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What's Right What's Left Pastor Ernie Sanders Logo

FRI HR 2 111023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
November 12, 2023 10:29 pm

FRI HR 2 111023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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November 12, 2023 10:29 pm

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Donate and listen to the podcast at All right, we are back. And John, you know what happened last week that we didn't hear anything about until the first of this week? And that was, John, that Congress snuck through a pay raise for themselves of $34,000. Did you know that? I knew. I didn't know the amount. I saw the headline.

But yes, I knew that. And they've allotted $300 million for a new FBI, what do you want to call it, new FBI headquarters in Maryland. $300 million, Pastor Ernie.

Now, it's an interesting thing. I remember, John, when it wasn't that long ago when $34,000, well, I guess it was a while back, was the average salary of a Congressman. You know, they made about $40,000 a year.

I remember that, the BEC. And it's been a while. But today, over 200 members of Congress are multimillionaires. Did you know that? Hey, that's the way to make a lot of money, Pastor Ernie. Oh my goodness.

Yep. Okay, Michigan GOP representative honors acquitted Whitmer kidnappers who were caught up in FBI phony plot. The Democrats tried to punish her. Here, Representative Rachel Smith, a Republican, a Michigan state representative, gave a state tribute to three of the acquitted Whitmer kidnappers last Friday, William and Michael Noll, who were caught up in the big federal hoax.

Again, jurors saw through the hoax and acquitted them of all the charges. Did you know that the dirty 30, the same dirty 30 FBI agents that were involved in that hoax were the same ones that raided Mar-a-Lago? Did you know that?

Yeah, I saw that, Pastor Ernie. It's like a team. They're called the dirty 30. Yeah, there's a team of them and they're the ones that do these things, like you're talking about. So the case involved 14 men who were accused of plotting to kidnap far left Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Now, if she is really, as everyone says, a practicing witch, why couldn't she just have put a hex on them? The plot was later revealed into a group of men who liked to go shooting, discussing how bad the Governor was, and one time they drove by her house. The case fell apart when it emerged that there were just as many FBI informants and undercover agents among the plotters as there were. Yeah, that's what they do, huh? I think there were more FBI agents than there were conspirators, Pastor Ernie.

Yeah, there you go. That Rashida Tlaib, did you follow that, Pastor Ernie, or being censored? Yeah, I heard she was censored.

What was it? From the river to the sea, she made a statement about that. From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free.

That's the full quote. And when they quote that, that means they're going to eliminate Israel. Well, now, but here's the thing that she, this media, here's why I listened to some of the hearings, and this is the main reason why they dumped her or censored her, was because she was claiming that Israel hit a hospital and killed, I don't know, hundreds of people and all. And what happened was that was Hamas propaganda, and a Hamas rocket misfired and landed in the parking lot of the hospital. And it didn't hit the hospital. No one in the hospital was killed.

Some people were injured in the parking lot. And she was told that and continued the lie. And then Biden, someone in Biden's administration, actually spoke to her and showed her the evidence. And she still spoke the lie. She was refusing to tell the truth or stop lying. That was one of the main charges that they brought up against her for knowingly lying for what they did to cause strife and rioting in the country. So that was one of the main reasons, which it dropped it.

They dropped it. The media doesn't pick that up anymore. But that's how lowlife she was.

It was all she wanted to do was cause trouble and cause strife and division, which people were responding to what she was saying. Yep. There you go. Well, you know, there's a word for that. Isn't it called treason?

Yeah, I mean, there's no way. I was so happy when they censored her. Did you see AOC? Talib was crying, tears coming down, and AOC was consoling her and holding her hand and all. I listened to her.

She was giving one of her speeches. And she had a 10 year old, her son, I believe, was standing next to her. No, that was AOC. Maybe the other side might have been the son. No, I don't think AOC has a son.

I don't think she's even married. No, no, no, Talib. Talib I'm talking about. Yeah, Talib was giving the speech and she had a 10 year old standing next to her and she was dropping the F bomb everywhere. Oh, that was on a prior event.

I'm talking about on the floor of the house. Oh yeah, I know. She was crying and AOC was there holding her hand and consoling her.

Boy, doesn't that just kind of break your heart? No. We've had communication with several of the members now over there at the January 6th, the hostages, the Christian hostages, and just about every guard, what they call corrections officers in that jail, are black. They're all black and they all hate white people. So they're pretty much told they can do whatever they want. Now you have the white patriots, the black patriots, the ones that are also being held hostage.

They're even worse on them because they're patriots and they're not communists. And so that's going on over there. Now we played some segments from some of the inmates in there. They're telling you the only inmates that have to wear masks all the time are the J-6ers. And if they don't wear masks, they said you won't ever get a trial, be able to get a trial. Now we just had Jake Lang on here and he's been in that dirty, filthy jail for over 1200 days without a trial yet.

And we're going to be having him in the very near future some segments, if I can get them, that we recorded, if I can get those segments here to me. But it's a terrible, horrible thing what they're doing to the Christian patriots in that dirty, filthy D.C. jail. Oh, here's the other thing. Did you know that Justin Trudeau wants to outlaw Christianity in Canada? He wants to, you know, he's a Muslim, but he wants to outlaw, he's actually a Satanist is what he is. He's a Satanist and a hardcore communist, too. And he wants to outlaw Christianity in Canada. He goes, the directives to military chaplains urge expunging God and religion from Remembrance Day.

In other words, he doesn't want them talking, the chaplains talking about God. Isn't that something, huh? Well, yeah, that's that's what they are.

That's exactly. I mean, he is everything that's evil. This guy, he's perfect, Pastor Ernie, for the Democrat Party.

If he was here, he would be the leader of the Democrat Party. I mean, he's a member of the World Economic Forum. He promotes every sin you could think of. He promotes Islam. And yet he wants to destroy Christianity and patriotism, Canadian patriotism. He said they must erase Christianity from all public institutions.

And and they are to promote LGBTQ and put instead of religious faith in Canada. That's what he's saying. It's unbelievable.

Exactly. Because Christianity stands against everything he believes in is doing. Well, we need to you know, I think we should have a pray some imprecatory prayers against that wicked man.

What do you think? Well, I mean, he's shaking his fist at God. OK, here's something we've been talking about, John. The most dangerous, destructive and divisive wedge ever. And this comes from the alternative news and analysis commentary. And it's by well, let me see.

It's just it's got alternative media. This is the driven deep into the heart of, well, the most dangerous, destructive and divisive wedge issue ever. And on the on the cover of this, they've got the two fists hitting each other. And one is Israel fist and the other is the Palestinian. The quiet strategically saved the very worst for last, didn't they? Just when you thought the powers that be had carried out their greatest divide and conquer scheme of all time with a covid pandemic.

Now comes the most powerful DNC weapon ever. If there's anyone who has failed, who has followed the alternative media for years, who has not seen the great divide rapidly emerging in the wake of Hamas, surprise attacks in Israel and subsequently the raising of Gaza. It should be obvious that all virtually all the largest alternate alternative right media platforms have taken the sides of Israel and done so with a veg as well. Many of the smaller conservative sites have called out the transparent wassad false flag operation as a false pretext to perpetrate a full blown genocide in Gaza. This is what we were talking about earlier when I was telling you about their these articles they have saying that they're the Israel simply wants to eliminate Gaza because of the natural gas with the latest masterstroke of their time tested divide and rule strategy. The new world order globalist preps have succeeded in putting the entire right again pitting the entire right against itself just one year before the 2024 election. Right now right now and this is true to sense because some of the clips in that I would not use and these are from some of the people that we've dealt with right conservative because they have fallen for this now I'm not look I'm not saying that Israel's is in this we know Israel. Again, always been a stiff necked people.

Okay. But this thing that they're doing that promoted we understand what's happening there. Now you're having a number of what, you know, used to be conservatives, they're falling for this stuff that that never was the Holocaust never happened. The Holocaust never happened john, have you ever visited the Holocaust never happened. Museum john. Not in Washington but I was in the one in in Israel.

Now I was at that one in Washington and it was huge. And again, but you say here's here's why you know they're they're what they're saying this. But here's why I don't buy it, you see, I remember, after World War Two.

A number of those Germans came over here from Germany. Now, I was just a kid. And I asked them, why did you guys let Hitler do this, why did you let him do that. And even as a kid john, when, when people when you'd be talking to them, and they would cut off, you know, they would look the other way, eye contact. And finally some of them would tell you look. We knew there was a lot of things we were, we were afraid we couldn't do anything. I mean if we, if we, if we tried to help and stop it. We would they would come for us in the middle of the night. Okay. And they talked, they were talking about how even the children they knew when they came for the children, the children that had that were bedwetters, or the children that had oversized ears, or the children that that, you know, were like deformed whatever when they took took these children away.

So that supposedly to, to the hospital or to care. They said we knew that that wasn't why but we were. We couldn't do anything about it if we resisted.

We would end up like the Jews. And so, so now people say that never happened, right. I know better, because I talked to the people that were there. So, Mr. Ernie in 1930, in around there 35. There was about. There was 6 million Jews in Poland. Right, but about that many, not counting the rest of Europe. So, after in 1945 where did all the Jews go. 40,000 Jews left in Poland. After World War Two, but the German Jews and Polish Jews, the Russian Jews and where did they go, Pastor Ernie. Well, we know many of them got out and came to the United States, actually. No, no, not by the millions.

No. You know, some of them did, but that meant the large European Jewry. What happened to it after in 1945, you know, after the war was over. Where did those millions of Jews go to. They were killed.

Yeah. And the Holocaust deniers want to deny that. Well, here's what they're saying. Right, this one move by the Kazarian Cabal has created a complex cluster of chaos, confusion, and conflict throughout the conservative side of the aisle, but not in DC, mind you, and not for the biggest alternative media websites in there. So, within the name Breitbart, Gateway, Pundit, Newsmax, One America, Newsmax, Daily Caller, PJ Media, The Daily Wire, Red State, Washington Examiner, The Washington Free Beacon, The Western Journal, The Federalist, The World News Daily, Conservative Treehouse, all are all in with Israel's agenda of outright genocide and land grabbing as fully as expected. And so, again, this is the kind of propaganda stuff that you're coming out with. And again, Israel is not squeaky clean by any means, okay, but they're trying to tell you that the atrocities committed by Hamas never happened. And pretty soon you'll hear, well, it was Israel that attacked Hamas, that attacked Gaza, and they'll turn it all the way around, won't they? Yeah. Pastor Ernie, can I just give a quick little history?

Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, what happened was, prior to the Six Day War there in 1967, Gaza belonged to Egypt. But after Israel's victory, and they gained all of the land there, the Sinai all the way to the Red Sea, Gaza came under Israel's control. So, from 1969 up until 2005, it was under Israel's control, but then Israel gave Gaza its independence. They had Jewish settlements there, they were all forced, the Jews were taken out, and Gaza belonged to the Jews. Now, the problem is, Hamas was there, and Hamas was elected in 2006, there was an election, and they elected Hamas, the people, the Palestinians, elected Hamas. Hamas didn't take it by force, they were elected. And Israel couldn't allow Hamas, because Hamas has a covenant to destroy Israel.

They have an actual covenant they made with Allah to kill all the Jews, take Israel, and take Jerusalem. So, the Israelis had to watch them, because they're right on the border and they want to kill them. And immediately, Hamas started to fire rockets into Israel, immediately. So, there's been like three kind of skirmishes that have taken place, not outright wars, up to now, and now Hamas made the big attack into Israel, and Israel says, well, we're going to take you out, because your whole goal is to destroy us, and we're not going to allow you to do it anymore. So, in a nutshell, that's what happened, where Israel controls Hamas in that they have a port, and Israel checks what's coming in, and they want to check all the supplies, but Hamas is getting it in underground from Egypt and other ways. So, Israel doesn't outright control Gaza, Hamas does. Well, here's the thing, why won't any of these other countries, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, why won't Saudi Arabia, why won't any of them take in the Palestinians? Well, they're very dangerous, Pastor Ernie, because Hamas there is riddled through Gaza. I mean, they were elected, they didn't force, you know, come in with guns blazing and take over Gaza. So, you take Egypt, Egypt has problems with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Brotherhood wants to overthrow the Egyptian government, so they don't want the Palestinians in there, because the Palestinians are riddled with Gaza, I mean, with Hamas. So, yeah, they don't want them, Jordan certainly doesn't want them, so none of them want those. Oh, and here's the thing, they're trying to bring them into America, did you hear that, Pastor Ernie?

Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. They want to bring a million, they want to bring a million from Gaza here into America. They want to get them here before the 2024 election, huh? Well, I mean, these, how many do you, how many, how do you tell the terrorists that they've been training their kids there since they're little kids to be Hamas fighters, and we're going to bring them here? You have the unholy alliance, John, it's an unholy confederacy between the Communist and radical Islam. Now, right now, who would you say that the so-called Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, okay, all of their heads, are they working towards, are they more apt to be with the Communist Party? Are they getting their orders from the Chinese Communist Party? Is that where Joe Biden's getting his orders, according to articles I have here? Yes, Ernie, that's a real tough choice, because the State Department and the Biden administration, they're loaded with Hamas Muslims in their past, Ernie.

I know that. So it's a tough choice between who's, who has sold us out to the, or were we sold out to the, I think it's both. They probably It is. In the long run, Pastor Ernie, there's no doubt that the Muslims would take down the Communists.

In my mind, there's no doubt. Yeah. They would take them down. But they have to, you know, the idea is that they have a saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And so they have formed that alliance, they're working together against the Christians and Jews. And I'm talking about the real Jews. Yeah. I'm talking about the synagogue of Satan that you have, like Chuck Schumer and Jerry Nadler and people that are really literally communists. Okay. And so, well, well, in Lenin call these people useful idiots.

Yeah. So, Pastor Ernie, I saw the homosexual flag and signs homosexuals for Gaza and all. And there's no doubt, there's no doubt because ISIS did it. If these homosexuals, they're brain dead, because if they were to go over to Gaza and try and participate with Hamas and all that, Hamas would take them to the highest building and throw them off the roof and kill them. That's what ISIS did. And in fact, they've done that already in Gaza, just as I described. They will kill homosexuals there in Gaza. And the homosexuals, I don't know how many, but they're marching in these parades.

I've seen the homosexual flag flying. Oh, yeah, I know. I did, too.

All right. The House Oversight Committee Wednesday subpoenaed Hunter Biden, James Biden and former business associate Rob Walker for in-person depositions as part of their impeachment inquiry. Comer also requested transcribed interviews from Hallie Biden, that's Beau Biden's widow, turned Hunter Biden's girlfriend, Sarah Biden, that's James Biden's wife, and Melissa Cohen, Hunter Biden's wife. Transcript interview from Biden crime family whistleblower Tony Babalinski was also requested. This is the first time subpoenas have been issued for testimony.

Comer previously subpoenaed bank records for Hunter and James Biden. So now what are they going to do? They bring these people and they find them guilty. But what's going to happen?

Because we don't have a Justice Department. Exactly. Exactly, Pastor Ernie. So how would you do that?

How would you do that? Let me ask you this. You know, this is why we tactical civics.

We keep talking about it. There's one organization who whose duty it is to enforce the Constitution to protect and its duty is to enforce the Constitution. Do you know who that is? According to Second Amendment. Well, the militia. That's exactly who it is.

It's the militia. And that's why this is why we're working so hard. This is why the last Friday of every month, the doers of the word church were having the tactical civics meeting there. We had it. We had a meeting tonight. It was very interesting.

It was we watched some very interesting films. But this shows you how, see, the citizens, John, that are supposed to convene a grand jury, they're citizens. Like you and me and the people listening to us. When these prosecutors aren't supposed to be in there. When these prosecutors come in and they tell the people, here's the rules, here's what you must do, is that constitutional or not? Controlling the grand jury. You must do it.

No, absolutely not. And so when these corrupt judges say, look, here's what evidence you can put forth, here's what not evidence. Or you've heard this evidence, so you must come to this conclusion. So now if you have a legitimate grand jury convened by the people, and this is what we're learning to do through the tactical civics, these corrupt judges and prosecutors will be the first ones, okay, that are removed. And so this is why people really need to get involved, and you can do that by learning more about tactical civics.

By simply going to upon the Internet and start reading about tactical civics. Again, we're coming, we're working here by the first of the year. We definitely want to have a sitting grand jury, okay, and we want to definitely have an in-place constitutional militia. And so this is what we're working for, because the corruption in our government is just overwhelming. Look, you had this so-called Judge Chukin in D.C. Before you had a trial, she declared the legitimate president, the legitimate president of this United States, she declared him guilty before there was a trial. Now, under the law, they're supposed to, if something like that has happened, that judge has to either recruit himself or be removed. But we don't have a Justice Department, do we?

No, no, it's all political, it's all political, Pastor Ernie, the whole thing now. You've got that Judge Christopher Moron there in New York. He did the same thing. He declared Trump guilty. Yeah, he declared Trump guilty.

This hearing, or this trial, is only to determine how much he should be fined. And here's a guy who is posting half-naked pictures of himself on his high school alumni newsletters, and he's sending these things out. This guy is, he is really, I don't know, he is whacked out.

This fellow is totally whacked out. We'll be back right after this. Don't go away, more to come. Take away your sins. Open up your hearts. Open up your hearts. Leave your fears behind. Leave them all behind.

You'll be living there until the end of time. Knock and his door will open. Seek and he will find.

Ask and you'll be given. Eternal life, sublime. He'll be waiting there. His arms open wide. Waiting there for you. You are why he died. He'll be waiting there. His arms open wide. Waiting there for you.

It was for you and I that he was crucified. All right, we're going to open the phone lines and take some quick calls. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight.

John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight.

John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight.

John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight. John, I'm going to try to give you seven minutes tonight.
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