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Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at slash listen. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.
Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our lives for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up. This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get. I am in the right place, I'm in the right place, I'm in the right place, I'm in the right place. I am in the right place.
I'm in the right place, I'm in the right place. Can't I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance? Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.
A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.
Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this eighth day of January, 2024. And a lot of those checks are coming in with 2023 still on them.
So we're getting checks that are a year old already, but anyhow, tonight we have a lot to cover. And our producer tonight is none other than Ken. Hey, Ken. How are you doing, Pastor? Good.
And then way out yonder we have the legend, the Missouri legend, Pastor Joe Larson. Good evening. All of a sudden you just run out of sound. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you.
All right. I can't hear you, so we're off to a good start. I can barely hear you. Can you hear me now? Can you give, can you boost up his audio there some, Ken? I can try to do something here on this end.
All right. He's working on it. Anyhow, do you remember the title of the message, Joe? Accurate Account of God's Divine Institutions of Marriage and Family. We know that that institution has been under attack from day one and started right there in the garden, didn't it? Well, this coming next Sunday, this coming Sunday I should say, we're going to be, Lord's willing, during our, the Bible and current events hour, we're going to be showing a video called The Silent Crime, the darkness side of the trafficking. And here there's a very, very, very sinister wickedness encompassing our country.
It doesn't fit any profile, it doesn't lend to predictability, it strikes without warning. While this specific evil may sound familiar, I know millions of lives have been brutalized because very few, very, very few understand how deep it goes. Child sex trafficking is only the beginning. There is an organized occult effort that sometimes uses these children as sacrifices to ancient bloodthirsty demonic entities. Never before has a documentary dated or dared to expose the true depths of this dangerous evil. You'll be shocked at how common the problem is in our country.
After watching this, you will never be the same. Well, we'll be showing this at 4 p.m. this coming Sunday. It's called The Silent Cry, Lord's willing, folks. Again, we're up against Satanism. And where, why is it, why is it 80,000 children just in the past year disappeared here in this country? Well, folks, a major reason is broken families, broken families. Today divorce is on par with marriage.
For every marriage, it's a divorce. Now, it's imperative, absolutely imperative that we do all within our power as Christians, as Americans, to rebuild and preserve our families, our family structures. We must learn once again to communicate verbally and not by text messaging. Today, again, we're seeing the kids don't even, you know, it's an amazing thing. I was in a restaurant and I watched a family, the two parents were conversing, but the children all sat there with their smart-aleck phones texting. They're losing their ability. Now, what people don't understand, and this means adults, too, is that while they're using their smart phones, their smart phones are using them.
That's right. The Antichrist world system is hard at work building a complete bio on you and all of those that you speak and you refer to on Facebook, on YouTube, on Twitter, etc. Now, the purpose, the purpose of the Antichrist world system is to have complete control and influence over your life, and they're doing that already, and most people really don't understand to what extent that is, how they're getting here influenced suggestions. We see that the vast majority of the populace are totally oblivious to it. Very, very, very few of us really understand what they're doing. Now, through subliminal and esoteric means, they are influenced by what you think and why you think it, folks. Did you ever notice the pattern of the pop-ups they're recording to show, and they're recording your responses, and all of this is being kept as a bio up on you to influence you. This is happening.
This is the world we're living in today. And so I did some little games just to see. I would put some suggestions out there and see what kind of pop-ups would come. In other words, it's like I was playing out there with AI, artificial intelligence, what is basically what they're using today, and just to see how, what kind of influence you would have. And I spoke more on that, but again, you are, whether you know it or not, very subtly, very subtly, you're being programmed by these smart alec phones. Now, one of the major problems we have, too, today in divorces is because of these smart alec phones, these iPads, they're giving, and it's caused, the Bible says the women are the weaker vessels, and it doesn't mean just physically when it comes to being influenced by these. I've seen it, and here today we have, you'll see a lot of people, they'll have these phones, and you'll sit and they'll be texting, and they'll be laughing, and you'll say, what is so funny?
You go to look, and they'll put the phone down right away, and their eyes will get big. Today, a lot of women believe that their phones, that's their space, and no one has a right in their space, including their husbands. Well, I got news for those women.
God says that's not true. God says not only does your husband, not only does he have access and the right to be there, but he's got the duty. And by the way, that goes the other way, too.
The husbands have no right to keep these things from their wives either, and especially the children from their parents. And so we're seeing that, and the other thing that's very funny is that the red flags, when you see that, when these women make sure that they put their phone face down and they put pass codes on, so it's a red flag. They're telling, they're sending a signal out to their husbands. The men do it, too, but they're not so much, you know, they're, as the women, they're sending messages out, you know, what they're doing something wrong. And this is, with this trending, what they call this trending now, with open marriages, this open marriages, and what else do they, they're calling it, well, clubbing, they're calling it clubbing and other things.
But it ends up 90, over 90%. They end up in divorce. There's this false teaching out there that today you can have it all. You can have a marriage, the security, with the women usually say the security of a marriage.
You can have a career and children and a variety of sexual partners. This is the mind, this is what's being told to them over all of these different Internet access programs, and they're falling for it. They're buying into it, and they're being, it's breaking up marriages left and right, and well, what does that happen? A lot of these children end up on the street.
These children end up homeless on the streets, and this is where they're being picked up. So we're going to start tonight, Joe, in Genesis chapter 1, and let's kind of take a couple of verses at a time. So Genesis 1, 26, so read verse 26 and 28, or 27 and stop. Are you there, Joe? God said, yeah.
Okay, go ahead. And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them. All right, so now here, we're talking now, your Unitarian critics out there today, your anti-Trinitarian critics, say that this is a conversation here, a council between God and His angels. What do you say, Joe?
I'd say that doesn't sound anything like that. God said, Let us. He's referring to us, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, because it says after our image. Okay, and He's giving them authority and let them have, angels don't give dominion to anyone, right?
Well, have that power only God has that power to give, you know, authority. Well then, are we Triune beings, man too? Yes, we are, we're made in His image, we have the mind, the body and the Spirit. So God gave us a mental capacity and He gave us a verbal ability. What was the reason He gave us the mental capacity and the verbal ability? To communicate with one another and to understand His words.
Well, to communicate with Him too. Okay, I mean that was the point. Now here, these, again, these Unitarian critics say that there's two different accounts here. I'm going to jump over just for a minute to jump over to Genesis 2 and read verses 1 through 21, not verses 21 through 25. 21, okay, and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and he closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now boned of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh how far do you want me to go okay that's good now now what you just read i want to go back to genesis uh one and pick it up in verse 27 so god created a man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created them and god blessed them and god said uh to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the follow the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now the reason i i said you read that is because uh these unitarian critics say that that those are two different accounts of creation that there's two different accounts of creation here right okay right and so here now uh we're going to be going to a minute over to matthew uh chapter 19 and now the lord jesus uh he said no he verifies one he verifies the the fact that moses was the with the author of genesis the uh mosaic authorship but then he verifies that these were the same accounts okay now let me ask you this um were the were the unitary critics there at creation or was the lord jesus at creation their creation the lord jesus was their creation and i see no conflict anyway even without that because if god created it said in the image in his own image he created them male and female and then in chapter two it just gives a little more detail of how he did it okay difference in the two is one just says he did and in chapter two it gives a little more detail of how he did it uh taking the rib and making you know using that too is one of the things to create the woman of course he had to use the rest of the dust of the earth to make the body but that was in another place where it said and he took the dust of the earth you know okay he made them okay so now uh he created a man in his image and the image of god created him male or female so uh were there any other genders ever mentioned in creation there is never any other gender uh gender mentioned but male and female in the entire bible all right so let me ask you this here now here we see there's a well we used to refer to chain of command or they call pecking order and we see that in this trinity this this godhead that god the father gives the marching orders god the son carries him out and the holy spirit provides the power how does that reflect with the husband wife and the children that follows the same path the husband's the head of the family and he uh gives the orders and controls the wife carries of the children that are obedient i mean it just it follows god everything god has is a logical sequence there's a pecking order there's an order of control in the home as well as in heaven okay so let me ask you this then uh in their humanity in their humanity uh is the the father this the mother and the children are they equal in their humanity yes they're all equal in the eyes of god in their humanity okay so not necessarily in their responsibility to god man has a more responsible position in the eyes of god he is to govern the family control protect the family teach the family he's been given more authority therefore he has more responsibility to god so the order uh in the order of the the family the order of authority the man is the head okay now and the parents the children should be subjected and submissive to their their parents now let me ask you what about uh the trinity father son the holy ghost are they equal in their deity they're equal in their deity okay but but then the structure is they're equal they're all part they're all god but they differ in the uh order of power well ready jesus said i never do i never say anything that's not directed by the father i never do anything that's not what he commands so definitely god the father is the head of the trinity all right let's go over to matthew 19 and all right so matthew 19 read me verses one through five and then stop there all right and it came to pass that when jesus had finished these sayings he departed from galilee and came into the coast of judea beyond jordan and great multitudes followed him and he healed them there the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and he answered and said unto them have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh okay they are no more okay so here let me just say so the lord does two things here one he just quotes what we just read in genesis 1 27 right and also actually he and he rec quotes genesis 5 2 now then he says then he says and he said for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and the twain should be one flesh now he's quoting genesis 2 24 and so here uh is he not confirming the mosaic authorship of the of genesis definitely validating it confirming that whatever word you want to choose well we must remember that whenever jesus preached what did he use he used the old testament yeah because he was creating the new but he quoted from the old testament all the time when he preached because he was quoting from himself exactly what a better source you could not have a better source than yourself all right pick it up in verse six and wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh but therefore god hath joined together let not man put asunder okay so again what he's talking about they become one flesh now there's that's that's got several applications there uh they become one flesh and the fact that when a man comes together with a woman the egg and the sperm make a complete different person right right okay that becomes makes one flesh but but also in the the act of relations sexual relations there according to god makes them one person so if in fact the unit like the father son and holy spirit are one god man or woman make one marriage unit so let's say you know again following the way god does things okay so how does that that coincide with the the popular trend that my cell phone or my laptop or my tablet is my space it's my private space and no one should ever go in there if you're a husband do you not have the right and the duty and the other way too you know and especially for the children do you not have the right and the duty to see what they're they're watching or they're hearing or they're they're tweeting right exactly if you don't you're not being a good father or mother if you just turn children loose with something like a cell phone or computer uh you're it's like putting them naked out into the world without any guidance you cannot do that you have to guide direct and hold them accountable give them instructions where they can go how long they can be different places who they can contact and the only way to know is to check up on them well the point that you become one flesh that means what is yours is mine what is mine is yours and marriage right the two are supposed to be one unit work together one unit does not have secrets from the other i knew that hang tight you see some of us that have been married a long time and have a good marriage we know that there are not supposed to be secrets in marriage you're telling me we are to share everything our hopes dreams even things that frustrate us make us mad we're we're supposed to be able to share with that person how about a song we'll be back right after this through faith in god we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are endowed with inalienable rights of life and precious liberty the pursuit of happiness on these we now take aim and set our sights like sleeping watchmen on the wall we have failed to heed the signs of usurping foreign powers within our land letting fraud deceit and usury be the curse of these hard times now won't you heed this wake-up call and lend a hand and be a part of the solution and restore our constitution play your part in reclaiming our nation join the second american revolution today in the spirit of our ancestors who refused to live in chains we now must cast our eyes on liberty's light for the blood spilled by our forefathers still flows within our veins and we shall not live as slaves without a fight like soldiers we must stand and face this enemy within and do what we must do to seize the time for an order to defend and exercise our liberties we now must place our liberty on the line and be a part of the solution and restore our constitution play your part in reclaiming our nation join the second american revolution today be a part of the solution and restore our constitution play your part in reclaiming our nation join the second american revolution you know joe that's what we're doing that's what what we do at the tea party that's what we do at tactical civics uh we're bringing it back one nation under god uh and they're they're totally you know christian it's they're christian patriot christian organizations and folks i encourage you you really should be a part of that and anyhow coming up tomorrow night january 9th tomorrow night at 630 8 30 p.m in northeast ohio here i want to announce the jug honey tea party we're going to have dane davis he's an internationally recognized economist with local roots he's going to be at the metzenbaum center at 8200 cedar road in chestland ohio and lord's willing i will be there again too myself uh part what what does the economy hold for 2020 ford so he is going to explain how the economy has performed so far in 2023 you see that's not what they're telling you you know all of these new jobs and that folks believe me what they're telling you on the mainstream media is far far far far from reality and the truth they keep trying to tell us simple answer is they overstated and they kept three uh what it what's the word they had to uh three submit the uh jobs and most of the stuff that they said they that they said they created uh were not there absolutely a huge percentage i'm trying to remember the article that uh it was well over 25 of all those jobs they said were created were never existed they were just mistakes and then many of the jobs they say were created were government jobs in fact that uh most all the jobs were created last year were government created so that's nothing to do with creating jobs in a free market that's what they make it sound like it's building government in fact um well let me finish mike i'm making an announcement here joe oh sure so so here so why are the americans so down in the economy well they they claim we have record numbers in the economy well why why we lose and why do conservatives lose what do we do about it conservatives were shocked at the recent defense defeats in the polls in ohio where abortion and marijuana were legalized we were shocked because we you went all over the state and we are signs and and that the message was you know for every one that the opposition had we had eight or ten and the reason is because 69 percent of the ballots were mail-in ballots and the bottom line folks was the communists the democrats just again get it through an election and we've got to stop the mail-in ballots we've got to stop the mail-in ballots okay but anyhow these defeats come after several different decades of defeats why do conservatives lose and what can we do to win so uh dane davis local economist the speaker as he shares his thoughts on what we need to do to win back america well first of all you got to get up off your dead behinds and on your dying feet and get out there and fight right and so we have too many too many people saying somebody should do something well the folks just there's too few of us that are doing the vast majority of the work this is why everybody needs to get involved and everybody needs to do their part and so that's the message right there so if i can when you brought up that jobs in the line figures here's one example michael mitch landru joined the hight white house back in december of 21 he was coordinator for the infrastructure investment in jobs act he was given the title senior advisor to the president and responsible for dispersing the ax funds to over 40 000 state and local projects well to shorten this down he hired at his direction the biden administration hired 6100 federal employees to disperse all the funds authorized by the state law now it goes on he's resigned that job because now he's going to be working for the trump or the biden campaign so he oversaw spending 1.2 trillion dollars in infrastructure think about that 1.2 trillion dollars he oversaw he traveled around the country he it said uh all the stuff they did the traveling to 150 cities he talked with governors and mayors and private sector companies and blah blah long list of things well now he's going to go out and campaign for biden and he's going to go talk to all the people that the government dispersed this 1.2 trillion dollars and remind all these governor governors and labor unions and private sex sector companies who it was that gave them all of this money so in other words he's going out and buying votes for the democrat party so i killed two birds of one stone in that article because it shows all these jobs created were government jobs and now they're using all this money that they've spent and they're using what to get re-elected buying votes to the american people do you know represent system yep do you know who you who your representative yvette clark is she's a death yeah well she that had something to do with the the um she's a democrat in marriage licenses oh well and she's a no yvette clark says that the she says the quiet part out of a loud and in other words uh she she opened her mouth and and told the truth okay oh and so she said and so here's what she said about the illegal aliens in her district i need more people in my district for just for the redistricting purpose in other words she needs a whole lot of illegal aliens in her district to move in and to vote for her which she'll promise them to be redistricting to make it a solid democrat voting block yep so as new york collapses under the weight of joe biden under border and never-ending stream of illegal stretching resources at least one new york democrat is celebrating what it means for her politically that's right new york city mayor eric adams shared about the city supporting 110 000 illegal aliens who have arrived since april 2022 with up to 10 000 more coming in per month and in september adams told a crowd in upper west side town all that meaning let me tell you something new yorkers never in my life have i had a problem that i did not see an ending to i don't see an ending to this the issue will be will destroy new york city destroyed in new york city now do you remember that isn't he the same eric adams that was said that send them here we'll take them in where sanctuary city uh we'll take them all and then that he sure did we reported when he said it and we said you know this is what these uh all these sanctuary cities across the country were saying because it sounded good you see the virtues signal they really don't mean things they like to signal their virtue but they really don't have anything it's all um oh we used to call it a dog and pony show it's all talk and no action you know they'd like to talk but they never walk the walk well this yvette clark uh deathly craft from new york says sees a big upside in the illegals flooding american cities and that she said well more illegals means more help for her redistricting purpose so she has more of a population too and believe me uh they'll get out they'll pay these people to go vote they'll give them uh the democrats are totally corrupt they're totally they're completely corrupt completely corrupt and they'll give them names of people that have passed away whatever they'll send them in to vote she says i'm from brooklyn new york we have a dysphoria diaporia a diaspora that can can absorb us in them the printing here is a little blurred a significant number of migrants and so what party started the motor voter laws you know whether you're getting to get a license you get registered to vote whether you were allowed to vote or not that was a democrat party oh yeah and you know everything that they've done to change the old you know you need to go show identity proof of citizenship and blah blah i mean everything they do is so they can cheat i mean it's real simple they don't want photo ids why well it's easier to cheat without a photo id they wanted motor voter because it was easy to cheat now they want the uh they wanted the people to be able to go around and uh what do they call it put the ballots together and uh large bundles bundle the ballots you know to go in for election and nobody knows who collected them and how but so everything they do is to cheat because they can't win on principle they can't win on ideas they can't win on handling money national defense foreign affairs so they have to resort to cheating the end well that's defies the means basically that's what nasty pelosi said that we can't beat trump in elections we can't beat him he and so we got to make sure he can't run we got to in other words nasty pelosi said that her and at aock and these others should have the they should be the ones who decide who we can vote for who the american people can vote for him french said the state should have the right to decide who can run for president and who was it uh one of those liberal commentators said no that it's come to federal government constitution and she said man it's that the states can decide that you know the constitution be uh yeah here it is here's george stephanopoulos was the uh interviewee and uh she basically was said that the states can overrule the u.s constitution and ban trump from the ballot and even this you know lifelong democrat hack and he said you know you believe trump is ineligible to be president and pelosi said they have different laws from state to state he said but but it's the constitution and pelosi said that's not the point the point is we have to defeat donald trump and the constitution be damned is what she said and what she meant that we've got to defeat trump or we're all going to hang yeah because he'll be coming basically the constitution doesn't mean anything we're going to ignore it because we have to all righty pro-hamas protesters shut down a stunned joe biden during a lie and i listened to that speech and that was a lied filled speech i mean he really did it a light-filled speech had historically black church in charleston south carolina this is an apostate church and here's the interesting thing in this apostate church there's hardly anybody there here you got joe biden okay and you've got these apostate preachers i guess they could say the president came to our church but there's nobody in there that's right charleston south carolina joe biden gave a live field speech charleston it historically black mother emmanuel church monday he was shut down by a group of protesters hamas pro-hamas protesters demanding israel surrendered to the islamist terror organization so mother emmanuel church is the place where an evil white supremacist named dylan roof murdered nine worshippers of cold blood by the starter by spreading another liability by spreading another lie about his non-existent involvement in the civil rights movement oh more than that he said in that church i started the civil rights movement i heard him they have it on tape they've got a they filmed him speaking and he said well he'd been here many times in this church and he said when i started the civil rights movement well if al gore invented the internet why he's ever told isn't it well i don't know he's told some big ones if well i don't know he claims to be the elected president of the united states i don't think so probably you're right that one wins over you know i he's so it's kind of like al gore and the i invented the internet yeah he's the re he's the resident in the white house not the president in the white house he is illegitimate there's a word for illegitimate in the bible do you know what that is uh i know what the contemporary word is but i'm not sure i remember it from the bible in hebrew chapter 12 it calls them bastards that's what okay it's the same word i for a minute i couldn't remember it was in there but yeah all righty okay hey before we get before we get too far you were one of the things i wanted to bring up was you were talking about the families and everything in the bible study uh jason riley is a wall street journal columnist and he's a also fox news contributor he's a black gentleman extremely articulate well educated and uh he put out a big piece basically uh sat down and talked he said how two-parent households ensure safer communities and he talked about different studies now we've done this in the past there's been a lot of studies that two parents play a crucial role in ensuring safer communities and he quoted different other people the biggest root of crime in america is fatherlessness and he referenced different books and he said although the single-parent households the children have more crime more you know problems he said the biggest problem is fatherlessness it's a root cause cause of the children ending up in prison on drugs and he said the having a father and a family is more important than race and ethnicity poverty income and he said it's the biggest factor well it goes back to what you said god said you know mother father family the mother and father become as one and let me add to that joe because i spent 45 years actively visiting prisons and i mean we're still active in the prison ministry i just don't make the trips like i used to but and all of that time uh just all the just the one thing that all the inmates had in common was no father in the house no no father in the home now it's an interesting thing too joe because you know the laws were always bent towards where it came to single parents giving the children to warning to the mothers well here now uh the clear clear clear evidence is that the fathers make much better parents single fathers make much better parents than single women okay uh they take they take it much more seriously now i i was really surprised after when i was first got in the prison ministry after a few years i would i thought that well that having you know a single mother single parent mother that that would draw her closer to her children being a single parent but it had just exactly the opposite effect on on these young men and it really had the opposite effect on them because what happened was they they saw their mothers often going with other men uh you know infidelity even though you know when their fathers had left uh and they lost respect for them and and a lot of in some cases they're the sons were even violent in the same token the young girls the young girls who didn't have a father in the home had a tendency to turn to prostitution they were looking for a father figure out there and they would often find that in a pimp or some another male figure they need both young girls and young boys need an authority figure most women are not authoritarian they use mental they use manipulation they use um oh what's it not bribery but emotional blackmail is what i'm thinking they try and use kind of an emotional blackmail to get the children to behave or instead of just saying no and father's and the kid says why because i said so it was all you need to know right don't do that they use blackmail and coercion and threats and then you know things like that and what the children need all children need discipline need control so we're meant for what two thousand years absolutely they don't believe it's true yeah absolutely that's again this is why the opposition worked so hard to get the fathers out of the home joe uh in that prison ministry one of the first things i noticed that as soon as a man went to prison uh as soon as he was sentenced he went to prison socialist services would show up and i don't care if he was if he only got 90 days they would show up and they would start trying to convince the wife to divorce you should divorce you should divorce okay go on welfare get more money on welfare right right go on uh as soon as yeah uh again it's like again it's like whenever god's word the bible teaches they're in total opposition to it and so that's the world system that's the entire our government has become so corrupted the judicial system has become so corrupted just unbelievably corrupt but for years you and i have done so many stories and i remember two things way back i've seen this in a dozen different experts the best way to avoid poverty did finish high school get a good job wait until you are married you have children that's been going on that i can remember talking about this for 30 40 years the other and sociologists are saying now new articles are out a good marriage is the number one predictor of happiness for men and women uh we were talking saying things like that 20 30 40 years ago on the radio because true things like that do not change do they no they don't and we do it over and over and over again and uh it's just like people you have to stop and listen to god says what the old paths the old ways are the best his way is the best because he created us he knows what we need he knows our weaknesses he knows what we need as a person as a couple a husband and wife and a marriage and as parents and his children and grandparents and he made it quite clear the this is the way the happiness and the world just doesn't seem to want to listen no it's an interesting thing here uh again uh those of us that have been married for a long time we can understand that uh here and you know what again uh married couples have they seem to live longer joe they do live longer they're healthier also yeah and so but like you said the stability to here's the problem today is biblical illiteracy you see we understood what god's word the bible taught about marriage do you know what the second shortest verse in the bible is joe jesus wept no that's the shortest oh that's the shortest second shortest second shortest is three words god hates divorce god hates divorce three words and there you go and so we're going to be taking a look at that let's see that's the problem today you have uh you know when see the the mindset of the people is when they they take their wedding vows either they forget what they said but god hasn't right he remembers those vowels and so as we go through the scripture this week we're going to talk about what god's word the bible says about that divine institution of marriage and the family do you think god means what he says joe i know he does i don't think i'm positive he says what he means he means what he says his word is eternal it cannot will not change and being our creator he knows like every i'll repeat he knows exactly what we need what's best for us and like we've talked like cultural marxism we talked we're one of the first radio programs to bring this up talk about cultural marxism and the first thing that some of the creators of it the two theorists uh antonio gramsci and george lucas and hungary came up with was the idea that uh it was the western civilization which was basically christian and what did they say they knew that if they could destroy the traditional sexual morals of western civilization they could destroy the traditional sexual morals of western civilization they would take a giant step toward destroying western culture and i remember uh back in the 60s there at berkeley the chant hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go jenny jackin civilization yep has got to go i remember jesse jackson would come out and he'd say ah i'm jenny jackin and then he would hey hey ho ho western culture has got to go western culture has got to go okay that western civ they they tried to hide it they're western civ but then that western civilization western culture has got to be destroyed to what foment the communist revolution folks well you know what we said earlier about nasty pelosi talking about how we we can go around the constitution we're coming up to a break and after the break we got a clip we've got nasty saying it we've got her on this clip saying exactly that and so and all and then we're also going to take a look at uh 40 states to get blasted by polar vortex uh it looks like we may be having some very very very cold weather coming our way here uh this winter and so we really need to be prepared for that too because they they look for a lot of power outages and boy i'm going to tell you it's not good when you're coal fired power plants offline yeah it might be a problem yep absolutely so uh when we come back we're coming up to break how much time do i have josh josh now you're not josh you're kin okay there you go i'm reading the word josh here so anyhow when we get back from that break we're going to take a look but you know what else we're going to take a look at joe what happens in vegas is proof the democrats are crooked and so the trouble is it didn't stay in vegas that's the problem yeah the other thing too is bombshell 200 undercover fbi assets that we call them rogue rogue agents at the capitol on january 6 we knew that all along joe we've been telling people people yep we even told them the number didn't we right 200 rogue agents in the coup in the coup in the coup it was a to overthrow the sitting president of the united states of america there you go so we will be back right after this with a whole lot more so don't go away be right back thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to w r w l dot org that's w r w l dot org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next cable news noisy boring out of touch that's why salem news channel is different we keep you in the know streaming 24 7 for free home to the greatest collection of conservative voices like dennis prager j ceculo mike gallagher and more salem news channel is unfiltered and unapologetic watch anytime on any screen at and local now channel 525
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