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Fri Hour 2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 16, 2023 2:30 am

Fri Hour 2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Only at David's Bridal. Donate and listen to the podcast at All right, we are back. And folks, we had just read Jack Ling. We had him on earlier this week.

He, again, is one of those January 6th Patriots. And we're going to hear a clip. He calls me every now and then. He gives me a call just to give me an update on what's happening there in that dirty, dirty D.C. jail where those American Christian Patriots are being held hostage by an extremely corrupt and completely corrupt government. So go ahead and play that clip.

All right. Pastor here, Jake. Hey, Pastor Ernie. It's Jake Lang here, brother.

Let's take it up where we left off. Let me ask you, how much communication do you have with the other inmates there? Well, right now, Pastor, I'm in solitary confinement in the basement of Washington, D.C. jail gulag. I'm locked in my cell 20 hours a day.

So my communication has been severely limited right now. I do have the opportunity to come out of my cell for four hours a day. And I usually run a Bible study every other day with a few other inmates that I'm in here with, which is a blessing, some closer fellowship.

I was taken out of the January 6th pod. The jail removed me and tried to isolate me and ostracize me from my community because, you know, we have such a large impact. And it's been such a blessing to steward this community that God's put me in to fundraising and interviews and all the stuff we do. But right now, I'm in solitary confinement, Pastor. Well, I've been in the prison ministry for 50 years. In 45 of those years, we were visiting death row and visiting inmates on a continuous basis.

And none of them were ever able to do what you're doing here to be able to get out and to get your message out from the jail. I don't know how you're doing it, but by God's grace, you are. Well, he opens up doors, right, that no man can open.

And it's a blessing. He supplied me with a great support structure, a lot of Christian brothers and sisters and the volunteer kind of groups of the January 6th community, my lovely fiancé. She's helping facilitate this call right now. And he just put together a strong pillar of support around me.

My core group is strong. And, you know, we post a lot on my social media. My Twitter profile recently has been having a lot of posts go viral. Even Marjorie Taylor Greene retweeted a very serious post I posted on Sunday, talking about that Congress needs to start going after the law licenses of the federal judges and federal prosecutors that are sentencing January 6thers to 20 years in prison, 17 years, 15 years and stuff. These people need to be disbarred and removed from their positions of power.

And Marjorie Taylor Greene retweeted that and she agreed with me. So that's a great resource, you know, if people want to stay up to date with the Jan 6th movement to go to my Twitter, JakeLangJ6, at JakeLangJ6. Well, you're seeing a movement here with a tactical civics movement across the country and that's exactly what their goal is.

Now there's 3400 counties in the United States and we now have chapters in 1300 of those, a third of those counties we have chapters in. And that idea, that is to bring the government back to the people according to the Constitution, where we the people, the people where we call grand juries and we have standing militias just exactly like it says in the Constitution. We're doing that now. Just recently in Michigan where they had a county throughout, every single corrupt county official was thrown out of office and replaced with people and with patriots. And this is what we're working towards doing here. In fact, Jan Porter just submitted a brief to the US Supreme Court and in that brief it would have to do with, again, the heartbeat movement. I was a part of that and what we're working on here in Ohio now is our Ohio Constitution makes it very clear, Jake, very, very clear that the legislators legislate the laws, they make the laws, not these corrupt courts. You've got the Planned Predator and the ACLU out judge shopping out looking for corrupt judges to try to push more Antichrist legislation through. And here now there's a movement here to make our state legislators rein in these corrupt courts and we're just one state. This is moving. There's some signs out there, brother, that we may be seeing revival in America here soon.

Because when the wicked are becoming more wicked, the righteous are becoming more righteous. Go ahead, I'm sorry. No, no, I said I believe it. I believe in revival. That's actually the podcast episode that me and you recorded about a week ago, The American Revival, my new podcast there, is all about that.

It's my ministry from inside the walls here and me and Ernie did an amazing, amazing podcast episode and it's titled American Revival because I believe in that. I believe that this is God's nation in which he pours out his spirit in the latter days and is a beacon that this is the city on the hill. We are the light of the world and there is definitely going to be a chasm that presents itself here in America where the wicked just go down into derision. They're given over to reprobate minds as Romans chapter 1 talks about and those people are destined for hellfire. We will still minister to them and preach to them and try our best to reach them because many still can be woken up. Many frozen hearts can still be warmed up to the light of God and his love in Jesus Christ, but there is a predetermined, as God tells us, you know, Roman chapters 8, that there are predestined.

And there are those of us who are predestined for his home in heaven and those of us who are predestined for hell. We don't know it, we can only minister to everybody, God's grace, but those who are predestined to serve the antichrist system almost seem unreachable in many ways. And they remove themselves and they run further and further into perversion with, like you were saying, the pedophilia and the abortion and all of these issues. They're cutting themselves away from anything that has anything to do with real American society and trying to drag all of America with it. But I say cut them loose and let them go, God forbid, and let's make sure that we keep the core of America strong and Christian. And the outlier fringe, the Satanists and the wicked and the perverse, they will always be there and they're unfortunately just riding their way down that wicked, wicked path.

Absolutely. You couldn't be more right than you are. And that's what Scripture says is happening. So we're seeing in Daniel 12, verses 3 and 4, it tells you to seal up the book until the end times and when these things will be revealed.

And all of those things are being revealed now. The book is being unsealed before our very eyes and that's what we're doing here. We're seeing Scripture coming alive to us right now, real time, so we can take a look and we can see where we're at. And we know that we're very, very close, we're getting closer to the Lord's return. Amen. Amen. As that time draws near, I believe that this is the time where we have to do extraordinary measures of faith and acts of faith here, guys.

I don't believe it's time to pump the brakes. I think it's time to step on the gas and really rush towards salvation. And like Jesus told the disciples, he said, the fields are ripe for harvest here, guys, but the laborers are few. So let's make sure that those of us who do labor and labor in diligence grow emboldened by my chains, as Paul said, by his chains, but by the wickedness that we do see and the injustice that we do see and the devil trying to claim his temporary rule here in his one world government that we do see here. Let's grow more emboldened by that and let's rush for all of those hurting souls out there who are yearning to know Jesus, who are yearning to know their Messiah in this season of their lives.

And maybe there's just one word, one word spoken to them of grace can win their hearts over and we can add them to the Lord's army before this final day comes. I'm running. This is a day to run. Every day from here on out is a day to run.

No more jogging, no more walking. We're running. We're running towards a battle, Pastor. You know, Jake, God's Word, the Bible gives you three main missions. The three main missions, number one is the Great Commission, Matthew 28 verses 18 through 20.

And that is to go out and preach the Gospel throughout the world, baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. And number two, from Genesis to Revelation is resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. Resistance to tyranny is always obedience.

This tyranny is always disobedience. And number three, there in 2 Thessalonians he tells you to stand fast, hold to the traditions of the apostles, not stand down, not give up any ground but to hold our ground. And that's what we're doing. And again, the cause is a righteous cause. And so we're seeing, I'm seeing more and more people, I'm seeing more Pastors finally. You know, the Pastors have been, they have been absent without leaves for so many years.

And I've been preaching on that for so many years. The Pastors should have had courage. There was a dearth of courage, you know, from the pulpit.

I'm seeing that starting to change. I'm starting to see more and more Pastors finally finding the courage to stand up. The anointing. The anointing is here. The Pastors are, in this final time, the anointing is coming back. I believe that many Pastors for many years here in America have walked into that position maybe without the anointing. And that's why when, like in the parable of the sower and the seed, when the sun rose up and beat down upon the leaves of that plant that sprung up but it didn't have deep roots is because it wasn't planted right.

It didn't have the anointing of God planted in the right soil. And so I believe the more Pastors who do have the anointing are coming into their fullness and taking upon themselves that calling instead of shying away from it. And not letting those who are trying to just take without being given that leadership position any longer. And we're seeing coming back.

It's beautiful. We've got to focus on the things that are happening well and encourage while also dispelling and condemning and standing against the things, you know, the Pastors, the so-called Pastors out there that are leading the flock, Jesus' church here with weakness because God does not give us the spirit of fear. With power, love, and a sound mind. And we know that. And if you see that in a church sphere, coronavirus lockdowns, they're shutting their doors, they're, you know, putting the LGBTQ flag on there on the side of the church. They're, you know, letting in these wolves and sheep clothing in there to shear the flock. We know that that's fear.

That's weakness. That is not an anointed church. That is not an anointed Pastor. The Pastoring that flock. And so now we're seeing the distinction. This is a season of distinction between the righteous and the wicked. The anointed Pastors and the usurpers and it's a beautiful time to have discernment and look upon the church growing more bold and stronger and the fake just falling away. Well, not only did we not close our doors. You have one minute remaining. But I went on the radio and I looked very clearly the doors of the word would not close their doors for one minute.

We are not going to have any of that social distancing and there will be no masks worn in the church. We let them know. In fact, we even put a sign out front. And so, yeah, we will obey God rather than man. You got less than a minute. So go ahead and finish that.

You got less than a minute. Go ahead. Well, I love you Pastor. I appreciate you my brother for sharing your platform with me and all the brothers and sisters out there that are listening. Just want to encourage you guys, you know, if I'm in here and can be moving in the spirit, you know, and not walking by my eyesight by walking by faith. You surely can do it on the outside.

Share share the word with somebody order order 10 Bibles for Christmas and send them to your family and friends and just encourage them. Thank you for using Global Tell Link. Alrighty, we are back and folks there you go. That's Jake Lange. He's one of the hostage held by a corrupt communist government there in Washington, D.C. and that's exactly what it is. It is absolutely corrupt. It's a lawlessness.

Now, here a week ago today we had Jan Porter on the radio program with us and we were talking about these postcards that we sent out because what's happening right now, the ACLU, folks, the ACLU is the Anti-Christian Liars Union. That's what they are. That's what they are. Now, they're wicked.

They're absolutely wicked. They're pushing very hard legislation. They want to try the judge shopping because they knew a lot of things like when they had versus Roe v. Wade, they knew that the legislators really didn't want to go out there because they knew killing babies was so unpopular. So they went and they got corrupt judges who were in office for life to do the dirty work. And now here the ACLU is out and they want to stop the heartbeat bill.

Now, there's a lot of pressure coming on and we put some of that pressure on just a week ago. You folks, you responded and because of that, just off that one program, over 10,000 postcards went into your state representatives to the Ohio Supreme Court. By the way, I wanted to walk something back. I misspoke. Jan's, her petition, her brief she filed was not with the U.S. Supreme Court, it was with the Ohio Supreme Court.

Jake Lang, who we just had on here, he was with the U.S. Supreme Court, but Jan Porter's was with the Ohio Supreme Court. Now, with one radio program, we were able to turn in over 10,000 postcards, 10,000. Now these postcards are very, very powerful postcards, folks, and here, in fact, I wanted to just, well, those of you who have seen it, there's a picture of a little child and I was one of those that worked on getting legislation passed back when. At that time, what they called partial birth abortion, they changed the name from what it really was, brain suction abortion, brain suction, because it was too gory, the state representatives, they didn't like the word brain suction because you know why? That's what it was. That's exactly what it was. They were sucking the brains out of babies, little children, folks.

And so they changed it to partial birth abortion, tried to soften. Now, here, it's evil. It's as evil as evil gets. It's wicked.

It's totally wicked. And the ACLU is totally wicked. They're out there trying to judge shopping and trying to get people to come against and make sure that the heartbeat bill doesn't become law.

We passed that bill and a corrupt, a very corrupt, a very corrupt judge has held that up. And you know, I don't know, I know there are people that are corrupt and people that are pro-death, but Solomon says this, money answereth all things. And when you usually get to the end of it, follow the money and then you're going to find out the reason why they're doing that. And these very, very corrupt people. Now, you have to understand something too, Matt. These are the same people.

You follow this. You're going to find out these are the same people that are behind the child sex trafficking. All of this corruption, the flow of drugs, the flow of fentanyl, everything that is down and dirty, it's the same dark, shadowy people behind it. This $60 million of outside money coming into Ohio. Let me tell you this. That vote that came in, those ballots back in November, 69% of them were right in ballots. 69%. Oh my goodness. Okay.

Now this tells you why. We have to change that. We've got to go back to having a voting day, a voting day, and we've got to change that. We're people because the Democrats, by their very nature, if you take a fish, if the fish is alive, put it in water, it'll swim. That's what fish do.

If you take a bird, if the bird's alive, throw it in the air, it'll fly. When it comes to elections, Democrats cheat. That's what they do. That's just what they do. They cheat. They have to.

It's just their nature. The party has become so completely corrupted, completely. Now listen, the Republican Party is far, far, far from perfect too, but it's not quite as bad now.

It hasn't gone that far as the Democrats. But anyhow, I said all that to say this. Right now, you can send postcards. You can send postcards to all of the Ohio Supreme Court justices for just $10. And here's how you do that.

If you go up to the letter F, the number 2, the letter A dot org, that's the letter F, the number 2, the letter A dot org. If you go up there on that website, it'll show you how you can just for $10 send those postcards. Now these postcards are very, very powerful.

It shows you what the brain suction abortion really is, what they're really up to. And you can go for $50, you can send them. I don't have it all written down back there. But if you go up to that website, it'll show you, you have three options. The last option I think is $70, and you send it to all 140 representatives, the entire Supreme Court, the governor's office, those people, all those people, you will get for $70. You will send these postcards. And these postcards are very, very effective.

You need to do that. Now what they do is they instruct our state representatives. Okay, so it says option 3, 140 cards total. Yeah, okay, $75. Mail this postcard to the entire House and Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, the Ohio Supreme Court and Ohio Governor DeWine, Attorney General Heales for $75.

140 cards. Now, they tell you, and it's very clear, our state representatives are the ones that are supposed to make the laws. The judges are supposed to, the courts interpret. They're not to, they're not to make laws. But you've got these corrupt judges that legislate from the bench.

And so, folks, our state representatives, we have about 30 state representatives that said, look, we're willing to make them use our authority as we're elected by the people to rein in these corrupt courts. But they have to hear from you. They have to hear from you. If they hear from you, they say, look, this is what the people expect us to do.

They'll do it. And so if you do that, if you go up on that to the letter F, the number 2, the word A,.org, killing babies is a horrible thing. It's a wicked thing.

It's a very, very evil thing. God is going to judge us. America is standing right now in the shadow of a holy God.

Folks, listen to me. I don't know how much more God is going to allow. He's waiting.

He's long suffering. But, folks, America is becoming wicketer and wicketer. You need repentance. Repentance is not simply saying, I'm sorry.

It's going in the opposite direction. Just to show you what I'm talking about here, a satanic statue in Iowa capital gets destroyed by Christian veterans. Praise God for a Christian veteran here. Now, we told you before, more and more Democrats, the Church of Satan is becoming the church for more and more Democrats out there today. And they're putting, right next to a nativity scene, they put a satanic altar with a baphomet there, right next to it. And even the governor there in Iowa made this statement that this is unbelievable, okay? But they're doing that because the representatives didn't have the courage to say, no, that's evil.

That should be a law. Satanism actually is about murder. It's about murder.

It's an abominable thing. I'll read you the article on the Gateway Pundit. The Republic Sentinel has reported a Christian veteran has beheaded the controversial satanic statue that was erected inside of Iowa's capital. At the Gateway Pundit report last week, after receiving permission from administrative authorities, the Satanic Temple of Iowa set up a giant statue of a baphomet along with other satanic energy as part of the Hollywood, or the holiday display inside Iowa's capital. In the report, it was revealed Michael Cassidy, a strong Christian veteran, decapitated the baphomet statue and threw its head in the trash can.

Cassidy went on record saying, The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanctions of satanic altars inside capital buildings as protected by the First Amendment. So I'm going to just stop right there. But praise God for this man. Folks, again, I'm telling you, God is saying, when are my people going to stand up?

He's waiting for you to stand up. And boy, this is what you need to do tonight. You can do that by by going up on the internet, the letter F to and keep sending those postcards. We have to let Congress or state representatives know that, hey, you know what? Do your job. Do your job. Have the courage to stand up and fight back.

All right. Biden's culpability. Biden's culpability for Hamas slaughter of Israelis revealed. Now, I told you before, remember, I was telling you Biden's going to turn on Israel. He's going to he's going to turn on Israel.

We're starting to see it already in his cabinet now. Right now, there's an ongoing feud between him and Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris or whatever. She is wanting him.

She's trying to pressure him to turn on Israel. That's the bottom line. That's what's happening out there, folks. And we're going to see it happening. You say, well, I've had I had people like we said last night call and want to know, where does it say in the Bible that all nations will turn against Israel? Well, go to Zachariah 14, verse two says it, you know, in one set and one verse of Scripture. But if you go to Ezekiel 38 and 39, it goes much more into detail. But many places all through that, wherever you see in the Bible where it talks about the Confederacy, and that's the Confederacy of nations against Israel that it's referring to. But we're seeing that America is going to be one of the last nations that stands and once once America betrays Israel. Well, it shows you where we're at on the timeline, doesn't it? That's a sign of the soon return of the Lord. All right, we're up against a heartbreak. We will be back right after this.

One more. Do it, Derek. Oh, holy night. The stars are brightly shining. It is the night of the dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining till he appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious form.

Fall on your knees. Oh, hear the angel voices. Oh, when Christ was born. He taught us to love one another. His love is love, and his gospel is peace. And in his name, all oppression shall see. Sweet hymns of joy. In grateful chorus raise me. Let all within us praise his holy name.

Christ is the Lord, and evermore we praise thee. Noel, Noel. Noel, Noel. Noel, Noel. Oh, night divine. Noel, Noel. Oh, night, holy night.

We are back. Matt, you got an article there? I believe that's from World News Daily?

This is the Gateway Pundit here, Pastor. Headline, Jim Hoff discusses FBI's role in 2020 election cover-up with Ivory Harbor on VNN's Gateway Beyond the Headlines. Earlier this week, the Gateway Pundit reported that Chris Wray's FBI, along with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the GBI, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office released a report in June 2023 on their 2020 election fraud investigation. They announced that they did not uncover any violations during their investigation of the late-night ballot counting at the State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia, on Election Day, November 3, 2020. But, when you read the report, you discover that this report was an FBI cover-up for election fraud. The FBI and the GBI did not even discuss the fact that election workers were caught pushing stacks of ballots through the voting machines, numerous times late at night in the State Farm Center in Atlanta, after all of the election observers were taken to court.

They were told to go home for the night. The fraudulent activity was all caught on video. On Tuesday night, the Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoff joined Ivory Harbor on VNN's Gateway Beyond the Headlines to discuss the shocking discovery and the role the FBI played in the cover-up of the 2020 election fraud. Well, there you go again. We, I had friends who were in the FBI and, you know, they were, they had some honor in their job. They took, you know, pride in doing the job. Back in those days, these people, they fought against communism.

They fought against communism. Chris Wray's FBI today has embraced communism. There's no integrity left in the FBI.

There's none. Now, well, let me just say this. You still have field agents just like all those whistleblowers, some of those that have quit, and anyone who come forward and did the right thing, they lost, a lot of them lost their homes, they lost their jobs, they lost everything, and that shouldn't be. And those people at the top, and just as those people at the top of the DOJ, they should be tried for treason against God and country. They really should, that would be justice. And like I said before, everyone in that so-called select committee in DC, the ones on the January 6th committee, every one of those people, all of those, should be tried and put in that same dirty jail because what they did was, again, high treason against God and country.

They did that. And that's reality. Now, we all know it.

I mean, we all know it, right? And yet, hopefully, and this is why they are so afraid of Trump getting back into office. Because like Hillary herself said, if Trump gets back in, we're all going to hang because she knows how guilty they are. They are all guilty.

There you go. And here, Biden's culpability for Hamas slaughter of Israelis revealed here, it was on October 7th that Hamas terrorists invaded Israel from Gaza, butchering people wholesale. They beheaded babies and burned whole families alive, admitted horrendous violations on the bodies of the dead. Now, there are those that said that never happened, okay?

And I heard some of those people say that didn't happen. Well, Hamas took the cell phones of their victims and filled that with their own cell phones and then they sent the messages to the names and the felons, family and friends. They sent showing them killing these people, showing them raping these women and doing, and so they have the films.

What led up to the atrocities? Weingarten explains, the Biden White House has sought to upend the Trump administration's Middle East policy that had fostered a warning Israeli Arab relations codified in the Abraham Accords, imperiled Iran's malarkey through a maximum pressure campaign of which the Abraham Accords were one part. An overwhelming force prudently applied was another and stood with the Jewish state against hostile, recalcitrant Palestinian Arab forces. He wrote, the Trump administration rejected the idea that the conflict between the two sides was the key regional irritant and that coddling the Palestinians while cuddling the Israelis would produce peace. The result of Trump's policies were, he said, that Iran and its proxies were deterred.

There was regional stability and the benefits redounded to America's national interest. The change came when Biden took office. The billions in oil sales that Iran had raked in due to the Biden regime's unwillingness to enforce sanctions and the reward that it had provided the mullahs for their hostage taking is still more unfrozen billions, but are two indicators of a disastrous reversal of power. You know, even Obama said about Biden, even Obama said that Joe, and I can't use the word he said, but anyhow would mess up everything, anything. He said there's nothing that this guy, and he used another word, he said Biden further has empowered and emboldened Iran and its proxies through letting missiles and drone sanctions lapse, designating the Houthis as a terror group, de-designating, in other words, he de-designated the Houthis as a terrorist group. Right now those same Houthis are the ones that are shooting missiles and drone attacks on our naval vessels and our bases, and lavishing hundreds of millions of dollars on Lebanese security forces flowing to Hezbollah and to the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations agencies like the UNRWA, a portion of which flowed directly or indirectly to Hamas in Gaza. Then Biden took it further naming Qatar, which harbors Hamas leaders in luxury and Doha as an ally on par with Israel.

I mean, unbelievable. The Biden regime has lavished funds on or partially supported virtually all of the key actors whom the report cites as having contributed to Hamas attack, he explained, and all of Biden's agenda appears to point out toward the demands for a rerun of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a Barack Obama scheme that eventually would allow Iran to gain access to nuclear weapons, from which President Trump withdrew America because of the plan's failures. He cited evidence that from the start the Biden entourage was hostile to the peace established at Abraham Accords, and the White House has exhibited hostility towards Israeli's government led by Benjamin Netanyahu. Again, like I said, I'm looking for Biden to completely betray Israel. He's going to have to do it.

I mean, that's just their nature. That's what's going to happen there. All righty.

What do you have there? All right, we have here, this is World News Daily, U.S. signs deal to shift away from fossil fuels to U.N. climate sentiment. The U.S. signed a commitment to shift away from fossil fuels at the conclusion of this year's United Nations climate sudden, known as the COP28, according to the New York Times. Representatives for the U.S. and nearly 200 countries signed on to the pledge, which calls for the world to pursue transitioning away from fossil fuels, according to the New York Times. An agreement about the future use of fossil fuels was a highly contentious issue over the course of the conference, and representatives from the countries wanted the language to go further and explicitly call for a complete fossil fuel phase-out.

Numerous European and island countries pushed for the more ambitious version of the agreement, but states like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and India lobbied hard against any potential phase-out language, according to the New York Times. The agreement stands as one of the major developments of the COP28, which also saw developed countries, including the United States, pledge hundreds of millions of dollars, combined to a de facto international climate reparations fund. The agreement is designed to accelerate the green energy transition in the coming years in a just and orderly and equitable manner, and to stop emitting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere altogether by 2050, according to the New York Times. The pact also calls on countries to triple the installation of green energy by 2030, and to significantly reduce methane emissions in the near term. I am in awe of the spirit and cooperation that has brought everybody together, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said of the agreement, according to Reuters. It's unclear whether the deal's signatories will actually follow through with the agreement stipulations, according to the New York Times. Similar deals reached at past UN climate summits have not been followed. For example, in 2021, countries also reached an agreement to phase down reliance on coal-fired power plants, but global coal demand is expected to reach record levels here in 2023.

That's an amazing thing. John Kerry, that's not even his real name, his real name was changed from Cohen to Kerry. I mean, everything about these people, well, these are the days we're living in here.

But let me ask you this, what do you think would happen? Why do they call it fossil fuel? They believe that the fuel is scarce, obviously. Well, no, they believe fossils. You see, at one time, just like with the evolutions, and just like, you know, just like the border is secure, and just like the kill shots were safe, okay, and just like there's no evidence against Joe Biden and the Biden cartel, the Biden crime family, and just like there's no evidence about the election fraud, okay, they claim that many millions and millions of years ago, something got into all these dinosaurs, and all of them just went to the same place. And they just died. They piled up on top of each other, and all of these animals died, and when that happened, they turned into oil.

But now listen to this. I had geologists on my radio program years ago, and years ago, and do you know what they said? They said that the Earth produces the oil. We've always known that it's the Earth that produces the oil, and it's the Earth that produces the natural gas.

It's not a whole bunch of dead dinosaurs, okay? And so, although I will say, I've been listening to Joe Biden, he's producing a lot of gas lately, and a lot of hot air. Now, what about this? Do you think, do you know this fellow here named LeBron James? I seem to recall hearing about him. Do you think that America has been good, that this country has been good to LeBron James? I think it's been very generous to him, Pastor. Yeah, well, apparently LeBron James doesn't think so. Article here, the Gateway, what a disgrace. Trump hating fraud LeBron James blatantly disrespects America. I'm here, there's a picture of him there. Everyone's standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, and he's sitting there, he's not going to pledge to that flag, okay, in this country here.

I'll just read you the article. The most annoying NBA player of all time decided to take a dump on America this week. Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James pulled his latest despicable stunt while attending the UCS basketball game versus Long Beach State on Sunday.

His son Brony made his debut for the Trojans after collapsing on the court back in July during practice, when he won a bet he got the shot. James entered the Gillian Center while the National Anthem was playing. In the video there below, most of the arena, everyone is singing and standing. You can see everyone standing and looking. But LeBron James is sitting down with his head down, and there appears to be some fellow yelling at him, okay?

But instead of sowing some basic patriotism, James decided just to plop his rear on the bench and ignore the music. There you go. Okay, how much hate, Derek, you know what, we're out of time for tonight. I didn't even realize this, so here's what we got to do.

At this time, every night, here's what we do. Well, let me ask you this. Do you think that everybody's going to die? Yes.

How would you know that? Is there anyone here that was here 200 years ago? No. So this is why we're here.

We give this invitation. Now, the fellow that was out with me last night, he's a former LGBTQ guy, and his dad was a Baptist preacher, and they didn't get along. And finally it dawned on him when his dad said, Son, I don't want you to burn in hell. And he said that finally it hit him, oh my gosh, if I died today, I would burn in hell. Now, here, folks out there, it's not God's will that anyone burn in hell. It's not his will.

It wasn't, right? Except for the devil and his angels. So what had happened? God is a holy God, and because God is a holy God, sin must punish. Sin cannot exist in the presence of God. A holy God must punish sin. Now, because of that, every man that was ever born except one would be found blood guilty, and guess what?

They'd end up in hell. But God still loved the world, and that's corporately. It doesn't mean he loved every individual, because the Bible clearly states differently. But corporately, but he does not want anyone to go to hell.

It's not his will that anyone would have to perish. So he gave him a way out. The father placed the son upon the cross. Now, the son didn't have to go up there.

He could have said no. But the father said, look, I need a sacrifice, and it's got to be perfect, and it's got to be a sinless sacrifice. That's what I demand to take away the sins of the world, to atone for the sins, and you're the only one that fits the bill. God the Son, the Lord Jesus, you're the only one that could do that. If you don't do it, all of mankind is lost.

All. And Lord Jesus said, okay, I'll do it now, but here was the thing. You had to take the sins of the entire world.

Now, this is far, far beyond our comprehension. You can't even imagine taking the sins of the world upon ourselves, right? If I was to say to you, Matt Klein, what sin are you the most ashamed of, right?

You probably wouldn't want to talk about it on live radio, would you? No, sir. But just think about the sins of the entire world, past, present, and future, put upon you, and this is where the Lord had the pain that he felt was far beyond anything. He suffered more than any man had ever suffered, but he did it, and by doing that, he gives a substitutionary death where if people were today, if they were to pray to the Father, ask forgiveness of their sin, they were to do that. It's all it takes. And mean it. And then ask the Lord Jesus Christ, okay, to be the Lord of their life, all of their life, and they have to put him first. They can avoid that burning lake of fire, okay? They would become new creatures, they would become born-again believers, an heir to the kingdom, and they would be on their road to what? Eternal life, huh?

One minute. So that's the good news. And people out there listening to me tonight that have not done that, do you think God promises them another day tomorrow? No.

No. So he's talking, if you heard me say that, I'm a messenger, folks. Heed the message, because your soul could be required of you even tonight. Well, we're at that point where we come every night at this time, we always do the same thing, don't we? We say good night. Say good night, man. Good night. We say God bless. God bless. We say Merry Christmas now. Merry Christmas. Always, always, okay.

And I do mean always, ready? You gotta play it out. Keep fighting the fight! Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left.

The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Ah, ho ho ho. Hey, what's wrong, Santa? Well, it's these elves. The new ones all feel entitled. They don't want to work their way up the ladder.

In fact, they hardly want to work at all. Then there's those social justice elves. They keep pointing out everyone's differences, dividing the elves and getting them all riled up. And don't get me started about the reindeer rights elves. The shop floor just isn't the happy little place it used to be. We should have used Red Balloon.

That's right, Santa. RedBalloon.Work is America's Woke-Free Job Board. Every day we help good companies find reliable, motivated job seekers without all the woke nonsense. And our new Red Balloon Recruiter Service is turning traditional corporate recruiting on its head, delivering high quality employees for a fraction of the price. Give yourself a Christmas gift and post your jobs on RedBalloon.Work today. And use promo code Salem to get 10% off your first month's job posting. Because life's too short for a bad hire.
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