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WED11-1-23 HR 2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
November 2, 2023 9:10 am

WED11-1-23 HR 2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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November 2, 2023 9:10 am

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Visit slash home dash trial. Terms apply. Donate and listen to the podcast at So why I'm sort of, you know, where I'm at today, we definitely, and you know this, we have this Reawaken America movement, you know, this Reawaken America movement. And I'm all for President Trump being, you know, because he's the guy that we have, you know, in the lead right now. I think all these other people definitely on the Republican ticket ought to just step down and realize what's happening. They should realize what's happening.

They don't because their egos, their pride, you know, all the sort of the, you know, you can probably tick off the seven deadly sins better than I could. But all these people possess every single one of them instead of an ounce of humility and an ounce of understanding and an ounce of leadership to say, you know what, now is not the time to put my political ambitions in front of the country. Now is the time to put the country in front of anything else that exists. And we have a guy who's proven as a president already, you know, and I've said very publicly, very many times, that could be his worst nightmare.

You know, it could be the most vindictive person, but this has nothing to do with Donald Trump. This has everything to do with our country. Trump understands that. He understands it more today than he did, I think, when he did serve in the White House. I mean, he, you know, and clearly the 2020 election was stolen. My God, if anybody that believes that this guy got 81 million votes, you know, is smoking something.

So these are very, very serious times. We need to get behind a leader, a proven leader and a proven POTUS. And Trump has demonstrated both of those.

And, you know, all these people that, you know, have a problem with his, you know, his name calling and all the kinds of other little nitinoid character traits that he's got. The guy proved himself to be able to run this country, you know, on a level that was much better than we've ever seen probably in the last 50 years. Now, could he have done better in a couple of other regards? Absolutely. Are there things that he should have done? Absolutely. Are there things that he did not do or failed to do?

You bet there are. But I think that in this case, at this point in our history, Donald Trump is the guy that can give us the breathing space as long as he puts the right people around him. If he doesn't put the right people around him, he's got to be very careful about the people he's got around him now, and he's going to have to be very smart and shrewd about who he brings around him. Frankly, you know, he continues to cater to people like Lindsey Graham and many of these other sort of war hawks, and that's not what we need right now.

We don't need that. What we need to do is we need to have very focused leadership in the White House that's, you know, calm and level headed and has a deep, deep understanding of the geostrategic issues in play around the world, as well as strengthening our economy and really does know how to function the military, how to use the military in an appropriate way. Our military is damn near, the leadership, the top of leadership is damn near destroyed. And, you know, they clearly are, you know, what we call woke, right?

They're woke. And, you know, where they worry about critical race theory more than they worry about being prepared to fight and win our nation's wars. I'm really seriously concerned about our ability to be able to even engage in anything bigger than a small conflict and even small conflicts. I mean, you know, we fought over 20 years in Afghanistan and retreated under fire. We lost miserably in Afghanistan. Same with Iraq.

The Iraqi leader right now who we spent, we spent billions of dollars, actually trillions of dollars in Iraq, propping up a government who is now almost totally owned by Iran and is now saying that, you know, the United States needs to basically stay out of the way and the Iranian people stand behind Hamas and the people of Palestine. Did we actually lose, do you feel like we lost in Afghanistan or do you think that the current leadership came over? No, we lost miserably. We lost miserably. We lost miserably. Miserably.

Sadly, miserably. And, you know, the many lives that were tragically lost, those that were killed in action that sacrificed the ultimate sacrifice that they can, one can give to this country. I mean, generals and admirals will go, we won every tactical battle. We won every engagement we were in.

Fine. But we lost the war. We lost it.

We retreated under fire. We left citizens behind. We left American citizens behind. We left many Afghans behind who supported us for the better part of two decades. We left a hundred billion dollars of equipment that is now being used in Ukraine and it being used in the Gaza. I mean, yeah, we lost.

There's no way about that. And frankly, frankly, Iraq is the same way. Yeah, we killed a lot of ISIS. We, you know, we beat up al-Qaeda really badly. But at the end of the day, you cannot put that one in the win column.

No way in the world. And on our Constitution, you know, it actually says it's we the people. And I think I agree with you and we say that we lost because I think that we have really just abandoned our stewardship of even like you began the whole conversation of even electing officials. You know, if we don't protect our sheriffs, if we don't be voting on city council issues where we are actually playing right into the World Economic Forum's hand.

And so you hear somebody like Noeval Harari talking about you're not going to have any more elections, that people just want to be told what to do. And we are actually we are showing that what he is saying to be true by not getting involved. And we keep wanting to put the responsibility on specific leadership, such as the office of the president. But we don't actually take the time to do our civic duties at the ground local level. And we need to the only way we can even get this country back first is to repent and put God back in his rightful place. But then also to take up our responsibility because we've just negated it.

We've gotten lazy. We've said, you know, I want somebody else to do it. You know, it's not my fault. It's this person's fault.

And we play the blame game. But that's where what you guys have done in creating like these books. If people don't know what to do, because that's the question we get all the time is, well, what do I do?

What do I do? And for for Matt and I, when it comes to film and entertainment, we said what we can do is we can put our skill sets towards getting the truth out there. Right. That's what we can do. But we we have these giftings and talents and then we get censored because now you deal with that.

So great. We created something. You can't get it out there. And so we start going, who can we get this out there, too?

How do we, you know, work with people like Wari Studios or True Social or different companies that will help us get the word out there to the general public? And you have graciously given people tools and resources on what they can be doing, because it is such a concerning time right now. And and if we lose the last of our freedoms, it would take a lot to get that ever back if if possible. And all the the dictators you had mentioned, you know, they didn't have the technology that we have now. And so they did mass genocide with what they had. But because of the technology that's out there, they're committing it at a scale.

And people might not even be aware of it because of the censorship and everything. What and I know you got to wrap it up because you got so many important things going on. Again, what do people need to know and the weight and seriousness of it, because I do feel like in our quote unquote circles, Christians and conservatives, there's too much infighting, there's too much name calling, there's too much of that kind of stuff. And that's not helpful. They need to be actually doing something instead of complaining about those that they're concerned about in leadership. Yeah. So first of all, if you're around a person who complains too much and too often, walk away from them.

Get them out of your life immediately. You know, I'm not I'm not an expert on anything in the Bible. I would just tell you, though, from what I do know, there were long periods of of of trying times. I'll just say trying times that are addressed throughout the Bible, that God created those times for people to understand what it was that they needed to be thinking about before they thought about themselves.

And, you know, there's all the stories of, you know, how many days or years or months in the desert and all the trying all the tragedies that the world has gone through. And frankly, even right right now. So, yeah, there has to be a return. But, you know, but at a certain point in time, people have to get off their knees to and understand that that, you know, God God, you know, he he teaches us certain things. But then he gives us our own, you know, our own God given common sense.

Yeah. And and he and he wants us to use it. And so, you know, part of part of what we're trying to do, I think, in that in that book, the five GW, a fifth generation warfare book. I mean, this is this is what we're in.

We're in fifth generation warfare right now. I mean, there is going to be physical components. There's going to be emotional challenges.

There's going to be an intellect, an intellectual, you know, I mean, a huge, huge intellectual challenge that people are going to be faced to try to critically think your way through this. And then clearly it is all spiritual. Just look at what's happening in the Middle East. Everything, the convergence of the three great, great religions of the history of the world. Christianity, Judaism and Islamism, you know, converge all in one place, a place called Jerusalem.

And and, you know, everything is is is Jerusalem and nothing is Jerusalem. Right. I mean, as there's one one historic leader, Islamic leader actually said one time. So I think that people have to, Americans, people in this country have got to come to grips with what is what is reality, what reality is, what is truly happening and quit this. You know, we're going to get through this by by 2024. I mean, we don't this country is almost two hundred and fifty years old, you know, constitutionally almost. And we didn't get to this level, you know, overnight. And but but getting getting to the next place for America, which is a place that we don't want to be, will happen very quickly, because that's how societies and empires in the history of the world collapse.

They collapse very quickly. When it began, it began, you know, and without kind of like the boiling of the frog. But then once it once it began to happen in earnest, it happened very, very quickly. And frankly, a lot of it was because of exactly the same kind of problems that we're having right now. We have an overreaching federal government. We have a we have an incredibly corrupt and criminalized bureaucracy and elected leaders. We have debt that's staggering, that we're never going to overcome. We have an overstretched military, a military, frankly, that's not just overstretched, but not ready. And we have internal problems in our country with just incredible levels of crime and education system that's so broken. You know, so again, we're not going to we're not going to fix it overnight.

We're not going to fix it with one president. But we have to start. And this is where and where it starts for we the people is it starts at home.

It starts in our own communities. And so anybody that listens to this, that sits on their couch and says that's for somebody else to do. Then then when they come knocking on your door and and and send you to an internment camp, you'll know why. It's because you did nothing to help. And that's what I want.

That's what I'm asking from people is help. I don't care if they buy the book or not. I mean, I really don't. I mean, it's like people will.

I really don't. I mean, it's like we're because we only have about 14 months left before either we're going to be completely gone as a as a nation. I'm completely taken over by this by this Marxist left communism. You know, communism is rising in this country or we're going to have, you know, let's say let's say it is Donald Trump. But I think they're going to try to convict him, get him off the ballots. They're going to do everything that they can in a very unconstitutional way to eliminate, eliminate him from being able to run for president. And then we're going to have the, you know, the stale old politicians that we normally had and none of them can win anything. And they'll just take the election again. And these dummies in the GOP will go, well, you know, we tried, but but we just we just couldn't beat them. They have a better message than us. That's that's such that's such a lie. Yeah.

So I want people to I want people to get off the couch and get involved in their communities. Yeah. You know, you're talking about the Bible and this being a spiritual battle. It says that the cowards go to hell first. And so, you know, it's you've got the people that are out and out evil, that they've sold their soul already. But then you have the people that are out there that are just protecting their own rear ends.

And we do we all need to be getting off the couch and doing something. I do encourage everybody to get the book. They can go to General Flynn dot com. They can read it. If you don't know what fifth generation warfare is, it's very simple. It's an easy read.

It's super small. It tells you what it is. It gives you some tools and resources.

There's QR codes in here that if you want to do something, no matter if you are a stay at home mom, if you have a broken leg and you can't, there's lots of things that you can be doing. And so we have all of our excuses. I want to give a huge thank you to General Flynn for staying in this fight. Like he says, we it's very serious. We have a limited time.

And we need everybody to do their part so that we can leave a some kind of world to the next generations. Again, we thank you for being here. We thank you for all that you're doing with Clay Clark and the reawaken America tour. And we are so grateful for your experience and knowledge. And go to General Flynn dot com today and get a book so you can have some tools and resources and do what you can.

Already we are back. And, you know, Joe, you know, General Flynn, you know, he said it the way it is. And it's up to us to do everything we can because to make sure that President Trump, President Trump is still the legitimate president.

He is. He's been the legitimate president. What you have in there is a usurper. He's an illegitimate president. The election was stolen. And anyone and everyone. And I proclaim throughout the world that anyone and everyone that says that election was not stolen is a liar. And there's not a bit of truth, not a bit of truth in them.

And it means you disagree with every liberal judge in America, probably. Yeah. And you wouldn't find one of those cowardly prostitutes willing to come on this program and sit across from you. How long have we been asking for it, huh?

We've mentioned coming out. Give a call. You've given up the number, the address they could write to. They don't even want to call.

Take your call as soon as they hear your name. They're afraid to even take the call. And so that's OK. Look at that. You made a point. General Flynn sacrificed greatly. He suffered tremendously financially.

His family went through a horrible stress. His career reputation broken. And that's what they're doing to all of Trump's attorneys. That's what they're doing to those same attorneys. They're breaking them.

They're breaking them. Yeah. And that's what people have to realize. So when you get somebody like General Flynn, Michael Flynn, that's willing to stand up and tell the truth, believe it. He is. He's got no reason to lie and every reason to tell the truth about what's going on.

Well, I can tell you this. You get Trump back in the White House, I guess is probably going to be heading up the Justice Department. Or if not the Justice Department, I would say he would probably be back in charge of the CIA.

That would be wonderful. Yeah, I could think of several positions that man could serve in. But yeah. Well, Trump has learned a lot when he got to the deep state was a lot bigger and deeper than he imagined that his seat was greater. The depths of the corruption were greater.

And I don't think any of us realized how bad it was. And he now knows. And he knows where the bodies are now buried. But I've got some breaking news. I saw earlier before the show one. It was on. Also, I haven't told Emory TV, but it was also on one of the other news channels. The Hamas official Gaza had added a quote, We will repeat the October 7th attack time and time again until Israel is annihilated, annihilated.

I want you to hear that. We will keep repeating the October 7th attacks that rape, murder, beheadings, burning old people, all the horrible things that happened until Israel is annihilated. We have 500 Americans trapped in Gaza. They're being held hostage.

Why? A hostage is anyone held against their will. The Americans cannot get out of Gaza. They have not been able to go through.

There's a gate into Egypt. Americans and Britons have not been allowed out. You haven't heard our illustrious commander and thief say anything about them, what we're doing to help. Oh, we're doing everything we can.

No, they're not doing anything to get those 500 trapped Americans out. See here, a lot of people just don't understand this. This is a satanic ritual type sacrifice that is taking place. People out there within this collective, they don't understand. Just like when you talk about betrayal, if you can betray someone who's even within the collective, someone who's got a lot of authority, if you can betray them and take them down, that adds to your standing within the collective.

Most people that are honest, decent can't really picture that well. They can't fathom that kind of evil, but folks, evil is real, it exists. A lot of what appears to be just, you know, an act of war or something is not. This is a setup.

This is made to offer, like those 13 that were killed, they're set up as a sacrifice. You have the CIA. This is why we've had three presidents wanting to totally eliminate the CIA, so many of us.

They have become completely corrupted. The FBI, you have seen this. This is what we talked about with the Pandora Papers over and over. We've been telling you all of these things for years, we've told you, and they've all come down exactly the way we told you, because we're telling you the truth. We're telling you what you're not supposed to know, what the deep state, the dark state don't want you to know. And in the Pandora Papers, it's got all of those who, all of this money, this dark, dark money. Remember, Joe, how we told you from the very beginning when we went into the Ukraine, we started sending aid and we were telling you, look, that money is going right on the black market.

The weapons are going on the black market. Well, just recently, one of the top Ukrainian officials come out. Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of that going on for sure. Yeah, there's a lot going on. We haven't been able to stop it.

We talked about the rich Ukrainians that have houses in other parts of the world, almost mansions, and their country's suffering and they're buying mansions in other places. And, you know, what is frustrating in the sense is the NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, they come out, they sit there, they look very professional, and they lie to you. They look you dead in the eye through those cameras, and they lie to the people, they deceive the people, and they will, no matter what the cost is, and the people have been so dumbed down and so indoctrinated, they believe them. They don't know any better anymore. The people, I've heard people say, well, the government just won't lie to us. I mean, they just find it so hard to believe that the government lies. I can't understand it. They've been lying for so many years, at least as long as I've been alive.

Probably longer, but at least since I've been alive, I was old enough to understand it. That's the record straight. This is way out of the gateway pundit here and accuses top generals of not warning him about Hamas invasion and planned attack. For weeks now, the international media and the leftist media has blamed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the Hamas massacre in southern Israel on October 7. Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,400 Jews, captured and took 220 Jews back to Gaza as hostages. At least 10 Americans are currently being held by Hamas savages. I heard that that number was as much as high as 500. What have you heard?

There's 500. There's a lot more about what was happening behind the scenes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted him that top generals did not warn him about Hamas planning a major border invasion on October 7. See, the opposition, they have the same problem there that we have. Here we call them rhinos, but, you know, we have Milley and Austin who betrayed, you know, those that were in there, betrayed President Trump. They committed treason.

They betrayed the president, their commander in chief, they committed treason. So Netanyahu says that's what happened to him. Netanyahu posted a tweet setting the record straight following the press conference in which he was challenged by reporters on his policies and failures that led to the October 7 attacks.

Netanyahu later removed the tweet. Many of the same people attacking Netanyahu today are the same people who pushed for more lenient policies against Hamas, the Jewish press reported. It should be pointed out that the coalition of left wing groups and media that attacked Netanyahu relentlessly in 2011 approved that insane deal while the right was admittedly against it. It almost identical to the left media coalition that later ignited the ball for protests demanding Netanyahu resigning started in 2019. Now the Kaplan protests that spread to the whole country in response to the judicial reform. And the movement demanding today the release of some 6000 Hamas security prisoners in exchange for the estimated 230 Israeli hostages in Hamas hands. I'm sure there's not one Democrat in all of Congress that would think that that's that's not fair. Yep. You know, you and I were talking long ago that Netanyahu was being treated just like Trump is treated in America. Netanyahu is being treated like that in Israel.

The liberals were going against him just like the liberals were going against Donald Trump. The correlation is, I can't prove it, but the correlation is right up there like 100%. Yeah.

Here, overcharged, we're going to switch over, overcharged, major study reveals alarming true cost of electric vehicles fueling fueling equal to $17.33 per gallon. Go ahead. I know you want to do this one. Well, I'm gonna, we've got two things that kind of go together. You've been lied to.

And I'm going to start with the big lies out there. Most 98% of everybody buys a regular vehicle car gasoline car. And the millennials, the Gen Z's, all the boomers, they're all buying cars and they're buying gasoline cars. Now we've got them out there talking about the EVs and how wonderful and the promise of the transition. EVs are for everyone, everywhere. It's going to be painless.

It's inevitable. They're simpler, better, easier to make. They're cleaner, right? Wrong.

Everything's a lie. We have this inflation reduction act that promises this gusher of money to bring about the EV revolution. Well, folks, if something's good, it doesn't need subsidies or mandates to convince people or businesses to buy it. Anything that's inherently better, better or cheaper, the people will go buy.

This is the history of the world. This is why capitalism works. You make a better mousetrap, people will buy the better mousetrap. You don't need government to subsidize billions of dollars to sell a better mousetrap.

Alright, what's happening? Money can't change the laws of physics and engineering, okay? Here are the three big things, the three claims they make. EVs are going to reduce the CO2 emissions globally. EVs are cheaper. They're easier to fuel. And they're going to be cheaper to make because they're simpler.

Really? Okay, here's why they're wrong. The EV fuel tank is a very complex electrochemical system made from hundreds, sometimes thousands of parts, including a cooling system, sensors, safety systems, a boatload of power electronics. They're not simpler. They're just different. The complexity is in the fuel tank and the battery system, not in the motor.

Just the difference. Okay, right now it takes 80 people employed per 100,000 conventional cars made. 80 people to make a thousand cars. Well, Tesla right now, the world's biggest EV maker, has to employ 90 people per 1000 cars made. So it actually takes more employees.

Okay? Then look at the drivetrain. It takes 8 people to make an EV drivetrain, to make a thousand drivetrains. But to make the motor, the conventional engine and tranny that you have in your car today, 4 people to make a thousand drivetrains and engines. Oh, so it takes 4 more people for every electric car to make the drivetrain plus the other to make an engine too. Steel makes up 85% of a conventional car. It takes 1 person per 1000 vehicles to bring about that supply chain.

And an EV has all these copper, aluminum, lithium, nickel, cobalt, magnesium... Joe, we're coming up to a quick break. Hang tight right there. We're coming up to a quick break.

We'll be back right after this. I feel so certain about this faith of mine. I'm hanging in there doing fine. King Jesus is a friend of mine. I'm blessed by you. Saving babies, teaching sinners. Hell's for losers, heaven's for winners.

This work is not for big ends. I am blessed by you. I'm coming home someday. Heaven's my way. I'm blessed by you. Where the saints all stay and little children play, I'm blessed by you. Where the saints of old walk on streets of gold, I know that I will see that heavenly prize. It's no surprise how happy I'll be. Gonna see my family again. Gonna be with long lost friends.

Maybe soon I don't know when. I'm blessed by you. Saving babies, teaching sinners. Hell's for losers, heaven's for winners.

This work is not for big ends. I am blessed by you. I'm coming home someday. Heaven's my way.

I'm blessed by you. Where the saints all stay and little children play, I'm blessed by you. Where the saints of old walk on streets of gold, I know that I will see my mansion on high through glorified eyes, how happy I'll be. Where his glory shines, there I'll apply. On those golden shoulders, I'll be satisfied. Oh, some bright day, gonna fly away. It's there I'll stay.

I'll be there with you cause your words are diverse. I'm blessed by you. It weighs more because most of the weight is in all these rare earth exotic minerals rather than steel. So it takes one person in the supply chain to get to steal 4,000 vehicles, but it takes 30 people to bring up the minerals in the supply chain to make the battery. Now we look at the charging stations.

You know, it takes what? The best superchargers do an 80% charge in about 40 minutes. Well, that's not as fast as 3 or 4 minutes to fill up your gas tank. And long fuel lines would mean that the EV filling stations would need to be 5 or 10 times more charging ports than we have fuel pumps. Well, that's not going to be convenient, simple, cheap because each supercharger, each charger costs 3 times more than a gasoline pump.

Now, electricity. The standard fuel station you go to has an electric demand of about a 7-11 store to give you a comparison. But an EV filling station has the electric demand of a steel mill. Instead of just a little store, every EV filling station has the electric demand of a steel mill. That's a lot of electricity and our highways will need thousands.

And here's the big thing. Environmentally sound? One half-ton battery in an EV requires digging up and processing 250 tons of earth somewhere on the planet. That's just one half-ton battery digging up, processing 250 tons of earth and every EV out there has at least a half-ton. Some of them have a one-ton battery, so that would be 500 tons of earth for the big batteries for the bigger cars.

So the point I'm getting to, folks, everything you've been told is a joke. Oh, we'll recycle. Well, the batteries last 5 to 10 years, so we've got to keep building all these batteries for 5 or 10 years until we can start to even recycle. So that means tearing up the earth for about 10 years. Then these mines, what's relevant, the mines operating, we can't supply even a fraction of the 400% to 7,000% increase in demand for minerals that will be needed within a decade if we ban the gasoline engine like they want to. The demand for these mines could increase as high as 7,000%. We don't have that many mines. The environmentalists won't let us mine in this country. Pretty soon the rest of the world will be nothing but mines to supply an electric vehicle that nobody wanted in the first place. It's all a big lie. It's a deception.

The whole point of all of this, folks, oh, and one other thing. They talk about the emissions. Well, they base the emissions, the CO2 emissions, on a small 30kWh battery. Well, that's only a fraction, about a fourth the size of the batteries used in most of the EVs.

So we've got you triple the size of the battery, you triple the upstream emissions, you triple the demand, you triple the price for all the minerals. Everything that they've told you is a lie. And what the purpose is? They want to control you. Everything will be controlled. They're using the environmental movement, save the Earth, save Mother Earth, all this garbage, we've got to save the planet.

Why? To foment the communist revolution, to bring about a one world order. They get your obedience, they get your cooperation, and the revolution, the one world order is fomented under the guise of everything is going to be better, cleaner, safer, nicer, all this happy, crappy stuff. Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, haven't you heard, Joe, that it's all right, it's okay, as long as it's planned. Bill Gates said as long as it's planned, then people should go along with it and accept it. That's genocide? If genocide's planned, then people should go, and that's exactly...

If killing babies is all right, we should go ahead and kill them all. Right. Of course. Well, you know, I don't think much of Bill Gates, and I think he's full of, we call it commoner, where I live, I have a pasture full of it, fertilizer.

Yeah, they have the same thing in Washington, D.C., it's called the Capitol. You know, one of the things, though, Joe, here with all of this, you have to realize that the two most dangerous things, dangerous that we face, one are white men, mega supporters, right? I mean, I heard Christopher Raitt, and I heard, you know, I heard Merrick Garland, and of course, you, Joe, Obama, Biden come out there, and he's been saying, so mega supporters, people that believe in God and country and the Constitution, things like honor, decency, and cleanliness, okay? They're the biggest, but next to them is climate change. It's the biggest threat. Now, the biggest threat are not the red Chinese, not the Russians, not the North Koreans, it's the trade-a-tories, the trade-a-tories right here. Not even World War III, right? Right. It's in America. They walk among us.

I think World War III might do a lot more damage than what's happening to the environment. Yeah. They walk among us. They, you know, sometimes, like Jesus said, those of your own household, and that's exactly what we have.

In the Bible study, yeah, we talked about father against his son, mother against daughter. This environmental movement is bringing about this battle for, you know, whether we have capitalism or communism, and they say, oh, socialism, Pastor Joe, don't you know they want socialism? Well, socialism or communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry, period.

That's the only difference is the speed to which they go in the goal. Well, you might say it's socialism in the police state, that's what it is in here. Yeah, wow. So they have, in their manual of coded conduct, it's very simple, it's not hard, whatever God's word the Bible calls a sin, they are to receive and embrace it.

No matter what it is. And if you could invent a new sin today, they would receive it, the entire Democratic Communist Party collective, and receive it, they would. And so, now the only, there's only one remedy, only one remedy for being a Democrat, and that's repentance.

That's the only remedy, the only remedy out there. Now, it's not just Democrats, you have the Rhino Republicans out there, and then you have those that are nothing, they're just lost sinners. They're neither Republican nor Democrat, they're just plain lost sinners. And that's the majority of the population. And do you know who said that, Joe? Do you know who said that the vast majority of people are going to go to hell? Do you know who said that? Our Lord.

That's right, that's what he said. Yep, and if anybody ought to know, it's the supreme judge of the universe that decides whether you're going to heaven or hell. Well, actually, Joe, actually, he's given them a choice, he's given them the choice to decide.

The judge that will sit there who knows what the verdict's going to be. Well, he's given them the choice to decide whether they're going to go to heaven or hell, whether they're going to repent of their sin, call upon the name of the Lord, and receive eternal life. Or if they're going to, there's a mindset, and I've heard, I've heard the fool say time and time again, I'd rather party in hell with my friends. First of all, you don't have any friends in hell. There are no friends in hell.

And there are no parties. No, you burn, right? That's what you do there. You burn, you're in torment, you suffer. That's what you do in hell, you suffer, right? Well, what was it, the hell's angels? I'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

And you don't rule in hell either, that's another misconception. I had a friend that actually had that tattoo. He had that as a tattoo. And I told him, I said, you don't really believe that. He said, yeah. I said, no, this guy was, he belonged to an outlaw biker club. And they used their wives as prostitutes. Many of them would use their wives as prostitutes. And I said, Jimmy, here's the way it works, my friend. In hell, okay, the devil's the pimp and you're its whore.

See, that's what they could relate to. And unfortunately, you know, I witnessed to him, I told him, boy, you got to repent or wish you had. That's the way it goes.

And unfortunately, I hope he did before he died because he died a very violent death. And so, folks, there it is. In fact, Joe, now is a good time. How much time do I have over there, Eric? Joe, now is a good time.

You've got eight whole minutes to give an invitation, eight whole minutes. Now, that's the most important part of this program. It all boils down to this. Everything that's happening right now, the war in Israel, the Communist Party trying to push upon us. This thing with Issue 1 pushing prostitution, pedophilia, the ACLU, where there are outrageous, outrageous lies. There are outrageous false commercials that they are running.

Unbelievable. And if there's any ACLU crooked lying attorneys out there to be willing to come in here and set across from me, I don't want to hear from you. My phone number is 440-338-1367. I don't think I'll hear from you because you're lying and you know that. You know your ads are deceptive. You know what you're doing is wrong. You know you're lying to the people. But the vast majority of people, like the Bible says, you know, they're simple-minded out there, unfortunately. But, Joe, tell the folks quickly, well, how to get to heaven and avoid hell.

Yeah. I've lived a long time and I've seen a lot of miserable and happy people. The miserable and happy people are not born-again believers.

The happy people that are laughing, smiling, enjoying life are the born-again believers. There you go. You see it. All right.

You should have been a comedian. I'm just trying to help out here. If you look at the left, you look out there at the liberals. There's a lot of anger, hatred. Who's out in the street yelling, screaming with these faces of hate and anger? They're people who don't know Jesus Christ. Look at the people who are addicted to sex, addicted to drugs, addicted to alcohol, addicted to work, addicted to gambling. These people are not happy. They are slaves to their addiction.

They're not working for something good. A Christian's out doing good, preaching the gospel, telling people about Jesus, trying to do good things, help others. They're the ones that are happy. The most satisfied married couples are born-again believers.

The longest marriage is happiest people. There was a hymn, and there's so many good hymns. It was called, Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. If you're tired of the load of your sin, let Jesus come into your heart. If you desire a new life to begin, let Jesus come into your heart.

If there's a tempest your voice cannot still, you know the answer. Let Jesus. If there's a void this world can never fill, let Jesus come into your heart. If you would join the glad songs of the blessed, let Jesus come into your heart. If you would enter the mansions of rest, let Jesus come into your heart. Happiness, peace, joy come when you let Jesus come into your heart.

There's a little catch there. You have to do something to let Jesus come into your heart. You have to understand that it's, one, your sins place Jesus on the cross. God sent His only begotten Son to the end of all that believe in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life, so He sent His Son Jesus to be the Lamb of God, to take away the sins of the world, to be a holy living sacrifice, to satisfy because God says what? God says the wages of sin. Romans 6 23, the wages of sin is death, the punishment for sin. God has to punish sin. John 3 36, And he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth in him. Sin creates havoc, creates pain, creates torment, unhappiness, fear, guilt, all kinds of things.

Sin can be forgiven, but it can only be forgiven by Jesus Christ. There's only one way to get to heaven, or this eternal peace, and it's not through religion. Christianity really isn't a religion, folks, like Buddhism, you know, other religions out there. It's a personal relationship, so you can't get there just by going to church, by belonging to a certain denomination, by doing good works, good deeds, by moral living. No, there's only one way to get to heaven, and that's having a personal relationship with Jesus, because Jesus is the only way to the Father. John 14 6, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man or woman cometh unto the Father but by me. The only way you get to God is through his son Jesus.

John 1 verses 12 and 13, But as many as received him, Jesus, to them he gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believeth on his name, which were born not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor the will of man, but of God. John 3 3, Except the man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. What do you do to be born again? You have to call upon God, and claim, repent from your heart, a true repentance, not just, oh, I'm sorry, God. No, a truly heartfelt repentance that your sins put his son on the cross, that you're sorry for those sins, that you want Jesus to be, you know, to forgive, you want God to forgive you for that.

And you will be forgiven if you're heartfelt. And then you can call upon Jesus Christ to be Lord of your life. But you have to be willing to give yourself to him, without reservation, hesitation, willing to say, I want to belong to you, I want to be yours, Lord, I want to be your servant. And if you're willing to do that, he will accept you, he will give you the down payment on eternal life, which is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God himself. You become your own high priest, you become the temple, you hold the living God inside you, you become this changed person, a new creation, a new creature, a born-again believer, because that is your spiritual baptism, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, your down payment on eternal life, and you then become the son and daughter of the living God through adoption. You become a joiner with Jesus in everlasting life, and you will be changed, you will become happier, you will become more at peace, your whole life will change entirely. It takes a while, you start as a baby drinking milk, and you grow, getting more and more of the meat of the gospel, but this is a decision only you can make, no one can make it for you, it is an everlasting decision, and as Pastor Ernie and I have said before, neither one has ever met anybody who resented, wished they had not been born again. What path will you choose, heaven or hell? Will you choose peace, serenity, joy, happiness, or torment? We know, Joe, that all those people, all those people that have, the Lord let them take a good look at that, what it would like to, when they temporarily died, give them a glimpse of what was laid ahead, they all come back telling us.

Oh, they want to go there. Alright, we are out of time for tonight, so, as we always say, at this time, we always say, Good night, God bless, and always, always, always, let's do it. Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance, What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. Find what you're searching for at and on Local Now Channel 525.
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