor. It's the same thing with the pastors. Sometimes pastors, well, they say, you know, I preached a good message today, I prepared a good message, and I preached a good message, therefore God must be pleased with me. No, God's not pleased with you until you live that message, until you lead by example.

That's what he's talking about there. Here, because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and know it's not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. Folks, you need to be real. God is real. And I have people telling me, trying to impress me with the mega entertainment center that they attend. I had this fellow telling me, look, God has blessed us so abundantly, he's blessed us so abundantly, we not only have a movie theater, we have an Olympic-sized swimming pool, and now we have a nine-hole golf course. Folks, Jesus said, place up your treasures in heaven. I know that T.D. Jakes says, well, I want my stuff now, I want my stuff now. I don't want to wait.

Maybe T.D. wouldn't plan on getting there, folks. Look, here, this is exactly what he's talking about, the prosperity church out there today, the mega prosperity church. They think that they're rich. They say I am rich and increase with goods and have need of nothing. Well, there are a multitude of very large and influential churches today that are very nominally, I mean, very, very nominally biblical.

They have become so comfortable, so very, very comfortable with, well, the evolutionism, if you will, of the modern lifestyles, that they are totally, and I've seen this, they're entertainment centers, they're country clubs. They're spiritually impoverished folks filled with half-converted babes in Christ who are easy prey for the world, the flesh and the devil out there. The Lord is calling them to repentance.

This is what he says here. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich. Now, in other words, he's saying let your praise come from obedience to God through uncompromising service.

Be willing to boldly, boldly rebuke the mockers of God. Buy your gold from Christ as Christian activists, and what that means is the gold is tried in the fire. The fire is when you suffer persecution.

The fire is when you're ready, when you take your stand, a non-compromising stand, and see today again, I'm going to tell you, if the devil was to come down and lock the doors in most of these mega churches, and again, like I was saying, when it comes to, well, they would never, they would never be able to handle what Job did, and that's where you find out if they're saved or not. If they're saved, they would be able to handle it, but here, the vast majority of them have told, look, either deny Christ right here or lose your life right here, the vast majority, I can tell you the vast majority of those entertainment centers would in unison deny Christ. In fact, some of them today, of course, in the apostate church, they'd be thrilled to do that, but some of them actually today.

I think if the devil told them, look, you either come up here and deny Christ or I'm going to take away your car, I'm going to take away your Lexus or your BMW, either deny Christ or I'm going to take away your great, big, old, beautiful house or I'm going to take a, I think that's all it would take. A lot of these in these mega churches out there to deny Christ. We're out of time for tonight, and as we get to this time every night, folks, all of what is happening out there today, and those three churches that I talked about today, believe me, they are, the Church of Sardis is typical of a modern day apostate church with very few exceptions, most of the world, the National Council of Churches, the Episcopal, the Pilgrim, the Methodist, United Methodist, the United Church of Christ, et cetera. They embrace just about everything that God calls sin. Only a few left that have not defiled their garments. Again, the Church of Philadelphia is the hardcore Bible-believing activist church of today, and their commendation was that they are faithful, and of course what we're talking about, the Church of Laodicea, was like the, again, so many of the Meghan churches today.

They're all about material things. And so, folks out there listening, the Bible says, Come out from amongst them, be you separate from them, or suffer the plagues that are brought upon them. If I were you out there tonight, if you have not received Christ as your Savior, no time like the present, do it tonight. Call upon the Father, ask for forgiveness of your sin, ask the Lord Jesus to be Lord of your life, follow your life without reservations, and folks, you will become a new creature, you will become an heir of the Kingdom.

Now listen, you've got God's Word on this. Yeah, all you have to do is pray to the Father, ask Him, believe it, okay? Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, you acknowledge the fact that you are a sinner and you need a Savior. Ask the Lord Jesus to be the Lord of your life, follow your life, but you've got to put Him first.

He must be first, before everything and anyone. And God will always honor your commitment, you will become a new creature, you will become a born again believer, you will become an heir of the Kingdom, and you will be on the road to eternal life, and indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Now you have God's Word on that, folks, you have God's Word on that. There's nothing, there is not now, there never has been, there never would be or never could be anything which we just read tonight more sure than the Word of God.

God says He will preserve His Word for generation after generation, and God always does it. Well, we're out of time again tonight, as we come to this time every night. Now is when we say goodnight, God bless, and always, always, and I do mean always, keep fighting the fight. Goodnight, God bless, and I do mean always, and I do mean always, and I do mean always, and I do mean always, and I do mean always, and I do mean always.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-02-19 14:53:46 / 2024-02-19 15:10:53 / 17

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