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WED HR 2 120623

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2023 11:59 pm

WED HR 2 120623

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 6, 2023 11:59 pm

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Donate and listen to the podcast at All right, we are back, and we are living in the days exactly the way God's word in the Bible said it would be there in the last days. We're here, and so, folks, the great apostasy, the great falling away, the great apostasy, we're seeing those things happening right now, real live. And here, this pope that just about every Catholic I know disowns this pope, and many are saying he is an antichrist. Well, we know he's a communist. And so, here, let's listen to what a Catholic organization, the La Ponte Institute, has to say with Michael Hichborn of that institute.

Go ahead and take it away. Hur-Par-Krat is a demonic creation that was written about by Aleister Crowley in his book, The Book of the Law. You have Baphomet, which is the goat-headed being that is most closely associated with Satanism, actual Satanism. So they have all of these different prayers listing all the names of these demons, and they say, remember the names of the dead, look at the names of the dead, read the names of the dead.

And so it's like a litany, like you'd have a litany of the saints, only it's for demons. My God. As a lifelong practicing Catholic, I love my faith, I love my church, I still do, but this is abominable. And we have funded the enemies of this country, we have funded the enemies of our faith.

And the reason I'm sounding the alarm on this is because it's got to stop. Hey, friends, thanks so much for coming on back to the show. That was Michael Hichborn, he's the president of Lepanto Institute. And it turns out Archbishop Vigano was right in his letter to President Trump about the Children of Darkness.

A satanic element has taken control of the Vatican, and now it's spilling over into all walks of life. Thanks so much for tuning in. Before we start with this important broadcast, just a quick word about our sponsor. If you're over 35 years old, and you start to feel tired around noon, I've got a solution. I can pretty much guarantee that I'm about to share with you something really new, and it's a breakthrough supplement based on a molecule Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about, because they know how effective it is, and they can't make money off of it. C60 Evo's ESS60 oils are the strongest, easy-focus energy supplement I've ever tried. My skin and hair look pretty darn good, and I enjoy more flexibility and endurance because of C60 Evo.

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I have Michael Hichborn on the line. He's the president of the Lepanto Institute. Do you guys recall Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Donald Trump? This is from his second letter to President Trump.

And let me scroll down and just read this one paragraph. A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. It's architecture is underway. A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. It's architect is a global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations, this plan has already been approved and financed.

In others, it's still in the early stage. Behind the world's leaders, who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, are unscrupulous characters who financed the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda. The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship, aiming at the imposition of libertidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of enduring a universal income and canceling individual debt.

The price of these concessions, friends, I'll tell you myself, is total serfdom in slavery. And I'm telling you what, this current pope is in agreement with the Great Reset. I want to welcome our guest right now, Michael Hichborn. And let me tell you guys a little something about this man. After 12 years of investigations, Hichborn, the president of Lepanto Institute, has revealed vast ways that some of the leadership of the Catholic Church has strayed from biblical teachings and Catholic doctrine.

And it gets far, far worse than that. Michael, I want to welcome you to the show. Thank you for coming on. Thank you so much for having me on. It's an absolute pleasure. Well, it's a pleasure to have you here, sir, because, look, all we care about is the truth. And you know what? We're not attacking the Catholic religion any more than Americans should be attacked for a puppet president sitting in the White House, who I don't think was rightfully elected.

So let's just be clear. There are great Catholics. But to some extent, it seems to me the Catholic Church has been hijacked. Do you think Archbishop Vigano has that right?

I think he absolutely does. What he is expressing is the deep concern that he has with what he called the deep church and also the deep state. And when we look at the two, whatever happens in the church is always mirrored in the world because it's kind of like St. John's Revelation. He saw a war in heaven. What was followed after that? A war on the earth. So there is always going to be that strife and that strife that's going on within the church is always going to be reflected with the strife that's going on within the world.

It's just the way that it is. So when he talks about what's going on in the deep church, we have to recognize that there was what appears very much to be a stolen papacy. And it was reflected by what very much looks like a stolen presidency in the United States. So there are lots of mirrors and lots of parallels all over the place. I think he got it absolutely right.

You mean Vigano got it absolutely right. Yes. OK, because here's the fundamental disconnect. Our founding fathers through the Declaration of Independence made it very clear that our rights are given to us by God, not by a man. And this pope, well, he seems to be aligned with the World Economic Forum and the rule of man. And he's saying we should give away our sovereignty.

We should give away our liberty to these men who will then rule us forever. So that's the fundamental disconnect. The pope has lost all credibility, just like Joe Biden has lost all credibility, in my opinion.

What say you? He has lost. He's he's lost all of his credibility. But the thing is, I actually wrote a newsletter on this last week where it's the the mockery is the point. Look at what's happened in the Catholic Church over the last 10 years. You've had the Catholic Church fancy around with the idea that, well, maybe the church could allow contraception at some point, or maybe we should be allowing pro-abortion politicians to receive Holy Communion.

Or, gosh, you know, we should be more welcoming to the LGBTQ community. Just recently, we had a synod on synodality, which is the most ridiculous title that you could possibly apply to a Catholic procedure within within the highest reaches, the Vatican. The documents for the for this synod were all written in crayon font with crayon drawings all throughout.

The church has the greatest treasury of art available to any institution, and it chose to write in crayon font. The mockery is the point here. That is absolutely stunning.

I'm going to give you screen share capabilities. If you could call up an example of that at some point in this interview, I would be grateful. That is stunning because, look, here's the thing. The Vatican libraries yield the treasure of humanity's real history, and it's all being hidden from us. I mean, I am absolutely convinced at this point that the history of mankind is largely hidden from us, Michael.

And we don't need to get into the weeds on that issue unless you have something specific to say about it. But from Tartaria to the Dark Ages, I don't think we're being told the truth about much of anything at this point. And the Vatican holds the treasures.

The Vatican holds the truth in the Vatican libraries. Yeah, that's exactly right. And I do have those documents now if you want to take a look at what we've got here.

Yeah, please. That's stunning. Crayon. A crayon font.

Yeah, I can't think of anything more satirical and insulting than that. So here is the front cover for the synod on synodality document. This was produced by the Vatican. You can see right here they have this ridiculous crayon drawing with the strange outline of people walking in a particular direction. This image means absolutely nothing. There is no iconographic imagery that would reflect a true meaning out of any of this picture. But looking at the font, the font is in crayon as if it was written by a 12-year-old. Then you look throughout the course of the document. Even the table of contents is written in this font with all of these different pastel colors throughout.

The quotes that they give are all written in crayon font. So the ridicule that's going on of the Catholic Church from the hierarchy is the point. It's a reflection of what happened with the Passion of Our Lord. What happened from the moment that he was arrested all the way through the time that he was crucified on the cross? He was spat upon. He was mocked. He was made fun of. He was insulted.

He was blasphemed. This is what's happening to the church, and it's happening from within. We've got priests that are doing ridiculous things up on the altar. They're giving blessings with guitars. They're blowing bubbles during the mass. They are absolutely ridiculing the church.

This is a pure reflection of what happened during the Passion. Well, before we go any further, I should point out that evidently one of the most prolific offenders is called the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and you've really dug into this. One of the things the CCHD has chosen to do is give over $100,000 in tithes to a group that literally prays to demons, has altars built to Satan, and shows the use of witchcraft.

Can you tell us about that? Because that should be the line in the sand for any Christian. By the way, where does the average Catholic stand on any of these issues? Well, the average Catholic says, we don't pray to demons. I mean, that's kind of fundamental to everything that we believe. But this organization, you have to remember, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development was founded in 1969, and the sole purpose was to give Catholic funds to Saul Alinsky's community organizing groups.

That's why it was created. So for the last 50 years, I'm just the latest in a long line of people who have raised, sounded the alarm and said, there's a serious problem here. These groups are promoting things that go directly against the church.

We shouldn't be financing our own enemies, but that's what they're doing. The latest thing that we've discovered has to do with this organization called Planting Justice. It got $120,000 from the CCHD going back to around 2018, as far as I could tell. And this organization now, to begin with, the CCHD, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, claims that they thoroughly vet these organizations. They have a very thorough, very rigorous application process that they run these organizations through. And then they have a monitoring process where they make sure that the organization is in line with church teaching throughout the time of the grant. Well, if that's true, then they are 100% complicit with what took place in 2013, when Planting Justice on their own Twitter platform, they tweeted this, Remembering Our Dead on the International Transgender Day of Remembrance. And then they had to commemorate this day, dot, dot, dot, and they provided a link to an article that they produced on their own website. If you want, I can screen share this, but there are pictures here of the altar that they erected with pentagrams.

There's a pagan idol on this altar. Yeah, please share. Yeah, okay, let me go ahead and do that. And by the way, let me just say, so it's funny to me that the wordplay that happens with these organizations, so Catholic Campaign for Human Development, as they fund the trans movement, to me it should be renamed the Catholic Campaign for Human Regression. Okay, so the UN says sustainable development, but what does that actually mean? Nothing for we the people, right? We need to live as serfs under UN Agenda 2030.

Yep, yep. I did a highly detailed report on the SDGs and showed how each one of the 17 planks of the Sustainable Development Goals aligns with not only the planks of communism, but with the activities of communist parties since 1917. But with this article here, these are pictures that come straight from Planting Justice's website. And the guy who wrote the article, his name is Chris Hughes, he identifies as transgender, specifically genderqueer, he says. And he wrote, today, November 20th, 2013, happens to be or happens to have been our Planting Justice staff meeting. So he's talking about this happening during a staff meeting in their staff offices.

He said, it is also the International Transgender Day of Remembrance 2013. To commemorate this day, I asked the Planting Justice staff if I could set up an altar before our meeting. I also read the names of the dead, inviting them to sit in with our staff, pictures of the altar to follow. Now, here's here's what was at the base of the altar. There's a Jinka hands symbol. So you see that here, which is it's an Indian symbol that's used in their rituals.

You've got a golden apple, which is a big proponent or a big aspect of Wicca. You have this little plaque. There's a pentagram at the plaque.

There's a Guy Fawkes mask. Then you see here, they've got this altar set up. They have a pagan idol.

I don't know what it is, but it's something. They have a pentagram here at the base of what looks like a little altar slab. And they have these books, All Soul, All Body, All Love, All Power, A Trans Mythology. Then they have this little booklet where they read the names of the dead or they placed the names of the transgender dead on that altar.

There's the pentagram again. And then they actually published the prayers that they recited. It says, I list the names of the dead with a prayer to the gods preceding and a prayer to the dead afterward. And they prayed to hermaphrodotus, which is the Greek god by which we get hermaphrodism, you know, both male and female sex organs on one person. Hurparat is a demonic creation that was written about by Aleister Crowley in his book, The Book of the Law. You have Baphomet, which is the goat headed being that is most closely associated with Satanism, actual Satanism. So they have all of these different prayers listing all the names of these demons. And they say, remember the names of the dead, look at the names of the dead, read the names of the dead.

And so it's it's like a litany, like you'd have a litany of the saints only it's for demons. My God, my God, Michael, let me do a screen share and I want you to keep going, but I just want to make the point. And I talked about this with Nathan Reynolds, my guest who escaped the Reynolds Illuminati family. And he's turned his light in his life to Christ.

And he literally is saving souls by telling the truth. And we talked about necromancers just recently. Hillary Clinton being a necromancer. Leviticus, 1931. Do not turn to mediums or necromancers.

Do not seek them out. And so make yourselves unclean by them. I am the Lord, your God. You can read the rest of the verses about contacting the dead on the screen here. And the point is, is that that altar at best looks like a voodoo altar. And at worst, it looks like a satanic altar.

Michael, I think so, too. So what I said in my report, I said, look, there is absolutely no way that this organization ever should have received a grant. And quite honestly, any organization that would engage in the worship of demons should be permanently banned from funding from the Catholic Church altogether.

There's no way this should have ever happened. And if the CCHD, as it claims, vetted this organization, then they are 100 percent complicit in what they are doing. But that's not the only thing that we found. We found that from 2013 all the way through the present, they've been promoting this eco queer ideology. So they're promoting transgenderism in conjunction with their agricultural movement. So they have these these papers that were written eco queer movement entails a loose knit, often decentralized set of political and social activists identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, whatever. They have all sorts of other things where they were promoting transgenderism. And they have in 2021, they told people that they should be supporting the farms of queer and trans folks during Pride Month in just recently.

This was just this past March. They posted something online that shows all this, you know, peace out loud. It's a transgender anti racist kind of thing. And one of the things in this meme, it says building anti racist, queer and trans non monogamy. So here they're actually promoting polyamory within the trans and homosexual communities. So it's it's this is completely against church teaching this this there is nothing Catholic about this group. In fact, it's anti Catholic. And the fact that it got these grants is just staggering. Well, it's stunning. And I guess we shouldn't be surprised that the CCHD has ties to Saul Alinsky.

What did you say? The inspiration for CCHD was essentially Saul Alinsky. I mean, the author of rules for radical. And there's another Hillary Clinton connection, by the way.

Yep. So also a Barack Obama connection. So Saul Alinsky was a good friend with a guy named Monsignor Jack Egan. And Jack Egan was a priest in the archdiocese of Chicago. And the two of them were talking about how Saul Alinsky was having a hard time raising funds.

And Jack said, you know what? I'll bet we could raise funds through a fundraising campaign within the church and we could support your initiatives. Saul Alinsky thought that was a great idea. So they went to the archbishop and the archbishop said, go ahead and try. And they raised a ton of money, gave it to Saul Alinsky. Well, the priest who was in charge of that or who was, I think, the vicar general of the archdiocese of Chicago was Father Joseph Bernardin. Father Joseph Bernardin, who then became Cardinal Bernardin of the archdiocese of Chicago. He then became the secretary general of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and he convinced the USCCB, hey, you know, we did this collection in Chicago.

We should do it on a national scale. And they did. And it was the single largest collection that they ever conducted within the Catholic Church. And they've been raising millions of dollars for Saul Alinsky's community organizing groups ever since. Now, I mentioned Barack Obama. Barack Obama was an executive director for one of the affiliates of what's called the Gamaliel Foundation. The Gamaliel Foundation is one of the CCHD's most favorite organizations to give funding to. We even found a check, a friend of mine actually found it because he was working at the archdiocese of Chicago, found a check from the archdiocese to Barack Obama for Saul Alinsky training.

So the connections are very, very clear. And unfortunately, as a lifelong practicing Catholic, I love my faith. I love my church.

I still do. But this is abominable. And we have funded the enemies of this country. We have funded the enemies of our faith.

And the reason I'm sounding the alarm on this is because it's got to stop. Friends, pardon the brief interruption. Just a quick word about our sponsor. Just when you thought it was back. All right, we are back.

There you go. And well, you know, everything that we just heard, I mean, I knew we knew all of this already. I mean, we've been talking about this for years. It's not just the Roman Catholic Church, the World National Council churches. This is the great falling away. This is the great apostasy that we're living in today. Anyhow, I wanted to hit on, Kyle, what we talked about here by boxer Ryan Garcia tells the entire arena to seek Jesus Christ.

And here's the important thing. Whether he won a fight or lost a fight, and he just won the gold, the World Boxing Association gold. He says, I want everybody in the arena to see Jesus Christ. And he said he wants to give all the honor to God. Not too many athletes are doing that today, but I praise the good Lord for those who do. That's right.

Most of them point to their back, you know, to their name, because that's the most important thing to them is themselves. But that that story is just wonderful, Pastor. Amen. Federal court partially halts Biden regime's abortion rules.

Now, this this is good here. The saga with the Trump administration's 2019 rules for the Title X program. These rules mandated a strict separation between family planning services funded by Title X and any entity providing baby kills, abortions. As a result, many providers, including planned predators, the most wicked, the most evil, unclean, creeping, crawling cancer with purveyors of death in the world, were disqualified from receiving Title X funds if they offered abortions or referrals leading to a sharp decline in the number of the patients served under the program. In other words, you see, that was just it. They were claiming that they did other things, that abortion was just a small part of their business, when abortion is their business, period.

And just listen to this. Under Trump's things, the amount fell from 3.9 million to just 1.5 million. And of course, you know that that was under Trump's program.

Those were all abortions, the planned predators, the most wicked, evil, ungodly, unclean, creeping, crawling purveyor of death in the world. They've killed more human beings than any army, Kyle. Mm hmm. Alrighty. By the way, has that funding gone back up? No, right now.

In this regime? Well, yeah. But there is a court right now, so the federal court has put a hold on it. Yeah. Okay. Biden is lawless.

This guy is totally lawless, okay? I mean, that's the whole point. It's like what we were talking about before. It's in your face, the things that they're doing. Criminal activity.

Here's a good example of what I'm talking about. Hunter Biden's business entity, OWASCO, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden with receipts. Now, here they've got the evidence that you showed up there. House oversight chairman James Comer released subpoenaed bank records revealing that Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden's business entity, OWASCO PC. Now, Hunter Biden is currently under federal investigation for using OWASCO's PC for tax evasion and other crimes. Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed that he never took a dime from China.

You know, what a lie. Just unbelievable when this money coming from all these Chinese organizations right directly to Joe Biden himself was never involved with his son Hunter's overseas business dealings. Biden in a catch me if you can moment taunted reporters in October inquiring about his family's corruption and asked where's the money. Well, they found it.

They didn't think they could find it. And I'm holding right now in my hand copies of those transactions. Today we learned that Biden received $200,000 from his brother, a business partner of Hunter, directly into his personal bank account. This is just one case. I mean, there's case after case. But it's in your face.

It's in your face, you know, just like we talked about before. Obama had gone to all of the intelligence agencies, and again, this goes back to the Pandora papers that we've been talking about. And Hillary Clinton, why Hillary Clinton is in your face, why Hillary Clinton literally for now anyhow gets away with murder. She gets away with murder because she's got so much on that is so corrupt. They have corrupted and Obama did that. He went and all the top agencies he placed is anti-Christ people and their greedy communist people.

And so they're saying, well, first of all, what are you going to do? You got Chris Ray, the FBI. They're not going to investigate. They're not going to investigate themselves, are they? No.

Okay. And then the Justice Department, they're not going to prosecute people that lie under oath because here, Merrick Garland, that's there lying under oath to Congress. And so, and the military has been so corrupted.

You got Austin in there and Millie quit. He wanted to get out while the getting's good. He wanted to get out before Trump gets back in and tries him for treason.

But the corruption is a mile wide and a mile deep here. Joe Biden is trying to push Christian groups out of foster care. Biden wants to make it to where any group, any Christian group that's in foster care has to promote lewd, gross, belligerent, trans-Christian, queer ideology.

Okay. In other words, they have to promote sodomy. This is where, and Joe Biden is the pedophile in chief. Joe Biden is wicked to the bone and he is the pedophile in chief.

And so there you go. A leading pro-life group is bashing Joe Biden for trying to push Christian groups out of the foster care system. Life News reported yesterday, Biden wants to effectively ban all Christians from adopting children in the foster care system.

Biden was essentially ban all Christians from adopting children based on their religious beliefs and opposition to LGBTQ ideology. There you go. That's what, that is what is there. That's what we have as a president. Kind of pitiful, isn't it? It is. And foster care, we need, you know, one thing this world needs is more foster care parents and Christian foster care parents would be the best, right?

To, for the short time these kids are in their home. Oh, absolutely. Former mobster Salvatore, Sammy the Bull, Gravano says the Biden family's criminal activity allegations are mind-blowing. Here's what he said. He said that this is the bull, the former mobster.

He said, he said, our mobs, the mafia, were like choir boys in comparison to the Biden crime family. We'll be back right after this. Don't go away. More to come. The birth of a king, what a glorious thing for the world. Redemption's begun, God has sent his own son to the world.

And I'm following that star, it is guiding my heart to the truth the prophets told. This tiny manger. Not just a baby, your carpenter's son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my.

And this baby's cry through the sky can be heard. Son of God, son of man, he is salvation's plan for the earth. Now my sins have been atoned, now I have eternal hope. He is rescuing my soul and showing me that he's my Lord. He's my. Not just a baby, your carpenter's son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my. Not just a baby, your carpenter's son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord.

He's my. He's my Lord too, and I'm certainly glad of it. He's my son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord.

He's my son, not just a boy, but the Holy One, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord. He's my son, not just a boy, my Lord.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-12-07 00:12:12 / 2023-12-07 00:27:27 / 15

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